FLOWERS BRING MONEY. HERE IS AN INDUSTRY WORTH WHILE FOR WOMEN TO PURSUE. Jk. Tonne Washington Womu Telia About Her Sneeea In Cultivating Rosea and Violets They Require Little Labor ajftd Rrlna Iare;e Returns. "Flower culture in a small way can be made) to pay even by an amateur who chooses to pursue it in a pai2istaking and intelligent way," said a young woman. ""Five years ago I bought a little farm near Auacostiu, called it 'Rosa Acres,' and started in merely for amusement's sake with a few rose bushes and some other plants. I love flowers dearly, and the labor I expended upon them was well repaid bv the pleasure of it, but after a while I found that it would produce money also. So I planted more and more, until at present I have between three and four thonsand rose bushes of ' the choicest varieties. A skilled gar dener told me the other day that my col lection of hybrid perpetuals is probably the finest in this country. On the d.iy before Decoration Day I picked and sold 6,000 roses from my own place. I am extravagantly fond of roses, hut violets are more profitable. On the day before Christmas I picked and sold 3,200 violets lit two cents apiece; that is $64 worth. They were worth the high est price then, but they never bring less than one cent apiece. To raise them is quite easy. I have 830 glass sashes un der which the violets bloom all winter lan?. In Mav I have a lot of fresh ground plowed and prepared, and in it I plant all my violets, taken from beneath the sashes for the purpose. Then I sim ply take up the sashes and cover the newly planted violets with them and the work is done. In October they be gin to bloom, and continue all through the winter, so that 1 can pick them every day and send the flpwers to market. ALWAYS A MARK FT. All of my violet plants come from one little pot that I bought at the Center market five years ago. They are made to multiply by dividing the roots, so that a single plant taken up in the spring "will supply a score or more. I sell my flowers by sending them to the florists in Washington or very often in New York. Prices are higher in New York, bo that it usually pays to express WTCIU 1111. "There is always a market for flowers and there is never any difficulty in dis posing of them. Any florist is glad to buy them if they are good ones and in prime condition. Those which I snd to New York are delivered early the next morning. I expressed some thith er originally on speculation and I got immediate replies praising their quality and asking for more. The violets must "'"be picked always in the afternoon, be cause otherwise they lose their perfume. Then they must be brought into town in the evening for shipment. . "My greatest success is with sweet pease, which most people do not get along very well with in this latitude. I get the very finest possible seed to begin with. From June to August I pick ' very nearly 4,000 sweet pea blossoms daily, and they sell for fifty cents a hun 'dred, so that they are really the most profitable of my flowers. They require hat little care. I plant the seeds in the spring in open ground, about four inches deep, and as the plants grow the earth is kept hilled up around them. Then pouts are stuck in along the rows with strings arranged so tbt the vines are trained upon them. I had one-sixteenth of an acre set out with sweet pease, and it brought in a clear $300 from the sale of the blooms. GROWING DAHLIAS. "Another flower I am very successful with is the single dahlia, which is very much handsomer than the double dahlia, you know. I plant the bulbs, which I propagate myself, the last of May, and the plants begin to flower about the last of August, keeping on until frost. I manage to keep them go ing for some time later than would otherwise be possible by lighting firee on cold nights at the ends of the rows. In this way I get them over the first frosty spell, after which there is nsually a season of quite warm weather, so that frequently my dahlias are blooming beautifully up to the end of November. I try to make the flowers I grow alter nate, so that when one sort stops bloom ing another begins. My violets are flowering from the last of September to ' the end of April; then come the roses through the summer, and the sweet pease, with dahlias in the fall and violets again nntil spring. You can perceive that my way of growing flowers does not make necessary any large investment in green houses or otherwise. Of course there are some expenses. I have two men to help me, though one of them I should have to keep anyway for other purposes. There is a great deal in the proper pack ing of flowers for market. ' "For example, violets must be placed in bunches in pasteboard boxes, with waxed paper folded loosely around them. They must not be touched with water," because to do so will take away their sweetness. I consider my own flower growing enterprise as only begun thus far; some day I hope to become a' mill ionaire by selling violets and sweet pease. At all events there is money in the busi ness, properly pursued, and more women ought to go into it." Washington Star. Can This Be Sof "Nothing wearies a railroad traveler more than a straight track," says an old - railroad man. "Any road with fifty miles of straight track would be shunned for one with three or four curves in that distance. I know legions of people vhc pat themselves out to go by roads which wind and curve and give a new bit ol scenery every few