. V Kit. VOL. I. ' The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Published Daily, Sunday Excepted. 'by THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. 'Corner Second and Washington Streets, The Dalle, Oregon. Terms of Subscription. Per Year. ; 16 00 Ier month, by carrier 50 Single copy 5 TIME TABLES Railroad. KA8T BOUND, No. 2, Arrives 12:5 A. M. Departs. 1:05 a. if. " , iz: 10 r. v. f ' t WEST 9Qff$'r No. 1, Arrives 4:40 a. Hi-"1' '. Departs 4:50 A. M. " 7, " S:l5 P. M. ,-. , " 5:30 p. si. Two local freights that carry passengers leave for west and east at 8 a. jr. STAE8. For Prineville, Via, 1 Bake Oven, leave, daily (except Sunday) at s A. M. - For Antelotie. Mitchell. Canvon CitV.iY For Dufur, Kingsley and Tygh Valley, leave any texoept Sunday) at o A. For Uoldendale, W ash., lei week except Sunday at 8 a. m. Offices fur all lines at the Umatilla House, Post-Office. OFFICE HOURS eneral Dellvrey Window 8 a. m. to 7 p. ni Money Order ' 8 a. m. to 4 p. m. Sunday G. D. " 9 a. m. to 10 a. m. , CLOSING OF KAILS ' By trains going Kast 9 p. m. and 11:45 a. m " " " West 9 p.m. and 4:45 p.m. "Stage for Goldendale 7:30 a. m, " "Prineville..'. 6:30 a.m. u . "Dufurand Warm Springs. ..5:30a. m. " (Leaving for Lyle A Hartland . .5:30 a. m. " " " " JAntelope 6:30 a.m. Except Sunday. Tri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. , " Monday Wednesday and Friday. THE CHURCHES. T7UR8T BAPTIST CHURCH Bev. O. D. Tat T lob. Psxtor. Services every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. at. Sabbath School at 12 X, Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7 o ciuca. CONGREGATION A L CHURCH Rev. W. C. CUBTia. Pastor. Servicesvery Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7 P. m. Sunday School after morning service, strangers cordially mvitea. beats iree. ME. CHURCH Rev. H. Brown, Pastor. Services every Sunday morning and even ing. Sunday School at 1 o'clock M. A cordial invitation is extended by both pastor and people to all. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Union Street, opposite Fifth. Rev. EU D. KutcliBe Rector. Services very Sunday at 11 a. m. end 7:30 P. M. Sunday School 12:80 p. at. Evening Prayer on Friday at 7:80 ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Bkons gkcst Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at 7A. .M. High Mass at 10:30 a.m. Vespers at T p. w. SOCIETIES. B8EMBLY NO. 2870, K. OF L. Meets in K. oi f. nail Tuesdays at 7:30 P. X. w A8CO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. A A. M. Meets nrsi ana intra Honaay oi each month at 7 DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER NO. . Meets in Masonic Hall the third Wednesday f each month at 7 P. M. MODERN WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. M t. Hood Camp No. 69, Meets Tuesday even tag of each week in I. O. O. F. Hall, at 7:30 P. m. COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets every Friday evening at 7:80 o'clock, in Odd Fellows hall, Second street, between Federal and Washington. Sojourning brothers are welcome. H. A. Bills, Bec'y A. G. Clostkh, N. G. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning members ere cordially in vited. Gko. T. Thompson, D. W. Vausb, Sec'y. C. C. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEM PERENCE UNION will meet every Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock at the reading room. All are invited. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meets at K. of P. Hall, Corner Second and Court Streets, Thursday avenings at 7 :30. John Filloon, W. 8. Myers, Financier. M. W. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. O. D. DOANE physician and sub oeon. Office; rooms 6 and 6 Chapman Block. Residence over McFnrland & French's store. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to P. M. AS. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Of ' fice in Schauno's building, up stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. DR. G. C. E8HELMAN Homo3opaihic Phy sician and Surobon. Office Hours: 9 to 12 A. M' ; 1 to 4, and 7 to 8 p" m. Calls answered promptly dsy or night' Office; upstairs in Chap man Block' D8IDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of the Golden Tooth, Second Street. AR. THOMPSON Attobney-at-law. Office . in Opera House Block, Washington Street, The Dalles, Oregon . .. P. P. MAYS. B. 8. HUNTINGTON. H. 8. WILSON. MAYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON Attob-neys-at-law. Offices, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. X.B. DUFUR. GEO. W ATKINS. FRANK MENKFKE. DUFUR, W ATKINS & MENEFEE Attob-neys-at-law Rooms Nos. 71, 73, 75 and 77, Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. WH. WIL80N ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms . 