The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THE DALLES - - - - - OREGON. Entered at the Poetoffiee at The Dalles, Oregon, as second-claxH matter. STATE OFFICIALS. Governor S. Peuuoyer Secretary of State . W. McBnde Treasurer FMIllip Metschan 'Supt. of Public IiiHtructlon E. B. MftKlroy IJ. N. Polph enators j H Mitchell Congressman B. Hermann State Printer Frank Bnker COl'NTV OFFICIALS. Countv Judge. C. N. Thornbury 8heriff . I. L. Cates Clerk J. B. Crossen Treasurer Cieo. Ruch , , ' 4H' A. Leavens Commissioners Frank Kincaid AHHeRMor John E. Harnett Surveyor E. F. Bharp Superintendent of Public Schools . : . Troy Shelley Coroner William Miehell The Chronicle is the Only Paper in Th e Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. IMPORTANT TO SETTLERS ON R. R. LANDS. We call the attention of occupants of the land? recently forfeited to the United States to the fact that ''Secretary Noble has directed the commissioner of the general land office to publish a notice in the papers circulating in the-vicinity of the lands forfeited by the railroad land forfeiture act, requiring all persons hold ing contracts for the purchase of such lands from the railroad companies to in dicate at the local land offices, within sixty days, the particular 'lands which they intend to purchase under the act. There can be no doubt that the "con tracts for the purchase of these lands from the railroad companies" refers sim ply to such certificates of tilings as in the case of the Northern Pacific in' this re gion, that company used to issue to ap plicants for these lands, for several years fter the grant was made. If it be asked : What about those who never made any filings and who, as a conse quence, have no evidence that they ever made any contract with the railroad company, express or implied, it may suf fice, in the absence of any definite in structions on this point at the local land office to say that the intention of the Secretary ".undoubtedly is to compel all persons holding railroad lands and other wise qualified to purchase, to indicate at the local land offices within a period of ixty days the particular lands which they intend to purchase, in order that those holding a larger tract than the forfeiture act allows them may not pre vent the settlement of ihe lands by per sons entitled to enter them under the homestead or other laws. Ample public notice will be given when the land office here receives its orders, as to when the sixty days begin to run, but we presume they will not begin to run before the day tixed for receiving filings on these lands which is next Monday. SOCIAL AND POLITICAL PERIL. The disturbances in the coke region of Pennsylvania in which, at least, seven men were killed outright and as many -as forty wei more or less seriously wounded gives marked emphasis to the one grave lesson that the New Orleans aflair has been teaching the people of the United States. The Oreaonian of yesterday very truly says : we are admitting too many immi grants of alien races, totally unfit, intel lectually ana morally, for tbe duties, privileges and responsibilities of Ameri can citizenship. Tne pure and hardy jiorthern races which flowed into this country dnriug the first century of its existence as a nation were a wholesome accession to its population, increasing tne national strength as well as the national wealth. The ignorant and vicious alien and depraved masses which have poured across the ocean from southern and eastern Europe within the last twenty years . are an element of weakness arid danger. Their crude but their dense ignorance and depraved morals make them a scourge of constant peril to our political ana social safety. They are more dangerous as a social than as a political force. It is bad enough that these creatures are voteis; that the ballot of a stupid and vicious oriental from the confines of Russia. barely Europeanized and not at all Americanized, cast into the evil side of the scale by a corrupt merchant of suf frages should biftance that of an en lightened American citizen ; that the , vote of an Italian stabber, exploited by the head of a criminal association, should offset that of a law-abiding per son, inspired by high public motives. But it is worse that the poison of these savage and degraded peoples should enter into the blood of our social life, perverting civil order, corrupting law, palsying justice, destroying the founda tions of society and breaking down the restraints of vice, that the Mafia should introduce terrorism and assassination into the macninery of our city govern ments, and that infuriated mobs of Huns and Poles should introduce Anarchy, riot, arson and slaughter into our industrial life. This is the intoler able thing. SERIOUS CHARGES. The editor of the Goldendale Courier makes a curious statement with reference to the habits of the topers of that town. He says : "Whiskey is imported into this city in bottles and sold to men who take it into an alley and ' drink it. They leave in every bottle an average of three or four tablespoonfuls." -These are very curious charges. Drinking in an alley might be overlooked but when we are assured that three or four table spoonfuls are left in every bottle, it is just as much as to say that the topers of that town get so beastly full that they are not able to finish "the rear of the bottle." ' D UTCH A ND IRISH PA TRIO TISM. Some people don't like the Dutch and others don't like the Irish but one thing can be said for both ; when a Dutchman or an Irishman gets into a shindy in which he comes out second beBt that's all there's of it. You never find him threatning to bring over the big army and navy of the mother country to punish the Yankee that licked him. He would die first. He's an American citizen he is, and owes no allegiance to and claims no protection from no foreign prince or potentate on earth. And so patriotic and devoted to his adopted country is he that if . neces sity arose and Uncle Sam wanted to take it easy himself, he might sit down in his rocking chair while the Dutch and the Irish would clear the country of every internal foe from New Orleans to Mani toba and of every foreign one from New York to China. A CONSTITUTIONAL DEFECT. It cannot he thought strange that foreign nations should consider a consti tution very defective which grants the power of making informational treaties, wherein the right of foreigners sojourn ing in the United States are guaranteed by this nation, while at the same time in such a case as that of the New Orleans affair, the Federal government has no more constitutional right to interfere with the course of justice or the punish ment of the offenders than has a justice of the peace in the back woods of Ore gon. Still, this country has worried along, tolerably well, for considerably more than a century with this same con- stituion she is not likely to be in a hurry to remedy the defect just to please a ' lot of hot-headed Italians. POLITICAL ROTTENNESS. Chicago at this moment presents a powerful illustration of the utter corrup tion and rottenness inherent iu the gov ernmental management of our large cities. Two men are running for mayor, both belonging to the same party, and as the election campaign progresses each is vying with the other in promising that if elected he will make his administra tion democratic "from scrub woman to mayor." O ! for some moral sausage cutter that would make mince meat of them both. Public economy, public safety, public honesty these are minor considerations. Nothing is of any value save party and spoils. The Popolo Romans a leading paper of Rome, Italy says : Ir we cannot obtain the solemn rights which one great people owes to another' we will at least allow ourselves the satis faction of sending . back the American vessels filled with wheat for our mar kets, and return to the Yankee breeders their trichinqced meat. . The Chronicle the leading paper of The Dalles Oregon says : If you do Mr. Popolo Romans we will send your vessels back filled with hand organs, monkeys and macaroni. If this means war Popolo Romans can make the best of it. Italy's claim for redress in the case of the eleven Italians massacred at New Orleans was based on the fact that a New Orleans jury had acquitted them. Now if Humbert had only waited a little while he would have seen another New Orleans jury solmenly pronounce the lynchers innocent, and what would Humbert do in that case? If he would not go back of the court . record in tbe one case he should not in the other. It's a poor rule that won't work both ways DANA'S VIEWS Off THE ALLIANCE. Farmers to Wield an Important In . fluence. Bat Cannot Maintain Party Existence Long. Charles A. Dana, while in Atlanta, Ga., on his southern tour the other dav. said that Cleveland, if nominated, would lose New York by 50,000 votes. Asked about the outlook for 1892, he said : "Nobody can tell. The farmers' alli ance is an important factor in the Ques tion. It depends on the amount of damage tney will ao to the republican party in the west and the democratic party in the south, rnow the farmers alliance in the south proposes to be democratic. It is held back Dy the negro question. That dominates everything here. There is no such balance wheel in the west, and the alliance is bitter against the republican partv : thev came from that party and you know when a member of an organization has left it he is more bitter against it than its original onrxments. If the farmers' . alliance in the south should grow to such propor tions that the negro' question would be considered unimportant, it would then smash the democratic party as far as it couia. Is Disease a Punishment? The following advertisement, published by a prominent western patent medicine house would indicate that they regard disease as a punishment for sin : "Do you wish to know the quickest way to cure a sever cold? We - will tell you. To cure a cold qickly, it must be treated before the cold has become set tied in the system. This can always be done if you choose to, as nature in her kindness to man gives timely warning and plainly tells you in nature's way. that as a punishment for some indiscre tion, you are to be afflicted with a cold unless you choose to ward it off by prompt action. The first symptoms of a cold, in most cases, is a dry, loud cough and sneezing. The cough is soon followed by a profuse watery expectoration and the sneezing by a prosuse waterv dis charge from the nose. ' In severe cases there is a thin white coating " on the ton true. What to do? It isonlv necessary to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in double doses every hour. That will greatly lessen me severity oi ine cola ana m most cases will effectually counteract it, and cure what would have been a severe cold within one or two days time. Try it and be convinced." Fifty cent bottles for sale by snipes & Kineralev, druggists. SNIPES & KINERSLEY, Wholesale auft Retail Drucists. Fine Imported, Key West