MAYBE LAND. Beyond where the marshes are dank and wida la a tavdrtor of rod and gold, "Where the son has sank in the shifting tide ' Of the olouds that the night elves mold, "at leada to the portals of Maybe Land, Whose castles and KTovea wo see, 'Ob a vapor bank e'er the misLS expand. To darken the wind swept sea. Tto there that our wishes are all made true. Where frowns may not mar the brow. "Where storms never matter the whole yea! through. Where Then is transformed to Now. nil only the dreamer who idly halts ' With a pencil and brash in hand Can travel the path to the mystic vaults ' And the treasures of Maybe Land. Philander Johnson in Washington Post. LOVE AND RAPIERS. , Tbe village vof Bay St. Louis wag a favorite dueling ground in the days when ma appeal to swords or to pistols was thought by southern gentlemen to be the aly honorable way of settling: personal grievances. Those days are past, and now there is not a more peaceful and certain ly not a more beautiful town in all the jnctoxewque coast country. If ever yon shall be going: to New Or leans by way of the railroad from Mo tile yon will find it well worth while to top and spend few days at this lovely ssunmer resort. If yon will take a carriage and a driver who knows the place yon may spend a day or two delightfully in exploring the ins and outs, by highway and byway, of settlement that dates back to the time when the Spaniards and the French were ylaying battledore and shuttlecock with all our rich and salubrious gulf-coast country. Even now in the streets and picturesque little shops of Bay St. Louis yon bear the soft accents of Spain and the polite intonations of Paris. The people have toft voices and gentle manners, and it is hard to imagine, much harder to believe, that it was ever true of them that they stood ready, on the strength of the slightest insult, to fight to the death as a matter of honor; but it was. There are men living now who saw many duels in the days of the "Hsode. One charming old gentleman informed the present writer that he had witnessed twenty hostile meetings with sjword or pistol. Before the days of the railroad which sow makes Bay St. Louis bnt one hour and thirty minutes from New Or leans, the only approach was by water, save from the interior of Mississippi. This rendered the place one of the most secluded nooks in America, and, as a matter of course, a considerable number of refugees from justice or from mis fortune or tyranny fled thither; but the larger part of the population was highly respectable: some of it was made np, specially in summer, of the wealthiest and best French families of New Or leans, who came by steamboat to spend the hot season in elegant cottages on the breezy bluffs. Nearly all the duels ever fought at Bay St. Louis took place in one or an other secluded spot in the lonely woods behind the town. These woods are now dotted with creole and negro cottages, the homes of poor people, who find an may if not luxurious life where the fish in the bayous and the fruits on the trees are to be had with bnt the smallest out lay of labor. Ever since the place was . tret settled, and even before, these woods have been a maze of crossed and tangled roads, paths and trails first anade by the Indians. Yon can ride or drive everywhere and in every direction. and yet the growth is thick, often ob structing the sight on all sides. Now and again yon come upon little natural glades or openings set in wild grass and aarronnded with a wall of trees. These ace the spots that were chosen for the dreadful work of the duelists. About the year 1824 two young men of New Orleans were lovers of a beauti ful girl by the name of Marie de Noyant, whose father had a summer place at Bay St. Louis. Of course, Marie could not accept the attentions of both if she loved either, and as Honore Chanvin had captured her heart, there was noth ing for Pierre Maton to do bnt to chal lange his successful rival to mortal com- The three families Noyanta, Chan wine and Matons were of the best in New Orleans, and had always been on the most intimate terms socially. Honore and Pierre had known Marie from her childhood up; they had been her play- - -ntatest her friends, and now they were her lovers. Both were handsome, rich and honorable, as honor was understood at the time and place. If Marie hesi tated to choose' between them it was not - because of any doubt in her heart. She knew that she loved Honore, and quite as well she was aware that under no cir cumstances could she ever love Pierre. Still it was very hard for her, when . Pierre came to her home on the bay and -asked her to be his wife it was hard to break in on his passionate appeal with the truth that must crush him. She begged for time to consider, and thus put on? the unpleasant, nay, the tortur ing, duty that she owed to herself tnd ao ner lovers. JtJut the moment came when she could no longer procrastinate, Honore, doubtless aware that his rival was besieging the citadel of his lady's Iteart, came also to Bay