The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 08, 1891, Page 1, Image 1

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NO. l?A.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Published Dally, Sunday Excepted.
Corner Second and Washington Streets,
Dalles, Oregon.
TermH of Subscription.
Per Year , .6 00
Per month, by carrier SO
Single copy 5
No. 2, Arrives 12:55 a. M. Departs 1:05 a. X.
" 8, " 12:15 P.M. " 12:35 P.M.
Mo. 1, Arrives 4:40 A. M. Departs 4:50 a. m.
" 7, " 5:15 p. M. " 6:30 p. 51.
Two local freights that carry passengers leave
for west and east at 8 A. M.
For Prineville, via. Bake Oven, leave daily
(except Sunday) at a. m.
For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 A. M.
For Dufur, KingHley and Tygh Valley, leave
laily (except Sunday) at 6 A. M.
For Uoldendale, Wash., leave every day of the
week except Sunday at 8 a. m.
Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House.
omci HOURS
Oenvral Delivrey Window 8 a. m. to 7 p. m.
Money Order ' 8 a, m. to 4 p. m.
Bauday O. D. " 9 a. m. to 10 a. m.
By trains going East 9 p.m. and 11 :45 a. m.
" " " West 9 p. m. and 4:45 p. m.
'Stage for Goldendale 7:30a. m.
" " "Prineville 5:30 a. m.
u '"Dufurand Warm Springs... 5:30 a. m.
" t Leaving for Lyle & Hartland . .5:30 a. m.
' " " JAntelope 5:30 a.m.
Except Sunday.
tTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.
" Monday Wednesday and Friday.
ixr, Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11
a. st. and 7:30 P. M. Sabbath School at 12 M.
Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7
Curtis, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11
a. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday School after morning
service. Strangers cordially invited. Seats free.
ME. CHURCH Rev. H. Brown, Pastor.
Services every Sunday morning and even
ing. Sunday School at 124 o'clock M. A cordial
Invitation is extended by both pastor and people
to all.
O Fifth. Rev. Eli D. Sutclifle Rector. Services
very Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7;30 P. M. Sunday;
School 12:80 p. M. Evening Prayer on Friday at
ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Bbors
SRB8T Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at
f 7 a. M. High Mass at 10:30 a. m. Vespers at
7 P. M.
A 8SEMBLY NO. 2870, K. OF L. Meets in K.
J. V. of P. hall Tuesdays at 7:30 p. M.
TXTASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets
TV first and third Monday of each month at 7
P. M.
Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday
f each month at 7 P. M.
Mt. Hood Camp No. 59, Meets Tuesday even
ing of each week in I. O. O. F. Hall, at 7:30 P. M.
COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets
every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Odd
Fellows hall, Second street, between Federal and
Washington. Sojourning brothers are welcome.
H. A. Bills, Sec'y . K. G. Clostbr, N. t.
FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets
every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in
Bchanno's building, corner of Court and Second
streets. Sojourning members are cordially in
vited. Geo. T. Thompson,
D. W. Vaubk, Sec'y. C. C.
UNION will meet every Friday afternoon
at 8 o'clock at the reading room. All are invited.
TEMPLE LODGE NO. 3, A. O. U. W. Meets
at K. of P. Hull, Corner Second and Court
Streets, Thursday avenings at 7 :30.
John Filloon,
. W. S. Mtbks, Financier. M. W.
Tv R. O. D. DOANE physician im sira-
U okon. Office; rooms 5 and 6 Chanman
Block. Residence over McFarland & French's
store. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M.. 2 to S and 7 to
8 P. M.
. flee in Bchanno's building, up stuirs.
Dalles, Oregon.
The DR. G. C. ESHELM AN Homoeopathic Phy
sician and 8UBOEON.-O.1ice Hours : 9
to 12 A. M' ; 1 to 4, and 7 to 8 P' M. Calls answered
promptly dny or night' Oitice; upstairs in Chap
man Block'
D8IDDALL Dbktibt. Gas given for the
. painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of
the Golden Tooth, Second Street.
