The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 07, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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sveUed worlte O truth a
Bight, V - -
with th-rJfm.-: Adown tb shallow
WhoHc splendors hid the vsjrtr world amy.
I wandered on this little plot of light, - - ' '
A dreamer among dreamers. Veiled or bright.
Whether the go!'l shower roofed me or the
gray, . .i r i ,
I strove and fretted at life's feverish play.
1 dreamed until the dream occmed infinite.
now the gateway of the all unbars:
Tko pasHion- and the cares that beat so
The giants of this petty world, disband; .
On the great threshold of the iiteht I stand.
Once more a sonl self cognizant and still.
the wheeling multitude of stars.
Archibald Lampman in Scribner'a.
Mru, Vincent, widowed and wealthy,
looked haughty and fierce. -
It whs 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and
the Bint took the liberty to. in trade
through the window into the . library,
forniBhed in purple leather and walled
with books, which had had a pretty com
plete 'rent for the ten years that the late
Vincent had been in his grave.
Mrs.: Vincent sat and glared. ":
Her dark, prominent . and .wrathfully
astonished eyes had for their target a
young man, in whose bearing appeared
a singular mixture of deference and de
fiance.' He, on his part, saw before him a lady
Tinder fifty, but not far. The. lips were
yet full and red, and her figure, thongh
ample, still retained agreeable lines. If
ier hair was white, the black eyebrows
ield their color and emphasized the air
of command to which the Roman con
tour of the nose most contributed.
"Well, I never!" she cried, slapping
down a pack of cards on the table.
The mail smiled slightly.
A young man, with curly brown bair,
cheerful blue eyes, nptwisted mustache
and a firm chin a fresh, alert, compact,
healthy young man, whose loose, elegant
osttune proved that he understood how
to achieve that careless grace which so
charms women. An intelligent young
man, with cynical confidence in his smile.
He stood uf tightened, just the sort of
young man who should not be what .he
-was secretary to a mature California
Mreet widow of spotless reputation and
large means.
"Well, I neverP the lady exclaimed.
The young man spoke resolutely: ...
"No, Mrs. Vincent; I shall play piquet
with you no more. , Piquet is a good
enough game, and I am not averse to it,
ia reason; but I object tq piquet in the
'forenoon, in the afternoon and in the
evening, six days in the week. I confess
. I'm tired of piquet."
- "Ia that case, and because of your in
solence," said Mrs. Vincent; with - cold
deliberation, "you -may consider yourself
discharged, Mr. Middles."
"Very well, ma'am." And he turned
toward the door.
"Mr. Middlesr ... ...
He halted; hie- hand on the. portiere,
and faced about.- - -
She placed her glasses on her modified
' Soman nose, viewed him steadily and,
toying with the cards, inquired:
"Would an increase of salary be any
inducement, sir?"
"Then go!"
He bowed and disappeared.
Her hand sought the belL Jeames, in
livery, both imported from London, re
aponded. "Hoggins, Mr. Middles is in the haU.
f Say- to hint that I wish to see .him," .
The secretary returned, overcoat on
arm, hat in hand.
Mrs. Vincent threw herself back in her
chair and,, claspipg her plump, white
hands above her head, said in the con
ciliatory tone of the negotiator:
"Mr. Middles, let us not act hastily. -1
acknowledge that I cannot, well spare
yon. : Next to myself you .are the .best
piquet player this side of New York."-
"I know it, Mrs. Vincent - Indeed I
play better than you."
"You do not!"
"I do."
His frozen calmness cowed her. ,
There was feeling in her words that
"You loved my husband, did yon
"I did. ; He was a father to me. I owe
my education to him, and and"
"All that yon are."
"Which is not much, Mrs. .Vincent.":
"He was your benefactor and you
loved him, yet you refuse bo little-a
thing as to play piquet with your bene
factor's widow."
"I do. Gratitude has its limits." ,
"Evidently.. , You will not humor an
old woman's weakness and lighten the
burden of her loneliness?"
"I will not. Besides it is not a weak
ness, bat a disease, this insanity for
piquet. Moreover, you are not old. On
the contrary, Mrs. Vincent, you are still
a charming woman, and by withdraw
ing yourself from the world and giving
yourself over to cards you wrong your
elf. Worse than that, you fail in your
duty to your daughter, who has the life
-of a nun."
