The Dalles Daily Chrpniele. WEDNESDAY v , -. - .APRIL $2, 1891 METEOEOLOGIOAL EEPOET. Pacific H Rela- D.t'r a State Coast bar. 8 tive of S. of Time. - Hum Wind B Weather. 8 A. M 29.88 fifi 80 S W -Cloudy P. M 29.83 tt) 92 " " Maximum temperature, 66; minimum tem perature, ". to date, 12.13; Total preulnlttttion from Julv ui to rinte. R Kvtsmo previpLuiiion irom juiv lo ante, l! average deflicleacy from July 1st to date, 5.45. WEATHER PROBABILITIES. RAIN Thb Dalles, April 22, 1891. Weatlier forecast till 12 m., Thursday; light rain. Slightly cooler. " The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. LOCAL BREVITIES. Mr. Charles Stevens is very ill with pneumonia. Mrs. Stevens is also very sick. . Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Allen, of La Grandare visiting Mrs. Allen's mother, Mrs. Cathcart. The court house has had a second coat of paint and its appearance is greatly improved. A meeting for drili of Jackson Engine company, No. 1, is called for this even ing at 7 :30 o'clock sharp. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Winzler, of La Grande, are the guests of Mrs. Winzler's mother, Mrs. W. E. Sylvester. The Dalles is opposing the portage railway on the north side Thinks the Oregon side is better. Express. ' .Miss Annie Metchan, sister of Hon. Phil Metchan, state treasurer, is visiting at the residence of Mr. Geo. A. Leibe. The last of the wood-work machinery remaining in the shops at this place was removed to Denver a couple of days ago. A Nebraska wife prays the court to restrain her lawful husband "from pat ting her on the head, poking her in the ribs and talking baby talk to.her." There will be a meeting of the ,board of trade held tonight at which a full ai; ' tendance , is requested as business, of much importance is' to come before! the board. Already we hear of preparations being made to celebrate the Fourth at places outside this city. If The Dalles wants a celebration of her own she will soon need to make a move in that direction.. The Southern Oregon state board of agriculture will hold its dstrict fair, com mencing September 22 and" lasting ' five days.. The place where the. fair will be held has not yet been determined. The Winan's brothers expect that the water in the, river will be sufficiently 1. 1 V ' 1 1 ' . 1 . . uigu w ruu least, some oi tne nan wheels in about a week, when, thev also expect tb,e fish to be tunning at this point. . We are pleased to know that the arm of Mr.' J. Meiris was" not fractured as was at first supposed, by the accident he met with last Saturday. It is badly bruised however,, as was his whole per son. . He was able "to walk out " around the house last evening. There will be a meeting of the Colum bia Building and Loan'association at the office of Dufur, Watkins & Menefee this evening at 7 :30 for the nnrnosp of mr. fecting the organization and adopting by-laws. There should be a full attend ance. " Isaac Joles and H. W.' Steel are open ing , UP their mining claim near the mouth of "Chenbweth "creek. They brought in some quarts specimens yes terday which they think are very prom ising, for croppings. They are still much pleased with the prospect. ' - It is said that the Tammany, society of New York City controls 120,000 votes, that no democrat can be elected to the presidency without its influence, that all Tammany really . cares for is the control of the city government of New York and that for that it will trade everything. " Last Monday two fires occurred in Walla , Walla which resulted in the destruction of three frame houses .and damage to the Baker; school jbuildng'jto the amount of three or four thousand dollars. The total loss is estimated at $13,000. The school house 'was fully in sured, the other property partially.; Anent legislation in the Gopher state the Oakland Times takes the floor to say ; "Choruij girl in Minnesota now .wear bloomers and merchants who expose for : sale undressed" kid' gloves are hauled bp by the strong arm of the law. The legislature of. that coldly frigid etete however, . overlooked f , twa'.l important points in framing ; the act, ' to.cojmei moral' thought". Butchers' are 'yet per mitted to hang up naked carcasses, "and horses are not compelled' to' weir, pants.' Sheriff Cates, and Chris Bills , crossed. Mill creek this forenoon on a plank ,near Judge' Thornbury's ,,tp . airreat. 