AR. THOMPSON Attorney-at-law. Office
. in Opera House Block, Washington Street,
The Dalles, Oregon
1 L T WO-A T-T A V I IrnfHW H TCnf n ' W I rw IT AVM
First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
Rooms Nos. 71, 73, 75 and 77,
Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
WH. WILSON Attorney-at-law RoomB
62 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon.
Hot 'and Cold
13 M T H S .
Company's Flour Mill will be leased to re
sponsible parties. For information apply to the
, 4 Sfa. ' The Dalles, Oregon.
In Some of. our Lines of
We find we have not all
have decided to
Close them out
These Lines
pri 9 boi7oIa lid 9 pebble Qoat
'From such well-known shoemakers as J. & T.
Cousins, E. P. Reed & Co., Goodger
& Naylor.
Our Ladies', Misses' and Children's Tan and
Canvas Shoes we also offer "
fiOfTH DflliLiES, Wash.
Situated at the Head of Navigation.
Destined to "be
Best JVIanuf aetutfing Center
In the Inland Empire.
Best Selling Property of the Season
in the Northwest.
For farther information call at the office of
Interstate Investment Co.,
Or 72 Washington St., PORTLAND, Or.
Columbia Ice Co.
IOX3 1 IOE3 !
Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand,
we are now prepared to receive orders,
wholesale or retail, to be delivered
through the summer. Parties contract
ing with us will be carried through the
entire season without advance in
price, and may depend that we have
nothing but
Cut from mountain water ; no slough or
slush ponds.
Leave orders at- the Columbia Candy
Factory, 104 Second street.
W. S. CRAM, Manager.
D. P. Thompson' J. S. Schenck. H. M. Beall,
President. Vice-President. Cashier.
Hist national Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port
D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. Schenck.
T. W. Spams. Geo. A. Libbk.
H. M. Beau..
FRENCH & co.,
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, 8t.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
widths and sizes and
The Dalles
Gigai7 : Factory,
ptTri APCo1 the Be8 Brands
vAvJrxXLIO manufactured, and
orders from all parts of the country filled
on ine snortesc notice.
The reputation of THE DALLES CI
GAR has become firmly established, and
tbedec:and for the home manufactured
article is increasing every day.
The Dalles Ice Go.,
Cor. Third and Union Streets,
Having a sufficient quantity of Ice to
supply the city we are now prepared to
receive orders to be. delivered daring the
coming summer. ' Parties contracting
with us can depend on ' being supplied
through the entire season and may de
pend that we have nothing but
Cut from mouu tain water; no slough or
slush ponds.
We are receiving orders daily and
solicit a continuance of the same.
H. J. MAIEE, Manager.
Office, corner Third and Union streets.
Sealed Proposals -
Water Commissioners, of Dalles City, Ore
eon, until 2 P. M. of Saturday, May 23d, 1891, for
building; a receiving basin to hold about 370,000
gallons, near Mill creek about fonr miles from
Dalles City, for doing the trenching; for about
21,800 lineal feet of 10-inch pipe between basin
and the distributing reservoir in Dalles City, and
for hauling and distributing about 140 tons of 10
inch wrought iron pipes and appertainances.
Plans and specifications may be seen at the
office of the Water Commissioners of Dalles City.
The Commissioners reserve the right to reject
any or all bids. C. L. PHILLIPS,
apr22-m27 Secretary.
The Policy of our Government is Still
. Kept a Secret With Regard to
the Etatata.
Heavy Floods Threatened Along the
Rio Grande Germany Will Come
to "the World's Fair.
Washington, May 8. The policy of
the government with respect to the es
caped Chilian - vessel Etata is still an
official secret. Secretary Tracy and the
other officials this morning refused to
discuss the matter.
There can be no doubt of the fact that
the government is extremely anxious to
exhibit all possible zeal in its efforts to
recapture the vessel in order to avert
any unpleasant consequences that might
arise through the presentation of a
claim for damages in behalf of the Chil
ian government. It is not possible to
get an authoritive answer to the ques
tion whether the Charleston be sent
after it or not.
The Mobbing not a Serioos Affair.
