1 ' 1 K-. .' f...v T"7- The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY. - - - - APRIL 27, 1 891 METEOROLOGICAL EEPOET. PiWfrte L Rela D.tr State of Coast Time. Hum A:m1 .... :.Ofi 30.13 81 4K sflf TJ(T-Cloudy . irtc - Maximum temperature, 63; minimum tem perature, 44. Total precipitation from Julv up to date, 6.59; average jtreoipltation from 'July to date, 12.13; arerage dctflcieucy from July 1st to date,5.46. WKATHKK PICOKABILITIBS. The Dalles, April 28, 1891. Weather forecast till 12 m., Wednesday; light rain. Slightly cooler .,. . , f RAIN . The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. LOCAL BKKVITIKS. Honf W. W. Steiver, of "FossUj is in the city. ' I- j j . '- "' Mr. Jas. M. Smitb, of Seattle, Wash., is in the city visiting friends and attend ing to business. . . ..;,'.' The high winds of today are blustery enough jto change real estate in a lively manner. ' ' ' ' ,.if ' Mr. ani Mrs. Clark of La Grande made a flying visit to this city, and were 'the guests of Mrs. J.L. Story. ' D. M. McLauchlan, master mechanic "of the Albina shops, came tip from that ,'ciy last, night and is in the city. .. The contractors of the Laughlin street sewer are laying down ' the eight inch terra cotta at a brisk rate, and are doing a good job of it: i f , .(. , Said Mrs. Mary Lease, of Kansas i "The alliance plow is strong enough to turn a furrow' arid liide-both ,pf the old parties' from 'the light 'I' day."., V ' . ' . E."E. Griffin, the 'mah' spoken of. "yes-' terday as partially insane, was taken east to Ellis, Kansas, by his brother this morning, instead of Iowa,, gas 'our types inade us Bay. . -The farmers on Ochoco are about through their spring seeding. The fall I grain on the ranches iooks . healthy, and ' shows no indications of having been in- jared by cold weather. Ochoco Review. f 'i - i The attendance ; at i thft Academy is first-rate for the last term, ano,'the stu: dents are doing good work under Prof.' Ingalls and his corps of . teachers. This institution will graduate three young "ladies at the commencement, No appointment has beeii ruade yet to ' fill the vacancy caused by the resigna tion of Judge J. H. Bird, district judge; ' 'of this district. The general opinion is that an outside person will., wear the honors. ' i .'' . ( -' Brigadier General A. W. Greely, chf U. S. signal officer at Washington, D. C, will be in Portland ' the' last of the week on official business. He will visit the Sound before, returning east. : Reports come in from the country that within the past week more or less rain has fallen -and. that all kinds of vegita tion and grain are growing finely and ! that the outlook was never more encouag ing for a very large yield of farm pro ducts., ' :' i... , .., The. .reporter noticed today several wagons loading' and-unloading at the Wasco warehouse. ' Mr. Schmidt in formed him that he purchased ' one round lot of 3000 buBhels of wheat pay ing TZ. cents, per fbashel, and that it is being delivered at thewarehouse daily. Our police judge, complains bitterly because his institution is verging bank'' . ruptcy, simply' for' the reason the in come incident to his profession is grad ually being shut off and no visible out , look for an improvement. "Alas poor ' Yorick.'V.r F. H. Lamb, assistant superintendent of the Western Union Telegraph Co., arrived in the. city on the 12 o'clock train from San Francisco, and will go np the road on the 1 o'clock passenger. Mr. , Lamb comes to The Dalles in the interest oi me company. f f .:, H. B. Jteed, late of the Pacific Fence . works of this city, has changed his oc- , cupation to that of a hotel man at Jack ..c - . spnville, Southern 'Oregon, having il launched into' that enterprise.' He. is., a f jihrewd business' man and will evidently make a success of: it ' '" . . We are pained to lejtrn that Mrs. James '' Force, one' of the . few ( surviving 3842 pioneers,' is lying very low at her . , daughters,' Mrs D. W. Edwards, in this city, with no hopes of her recovery. i Should she be spared until this autumn ' she. will have lived irk Oregon 49 years; it. long enough to see Oregon grow ,from its ; . ... infancy to manhood. ' v v ,'CH!. Mattobn, o. Independence, Or., . -r is preparing a history of the Baptist de nomination in pjregon', Washington and Idaho, which he intends to' have printed. - It will give the doings of the Baptists . from the time the first minister "of that. . . denomination' first "came the plains - across,', in about. 1844. The book wilj iTwide;4 its scopte'and will.Je valuable tV"1?40.- ' '-' .'"l-v," lH ' To-exGtfwerflor Moody, ' whose"" home c-iyr'j sln Salem, "buthoae business interests ' ''"pr&UTlsditrtinotioTadt being tbe-largest iff original dealer1, of VffOol in Arnica-, .net x .CT'vIoody jjjver 3,000,000 pounds of "V ac t&eebvf fcTbe srne;yer something , overid .'. '..S.OOOJXX) poundroff wool were handlecrff a. it' . at xne JJanes? nxamng n- ine largeBi wool-irr ow era V.aeli very point in tne Utntedltate Salem Statesman W. C.T. U. COLUMN. For God and Home and Native Land. EDITED BY THE DALLES W. C. T. UNION. ONWARD AND S1NWAK1). Others shall sine the song, Others shall right the wionf, .Fiiiish whatl begin. And &1T I faMk WJLV, ,. What matter I or they! ' ,. io,the riKhVwtord is Naid. And f ta sveeter made?- ' Hail to the comine shifters ! Hail to the brave light-briiiKers! ., Forward I reach and fhare I r All that they ding and dare.V) I feel the earth move sunward. I join the great march onward. And take by faith, while -living,,. My freehold of thanksgiving. j: o.f J ' J1.-1, WhiUier.. Temperance Work Among Foreignera7 The countries from .which many immi grants come are far i behind the United States in temperance sentiment. The majority of those who come, here have been brought up' to "believe, that the drinking of beer especially is healthful. This habit and belief makes it hard, to convince them that total abstinence is Wst.V Politicians ' ponder "and'' toad v to their supposed wishes for -the., sake of their votes. . They''' are a law-abiding people, .or were until spoiled by our poli ticians, until .today the foreign vote threatens our free insjiitntions.: a- c- Total abstinence is gaining ground in the European' countries. from ' which most of them come:-. They. .never fall from grace. Once 'converted they'" are converted to' stay: ' -'When., foreigners' are converted to total abstinence .they show more temperance 4 backbone than the average American does. Look at Scandinavian " - and - German' ' 'prtthibi-: tioni8tsj.: They ;want no half-way meas ures and they'ever . fall. from grace.': Ulyssis S. ferant, the great. soldier''6f the late civil " war, noted for, his energy and; push was born on the 27th day of ApriJ. j. Temperance people have adopted his famous7' dispatch: "I propose to fight it out7 bn this- line if it takes all 1 summer.'" " Yeaaodmany summers. ; How the Home ' was Purchased. K house, Hobson you buying a house? Bless my. life 1 who's died and left you money, man 1 wish l Dad that luck; but I never shall.'1- .... " - No one has ' left , me the monev T earned e'very'pennv of it." ' : : 'I?'K9 Vrn AnnH aaxr" TtTKw .' I Va"o4 1 . . A ' ' V UU'I jdt . I , 111 A I1VMU you were' paying two , hundred-eash vfpr . the house; and meant to lay- out i, forty more in paint, - fences, cowshed, an4, so' on." : ", " ",'- ' - - "Well.it is true. That is just the fig ure.'.. .- " ' I cannot see how. you did it. Wf earn the same wages, we have neither of us been sick",;your .family i's 'one larger than mine, and though f'm not indebt- and I always take credit for that--I am not lorenaiKiea a shilling, and you are buying a houso..