62 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. W. & T. lUCCOY, BARBERS Hot and Cold H3 K T H S 110 SECOND STREET. , FLOURING MII1T0 LEASE. rpHE OLD DALLES MILL AND WATER L : Company's Floor Mill will be leased to ra- 'M oonsible parties. For information apply to th WATER COMMISSIONERS, - The Dalles, Oregon. T . . i " In Some of pur Lines of Ladies' We find ve have not all have decided to Close them out -x- These Lines pr?r?cl7 9 Dorola, ryid 8 pebble Qoat From such well-known shoemakers as J. A T. ..ousins, E. P. Reed & Co., Goodger & Nay lor. Our Ladies', Misses' and Children's Tan and Canvas Shoes. -we also offer AT COST. JiOlTH DHliliES, Wash Situated at the Head of Navigation. Destined Best Manufacturing Center In the Inland Empire. . Best Selling" Property of the Season in the Northwest. For farther information call at the office of Interstate Investment Co., Or 72 Washington St., PORTLAND, Or. O. D. TAYLOR, THE DALLES, Or. Columbia Ice Co. 104 SECOND STREET. iob t xos : IOE t Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand, we are now prepared to receive orders, wholesale or retail, to be delivered through the summer. Parties contract ing with us will be carried through the entire season without advance in price, and may depend that we have nothing but PURE, HEALTHFUL ICE, Cut from mountain water ; no slough or slush ponds. Leave orders at the Columbia Candv Factory, 104 Second street. W. S. CRAM, Manager. D. P. Thompson' J. S. Schenck, H. M. Beall, rresiaent. . viee-rresiaeni. casmer. First national Bank. THE DALLES, - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted JJeposits received, subject to bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly rtruiiireu on uay oi collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on .New York, San Francisco and Port land. . DIRECTORS. D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. Bohf.nck. T. W. Sparks. Geo. A. Liebe. H. M. Beall. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERALBANKING BU8INE88 Letters of Credit issued available in the eastern States. Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, oeaiue wasn., ana various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made &t a.11 rmintji rn fa.. orable terms.' . THE :D ALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. MAY Shoes widths and sizes and RT COST.I" Comprise to be The Dalles Gigar : Faetof y, FIBST STREET. FACTORY NO. 105. fTr A T C of the Best Brands orders from all parts of the' country' filled 011 nie snorcesi notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CI GAR has become firmly established, and the den .and for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. A. ULRICH & SON. 1891. ICE ! 1891. The Dalles Ice Go., Cop. Third and Union Streets, Having a sufficient quantity of Ice "to supply the city we are now prepared to receive orders to be delivered during the coming summer. Parties con ti acting with -us can depend on being supplied "r- . du3vu nuvi AJiaif pend that we have nothing but .. PUEE, HEALTHFUL IOE Cut from mountain water; no slough or slush ponds. ' ' . e kj wmjj aiiu solicit a continuance of the same. H. J. MAIEE, Manager. Office, corner Third and Union streets. Sealed Proposals WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE BOARD OF Water Commissioners, of Dalles City, Ore- on, until 2 P. M. of Saturday, May 23d, 1891, for uilding a receiving basin to hold abont 370,000 gallons, near Mill creek abont four miles from Dalles City, for doing the trenching for about 21,800 lineal feet of 10-inch pipe between basin and the distributing reservoir in Dalles City, and for hauling and distributing abont 140 tons of 10 inch wrought iron pipes and appertainances. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Water Commissioners of Dalles City. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. C. L. PHILLIPS, apr22-m27 Secretary. GONE TO WASHINGTON. President Harrison is1 the Guest of Tacoma and Seattle The Recep tions Being Held in the Rain. Captain Verney Sentenced to One Year's Imprison mene A Burglar Burg les at Corvallis. Tacoma, May 6. The president and party entered the state of Washington at an early hour this morning in a driving rainstorm. This interfered materially with the arrangements for bis reception at the various places visited but did not suppress the cordiality and enthusiasm of the people. It was 8 o'clock when the presidential special reached Tacoma and rain seemed to be coming down harder than ever. Notwithstanding this fact the chief magistrate of the nation and his advisers were given a royal reception. They were met at the station by the governor of the state, and a committee of citizens who escorted the party to the Gross block where formal addresses of welcome were delivered. The line of march and the reviewing stand were handsomely and appropri ately decorated'. There were four grand arches on Pacific avenue, one made of fir block, another of coal, another of iron and a fourth of grain, all of lative production. In his response to the address of wel come the president said : "I would like to see some great steam ship lines carrying the American flag en tering the ports of Puget sound. I believe we have come to the time in our develop ment as a people when we must step forward with bold progress, or we will lose the advantage we have already at tained. We have within ourselves re sources and a market of which the world is envious. We have been content in years gone by to allow other nations to to do the carrying trade of the world. We have been content to see the markets of the American republics lying south of us, controlled by European nations. I think a period of discontent with these things has come to our people. The time is auspicious for the enlargement qf our commerce with these friendly re publics. The time is propitious for the re-establishing on the seas of an Ameri cen merchant marine that shall do its share of the carrying trade of the world." Arrived in Seattle . Seattle, May 6. The. president and party arrived here at noon coming from Tacoma by boat. GITS ONE YEAR. The Notorious Captain Verney Senten ced to One Tear's Imprisonment. London, May 6. Captain Verney, member of the parliment today 'pleaded "not guilty" to the charge of procuring governess Miss Brackett for immoral purposes, but pleaded guilty to conspir acy to procure her. Captain Verney was then sentenced to one year's im prisonment without hard labor. Meeting; of Railroad Magnates. New Yohk, May 6. The advisory board of the Western Traffic association began its session this morning. All the lines are represented except the Southern Pacific. Hughitt presided, Leeds, of the Missouri Pacific, was at the hotel but did not attend the meeting. He expects to be heard by the . board. Jay Gould was present for the Missouri Pacific. A Corvallis Burglary. Cobvalli8, May 6. Burglars broke in to J. M. Nolan's dry goods store last night and blew open the safe with powder. Thej took seventy dollars in coin and some valuable papers including notes and accounts, also fifty dollars in county orders. - ' An American Insulted and Injured. Florence, May 6. William Jacques, an American from Newton, Massachu setts were out driving with his daughter yesterday, when a mob of people pur sued his carriage, pelted it with stones and severely injured one of his daughters who interfered in his defense. A Schooner founders. Saclt St. Mabib. Mich., May 6, The schooner Atlanta has foundered off Sable Bank and five of her crew were drowned while trying to reach shore. The vessel was coal laden for Ashland Helpless Inmates Perish. Muncik. Ind.. Mav 0. The countv in- firmany five miles ' east of this city was totally burned to the ground today. It is reported that four helpless inmates perished in the flames. Chleaffo Wheat Market. Chicago. Til.. Mav 6. Close: wheat firm; cash 1.01 ; July, 1.00. The county commissioners' court meets this afternoon. ' . 6, 1891. FROM WALLA WALLA. An Order Issued to the Army Post Re garding the Lynching;. Walla Walla, May 4. The official order promulgated at Fort Walla Walla is as follows : "Soldiers: Your commanding officer is assured that the great crime against the law committed recently by a few men of this command is deprecated and condemned- by you. Public opinion, however, guided by the press, will hold all of us implicated until we ascertain and secure for punishment by law the guilty parties. Our honor, the honor ' of our regiment, the honor of the army and our duty demand this. Until the guilty are found suspicion rests upon all. Every innocent man will therefore recognize- the necessity of clearing his good name of the stigma resting upon it. "The