The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 01, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered t the Postofliee at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter. -
governor j g. pettnnrer
Secretary of State ii.Vf. McBride
Treasurer. - ..Phflll M ..!.,..
Supt. o( Public Infraction E. B. McKlroy
pongrefwman B. Hermann
fctate Printer Frank Baker
(J. N. Dolph
J J. H- Mitchell
Countv Juilge....
Sheriff ......
C. N. Thornbnry
D. U Cates
J. B. CroKsen
. .Geo. Kiich
Commissioner j"' A-,,5ve"
J rank Kincaid
Assessor .. . .John E. Burnett
Surveyor e. K. gharp
buperintundent of Public Schools ... Trov Shellev
Coroner William M ichell
The Chronicle is the Only Paper in
The Dalles that Receives the Associated
Press Dispatches.
The results that have followed the
lynching of the eleven Italians at New
Orleann who were charged with being
jwcensorj- to the murder of Chief of
T,.i : . ii ,
uwi iwy wgin to look rerioua
2 1 ..... il r. , .
"juji fin nicy were connnea to inso
lent vaiairings by their America
countrymen about revenge, and silly
threats of raising an army of 140,000
Italians in the United States to compel
redress. American citizens looked on
with indifference if not contempt. But
the scene is changed. it is no longer
cotteries of blood-thirsty Italians breath
mg out their own shame by condemning
an act which, however much the neces
' wity of it might be deplored, very gener
any met the approval of tne very best
people the world over. The Italian gov
rnment, if the dispatches are to le tie
..v-vcw, int. Jim jei.rHiei an act ot open
Hostility to tlie United States bv recall
: 1 I. . t: ... " .
jug mc imnan minister at Washington
who, in turn, has demanded his pass
pons irom tne department of state, and
all because, forsooth, the king of Italy is
. unsatisfied with the progress of the
adjustment, between the two countries
of the matter relating to the New
Orleans massacre. There is petnlent
impatience about this act of the Italian
King more befitting the warm blood of
the fiery emperor of Germany. To say
the least one would have expected more
good sense from King Humbert. The
United States has shown no disnosition
to be unfair or to shield wrong doing, if
inueea any wrong was done. There
loes not seem to have been any unneces
HQ ltT lnlnn a A. I . . . . .
uci. uii me pari ot tnis govern
ment in the progress of adjustment. To
thousands outside the diplomatic circle
there was really nothing to adjust. A
hand of murderous cut-throats, had met
ngnteous judgment at the hands of
peaceable and honored citizens, whose
only fault was that they did not offer up
tne venai jury mat acquitted them in
the same holocaust. So the king gets
maa ano we suppose the next move on
n.c lurckw Doard win be to send a part
ins vaunted navy over hereto demand
indemnity -or something of that kind
-Alarming rejxirts are current of Ameri
can citizens being arrested on Italian
soil and retained as hostages. This
is a game two can play at. If the king
..iu inaeinnity we will gladly giTe him
ine wnoie alalia outfit, while if he per
"iu nis unreasonable hostility, the
climate of some parts of this country
may become very unhealthy for ven
detta brigands. Meanwhile this govern
ment is learning a lesson from this New
Orleans affair that she will do well to
iieed. The gates of Castle Garden have
swung too widely inward for these many
.years. The line must be drawn some
where and sometime. We have no use
for a class of immigrants, whom we can
not punish, when they violate our laws,
without getting into a row with the
mother country. The man who is not
willing to assume the responsibilities of
American citizenship with all that that
-words implies has no business here. If
' we reject a Chinaman because he cannot
be assimilated, we must reject others
for the same reason. This country has
too long been the dumping ground for
the social offal of Europe. Politicians
have from time to time placed restriction
planks in their platforms but the dumps
still continue to grow larger, until this
Italian entanglement at last demands in
thunder tones that the thing ought to stop
and stop right soon. While the nation
will Always regard with pride every for-'
ign American citizen who walks worthy
of his citizenship, no matter to what
race he belongs or what country gave
him birth, we have no use for men who
look to a foreign country for protection,
while professing loyalty to the United
' Pre ma Comment.
The working class of this eta hold
the balance of power in: their ballots
OREGON. L thev . will sret together and effect
thorough -and permanent organisation
and .then cast their : votes for members
of their own class instead of the profes
sional politician. jsigin tiecoracr.
