The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAY, APRIL 2.1891 METE0B0L06ICAL EEPOET. Pacific H Rcla- D.t'r 53 State Const BAR. tive of B. of Time. Hum Wind s Weather. 8 A. M : 48 74 NW Clear 8 P. M 3l).3'. 58 31 " Maximum temperature, 59; minimum tem perature, 36. Total precipitation from July up to date, 6.39: average precipitation from July to date, 12.13; average iietliciency from July 1st to date, 5.45. WEATHER PROBABILITIES. The, April 2, 1891. Weather forecast till IS rn., Friday; fair. Followed by light rain. Slightly warmer. FAIR The Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. , LOCAL BREVITIES. Mr. H. G. Hurlburt of Arlington is in the city. J. P. Mclnery has returned from San Francisco. Horn. Robt. Mays ha8 returned from a trip to the country. The Chronicle ia daily going addi tions to its subscription list. The street commissioners has a num ber of "hobos" cleaning the streets. Mr. Frank Bowman, of Colfax, Wash., is in the city calling on old time friends. We regret to hear that the wife of A. C. .'Connelly is very sick with typhord fever. We had a plesant call today from Isaac H inkle formerly of Kingsley but now of Stewart, Crook county. Mr. Depew has left the employ of Mc Farland & French and is now in the store of J. C. Baldwin. Harvy Smith, of Shearer's Bridge, and and Thomas Fargher, of Dufur, gave this office a pleasant call today. Wm, H. Heald, National BankExanii ner for this coast, is in 'the city making his regular examination. West Dalles property has today been placed on the market by at least two of our local real estate dealers. John Ganaway with his prairie chooner loaded down to t he guards with freight for Prineville, leaves this city in the morning. Ben Southwell, of Eight Mile, brought into this office today a hen's egg that measures six inches and a half by seven and three quarters. Whose hen can beat this record? Henry Loretzen has sold out his ex press business to Vanbibber and Teague. Henry goes into the fishing business in partnership with his brothers, during the coming season. The regular meeting of Columbia Lodge No. 5, I. O. O. F. will be held in their hall tomorrow evening at 7 :30 p. ,m. As business of special importance will come ltefore the meeting a large at tendance is requested. It ie reported that a corporation of capital has a project on foot to place a telephone sys tem in our city. This is a thing devoutly to be wished as the bene fits to be derived will . be much more than one might at first suspect. From Mr. John Quirk of lower Fifteen Mile we learn that Mr. Norton's survey ing party was at his place on Tuesday last. Mr. Norton, we undesstand, has met with no difficulties in locating the road and has found so far a cheap and easy grade. Before the end of the week the party will have reached the Dufur neighborhood. The dread scourage of diphtheria is in the city. It is in the family of an emi- . grant who arrived here last Sunday, and who is at present on the bluff north east of the fair ground. One child died last night, another has been given up by the physician in charge and two more have just been attacked, all in the same fam iiy. ' Chas. E. Bayard, special agent Indian , aepreaauon ciaimB was, dv tne Din pass- ' ed by the last congress legislated out of office, as all Indian depredation, claims will, under the new law, be adjudicated by the court of claims. He had just closed his official business as such agent, and is now appointed as government timber agent with same salary and allow ance as in his former position. The entertainment given last evening at the Vogt Grand by the young ladies of the M. E. Church and their friends called out a very fair house and was itself under all the circumstances and exceedingly creditable affair for all con cerned. For some reason, in spite of I Very effort the calcium light could not tie made to work, but the young ladies, made the very best of the provoking circumstance and the audience left, well City engnieer Brown has let the con ' tract to himself of catching the fish in the cistern at the intersection of Wash ington and Third. . You see the fish are ' blind and cannot see bait and George has little faith in their sense' of smell so he is working on an invention to light tip the cistern by electricity and catch them with either a fish wheel or a dip net. Fish dealers can present George with sealed bids for the whole catch, in all causes accompanied by a good Havana iii&i . muv uctii vigui gcto iiiic pnmuiK of the