board of officers to investigate the occurrences affecting this command on the evenings of the 23d and 24th of April, 1891, is herebv ordered to meet at this post today. The detail for the board is : Major M. Cooney, Captain T. J. Wint, Captain C A. P. Hatfield, Fourth cavalry. The boord is author ized to summon before it any percon njuneuwu wicn me command. WOLF'S PERIODIC COMET. The Celestial Visitor Reappears as Pre dicted by Astronomers. Mount Hamilton, Cal., May 4. Wolf's periodic comet was rediscovered this morning by Mr. Barnard at the Lick ob servatory, it is extremely faint and small, and is following closely the path predicted for it. This is the first return of the comet to the perehelion, and its reappearance has been looked forward to with great interest. Its position . this morning was ngnt ascension, 2z hours, 33 minutes, 17 seconds north, declina tion 13 degrees, 11 minutes, 28 seconds, at 3 hours, 24 minutes Mount Hamilton mean time. This comet was originally Qiscoverea Dy ur. Max won, oi Meiael berg, Germany, on the 17th of Sep tember, 1884. Its period is between six and seven years. This is the sixteenth comet discovered by Mr. Barnard. San Franciseo Strikers Win. San Francisco, May 4. The strikers at the Union Iron Works have all gone back to work. President Scott refused to arbitrate with them or receive their committees, while the men were out of bis employ, and promised to investigate the complaint if they went back. The men therefore resumed work. The strike was a sort of protest against being fined for taking a holiday on May 1. The painters have won their eight hour de mand. This morning all the shops have laiien into line, some discharged cer tain of the men who were most active in the strike, but these at once obtained jobs in other places. It is Bigamy. Boston, May 3. C. H.. Pattie, who was Marion Manola's counsel in her divorce suit from Mr. Mould, when shown the report of marriage to Jack Mason, said: The marriage will not hold good under the American law. She cannot be divorced at all now. If she applies for her final papers six months from now she will have to sign them in the same name with which she entered suit, Marion E. Mould. If she is now "Marion E. Mason the court will not. recognize her for a moment. It is bigamy, and if either of them come to this state they can be punished. Blethen Again Takes Hold. St. Paul, Minn., May 3. It is stated that the Minneapolis Tribune, which two months ago was sold to William Murphy, of Grand Forks, N. D., and ex-Senator Gilbert A Pierce, is to be reconveyed to Alden J. Blethen, its former owner, and Thomas Lowry, the Twin City railway magnate. Mr. Blethen will resume the business control of the paper, but Sena tor Price will remain as editor. The paper has leaned toward Harrison under the Murphy regime, but will come out now strongly for Blaine. Lady Brooke to be Ostracized. London, May 4. A coterie of swells have formed a cabal to ostracize Lady Brooke, the American lady whose gossip led to the exposure of the Gordon-Cum-mings card scandal. The lady is intimate with the prince of Wales, and jealousy is one of the motives actuating some o her present antagonists. Ladv Salisbury espoused the fair American's cause, and gives a dinner in her honor next week, an event which will probably smash the cabal. WHV BEX BUCKED. Explanation of the President's Conduct at Oakland, Cal. John S. Shriver, the Washington correspondent of the New York Mail and Express, who is traveling ahead of the president across the continent, arrived nere roaay and said to a Telegram reporter : The only hitch or trouble on the trip was at Oakland, and that was caused bv the chief of police, who cared more for his own appearance than the carrying out of the programme. About four squares from the stand the police allowed the crowd to rush in and so block the street with carriages and peo pie that the president's carriage was stopped at that point. He waited fully fifteen minutes for the police to clear the way, andffnally was obliged to get up in his carriage and make his speech. It was utterly impossible for the president to get to the stand and rather than dis appoint all, he preferred to make his speech to those about his carriage than not at all. The people of Oakland did not understand the situation, and hence the report that the president left the town in anger. The truth was that the president regretted the affair, as it was the only break in the programme since he left Washington. The