The majority are .toilers. If they
manufacture produce and consume
more than all the rest they are as much
right to govern as are men of the profes
sions named.' ' Yes, directly or indirectly
the toiling masses pay the burden of
taxation. . W here the trouble comes in
consists in the fact that the majority are
compelled to pay tne taxes oi tbese mid
dle men, yet iney are not as capable ot
making laws, oh no. Athena Press.
Both old parties might as well prepare
to meet a third opponent in the cam
paign of '92, viz : The Farmers' Partv
alliance or whatever you desire to call it
Ihere are reasons to believe that it will
make a formidable fight, although its
principles are very crude indeed. Hep-
prirr uazeue. - -
Nothing is more certain than that the
western and southern states will soon co
operate. "When that period arrives, the
balance of power by which the plutocrat
ic states now govern the Union will have
no power in it. The farst national elec
nun iu vwiu-ii iarmers vote logetner is
tne end ot plutocratic denomination in
America. . S. m Mammouth JJemocral
An exchange has the followinc- The
National Farmers' Alliance has decided
to call a convention next year and nom
inate a candidate for the presidency,
mis means a possible failure of the
people to elect, but a certainty of the
success ol the democratic candidate,
either in the electoral college or in con
gress, if the election were to be held
now tne alliance would have a reason
able hope of carrying South Carolina,
ucuigiu, Aiauauw, rvansas, .Nebraska
tne .Ua fc otas and M in nesota . This would
prevent either party from securing a
majority, and would throw the election
into the house, where the democrats
would have everything their own way.
It is impossible tosav. of fonrep u-Vitlir
the alliance will be stronger or wRakor
next year than it is now ; but at present
n, jb ueruumy growing stronger.
nine in a. Hiiiguiar tiling. , me news-
paiiers iiave discovered that Dr. TCrh
the great consumption curist with lymph,
has a brother-in-law living in southern
Indiana. The b. i. 1. is in the
warv lorHieannga watch. Astorian.
rn -
the Peters burar CVa
dared our opposition to many features of
the McKinley bill, but we cannot help
ciiemitH ii ig malting in
ngiand, tTermany and other parts of
xuiope, viermanyis mad clear through,
but Germany doesn't remember that the
farmers and stock-raisers of the iTnitoH
States were also "mad clear t.hmuoti"
when the American hoe was refused ad
mission to the German market.
And is,neland also raises hnwl n
the more significant because her nnliri.
cians and manufacturers were wont tn
assure us that we were the chief suffer
ers by the policy of exclusion of foreign
competition and the encouragement of
American industrial inrininrli.n
Their resentment may carry them to, the
extremity of bringing their plants to this
country, and from this base continue
tne war on our manufacturers. Let them
come. If he wants this marker, lor hin.
come and take it in this manner, and he
will have the good will and God blessing
of every true American heart.
1 lie bill, with all its faultR. hna
endeared itself to our heart on account of
another enemy it has made t.h im.
xjiter. mat loreign-Amencan who is i
lere ior revenue onlv is the hittr on.)
most insidious, not to sav mnst Wr,.;-
ical, of the enemies of American indus
trial progress and development.
mine Recuntrlc "'fila 'Al
Indiana for Aonjiifeafgl ?
For more. thMiYslxty yaiMr-'nd
Lizzie Harpor- have lived la a. tumble
down log hnt near the village - of New
TTentonj JFtanklin county, ;lni.,"i four
miles from the Ohio line. '"':.Th?jr art he
most remarkable specimens hf .eccentric
ity in this conntry, and have been ob
jects of curiosity for more than half a
century. - They are old maids, and have
been really dead to the world ever since
theywere children. ;-Mary, the elder, w
63 years old, and her sister Lizzie 60.
The oldest inhabitant of that locality
doesn't know when the Harpers came to
the place. It is only known that-tl.o
father and mother of the eccentric old
maids lived and died in the miserable
log shanty from which neither of the
two women has ever .been away for
more than a few hours at a time. The
roof of the shanty fell in ten years ago,
and was only held up from the ground
by the high, posts of the old fashioned
bedstead in which they sleep. There is
no floor, and the ground has been worn
down into a regular burrow. The sisters
own property, but they take no interest
in tne care of it. The stock which thev
used to have all died from exposure and
All the efforts of the neighbors to in
duce the women to take some intercut, in
the care of their property have been un
availing. Alary only tries to nw the in
terest on the mortgage on their farm.
and once every year walks twelve miles
to the county seat and settles the ac
count. Her sister Lizzie has the pecu
liar habits of the snake and ground hog.
