The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 08, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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    - "-. - JEREMY. :i
Wk win roa take the boat. Isnsajf
Wkjr. my boy, will yoa go?
TTaw wind la high and the tide la low.
t races are bare as whale's bleached baaaa.
n mt la the bay there the sandbar moans
You're the last hod of yonr mother. .
The itea ha left me no other.
i Bight thu air was still, Jeremy,
But the ocean euald not rest:
Toe old moon held the oew moon an her
"Becking It there like an ailing child,
ateawn to the eastward the tag was piled,
And the son was red as an oven.
And the water with wind xtreaks cloven."
"1 most take the boat, said Jeremy,
"Mother, whatever befall me.
They are many 1 hear them who call me.
f y father, the captain, my brothers seven.
Am under the sea and their souls In heaven.
They call me the souther's a-brewing
' They bid me be up and doing.
i a wreck in the offing, said Jeremy
1 cannot see, but I know it.
They have put forth a boat with two men
to row iu
Tfaey drift on the waves, and my brothers be
neath aanst got let me go, if it be to my death!
My father calls me to wrestle
For the life of the crew of that vessel
Away in his boat went Jeremy,
His mother stood wringing her hands;
The waves ran op in a crowd on the sands.
fae storm descended and smote the sea.
t the shouts of the wind were as evil set
free. ,
But her cry was blown back in her throat.
Aad her son went down with his boat, a
EL Cavazza in Youth's Companion.
Out of Kilter.
Kilter or kelter was an Anglicism"
long before it was an " A mericaniflia.T
Skinner, in 1671, has "Kelter: he is not
yet in belter, nondum" est paratns." It
is also given in a reprint of Ray's collec
tion of 1691. The k before i points to a
Scandinavian origin. Cf. Oan. bilte, to
trass, tuck np, whence E. kilt. Rietz
gives Swed. diaL, kilter band, a band
for holding np tncked np clothes; kiltra
sig, to gird np, tack np, and fasten. The
metaphor is obvious enough.
This word kelter, as it should be
spelled, is given in Johnson's Dictionary
aad derived from the Danish kelter, to
gird. A quotation is given from Bar
row's works, where the word is used.
Bailey in his Etymological Dictionary
tierivea it from the Latin cnltora. Hali
wwll ("Dictionary of Archaic and Pro
vincial Words") gives it as nsed in the
ast of England both as a substantive
, aad as a verb. It is a word of every-day
s in Surrey and Sussex, in the sense of
rder or condition. The Rev. W D
Parish, in his "Dictionary of the Sussex
Dialect," notices it in the phrase, "This
farm seems in very good 'kelter.' I
have often heard it nsed in the same
"way, and anything that is out of condi
tion is described as being "out o kelter."
On reference to the publications of the
. JEagliah Dialect society it will be seen
that the word is of very general use
throughout England. In the neigh bor--fcsod
of Whitby it occurs as a verb and
a substantive, and in the mid and east
Yorkshire glossaries also; it is used also
in west Cornwall, Hampshire and the Isle
W Wight. In west Somerset, in Sheffield
and in Huddersfield the word means
.money. These references will be suffi--aaont
to show that the expression is not
asm Americanism, but that the word has
wvnd, and still finds, a place in vernacu
lar English. Notes and Queries.
A Use fill Artiele.
"Why, how odd this had never been
'thought of beforeP said a visitor at a
"woman's exchange of the city. She had
in her hand a pretty knitted article,
which was a baby's bottle cozy For
railway travel or to go out with Hiss
Baby in her own little carriage they are
f great service in keeping the milk
"warm, and also, as they are knitted
double, to offer protection against break
age. Some padded ones were also seen,
but are not so serviceable as the knit
ted ones, as they do not fit so closely to
tko bottle. New York Times.
A Boon for Bachelors.
The advantages of a pocket that has
no sewed seams and cannot rip and that
is . neat and smooth in the garment are
sach as will be appreciated by every
masculine reader. Such a pocket is the
invention of an ingenious Yankee, who
calls his device a safety seamless pocket.
The peculiarity of these pockets is that
they are woven complete in one piece.
No stitching, or sewing is necessary to
make them ready for use, but they are
turned out by the loom in the exact form
ta which they are req aired for trousers.
New York Journal.
All animals, from ants np to whales
and elephants, play together in youth
and some are fond o taking such diver
alon at intervals through life. One
might search the world over and not find
xoore playful creatures than puppies and
kittens, but there are other dumb ani
mals which not only frisk about, but
actually descend to practical jokpa.
Robert Buchanan, the poet, novelist
and reviewer, was a poor Scotch village
boy a score of years ago, without fame
r fortune or prospects of either. The
. success he has had in literature has been
won by hard work and merit, bat today
be is one of the foremost men us London
literary life.