'a. crazv squaw that made' the 'previous J night hideous with her cries. They did not sncceedrin . finding her and,, so. returned by the way they came.only to, find, that Marshal .Gibons had "obligingly removed the plankK so that they had to 'walk around by the shops. ' It is needless to say that the genius of Messrs. Cates and Bills was equal to the occasion and that they got even with the marshal. Mr. J. J. Eoff came up from Portland yesterday. : Captain Henry Coe of Hood River was in the city, today. . Jack. Anderson shipped two cars of sheep to Portland last evening. The old fashioned black cricket can be seen on Eight mile creek in thousands. John Jack assisted the famous actress Charlotte Cushman during her farewell tour. , .. , , , -. . -, .. . . . , J. F. Haworth and E. Jensen went to Portland yesterday , as , delegates to the Epworth League convention. . Miss May Enright has returned to this city to take her old place as day operator at the depot telegraph office. . Mr. Ben McAtee of Tygh left for home todayrith a beautiful monument to be placed over the grave of .his brother, W. H. McAtee. .. - The county, school superintendent in forms us that the .county appropriation for the current year amounts to $2.15 per pupil, as against $2.10 for last year. There are now 62 districts in the county. The old scow fish wheel of Jackson &. Gomas, now the property of Captain Stone, which has lain for a long time on the beach near the foot of Court street, has been moved about 75 feet toward the river and is now afloat. She is being thoroughly overhauled and will be moved in a few days about two miles np the river. Steamboat service on the Columbia will reduce freight rates, and this will go hard with the railroad company whose voice has risen so often ahnve the ormrlg ot Eastern Oregon : "We are hardly mak ing expenses."- But the admission , of .. . vwuru .111. tl IVAi Jl codfish and thus enable the poor, strug gling company to live a little more eco nomically. There is hope yet. Klamath Star. Mrs. Captain Lewis and Miss Lewis went down on a visit to Portland yester day, . on the t train,. The only, thing singular about the train part of it is that it has been, more than , 24 years since Mrs. Lewis was on the cars. Even the genial captain, much as he has seen of the world,-had not ridden on the cars for 19 years till after he came to The Dalles. . , ."' Notwithstanding the auiet annearance of the town and the frequency of the re mark "there ,1a, nothing a, doing' ,a Chboniclk reporter counted todav over 60, ljead of .horses, all belonging .to farm ers or freight teams from the country, being fed at, the yard of TM. Dalles Mer chantile Co., aii4 at the yard of W.; H. Loekhead, there were two 6 horse and 6 four horse teams whose wagons were be ing loaded with, about 36,000 lbs. of freight for Prineville and Mitchell. Geo. A. Liebe, Emile Schanno and ( Chas. .Schmidt wep out yesterday to appraise the damages connected .with the opening of a new county ,road .ifrom the McHealey .place.on Eight Mjle to Dufur. While at Dufur the party visi ted; Mr: William Otell of . Hood ,Riyer who is still very low, and cannot, it is believed, last ,lpng. i Mr.. O' Dell t spoke feelingly to his visitors of the kindness the Dufur people