-... ith no rent .to. pay, and a garden to . draw, half your living from, you'll soon grow rich at this. rate. Tell us your secret; if 'you've a mind to' do a good turn to an bid neighbor." ' ' fly money is the saving of seven years, since I was married.- You know, I've lived in comfort, and now und then had an outing with the family, and none of us lacked, while none of us wasted. The week I . was married 1 said to -Polly : 'My girl, let us own a house.' Says Polly, 'Yott're.joking'Tom-; weiown a house' If we jay pur rent we'lL do well.'' - 'See here Polly,' T said,!'!! spend no "money on whi8key; beer, or : tobacco" 'Free-, of that spending; and all the wasting those things brihgVFm sure I cab i time.buy a house ; for plenty of workinjrmen. Pollv. spend at the tavern, what would buy'em a house twice lover., .With a home of your' -own in your 'eye'; Polly i . and . me wasting naught, ;you'll be likely to save where you "can"," and- a- house we'll have,! " ' ' "; ' ." :" ; "But Icdnn'ot believe that' mere sav ings put of beer, a little bit of liquor, and some toba&o will bufld bouse, 'i Hob-son.""- !. t ,,. ' - "Try it." In seven, years you'll have as good a house, or perhaps in much less time. Wages are higher, 'and your missis has more- experience ' in' housekeeping than Polly, had when' she begun." "By a few shillings a week, Hobson?" Ioney breeds money, my man. Your bit of money will inspire you all to save and earn. You'll lend it at Bome interest too ; and the time you spend at the cor ner store you will spend in earning extra shillings.- There's demand for work. Besides, until, you study it xtp, you've no idea the amount of good' cash .that goes in bad smoke and drink.'' Mrs..McNair Wright. . '": ;:- ' . . ... . ; . 'A preacher of the Deliver conference was sent to' a mining r town that had no place to preach except a saloon.- The proprietor said he might preach if he would starid ' where, he said.-' He con-, sented, and the saloonist put him on the head of a whisky bar'rell The preacher said he was preaching where he; long wanted to be he had the devil under his feet. ' Senator ' Stanford, in speaking of his plans for his California University, said that he desired to have the students un derstand the evil consequences of intem perance. . He believed there are.in Cal ifornia today . more , adult men ' selling liquors than there are. tilling the land, and the loss from this source is equal to twenty-five per cent, of the power of production. ' ... .... ' . . ' A-lady .tells us that she heard a colored preacher say ; "De fo'part of1 de'honse will please sit "down ; -fo'.de hind ,part cannot see de-fo' part if de fo'.twrrt -per sist in standing befo' de hind part, to de uttah obsclusiou qf.de hind part by' de v..,. . " -. -' -- . r t ''Madani. "are v6U"a'.' Woman" suffrai )st?''-. '"No, sic, I haven't tlmeto- be?' vHaTeri'titime! i fWell, if you had tbe privilege - of vqtapgj whom; -.would you support?".'- -i'-The-'earned .man, I've sup ported ior, ten years." "Ana who is . "TEion. Henfv WilsoiifVhile viee--rr,n5- flent ot the united elates, and just be toree died? said, "All other issues be fore the Ajnencan people dwindle irito insignificance compared to the issues in- Involved in the temperanceqnestion." ; MID-COL, 17MB I AN ASSOCIATION. A Meeting Which Will be Held Here Hay 6th and 7th. The Mid-Columbian Association of the Congregational churches of this part of the country will beheld at The Dalles on May 6th and 7th. " The following cir cular has been . issued by Rev. W. C. Curtis in regard thereto. . WEDNESDAY-AFTERNOON. 1 :36-eV6i6n rOrganization. -Report. from the cftn.a,, the Delegate.- 3 :30 Topic : "The Unused and Un developed , .Resources' of the .Cb.u.rc.tyi" Rev:.J, H. Henderson. 4 :30 Business. ntt- t " 1 n WEDNESDAY EVENING. ''iSO-YP. of Christian Endeavor: "How it is Working With the Churches." Norman Wilson, District Secretary and other Delegates.' 