The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THE DALLES OREGOX. Entered at the Postofflcc t The Dalles, Oregon, as second-class matter. THE NEWCHARTER. An Act To -Incorporate Dalles City and to Define its Powers. Assembly STATE OFFICIALS. Governor - S. Pennoyer Secveuiy oi State G,W.MP 1!!1le Treasurer PmlUn 8upt. of Public IiumucUou i- B. Mchlroy (J. U. Dolpa enators jj. jr. Mitchell 11. Hermann 8tate Printer. .' Frank Eater COl'STY OFFICIALS. ninnh Jniim.... C. If. Toornbury 8herirf....... .D.L.C.tes Clerk J- B- Cro jseu Treasurer Ceo. Ruch ( H' A. Leavens Commissioners Assessor John E. E.iruett Surveyor Sajrp of Public Scaools. . .Tro;-.- 'ieiiey Coroner William Michell Be it enacted by the Legislative of the blate of Oregon: CHAPTER I. . THE INCORPORATION, POWEKH AINU BOUNDARIES OF THE CITY. Section 1. The inhabitants of Dalles City, Wasco county, or The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. THE MECCA OF THE POOR MAN. It cannot thought singular that with all the great influx of immigration from the rxivertv stricken states of Nebraska and Kansas and the. frozen-out cyclone' cursed regions of the Dakota's the dis trict of country tributary to The Dalles should have received but little addition to its Domilation. This emigration is all drifting to the Willamette Valley and the cities on the Sound. The reason is obvious. These places, especially the Sound country, have been advertised and boomed in the east by emigration bur pans and real estate dealers, while next to nothing has ever been done outside the local papers to make known to the world the vast resources and cheap agri cultural lands of Eastern Oregon. And yet it is a simple fact that to a farmer of moderate means who wishes to own and not rent the land he cultivates, this country possesses many advantages over the two places named. In the Willain ette Valley and Sound countries there is no government land left except what so heavily timbered that the settler has literally to "hew out alarm" for himself. while in the meantime he must, during manv a weary year, procure the means of subsistence aa best he can by working at the fisheries and around, logging camps. For an old man such a prospect is hopeless ; for a young man there is the prospect that if life holds out long enouzh. bv the time he is old and stiff and rheumatic through exposure to merciless rainfall of six months duration yearly, and incessant toil, sufficient land may be cleared for a truck patch or to plant a few acres of fruit trees or to raise a few tons of clover or timothy, amid the blackened stumps of his little clear ing. Not so in Eastern Oregon. There are still thousands of acres of prairie lands "lying out doors" that the settler can procure from the government . under the homestead laws or purchase at low figures an J easy terms from land, grant companies, where the settler has nothing to do but fence the land and commence plowing. On the other hand the man who has means to purchase improved lands can always find some one willin; to sell and to such perhaps no other country elsewhere offers such attraction land capable of raising, and that does actually raise, year in and year out, ii om 15 to 50 bushels of grain to the acre, can be bought all the way from $5 to $10 an acre, according to improvements and lo cation. Land of equal fertility, west of the mountains, it is safe to say could not be bought for less than three times the price. There is no reason why this is so except the one already given, namely, this country has never made an effort to create a boom, or make itself known to the outside world. Farmers who settled here were generally content to remain, and especially in those sec tions devoted chiefly to the range, new comers were not wanted. And yet it remains true that a man with a little means can find the best land at the low est price and the best and healthiest climate on earth in this same Eastern Oregon. Keferring to an article which lately appeared in the Chronicle urging the propriety and importance of the portage road around the Celilo Falls being built on this side the river so as to make The Dalles the terminus of a system which would control the traffic of the magnifi cent agricultural county of Sherman as well the Fossil coal fields and the coun try tributary io the road now being sur veyed