and Domestic ' (AGENTS FORI 8TD F 883. Don't Forget the EAST EtID SHLOOli. r r r r MacDonalfl. Bros., Props. THE BEST OF fines, Lipors and Cigars ALWAYS ON HAND. C E. BAYARD CO., m Heal Estate, Insurance, and Loan AGENCY. Opera House Block, 3d St. Chas. Stublingv PROPRIETOR OP THE New Yogt Block, Second St. - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Liquor v Dealer, MILWAUKEE BEER ON DRAUGHT. Health is Wealth ! Dr. E. C. Wert's Nebvk anb Bbain Treat ment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzi ness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental De pression, Softening of the Brain, resulting in in sanity and leading to miserv. decav and death. Premature Old Age, Barremies, Loss of Power in eicner sex, involuntary ljosses ana epermat-. orrhoea caused by over exertion of the brain, self abuse or over indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. WK GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by ns for six boxes, accompanied by $5.00, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money if the treatment does not effect a cute. Guarantees issued only by BLAKE1EY HOUGHTON, , Prescription Druggists, 175 Second St. The Dalles, Or. YOU NKED BUT ASK Tbi 8. B. Headache and Liver Cure taken according to directions will Keep your Blood, Liver ana Kidneys in good order. The S. B. Cough Cure for Colds, Coughs and Croup, in connection with the Headache Cure, is as near perfect as anything known. The 8. B. Alpha Pain Curb for internal and external use, in Neuralgia, Toothache, Cramp lAjiic inu ijnuiera Aiurous, is uusurpassea. l aey are well liked wherever known. Manufactured tt Dufur, Oregon. For sale by ail druggists "ViI BHA1M J. M. HUNTINGTON & CO. Abstracters, Heal Estate and Insurance Agents. Abstracts of. and Information Concern- ingJLand Titles on Short Notice. Land for Sale and Houses to Rent Parties Looking for Homes in COUNTRY OR CITY, OR IN SEARCH OF Bugiqegg Location?, , Should Call on or Write to us. Agents for a Full Line of Leaflii Fire Insurance Companies, And Will Write Insurance for on all X1ESIEAB3LE RISKS. Correspondence Solicited. All Letters iromptly Answered. Call on or Address, , J. M. HUNTINGTON & CO. Opera House Block, The Dalles, Or. JAMES WHITE, Has Opened a XaxxxoDbL Counter, In Connection With his Fruit Stand and Will Serve Hot Coffee, Ham Sandwich, Pigs' Feet, and Fresh Oysters. Convenient to the Passenger Depot. On Second St., near corner of Madison. Also a Branch Bakery, California Orange Cider, " and the Best Apple Cider. If you want a good lunch, give me a call , - Open all Night S.'L. YOUNG, (Successor to E. BECK.) DEALER IN- WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Diamonds, SILVERWARE, :-: ETC Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired and Warranted. 165 Second St.. The Dalles. Or. John Pashek, Third Street, Opera Block. Madison's Latest System, Used in catting garments, and a fit guaranieea eacn time. Repairing and Cleaning - Neatly and Quickly Done. FOR rFINE Commercial job Printing COME TO THE CHRONICLE OFFICE. want Tailor Crandall & Barget, t MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN FURNITURE GARPETS. Undertakers and Embalmers. NO. 1G6 SECOND STREET. NEW FIRM! loseoe 8t -DEALERS IN- V STAPLEV AND Canned Goods, Preserves, Pickles, Etc. Country Produce Bought and Masonic Block, Corner Third and (Successors to L. D. rnanufaciurers A General Line of Horse Furnishing Goods. be PAiEiasra promptly and jsrrxTz- XDorcra:. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Harness, Bridles, Whips, Horse BMets, Etc. Full Assortment of Mexican Safiiaiery, or StamretL SECOND STREET, - The Dalles JWereantile Co., - - Successors to BROOKS & BEERS, Dealers in : Grants' Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Etc. H A R D WAR E Groceries, Provisions, 390 and 394 Remember we deliver all purchases H. C. MlELSeN, Clothier and Tailor, Grouts' Fuml ftfi Gt-ooda, tyats apd Qap5, Jmr;, iJalises, v . Boota and Slioosi, Bto. , CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STS., THE DALLES, OREGOK. V. E. GARRETSON, Jeweler. SOLE AGENT FOR THE All Watch Work Warranted.';: Jewelry Made to Order 138 Second St., Tne Dalles, Or. $500 tie-ward ! We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfac tion. Sugar Coated. Large boxes containing 30 Pills, 25 cents. Beware of counterfeits and imi tations. The genuine manufactured only by THE JOHN C. WF8T COMPANY, CHIGAGO, ILLINOIS. BLAKELET A HOUGHTON, Prescription DruicicUts, 175 Second St. ' Th Dulles, Or. REMOVAL. H. Glenn has removed his office and the office of the Electric Light Co. to 72 Washington St. LeaaiDD NEW STORE' Gibons, r V FANCY V Sold. Goods delivered Free to any part of the City. Court Streets, The Dalle's, Oregon. Frank, deceased.) OZH1 - . THE DALLES. OR! Hay, Grain and Peed. Second Street. without charge. -FOK- Carpets anil Furniture, CO TO PRINZ & NITSCHKE, And be Satisfied aa to QUALITY AND PRICES. CJ N. THORNBURY, T. A." HO DSON', Late Rec. U. 8. Land Office. Notary Public. THOPORY 0ii, ROOMS 8 and 9 LAND fcE BUILDING, PostoRlce BfSB, THE DALLES, OR. pilings, Contests, And all other Business in the U. S. Land Office . Promptly Attended to. We have ordered Blanks for Filings, Entries and the purchase of Railroad Lands under the recent Forfeiture Act,' which we will have, and advise. the pub lic at the earliest date when such entries can be made. Look for advertisement in this paper. . -. . Thornburv & Hudson. Harnesses