In some of the West End restaurants
in London as much 'as twenty-eight
hillings a week is paid by a waiter for
the right to look after the wants of
wealthy diners. Tips there vary at any
thing between 6d. and 2a. 6d., and a first
class man may reckon to clear a solid
3 a week.
Small articles made of malleable iron
are now finished and polished bright by
being placed in revolving drums with
carriers' shavings, from which they
emerge with all of the rough edge
smoothed and the surface highly pol
New York's annual pie bill is $3,400.
00, or more than is paid for public
schools, the fire and police deportments
r sent to the heathen. New York prr
daces about one-thirtieth of the pie crop
f the United States.
Tta Snaall Beomss It Is Now Made a TKts
of Beauty aad aa Artistic Jojr.
The magic- skill of modern decorators
has vanquished the formidable aggres
siveness evea of the parlor piano. For
merly pianos were most obstinately,
hopelessly angular objects in a pretty
parlor, positively refusing to lend them
selves to any scheme of decoration. But
even a piano has possibilities, and since
these possibilities have been discovered
and realized the piano is the keynote of
the whole decorative scheme. Of course
in all city parlors an upright piano is
used, and instead of being set back
against the wall like a child in disgrace,
it is now turned out into the room al
most at right angles, which is decidedly
more agreeable to the performer. The
back of the instrument is then drained
with some beautiful material, hanging
like a curtain to the floor.
Sometimes a plain piece of Roman
sheeting is used, a silken damask or
Pompadour velvet, with the mam color
in harmony with the room. Some,
ladies introduce a small picture or bit of
embroidery in one upper corner, around
which the drapery is hung gracefully, or
clever needlewomen embroider the
whole drapery in quaint, odd designs.
A scarf of silk harmonizing with the
hanging at the back falls over the top of
the piano, and there are candelabra or
some light pieces of bric-a-brac that will
not rattle when the instrument is in use.
Such are the possibilities of a piano as
an object of decorative art, but wonder
ful indeed are its possibilities in another
Placed near a bay window, it shuts in
the coziest lovers' nest imaginable.
Soft cushioned window seats that have
room for just two intuitive seats they
might be called are hidden thus away
completely from the cold, cruel world.
Smokers' retreats with little couches
may be hidden in the shadow of such a
piano when rich hangings fall from a
corner window. Or a delightful tea cor
ner is made with a screen for a doorway,
and soft divans and dim lights inside.
Miss Georgia Cayvan has such a tea cor
ner in her artistic little house in Harlem.
The back of the piano is hung with a
soft shade of yellow, brocaded with dull
green leaves and flowers. Against thu
the little tea table is placed, with its
dainty belongings, and a low chair be
side it where the hostess presides.
A yellow cushioned divan extends en
tirely around this corner, lighted by the
soft radiance of a lamp with a pale green
shade, . and piled high with a baker's
dozen of pillows large and small and
medium with bright silken covers.
New York Sun.
Uncivil Railway Porters.
All English railway companies are
very particular about civility being
shown to the public, with perhaps one
exception, known to most railway men;
but even that company has now im
proved in this respect, as well as in many
others. A baldheaded director of this
company was traveling with some stran
gers, and at one of the stations one of
them asked the name of the place. A
porter pointed to the name board, re
marking, "Can't you read?" -The dh-ec
tor was somewhat vexed, but said noth
ing. At the next station another of the
passengers asked if they changed there
for A . "Sit still, and don't bother.
this ain't a junction,'' the porter replied.
The director, who was much surprised
at the incivility of the porters, told the
strangers who he was, and expressed re
gret that they had been, bo spoken to. '
will see, however," he said, "if they will
speak in the same way to me." At the
next station he put his head out of the
window, but could get no one's attention
till the train was moving off, when a
porter came up and shouted to him.
"Keep your bald head in. old buffer, or
you'll catch cold." He fumed with rage,
but the strangers seemed to enjoy his
There was trouble at those three sta
tions the next day, and three faces were
seen no more on those platforms. Cham
bers' Journal.
It Was Not He That Wonted.
"Now, sir," cried Mr. Bagwig fero
ciously, "attend to me! Were yon not
in difficulties a few months ago?"
' "Now, sir! Attend to my question, I
ask you again, and pray be careful in
answering,- for you are on your oath. 1
need hardlyremind you. Were you not
in difficulties some months ago?"
"No; not that I know of."
"Sir, do you pretend to tell this conn
that you did not make a composition
with your creditors a few months ago?"
A bright smile of intelligence spread
over the ingenious face of the witness as
he answered:
"Oh! ah! That's what you mean, is
it? But, yon see, it was my creditors
who were in difficulties, and not me."
Green Bag.
fuanghable Newspaper Mistakes.
