The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 10, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
"APRIL 10; 1891
, Pacific Rela- D.t'r 9) State
Coast BAR. tive of 8. of
Time. Hum Wind s Weather.
IA.H 29.95 52 69 West Cloudv
S P. M 2!.95 60 53 Pt Cl'dy
temperature, 60; minimum tem-
yerature, 44.
Total precipitation from July up to date, 6.59;
i precipitation from July to date, 12.13;
average defnciency from July 1st to date, a.45.
Tris Dalles, April 10, 1891
Weather forecast till IS
1 Saturday; light
snow in the
towed' by fair weatyer and cooler
The Chronicle is the Only Paper in
The Dalles that Receives the Associated
Press Dispatches. . ,-. -'
Today ia arbor day.
It is said the new boat will be the
handsomest craft on the Columbia river.
"The funeral of Mrs. Henry Gardner of
Dufur, aged about 45 years, took place
there yesterday.
C. A. Williams late of Wainic, is in
the city on his way - to Portland which
he may make his future home.
Dr. Logan went out this morning to
Shearer's Bridge to visit one of the
Smith brothers who, we regret to hear,
fe yery ill. .
" The election for determining the ques
tion of bonding, the city for $25,000 to
finish the water works comes off on next
The weather is beautifully bright and
glorious, but the air is so cool that the
grass is not growing as rapidly as it is
wont to do at this season oi the year,
PrinevilU News.
Chas. E. and T. W. Malette, sons of
Governor Malette, of South Dakota,
and formerly in the master mechanic's
office in jthis city, are in the city, v- -
George Herbert has rented the Hood
River hotel from its owner Robert Randy
- and will take vharge.- beginning - of next
. month. , The Crvboniclb-. wishes - him
abundant success. " "r i.
vvJ." Mf Huntington A Co. , have ' just
added to their list of bargains in .real?
estate, a beautiful residence- withj. three
lota in Gates' addition. A rare chance
to get a good house for very little .money.
Washington at the world's fatt;' with
her $100,000 appropriation, her 430- foot
flagstaff ,and hec higher, hopea, will . Vm
"'6? above -Oregon like the most ; elevated
KonrtFi nf-.Tiilv hnntinc above nair of
red .flannel, jdrisrera on. a bean,-pole !-;
a (amain oiar. ,
r-t r . " i c r;. -r -v - . - ,
--Nyt-'many 'years ago the Portland
chamber of commerce passed, . solemn
resolution that the government appro
priation for opening the; Qaacad,-Locks
was aruseless waste of the public funds.
The whirligig of time brings many a
change. . f. Vj V;J
Long Ward today presented the editor
of the Chboniclb with a beautiful Irish
shillaly ,which. he, says j he imported for
this purpose direct from the ould dart.
Mi- Ward has ouf preloundest', thanked
Transgressors of all kinds will therefore
bewares Thiai particular. shDlaly a
dangerous thing to monkey -with:, , t-
''-torG. J. Farley returned from' Port-
landthis morning., "He informs us that
' tne contract for the steamer is let to
Joseph Pacquet,.the .be
furnished by the. Willamette. Iron works.
The total cob, oj the boa (.Without fuix
niture is $25,000. She will be built in
The-laUe and is contracted ffin?
ished in one hundred days.
The operetta of P6 "Peep, tomorrow
- evening, will close with -the turning of
the May Pole by twelve yoting -ladies
and gentlemen. -The Grecian' Tableaux
will follow after a short' programme.'
Seats should be reserved at
Snipes & Kinersly's, in order to get a
C good view-of the different features of the
.'Tabjteaux.cfi'xrloD O-LLiM :;'. j
The Dalles delegation to the Portland
chambers of commerce meeting have had
confernce. withGovernor.Pennoyer and
Honi'Phil- Metchan,- and were informed
;by those gentlemen that, the construct
HvH'ot Jh 'Cascade portage -road .will,
commence at once. The first work done
will be one qi the approaches .so as.,toJ
have them finished - before-high -water.
By the1 time they are finished or sooner
itjwill be knowiv. whether "the road .fwUl
be built, atr' the -expense of the tgeneral I
. government or ,not,, Lti governor , and
; MrJIetchan 'assured.., our, delegation,
ho er, that the road -would certainly
be mashed and equipped inside of one
hundred days. ', y j .
r The. Union Pacific rents 1 the O. R. &
.f - Coy line. at an annual-rental , it. is".
