A BRILLIANT KEI.IOION. BERMON DELIVERED BY DR. TAL MAGE ON SUNDAY, APRIL 19. Crystal Cannot Equal It" Job XXTlii, 7. the Kmlnent Dtvlii'a Text. Kellclou I Par Superior to the Crys tal In All iMMirable Qnalitlea. New YoiiK, pril 19. The eagerness to fcear Dr. Talnme's sermons at The Chris . Man Herald services on Snnday evenings Id thia city continues unabttted. ' As usual, there was this evening a dense mass of people waiting outside the Academy of Music long before the hour for commence ment, and every seat in the huge building was occupied in a few minutes' after the doors were opened. Dr. Talmage had preached to au immense audience in the morning in the Brooklyn Academy of Music. His text was, "The crystal can not equal it" (Job xxviii, 7). Many of the precious stones of the Bible have come to prompt recognition. But for the present I take up the less valuable crystal. Job, in my text, compares saving wisdom with a specimen of topaz. An in fidel chemist or mineralogist would pro nounce the latter worth more than the for mer, but Job makes an intelligent com parison, looks at religion and then looks at the crystal and pronounces the former as of superior value to the latter, exclaim ing, in the words of my text, "The crystal .cannot equal it." THR STAR OF THB MOUNTAIN. Mow, it is uot a part of my sermonic do sign to depreciate the crystal, whether it be found in Cornish mine or llartz moun tain or Mammoth Cave or tinkling among the pendants of the chandeliers of a palace. The crystal is the star of the mountain; it in the queen of the cave; it is the eardrop of the hills; it finds its heaven in the dia mond. Among all the pages of natural history there is no page more interesting to me than the page crystallographic But I want to show you that Job was right when, taking religion in one hand and the crystal in the other, he declared that the former is of far more value and beauty than the latter, recommending it to all the people and to all the ages, declaring, "The crystal cannot equal it." In the first place, I remark that religion a superior to the crystal in' exactness. That shapeless mass of crystal against which you accidentally dashed your foot is laid out with more exactness than any earthly city. There are six styles, of crys tallization, and all of them divinely or dained. Kvery crystal has mathematical precision. God's geometry reaches through it. and it is a square, or it is a rectangle, or it is a rhomboid, or in some way it hath a mathematical figure. Now, religion beats that in the simple fact that spiritual accu- 'racy is more beautiful than material accu racy. God's attributes are exact. God's law exact. God's decrees exact. God's management of the world exact never - counting wrong, though he counts -the grass blades, and the stars, and the sands, And the cycles. His providences never dealing with us perpendicularly when those providences ought to be oblique, nor lateral when they ought to be vertical. Everything in our life arranged without any possibility of mistake. Each life a six sided prism. Born at the right time; dying at the right time. There are no "hap pen so's" in our theology. If I thought this was a slipshod universe I would go crazy. God is not an anarchist. Law, order, sym metry, precision, a perfect square, a perfect rectangle, a perfect rhomboid, a perfect cir cle. The edge of God's robe of government never frays out. There are no loose screws in the world's machinery. It did not just happen that Napoleon was attacked with indigestion at Borodino so that he became incompetent for the day. It did not just happen that John Thomas, the missionary, on a heathen island, waiting for an outfit and orders for another missionary tour, received that outfit and those orders in a box that floated ashore, while the ship and the crew that carried the box were never heard of. The barking of F. W. Robert son's dog, Le tells us, led to a line of events which brought him from the army into the Christian ministry, where be served -God with world renowned usefulness. It , did not merely happen so. I believe in a particular providence. I believe God's geometry may lie seen' in all our life more beautifully than in crystallography. Job was right. "The crystal cannot equal it." THE TBAXSPAHKNCY OK KKLIGION. Again I remark that religion is superior to the crystal i u transparency. We know not when or by whom glass was first dis covered, beads of it have been found in the tomb of Alexander Severus. Vases of it are brought up from the ruins of Her culaneum. There were female adornments made out of it three thousand years ago those adornments found now attached to the mummies of .Egypt. A great many commentators believes that my text means ' glass. What would we do without the crystal f The crystal in the window to keep out the storm and let in he day; the crystal over the watch defending its deli cate machinery, yet allowing us to see the hour; the crystal of the telescope, by which the astronomer brings distant worlds so near he can inspect them. Oh, the tri umphs of the crystals in the