The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 22, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Mes My Chronicle.
Entered at the Postofflce at The Dalle, Oregon,
aa second-class matter.
Governor 6. Pennoyer
Secretary of State G. W. McMrlde
Treasurer Phillip MeUichan
SupU of Public Instruction E. B. McElroy
Congressman B. Hermann
State Printer Frank Baker
couirrir officials. -
County Judge C. N. Thornbury
8heriff D. L. Cates
Clerk .'. J. B. Crossen
Treasurer Geo. Ruch
Commissioner. ikncSfd
Assessor John E. Barnett
Purveyor E. F. Sharp
Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy Shelley
Coroner William MicheU
The Chronicle is the Only Paper in
The Dalles that Receives the Associated
Press Dispatches.
The managers of our agricultural dis
trict fair will do everything in their
power to make the coming one a success.
They are more than pleased to adopt
any suggestion that will please the
farmers and stock raisers and induce
them to takn an interest in the fair. At
the suggestion of the Chronicle the sec
retary most willingly made such a change
in the premium list of horses froni past
years, that a premium will be offered in
very standard class besides the usual
sweep-stakes. This will give nearly
every man owning a fine horse at least
two chances for a premium one in the
class to which he belongs and one in the
sweep-stakes. If the farmers will only
take half the interest that the directors
are taking to make the coming fair a
success we have no doubt as to what the
result will be.
The purchase of Alaska from Russia
in 1867 for the sum of $7,200,000 . has
turned out to be a very . profitable piece
of business for the United States. Since
that time nearly fifty . million dollars
worth of furs have been shipped . from
the territory and sold in the London
market. Since 1884 the salmon fisheries
have yielded $7,500,000, and the cod
fisheries over $3,000,000 during the last
twenty years. I The , herring fisheries
yield annually 150,000 gallons of oil and
1000 . tons of fertilizing material, while
the whalers catch in 1890 yielded 226,402
' pounds of bone, and 3980 pounds of
ivory and 14,567 barrels of oil, and dur
ing the same year the production of
gold amounted to $700,000. .
To a man up in the moon the political
situation in Portland should be. very in
teresting as affording an illustration of
practical politics in a' large American
city. There are the two factions in the
republican party led respectively by Joe
Simon and Jim Loton, like two hungry
mastiffs fighting for ..' the possession of
the same bone, while a smaller dog of the
democratic persuasion watches intensely
the chance for picking it up and running
off with it while the fight is going on.
Meanwhile neither party or faction cares
picayune for the interests of the city
government. They are . after the bone
or the boodle, which is the same thing,
dive either party the offices and the city
government may go to perdition.
It is doubtful if there is a piece of
railroad on earth so, crooked as the one
between this city and Portland. There
is one place near the old Cate's saw mill,
below Wyeth where a person sitting in
the top of a caboose at the end of a train
of twenty cars can see the train running
four different ways at the same time.
No wonder it is said that the straighten
ing of the curves on eighty miles of the
track, which could be easily done and
would result in an infinitely better road,
would shorten the distance between this
city and Portland six miles.
The Ladies' Tailor
School of Dress Cutting
Irs. Brorfs Dressmatina Parlors,
Cor. Fourth and Union Sts.,
The Dalles, Or..
Each scholar can bring in her own
dress and is taught to cut, baste and fin
ish complete.
' They are also taught to cut the seam-,
less waist, dartless basque, French bias
darts and most every form of, sleeve. .
XSy.I" the dressmaking department I
keep only competent help. m
Press Cutting a Specialty.,
County Treasurer's Notice.
All' county warrants registered prior to
January. 14, 1888, will be paid, if pre
sented , at my office. Interest ceases
from and after this date. ' ... - . .
' ' Geo. Ruch,
1 Treas. Wasco Co., Or.
The Dalles, Or., April 3, 1891.. . a3JL ,
Company's Hour Mill will be leased to re
sponsible parties. For information apply to the
The Dalles, Oregon.
I Opinio.
