The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 07, 1891, Page 1, Image 1

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    jThe Dalles Daily Chronicle.
-Published Daily, Sunday Excepted.
Corner Second and Washington Streets,
Dalles, Oregon.
Terms of Subscription.
Per Year 6 00
Per month, by carrier 50
Single copy 5
Railroads.' '
N. 2, Arrives 12:M A. M. - Departs 1 : 05 A. H.
8, " 12: 15 P.M. " 12:35 P.M.
No. 1, Arrives 4:40 A. M.
" 7, " 5:15 P. X.
Departs 4:50 A. M.
" 5:30 p. S.
Two local freights that carry passengers leave
for west and east at a. M.
For Prineville, via. Bake Oven, leave daily
fexcent Kundavl at H A. M.
For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 a. m. -
For Dufnr, Kingsley and Tygh Valley, leave
dally (except Sunday) at 6 A. X. .
For Uoldendale, Wash., leave every day of the
week except Sunday at 8 a. m.
dittoes for all lines at the Umatilla House.
eneral Dclivrey Window. . 8 a. m. to 7 p. m.
Money Order 8a.m. to 4p.m.
Banduy G. D. .-- 9 a.m. to 10 a. m.
By trains going- Kast. . 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m.
. " West..... 9 p. ni. and 4:45 p.m.
Stage for Goldendale. 7:30 a.' m:
" "Prineville 5:30 a.m.
ii " Dufurand Warm Springs... 5:80 a. D).
" (Leaving for Lyle A Hartland. .5:30 a.'m.
" - " "Antelope : 5:30a.m.
Except Sunday. - . .
tTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday.
Monday Wednesday and. Friday.,,
lor. Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11
A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Sabbath School at 12 M.
Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7
Cubxib, Pastor. Services every Sunday at 11
a. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday School after morning
service. Strangers cordially invited. Seat free.
ME. CHURCH Rev. H. Brown, Pastor.
Services every Sunday morning and even
ing. Sunday School at Yifi o'clock M. A cordial
invitation is extended by both pastor and people
to all. .
ST. RAUL'S CHURCH- Union Street, opposite'
Fifth. Rev. Ell D. Satellite Rector. Services
very Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 p. M.- Sunday
School 12:30 P.. M. Evening Prayer on Friday at
7:80 , .., . . .... .... . .. ,
ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Krowb
Obbst Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday, at
7 A. M. High Mass at 10:30 a. M. .Vespers at'
7 WW." :'-- -"J fl ' I f, U VW
- .- . - , SOCIETIES. . . ....
1 1 .
A B8EMJLY NO. 2870, K. OF L. Meets In K.
JV of P. hall Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. , '
WA8C0 LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets
. first and third Monday of each month at 7
Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday
l eacn monin at jr. u.
' AS t. Hood Camp No. 59, Meets Tuesday even
ing pi enca ween in 1. u. u. f . nan, at J :au r. m.
every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Odd
Fellows hall, Second street, between Federal and
wasnington. sojourning Drotners are welcome.
a. 'A. aiujt. Bee y . . k. u. clostbr, i. (i
every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in
Behanno's building, corner of Court and Second
streets, sojourning meniDers are eoraiaiiy in
vited. Gro. T. Thompson,
D. W. Vause, See'y. C. C .
UNION will meet every Frfdajr afternoon
at 3 o'clock at the reading room. All are invited.
TEMPLE LODGE NO. 3, A. O. U. W. Meets
at K. of P. Hall, Corner Second and Court
Streets, Thursday evenings at 7:30. -
John Flixoon,
W. 8. Mtkks, Financier. M. W.
DR. O. D. DO A N E physician and suit
oeon. Oilice; rooms 5 and 4 Chapman
Block. Residence over McFarland A French's
tore. Office hours i to 12. A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to
8 P. M.
lice in Schanno's building, up stairs.
Dalles, Oregon.
The DR. O. C. ESH ELM AN Homoeopathic Phy
sician ani fijiEOKON. (j nice Hours: 9
to 12 A. M' ; 1 to 4, and 7 to K p' M. Calls answered
promptly dny or night' Ofiice; upstairs In Chap
man Block'
TV SIDDAIX Dentist. Gas given for the
J m painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
aet on flowed uluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of
the Golden Tooth, Second Street.
AE. THOMPSON Attornky-at-law. Office
in Opera House Block, Washington Street,
The Dalles, Oregon
MAYS, HUNTINUTON & WILSON Attob-nbys-at-law.