Although she has no physical nil
she goes to bed on Oct. 1 every year and
is not seen again until April. There is
some mystery surrounding the strange
conduct of these old maids, but the rea
sons for their hermit life and their al
most complete retirement from the
world have never been satisfactorily
Kecentiy t he neighbors erected
frame cottage adjoining the pen in
which they lived so lone. hnt. it
only after threats of having the two
women removed to the Door bona t hit
they could be induced to occupy it
They are continually complaining about
their hard lot, and want to return to the
hovel, which ia the most squalid and
miserable place imaginable. The sis
ters are perfectly respectable, but know
nownng or wnat is going -on. They
can't even tell the day of the week, and
are utterly indifferent to everything.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Estate and
Insarahee Agents.
Abstracts of. and Information Concern
ingLund Titles on Short Notice.
Land for Sale and Houses to Rent
Parties Looking for Homes in
Bugiqe Location
Should Call on or Write to us.
Agents for a Full Line of
Leaiini Fire tarance Companies,
And Will Write Insurance for
on all
Correspondence Solicited. All Letters
Promptly Answered. Call on or
Opera House Block, The Dalles, Or.
Now that Italy has got mad it may be
comforting to this country to learn that
the Italian navy consists of "ten first
class iron-clads, five steel war vessels and
fifty sea going torpedo boats, besides any
number of lesser iron-clads and wooden
ships of war." Well, she will need the
whole menagerie when she tackles Uncle
Sam. If we have not an army or navy
-we have men, money, stout hearts and
willing hands and enough of surplus
patriotism at present running to seed
among foreign born citizens of several
nations alone to take the contract of lick
ing any son-of-a-gun that dares to poke
his fist in our nose. I
A physician testifying before a Cincin
nati court in a breai-li-of-ni-omSaa ,.o
recently bad occasion to refr tn th
ui tne piaintin nad " blushed, "where
upon ne was required by the counsel for
the defendant, on cross examination to
explicitly me meaning ol the term.
He astounded his interlor-ntor U lift rrv
vulsed the spectators bv obligingly giving
v luiiuniii itii;iu tieillllliion :
"A blush is a temnomrvprvflioinn ar,A
.murine eiiuigence oi tne physiognomy
apologized by the perceptiveness of the
sensorium when in it predicament of un
equilibrity from a sense of slump in.
or other cause, eventuating in a paresis
oi tne vasomotor nervous filainenteof the
iaciai capillaries, whereby, being divested
ul. meir elasticity, iney are suffused
witn radiance, emanat.inu- from m ;n
timidated prsecordia."
This should settle the question in de
iense ot girls of the present day of whom
it is asserted tnat "they do not know
how to blush." It is no wonder that
blushing has become a lost. flnd that
the trade in carmine and verniillion is a
growing one. Vregonian.
Is Disease a Punishment?
The following advertisement. niiKTiclinl
by a prominent western patent medicine
house would indicate that. t.hir
disease as a punishment for sin :
ifo you wish to know the oiiickest.
" j I'ure a sever cold r we .wall tell
you. To cure a cold qickly, it must be
treated before the col
tied in the system. This can always be
oone it you choose to, as nature in her
Kiuaness to man gives timelv warning
and plainly tells yon in nature's way,
that as a punishment for some indiscre
tion, you are to be afflicted with a cold
unless you choose to ward it off bv
prompt action. The first symptoms of a
cold, in most cases, is a dry, loud cough
and sneezing. The cough is" soon followed
by a profuse watery CX' a ii r?
the sneezing by a prosuse watery dis-
umgc iruiii tne nose,
there is a thin white
j-u severe cases
coatinc on ' rho
tongue. What to do? It is only necessary
to take Chamberlain's Conch
double doses every hour. That will greatly
lessen the severity of the cold and in
most cases will effectually counteract it,
and cure what would have been a severe
cold within one or two days time. Try it
and be convinced." Fifty cent bottles'for
sale by Snipes & Kinerslev, druggists
Forfeited Kallroad Landa
We are now ready to prepare papers
for the filing and entry of Railroad
Lands. We also attend to business be
fore the U. S. Land Office and Secretary
of the Interior. Persons for whom we
have prepared papers and who are ' re
quired to renew their applications, will
not be charged additional for such papers.