minutes." Detroil Jfree I'ress. It is a fact not generally known that Missouri furnisher better cavalry horse than any other state in the Union. The .Missouri horse is sturdy and short back ed, and is now much in demand by ear Airy officers. A TAWNY. HEAD FROM EGYPT. VTKh tufts of hair warm bronze, within a ease It rests, this marvel from the antique land Of pyramid and sphinx, of palm and sand. An iUoBtration of the dominant race That swayed the world for centuries, and that planned Archives of art and caxaoomba, to stand Qainst all time's efforts laboring to efface. These sightless sockets once with love light gleamed; This brow commandment over men has beamed. And with tte intellect may have given tone To governments, and even touched our owe! While lips that may have greeted wife and young Are now with brain that thought, with voice that sung. Edward 8. Creamer in New York Son. An Estimate of Carlyle. "I never knew Carlyle," says the au thor of "Glances of Great and Little Men," "except by sight. To tell the truth, I did not greatly covet his ac quaintance in those last days of his, when alone I could have known him. I was even not without a certain dread of this roaring apostle' of taciturnity. Once, however, finding myself sitting opposite to him in a Chelsea omnibus, I ventured to address him. I tried the weather the recognized conversational aperient but in this case it ailed of its usual effect. He gav.e no answer, but sat there, leaning on his staff in brood ing silence and with introspective eyes, nntil he reached his destination. When he had got out, I, affecting not to know him, asked the conductor who he was. The latter had touched his hat to him. " Oh, yessir, I know him well enough. T3 orfen rides in my 'bus. 'E's wot you call a littery gent writes books wot no body can understand.' "The conductor paused, as if mentally summing up from his superior ' stand point the footboard poor Carlyle's characteristics, and then added, with a touch, half of pity, half of contempt in the voice: " ' 'Es a bit off his chump, like many of those gents; bnt he ain't a bad sort if you take him the right way. " Actors Who Paint. ' Speaking of people who paint, Edward W. Kemble, the artist, said: "I know many actors who are artists with the brush and pencil, and very fair artists at that. Joseph Jefferson goes in for water colors. Dixey draws queer caricatures, and I saw onejf his eccentric drawings on a Parker house (Boston) bill of fare only the other day. Louis Harrison, the comedian, is a rapid draughtsman. Tim Murphy used to be a house painter in Washington, so he comes rightly by his taste for pen and pencil. His dressing room wherever he may be is covered with daubs, roughly but effectively done in grease, paint and crayon. Lotta, Minnie Mad J em, Madeline Lncette and Alice King Hamilton draw very neatly. E. H. Sothern has made sketches which Dan Frohman considers worthy of hang ing framed in the lobby of the Lyceum theatre. George Fawcett Rowe used to go in for oils. Alexander Salvini, son of his father, has presented a very neat water color to Marie Burroughs. New York Herald. Work in Lecturing. A popular lecturer who. has appeared before big audiences on hundred j of platforms during the past ten or twelve years, says that lecturing is the hardest way of earning a living. The lecturer is all the time exhausted with travel from place to place by railroad or steamboat, or stage coach or other conveyance. He cannot get solid sleep any time. He finds himself in uncomfortable quarters in all sorts of hotels. He cannot get to bed till nearly midnight after any lect ure. He is bothered with committees and agents. He often finds that both the audience and the receipts are light. The lecturer here quoted says that he is worn out down to the bones after a few weeks of lecturing, and that he never had :is exhausting work when he was a deck hand aboard ship as he has had during the years in which he has been on the lecture" platform. His nervous system has been shattered by it. New York Sun. Resistance of the Air to a Locomotive. - Experiments on the French railways show that the resistance of the atmos phere to the motion of highspeed trains amounts often to half the total resistance. Two engines, of which the resistance was measured separately and found to be 19.8 pounds per ton at thirty-seven miles per hour, were coupled together and again tried. The resistance fell to 14.3 pounds per ton. The second engine was masked by the first. It may be ar gued from this that . by a suitable adap tation of the front of a locomotive, elec trical or otherwise, a saving of from 8 to 10 per cent, of the effective power could be made. Electrical Review. Furrows on toe Finger Nail. Nearly twenty years ago Dr. Wilis di rected attention to the curious fact that a transverse furrow always appears on the nails after a serious illness. Medical men ignored what they called the vision ary opinions of Mr. Wilks, giving the matter but little attention in their med ical works. Recently a new interest in the subject has been revived and patho logical societies have begun an investi gation. One remarkable case shows nail furrows caused by three day's seasick ness. Herald of Health. If the foot of a fly is put under the glass of a good microscope it may be seen how simple is the contrivance that seems able to defy the laws of gravita tion. The foot is made up of two pads, covered with fine short hairs, with