" said, "of an, guarranteed six""lper. cent -on
$40,000,000.- Or in other words the Un-,ion-Pacificpays
$240,0001. pearly ttv the
0R: AjN.J Covfor.the nse: oLthe road.
Add.tothia sum-; the r state, r county,
school and roadjtaxfia wh.ich-the tJiPhaa
to pay and the aggregate cannot fall far
short of $400,000 and maybe more, -Thi
sum the producers,-jDt thj- inland empire,
have to. pay annually into, the coffers of
Jay Gonldrin addition to the cost of --repairs
running expenses and the little
slice of profits that such a modest .man
-only requires. It follows, therefore,-that
no road builtt such an outlay '.of :capi-
tal can wuUy.mrjetewithfjan
- open river.
Robt Rand, of Hood River, is registered
at the Umatilla House, v ;
W. H. FisKe, of Portland, an old resi
dent of this city, is in town.
Arbor day was observed by the schools
of this city today with appropriate exer
cises. ' . .
Sherman county is the first county in
Eastern Oregon to send in its full quota'
of state tax for the year 1890. ': .. : j ;"
H. Herbring, the dry- goods man, to
day removed his stock of - goods into a
store in, the French; block , opposite, v
Hon. A. C. Malette, "governor of South
Dakota, . is registered - at , the Umatilla
House. The governor is an, old resident
of this city.i -1 ? .k- '.. '. . ; t t
The funeral of Mrs. Margaret Booth
took place from the Baptist church to
day at 2 o'clock p. m. and was quite
largely attended,! Rev. O. D. Taylor
officiated. ; .V
H. Herbring commenced this morning
to move into his new store in the French
block,' nearly opposite his old : stand.
Next Monday or Tuesday he intends to
be open for business again. . ;:: -.-
Mutton sheep are sellingfreely at $2.75
a head and sheep men-hold out for a
higher price. The Baldwin Land ALive
Stock Company Sold a " band the other
day for $3.00 a t head. . These are good
prices and indicate prosperous times for
" The Times-Mountaineer says:
There is no possible benefit to be de
rived in holding a post-mortem examin
ation over the old charter bill. It has
been very meritorpusly dead for many
months, and the autopsy will not stimu
late enterprise in the city or tend to
stop factional fights. ' . ; . :
Perhaps so. ' But then the publishing
of the document will have the tendency
. to show that the men who framed it are
not ashamed of their record..- Besides it
don't cost the ' Times-Mounitaineer any
thing and pleases the Chronicle. -Be
sides too, Air," Michell need not read it if
he does not want to. In fact the Chbon-"
icle recommends him not : to j read.'- it.
No critic who wants to be in the fashion
ever reads anything he criticises.
There' is nothing in Heaven -or earth
can 'equal the slowness of a -Washington
government official. "The mills of the
gods, grind .-slowly" it is said, .but ' the
burrs would -be worn out before a Wash-
ington : official; would "fairly get started.
Five months ago congress, passed the
forfeiturevact. xtAnjtjJjvteingsm: hund
clerk- might $ have formulated between
two any-auns the -necessary instructions
for the local land offices, yet for five
eary nonths the secretary of state and
the assistant secretary and the land com
missioner and the assistant land com
-BMsekraer- ftndjthe? afctomey.general and
all the assistant attorney -generals and
judge advocates and Uwdomxaissioners
and goodness knows .how many .more
have failed to give the local;, land offices
such-instructions as. are. required to. .put
the-law into effect a It is little wonder
that the people "get impatient . at these
Two local business men made a wager
regarding the payment of local postage.