8:30 Associational Sermon by Rev. Frank M. Aunks, of Hood River. ; - r . .- .THURSDAY .IORlaai i.i 9 :00 Devotion, led by Rev. it E. B. Beach, of Lexington. - 9 :30 " Womans' Home and Foreign Missionary Work." - .. - j .11 :15 "Our Work in Oregon," by Rev. Cephas Clapp, Supt. THURSDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING. 7? .There will be a Sunday School Insti tute conducted by Rev. Chas. Curtis,' State "Superintendent of Congregational Sunday School and Publishing Society. '. TheP Dalles 'church cordially' invites the sister churches to send' full delega tions. "Each church shall be entitled to send one delegate, and one additional for every ten members, or fraction thereof..',' -Art. V. Constitution'; . Pastors will please report as early as possible the. names of all--delegates who expect to attend. . : . . " - Reduction of fares will not be. allowed by railroad unless there are -"fcwentv-flve delegates paying full fare to The Dalles. . x rains arrive from the east at o A. M. and 5 :1b P. M. From the west at 1 A. M. and 12:15 P. M. " y,, i Some months ago the Ore.gonian inad vertently; or in a joke, to say the least', gave.Crovernor'oPennoyer, a political prominence, which decidedly spoiled his excellency in this, that he presumed on his greatness, which was thrust upon him unawares, and that Kaiser William was not compared to him in the role of autocrats. The result iB his remark that President Harrison1 in etiquette. should call at . his executive mansion and pay his respects," has given Oregon another Cronin advertisement and the governor uncomplimentary illustrations" and squibs in eastern' pa pers, giving him an unenviable position through his wri indiscretion. Certainly 'tbe -saying that uneasy1; is"1 the. ;head that wears the crown," is quite verified in this instance, It is to be regretted that Oregon through such sources and mossbackism, has -the reputation of being the least among the many. '"' ' l"-';-.'"t. HOTEL ARRIVALS. UMATILLA HO USB...- John Tobin & son', Klickitat. I. M. Irwin, Chemawa. E. E, Joslin, Pendleton. , 'H. G. Jordan, Shearer's Bridge. AMowry, Dufur;--- W. R. Griffin, Kansas. ' Jas. A. Frazer & wife, Moro."'1" --a Ir.f. Alex Mcintosh A wife, " J. R. Horning Silver Lake.' '' ' . W. B. Hayes, Grass "Valley. . R: H:- Guthrie,., ' ""' Mrs. Green, Block' 'House. . ,,, W. Wi. Steiver. Fossil. ' "'" L. D. Powell, Northport, N..Y. . Jas. M. Smith, Seattle. . ,' "''-''-; ' Allen Henry, Chico; Cal. .' . D. M. McLaughlin, Albina. W. H. Fowler, Dayton. 8. J. Kramer, Portland. W. S. Peboulet, Chicago!;'' r-. Wm. Farre, Antelope. ' . - .- i-i, i , , . , - ThektertHFjidA' " TOfie of the latent' fads of tourists ..is to buVa? spoon- in each tofn' they stop at in the course of their trip 'and have the name of the place engraved on it. . Our jeweler, Mr. S. L. Youngs always7 keeps at the front with the - new ideas, and is today in receipt of a fine lot of handsome coffee spoons from Chicago; made up in the latest'Btyles.-' They are" of coin - sil ver, finely engraved, ' having i 'The Dalles, 1891" handsomely etched on them. : The spoons are decidedly unique' and are worth a trip to his store to'eee. "' 'Forfeited, Railroad Lands-: We are now ready to' prepare papers for the filing and entry of:' Railroad Lands. We also attend to-business be fore the U. 8. Land Office and Secretary of the.-Interior. Persons for whom we have., prepared papers and . who are re quired to renew their applications, will not be charged additional for such papers. -. --, Thornbury & Hudson, Robms 8 and 9, Land OflSce building, The Dalles, Oregon.- ' ' -. v ' 'The.follpwing statement from Mr. W. B. Denny, a well known dairvman Xf New Lexington Ohio, will be of interest to persons troubled with " Rheumatism. He says r "T have used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for nearly two years, -four bottles in all, and there is nothing I have ever used that save me as mimh relief f for rheumatism. We always keep a bot tle of it- in the- house." - For .sale 4y Snipes & Kinersly: .;.'i" '-' j .