had shown him dur ing his illness, ' .. School district No. 16 has had some difficulty with its teachers and superin tendent Shelley was called t upon ; last Saturday to give his judgment in the case., It appears that,. the-directors in some way actually hired two teachers to conduct the same school term Mr. O. B. Connelly and Mrs. Wm. Menefee, .. Mrs, Menefee is in chartte of the school and Mr. Connelly, believing himself , wronged I Bvpcacu io ixr. oneuy. as ine district is only liable for the pay of one teacher it ia hehd by Mr.' Connelly that the direct ors are personally responsible for the other. As we understand it the direc tors dpJsot deny haying hired Ijotb. . It ia believed however that the matter will be adjusted without" legal proceedings." DRY GOODS TO THE FBOKT. Koinoval ot 'Oat) ot Onr i Loading Her : chants to JEnlarg-ed Qnartera. Mr. H. Herbring has the announce ment in today's Chronjcle that he has moved across the street into more com modious quarters in the French block. The necessity for the change is apparent when one steps into his handsome store and sees the piles of goods that are being placed on the shelves and the quantity yet unpacked. : It looks like prosperity to see so fine a stock in a city of this size. Mr. Herbring now has a frontage of twenty-five feet with a depth of seventy five, and every available foot of space is being utilized. He has always kept- a handsome store but now that he has more room in which to show his goods, it will be more attractive than ever. TWELVE YEARS AGO Herbring came to The Dalles Is Disease a Punishment? The following advertisement, published by a prominent western patent medicine house would inriirara that hm i j , " " . " ICMU disease aa a punishment for sin : ik you wisn to know the quickest way to cure a sever cold? We will - tell you. " To cure a cold qickly," it must- be treated before the cold has become -settled in the SVHtem.- Thin nan ilniim Ho done if you choose to, as nature in her kindness to man gives timely warning and plainly tells, you in nature's way, that as a punishment for some indiscre tion, vou are to be afflicted with a trAA unless you' choose to ward it off bv prompt action,, ; The first symptoms ola cold, in most cases, is a dry, t loud cough' and sneezing. The cough is soon followed by a profuse - watery expectoration and the sneezing by . a prosuse watery dis charge from .' the nose. ? In -severe cases there- ifi.-A. r.hin .- whir.e ' mnHnop ,en i iKa tongue. What to do? It is only necessary to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in double doses every hour. That will-greatly looaan iulnan f .1. 1 .1 1 v,j,"'i (zj ti 1 1, v jl viic luiu niiu. Ill most cases will effectually counteract it ' - ..ui.. pvJ .'"." 11. (. OOVCLC cold w;ithin one or two days time. Try it and. be convinced." Fifty "cent bottles for sale by Snipes & Kinerslev, druggists. -- . -- HOTEL. ARRIVALS. r ' U. UMATILLA HOD8B. ; . ' - Wm. Plumb, -Graar Valley. 1 Fred Knudsen, i". '- ; H. C Coe, Hood Jliver. - - Maurice Cavanauehv Ireland. ... C. W. Bryan; V --. .J ' ' J. J. 0'BrienPortland. . . ... B. F. Durphy, '"" W. A. Hunter, Kingsley. ' S. V. Mason, Dufur. , j W. T. Wright, " - '-r- - " - BORN. Near thi8 city April 22d, 1891, to wife of W: W. Rawson, a son. Mr. Herbrmg came to The Dalles and went into the dry goods business and he has never been in anything else during his business life. He had years of train ing in the great dry goods -houses of San Francisco and Buffalo and come here with a perfect knowledge of what he was going into. That he has been successful goes without saying when we, can state that he carried a stock of from $25,000 to $30,000, which is bought direct from the manufacturers- or such New York houses as the H. Bj. Claflin Co., E. J. Jaffrey or Swettser, Pembrook & Co. Every year Mr. Herbring goes last him self to personally look over the market and purchases the best that can be se cured, suitable to the trade His exten sive knowledge of the eastern dealers has contributed to his success and has been one of the means used to bring him so prominently to the front. 