Ajsaid he could .send a letter through the
Astoria postoffice that' would be delivered
to B, who would return an answer to himy
an.d paithex A noc B. would pay iany jvo-1
tage, nor would aijy 4e required. ;- B ac
cepted thp wager., A and iB -exchanged,
envelopei.J&eariniheir;repectiv buai-i
ness cards thereon and agreed on a ficti-i
tilB . address John Jameson J Portland,
Or. A vnfdteaitter-cto B "usintrthe en
rvriqpe with B's- business -cani, addressed
11 as agreeaana dropped mia a street
letter jbox . jwitliout .affixing arpoatage
nsmp.-ii uuo ume tne earner reiorneq,
the letter to B marked "held for Dost-
age;".4 B opeued and read the letter and
replied," enclosing his answer in A's en-
elopejnent and paynigJio postage. A
ived hls'letterimHirly marked, and
won, the cigars.. All letters and packages
bearin the-name of -the sender odiiav-
ing no stamps attacked are returned to
the MKaer to "Be stamped.' 'A'took ad van t
tage of this rule, and by using B's envel
ope the letter was .returned. to B, the
tnpposed sender, and J's letter reached
turn .for tne same reason. -Astortan
A pleasant sar prise -party - was given
last night in honor of . Master ,George
Arnold at -thc-residence-of- his -parents
There .were tea couples in attendanceand
after a social hour they marched into: a
nice supper, jto which they did ample
justice. "The balance of the evening, till
10 o'clock was - passed in; games, etc
Those pxeseitt . were.Utha. Miaeea Ida
MplligapjsLenaiThompsaii .Pearl Wil4
liams, Lena Jacksonk ,Grace Glennr Bes
sie. ..French, Lena XeibeTillie Leibe
Laura Thompson -and-Annie Thompson
and Masters JWillie .SechUr, 1 Leo Jfew
man, Vietoi! Sampson, George j Arnold,
Cari -Williams,--Robert ? WUlams-, Ben
Mulligan, delbert .codyau.1 JFrench
and .Walter French: "
j - - bOTEL AKBIVA 1.8.
: S. L." Cook, Athena, Or.
, ;. A. L, Hulick.vWalla Walla.
' - R. F' McLean, Hood- River. -rt
-JohnrParkerp.-r ''r.Tf "-
;r;john.stddard,v " ) "-:
( Robt.- Rand, -; " : '
i M P, Isenburg, " "
. , L, NeffMosier, "
- . . ... n Beat- Cough Medicine.-
', "One of my customers came, in today
wiu obkcu iuo iur uiv utssb -cougn - mtux
cine I had," says Lew Young, a promi-j
nent druggist of Newman .Grove. JNebl
'Of.courael ehowed him Charnber Iain's
Cough Remedy, and he , did not. ask, to
see any other. " I have never, yet1 sold" a
medicine thatlWould looser!, and 'relieve
a severa cold so quickly .as. that :-does;-
have sold four . dozen . of it within the
last fluty, davs, and do ' not .Jcnow.'jof
single case-wherer it: failed, to give - the
most pefecV satisfactioti.-' "50 cent bot
tles tor sale. by. Snipes a. Kinersly, drug
The week's review of the market is of
very little interest.- Flour has a strong
upward tendency and the Diamond mill
will advance" its price in a few- days.
The warehouses are almost bare - of
wheat and none offering for sale. Beef
cattle are down a notch in price, while
Al. mutton is very scarce and up in
price, and will find' quick sale at the
quotations. Veal is plentiful in market.
The vegetable market is. very well sup
plied. , Weed . onions and lettuce and
some raddishes are brought in.'
Real Estate Notwithstanding the
tightness of the times and the stringency
of money the number of deeds filed for
record shows a" constantly increasing de
mand for property in Wasco county,
which is steadily--rising; in? -.value and
those who are able and fortunate enough
to secure good property now. are sure to
realize' handsome returns in' the near
future--rc-iJ'fci.f-t, V . ' ; . '-----c
The grain market is inactive, a slight
advance' is noted in. this market, ' but
abroad, there is. a steadiness and a firmer
tone. Foreign markets " are more firm
than for some time, better prices are ex
pected for the-crop; of ; 1891, Chicago
quotations for May . delivery- is 1.03,
New York $1.13 San- Francisco
quotations is $1.55' per cental
for the season. Portland's quotations is
unchanged, though has a firmer tone. .
Quote, valley $1.40; Eastern Oregon
$1.35. The Dalles quotes 65 for No. 1,
and 62 for No. 2.
Oats The oat market is very quiet
and offerings ljmited at quotations with
an upward tendency. We quote, extra
clean $1.60 per cental and inferior $1.45
per cental.
Barley There is nothing doing in
barley. Three hundred bushels of good
seed barley was sold during the week at
$1.10 per 100 IK Quote prime brewing
$1.0o1.10, feed $1.001.05 per cental,
sacked.: j 1
Flour Best brands $3.85$400 per
Millstcffs The supply is quite suffi
cient for the demand. We quote bran
and shorts $20.00 per ton. Shorts and
middlings $22.50$24.00 per tonT ,. , '7 ;
Hay Timothy is quoted $17.0018.O0.