by Mr. Norton the Wasco Observer says:- Were the road to cross the Deschutes the ascent from the mouth of that river to Biires is very gradual and a road could easily be extended, by keeping south of the sand near Biggs, to meet the Spanish Hollow Canyon, up which there is a very practicable route to Wasco. The eleva tion of Wasco is not- more than 1000 feet which would average 100 feet to the mile. After reaching Wasco the road could take a southeasterlv direction to " meet either the Grass Valley canyon or Hay Canyon, both of which routes are easv. As the Chronicle represents, this v matter is of as much importance to the business men of The Dalles as it is to the people of Sherman county. " A consider able share of the trade of this county goes to The Dalles; our interests are v identical with theirs and it behooves us to work together. By joint action we may secure this much needed aid to present insufficient transportation vice. ' - . ' Oreo-on. and their successor within the limits hereinafter i-escviled. ai-e hereby created a body corporate bv the name and style of ... , . - , , . i i t n lln. en i;itv. ana DV mat name auaii have perpetual succession, sue and be Hiied. ulead and be impleaded, defend and be defended in all courts of justice, and in all suits, actions or proceedings, and mav purchase, lease, receive and hold nmnertv. both real and personal, either within or without the limits of said city, for any kind of public build inss. or public works, or public improve ments, or lor city pants or cemererres, ur for hospital purposes or work houses or houses of correction, or for the erection, construction or maintenance of water works, dams, ditches, flumes, reservoirs, pipes, aqueducts or water rights, to sup ply the city with water ; or for the con struction or maintenance of roads, ways and approaches to the city, or for the erection, construction or maintenance of a bridge across tne uoluin Dia river, ana for such other purposes as may be for the best interests of said city ; and shall have the right to charge and collect toll on anv such bridge as may be erected under this act, for the use and benefit of the citv. and mav control, sell, lease or dispose of any property owned by it for any purpose, any sucn sale to De ior ine use and beneht oi tne city. Sec. 2. Dalles Citv, as incorporated by this act, shall also have a right, power and authority to appropriate any private real property, water, water courses, waterways and water or riparian rights or franchises of every name and nature. to or for its public or municipal uses ana purposes, or for the general use of the people or inhabitants of said city, and the same may be entered upon, surveyed and selected in the mode and manner prescribed by any of the laws or statutes of the State of Oregon for the appropria tion of lands, for corporate purposes or uses, and thereafter said cit jr may proceed to make such appropriation in the mode and manner prescribed by any such laws or statutes, and to nave tne compensation therefor determined, and not otnerwise, except that the compensation shall be paid bv a deposit of money in court wherein such proceedings are had, of the amount of such compensation tendered or paid. Sec. 3. uaiies uny snau nave ana use a common seal and may alter and change the same or adopt a new one at pleasure. Sec. 4. All property, both real and personal, and all rights and franchises belonging to or used in Dalles Oity, as hereinafter created, ' established and bounded, shall, on the passage of this act, become and be the property of and be vested in Dalles City, as created and etablished bv this act, and said city may control and lease, sell or- dispose of the same for the common benefit : provided. that where the moneys arrising from the sale or disposal of any property, real or personal, nave bv act of congress or of the legislative assembly of the state of Oregon, or by the terms of the grant under which it is held, be the same public or private, been declared to be t special fund created for a particular pur poses, said fund shall be diligently cared for and shall only be used for the pur pose for which it was created : and if in any case the city has heretofore used any fund so set apart for any such purpose, ' for some other purpose, then said city shall be and is hereby authorized