A Syracuse printer, in setting np a
book publisher's advertisement, con
strued one of Dickens' works thus: "Bar
ney, by - Rudge, $1.50." Misprints are
sometimes very ludicrous in their sig
nificance. A country paper gives an ac
count of an amateur concert in which a
young lady received a well deserved en
core by the exquisite taste in which she
sang "An Angel's Whisker." In Dr.
Wayland's time a meeting of the Amer
ican Scientific association was held in
this city. The doctor gave a party to
the association. His friends were con
siderably surprised the next morning to
find it reported in the newspapers that
Dr. Wayland had given a billiard party
instead of a brilliant party. Providence
Mo Harry.
Old Gentleman My boy, don't yon go
to school?
Boy Yessir.
"It's long after 9, and here you are
"That's all right We had a rather
late breakfast, and mamma was fraid
Td be late, so she wrote me an excuse,
and I've got it in my pookef Good
A Boenaattle Idyl from the Wilds of the
Pennsylvania Baekwoods Country -Am
Irate father Outwitted Bis Opposition
Was Only 8pltefal.
A lumberman dressed in woodsman
style came hurriedly into the union de
pot Leaning on his arm was a pretty
girl about eighteen years old. Her pant
ing breath and fiery cheeks gave evi
dence of her excitement, which was
seemingly made more intense by their
rapid walking. Following them was an
other lumberman, more nervous than
the first. He seemed to be on guard,
and kept his eyes turned toward the
rear ranks. He said nothing until his
proteges were on board the day express
for the east. A few minutes afterward
an older man, with an air of business,
eioowea nis way tnrough the crowd and
confronted the woodsman.
They started an animated conversation
about the couple who had just boarded
the train, and for a few moments it
seemed that a fight would take place.
Kindly advice from a bystander saved
them from the officers, however, and
the two walked off together. Later in
the day the older man appeared at the
depot and bought a ticket to Brad's
Bend, on the Allegheny Valley railroad.
He was approached by a reporter and
readily consented to tell the story.
His name was Andrew Myers. The i
girl who had been carried off by the un- i
couth woodsman was a daughter of
Myers. They had eloped from her
father's lumber raft. The daring act
took place near Brady's Bend, and was
the crowning act of a romance made ex
citing by a determined lover, an irate !
father and a faithful girl, whose respect
for her father's wishes had hitherto pre
vented a clandestine marriage.
The trio live on the Clarion river near
Clarington. They are well known in
the lumber country. The younger man's
name is Frank Snyder. He is prosper
ous in the woods, and is considered a
good business man. but he is rough in
hie way, and for that reason was not con
sidered by Myers fit to be his daughter's
lover Miss Myers thought differently,
however, and for a year insisted on re
ceiving the attentions of Snyder. Never
theless she refused to elope with her
lover, and would only answer "wait."
The rafting season on the Clarion river
commenced. Both Myers and Snyder
had timber to run to market, and were
constantly thrown in each other's way
at the river bank. When the rafts were
nearly ready to be started they acci
dently commenced . talking about Miss
Myers. Kindly expressions led to insin
uations, and then a war of words, which
was quickly followed by a blow from
Myers A moment more and both were
rolling in the mud. They were soon
separated, but not until Snyder had
made a vow to get the girl.. Myers
beard the words and became equally de
termined that his enemy should never
be his son-in-law
A few hours more and both were to
start down the river. Myers was afraid
to leave his daughter behind, and giving
as an excuse the statement that he want
ed her to cook for the men, he brought
her on the raft and gave her quarters in
the rough shanty which is frequently
built on large flats. Snyder saw the ob
ject of Myers' move, and when the lat
ter pulled out with his raft Snyder quick
ly followed with his own.
Both rafts arrived at Brady's Bend
shortly after 6 o'clock Saturday night
Myers pulled in to tie up for the night,
and when about to land Snyder's raft
came up He was acting as pilot him
self, and, seeing Miss Meyers standing
on the river edge of her father's raft, he
ordered his men to pull in such a way
that his own raft ran close to that of
Meyers. When at the nearest point he
jumped from his oar, grabbed the young
girl, and, as he leaped back, yelled at
his men to pull into the current. It was
a daring act, but Snyder had been vic
torious, and found no trouble in per
suading Miss Myers to give her consent
to their marriage when the opportunity'
came. He knew Myers would follow,
however, and to make sure their escape
he determined to run at night.
They arrived at Sharpsburg next
morning Meantime Myers had come to
Pittsburg, and was waiting at Hen's
Island for Snyder and his game. But
they didn't coma They, guessed what
he would do, and left him down the
river while they went to Union depot on
a cable car. Myers heard of this trick
about 7:30 and went to intercept it, but
he was too late. The woodsman he met
at Union depot explained the occurrence
leading to the flight, and told Mr. Myers
that they were going to Camden. N. J.,
to get married.