Wheat hay is limited in: supply and has
an upward tendency. Quote, $12.50 per
ton. Alfalfa market is without change in
former quotation, $13.00(214.00 ; oat hay j
$12.00. v'-- '--' " 1 i
Potatoes Are coming in freely and a
drop in pricea is expected.' Early Rose
are more eagerly sought after. Choice
Early Goodrich and Burbank Seedlings
are in good demand at $1.10 per cental,
QUote for table use 85.90 cents per 100S
Butter Is in better supply. The
market is supplied somewhat with Call
fornia roll ',afr present.-Quote A 1 .55
cents per roll which is- coming in more
freely ; brine .30.40, per roll, and dull
Eqgb The market is weaker and the
Supply is increasing, Quote 12 cents pet
dozen, and a' downward tendency. !
Poultry Is very scarce " and sells
freely at an advance1 of .50 cents per doz,'
We quote, good, average fowls $4.50
per tddzeni-: cpmmon; $3.003.5p per
.dozen, j Turkeys.10 per1t)' cGeese J0
$1.25 each, i Ducks n35;40 each. -j
Hiobs -Prime dry hides-are quoted at
.040JD5 i; per pound. ;X3hlls'- i
Green .02. Salt .03. 8heep
pelts extra .75.8o, ordinary .40
.60 each. Bearskins, No. 1' $8.00
common $20.' , i.;r - . . - . i f !
BEEi-Beef on foot clean and prime'
03, ordinary .02-. 1
Mutton Wethers are scarce, that is,
to say iSo. 1. 1 Extra choice sell at $4.50 ',
common $3.50$4.o6 per head.
Hogs Live heavy, .644. Medium
weight;. .04, 1 i dressed ' .05J.0&3 i
'Lardjolb :.U10K; 10ft '.10Ji; i40
.68.08c ' perixjund. u r 1 3 1 ' - '- J
'' Stock cattle are quoted at $9.0010.00
per head for yearlings and $14.0018.00
for 2-year-olds. ;- - J
Stock sheep are not on the market, al j
though we hear of $2.00 per head being
offered after the shearing , or $3.50 per
head with fleece, . ; ; . ; . , , . ; .... I
. , -Fresh . milch cows . are quoted from
$25.0050.00 each, with a very limited
offering. 1 . , u . . j-j
L' , - . .'; t
Notice to tax -Fayera. j j
All state and county ' taxes; become
delinquent April 1st. Taxpayers are here-1
by requested to pay the.eame before that
date in order tq avoid going1 -on' the. 'de
lihqqent ' listi' "The countyj' court ' has
ordered the sale of all prbjief ty in, which
the taxes have not beeTL-paid : --Please
call and settle before the time mentioned
and save costs'.': , ' D. L. Cates-, .. !
,- ; , , , Sheriff of Wasco County'.'
. . FOB 8ALK. ' . i
A choice lot of brood . mares ; also a
number of geldings and fillies by "Rock
wood JrV'?'Planter,'! "Oregon Wilkes.V
and "Idaho Chief," samejstandard bred.
Also three "'fine ryoung? stallions ,by
Rock wood Jr.?' out of first class mares.
- For prices and terms call on ot address
either J.'"W.-"Condon, or' J,- H.' Larsen,
The Dalles, Oregon -,' -'v'.:-. ,v
'''';.-'''- H. 6m Band.-: --'.
; J. M.! Huntington--&,'Co. announce
that they are, prepared to make -out the
necessary, papers for. parties- wishing
to lire, on so CaUectrailroad land. ' Appli.
cants should have their nabers all ready
before going, to the land - office so as-4o
avoid the rush; and save" -time. Their
office is in Opera Honse .Block next-. to
main entrances "
',f :-Meviiio,'Sl&eepr-for Sale.- '
I have a fine : band , of. . thorough ' bred
Merino sheep ; consisting oi 67 bucks',
about - 34u ewes ana about-isw young
inm up. n tiiw A . 11 bvm v " ' , . V
" ' - AJ J
ana upon easy 'terms, auureag, ,
'-: D. M; French, ,:-
' ;: "''"'; The Dalles, Or
Yon Tlrl lint mncrVi I nialmlav X.
Houghton will cure it for 50 cents. , S. B.
Warner'-.'-' rinttAT '. A5
butter 60 cte, at Roscoe & Gibons.
tuner! ia in t.ViA 5fw r.n kia Mrnilo tM!.
Orders for tuning may be left at ' I. C. - ; - ,'
The 1mcr fttnra tf C. ' V. T1iint,.n, Aa-
ceased, is now open and will be so con-
i : I i a;, f . , .
tiuueu unui runner notice.