Boston, May 8. A cablegram received
from the American consul at Florence at
the office W. W. Jacques of this city
states that the reported mobbing is not
as serious as at first supposed. Jacques
and family were out riding and happen
ing to drive through a street where an
arrest was being made, they were hit by
stones thrown at the arresting party.
A National Bank Suspends.
Philadelphia, May 8. The Spring
Garden National bank closed its doors at
11 o'clock this morning.
Among the stock holders and de
positers a strong feeling prevails that the
closing of the bank will prove but
temporary, and that they will receive
their money. '
Did Not Alter the Records..
Philadelphia, Pa., May 8. GeorgeC.
Baker, formerly-clerk in the appraisers
stores here was acquitted in the United
States district court of the charge of
altering the records of poladiscopic test
of sugar consigned to Clans Spreckels by
which it was claimed the government
lost thousands of dollars.
- The President In Idaho.
Boise City, May 8. The presidential
party entered the state about two this
morning and arrived here at seven. The
visitors were received at the depot by
Governor Willey, Mayor Pinney and the
general committee and escorted through
the city to the stand opposite the capi
tol, where a formal reception was held.
A New Railroad to the Coast.
Salt Lake, Utah, May 8. Articles of
incorporation of the Salt Lake, Hailey &
Puget sound railroad have been filed.
The capital stock is $3,750,000. The line
is to be along the south ehore of Salt
Lake via Grantsville, Skull valley and
Cedar mountain to Lucen, on the Central
Pacific, thence to the Idaho state line.
Closed Out of Sympathy.
Philadelphia, May 8. The Pennsyl
vania Safe Deposit and Trust Co., which
has its office in the Spring Garden Na
tional bank building made an assign
ment this afternoon. The company is
said to be solvent. The assignment was
simply for protection against ruin.
Schooner Premier Wrecked.
San Fbancisco, May 8. A Dispatch to
the Merchant's Exchange from Port
Angeles says that the schooner Premier
was wrecked of the coast of Alaska April
6th. The crew was saved.
Germany Coming; to the World's Fair.
Berlin, May 8. The Reichstag bud-
getl committee has approved the grant
of $25,000 to enable Germany to make a
suitable participation in Chicago's
world's fair.
Have Not Cot Enough of It Yet.
Scottdale, Penn., May 8. A meeting
of the executive board was held last
night and it was resolved by the strikers
to continue the fight six weeks longer.
Gone On a New Survey.
Washington, May 8. Professor Jul
ius E. Hilgard, late superintendent of
the United States coast survey, died at
his home here this morning.
Sliver Purchase.
Washington, May' 8. Four hundred
and fourteen thousand ounces of silver
was purchased today at prices ranging
from 98.15 to 98.40.
A Premier Dead.
Stdney, N. 8. W., May 8. Sir John
Robertson formerly premier of Victoria
is dead. '
tl Will Rain.
San Fbancisco, May 8. Forecast for
Oregon and Washington ; light rains ex
cept in southern Oregon.
Baa FraaclMo Wheat Market.
Sam Fbancisco, May 2, 1891. Wheat,
buyer .'91, 1.74, season 1.73)4.
Five Vessels Now Waiting Orders at the
Mare Island Yards.
San Fbancisco, May 6. At Mare Is
land navy yard, of the serviceable vessels
that are lying at safe anchorage, may be
mentioned the Charleston, Mohican,
Marion, Alert and Thetis. The former
vessel hashad placed on board her a
cargo of coal and lists of stores, and to
morrow she will probably come to this
city on her way to sea, for the purpose of
testing the new eight-inch guns and
drilling the crew in target practice. She
will then return to this city and await
orders from the navv department.
Where she will be ordered to is not
definitely known.
The Thetis will most likely leave the
yard after the Charleston. The vessel is
ready to depart and has been ,for some
time, but the delay in starting her otf is
due to the fact that she lacks her com
plement of officers and men. How soon
the department at Washingten will make
the necessary order for transfer of men
to the vessel is not known. The Thetis,
on leaving the yard, will proceed to the
coast of lower California and engage in
survey work. The Marion and Mohican
are both ready for a cruise, but it is more
than likely that the latter will get away
first. No orders have been received as
to what duty, will be assigned either
vessel, but in all liklihood one of them
will relieve the Ranger, which is now at
San Jose de Guatemala. "
Efforts to Dislodge Him Unsuccessful,
and He Finally Dropped Out.