a pair of curved hooks above them. Be hind "each pad is a tiny bag filled with clear, liquid gum, the hairs also being hollow and filled with the same sticky fluid. . - " . In applying stimulants to the head a fair amount should first be used, and then the quantity increased gradually" bnt never carried to such an extent that they are used indiscriminately and re gardless of consequences. The accnmnlatkm of electricity gen erated by the friction of belts in an en gine room is often a matter of consider able annoyance. A little steam escaping tinder the belts is suggested, as a remedy. WOMAN'S REAL PLACE A CONTRAST, BETWEEN THE SHOP GIRL AND THE SERVANT. Tno Former Tries to Keep Body and Soul Together with Scarcely More Money Than the Latter Geta as Pocket Money. The Cause of the Kvil. The kitchen and nursery versus the factory and store question has long en gaged the attention of women who are devoting their lives to the improvement of the material condition of their sisters. In other words, those philanthropic per sons are wondering " whether, after all, the working woman has done a wise thing by leaving the sphere which was peculiarly her own, with different sur roundings, since the days of Adam, and invading the occupations which are, by their nature, adapted to men. Some opinions on this subject have re cently been given. They came from wo men who thoroughly understand the ex isting conditions of life, and their ex pressions were echoes which are heard everywhere nowadays. The best friends, male and female, of the working women are asking the same question Why do women put themselves under circum stances where they may be led to starva tion or shame when they can readily avoid both by remaining within their natural sphere? The answer given by a leader of the working women is the only one that cov ers the question in many cases. It is the "lady craze. The "saleslady" and the "factory lady" have an ambition to eclipse the wives and daughters of their employers in the matter of dress, and they see nothing absurd in carrying out their purpose. And the community seems to agree with them. : WAGES IN TWO LINES OF WORK. Careful observers say that in this mat ter the girls act just the same as . the young men of the day who crowd one an other for clerkships, etc., whose pay is $4 or $5 a week, rather than learn a trade in which they can earn three or four times that much. The puny little clerk and the pale, unhealthy "saleslady" think they are gentlemen and ladies and would be horrified if any one offered to intro duce them to the rosy, healthy servant girl who has an account at the bank, or to the robust mechanic who can produce a larger roll of bills on Saturday evening. The "lady" who sells handkerchiefs and toilet boxes during the day for an income of fifty cents is the other half 'of the "gentleman" who sells cuffs and col lars for sixty or seventy cents a day. They are the natural product of the new American lady and gentleman craze, and they never realize just what it means un less they get married. Then the "gentle man" clerk wishes he had mated with a girl in domestic service who knew how to cook and who had a little money laid by; and the "lady" regrets that she did not devote her smiles to a mechanic who could support her. The police courts and the divorce courts give the culminations of these stories every day in the year. Bnt the purpose of this article is to give further particulars that enter into the contrast between the women in do mestic service and those who have flooded men's occupations. . According to the most accurate statistics obtainable, the wages of servants in this city average, at the lowest estimate, $15 a month, besides board, lodging and in many cases all the clothing needed. Perhaps $3.50 a week might be fixed as the average money com pensation of all the women in domestic service. Now, according to the statement of Miss Ida Van Etten, Mrs. Creagh and Miss Foster, the average wages of work ing women in stores and factories is, at the highest estimate, $4 a week. A COMPARISON. That is a half dollar difference in wages, and that half dollar represents, in a comparison, the board, lodging, etc., of the servants. Of course, no woman can live on fifty cents a week. It takes her whole $4 to pay for board and lodg ings if she gives anything like proper nourishment to her body. So it amounts to just this: At the end of a week the servant has $3.50 ty lay by, while the "saleslady" has not a penny. As to lodging, the average servant has her own little room, nicely furnished and heated in winter. The "saleslady," if she boards, has a cold room at the top of the honse, shared by three or focr other "unfortunates. The latter works on an average of ten hours a day, while in the holiday season she works as much as sixteen hours, and never does a penny of extra pay reach her pocket. The servant has no longer hours, and she can rest during a great part of them, and. besides, has her tw.oor three "even ings off" during the week. Her work, on the whole, is much lighter, and she does not know what fines are. If she falls ill, in a good family, she receives the same cordial attention that her mis tress would, and is surrounded by kind attentions. And her wages go on all the time. Bnt how about the 'saleslady" np in the top of the boarding noose if she should get sick? Well, . unless she is absolutely at the point of death she is packed off to a hospital when the