celebrated ' windows of Rouen and Salisbury) But there is nothing so transparent in a crystal as in our holy religion. It is a transparent religion. You put it to your ye and you see man bis sin, his soul, his destiny. You look at God and you see something of the grandeur of bis character. It is a transparent religion. Infidels tell as it is opaque. Do you know why they tell ns it is opaque? It is bruise they are blind. The natural man receiveth not the things of God because they are spiritually . discerned. There is no trouble with the , crystal; the trouble' is with the eyes which try to look through it. We pray for wis dom, Lord, that our eyes inixht be opened. When the eye salve cures our blindness . then we find that religion is transparent. ; It is a transparent Bible. All the mount ains of the Bible come out Sinai, the mountain of the law; Pisgab, the mount ain of prospect; Olivet, the mountain of instruction; Calvary, the mountain of sac rifice. All the rivers of the Bible come out Hidekel, or the river of paradisaical beauty; Jordan, or the river of holy chrism; Cherith, or the river of prophetic supply; Nile, or the river of palaces, and the pure river of life from under the throne, clear as crystal. While reading this Bible after our eyes have been touched by grace we find it all transparent, and the earth rocks, now with crucifixion agony and now with ' judgment terror, and Christ appears in some of his two hundred and .fifty-six '. titles, as far as I can count them the bread, the rock, the captain, the comman tder, the conqueror, the star, and on ami beyond any capacity of mine to rehearse them- Transparent religion! ; PROVIDENCE IS PELLUCID. The providence that seemed dark, before 'becomes pellucid. Now you find God ii not trying to put you down. Now yon un derstand why you lost that child, and why yon lost your property; it was to prepare yon for eternal treasures. , And why sick ness came, it being the precursor of im mortal juvenesceuce. And now you un derstand why thev lied about you and tried to drive you hither and thither. It was to put you in the glorious company of such men ns Ignatius, who, when he went out to be destroyed by the lions, saM: "I am the wheat, and the teeth of the wild beasts must first grind me before I can become pure bread for Jesus Christ;" or the company of such men as Polycarp, who, when standing in tbemiil-st of the amphitheater waiting for the lions to come out of their cave and destroy him, and the people in the galleries jeering-and shouting,' "The lions for Polycarp," re plied, "Let them come on," and then stoop ing dowu toward the cave where the wild beasts were roaring to get out, "Let them come on." Ah, yes, it is persecution to put you in glorious company; and while there are many things that you will have to postpone to the future world for explana tion, I tell you that it is the whole tendency of your religion to unravel and explain and interpret and illumine and irradiate. Job was right. It is a glorious transpar ency. . "The crystal cannot equal it." I remark again that religion surpasses the crystal in its beauty. That lump of crystal is put under the magnifying glass of t he crystallographer, und he sees in it in describable beauty snowdrift and splint ers of hoar frost and corals and wreaths and stars and crowns and castellations of conspicuous beauty. The fact is that crystal is so beautiful that I can think of but one thing in all the universe that is so beautiful, and that is the religion of the Bible. No wonder this Bible represents that religion us the daybreak, as the apple blossoms, as the glitter of a king's ban quet. It is the joy of the whole earth. TOO MUCH TALK OF THE CBOS8. People talk too much about their cross and not enough about their crown. Do you know the Bible mentions a cross but twenty-seven, times, while it . mentions a crown eighty times? Ask that old man what he thinks of religion. He has been a close observer. He has been culturing an aesthetic taste. He has seen the sunrises of a half century. He has been an early riser. He has been au admirer of cameos and corals and all kinds of beautiful things. Ask him what he thinks of religion, and he will tell you, "It is the most beautiful thing I ever saw." "The crystal cannot equal it." Beautiful in its symmetry. When 'it presents God's character it does not pre sent him as having love like a great pro tuberance on one side of his nature, but makes that love in harmony with his justice a love that will accept all those who come to him, and a justice that will by no means clear the guilty. " Beauti ful religion in the sentiment it implants! Beautiful religion in the hope it kindles! Beautiful religion in the fact that it pro poses to garland and enthrone and empar adise an immortal spirit. Solomon says it is a lily. Paul says it is a crown. The Apocalypse says it is a fountain kissed of the sun. Ezekiel says it is a foliaged cedar. Christ says it is a bridegroom come to fetch home a bride. While Job in the text takes up a whole vase of precious stones the topaz, and the sapphire, and