- A lady we shall not tell her
had a most amusing experience with
Benjamin P. Hutchinson the other day.
This lady is deeply interested in chari
table Work, and ever and anon she lends
herself to the disagreeable task of so
liciting money contributions to such
worthy causes as. she, may happen to'
haye in hand. This is rather ungrateful
employment, but this lady applies her
self cheerfully to it, for she recognizes it
as a part of her Christian duty. It be
fell that this worthy woman had occa
sion to approach Mr. Hutchinson the
other afternoon, and she did so in the
spirit of charming good nature, which
is, perhaps, her most conspicuous char
acteristic. Now Mr. Hutchinson is a wary bird,
and seldom it is that ho is caught in a
corner by anybody. But this particular
lady was so exceptionally bright , and
exuberant that - the crafty millionaire
gave up a crisp $20 bill almost be
fore he was aware of it. And then, as
we can easily suppose, he began to regret
it. On her : part the fair solicitor was
considerably surprised; she had heard
that he was . a. hard, unfeeling man, yet
had he not . responded promptly, and
generously to her appeal? She was so
grateful that she insisted on shaking
hands with the old man, and as she did
bo she remarked, feelingly, "We do not
always get oar reward here, Mr. Hutch
inson, but we should remember that the
Lord loveth a cheerful giver."
"Yes, I've often heerd tell," answered
Mr. Hutchinson dryly, "but Tm more
interested in . findin' out the Lord's
opinion of a cheerful beggar." Chicago
Twine froni Marah Gnas.
A St. Paul (Minn.) special says that
through the efforts of an inventor
of Iowa articles which can be manu
factured from common slough grass are
attracting considerable attention. The
farmers of the northwest have been pay
ing large prices for binding twine, . and
it is this fact probably which started
George Lowry to investigate ; the uses
to which common marsh grass could . be
put. He has made several . inventions
which are an assured success.. The bind
ing twine made by his method is strong,
durable, and, above all, cheap. While
the material from which ordinary bind
ing twine is made costs from $130 to
$180 per ton. slough grass costs from $3
to $3. a ton. and the cost of making the
twine from . either materials is. about the
same. A company , has been organized
for the manufacture of this. twine.
The company will also make cordage
of all kinds, bagging and matting from
marsh grass. Marsh grass makes good;
rope in any size, and formed into, small
twine jt can, readily be woven into coarse
cloth of great strength,, -which can .be
pnt to a variety of -uses. - The cotton
planters of the United 'States annually
raise about . 7,000,000 bales of . cotton,
which require about ,60,000,000 yards of ;
bagging. The jute bagging costs about
eight cents a yard.. ' The grass twine bag
ging , can be made at. about one cent a
yard less. New .York Tribune.
Wh jr Not Try jCbfcmolaT ,
t'l clean, my eyeglasses these days
with, a ten dollar note.' said a well
known citizen the other - day,- with a
smile, as he began to rnb his spectacles
with a bill. "It cleans the . glass and
doesn't hurt the money... A one dollar
bill would answer , the. purpose as well
as a note for a hundred, but in this .case
I happened to have the ten and used it.
"I have been cleaning my glasses for
years with bank notes, and I have never
found anything that makes them aa
clear. If yon use a handkerchief it leaves
the lint behind, and ten to one the glass
is blurred. The money removes' all the
dirt and grease, and leaves no trace of
itself. Am I afraid of contracting some
disease of , the , eyes? Well, I - never
thought of that,. and I know, that some
physicians claim that diseases are transr
mitted by money, since it passes through
so many hands. No, I am. not afraid;
and . I will continue , to-. nse - the' . . bank
notes for . this purpose. The texture is
soft, and it certainly removes - dirt. j In
deed, there is nothing like, paper money
for polishing fine glassware." Albany
Express. : ' ' ' ' '
Electricity, Catena KlephmnU.
A novel application of electricity has
recently been made in elephantcatching.