For coughs and colds use-2379.
Does S. BJ ct .there? "T
smile."- S. B.
The celebrated Walter H. Tennv Bos
ton mens' and boys' shoes in all styles
carried by The Dalles Mercantile com
pany at Brooks & Beers old stand.
C. E. Dunham will cure voir head
ache, cough or pain for 50 cenls, S. B.
Get your land papers prepared by J.
M. Huntington & , Co. Opera House
Block, Washington St.
Snipes & Kinersly are anxious to cure
your headache for 50 cents. S. B.
2379 is the cough' syrup for children.
Get me a cigar .from that fine case at
Snipes AKinersley's. .
Long Ward offers for sale one of the
best farms of its size in Sherman county.
It consists of 240 acres of deeded land at
Erskinville.- There is a never-failing
spring of living water capable of water
ing five hundred head of stock dailv.
Tne house, which is a large store build
ing witn ten rooms attached alone cost
$1700. A blacksmith shop and other
buildings and the whole surrounded by a
good wire fence. " Will be sold cheap and
on easy terms. Appl v bv letter or other
wise to the editor or the Chronicle or to
the owner, W. L.-Ward, Boyd, Wasco
county, Oregon. -
Bklrta for Sprlac Wear.
For the spring, skirts will retain the
close sheath shape which has won its
way to popularity in the face of much
opposition.. The skirt is a trifle too long
for convenience " for street toilets.
When needful, a tiny cushion bustle is
sewed in the waist,' but it must not be
apparent; in many skirts a short steel is
run in about half way down, to support
and spread the fan plaits. ' Petticoats of
very light flexible , horse hair are an-
nonmced for v the summer. With; the
lengthening of skirts has oome the" nin
cessifcy for devising scene means of - lift-1
ing a house skirt for comfortable walk
ing on the street. - Ohf derice is a metal
chain; or silk: cord Which ' encircles the
waist;"; and whici.:'paasing throogh a
Kding knot, has a clamp to hold the
skirt at each end, the clamp being lined
witi rubber so as not to mar the fabric.
- finmtiine Baymond's Paris Lettar. -
An ata-elahg"' society was ' foamed ' by
a eomDanv of roune ladies - in itus citT
about a fortnight ago. Tbe fine for each
slang AWord 'used is, one cent, and the
funds raised, ace given to the South nd
miswion school,: The cost to the members
at firsts averaged- about twntyAve eeots
adayJ f.Awfuir: "Oood gracieufir
"Shoot itr and? :Ton make; me1 tired'
were ' samples hrpf the ? etaef pitfalls. A
part of the young ladies have wtthdrawn
rroca, , T4isoc . io4 iver paitKrnpsey,
Tne others don't talk as much .sUnga
they, used to-Sprinfied(Maa.) Bome-
tead.'---.--'-.''.'! i, ,',j i .
VisttinK card shoold have "Mrs.' John
Henry Brown" 'upon it, and it is not good
taste w put y5or maiden name wxq it.
WJben' kVomaa:' inikrries she sinks 'that
macitof:eT badrvidnality toiofawMhne-
aks mpauM.wmr suucea,. urn
ftiBMUhls for xeM deal toUy
.. .'.-. r . 1 ' .-'
I Disease a JTunlaltuentT' .
The-following advertisement, published
by a. prominent western patent medicine
house wouldi ' indicate :jthat they ; regard
diseaseasea-rnunishment tor sm :
rVo. -you Trtsh -to rnow- tne quickest
hray tb-ctwe" a.sever. cold ? ; We ? will tell
vonv 'To cure a cold qicxiy, it ' must be
treated before the eold has become : set
tled in this -systenr. i This can always be
done it you cnooee to,- as - nature in' ner
kirtdrreawto- nan gives timely warning
and plainly -tells ; you ' in nature's way,
that as a punishment for some indiscre
tion r you are "to be afflicted with- a' cold
ft .. ; V.. - I .. !l 1
unless -"you'cnuuse'io kutu ? 11, uu uy
prompt actioiii The first symptoms of a
cold, inmost eases', is a dry, loud cough
and-snfezine. The conga is soon totiowed
toy a! urornse watery-" expectoration ana
the "Snewlnif by ' a prosuse watery ! iiB.