Offices, French's block over
First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
DtJFUR, . WATK1N8 & MENEFEE Attor-nkys-at-law
Rooms Nos. 71, 78, 75 and 77,
Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon;
WH. WIISON Attobnby-at-law Rooms
52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street,
Tbe Dalles, Oregon.:
Hot and Colci
rHS' fcri DAiiAs' kitx-' and1 water
. .CorT r v's,I lour M1U will be leased to. re-
'" " ":""' j" ;.; ; Thy Dailai, Oregon.
We find we have not all widths and sizes and
have decided to -
Close them out
. These Lines
prf? 9 Doi?(ola
From such well-known
Cousins, E. P. Reed & Co., (Joodger
& Naylor.
Our Ladies', Misses' and Children's Tan and'
Canvas Shoes ;
flOfTH DHliLtES, Wash.
Situated at the Head of Navigation.
Destined to "be"
Best JVlanaf actuHng Center
In the Inland Empire:
Best 8611111 Property of the Season
in the Northwest.
For further information call at the office of
Columbia Ice Go.
Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand,
we are now prepared to receive orders,
wholesale or retail, to be delivered
through the summer. Parties contract
ing with Trs will be carried through the
entire season " ithoi3t advance in
price, and may depend that we have
nothing but
Cut from mountain water ; ho slough or
slush ponds., :
Leave orders at the Columbia Candy
Factory, 104 Second street.
W. S. CRAM, Manager.
D. P. Thompson" J. S. schknck, H. H. Bkall,
President. Vice-President, Cashier.
A General Banking- Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
, '. Draft or Check.' ;-
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted oh day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port
.. land.
D. P. Thompson. - Jno. 8. Schknck.
T. W. Spabks. Gko. A. Libbb.
H. M. Bball. .
Letters of Credit issieid available in the
Eastern States." '
Sight Exchange 'and Telegraphic
xransiers soiaon , jm ew , i orK, unicago,- St.
Louis', Sail Francisco, Portland' Oregdn,
L?. ir..i. J : i .
egon arid "Was
shmgtbn. vr - ;
" Collections made at all points on fav
orable termB. " - ;
tid 9 pebble (Jpat
shoemakers as J. & T. .
Investment Co.,
72 Washingtoil St., PORTLAND, Or.
DATiTihiS, Or.
The Dalles
Gigar : Faetopy:
Tr. A T3C of the Best Brands
-L VJT -L V Xi 0 manufactured, and
orders from all parts of the country filled
on me snoriest notice. -,.'
' The reputation of THE DALLES CI
GAR has become firmly established, and
the den. and for the home manufactured
article is increasing every day. .
The Dalles Ice Co.,
Cor. Third and Union Streets,
Having a sufficient quantity of Ice to
supply the city we are ' now prepared to
receive orders to be delivered during the
coming summer. Parties con ti acting
with us can depend on. being supplied
through the entire season and may de
pend that we have nothing bnt
: PtJilEi ' EE ALTHPTJL I0 ,
Cut from mountain Water; no slough or
slush ponds. ' - ..
We are . receiving "orders " daily"" "and
solicit a continuance of the earne.'
Office, corner Third and Union streets.
1 Sealed' Proposals '
Water Commissioners, of Dalles City, Ore
gon, until 2 P. M. of Saturday, May 23d, 1891, for
building a receiving basin to bold about 370,000
gallons, near Mill creek about four miles from
Dalles City, for doing the trenching for about
21,800 lineal feet of 18-inch pip between basin
and the distributing reservoir in Dalles City, and
for hauling and distributing about 140 ton of 10-
inch wrought iron pipes and, oppertalnances.
Plans and specifications may be seeri a the
office of the Water Commissioners of Dalles City.
The Commissioners reserve the right to reject
anyoraUbida.. r . C- L PHILLIPS,
,' ilfrti ttLlZ . s ; ' -; :: : : s Bw.retary.:
The Australians Are ' Now
"Fresh - Salmon on Ice"
San Francisco.
San Fhancibco, May ' 7. The Aus
tralians are now eating fresh California
salmon rn ice. In tne season between
February and July they have no home
supply of fresh" salmon. Over a ton was
shipped last February and found a
ready faarket. -
The Monowai took an equal amount
last week; If the last shipment is satis
factory ;othera will follow.
The experiment is "a novel one and
may result in establishing a steady busi
ness. ." '
The Australian trade can easily con
sume from ten to twenty tons ' of our
salmon. ' - -.
Swift's Remains Brought Home. .
San Francisco, May 7. The steamship
Belgic arrived this morning from China
and Japan-bringing the' remains of -the
late United States minister John F,
The casket containing the remains was
placed on a caisson drawn by six horses,
draped in black and conveyed , to the
Mortuary chapel of the Trinity church
where they will be kept ' in' state ' until
Sunday, the day of the funeral. '
Keeping Watch of the KtatsW '.