1ST BOOT8 AND SHOES iis line is large and complete. He carries the Hamilton-Brown Co. shoes and draws extensively on . J. and T ixmsins7 establishment for high grade shoes. His boot and shoe trade is a large one and is constantly growing ' THE STETSON HATS 4 " . i .. are carriea DV mm as well aa mnv other brands and any person looking for Handsome headgear can find it at Mr Herbring'a establishment. . . i. , .GENTS' FURNISHING GOODp ; , , In fine assortment ' can be found there xiio biock oi an eooas in that line is large and varied and the most fastidious gentleman can find, something in. Mr Herbring's stock to please his fancv and make him relax his purse strings if he desires to be well dressed. i A CASH TRADE. it. would take too much snace to enumerate all the varieties of goods that can be purchased at Mr. Herbring'a store. ie has any amount of dry sroods with which to please his ledy patrons and his prices are the principal L drawing card tie believes in selling for cash and bv charging so Small a profit that his cus tomera prefer to pay the low prices asked rather . than . let bills . run . and mr t.h heavy charges that a, merchant must have, where long, credit is riven. Hia goods are worth all he asks for them and his customers want them badly enough to raise .the money to nav when thev ... - rf purchase. , - ' - ' i - t' i , THE CLERICAL FQBCE. ' Mr. Karl Gottfried, , Frank. Cram and Charles Fritz are Mr- Herbring'a valued and valuable assistants in conducting nie business, lhey are bright and popu lar young gentlemen and do much to draw .custom to thestore. Good, help is a necessity in a successful business and in this instance the. .man at the head of the house has chosen well. Mr. Her bring likes ,The ; Dalles: He. has been constantly increasing the volume of his business and believes that yet' brighter days are ahead for the merchants of this city, and that he will remain right along up with the front of the procession. Roseburg has but little moss on her back. The other day she voted for a city bond to the amnnnr. tf 4'i cum . " 1W, LllP construction of sewerage and building of n m4. lnll n1 1 1 . . 1 . " " mm jan, nuu ine votes were 183 for, and only 34 against the proposi tion. Klamath Star. . If that is a sign of a mossless condition what will the Star say when ,we inform him that The Dalles took a vote . for a similar amount and only - eleven voted against it?,..! ... ..,,,.-,. the ': Annie Firman is- the original Miss Multon X which. . . had . . the i famous New York run under the Daly's management. Sealed Proposals. SJ ommiasioners, of Dalles City, Ore- P?,'J?nt11 2 P-Ji Saturday, May a3d, 1891, for building a receiving basin to hold about 370 K gallons, nrar Mill creek about four miles from S4iS9,.Cit?'0I.d;ln,lf,the trenchini? for about 21inf?lftJt lu-lnch Pipe between basin and the ' distributing- reservoir in Dalles City, and for hauling and distributing about 140 tons-of 10 inch wrought iron pipes and appertainances. i Plans and specifications may be seen at the "nice oi me water commissioners of Dalles City A lit: v.. fill 111 in. any or all bids. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject v.. 1. 