catch. . . Jflonthly i meteorological Report. . , - . ' ; . United States signal serviee. Station, The Dalles, Oregon, for the month of March 189L ea a I -r. s ll 27 16 11 20 28 24 32 33 39 37 35 30 44 46 47 47 41 49 49 51 50 46 47 46 52 43 46 41 42 45 40 32 28 2S 82 35 35 40 42 48 46 46 47 53 58 55 58 53 57 59 62 56 57 58 K 54 53 51 56 55 54 22 05 01 08 20 13 24 24 30 28 24 23 35 35 39 35 30 40 40 40 43 35 36 28 44 33 38 32 28 84 26 .03 .05 .04 .01 T .17 T .08 .01 T Mean barometer, 30.080; highest barometer, 30.430, on 2d at 9 P. M. ; lowest barometer 29.730, on 27th, at 8 A. M. Mean temperature 89.4; highest temperature, 04, on 24th: lowest temperature, 1 degree below on the 3d. Greatest daily range of temperature, 28, on the 29th unii 31st. Least daily range of temperature, 10. on the 1st. MEAN TF.HPKBATIKF. FOR THUT MONTH IN 1S71. 1K72 1X73. 1S74. 1875. 1H7C...44.00 1X77. . .42.00 1X7S...54.00 lh79.. 50.01) 1KX0. ..41.00 IKS1. . .52.001 1X86. ..46.00 1XM2. . .4X.0O 1X87. . .45.00 1X83. . .52.00 18X8. . .42.00 1X84. . 43.001 188'). . .49.20 1X85. . .52.001 1890... 42. 20 .44.00 Total deficiency in temperature during the month, 6.8. Total excess in temperature since January 1st, 2 deg. Prevailing direction of wind, easterly and westerly equally divided. Total precipitation, .53: number of days on which .01 inch or more of precipitation fell, 8. TOTAL PRECIPITATION (IN INCHES AND HUN DREDTHS) FOR THIS MONTH IN 1X75. 1X76. 1X77 1878. ..2.131 1X79 3.151 1X83 2.321 18X7 0.79 ..2.20 18X0... -.0.16 1X8 ...0.74 1888 0.91 . 3.661 1X81 ..0.3X 1885 ...0.14 1889 1.04 ..1.99 18X2 0.23 1886 0.93 1890 1.89 11891 0.53 Total deficiency in precipitation during month, 0.83. Total deficiency in precipitation since January lst 1.5S. Number of cloudless days, 12: partly cloudy days, 10; cloudy days, 11. Solar halo' on the 24th in a clear sky all day. Lunar hulos on 21st, 22d and 23d. Rainbow on 22d. Note. Barometer redueed to sea level. T indi cates trace of precipitation. Dash ( ) below zero. SAMUEL I. BROOKS, Voluntary Signal Corps Observer. THIRD REGIMENT NOTES Headquarters Third Regimen Oregon National Guard :st Inft. ) D, V 1, 1891.) The Dalles, Or., April Special Order,) No. 13. f ' I. The members of A and C compan ies, staff, non-commissioned staff and band, 3d Regt., O. N. G., will assemble at the armory, fully armed and equipped for battalion drill, on Friday evening, April 3d at 8 o'clock p. m. sharp. , II. Capt. G. T. Thompson will detail a guard from A company consisting of 1 sergeant, 1 corporal and six men, who will preserve order in the armory during the ball which will immediately follow the military" exercises ; they will report to the adjutant for duty at 10 o'clock. III. Detailed for officer of the day, Capt. E. W. Nevius. By Order, . 1. A. Houghton, Colonel. An April Fool Joke. Yesterday morning one of leading phyioians received a telegram which read as follows : "Come first train, fractured thigh, good pay- J. H. Cradle baugh, Hood River." Hastily grasping his ''saw and whittles" the doctor hur ried to the depot only to learn that no train would leave for four or five hours. He then, with all possible speed rushed for the telegraph office. On the way he met a patient who wanted a prescription Dut tne doctor coula not stop. A man had broken his leg at Hood River, and he must hasten to inform, him that he would be down at the earliest possible moment. Arriving at the telegraph of fice the doctor told the operator to rush through a telegram to Hood River in forming Mr. Cradlebaugh he would be down to fix the man's leg as soon as possible. The operator looked puzzled there was a twinkle in his eye but the doctor assured him there was no April fool about it. He was simply replying to the telegram the messenger boy had brought him. Without thinking, the operator said he knew nothing of the telegram and the truth' began to dawn upon the doctor that he was a victim of an April joke and he hunted hard for a crack in the floor to crawl into. A HandMome Boat. Within a few days a handsome little boat will be launched which will be a fine addition to The Dalles fleet. It ia a skiff seventeen feet six inches long and six feet six inches wide. The boat is fitted with three pairs of oar locks and carries two sails. . . It has a deep center board, locker, etc., and has everything in it that is essential to comfort. Ten to twelve people can easily be carried in it and be perfectly safe. The boat is built' of cedar and while it is large it is ex ceedingly light. The