"That is nothing to you, sir!"
"True." ;.
Again he moved toward the door, .
"Will nothing," asked the lady in
-alarm, "induce you to sit down to a game
with me just one?" " " .
"Nothing that yon would give, Mrs.
Vincent." .- -, t - t n ' j
"Pooh! You know very well that IH
give anything you ask, I can't do with
out yomi-What is it yon want?"
. Eh? You mean
Thafc neither as secretary,' protege,
sor friend shall I pi ay piquet, with you
again. ' As your husband I will."
"God bless my soul!"
To no woman unburied can an offer
lie either long surprising or disagree--ablev-
It was with -warmed cheeks and.
aoftened eys that .the widow Baid: - -.-
t'Tto! I (understand thatthat you
you love me, Ernst??. 1 - - . f
Mr. Middles bowed.-xbut averted his
- She sighed and. murmured:
"Ah, I am rich." i,
"Precisely, Mrs. Vincent. You" are
1 JKtt:rvt
rich, you love. play piquet.' and 1 am
the best player, on l&e, .Pacific, coast- U
yon will marry me, I wilt play: it not.
not." '' 1 ' .
"Weiir ' " -
"Under the circumstances, 1 do not
aee that more can rationally be said."
"Cut the cards."
Eighteen, golden haired, slim, supple,
adorable,. Adele-. Vincent flashed her
scornful eyes on the visage of Mr. Mid
dles,, who, undisturbed, sat at ease in the
Mrs. Vincent played solitaire in the
adjoining library, awaiting her affianced
and piquet.
Why, mamma, is old enough to be
your mother, Ernst Middles."
"I know if '
"Your motive in making this mon
strous engagement must be purely mer
cenary,". ; . '
"Strictly." - ' '
"And you feel no shame in making
the admission?"
, "Parighr
"For what?"
"For so well expressing my feelings."
She sauk upon a lonnge, her pretty
feet crosKed," covered her face with her
little hands, and her lovely young body
was shaken with sobs. ",
"Don't cry," said Mr. Middles.
"I can't help it. Oh, it is infamous!'
"Yes. Still I congratulate myself."' "
, "Congratulate yourself !"
"Enthusiastically. I have neither the
brains nor . energy to conquer a fortune,
therefore I marry one."
'"You can descend to that?" ."
"I rejoice to find that I can. I am not
the fool that I might be. Many men
quarrel with their luck. I discover that
I am too wise for such folly. Compose
yourself, my dear Adele. I'll be a
father to you."
"A father! You are but eight years
older than L ... Oh, Ernst, consider. You
have been a son to mamma and a .brother
to me. We have grown: from childhood
together. Papa loved you Don't, I
beg of yon, don't make us all ridicu
lous!" - "My word is given, Adele. . As a gen
tleman, I must keep it.' , )
! "A gentleman, j, indeed! .. 1 thought
you a man, with a man's courage, a
man's honor. Oh!"
"Calm yourself."
. "Calm yourself ! You put , me to hu
miliation and sell yourself and your tal
ents for-rr-" ... . ...
"The prizes that talent gives years of
conflict to win. . I get the prizes without
the conflict." - . v ... - -
J'The. .brave yonng man who was to
face the world and achiever
VI. .have. . outgrown, the illusions-of
youth, Adele." i-' ... j
-" And you - will marry a - woman- in
whose crazed sight; your chief, merit is
your skill at piquet?". -
"You have said it."
s"At least you -have. the decency not to
pretend that your love mamma."
" "Love is a luxury',' and luxury is not
for the. poor., .No;. I do not love your
mother. I love yon."
: "Inave.foityeara.r- --"'
"You you never" "
t'Never told you. Why should D
Would you share poverty with me,
Adele? Would I', loving you, permit
you? , You speak of my talents. . I. have
tried to use them. They do not exist."
"" - .- . . ..--..
"Yes, with' my whole heart and soul.
Love you! God!- It is not in me to ex
press how much!" . .. :.v .."..' : ': : ?!