to bond itself for a sufficient sum to replace such misappropriation, the amount re ceived from such bonding to be at once turned over to and become a part of the fund so designated and to be used and applied only as therein provided. . Sec. 5. For the purpose of enabling Dalles City to return to the proper fund any money heretofore misappropriated for other uses, and to enable it to le deem outstanding warrants, said Dalles City is hereby authorized and empow ered to issue its bonds, not to exceed in the aggregate the sum of $50,000 face value over and above and not including the $100,000 of bonds heretofore issued and sold, for the erection, construction or purchase of water works for said city ; provided, that said bonds shall not be sold tor less tnan tneir lace value, nor bear a greater rate of interest than six per cent per annum, payable annually ; the bonds so issued and sold to be re deemed within twenty years thereafter, and in amount not more than $ 1,000 nor less than $100 each; and provided further, that no bonds shall be issued or sold un der this section except under express direction of the city council by written resolution therefor; and provided further. that all such bonds shall be first signed bv the mayor and countersigned by the recorder, or, upon their refusal, to be signed bv at least five council men of said city, and, said council shall direct how said bonds inav be advertised and sold. Sec. 6. The corporate limits of Dalles Citv shall be as follows, to wit : Com mencing at the middle of the channel of the Columbia river, at a point due north of the mouth of Mill creek ; thence easterly and up the middle of the main channel ot tne uoiumoia river one mile ; thence due south one mile; thence westerly to the southeast corner of the Fort Dalles military reservation ; thence westerly and along the south boundary line of said military reservation to the intersection ot the east line ot the south west quarter of the southwest quarter of section 4, in township 1 north, of range 13 east ; thence north to the northeast corner of said southwest quarter of south west quarter; thence west along the north line of said southwest quarter of southwest quarter to the section line between sections four (4) and five (5), said township and range ; thence north on said section line to the township line between townships one and two north ; thence east on said township line to the intersection of the east boundary line of the Catholic Mission ; thence due north to the section line between sections 33 and 28, in township 2 north, of range 13 east : thence east on said section to the middle of the channel of .the Columbia river ; thence easterly and up the middle of the channel of the Columbia river to the place of beginning. SXyatlenl Blnnta. - It is pretty generally known thai in the Psscagoula river, near Scrantoo, Miss., Btr&nge sounds are., frequently heard as of a musical instrument played at a distance under the water. .. Boating parties are often startled at the distinct, ness of the music. ' . They liken it to the Bounds produced by the vibration of mu sical "glasses or of harpstrings. '. The sound rises and falls as if wafted by the wind, and is locally, known as "the mys terious music." The origin of the sotxnd is generally ascribed to a movement of sand at the bottom of the river, although there is no. evidence offered that the sand does more or any reason given why it should move, ., The explanation, doubtless, rests upon the fact that such a , phenomenon as singing or barking sand La known to ex ist in several parts of the world. "It. is not likely that wet sand would produce the sounds mentioned. It it; more prob able that .fish make thes-3 noises, for fish can sing very nicely, too. It seems rather funny to speak of binding fish, but many of them do certainly produce vocal sounds. Croakers get their names froxn the "noise they make. Blue Sen protest indignantly when they are pulled oat of the water, but these are not sucn sounds as constitute the. music of the fish. Mobile (Ala.) Register. GEO. H. THOMPSON, Notary Public. W. H. BUTTS, Auctioneer. TO GRiD OPERA HOUSE. A Night of Fun I ftlUIIUciy .HJIII . Dill, Thompson & Butts, 114 Second Street, , - - Engagement of the prince of entertainers Joh.ri Dillon, The BEST Investment in the Northwest, for sale by