Si. Louis and aged his suit. " Gently, kindly, sweetly as she could, - JLarie pnt an end to Pierre's hopes; but - it was not liftiS-' power to blunt in the least the terrible point of her refusal, Love is not to be set- aside with polite ness, nor can it be assuaged by generous friendship and tender kindness. Any tiling short of love is a stab to love. ' "Then it is Honore Chauvin that you re for, Marie?", said .Pierre, rising to go. Marie arose also, and they stood look ing at each other. They had been sit - ting on a vine covered veranda, with the waves of the bay tumbling in against the beach in full view. "Yes, Pierre," she said presently, will not deceive yon or evade your ques tion. I do love Honore, and I promised him today that I would be bis wife. Pierre stood dumb for a while. There was nothing for him to say; words were not made that could in any way serve his turn in this moment of utter defeat. "On, I am so sorry, so grieved, Pierre, to Bee yon feel like this!" cried Marie. "Ypu know I love you as a brother is loved, very, very much, and" "Aa a brother!'' muttered Pierre, with bitter, desperate emphasis "aa a broth err And he turned and left the girl's presence without another word. She made a ' movement as if to follow him, but he had passed down the steps and out . of the gate with long strides. like some actor in a melodrama. Her first thought was of danger to Honore Chanvin; for in those days the hot French blood rarely cooled without first having boiled over in deadly fight. What Pierre Maton did was to go straight to his friend Honore Chauviu and slap him in the lace. That for Mane de Noyantr he ex claimed, still choking with the desperate choler excited by his sense of defeat. "That for youP he went on, repeating the insulting blow. Then he turned and left Honore, well knowing what would follow. The challenge was promptly sent and as promptly accepted. The following morning at a little past sunrise the combatants, with their sec onds and surgeons, met in a small open space where two or three little wildwood roads, dim and straggling, crossed each other in the forest part of what was then known as the Tonline plantation. They were to fight with swords. The weapons were measured, positions chosen, the word given, and the fight to the death was begun by a thin, keen. far reaching clink of steel crossing Bteel. Many a time had these young men, now eager for each other's blood, fenced in manly play, and well did both kii-i.-how equally were they matched, and how doubtful was the outcome of the struggle they were beginning. -Both were pale, but cool and wary; m their eyes burned the hateful fire of unforgiv ing anger. The seconds stood aside, si lently but intently gazing on; the sur geons, a little farther away, held their bandages and instruments ready. Honore Chauvin, to do him justice, did not wish to kill Pierre Maton, but meant, if he could, to disable him. This, however, was not so easy, for Pierre, eager to slay, and burning with rage of disappointed passion, was fighting like a mad tiger, and yet with supreme vigi lance and art. Their swords cut the air with hissing swiftness and filled the space with a clangor and shower of spiteful sparks that might well have stalled all the wild songs of the birds in the woods round about. Once the keen point of Pierre's rapier barely touched Honore s throat, letting the least show of blood. In turn Pierre felt a tingling scratch on his own breast, but this exchange of touches only shot into the fight a new access of energy. As the exercise began to steady their existed nerves and lend suppleness to their leaping muscles they redoubled their efforts, and Honore forgot his re solve to only wound Pierre, while Pierre felt his desire to kill swell into a steady. deadly tempest of passion. Again and again each of the combat ants received slight wounds, mere scratches; but neither appeared able to break the other's guard or to find an un defended point, such touches as they had given and received being more the result of close fighting than of advantage either way. Bnt no matter how young and strong they were, or how expert, this could not last very long. The tre mendous strain was sure to telL Who would fail first and permit the other to make the fatal pass? Thev were panting now, and the white foam was gathering on their purple lips. Their eyes, starting and glaring with concentrated fury, were fixed and ter rible in their animal expression. It was as if these two men, so lately friends and almost brothers, were ready to man gle and devour each other like savage wild beasts. Happily the time when such things could be has gone by, but it is by keep ing record of those strange acts that we are able to understand: the growtn ot our present civilization. The duel lin gered longer in the south than in the north, and especially in the low country did it last without much sign of passing away till some time after the close of our great war. Looking back now we can scarcely realize that only half a