Washington, . May. 7. The , treasury
department officials have been kept fully
informed' of ' the movenients' of this
Chilian vessel Etata. which escaped from
San Diego, . California, yesterday after
being seized by the marshal. - They.- te
fuse hbW ever, to make ptiblic1 the' dis
patches about the affafr.
To Teach Italiana to Obey oar Itwi.
Boston, May 1'. : All 'he Italians of
Boston are Invited to attend a mass meet
ing' at Faneuil Hall- to-morrow night,
which it is announced for the purpose of
forming a 'society' for; the elevation of the
poorer and indigent class of Italians who
it is propoeed to teach' respect- for and
obediance to the laws of this country;
Peru' Wants Reciprocity With C. .
.. Chicago, 'May V.-A'' - Washington
special says that Pern wants reciprocity
with the United States. Peru iB the
only South America country ? besides
Brazil which produces 'Sugar in large
quantities; - so it is important to Peru
that it insures a lasting,' free market for
this in the United States.' ,
White WtngedT Peses Won't Hover Yet.
Valparaiso, May 7. President Bal
maceda has rejected the demands of
the delegates from the congressional or
insurgent's party who have been trying
to come to. an understanding with the
president by which civil war might be
brought to a termination.
Moat Show Their Financial Condition.
, Washington, May 7. The comptroller
of the currency has issued a call for a re
port of the condition of all .national
banks, at the close of business, Monday,
May 4th.
"Garden Sass" Injured by Frost.
8t. Louis, May 7. Dispatches from
many points in this state indicate that
fruit and garden truck' is badly injured
by frost. .'
' The President Will Dine 'on Salmon.
, Celilo, May 7. Here the president
visited the cannery establishment of
L H. Taffe and was presented with a
large box of salmon caught this morning.
Did not Inspect the Locks.
Cascade Locks, May 7. The presi
dential party passed through here at
9 : 35 o'clock this morning.
It Will Rain. -
f .
San Francisco, May 7. Forecast
Oregon and Washington, light rains.
. Girl Expressions.
Every season women utter new excla
mations of delight. Nothing is perfectly
loveiy or perieetiy splendid any more.
Julia Gordon in her "Successful Men,"
makes a guest refer to a stone pavilion
as "a dear." Men like Barrymore', Kel-
cey and . Andres uippie. are called by
theirseveral classes of admirers ."a love.''
Effie Shannon is called ''so violetty."
DorothyTennant Stanley "is just sweet."
Bernhardt "is adorable the way .she
walks.'. . Throes like Miss Learv'a Len
ten sewing classes' are mentioned among
the "very extraordinary," and the ' Suc
cessful artists are "quite clever," and if
their new books; and pictures are "not
bad" they, are altogether admirable.
New York Letter,
An open riVer wDuld be a "'freight rate
regulator,'" and that is what the people
of the inland empire1 are"' much' in"need
of. If Portland will -take prompt action
and fill the "long felt want" she may rest
assured of a volume of trade whieh would
makti her a city aft large as San Fr&nctsco
within five years. EaH.Orejfonian, j
The 1
is liardly . a- cckjuettish' affair
at any
that, in
me; bnt there is no denying
gay . Bmgtime it, vt- fall Of
Pilling,. Theatrical, Manager,
Takes His Departure.
Boston, Mass., Mav 5. Frank .J. Pil
ling, the well-known theatrical manager,
brother-in-law of John Stetson, the
owner of several museums through the
country, and a bowery theater .in New
York, "has, with his wife, one of the
famous btokes sisters, disappeared from
the city, leaving numerous unpaid bills
and lapsed mortgages enough to keep an
accountant busy for a month to come.
He received his start in hia theatrical
career through marrying a sister of Mrs.
stetson, . and did an excellent business,
but poor investments in real estate and
seaside summer resort property . led to
his. heavy involvement, and when the
mortgage became due on his theater here
last week he . left the city for parts un
known, being followed Saturday by his
wiie, wno, wilii oig power 01 aiiorney,
has collected all moneys and deposits
due him. Warrants are out for his ar
rest,: and Mr. Stetson is in a violent
state of mind. .
Warner Miller Will Report Prorrem
Daring His Intended Visit.
San Francisco. Mav 5. A dispatch
has Ijeen received bv Captain William
L. Merry from the office at New York of
the Nicaragua Canal Construction com
pany v saying; that . president Warner
Miller would come to San Francisco via
New Orleans. . It is possible that he has
gone to Tampa to inspect - pine timber,
which grows largely in i londa, and
which is used in large quantities at the
Nicaragua canal works, being especially
adapted tor piles, it is supposed that
some of president Miller's party, will ac
company him to this city. The tour of
inspection proceeded . without accident
after the initial . disaster - of . the ship
wreck on the way down , to Greytown.