THE DALLES. OREGON. w Supported by a select com pany,' in tne great com edy craze 7X N TE the Eatftbf. Dealers in Real Estate and all kinds of Personal Property. Collections Promptly Made. Land Filings Prepared. D Grandall More genuine fun to the square inch than any other attrac tion on the road. Eeserved Seats, $1.00; Children, . Cents; Gallery, 75 Cents- 50 & Budget, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN FURNITURE CARPETS. our ser- - "I say, Van Brown, how is it that you are always out when I call?" "O just luck."' ' Bret Httrtf' LiUxiU7 SeetuaioK. Unlike many authors, Bret Harte never does an ambitious piece of literary work amid the din of the city. When ever the plot of a story gets thoroughly crystallized in his mind he repairs to a quiet suburban retreat just outside of London, and there he works. And in this little nook the author is at present hard at work upon a new story of con siderable length. Only a few of his closest friends know the whereabouts of his cave of seclusion, and even these he khas never asked to join him there. The novelist works steadily when he is in se clusion, and stops only for an hoar's walk every day. When at work his diet is a very frugal one; he retires early and is up just after dawn, working of ten sev eral hours before he has his morning coffee, eggs and rolls. For two months he will keep himself thus secluded, then, returning to London, he places his manu script in the hands of his publisher and considers his work done, for Bret Harte hates proofreading. Edward W. Bok's Letter. . " . . A Nose from s Cat's KiW. A Decatur young woman has recently been operated upon successf ully in a manner that will excite . surgeons. .The patient is a young; woman who, when a child, had her nose broken, and as a. re sult of the decay of the bones the bridge of the nasal organ had been completely lost. The patient was etherized and a transverse incision about three-quarters of -' an inch long ' made directly between the eyes, extending down the bone. . A small chisel was then introduced and all the soft parts separated from the bones, from, the top of the nose to the forehead, and about one inch, on either side of the median line out on the cheeks. " Wnen this had been done a half grown cat was quickly chloroformed and pieces of four ribs, each two inches in length, were token from its side, rapidly cleaned of nil superfluous flesh and then inserted into the wound so that they raised up the skin, thus forming a good solid bridge. The wound healed in four, or five days, and . the slight scar is almost invisible. Decatur (Bis.) Cor. New York Herald. Tba Ltnt Rat Story. Mrs. L J, Fiske was the . victim of a bold and daring attempt at robbery the other night at her rooms on State street, Columbus, O. The thief was a big rat, and the : plunder which he nearly sue ceeded in carrying away was the lady's gold watch and chain. Upon retiring she placed the watch on a dresser in the sitting room. About midnight Mr. Fi&k was awakened by a noise in the room. Turning on the light he found the rat dragging the watch toward a hole near the water pipes, which he had nearly reached. The rat had taken the watch from the dresser, drawing it nearly twenty feet. In a minute more he would have disappeared with his Cincinnati Enquirer. ' Seats on sale on and after Thursday at Snipes & Kinersly's. J. M. HUNTINGTON & CO Abstracters, Heal Estate and Insurance floents. Undertakers and Embalrhers. NO. 166 SECOND STREET. NEW FIRM! NEW STORE' loscoe 8t Gibons, -DEALERS IX- Abstracts of. and Information Concern- .... . i ingLand Titles on Short Notice. Country and for Sale and Houses to Rent. Parties Looking for Homes in COUNTRY OR CITY, OR IN SEARCH OF Should Call on or Write to us. Agents for a Full Line of Leaiii Fire Insurance Companies, And Will Write Insurance for - on all DESIEABLB EISKS. Correspondence Solicited. All Letters Promptly Answered. Call on or Address, . J. M. HUNTINGTON & CO. Opera House Block, The Dalles, Or. A Wwsan Who Hm Wrlttea a BmL Mrs. Burton Harrison, , the latest woman novelist to win genuine favor with the public, is described as a pretty, youngish woman, very blonde, with nice, high bred air. She lives in a -sol emn brownstone house in old fashioned Irving place, where she has gathered toe-ether a quantity of heavy, carved oak furniture