At a recent capture of forty of these ani
mals, when the last of their . unwieldy
bodies had passed the entrance into,; the
Khedda, the signal for barring their exit
was given, instantaneously: and without
a word spoken, by means, of an. electric
wire. It is only a short time since petro
leum , superseded native vegetable oils
for lighting throughout the bazars - and
villages of India. - Electricity .- is now
taking "the place both of petroleum or
coal gas in the great spinning factories,
for which it is peculiarly suited, in a hot
climate, pwing to its coolness And ab
sence of smell. Philadelphia Ledger. ..
A Sarcastic jrenn., , .
For downright sarcasm as to the merits
of a horsey recommend, us to the worthy
jehu. who i offered, a little advice . to a
driver of a pirate -'bus, one of -whose
homes . tumbled ' down : the other day in
the Strand. ; '
The horse, after strenuous efforts, had
been got on ita feet, whep immediately
it fell over again on its side
"I say, old. Inn," cried, the srrval driver,
"you must , 'ave,. got . ia out o', bed too
early his mornin'. , Bon, round- to our
stable and they'll, lend r yer a pitchfork
to turn Hm.. over with." London,,1 Tit-'
Bits. -, - - -
Sitting; Ball' Prophetic Pnam. , .
One Bull, a nephew of the dead, chiefs .
tain, related an interesting incident that
happened. josC . the- day - before- Sitting
Bull was killed. Ho said Sitting Bull
that 'day climbed to the top of one of the
highest - neighboring -bottes, where he
fell asleep, and dreamed, of the startling
tragedy that would happen the next day
He came down and. told his people that
their great medicine man would be killed
on the morrow, - How true -his words
were was attested by developments the
next morning. Cor. St. Paul Globe.
The Little Old Lady Thought That Tea
Many Candles Were Burning. " - I
A dear old lady from the country sat
with her son, also from the country, ra
the big dining room of the Astor house a
few evenings ago ; Men who have come
to New York from the country, if they
had seen her, would have been remind
ed of their grandmothers. ' Her face was
kindly, and there was just a little color
in it She wasn't very tall, and her fig
ure was comfortable. She wore a shawl.
Her bonnet was. a. little one, and in the
front of it was some white lace. Her
gown was of bombazine and o some
what ancient cut. ' r " - '.
The big, brightly lighted room inter
ested her. So did the people at the
tables. While the son was engaged in
the somewhat perplexing task of select
ing the supper the old lady talked audi
bly with the waiter. She told him that
she hoped Landlord Astor and Mis' Astor
were pretty well. The waiter explained
that Mr. Allen was the landlord, whereat
the old lady expressed polite surprise.
When the waiter had gone with, the or
der she devoted a few moments to study
ing the chandeliers. They represent
candles. '
"I wonder," she said, "how under the
sun Mis' Allegt ever gets np there to
snuff 'em."
"Snuff what?" asked her son.
"Why, them candles; they're so high
The young man did not answer.
The old lady again gazed at the chan
deliers reflectively. . "They aint no need
of all. that light," she said. "Mis' Allen
is a powerful wasteful woman."
Her son was apparently a man of few
words. Her criticism was unnoticed.
Presently the waiter brought the bread
and - the plates, and what the old lady
evidently thought was a superabundance
of knives and forks. She greeted-him
pleasantly. "Back again, hey?" she said;
"you're pretty quick. But, Horace," she
added to her son, . "yon ordered some
thin' more than bread, didn't you?"
"It will be here shortly," put in the
waiter, with a polite bow. The old lady
gave him a sweet smile. "I'm pretty
hungry,? she said.
Several of the diners had overheard
her observations. Some of them were
hard- faced business men. They didnt
laugh at her. They only regarded her '
with' lively interest. She smoothed out
ther tablecloth, carefully, and inspected
the silver, evidently with approval.. r ;
The, waiter brought the meal and. gave
theold-lady close attention, which pleased
her immensely. She smiled on him and
asked after the health of his family. As
she rose from the table she said to him:
"Tell Mis'. Allen., I'd lik,to. have her
recipy for that snow puddin'. but I'm in
a hurry,." ,
The waiter bowed, and said gravely
that .he would do so. And as .the -old
lady passed out of, the door one of the
diners raised a glass and exclaimed, "The
old lady God bless her!"-New - York
Letter.' : - -. -
Especial Charm tot a Favorite Club.