'I'm very. glad to hear ,it," said Mrs.
Vincent., wholly opening the library
door: -.
.Mammar .
"One word, Ernst... Middles. Would
you as Adele's husband, and provided
for, play piquet with meT
"With pleasure.'; " ;
"You'd better marry him, Adele, my
child." V :-:
"Oh, mamma! after what has hap
pened?" . .
"Come, Mr. Middles, the cards are
waiting." ; ; , ,, : 4
"But I'm neither your husband nor
your son-in-law, Mrs; Vincent."
- "So. . Adele make up your mind; yes
or no. Evidently it must be one or the
other of ns i Now, Mr. Middles:
if you please."
. ''Not until after the ceremony, mad
am." Arthur McEwen in Argonaut.
Charity Appreciated.
A benevolent old lady who lives in a
fashionable London suburb started a
soup kitchen on a small scale, with the
object of alleviating the distress of which
she had read so much. Only eight per
sons applied for relief. One, a crippled
woman, continued as a constant visitor.
Four of .the applicants did not like soup.
Two others did not return with the jugs
lent to them. The eighth was a small
boy who was punctual in ' his attend
ance, and evidently, as she .believed, ap
preciated the soup. ' There was some
thing in his manner that-aroused the
sympathy of the old lady, so she inter
rogated him. .-- , . j . t
' He was a crossing street sweeper in a
grand square iclose -byw He confessed
that his earnings amounted to sixteen
shillings (four dollars) a week, while his
mother could earn two shillings and six
pence a day by charing. The old lady,
who was- taken i aback, asked,, "And do
you think you ought come ,here for
soup?" With that frankness which is so
charming in-the,. small, .boy -he replied:
"Well, no, I don't; and that's a fact,
ma'am, butt if i youll -only give .me . a
penny eveiytime. . Jou.. ffltIror.iaj
crossing you can eat your soup yourself."
Toronto Globe. . i
, . . '. . r - j
j. .Palmyra leaf ia supposed to last five
centuries, and likala, a specimen of this
palm, greatly grown on the Qeylon coast,
can be preseryed 1 oi upward of jseyen
centuries,- t But "a docimieut-on. copper,
according. tothelmmense,nnmber which
modern research has brought' to'iig'tt.
and winch have. been, lithographed ia
. tbei'feiian'Anja.qjuiry," can last even
for . twenty centuries without the least
Injury-being made by time.
s-riv t .1.. ,vi -,r.-
Bu4lt Lra4er .W1u PairMd Dwlt
Ordr to Make One Store Victim.
Tnring six months the state of Jalisco,
Mexico, was' the field of "operations for
that -.' unscrupulous .bandit, Pemerlio.
JaureguL: The authorities made many
efforts. to put a stop to the robberies and
murders which Jauregui and his - band
had been committing, -but in spite of
these efforts burglaries, abductions and
murders by the score, were committed
by the daring desperado. Things finally
came to such a pass that the people of
Jalisco grew desperate, and decided that
a supreme effort must be made to rid the
country of . Jauregui. Accordingly a
company of infantry was put in. readi
ness to pursue Jauregui at a moment's
notice and capture him and his band.
The soldiers did not have long to wait,
for they were informed that Jauregui
intended to rob the plantation of El Car
rizo. The chief of gendarmerie was
authorized to station his forces in the
vicinity of the plantation and to capture
the.. bandits,, alive, if. possible. While
Colonel . Jurrea . and Lieutenant Celso
Gomez, of the Seventieth infantry, were
stationed with their soldiers in the vicin
ity of the plantation they saw Jauregui
and his band of six men entering the
residence of the owner.
The' soldiers at once surrounded, the
house and demanded the surrender of
Jauregni's . party. This demand was
answered by a murderous volley .of bul
lets from the repeating rifles of- the
bandits. The soldiers at once returned
the fire. The shooting continued till !
nightfall, when the bandits ceased firing.