and much antique silver that has a respectable Virginia pedigree. Her maiden name was Constance Gary and her family is one of the oldest in Virginia. New York Letter. : .. California vineyards in 1890 produced 16,500,000 gallons of wine and 2,197,403 boxes of raisins. Whist seems to be on come the national game. its wav to be- Dogs against sheep was an issne in the North Carolina legislature a few dayi ago, and the dogs. won. . On . Tuesday last a bill was before the bouse for the protection of sheep against dogs, and it was defeated by a vote of 83 to 9.' oerk of the Virginia state senate need to say frequently that no member of the legislature was ever re-elected who had favored the passage of a dog law. or law protecting sheep from the ravages of the dogs. Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser. A Changeable Climate. A man in order to meet the exigencies of the present winter should have about five overcoats, all of different weight. He needs a buffalo robe for early morn ing, -and then as the day rolls on he should be able each hour to don a lighter garment until midday, when he could go without any, and : then gradually in crease the weight until , he would . get back his buffalo robe at night. There is lots of climate this winter. Texas Sift- AUtkw, Everybody. A man named Henn out in Iowa laid a corner stone the other day.- Here is dagznng opportunity for the barren par- agrapher to yoke an egg joke to this. American Grocer. V STAPLE V AND V FANCY V Canned Goods, Preserves, Pickles, Etc. Produce Bought and Sold. Goods delivered Free to any part of the City I Masonic Block, Corner Third and Court Streets, The Dalles, Oregon The Dalles JVIetfeantile Go.v Successors to BROOKS & BEERS, Dealers In Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Etc. :z?r HARDWARE" Groceries, Provisions, Hay, Grain and Feed. 390 and 394 'Second Street. Remember we deliver all purchases without charge. .... W. E. GARRETSON, JAMES WHITE, Has Opened a Lunoli Counter, In Connection With his Fruit Stand and Will Serve Hot Coffee, Ham Sandwich, Pigs' Feet, and Fresh Oysters. Convenient to the Passenger Depot. On Second St., near corner of Madison Also a Branch Bakery, California Orange Cider, and the Best Apple Cider. If you want a good lunch, give me a call Open all Night LeafliJig -JBweier. SOLE AGENT FOR THE - ' ' S. L. YOUNG, (Succesaor to E. BECK.) All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Second St., The Dalle. Or. John Pashek, pieiclanj Tailor -FOR- Third Street, Opera Block. Madison's Latest System, Used in cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed each time. -DEALER IN WATCHES. C Jewelry, Diamonds, SMEHWflRE, :-: ETO Watches, Clocks and Jewel Repaired and Warranted? Carpets and Hie, Repairing and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. CO TO REMOVAL. PRINZ & NITSCHKE, And be Satisfied as to QUALITY AND PRICES. H. G-lenn has removed his office and the office of the Electric Light Co to 72 Washington St. $500 Reward County Treasurer's Notice. All countv warrants registered prior to JNoveinoer , o, wm oe paiu ii pre sented - at my office. Interest ceases from and after this date. G&o. Rdch, 'Treas. Wasco Co., Or. The Dalles, Or., Feb. 18, 1890. 4t We will hit the nhnve reward for anv case of T.ivpr rvntmisfnt- Pv-Hnenflia. Sick Headache. In digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure witn west s vegeiaDie uth ruia, wueii me directions are strictly complied with. They are purely veffetaDie, ana never ian to give aaLimtw; tion. Sugar Coated. . Large boxes containing 30 Pills, is Rents. Beware of counterfeits and imi tations. The genuine manufactured only by THE JOHN C. WJf ST UUS11-AM1, tlUUAUU, ILUisOlS. ' BLAKEIEV HOUGHTON, Prescription Dranrgrists, 175 Second St, . The Dalles, Or. 165 Second St.. The Dalles, Or. C. N. THORXBCRY, Late Rec. U. 8. Land umce. . A. HCDSON Notary Pub THOPUBY&PDSOK ROOMS 8 and 9 LAND OFFICE BUILDI ' rostofflce Box 825, . THE DALLES, OR. Filings, Contest ' And all other Business in the C. S. Land Offiil Promptly Attended to. in. 1 1 A A 'Plants frvr Filil TTCUftve urucici i . -- ( ,( ; the nnrchase of Kail. T jindH nnder the recent Forfeiture 4 which we will have, and advise the p lir. at. t.h earliest date when such enti can be made. Look for advertise in this paper. Thornburv & Huds