Santa Rosa, May 6. Great excite
ment prevailed here "yesterday and last
night over the presence of a lunatic on
the top of a tall poplar tree. It was
Zolezzi, a Swiss, who was brought here
to be examined and sent to Napa. He
escaped from his friends at 12:30 p. m.
and shinned up a tree like a squirrels
and took a position on a small limb fifty
feet from the ground.
Every effort was made to get the de
mented man down and thousands of
people were attracted to the spot. Lad
ders were obtained from the fire, depart
ment and raised to the tree, but no one
could get near enough to throw a rope
around his body. As night approached
rain began falling heavily and the poor
fellow kept his perch till 4 o'clock this
morning when he fell to the ground fifty
feet below, haying been in the tree four
teen hours. Canvas had been stretched
below, and that saved his life. He
bounded off to the ground. His arm
and shoulder were fractured besides re
ceiving internal injuries.
The Influence of "Old Hutch"
on the
Rise and Fall of Prices.
Chicago, May 6. When wheat-traders
today were anxiously inquiring for
the occasion of the violence of the de
cline in wheat, T. M. Baxter gave his
explanation as follows: "The crowd
cannot understand why prices decline so
fast. Some day it will be asked why
they advance so fast. It does not apprec
iate the wonderful influence Hutchinson
had on this market when he was here.
He had an enormous fortune, and by this
he made it his business to prevent fluc
tuations, and he did prevent them. No
body half appreciated it at the time.
Now he is gone, and the ordinary market
influences have twice their old-time
effect. If Hutchinson were here he
would be upsetting the plans of the big
bear combination, which is at work.
The combination has now no Hutch to
Mrs. Blaine, Jr., Wants Her Child.
Sioux Falls, S, D., May" 6. The pur
pose of the visit of Mrs. James G.
Blaine, jr., to New York was learned to
day. She went to consult with her law
yers as to the advisability of holding a
conference with her husband and en
deavoring to secure his consent to relin
quish all claim to the 3-year-old son.
Young Blaine's mother is very anxious
to secure the custody of the boy, while
the wife is doing everything in her power
to get the child. Mrs. Blaine, jr., ex
pressed herself to her friends in this city
that she did not care so much for a
divorce as she did-to gain possession of
her child, which she feared would be
taken from her.
The Jackson Abduction Case.
London, May 6. The statement given
to the public by Mrs. Jackson, regarding
the brutal conduct of her husband while
she was a prisoner at Blackburn, has
turned public sympathy in favor of the
lady, whereas it has been strongly in
favor of the husband. It is now recog
nized that a reconciliation between the
pair is impossible, and the case will not
Drobably be carried any higher. Upon
Mrs. Jackson's death her husband will
succeed to a considerable income should
he survive her.
Torpedo Boat Sent to the Scene.
Halifax, N. S., May 6. The imperial
authorities haye changed their minds
about sending the war ship Emerald to
Newfoundland. A torpedo boat will be
sent instead.. The Emerald received
orders to proceed to Newfoundland im
mediately, but before she left her orders
were countermanded. The reason for
the change is that a torpedo boat will be
more effective.
He Embezzled the Funds.
Topeka, May 6. Commander-in-Chief
Webb, of the Sons of Veterans, today is
sued a general order giving the result of
the court-martial of Walter 8. Payne, of
Fostoria, O., ex-commander-in-chief,
charged with embezzlement of orders of
money. The verdict is dishonorable dis
charge from the order, which is approved
by the commander-in-chief.
Chicago Wheat Market.
Chicago, III., May 7. Wheat firmer;
cash 1.011.02 ; July 98.
Doing Much Damage In Various Parts of
Ashland, Wis., May 8. The city is
enveloped in a dense smoke from the
surrounding forest fires. The depart
ment was busy all day in the outskirts
of the city fighting the flames.