century ago it was a common occurrence for two men to do what we are witness ing between Honore Chauvin and Pierre Maton. So much was dueling a part of the life of the people in the early years of the present century that in some parts of our country to refuse a challenge was to in vste social ostracism, and not to give and not to give gne on fit occasion was sure to attract contempt. The seconds and the surgeons stood by so wrapped in contemplation of the even handed tight, so engrossed in watching the leaping blades, and so forgetful of everything save this play of death, that they did not hear the sound of wheels and the rapid beating of a flying horse's feet. As for the principals, they would not have heard if a thunderbolt had fallen at their feet. They were now fighting in the last spurt of strength be fore one or the other must fail. Each felt that if his antagonist held np a few minutes longer all would be over. The reflection of this thought set a terrible tight in their drawn and haggard faces. The muffled sound of wheels in the Band and of the furious flight of a horse came nearer and nearer. The sweonds leaned forward as the intensity of their sympathy with their principals seemed to shrivel them, as if with beat; the sur geons unconsciously drew closer to the panting, laboring duelists. Honore Chanvin at this moment made a lunge; Pierre avoid! it by a supreme effort; the movement caused them to ex change positions, ana as they did so Pierre shot out a quick thrust that pierced Hanaro's sleeve without touch ing the flesh; his point hang a half sec and, and Honore was just in the act of running him through when he tripped on a small root and staggered back. ,. Now they both rallied and renewed the con test with a momentary show of return ing string? h; but Honore was failing., Pierre saw this and rushed upon him" with feeble bnt furious energy, striving 1 to beat down his guard. He had suc ceeded, and Honore was at his mercy. The next breath there was a sharp cry of terror, the voice of a woman in utter distress, and a strange, dull rushing sound followed by a crash. ' ' The duelists were swept from their feet and dashed - headlong, a horse tumbled over them and the fragments of a small vehicle were scattered around. In the midst of this wreck thus hurled upon the contestants a young woman rose to her feet and stood, beautiful, dis heveled, frightened almost to madness. but unhurt. It was Marie de Noyant. The horse, after falling and rolling over, struggled to its leet, ana, with parts of its harness still clinging to it and trailing and whirling about, ran frantically away through the woods in the direction of the town. Overcome for a moment, the seconds and surgeons stood staring and motion- , but they were men of nerve, and needed but time to take a breath and pull themselves together before spring ing forward to the assistance of Honore and Pierre, who lay as if dead on the ground where the shock of the collision had flung them. Marie de Noyant had arisen early that morning to keep a promise she had made to visit a sick and extremely aged Creole woman who lived in a small house back in the woods . on the road' to Jordon river.. Feeling oppressed with what had occurred between her and Pierre, she or- I dered her servant to fetch her pony and J and cart and drove away alone before the rest of the household were np. She left the servant behind, wishing to be j entirely free to commune with her heart and to devise if possible some means of softening Pierre's disappointment. While she feared that something dreadful might come of the terrible passion of the young man, she did not dream that, even while she drove slowly along the dim road under the trees, a duel was in progress between him and Honore Chanvin. Her pony, a stout, gentle ani mal, jogged quietly f orward in the sand between the tufts of Spanish bayonet and thickets of bay bushes; overhead the pine trees moaned and the grand magnolias rustled their stiff, gloss; foliage. Suddenly three or four goats, part of a herd that had been turned out to graze and browse in the woods, leaped out of a little tangle of tall wild grass hard by and dashed across the road close in front of the pony. Marie at tho time was ab sorbed in thought and held the lines with a slack hand. The pony took fright, as the gentlest horse sometimes will, and whirled about and, almost upsetting the cart, ran away through the forest as fast as his legs eould carry him. The move ment whisked the tines out of Marie's grap. and so she lost control. Discover ing his freedom, and crazed with fright, the hitherto gentle little animal now be came a savage and terrible beast, reck less of everything, giving no attention to road or direction. The reader will understand at once how the catastrophe came about at the dueling ground, for the pony, accident ally heading itself that way, ran madly and blindly upon the combatants. It was found dead a half mile from the spot, with Pierre's rapier sheathed to the hilt in its