The fact that we know each other very
well is the reason of the charm of "a cer
tain American club.- It!givean.idea of
this place to say that people find them
selves neglecting their business in ' order
to get there in time for " luncheon. - It is
not -that.-the-company is bo unusual.
There are, no doubt attractive men, foil
of interesting knowledge; there is plenty
of good talk. . Bat it is not enough that
the talk good; the men mast
be seen and heard through an Atmosphere
of friendship.-- Some of the nicest men
choose to say very . little; but these are
men in whom, in the course of . daily ac
quaintance, you learn to discover very
charming qualities and friendly disposir
tions, - -. - -
Possibly everybody is not charming'.
Perhaps- there is even a bore or two; but
bores are very human, and, to my think
ing, rather cozy. There is a gentleman
who tells over the same story, but nobody
minds i t as much as he would if he knew,
and he, doesn't.'? Even the gentleman who
is always- talking, about his health per-
forms . a beneficient office; be -insinuates
into, the minds, of his. auditors an im
pression that life is valuable. E. S. Nadal
in Scribner's. ' ' -
Bargain Counter Repartee.
An early morning . customer in a big
retail dry goods shop is apt to hear some'
quaint talk among the clerks, who amuse
themselves by chaffing one another while :
waiting for the active trade of the day
to begin. In an np town shop the other -morning
a customer -heard the follow
ing dialogue: -
"Say, fanny?" from the ribbon counter.
"What : is it. ribbons?" from the fan
counter;: . - ..- i
; "Why is it that y on are so unpopular
with the ladies??. .
"Give it up."
"Because in cold weather they don't
fan see, you?!
"Say, ribbons, why is your- trade like
that of a granger?" -'
"Why-is it?"" - - '-''-'.
"Because so much of it is gros grain."
New York Times.' --.
- He TaJtea the Cake for Economy. '
There- is a farmer- in Wrightown town
ship who will perhaps in time get: rich
as he. is economy and. watchfulness, per
sonified. He engaged a girl to assist in
the house at stated, wages per week.
When they .agreed t to settle nearly t
year later, he had a bill against her of a
little . more than ' $3 for loss of time f oi
"gaping" at the cars as they went to and
fro.- It seems that after the construction
train got to running she Would kO - every
time it passed to the door, look at it,
throw np her hands and apron and laugh,
o pleased at the sight. This loss of time
was charged against her in their settle
ment. ' Long, headed man, thafcrt Doyles-:
town. Democrat, i ; -
' Kept Hie Appointment.
1 Mrs. Blifkins (time -midnight) Horrors!.,-
Husband! husband I , I hear soint
one burTp-wing through the wall : '
1 MrBhfkins-Well, well!" It mast be
that book agent. I knew we'd all' be in
bed by 11 o'clock, and. I told him to call
t half -past. Good News.
(Successor to IS. BECK.j
Jewelry, Diamonds,
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
Repaired and Warranted.
165 Second St., The Dalles, Or.
il Jeweler.
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made- to Order.
' 1S8 second St., The Dallea, Or.
Carpets ag Furniture,
And be Satisfied as to
John Pashek,
Third Street, Opera Block.
Madison's Latest System;
Used inf cutting garments, and a fit
guaranteed each time. .
Repai ri ng-and Cleaning
Neatly and Quickly Done.
Ri-B. Hoop,
Livery, Feed 'and Sale
Horses Bought and Sold 'on
Commission and Money -Advanced
on Morses
left For Sale.
The Dalles and Goldendale Stage - Line.
Buige weaves 'ine uauea every morning
at 7:30 and Goldendale at 7:30. All
freight must be left at R. B. ,
. Hood's office the evening ...-'.