President Miller will have the latest
facts concerning the- progress- actually
made in canal construction, and . also
concerning the nature and .extent of the
work to be accomplished, to communi
cate upon :his arrival in this city. Up to
date no details have been forwarded.
Resolavtlons Adopted "by a National - Col
ored Association,
Cincinnati, May 5. The American
Citizens' Equal Rights Association,
composed of cofored men, held a conven
tion here today. They adopted a . series
of resolutions, affirming their purpose to
secure the full and free exercise of every
right . given them bv the constitution.
They entered a protest against the efforts
of a few so-called leaders' of the- race, to
induce the administration to recognize
them to-the exclusion? of-thc more-gro-gressive
claBS, whose aim it is to work in
the interest of the whole people 'They
also -called the attention of the organiza
tion to' the fact that colored men were
appointed to office mainly in the south,
where the only political service tne col
ored men can render is to send delegates
to the ' national conventions, and are
denied to those in the northern states,
whose votes are necessary to the success
of either party. James M. Townsend, of
Indiana, was "elected president. Among
the vice presidents is Rev. J. E. John
son, of California.
The Vatican Authorities Alarmed by i
Fire in the Mounted Police Barracks.
Rome, Mav 5. The Vatican and gov
ernment' circles ' are greatly exercised
over rumors in circulation in this city
about a fire which -was last evening dis
covered in the barracks occupied by the
carbinetia, or armed and mounted po
licemen. . Notwithstanding the utmost
efforts of the soldiers and firemen the
flames soon spread to1 adjoining out
buildings, where were quartered the
horses of the police and the forage for
their maintenance. 1 he rumors relerred
to are to the effect that the fire was un
doubtedly of incendiary origin and the
work of the socialist element of the capi
tal. However trim may be, it is certain
tnat tne Vatican authorities were so
much alarmed that they at once ordered
the Swiss guard under arms daring the
entire night.
Steps to Pat an End to the Chilian War.
Paris, May 5. An official dispatch re
ceived from Chili says it is proposed that
three members of the congressional, or
insurgent party, and three members of
the Balmaceda, or presidential party,
should be appointed to confer upon and
discuss some arrangement which would
bring peace to Chili. President Balma
ceda has solicited the good offices of
Brazil, the United States and France in
the effort to restore peace in Chili. He
had asked these three countries to unite
in any endeavors which they may make
in this direction.
'The Car Stove Not a Misdemeanor,
New ' York, Mav 5. Tbe counts in
the indictments, charging officials of the
New York A New' Haven railway with
misdemeanor in having stoves in the cars,
were set aside in court today, but the
other counts were sustained. "
New Rates on the Southern Pacific.
1 San Francisco. Mav 5. The Southern
Pacific company today issued a new rate
sneet to taite etiect May iota, by which
second-class passenger rates to Washing
ton points are advanced $1.50 all around.
' Chicago Wheat' Market. . .'
Chicago, TH. May 7. Wheat
cash L02;- Jnly .99i.99?.
tsasy ;
- Chicago, 111., May 7. Wheat market
opened strong on higaer - cables, j rfuly
started higher at 1.00Ji advanced- to
1.01 reaching', before1 11 o'clock I.01&.' j
-tu Franotaco Wheat Market.
San FsNcisoo; May tiiS9L-Wheal.
bnyer.'fll after. Angnst 1st, 1.64. . , f .
Klgtity-seven Yeurs Old Who Can
Scarcely lie Told Apart .
St. Clonil, Minn.. Iioasts the oldest living
pair of twins in the country. Rosina and '
Crescentia. Sutterlee were born In Zell.
Baden, Germany, Feb. 23, 1804. Crescentiu
was married in 1835 to John Fritz, at their -home,
and in the year 1848, together with . ;
her husband and only son, Amlrew Fritz,
now a prosperous and highly respecti
citizen of St. t 'loud, immigrated to Amer .
ica and removed to Sandusky, O., whe:
they resided until 1857.
From there they went to Minnesota, 1
eating at St. Paul, and in 1861 removed t
their present .home, .which is still li.
home. Rosina, the other twin sister, wi
married to . l'Mward Sweth in 1831. Fi .
children were born to this couple, all .
whom have since died three in Germiu .. .
the other two in this country. Her hiis
band died in Germany, and as a widow 8l.
came to this country in 1S6S, residing witic
her son-in-law, Henry Koester, ever since. .