By this time the soldiers, convinced that
discretion was .the better part of valor,
decided to wait till morning before re
opening the battle. ,
The following morning, however, the
soldiers, led by Colonel Jurrea, effected
an entrance , to the house and there
found six of the bandits dead.. Their
leader, on seeing the soldiers, fled to the
attic and barricaded the door. He was
followed by two soldiers. One of these
was killed instantly by a bullet from the
pistol of the bandit chief. The other
quickly fired at the port hole from which
came the bullet which had killed his
companion, and his shot was answered
by a , groan which showed that it had
been effective.
Thinking that the coast was clear the
soldiers made their way to the attic and
found the bandit king lying on the floor
behind an old bed. ' He .was nearly ex
hausted from loss of blood, but he man-,
aged .to hold, a large revolver in each
hand and at once opened fire.
. Suddenly he fell , back apparently un
conscious. A soldier went forward and
bent over the old bandit to see : if there
were1 any "traces of life, when, with a
mighty effort, Jauregui raised himself to
a Bitting posture, shot the soldier through
the heart and then died. : .
: In this battle four soldiexs were. killed
outright .and .eleven were wounded, some
of tbem mortally. , ' - J
Jauregni's band, was one of the worst
that ever visited -the state ' of Jalisco.
One of the outlaw's favorite schemes was
to ' surround, the ' housei of - a wealthy
planter in the middle 'of the . night .and
demand large sums of ; money, valuable
horses, and in fact any article "that might
be. of . value to the bandits If these de
mands were refused the' bandits would
sometimes 'murder ' the planter, and at
other times they-' would - make: ' him a
prisoner and hold him till an exhorbitant
ransom was paid. Cor. Cleveland World.
Troubles Brought by an Opal.
"People laugh at me,"- said Mr. Hen
derson, a drummer, . ''because I returned
an opal ring and, took a diamond instead.
I am . not superstitious, but I will tell
you why I will never wear an opal again.
"'I started on a tour through the south.
Business was good and I put on the ring,
for it was a beauty. A few days after
ward I lost a, valuable charm from my
watch chain. Though I offered a re
ward and advertised diligently . I never
recovered it.. About three days later 1
was robbed of my pocketbook contain
ing a fine diamond, considerable money
and important papers. I began to sus
pect the ring was -the -cause of my ill
luck, but I couldn't make np my mind
to dispose of it. .
. VA week after I boarded a train going
to . Columbus, but changed my inten
tions and got off,' taking another, one.
We were hardly out of town before the
train rolled over an embankment, and 1
was pretty badly hurt. Then I was con
vinced that the opal was responsible for
my bad streak, and I put it in my trunk.
I have had no accidents since, and this
is the reason why I won't : wear an opal
again. The jeweler who sold me the
stone wouldn't put on the ring for $500,.
and he now has it up for sale in his show
window." Pittsburg Dispatch.
How KHelln Are .Classified. '.
Shells, a we popularly call- them, are
grouped by naturalists under the head
of moUusks, and in the scale of life they
represent the sixth great branch of the
animal kingdom, following the worms,
though some naturalists classify them
differently. The branch is divided into
classes. First we have, the , shells with
two .valves, as( the oyster, which is a
Lamelli branch, a. long word referring to
the folds in, the animal.
Some of these have siphons and some
have, not, Then, we come to the single
shelled moll oaks, . or gasteropods; . so
called because they are belly footed.
Then there 'are the: shell-less forms, the
air breathing moHugks, as snails, and
finally the -squids, or cephalopoda, or
head footed all of which have their pe
culiarities, and. are Well , worth special
study if the reader is interested in shells.
The oysters are the lp west forma of the
group, the humblest, yet the most valu
able. ..A v"blue .point" in a deep shell
represents, a vast indurtry and a ' deli
cious morsel. Cor. San Francisco Chron
icle. " -
1-, - r,l-:-:..-N - ; ;
Boucn oa Do Dado.
Det: Dude (who- doeti not like. very
high .coUari These collars are too high.
Show me something lower.
; .Salesgirl (with dignity) -Those are the
cheapest, we.- havej, sir, We' don't. keep1
tlop-ahop goods. New York Weekly. .'
Molesale and" Betail DrnffaJsts.
Fine Imported, Key West and Domestic
Now is the time to paint yonr ' house
and if you wish to get the' best quality
and a line color use the
Slierwin, Williams Cos Paint'
For those wishing to see the quality
and color .of the alove paint we call their
attention to the residence of S. L. Krooks,
Judge Bennett, Smith French and others
painted by Paul Kreft.