-. ,1 J t." . . . George Herbert: andi family Jefty this city tdOay for the brisk little" city .of xiooa .jyer. ..Mr.. ierpert has leased the leading hotel there for a"-perioL of two 3'ear.s.V .'His popuiarity'. means .'sue cess .and'ye mbst cpifilly extend to him our benediction and assure him and .his, that-The, Dalles will miss ither ?.ge.nial reaence. " . " ' "' '''' air.- jiyeg'; condition is mxicn lm- prpvd at the time of going tOjpres.lt1 SHORT STOPS. A. M. Williams & Co., have on hand a fine lot of tennis and bicycle shoes. Try the new line of "T's" at Roscoe & Gibons. You need not cough! Blakeley & Houghton will cure it for 50 cents. S. B. Pure maple sugar at Joles Bros., eight pounds for $1.00. - Born to E. Jacobsen & Co., April 17th, a bouncing line of new spring goods. Thanks to Dr. Competition. yanousdesigns which; may.be. seen at his office. --., D. Van Horn, the Old reliable 1iauq, tuner, is in(the;Citv on his regular tour. Orders for tuning may .be lefi at I. C. Kickelseii.,. . -1 . ja i ,i,.: The drug store of C. E. Dunham, de ceased, is now open and will 'be' so con.-, tinued until further notice 4 .. For coughs and colds use 23791 '' ' Does S: B. get there? "I should smile." S. B. "" The ceiebrated Wralter H. Tenny Boston-made mens' and boys' fine -boots and shoes in all styles, carried by The Dalles, Mercantile company, at Brooks & Beers old stand. ' , .'r'- C. E. Dunham will. cure your head-' ache, cough or paba for 50- eenls, S. B. - Snipes '& Kinersly are anxious td cure your headache for 50 -cents, S. B.- i n : 2379- is the cough syrup for children. T feet me a cigar jFrpm"t'hat fine .case' at Snipes & Kinersley's. ' ' ;',; w Long Ward -offers for sale ope of the best farms of its size in Sherman county. It consists of 240 acres of deeded land at Erskinville. , 'Xhere is a never-failing spring'of living, water ' capable of water ing five hundred he&d-Of. stock. dailv.- Tne house, which is a large store "buim ing with ten rodriis attached- alone .cost $1700. A blacksmith shop arid "other' buildings and the whole surrounded hv a good, wire fence. Will be soldi cheap and on, easy terms. Apply Dy letter or other wise to the editoe.of the Chronicle, or to the owner, W. L. Ward1, 'Boyd.4 Wasco county ,-Oregon. - ' -. : TT ' - - "'He wants it "known. Mr. J. ,H. Straub, a well known German citizen of Fort Madison, Iowa, was terribly afflicted wijp innammatory rheumatism when Mr.-J. F. Salmon, a prominent drusrsrist- there, advised him to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm. One bottle of it cured him. Hie case was a very severe one. He suf fered a great deal and now wants others similarly afflicted to know what, cured hinn 50 cent.bottled for sale by, Snipps Kinersly. 1 . Notice to tax Fajrera. - All state and county taxes, become delinquent April 1st. Taxpayers arehere- l. 1 i 1 j. if ' l e . i ujr jtjquenwsj Lopay i lie same -ueiore.viai date in order to avoid going ori.-the.jde-linquent list. The county court has ordered the sale of all property in which the taxes have not been Daid. Please eal and. settle before the time mentioned and save costs." -- ,.: v. 1 Uates, Sheriff of Wasco County- , NOTICE-..-' R. E." French has- for-sale a number of improved ranches - and. unimproved lands in the Grass Valley, neighborhood in Sherman county.' They will be! soid very cheap - and on : reasonable termer Mr. French can locate settlers on some good unsettled claims in the same neieh- 1. 1 T I : 1 j r.:' ' . t - . n Sherman county, Oregon."-1 - -o.