charge from' the nose In severe ' cases
there is1 r tnin 'wnite coating on ine
tnnnift. What to do? It isonlv neoessarv
to take Chatnberlaln'S Cough Kemedy in
don btexioses every nour.rnat win greatly
leseren'the 'severity of the ; cold and in
most caseis will effectually counteract it,
a'hd -iyure'"What'''WOU!ld'haveleeH a severe
cold within one or two days time. Try it
atrd'be convinced?'1 Kfty cent bottles for
sale Ty onipes oc rjnerBiey, uruggiam
We are now -ready' to prepare papers
for-tKefilfiig' and 'entry'-" ftf Railroad
Lands. We aiso attend'toTsusiness be
fore the V. S.TJano: Office and Secretary
of the Thtertor."-rier8on8' tor-wnom we
have ttreDared-taDers and -who - are 're
nnlred td -renew thissir1 annlicatiohs '' ' will
nm De cnargeu auuiiiuiiai lur bucii papers.
,a:: 1 1 j: I'Fs .ThOBKBTTKY & HuDSOK,;
: . 1 - j j .1 i l . 1: : ,
'Itoom8-8 ana's, lAhd 1 Office building!
; '.its,-.'? i!Haraeiatearr AttentleB.1 -r
The spring f bdero for horses will meet
,v.0iw-: V 'R.'BOOTEN', f-
-,- ri-ivc;-.; (Ch!AS: W.' HAiGHT,1
. '.-. Stock' Strayed. ..:--
Three 3-vear-old fillies-(2 sorrels and
one -bay,) two 2-year-olds both bays) all
branded i on the 'left shoulder ' I ;will
give $5 apiece-for-the-recovery of the
same. '-"- ' wtkooiub.
- I j - - Boyd, Or.
' City Treasurer's Notice.. "
All City Warrants registered prior to
July 6, 1889 are now due and payable-
Interest ceaees on and-after date.
.'' " i'.:'-i.J;8. Fish.
! February 7, 1891.-' City Treas
To . the Public. , .'';","
. Notice is'hereby...i ven - that all the
barber shops of The Dalles will be closed
m ruture on bundays. -
Lots 50x100 feet; 20-foot
for Cash or on Installments; Discount
for Cash. No interest.
-FOR S - A
Thompson & Butts,
t -.. . . . i 1." ' -
Haworth & Thurman,
The Farm Trust
lOTH DALiIaES, Wash.
In the last two weeks
have been made at Portland, Tacoma, Forest in the West.
The New
Grove, McMinnville and The Dalles. AH ttQQi, an4 QUna
are satisfied that
North Dalles
Is now the place for investment. New Man- lflBIIllC8J, -
x I nnnwiTinasr
ufactories are to be added and
menis maae. ine nexi yu
portant ones for this new city.
Call at the office of the
Or 72 Washinsrtbn St.; PORTLAND: Or.
Notary Public.
The BEST Investment in
Thompson & Butts;
Dealers in Real Estate and
'Collections Promptly Made.
'; f -i ',!; ' IV (Successor. to ABRAMB i'STEWART.)' ' '' ' "
':. J
Acorn," "Charter Oak" "Argand;
.ruiuus, r ipe, x j.uua.ut;i !3 f ;
Packing, Building Paper,
Also ' af cdmplete stock of 'CarjSehterB',!: Blacksmith's anct
Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware. r -
The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS "Warranted"' Cutlery, Meriden Cutlery a
Tableware, the "Quick Meal" Gasoline Stoves. "Grand" Oil Stoves
'''';!..; and Anti-Rust Tinware. - '
All Tinning, Plumbing," Pip "Work and Repairing;
. will be done 'on, Short Notice.
174, 176, 178180 SECOND STREET, d":i-r i THE DALLES, OREGON.
If II 111 TL
t- i2 T- ' ?" r'1 & "
bits at7d Caps, - TrupHs; ilalises
lts' Fxtrn
Staple and FanGy iiiocerteii,
Hay Crrairi 1 and ; Ieed
No. 122 Cor. Washirtgtdfii and Third. Sts.
alley in each Block. Sold
C. E. Bayard k Co.,
J.M. Huntington 5c Col,
& Loan Com party,
Vice-Pres. & Mgr.
large sales of lots xaNNBRV
Fmnitnre H"fr.
Wire Workts:
- ' ' rli i
large improve- y gpjQgf
aays will De lm- Several"
Fine Cotlaist
Hem Railroad
Investment Co.,
the Northwest, (or sale by .
114 Second Street,
all hinds of Personal Property.
Hand Pilings Prepared!
, ETC.
FOR THE1' "-
aiiu oieam ; jc niei s uuuuucs,
! i ;
i ins