At Washburn a large force of men are
at work trying to save the town which
is in great danger.
Several lives are reported lost at Mar
engo. The woods along the Omaha road
is one of flames.
The Northwestern road lost several
hundred cords of wood at Ashland, and
the Ashland Steel and Iron company
lost over fifty thousand cords at High
Deep Snows in the Kio OrancI Will Melt
and Inundate the Country.
Sa nte Fe, N. M., May 8. Parties re
turning from the Sierra Amiellas say
that a flood must soon sweep down the
Rio Grande. At Ambress Hill, Colo
rado, the snow stands up beside the
Denver and Rio Grande section six feet,
and thence it extends for miles, cover
ing the whole range as far as Belted
Gorge and ranging in depth from four to
twenty-five feet. All the streams are
overflowing their banks. Thus far the
weather has continued cool in that
region. At Valpero, above the San
Marcial, much land is under water and
there is also trouble in Lajara bottom.
He Acts Naturally.
San Fbancisco, May 6. At noon to
day William Woodford, a sailor, was
the only man still awake of the nineteen
who entered the will power versus sleep
contest, the seventeenth day of which
commenced at 7 o'clock tonight. Wood
ford is very weak, and at times acts like
a lunatic. It is only the constant atten
tion of his attendant that keeps him
Grasshoppers About Folsom.
Sacbaeento, May 6. A Bee special
from Folsom says millions of grass
hoppers have appeared on the ranches
around there. Much uneasiness is felt
and great destruction has already been
done. The hay crop is the only thing
that will not suffer, as it is nearly all
Koble's Decision.
Stripped of its verbiage and reduced to
simple language the decision of Secretary
Noble in cases of contests on homestead
entries amounts to this :
First In all cases arising hereafter
contests must be filed withiu two years
after the receiver's receipt had been
given on final entry, or thev will not be
recognized and a patent will issue as if
no contest had been instituted.
Second The law has a retroactive
effect also to this extent suppose the
receiver's receipt bears date May 1, 1889,
and no contest is filed before the 1st of
May, 1891 ; in such case the two years
count and no contest will therefore be
recognized, although part of the
limited period is thus nude effective be
fore the passage of the late law. It is
required, however, that the expiration of
the two years shall occur alter the date
of the act, which is March 3. Thus, if a
receiver's receipt is dated March 1, 1889,
and a contest is begun March 2, 1891,
the secretaay holds that it must be en
tertained as "pending contests," and
made an exception by the terms of the
A letter from a large steamship firm
in England indicates the probability of
increased shipping business and higher
grain rates from the United States jiorts
this Bummer. The writer says it is
evident that between now and next
harvest a large quantity of grain must
come from America to supply the de
ficiency in France, which is stated to
be about 10,000,000 or 11,000,000 quar
ters, and Belguim will also have a
large deficiency, all good ships will
meet with good employment during the
summer, not at excessively high rates,
but at something better than present
ones. Astoriau.
At whist a gentleman loses the old
trick, upon which the rubber turned,
through the bad play of his partner, who
failed to respond to his call for trumps,
and so ruined a magnificent hand and
good game. "Hard lines,"said a friend,
who was lookingon, sympathetically and
significantly. "Yes", was the reply,
"but what could one do against three
such adversaries?"
Fifteen stories, with a flower garden
on the roof, is the latest effort in the
architectural line in New York. A res
taurant is also to be located on the
roof ' where, among flowers and rare
plants, fanned by the cool breezes the
citizens of the city namedmay lunch,
enjoying at the same time an inspiring
view of city and harbor.
One of the sand-removing machines
invented and patented by C. A. Cameron,
superintendent of bridges and buildings
on the Union Pacific, is being manu
factured at the Albina shops. It is ex
pected that the invention will be very
useful in preventing sand blockades
along the Columbia. East Oregonian.
"No, I don't want any lawnmower,"
said the man who was anxious to chase
the agent away. "What I desire .is
more lawn."
Mr. Gladstone has the best and bright
est members of the English bar in his
following. ... ,r
Canon Liddon of England, deceased,
bad a great objection to being photo
graphed or painted.