the chryso prasus -and he takes out of this beautiful vase just one crystal, and holds it up until it gleams in the warm light of the eastern sky, and he exclaims, "The crystal cannot equal it." . Oh, it is not a stale religion, it is not. a stupid religion, it is not a toothless hag, as some seetn to have represented it; it is not a Meg Merriles with shriveled arm come to scare the world. It is. the fairest daughter of God, heiress of all his wealth. Her cheek the morning sky; her voice the music of the south wind; her step the dance of the sea. Come and woo her. The Spirit and the bride say come, and whoso ever will, let him come. Do you agree with Solomon and say it is a lily? Then pluck it and wear it over your heart. Do you agree with Paul and say it is a crowu? Then let this hour be your coronation. Do you agree with the Apocalypse and say it is a springing fountain? Then come and slake the thirst of your soul. Do you believe with Ezekiel and say it is a foli aged cedar? Then come under its shadow. Do you believe with Christ and say it is a bridegroom come to fetch home a bride? Then strike hands with your Lord , the King while I pronounce you everlastingly one. Or if you think with Job that it is a jewel, then put it on your hand like a ring, on your neck Uke a bead, on your forehead like h star, while looking into the mirror of God's Word you acknowledge "the crystal cannot equal it." THE TRANSFORMATIONS OF RELIGION. Again, religion is superior to the crystal in its transformations. The diamond is only a crystallization of coal. , Carbonate of lime rises till it becomes calcite or ar agonite. Red oxide of copper crystallizes into cules and octohedrons. Those crys tals which adorn our persons and our homes and our museums have only been resurrected from forms that were far from lustrous. Scientists for ages have been ex amining these wonderful transformations. But I tell you in the gospel of the Son of God there is a more wonderful transforma tion. Over souls by reason of siu black as coal aud hard as iron God by his comfort ing grace stoops and says, "They shall be mine in the day when I make up my jewels." "What," say you, "will God wear jewel ry?" If he wanted it he could make the stars of heaven his belt and have the even ing cloud for.the sandals of his feet, but he does not. want that adornment. . He will not have that jewelry. When God wants jewelry he comes down and digs it out. of the depths and darkness of sin. These souls are all crystallizations of mercy. He puts them on, and he wears them in the presence of the whole universe. He wears them on the hand that was nailed, over the heart that was pierced, on the temples that were stung. "They shall be mine,''! saith the- Lord, "in the day when I make up my jewels." Wonderful' trans formation! "The crystal cannot equal it. " There she is, a waif of the street, but she shall be a sister of charity. There he is.'a sot in the ditch, but he shall preach the gospel. There, behind the bars of a prison, but he shall reign with Christ forever. Where sin abounded grace shall mnch more abound. The carbon becomes the solitaire. "The crystal cannot equal it." DO NOT GO INTO PARTICULARS. Now, I have no liking for those people who are always enlarging in Christian meetings about their early dissipation. Do not go into the particulars, my brothers. Simply say you were sick, but make no displajtof your ulcers. The chief stock in trade of some ministers and Christian workers seems to be their early crimes and dissipations. The number bf pockets you picked and the number of chickens you stole make very poor prayer meeting rhet oric. Besides that, it discourages other Christian people who never got drunk or stole anything. But it is pleasant to know that those who were farthest down have been brought highest up. Out of infernal serfdom into eternal liberty. Out of-dark ness into light. From coal to the solitaire. "The crystal cannot aqnal it.' But, my friends,' the chief transforming power of the gospel will not be seen in this world, and not until heaven breaks upon the soul. When that light falls upon the soul then you will see the crystals. Oh, what a magnificent setting for these jewels of eternity! I sometimes hear Deonle ren- I resenting heaven in a way that is far from attractive to me. It seems almost a vulgar heaven as they represent it, with great blotches of color and bands of music mak ing a deafening racket. John represents heaven as exquisitely beautiful. Three crystals. -. In one place be says, "Her light was like a precious stone, clear as crystal." In another place- he says, "I saw a pure river from nnder the throne, clear as crys tal." In another place he says, "Before the throne there was a sea of glass clear as crystal." Three crystals! John says crys tal atmosphere. That means health. Balm of eternal June. What weather after the world's east wind! No rock of storm clouds. One breath of that air will cure the worst tubercle. Crystal light on all the leaves. Crystal light shimmering on the topaz of vthe temples. Crystal light tossing