lines are beautiful and it looks as if it might ride the water like a thing of life. ' Mr. T. Oleson was the designer and builder and all who have seen the new boat say that it is a credit to his skill as a builder. It will be launched as soon as the water in the creek is a little higher. HOTEL ARRITA L8. UMATILLA HOUSE. Chas. W. Murphy, Antelope. Mrs. M. Hunkle, Crook Co. A. S. Hunkle. " H. H. Sutcliffe, Goldendale. Mrs. A. R. Byrkett, White Salmon., Chas. Derbam, Hay Creek. D. M. Nonemaker, Goldendale. A fine dog muzzle has been found and left at the office of Haworth A Thurman In another column: will be found a general order from Colonel T.' A. Hough ton, arranging for battalion 'drill, - dress parade and ball of the Third regiment. This affair which occurs tomorrow (Fri day) evening is given by the regiment as a benefit for the band boys, who will be there in their beautiful new uniforms and furnish the martial strains for the drill and parade, and also the grand march. The music for the hop will be rendered by Prof. Bergfeld's full orches tra of several pieces. A grand time is confidently expected. All passenger trains from this time forward will stop at the Umatilla house as well as at the passenger depot. Tick ets for local trains can be; obtained at the hotel, but baggage must be checked at the depot. This will be a source of great convenience to many who are obliged to wait for weary hours on trains that are hardly ever on time. It is currently reported that Mr. John Michell and Mr. V. H. Vanbibber of this city have struck -"pay dirt." Some time ago they bought a piece of land in Whatcom, Wash., for $5000 and a lucky turn .in the wheel of fortune warrants them in, today, figuring on getting $120, 000 for it. . The Chronicle congratulates the Mountaineer on its good luck. The ladies of the M. E. Church wish to return their thanks to all those who as sisted by music -r to Mr. O'Leary for his reading; to the "Beautiful Young La dies," and especially to Mis's Grubbs. They also wish to thank the -numerous friends who assipted them in ' various ways. There has just been- placed in opera tion in this citv, a telephone from the engine house to the Company's shops, to be used in case of emergency. For communication between the two places when fires, break out in town, it will be a great convenience. Fifteen car loads of beef cattle from American Falls, Idaho, belonging to the Puget sound dressed beef and packing company m charge of Geo. Wright, were fed at the stock yard today while on their wav to Seattle. We regret to hear that the wife of A C. Connelly, ex-6uperentendent of pub lic schools, died today between twelve and one o'clock, of typhoid fever'. Battalion drill of field and staff, N. C staff, band and A and C companies to night at the armory. Drill strictly pri vate except to the Chronicle reporter. A SOLDIERS WIDOW. Mrs. John A. Logan Denies the .Report That She Intends Marrying A pain. Washington. March 30. General John A. Logan's widow has thought . it proper to notice some rumors which hinted at a probable marriage. Mrs, Logan says to the society reporter of a local newsDarjer: If 1 bad no sentiment about remain ing the widow of General Logan and I have I have no desire or need to re marry, since, thanks to congress and the general s mends, 1 am well provided for, and 1 now eniov the friendship of nianv good men who were his friends, and whose wives are my mends. Why should I want to sacrifice all these bles sings and associations of thirty years of wedded life for the nncertainitv of other ties?" Foatoffice Robbers Sentenced. A little over a month ago the poetoffice at Blalocks was broken mtc and some money and a lot of provisions, etc., in the store connected with theorhce stolen. Five persons were arrested charged with committing the crime. John Daring and James Duval, on being arraigued in the United-States circuit court, pleaded guilty to the charge and were sentenced to three vears each in the Demtentiary. Frank Williams and Ed. Swartz also pleaded euilty to the charge and were sentenced to one year each in the peni tentiary. The fifth man, John Doe, de clined to plead guilty, but has since ex pressed his intention to do so. Daring and Duval were tne principals in tne crime. They broke into the place first and took the money and what other stuff they wanted, and, going away, met the other three, and went back and handed out provisions, etc., to them till they had enough. This is why Daring and Duval got three years each while