Mr. Myers was still angry when seen
at the Home hoteL He confessed tha:
Snyder was s suitable man for any sen
sible girl, and his chief grievance seemed
to be that his daughter should go on a
bridal tour with a man whose wedding
outfit would startle civilization. Never
theless he admitted that Snyder had bet
ter clothes at home, and his lest remark
was that if Snyder had made much
money lately he would forgive him.
Pittsburg Cor. Oil City Derrick.
Young Beads and Old.
Daughter Yon should have turned
down the upper corners of your visiting
cards, ma, when yon called on the bride.
That means congratulation. Bat you
turned down the lower corners. That
means condolence.
Matron (with dignity) You'd better
wait till yon are married before yon crit
icise your ma. New York Weekly.
The Powers That Be.
First Congressman What do yon
think of Senator Saphead's bill?
Second Congressman I opposed it at
first, but lately 1 have found so much
popular opposition to it that 1 am in
clined to think it mrast be a good thing."
Good News.
Wlotale ail Retail DrasaJsls.
Fine Imported, Key West and Domestic
Now is the time to paint your house
and if you wish to get the best quality
and a fine color use the
Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paint.
For those wishing to see the quality
and color of the above paint we call their
attention to the residence of P. L. ISrooks,
Judge Bennett, Smith French and others
painted by Paul Kreft.
Snipes & Kinersly are agents for the
above paint for The Dalles. Or.
Don't Forget the
MacDonaW Bros., Props.
Wines, Liquors and Cigars
(J. E. BiYAI(D (JO.,
Heal Estate,
and Iioan
Opera House &loek,3d St.
Chas. Stubling,
New Vogt Block, Second St
Liquor v Dealer,
Health is Wealth !
Dr. E. C. Webt'b Nerve anb Brain Treat
ment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzi
ness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia,
Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use
of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental De
pression, Softening of the Brain, resulting In in
sanity and leading to misery, decay and death,
Premature Old Age, Barreuness, Loss of Power
In either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermat
orrhoea caused by over exertion of the brain, self
abuse or over indulgence. Each box contains
one month's treatment, f 1.00 a box, or six boxes
for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price.
To cure any case. With each order received by
us for six boxes, accompanied by 15.00, we will
send the purchaser our wrUten guarantee to re
fund the money if the treatment does not effect
a cure. Guarantees issued only by
Prescription Druggists,
175 Second St. Trie Dalles, Or.
Tbb 8. B. Eeadachb and Lives Cube taken
according to directions will keep your Blood,
Liver and Kidneys in good order.
The 8. B. Couoh Cure for Colds, Coughs
and Croup, in connection with the Headache
Cure, la as near perfect as anything known-
The B. B. Alpha Pain Cure for Internal and
external nse, in Neuralgia, Toothache, Cramp
Colic and Cholera Morbus, is unsurpassed. They
are well liked wherever known. Manufactured
it Daf ur, Oregon. For sale by all druggiits
Tie Dalles
is here and has come to stay. It hopes
to win its way to public favor by ener
gy, industry and merit; and to this end
we ask that you give it a fair trial, and
it satished with its course a generous
The Daily
four pages of six columns each, will be
issued every evening, except Sunday,
and will be delivered in the city, or sent
by mail for the moderate sum of fiftj
cents a month.
Its Objects
will be to advertise the resources of the
city, and adjacent country, to assist in
developing our industries, in extending
and opening up new channels for our
trade, in securing an open river, and in
helping THE DALLES to take her prop
er position as the
Leading City of Eastern Oregon.
The paper, both daily and weekly, will
be independent in politics, and in its
criticism of political matters, as in its
handling of local affairs, it will be
We will endeavor to give all the lo
cal news, and we ask that your criticism
of our object and course, be formed from
the contents of the paper, and not from
rash assertions of outside parties.
sent to any address for $1.50 per year.
It will contain from four to six eight
column pages, and we shall endeavor
to make it the equal of the best. Ask
your Postmaster for a copy, or address.
Office, N. W. Cor. Washington and Second Sts.
m TTT7S T"
The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at
the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and
is a thriving, prosperous city.
It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agri
cultural an grazing country, its trade reaching as
far south as Summer Lake, a distance of . over twe
hundred miles. '
The rich grazing country along the eastern slope
of the the Cascades furnishes pasture for thousands
of sheep, the -wool from -which finds market here.
The Dalles is the largest original -wool shipping
point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being
shipped last year.
The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia,
'yielding this year a revenue of $1,500,000 which can
and will be more than doubled in the near future.
The products of the beautiful Klickital valley find
market here, and the country south and east has this
year filled the warehouses, and all available storage
places to overflowing with their products.
It is the richest city of its size on the coast, and its
money is scattered over and is being used to develop,
more farming country than is tributary to any other
city in Eastern Oregon.
Its situation is unsurpassed! Its climate delight
ful! Its possibilities incalculable! Its resources un
limited! And on these corner stones she stands.
A T T Tin