1-tllLl-lfS, Secretary. F. TAYLOR, . PKOPB.IElpE.pF THE .' City Maf-kfet; FOIVSALE. HAVING BOUGHT THE LOGAN "STABLES In East Portland, we now ofifcr our Livery Stable Business in this city for sale at a bargain.' WARD Sc KERNS. . FOR SALE! TWENTY head of choice young cattle for sale at a very low price. Enquire of, .. . .. ... i LESLIE BCTTLEB,The Dalles, Or CHRONICLE SHORT STOPS. A. M. Williams Ar rv l -- ' w., i. u , VII utuu nne lot o.f tennis and bycicle suits. f Try the new line of "T's" at Eoscoe & jibons. . ... . . - . .. . . .. You need not cough ! ' ' Blakeley & iioughton will cure it for 50 cents. S. B.. - Pure manlfl micrav at Tnlao - r ft v w.vii iiiuo,, Cllfuif Worn to E. Jacobsen & Co., April 17th, a bouncing line of new spring goods. wj ut. ijompetition. mi. tt; Olenn is in receipt of a large lor. rf now atirlA t . i i - . j -- '.ij .v. ui iiuiiiua uiouiuings in various designs which may be seen at nisomce.. T 1 r XT ... . . . - . y an xiorn, ine oia reliable piano Jner, is in the city on his regular tour. wiuora ror inmng may be left at I. C Isickelsen. , , ... i ine drug store of Or- E. Dunham, de- ceasea, is now open and will be so con tinued until further notice. For coughs and colds use 2379. Does S. B. get there? '"I should Binne." js. jj. . The celebrated Walter H. Tennv Bos ton-made mens' and bovs' fine hnnta and8hoes in all styles, carried bv The yaiies Mercantile company at Brooks xeers oia stand. C. E. Dunham will." cure your head ache, cough or pain for 60 renls, S. B Get your land papers prepared bv J ai. Huntington & Co. Opera House liiocfc, Washington St. Snipes & Kinersly are anxious to cnre V. .... C r l . . . -n j""" ucuuaciie lor ou cenie. . o. a. 2379 is the cough syrup for children. ut me a cigar from that fine case at onipes & Kmersley's. lxmg W ard offere for sale one of the Dest larms of its size in Sherman county. It consists of 240 acres of deeded land at irekinville. There is a never-failing Dpnug oi nving water capable of water ing : five hundred head 6f stock daifv. Tne house, which is a large store build ing with ten rooms attached alone cost ?1700. A blacksmith shop1 and other buildings and the whole surrounded by a good wire fence. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Applv bv letter or other wise to the editor of the Chronicle or to the owner, Wi X. Ward, Boyd, Wasco county, Oregon, - ; j. - - CHEST DAIiLiES The Best Cough Medicine. -; "One of my customers came in todav and asked me for the best cough medi cine I had," says Lew Young, a promi nent druggist of Newman Grove, Neb. '"Of course I showed him Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and he did not ask to see any other. ; I have never yet ' Sold a medicine that would loosen and- relieve a severe cold so quickly aft that does. ' I have sold four doeen of it within the last sixty days,-and do not know of a single case where it failed to 'give the most pefect satisfaction." 50 cent bot tles for sale by Snipes fe Kinerslv, drug store. Forfeited Hailroad Lands - - We are now ready to prepare papers for Jthe filing and entry 1 of Railroad Lands; We also attend to business be fore the U. 8. Land Offim of the Interior Persons for. whom, we quired to renew their applications, will not be cnarged additional for such papers. "Thobnbvby & Hudson, Rooms 8 and 9, Land Office building, The Dalles, Oregon. ' Notice to tax Payer. t- All fltate And mil n tTT tgraa liaiwima WWlllO delinquent April 1st. Taxpayers are here- i J M ' . . . . uy iCTjueoieu to pay me same betoretnat date in order tn avoid mlnr rn tya . Aa. linquent list. .The county court has ordered the sale of all property in w hich the taxes have not been paid. Please call and settle before the time mAntinnml and save costs. " D. L. Cates. Sheriff of Wasco County. : "- : NOTICE. . R. E.