best way to hit a sinner fair in the head is to aim at bis heart. NO. 132. THE NEW ORLEANS AFFAIR. The Report of the Grand Jury ' II ax Reached Washington. Washington, May 6. The report of the New Orleans grand jury excited no surprise here. The attempt to palliate the infraction of the law by off-setting the alleged attempts at jury-fixing is depreciated by the legal department but there is a well defined opinion on the whole outcome that the case will be beneficial m its efforts upon the turbu lent foreign elements of the United States. The report will, it is expected reach Secretary Blaine in due course of time and make quite a figure in the official correspondence between the United States and Italy. The report finds eight of them to have been naturalized American citizens and that one of them had declared his intentions to become naturalized. A Mixed up Affair. San Diego, May 6. Early this morn ing the vessel Robert and Minnie was sighted laying off San Diego harbor in Mexican waters, seizing a party who went out last night and returned with out making an attempt to seize her, and now is awaiting orders from the attorney general at Washington. The Itata still lies in the stream ready for sailing. The Italians Are Not Pleased. New Yokk, May 6. Speaking of the result of the deliberations of the New Orleans grand jury, the II Progresso to day remarked : "It is an outrage that these men should escape for what they have done." Among the Italian resi dents the same sentiment is expressed. A Destructive Fire. Pitthbu kg , May 6. The Seventh street fire is still burning, but the flames are uuder control, and no further dam age is apprehended. Over half a million dollars worth of property has been des troyed. Fifty Thousand Men Out. Brussels, May 4. The miners and iron workers' strike in the Liege and Charlevoi districts is complete, and is spreading to the Broinage district, in the province of Hainout. Fifty thousand men are out of work in Central Belgium. There has been more rioting at Liege. Seven more people were injured. ADDITIONAL L00AL NEWS. From the way it is raining wherever Mr. Harrison goes, it would seem that all the good things comes with the rep ublican president. The fine rain of the last two days seems to have been quite general as well as abundant. From all points yet heard from comes the news that the ground is thoroughly soaked and the promise for good crops was never brighter. If we should have moderately cold weather when the grain comes to fill and mature, we can depend ou a fair crop without a drop of rain more. A Chronicle subscriber said to us to day : "The market reportsof the Chron iclee are worth four times the cost of the paper.". Another said: "Your market reports are the best of any county paper I ever saw in my life." The editor can say this without vanity as these re ports are carefully compiled, week by week by Mr. S. L. Brooks. The third regiment band boys are puzzled over the programme for the presidential reception at Portland which appeared in the Oregonian and Telegram of last Saturday. At the very head of the list was the third regiment band from The Dalles. Now the boys here had never been consulted about going to Portland and supposing that The Dalles board of trade had made arrangements to that effect several members of the board were consulted only to find that they too knew nothing of the matter. At last a telegram was sent to Portland wheu the boys were informed that their services were not needed as arrange ments had been made to procure bands from nearer points. What the boys are wondering'at is who placed their band at the head of the Portland programme. Colonel Sinnoit is the happiest man in town. The many friends of the colonel, who often cast a faint shadow of doubt on his salmon story, have been at last assured by no less a person than the private secretary of George Francis Train and over the signature of that dis tinguished functionary that the colonel never told .a lie in his life, or which amounts 'to the same thing,- that some body did actually walk across the Col umbia river on the backs of salmon. The following entry appears on the hotel register of yesterday's date: "George Francis Train, John N. Klench, private secretary. Salmon fishing July 1869, when I rode over the Columbia on their backs." This seems. to settle it, and yet it would perhaps have been still more satisfactory if the colonel had secured the co robo ration of a less vigorous prevari cator than George Francis.