; .... befom.'i,;: ;,--
R. B.r HOOD, Proprietor.
; W,S. CRS Proprietor.
' (Successor to Cram 4 Corson.) ..
i - Manufacturer of the finest French and -,
- Home Made1 -
O .A. HSFvc33 IE CE S ,
.. . .. East of Portland. - -.-
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco.
. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesala
ox Retail
In Krery 'Style. 1 '
104 Second Street, The'Dalles, Or.
We are NOW OPENING a full line of
Blact ani Colore! Henrietta Clotts, Sateens, Glnilams M m
" ,and a large stock of Plain,
Swiss and
in Black and White, for
Pen's and Boy's Spring and Sammer Clothing, Neekmear and HosiJ
. - - "cierwear, jrtcs.
, A Splendid Line of Felt and Straw Hats
, We also call your attention to our line of Ljidies' and Children's Shoes mi,
' Next Door to The Dalles National Bank.
Canned' Goods, Preserves, Pickles, Etc.
Country Produce Bought and
Masonic Block, Corner Third and
The Dalles JVIeieantile Co J
Successors to BROOKS
Gents' Furiiishing G
. Hats and
Groceries, Provisions,
390 and 394
Remember we deliver all purchases
School1 Books,
StauOriery, V dictionary Watehes,.Jeme
Cor. of TM and f asWi" Sts, Tie Dalles, Oregon.
Has Opened a
HiiaLxxolx Counter,
Iri Connection With" his Fruit Stand
. and Will Serve
Hot Coffee, Ham' Sandwich,'; Pigs'. Feet,
and Fresh - Oysters. :
Convenient to the Passenger
On Second St., near corner of Madison.
Also a
Branch Bakery, California
Orange Cider, and the
Best Apple Cider.
If yon want a good lunch, give me a call.
Open all Night
Late Rec U. 8. Land Office. ' Notary Public.
ostofflce Box 35ij - ,-r
Filings, Contests,
And all ether Business in the IL S. Land Office '
Promptly5 Attended to. J l '
We have ordered Blanks for Filings.
Entries and the purchase of Railroad
Lands under the,
which we will have, and advise the pub-
ixi mo earuBHt aaie wnen sucn entries
can be made. Look for advertisement
in this paper. ' i - - ,i
Thornburv.& Hudson.
H; Glenn has removed" his
office7 and "the office of the
Electric I Light Co. to ,; 72
Washington" St.'"
Embroidered and Plaided
Ladies' and Misses' wear.
8t Gibons,
Goods delivered Free to any part of the Ci
Court Streets, The Dalles, Oregq
t BEERS, Dealers In
- oods, Boots and Shoes,
Caps, Etc.
Hay, Grain ' and' Feed.
Second Street.
without charge. ,
Organs, Pianos,
Heal Estate and'
Abstracts of. and Information Coneera
ing'Land Titles on Short Notice.
Land for Sale ; and Houses to Real
Parties Looking for Homes in
Buf5iqe Location,
Should Call on or Write to ua.
Agents for a Full Line of
LeaiiniFlre Insnfance CompaniesJ
And Will Write Insurance for
... . on all
Correspondence Solicited. ' All iJetteM
Promptly Answered. Call on or '
Address, '
Opera House Block", , , The Dalles, Or
We will pay the above reward for any case el
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia,. Sick Headache, In
digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot
cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the
directions are strictly complied with.- They are
Surely vegetable, and never fall to give satfsf ae
on. Suear Coated. luirpi muitntnlnir a
Pills, 25 cents. , Beware of counterfeits and fml-4
uinons. ine genuine manufactured only by
' i Prescription Hmggttm,
175 Second St. . The Dalles, Or.
Is this day dissolved by mutual consent
The business will in the future be conducted by
N. B. Wbyerawho will pay and collect all part
nersnip aeDGB.. , o. v.. mua
Dated April lh, 181. B. Witiw.