- French has for Kale u nnmlwr n( imrirovAd- vrannhotf onrl imnMnfAil lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood very cheap and on reasonable terms. Mr. Trftnr h pati 1 rua f o aatlava An wmA good unsettled claims in the same neigh- oornooa. jais aaaress is (jrass Valley, Sherman county, Oregon, . i :--. ; FOB 8ALE. A choice Int. nf hnvwl ' mitwa - alcu-i' number of geldings and fillies bv "Rock wood Jr.." "Planter." "Orecon Wilkes ' and "Idaho Chief." same standard hred. Also - three fine ' voune stallions ' bv Rock wood Jr." out of first class maresl For rtricea Rnd terma nail tn rr dHiIwuib either J. W. Condon,, or J. H. Larsen, The Dalles, Oregon, , i-Merino Sheep 'for Savle. " I have a fine hmid rif trirtTtiar .rrf Merino sheen con si st ine nf fi7 . hnolra: about 340 ewen and ahnnt , Vem rrnnnn lambs, which I will sell at a low price and upon easy terms. Address. -. , , D. M. French, -The Dalles, Or. , . j i- on Had. X. 'TVf." Hnntirlfftorl ; Ar Cln:' nnnnniiM that they are prepared to make but ' the necessary papers top - -parties wismng to file on so called railroad land. Appli. cants ahonld have their nitMra all nuflv before going to the land office so as to avoid the rush-and save time. Their office is in Opera H"se Block next to main entrance. . Lots 50xi00 feet; 20-foot aUey in each Block, for Cash or on Installments; Discount for Cash. No interest. Sold FOE, sa.:l:e3 iby Thompson & Butts, Haworth & Thurman, C. E. Bayard & Co., J. M. Huntington & Co., THE DALLES, OREGON. The Farm Trust & Loan Company, c. N. SCOTT. President. Wm. A. BANTZ,' , . , Vice-Pres. & Mgr. PORTLAND, OREGON. Removal Notice I H. Herbrih S's ' Stock Strayed. ' ' Three 3-'veariold fllliesW2 Rorreln' nnd one ;bayj) two 2-year-olda fboth bays) all branded A on the left shoulder.- I will give $5: apiece for the recovery of the same, '- - . j. w. Kogbrs. . .. : ... Boyd, Or. - '-City Treasurer Notice. All Oitv Wftrrants rMifitprml 'ninnr A July , 18fc9 are now due and . payable. Interest ceases on and after date. i.- ... J. s. Fish. February 7, 1891. City Treas. - ft. .- . Pair of gold bowed eve classes in cane.' The finder will he rewnrdeH iw lea-ir1nv at this office.-. Horsemen Attention. The'"cmrincr rnderh frif' Virirsewill liioaf at Bake Oven on the first day of May. - i r It. JJOOTEN, - ' ! ' CAB. W; HAIQHT, . J. N. Burgess. DHY GOODS STOHE Has removed to 177 Second street (French's Block) nearly opposite his former stand, where he will be pleased to se his former customers and friends. He carries now a much larger stock than' before and every Department is filled with the Latest Novelties of.the Season.' . 7 GEO. H. THOMPSON. . Notary Public. W. H. BUTTS, Auctioneer. X The BEST Investment in the Northwest, for sale by Thompson Sc Butts, 114 Second Street, THE DALLES. OREGON. Dealers in Real Estate and all kinds of Personal Property Collections Promptly Made. Land Filings Prepared. EQBT. :m:a-sts- Haroware; - Tinware, - Brauiteware, .- wiffBlwafel SILVERWAEE, ETC. MAYS & CROWE, (Successors to ABEAM8 & 8TEWART.) etAllera and iTobbera ijoi.': "Acorn," "Charter Oak'L"Argand STOVES AN D RANGES. Pumps. Pire. Plumbers' and Steam Fitters' Snnnlifta. X ' X ' X- , Packing, Building Paper, ; SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES. Also a rnmnletfl Rt.rnlr of riar-nAntTs' Tnarlranrkit.r'a anJ Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware. AGENTS ' FOB THE 99 -AGENTS FOR- The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS "Warranted" Cutlery, Meriden Cutlery an Tableware, the "Quick Meal" Gasoline, Stoves v"Grand" Oil Stoves and Anti-Rust Tinware. All Tjnning, PlumMng, , Pipe ..Work and. Repairing will be done on Short Notice. - 174, 176, 178.. 180 -SECONB STREET,- THE DALLES, OREGON. H. C. NIE Clothier and -f. 1-1. I S40 . JLdllVaJlS BOOTS AND SHOES, , Ctexxta' iirxilBlilzxs Groodbs, . . CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STS., THE DALLES, OREGON. JOLES: BROS., , , . , . :-' - : DEALERS IN:- . ' f ' ' ' ' ' Staple and Fancy Grocciiss, Hay, Grain and Feed No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third: Sts.