The parents of the two women both
reached the age of nearly ninety years, and
present indications would predict a longer
lifetime for the "twins than that of their
parents. '
The resemblance in appearance of the -pair
is so great that many times intimate
frieuda, who have known them since their
residence here, have been deceived in their '
identity.-. Rosina . has often been mis
taken for her sister. At a time the latter
needed medical treatment and called in the -doctor,
who was a friend of her siBter,
"and when she became convalescent she
asked the doctor for her bill. He answered i
that on account of the many favors shown
in business relations he wouldn't charge a .
cent, not knowing that she was not the
sister he referred to. '
Upon one occasion John. Fritz, a. grand
son of Crescentia, who operates a photo
graph gallery here, induced the twin sisters
to minte a sitting for their photographs.
When the picture was finished and shown
to them they simultaneously spoke op, say
ing, "Whicli of tbe two am If"
The grandchildren of Crescentia, of
whom nine are living, have many times
failed to identify -their grandmother when
in company with her sister except by
their dress. They usually dressed alike.1
Rosina attends early mass in the Catholic
church every morning, and her sister, who
lives one and one-half: miles - from the
church, attends frequently during the sum
mer months, making the distance there
and back on foot. The memory of the two
aged Indies is good, especially that of Ro-i
sina. '
. Crescentia about two years ago discarded
spectacles, which she had worn for many
years, and since reads the newspapers . and
her prayer, book without the aid of glasses.
un ongnt days she can see tbe chapel on
the so called Calvary Mount, nearly two
miles distant from her residence. The two
stand each aljout five feet four inches in
height and Cresceutja .weighs 235, while
Rosina only balances tbe scales at 233
pounds. They have both been widows for
many years, neither ' marrying after tbe
death of her first bnsband. Chicago Her
ald, . t
lee and Flowers Near Mount St Kilns.
The fields of flowers skirting the forests
surpass iu rank luxuriance aud in brillian
cy of color anything of the kind it has
been my fortune to see elsewhere. On th
terraces and slopes of the. mountains prt
Jectin'g into the Malaspiua glacier one tnay
walk for miles through flowery me dows,
shoulder deep in a sea of bloom. 'j0 daisy
meadow in New England is m- jfe thickly '
curpeted with blossoms than ',nese remote
unexplored gardens of soixt,ern Alaska!
Winter aud summer iovy verdure and
icy desolation are here. Siae by side. One
may stand on the 'border of an icefield
miles in breadth and pluck as beautif ul u
garden of and ferns as -ever graced, '
a May festival. ,
A few hundred feet above the timber
line it is alWAys winter. Nosr the lower
limit of t he r imvuer's kuow ...ere are occa
sional summer slopes so situated as not to
be swept, by avalanches, which are covered
with a dense plush' of brilliant Alpine- bios- ,
sonis, and form a most pleasing contrast
to the sparkling cliffs of snow and ice tor
rounding thenu iu the higher mountains
there is absolutely no vegetation. Even"
the tints of lichens and mosses are absent;
from the precipices, and all the less rugged
slopes are buried beneath snow and ice.
Israel C. Russell in Century.
Forgery Made Easy.
Forgeries are encouraged by the bad
practices that have grown up in the com
mercial houses the use of stylographic
peus and aniline inks. Many large houses,
recognizing the lack of character in a sig
nature written with a stylographic pen,
have discarded them altogether in signing
checks and papers of similar importance,
and other firms require documents to be
signed with a steel or quill pen. A stlyo
graphic signature is easily imitated, and
when it comes to identifying the genuine
signature a difficulty is met, arising from
the effect of the movement on t he essential
characteristic features. Aniline inks are
still more dangerous, because they can be
copied exactly by tbe use of copying pads.
London Tit-Bits.
Great Britain's Unclaimed Hoards.
If all the boxes lying unclaimed for
ten years or longer in the cellars of the
Banks of England and Ireland, at Contts'.
Drummonds', Child's and other weil
known bankers, were unearthed and
their contents examined, wonderful treas
ures in the shape of plate, jewelry anil
other valuables might be handed over to
the representatives of tbe original de
positors. ' Many missing title deeds, wills
and other valuable documents might
also be restored to their rightful owners.
Chambers' Journal
' Waterproof Compositions.
-A liquid- waterproof composition hat
been placed on the market - for. coating
articles such ad leather, strapping ma
chinery, polished. Steel, brass and copper,
which, ' i I Jclaime4,' wiH rests damp,
teat, cold and acids. ' The comrjosition.
' Is colorless, and does riot rnV or peel Off.
Being cy removable by the application
a, paraffin or., turpentine. ,,"7 ?" "