breast. It had struck the weapon's point just as it was about to dart into the heart of Honore Chauvin. The strangest part of the whole adven ture was that Marie escaped without even the slightest hurt. The young men were borne to the nearest house, where for many hours they lay side by side insensible. Honore's hurts were nearly fatal, and Pierre was crippled for life. In the course of their convalescence they both received the gentle and untiring care of Marie, and before they were able to leave the horse their friendship had been restored. Aunt Clothilda,, a very old colored woman, who speaxs notmog out tne French patois of the Creole country, is the only survivor of the slaves owned by Marie de Noyant's father at the time of the duel. You may, if yon will visit her in her little house on Hospital street in New Orleans, have the story, that I have here sketched, told to you in the most picturesque way, and it always ends with a minute description of how beautiful Marie looked in her white wedding gown when she and Honore Chanvin were married. In the course of frequent and long sojourns in the old French region of the south I have made note of many roman tic, odd or otherwise interesting stories of dueling, but none of them seems to me more strange than this told me by Aunt Clothilde. Last winter I visited the spot where the duel was fought, and while I tried to imagine the scene as it was sixty-six years ago a mocking bird quavered its incomparable flute score from a wax myrtle bush on the edge of a flowery thicket hard by. -What a peaceful spot it was! Maurice Thompson in New York Ledger. - Effect of Pride. Ah ancient and distinguished indi vid ua! writes: "I owe my wealth and elevation to the neglect with which I ucsd to be treated by the proud. It was a real benefit, though not so intended. It awakened a zeal which did its duty, and was crowned with success. I de termined, if this neglect was owing to lay want of learning, I would be studi ous and acquire it. : I determined, if it was owing to " my poverty, I would ac cumulate property; if extreme vigilance, industry, prudence and . self denial would do it (which will not always). I determined, if it was owing to my man ners, I would be more circumspect. was anxious, also, to show those who had so treated me that I was undeserv ing such coldness. I was also warmed by a desire that the proud should see me on a level with, or elevated above, them selves. ' And I was resolved, above all things, never to lose the consolation of being conscious of not deserving the hauteur which they displayed to me. "New York Ledger. 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Each box contains one month's treatment. 11.00 a box. or six boxes for $0.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied by $5.00, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by BLAKILBT & HOUGHTON, Prescription Druggists, 175 Second St. Tne Dalles, Or. YOU NKED BUT ASK THB S. B. HBADACHK AMD LlV R Hkadachb and Livr Curb taken according to directions will kt- your Blood, Liver and Kidneys in good order. ' The 8. B. Codoh Cobb for Colds. Coughs and Croup, in connection with the Headache Cure, ia as near merfect as anvthina known. Thb S. B. Alpha Pain Curb for internal and external use, in Neuralgia, Toothache, Cramp Colic and Cholera Morbus, is unsurpassed. They are well liked wherever known. Manufactured at Dufur, Oregon. For sale by all druggists. 1) Dalles is here and has come to stay. It hopes to win its way to public favor by ener gy, industry and merit; and to this end we ask that you give it a fair trial, and if satisfied with its course a generous support. The Daily four pages of six columns each, will be woucu cvcij cvcuiug, CAuept ounaay, and will be delivered in the city, or sent by mail for the moderate sum of fifty cents a month. Its Objects will be to advertise the resources of the citv, and adjacent countrv. to assist in v, w developing our industries, in extending and opening up new channels for our trade, in securing an open river, and in helping THE DALLES to take her prop er position as the Leading City of Eastern Oregon. The paper, both daily and weekly, will be independent in politics, and in its criticism of political matters, as in its handling of local affairs, it will be JUST, FAIR AND IMPARTIAL We will endeavor to give all the lo cal news, and we ask that your criticism of our object and course, be formed from the contents of the paper, and not from rash assertions of For the benefit of shall print the first issue about 2,000 copies for free distribution, and shall print from time to time extra editions, so -that the paper will reach every citi zen of Wasco and THE WEEKLY, sent to any address for $1.50 It will contain from four to column naeres. and we shall to make it the equal of the best., Ask your Postmaster for a copy, or address. THE CHRONICLE PUB. CO. Office, N. W. Cor. Washington and Second Sts. f ' outside parties. our advertisers we adjacent counties. per year, six eight endeavor