-t :r ." J a. . FOR SALE. lr"' , A choice Jot of' brood- mares also a number of geldings and fillies bv-" Rock wood Jr.," "Planter," "Oregon Wilkes," and "Idaho Chief," same standard bred. Also three fine young-, stallions by I'.'Rockwbod Jr." out of first class mares. For prices and terms pall otr'or address either J. W. Condon, or" J.tH.-iXaT8en. The DalleSt-Qregon. . Merino Sheep for Sale. '' I have, a fine band of thorough bred Merino sheep consisting; of .,67 . bucks, about 340 ewes and about' 200 young lambs, which I will sell at a I6w price and upon easy terms. ,. Address, ; . .'';. D... M. French, - The" Dalles, .Or. ' .-!. jj i Stock Strayed. " 'Three S-year-olct fijlies (2 sorrels and one bay,) two 2-year-i0ld (both bays) all branded A on 'the left shoulder. I will give $5 apiece for the recovery of the same., . " J.W.Rogers. -t-' r,r,.. Boyd, Or. n ""4 6 - City Treasurer'a ) Kotfce., T All City Warrants registered prior to July 6, 1889 are now due and payable. Interest ceases on and after date. J. S. Fish. February 7, 1891. City Treas. t) H orMma f. Attention'.''' The spring rodero for horsed will meet at Bake Oven on. the first day of May. 5 J R. Bootes, Chas. W. Haight, J. I.'BuRgess. Lost. Pair of gold bowed eye glasses in case. The finder, .will be rewarded by leaving at this office. ' "' ' " ,r-.f , . . To the Public. . ' ; Notice is hereby given that all the barber shops of The. Dalles will be closed in future on Sundays," ' ' TfeIies'-TailoF Mttlram'sDreaaiii Mors, Got. Fourth anj "Union Sts., :The DalleB Or. ' yBchplar.. can- bring, in .her-.own. dress and i taugivt to cut, baste ftnd fin ish -compete; .i: - " t v- -.' V . : -' They are'alidughiqto'cut the'seSinT less waist, dartless basque, French bias darts and most. every form of sleeve. In: the dressmaking department I Keep oniy compeieHi neip. iT . .Dress Cutting a Specialty. CHRONICLE CX1EST Lots 50100 feet; 20-fbot for Cash, or on Installments; Discount for Cash. No interest. Thonipso n & Butts, & Thurman, THE DALLES, OREGON. The Farm Trust SCOTT, V President. X'ullj-PORTLAND, Removal H. Herbring's DHV GOODS STOKE Has removed to 177 Second opposite his former stand, where he will be pleasel to see his former customers and friends. He carries how a mucife larger stock than before and every Department is filled with the Latest Novelties of the Season. GEO. H. THOMPSON, Notary Public. The BEST Investment in the Northwest, for sale by Thompson & Butts, 114 Second Street, THE DALLES. OREGON. . ' , Dealers in Real Estate and Collections Promptly Made. HOST. l&ASZS. MAYS & CROWE, (Succewmrs to ABBAMS & STEWART.) Hetaller and Tobtoera in. ' ' Hardware, - Tinware, - Granitevare. - wooaenware, SILVERWARE, ETC.r - -: AGENTS "Acorn," "Charter Oak" "Argand' STOVES AND RANGES. Pumps, Pipe, Plumbers' and Steam Fitters' Supplies,. Packing, Building. Paper, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES- Also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmith's and. Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware. -AGENTS The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS "Warranted" Cutlery, Meriden Cutlery TnKlawnnt th "Ollixb- Maul" Rganlitia Stnvoo "ftmnH" Oil Rtntraa and Anti - All Tinning, Plumbing, will be done 174, 176, 178. 180 SECOND STREET, H. C. NIELS6N, Clothier and Tailor, BOOTS AND SHOES, tyats ar?d Qap5, Jrupl, iJalises, CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON 8TR., THE D AISLES, OREGON. : DEALERS. IN Staple and Hay, Grain and Feed. No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third. Sts, D ALiLiHS alley in each Block. Sold FOR SALE BIT C. E. Bayard k Co., : J. M. Hnntington & Co.,. & Loan Company, Wm.,A. BANTZ, Vice-Pres. & Mgr OREGON. Jiotiee I street (French's . Block) nearlj- W. H. BUTTS, ' Auctio: all kinds of Personal Property. Land Filings Prepared. Xj. IE. CEO WEI FOR THE FOR- Rust Tinware. i . r Pipe Work and Repairing; on Short Notice. . THE DALLES, OREGON. BROS., Fancy Gins, O.Bf,( - . ' i ' 1i. f., I M V :. ' vaf w-3'ii-rf zry 0a'