in the plumes of the equestrians of heaven on white horses. But "the crys tal cannot equal it." John says crystal river. That means joy. Deep and ever roll ing. Not one drop of the Thames or the Hudson or the Rhine to soil it Not one tear of human sorrow to im bitter it. Crys tal, the rain out of which it was made. Crystal, the bed over which it shall roll and ripple. Crystal, its infinite surface: But "the crystal cannot equal it." John says crystal sea. That means multitu dinously vast. Vast in rapture. Rapture vast as the sea, deep as the sea, strong as the sea, ever changing as the sea. Billows of light. Billows of beauty, blue with skies that were never clouded and green with depths that were never fathomed. Arctics and Antarctica and Mediterraneans and Atlantics and Pacifies in crystalline magnificence. Three crystals crystal light falling on a crystal river; crystal river roll ing into a crystal sea. But "the crystal cannot equal it." HEAVEN WE MUST HAVE. "Oh," says some one, putting his hand over his eyes, "can it be that I who have been in so much Bin and trouble will ever come to those crystals?" Yes, it may be lt will be. ' Heaven we must have, what ever else we have or have not, and we come here to get it. "How much must I pay for it" you say. You will pay for it just as much as the coal pays to become the dia mond. In other words, nothing. The same Almighty power that makes the crystals in the mountains will change your heart which is harder than stone, for the promise is, "I will take away your stony heart and I will give you a heart bf flesh." "Oh," says some one, "it is just the doc trine I want. God is to do everything, and I am to do nothing." My brother, it is not the doctrine yon want. The coal makes no resistance. It hears the resurrection voice in the mountain, and it comes to crystallization, but your heart resists. The trouble with you, my brother, is the coal wants to stay coal. I do not- ask you to throw open the door and let Christ in. 1 only ask that yon stop bolting it and bar ring it. Oh, my friends, we will have to get rid of our sins. I will have to get rid of my sins, and you will have to get rid of your sins. What will we do with our sins among the three crystals? The crystal at mosphere would display our pollution. The crystal river would be befouled with our touch. The crystal sea would whelm as with its glistening surge. Transforma tion now or no transformation at all. Give sin full chance in your heart and the transformation will be downward in stead of "upward. Instead of a crystal it will be a cinder. In the days of Carthage a Christian girl was condemned to die for her faith, and a boat was bedaubed with tar and pitch and filled with combustibles and set on fire, and the Christian girl was placed in the boat, and the wind was off shore and the boat floated away with its precious treasure. No one can doubt that boat landed at the shore of Heaven. Sin wants to put yon in a fiery boat and shove yon off in an opposite direction off from peace, off from God, off from heaven, everlastingly off; and the port toward which you would sail would be a port of darkness, and the guns that would greet you would be the guns of despair, and the flags that would wave at your arrival would be the black flags of death. O, my brother, you must either kill sin or sin will kill you. It is no wild exaggeration when I say that any man or woman that wants to be saved may be saved. Tremendous choice! A thousand people are choosing this moment between solvation and de struction, between light and darkness, be tween heaven and bell, between charred ruin and glorious crystallization. A Fetish Man. The fetish man nnder any name is the authority on all matters connected with relations of man to the unseen. He is the exorciser of spirits, the maker of charms, and the prescriber and regulator of all cer emonial rites. He can discover who "ate the heart" of the chief who died but yes terday, who it was who caused the canoe to upset and give three lives to the croco dile and the dark waters of the Congo, or even who blighted the palm trees of a vil lage and dried up their sap, causing the supply of malafu, or palm wine, to cease, or drove away the rain from a district and withered its fields of nguba (ground nuts). All this is within the ken of the Nganga Nkisi, and he is appealed to on all these occasions to discover the culprit by his in sight into the spirit world, and hand him or her over to the just chastisement of au outraged community. This is the only substitute for religion that the African savage possesses. Its tenets are vague and unformulated, for- with every tribe and every district, belief varies and rites and ceremonies are as diverse as the fancies of the fetish men who prescribe them. K. J. Glave in Century. Punctuality. When eight Quaker ladies had an ap pointment, and seven were punctual, and 'the eighth, being three minutes too late, began apologizing for keeping the others waiting, the reply from one of them was: "I amsorry, friend, that thee should have wasted thine own three