time for which she has paid her board has expired. But even if she is allowed to remain there till she gets well, she re sumes her work with her trunk under bondage to the landlady, and with a, to her, heavy debt staring her in the face. Is it any wonder that many a naturally good girl seeks escape from such troubles in the concert halls? And is it any wonder that .the comfort able servant girl generally .ends her career of working for others by marry ing an honest man and settling down in a comfortable home. New York Com mercial Advertiser. . " Valuable Aawilsra . Mrs. Bilger (reading) The body of a petrified man found near Fresno, OaL, has been sold for $10,000. , Mr. Bilger Ten thousand doBarn By the way, my dear, your family used to live in California. Are any of them buried there? New Yrk Weekly. SHiPES & K1IIERSLY, WMesale aii Retail Brnffists. -DEALERS 1JI- Fine Imported, Key West and Domestic PAINT Now is the time to paint your honse and if you wish to get the best quality and a fine color use the Sherwin, Williams Co.'s Paint. For those wishing to see the quality and color of the above paint we call their attention to the residence of S. L. Brooks, Judge Bennett, Smith French and others painted by Paul Kreft. Snipes & Kinersly are agents for the above paint for The Dalles, Or. v Don't Forget the EflST END SMIL MacDonaW Bros., Props. THE BEST OF Wines, Liquors and Cigars ALWAYS ON HAND. C E. BiYAlD CO., Real Estate, . Insurance, and Itoan AGENCY. Opera House Block, 3d St. Chas. Stubling, PROPRIETOR OF THK New Vogt Block, Second St WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Liquor v Dealer, MILWAUKEE BEER ON DRAUGHT. Health is Wealth! Da. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treat ment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzi ness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental De pression, Softening of the Brain, resulting in in sanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, .Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermat orrhoea caused by over exertion of the brain, self abuse or over indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. "WK GIIARAJJTEK SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by ns for Bix boxes, accompanied by $5.00, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by BLAKBLET Jt HOUGHTON, Prescription Druggists, 175 Second St. The Dalle, Or. YOU NJflED BUT ASK Taw 8. B. Headache and Livkr Curk taken according to directions will keep your Blood, Liver and Kidneys in good order. The 8. B. Cooqh Cobb for Colds, Coughs and Croup, in connection with the Headache Cure, is as near perfect as anything known. The 8. B. Alpha Pain Cuke for inteawl and external use, in Neuralgia Toothache, Cramp Colic and Cholera Morbus, is unsurpassed. They are well liked wherever known. Manufactured at Dufoi, Oregon, for sale by all druggists He Dalles is here and has come to stay. It hopes to win its way to public favor by ener gy, industry and merit; and to this end we ask that you give it a-fair trial, and if satisfied with its course a generous support. The Daily four pages of six columns each, will be issued every evening, except Sunday, and will be delivered in the city, or sent by mail for the moderate sum of fifty cents a month. Its Objects. will be to advertise city, and adjacent country, to assist in developing our industries, in extending and opening up new channels for our trade, in securing an open river, and in helping THE DALLES to take her prop er position as the Leading City of Eastern Oregon. The paper, both daily and weekly, will be independent in politics, and in its criticism of political matters, as in its handling of local affairs, it will be JUST, FAIR AND IMPARTIAL We will endeavor to give all the lo cal news, and we ask that your criticism of our object and course, be formed from the contents of the paper, and not from rash assertions of outside parties. . THE WEEKLY, sent to any address for $1.50 per year. It will contain from four to six eight column pages, and we shall endeavor to make it the equal of the best. Ask your Postmaster for a copy, or address. THE CHRONICLE PUB. GO. Office, N. W. Cor. Washington and Second Sts. rriTTTn t- The Grate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, prosperous city. . ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agri cultural an ".. grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Summer Lake, a distance ' of over fwc hundred miles. THE LARGEST WOOL MARKET. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of the the Cascades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the -wool from -which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original -wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds toeing shipped last year. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of $1,500,000 which can and -will be more than doubled in the near future. The products of the beautiful Klickital valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the -warehouses, and all available storage places to overflo-wing -with their products. ITS WEALTH It is the richest city of its size on the coast, and its money is scattered over and is being used to develop, more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed! Its climate delight ful! Its possibilities incalculable! Its resources un limited! And on these corner stones she stands. Chronicle the resources of the a t t xnci