Snipes & Kinersly are agents for the
above paint for The Dalles, Or.
Don't Forget the
MacDonali Bros., Props!
Wines, Liquors and' Cigars
Real Estate,
and Loan
.- ....
Opera House Block,3d St;
Chas. Stubling-,
New Vogt Block, Second St
Liquor v Dealer,
Health is Wealth !
Dr. E. C. Wbbt'b Nkbvk asb Brain Treat
ment, a (ruaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzi
ness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous. Neuralgia,
Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use
of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental De
pression, Softening of the Brain, resulting in in
sanity and leading to misery, decay and death,
Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power
in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermat
orrhoea caused by over exertion of the brain, Belf
abuse or over Indulgence. Each box contains
one month's treatment. 11.00 a box, or six boxes
for 15.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price.
To cure any case. ;With each order received by
us for six boxes, accompanied by $5.00, we will
send the purchaser our written guarantee to re
fund the money if the treatment does not effect
a cure. Guarantees issued only by i
Prescription Druggists,
176 Second St. The Uallet, Or.
., i, r i ....
The 8. B. Headache and Liver Cure taken
according to directions will keep your Blood,
Liver and Kidneys In good order. -- - . :in.
The 8. B. Cough Cure for Colds, Coughs
and Croup. ia cormeetianiwith -the Headache
Cure, is as near perfect as anything known.
The 8.- Bj ALTHfc Paiit Curb for internal and
external use, in; Neuralgia, .Toothache, Cramp
Colic and Cholera Morbus, is unsurpassed. ' They
are well liked -wherever known. Manufactured
U Dufur, Oregon. For sale by all druggista
64 ymi
Tiia Dalle
is here and has come to stay. It hones
to win its way to public favor by ener
gy, industry and merit; and to this end
we ask that you give it a fair trial, arid
if satisfied with its course a generous
four pages of six columns each, will be
issued every evening, except Sunday,
arid will be delivered in the city, or sent
by mail for the moderate sum of fifty
cents a month.
Its Objects
will be to advertise the resources of the
city, and adj acent country, to assist in
deyelopirig oiir industries, in extending
arid opening up new channels for our
trade, in securing an operi river, arid in
helping THE DALLES to take her prop-1
er position as the
Leading City of Eastern Oregon.
The paper, both daily arid weekly, will
be independent in politics, and in its
criticism of politic as in its1
handling of local afiairs; it will be
We will endeavor to give all the lo
cal news, Sd we'ask that your criticism
of our obj ect arid course; be formed froiri
the contents of the paper, and not from
rash assertions of outside parties: .
sent to any address for $1.50 per year.
It will contain from four to six eight
colurim pages, arid we shall endeavor
to make it the equal of the besti Ask
your Postmaster for a copy, or address.
Office, N. W. Cor. Washington and Second Sts.
The Grate City of the Inland Empire is situated at
the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and
is a thriving, prosperous city.
It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agri
cultural an grazing -country, its trade reaching as
far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over twe
hundred miles.
The rich grazing, country along the eastern slope
of the the Cascades furnishes pasture for thousands
of sheep, the wool from 'which finds market here. .
..The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping
point,, in: Ajnerica, about 5,000,000 pounds toeing,
shipped last year. . ,; . , '
The salmon fisheries are the; finest on the Columbia,
yielding t&is. yeas a revenue of $1,500,000, which can
and.wiU be more thanVdoubled in the near future.''
The products of the beautiful KLickital .valley find
market here, and the country sduth and east has this
year filled the warehouses, and aU. Available ' stofe
places to overfldwiiig .with their products; -
- - ITS WEALTH - .
It is the richest city of its size on the. coast, , and its
money is scattered over and is being used to develop,
more farming country than is'trib'utaLry to any other
city in Eastern Oregon.; ' , . - -t . . , .
.J' It sltiiatipn is unsTirassi?d! . Its .qlimate . delight
f?UL , . ri, j?6ssibties . Its rcspuxcesTLii-
limited! And on "these corner stones she tands.
s CinoniGie