minutes; but thee had no right to waste twenty-one more of our time, which was not thine own." . Of Washington it is said that when his secretary, on some important occasion, was late, and excused himself by saying his watch was too slow, the reply was: "You will have to get another watch or I another secretary." Napoleon used to say to his marshals: ' "You may ask anything of me but time." New York Ledger.. Tea, Ha Bought It. Tom What a pretty rose! Where did yon get it? Jack (boastfully) A lady gave it to me. Tom f cruelly) A saleslady? Pack, SJDPES & KTOSLY, WMesale anl Retail-Dinaistr -DEALERS IN- Fine Imported, Key West and Domestic 'CIGABS. PAINT Now is the time to paint your house and if you wish to get the lett quality and a fine color use the . Sherwin, Williams Cos Paint. For those wishing to see the quality and color of the above paint we call their attention to the residence of S. L. Brooks, Judge Bennett, Smith French and others painted by Paul Kreft. Snipes & KJnersly are agents for the above paint for The Dalles, Or. Don't Forget the T EJID SRLOOIL MacDonalJ Bros., Props. THE BEST OF Wines, Liquors and Cigars ALWAYS ON HAND. (J. E. BiYAI(D (JO., Heal Estate, , Insurance, ' and Loan AGENCY. Opera House Bloek,3d St. Chas. Stubling, rKOPBlBTOB OF THB (iERTWll.'i New Vogt Block, Second St - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL-: Liquor v Dealer, MILWAUKEE BEER ON DRAUGHT. Health is Wealth ! 3 SRAIN Da. E. C. Wkbt r Nekvk and Brain Treat ment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzi ness. Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental De pression, Hoftening of the Brain, resulting in in sanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary Losses and Spermat orrhea caused by over exertion of the brain, self abuse or over indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six boxes for $o.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX KOXE8 To cure any case. With each order received by ns for six boxes, accompanied by $3.00, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by BLAKELET ft HOUGHTON, Prescription Druggist. 175 Second St. The Dalles, Or. YOU NEED BUT ASK THB 8. B. He adachb and Liver Cure taken according to directions will keep your Blood, Liver ana Kidneys in good order. Thb 8. B. Cough Curb for Colds, Coughs and Croup, in connection with the Headache Cure, is as near perfect as anvthing known. Tbb 8. B. Alpha Pain Curb for internal and external ubc, in Neuralgia, Toothache, Cramp Colic and Cholera Morbus, is unsurpassed. They are well liked wherever known. Manufactured it Dufur, Oregon. For sale by all druggists EDS Tne Dalies tte - is here and has come to stay. It hopes to win its way to public favor by ener gyindustry and merit; and to this end we ask that you give it a fair trial, and ' if satisfied with its course a generous support. The Daily four pages of six columns each, will be issued every evening, except Sunday, and will be delivered in the city, or sent by mail for the moderate sum of fifty cents a month. Its Objects will be to advertise the resources of the city, and adjacent country - to assist in developing our industries, in extending and opening up new channels for our trade, in securing an open river, and in helping THE DALLES to take her prop er position as the Leading City of Eastern Oregon. v The paper, both daily and weekly, will be independent in politics, and in its criticism of political matters, as in its handling of local affairs, it will be JUST. FAIR AND IMPARTIAL We will endeavor to give all the lo cal news, and we ask that your criticism of our object and course, be formed from the contents of the paper, and not from rash assertions of outside parties. THE WEEKLY, sent to any address for $1.50 per year. It will contain from four to six eight column pages, and we shall endeavor to make it the equal of the best. Ask your Postmaster for a copy, or address. THE CHRONICLE PUB. GO. Office, N. W. Cor. Washington and Second Sts. THE DALLES. The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, prosperous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agri cultural an "i grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over twe hundred miles. THE LARGEST WOOL MARKET. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope, of the the Cascades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the -wool from -which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of $1,500,000 which can and will be more than doubled in the near future. The products of the beautiful Klickital valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the warehouses, places to overflowing with ITS WEALTH It is the richest citv of its size on the coast, and its money is scattered over and more farming country than city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed! Its climate delight ful! Its possibilities incalculable! Its resources un limited! And on these corner stones she stands. cmonicle and all available storage their products. is being used to develop, is tributary to any other ' .