the others got on with one year each. : From the Catholic Sentinel we clip the following, which we heartily endorse- Between an eratic clergyman in New York and a vixen in Chicago a scheme has been advanced to organize a Catholic political party. The idea is unworthy of respect. No sensible Catholic, however radical his religious views, will tolerate tor a moment so chimerical and Tin American a scheme. We have political parties enough now into whic'i everv American citizen, whether Pagan or Christian, may enter to advance his in terests in any field of legislation, if legis lation were necessary. But we want no legislation upon religious matters. We want a vinculo between church and state and will ever oppose any measure which seeks to brine the two toeethen When ever bigots of any denomination seek to influence politics, that very moment enouid every iair-minded American rise and crush the monstrositv. No Catholic ought for a moment to countenance it : none will be more earnest in denouncing or opposing such vicious tactics than our own Catholics. Oliver Wendell Holmes, in one of his charming essays, says however much we may disagree as to the other qualities of a eentleinan, all mankind agrees so far as to unite in the negative postition that he is not one who blows his nose with his fingers. The mellow old doctor must be wrong7 if webelieve the Des Moines Register, for a few nights ago, at the Grand Opera house in that city, Hon. J. F. Willete, of Kansas, late candidate for governor, in full view oi ms audience, placed his index finger and thumb on either side of his largest facial protuber- erance, and did, actually did, the act the autocrat so earnestly deprecates. Really, stories about the sockless Jerry Simpson may not be slanders, after all. CHRONICLE SHORT STOPS.. V. Alfalfa seed for sale chean nt .IniM Bros.' . . You need not. fvma-Vi t Tiloli-olo,. jt. Houghton will cure it for 60 cents. S B. For coughs and colds use 2379. Does S. B. pet. Micro? "T smile." S. B. C. E. Dunham will ache, cough or pain for 50 cenls,- S. B. All kinds of carHpn woria in mlV at Joles Bros.' Get your land papers prepared by J. M xiuimiigion x jo. opera House Block, Washington St. Snipes & Kinerslv are anxious to cure our headache for 50 cents. S. B. 2379 is the cough syrup for children. Get ITie fl. Pitrar fivtm Vat firm fxioA of Snipes & Kinersley's. Joles Bros, deliver all goods sold to anv Dart of the nit.v. mil ilnn't win fn. . . , - j - " get it. ' The civil-engineer is not monarch o all he surveys. The Best Couch Medicine. 'One of my customers came in todav and asked for the best cough medicine I had," say Lew Young, a prominent drug- fist of Newman Grove, Neb. "Of course showed him Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and he did not ask to see any other. I. have never yet sold a medicine that would loosen and relieve a severe cold so quickly as that does. I have sold four dozen of it within the last sixtv davs and do not know of a single case "where it iaiied to give the mos pertect satisfac tion." Fifty cent bottles for sale by Snipes & Kinerslv, druggists. Card of Thanks. The undersigned return thanks to those who by their contributation help ed to purchase an' organ for the Three Mile Sunday school. Mrs. S. Creighton, ' Mrs. Waters, Mrs. J. M. Chase. Notice to tax Payers. All state and countv taxes, become delinquent April 1st. Taxpayers are here by requested to pay the same before that date in order to avoid eomz on the de linquent . list. The county court has ordered tne sale of all property m which tne taxes nave not been paid.. .Please call and settle before the time mentioned and save costs. D. L. Gates. Sheriff of Wasco County. FOB SALK. A choice lot of brood mares : also a number of geldings and fillies bv "Rock- wood Jr.," ".Planter, "Oregon Wilkes," and "Idaho Chief," same standard bred. Also three fine vounar stallions bv "Rockwood Jr." out of first class -mares. For prices and terms call on or address either J. W . Condon, or J. H. Larsen, Tne Dalles, Oregon. On Hand. J. M. Huntington & Co. announce that they are prepared to make out the necessary papers for parties wishing to liie on so called railroad land. Appli. cants should have their papers all ready Deiore going to tne land omce so as to avoid the rush and save time. Their office is in Opera Hose Block next to main entrance. . : M erlno Sheep for Sale. I have a fine band of thorough bred Merino sheep consisting of b7 . bucks, about 340 ewes and about 200 young lambs, which I will sell at a low price and upon easy terms. Address, JJ. M. J; BENCH, ' '-. The Dalles. Or. Stock Strayed. Three 3-vear-old fillies (2 sorrels and one bav.) two 2-vear-olds ( botn bays) au branded on the left shoulder, l will give $5 apiece for the recovery of the same. J. vv. Kopeks. Boyd, Or. Improve Your Poultry. If you want chickens that will lay esse the year round without having to pen them up to keep them from setting, get the mire bred JSrown l,eahorn. Mrs. I). J. Cooper on the bluff, near the academy, bas the eggs lor o cents per setting. The American Market. The best stand in the citv will be offered for sale for the next ten davs Good- chance for a live man to make money. ' New Addition. For one week I will sell shade trees. elm, maple, ash and box elder, also sur plus fruit trees at naif price. J. A. Vabney. City Treasurer's Notice. All City Warrants registered prior to July 6, 188 are now due and payable Interest ceases on and after date. J. S. Fish. February 7, 1891. Citv Treaa. WEST DULLES " AWORTH fc THUR MAN on the following eafty terms: Cash buy ers set the benefit of 5 per cent, dit count, while part cann ana liwuiiimeni puremuwre win iiui ent pa; any interest. Call and examine the plats at 116 COURT ST. FIRST ANNUAL MEETING. Notice to the Subscribers of The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co. rrBE FIRST ANNUAL MEETING OF THE I i .' i . .. in.. t 1 1 t i i i DuuncriwsiB mj luc Inun, iviuuuu nuu Astoria Navigation Company will be held at the rooms oi he tsoara oi iraae at uaues city, ore iron, on Baturdav. ADril 4th. 1391. at 2 o'clock D. m., for the purpose of electing ortieers for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such other business as may legitimately come before the meeting. By Order of the Incorporators of said Coin . pany. - - v From millions of customers, dorfag thepost year, comes the verdict that VICKS SEED 9 never disappoint. Why waste time, money and patience on. ntht-K- vhrn vnii ran bmr the PTJST at ramr price t Make no mistake this year ; send 10 cent lor Viclz'B Floral Guide, deduct the to cents from fint order, mnA i T ivttiv isn ever: soo larffe pages, colored plates, grand noreltiem worthy of cultivation . iasn prizes sxooo ana pn. JAJCE8 TICK. gSSPBMAM, BaobwT. K. T. 1 & CJ MAYS & CROWE, ' (Successors to ABRAMS o: STEWART.) " Xlotallors and. Totsbers iii Harffware, - Tinware, - Graniteware, - wooffeuware, SILVERWARE, ETC. AGENTS "Acorn," "Charter Oak" "Argand" STOVES AND RANGES. Pumps, Pipe, Plumbers' and Steam Fitters' Supplies, 'acking, Building Paper, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES. Also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmith's and 'armers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware. -AGENTS The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS "Warranted" Cutlery, Meriden Cutlery an Tableware, the "Quick Meal" Gasoline Stoves, "firand" Oil Stnwn and Anti-Rust All Tinning, Plumbing, wm oe aone on 174, 176, 178. ISO SECOND STREET, JlOfTH DRLiLtES, Wash. In the last two weeks have been made at Portland, Tacoina, Forest in the We8t- The New Grove, McMinnville and The Dalles. All gootandShoe are satisnea mat North Dalles Is now the place for investment. New Man- tflClUlCtll ufactories are to be added and .l- J- rni , melius maue. xne next yu portant ones for this new city. Call at the office of the Interstate Or 72 Washinerton St.. PORTL A"N"D . Or O. D. TAYLOR, THE : DEALERS IN Staple and Failed Groceries, Hay, Grain Country BOUGHT No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third. Sts. NEW FIRM! loscoe -DEALERS IN- 8 V STAPLE V AND Canned Goods, Preserves, Pickles, Etc. Country Produce Bought and Sold. Goods delivered Free to any part of tlie City. Masonic Block, Corner Third and H. C. N IELS6N, Clothier and Tailor, G-exx-t9' Frurn 1 hTi lxxgr Groods, tyats apd Qap5, Jmi)!, ilalises, Boots arid Shoea, Etc. , . CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STS., THE DALLES, OREGCHV S I. C. NICKELSEN, -DEALER IN- STATIONERY, NOTIONS, BOOKS AND MUSIC. - Cot of TM and VasMntfon Sts, Tie Dalles, Oresei Xj. JS1. CEO W EI FOR THE :- FOR- Tinware. Pipe Work and Repairing csnort iNOtice. THE DALLES, OREGON- large sales of lots TANHEftV FACTORY. Fnrnitnre MTt. Wire Works. large improve- NrW Dmnnc i , . UIIIUUU. aavs will be im Several Fine Cottanes. Keoi Railroad Investment Co., DALLES, Or. and Feed. Produce AND SOLD. NEW STORE 8t Gibons, V FANCY V Court Streets, The Dalles, Oregon.