- Thobnbury & Hudson, .
Rooms 8 and 9, Land Office building
, The Dalles, Oregon. - -
Don't Be Afraid of Cold Alp.
To suppose that the constant inhala
tion of impure air has a tendency to ex
cite the symptoms of consnmption is
not at all unreasonable, when we con
sider the wonderful mechanism of the
lungs and the efforts which they are
continually employing to throw off the
poisons of a corrupted air which h
been breathed again and again, until its
foulness has become unbearable, and
even worse overpowering. One drop of
the flnid condensed from the air which
has come from the lungs has been found
sufficiently powerful to cause instant
death. Is it any wonder that
wasting away and slowly dying upon
this destructive food?
The fear of catching cold has caused
more sickness than all the colds thatever
were "caught." With this peevish dread
many strip up their doors, bind up their
windows, and look upon every puff of
wind as if it were some keen thief who
had come to rob them of their lives.
This custom prevails mostly among
the better class, or "the rich," as they
ttrmeu. i ne poor man, whose com
forts are confined to a little frame house.
is seldom beard to complain; and bis
cbildren are always hale and heartv. in
spite of the many draughts which come
in through the cracks and the rents of
every door and window. The infinite
value and the immediate necessity of
ventilation must not be underrated, for
ii is tnis ever changing current that con
tributes the greatest boon toward the
health and happiness of all chuues of
Humanity. Hall's Journal of Health.
Plucky California Girl.
A San Diego girl distdngished herself
at Jfacihc beach the other day.' She was
one of the three students from the Col
lege of Letters who belong to the swim
ming club. They went to the bath house
in the cove of Mission bay, got into bath
suits, and rowed out to a little island
nail mile off looking down on San
Diego. The San Diegon has become an
expert swimmer,' and 6he was so bnsv
teaching her girl companions that none
of them observed two of the college boys
swimming over and carrying off their
oars. When it was discovered the San
Diegon girl remarked that she wouldn't
be outwitted by any sneaking boys.
Her companions could not be trusted in'
deep water, and they accordingly turned
pale. The San Diegon told them to eet
into tne boat, as she would pull them
across, fehe then pushed the boat off.
1 A. - , . ..
" me rope in ner teeth and swam
across to the boat house, having to float
on ner bacA: but twice in the entire pull.
San Diego Union.
Look Out for Yellow Garters.
The fortunate srirl ia the one who has
a yellow garter given her by the bride of
less than a year. And why is she fort
unate? Because it iwrarea for her lad
die who shall be her own true love and
her husband ere another twelvemonth
baa elapsed. The yellow garter mnst be
worn day and night and never removed
saw when the act of, cleanliness requires
it. During the first six months that it
is worn the young woman will see her
own true love and become desperately
well acquainted with him.
The next three months sees them en
gaged to be married, and the last three
months of the year bear a wedding
chime in their echoes. Dear, sweet
match making young matrons give a
yellow garter to all the young girls of
their acquaintance whom they wish to
see wedded, and then they do all in their
power to further the cause by introduc
ing every eligible man of dear Jack's ac
quaintance. JN ew York World. -
Has OjHMied a
-La'va.aa.olx Counter,
In Connection With his Fruit Stand
and Will Serve
Hot Coffee, Ham Sandwich, Pigs' Feet,
uueiui!ui to me i a?enger
Un .Second ft.. near corner., of Madison.
Also a
Branch Bakery, California
Orange Cider, and the
: Best Apple Cider.
If you want a good lunch, give me acall
Open all Night
The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at
the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, 6d
is a thriving, prosperous city.
It is the supply city for:-.exlxi8iYejaad.i "gi
cultural and grazing country, its trade reaching , as
far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over twe
hundred miles.
The rich grazing country along the eastern slope
of the the Cascades furnishes pasture for thousands
of sheep, the wool from which here.
The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping
umi1 America, about 5,000,000
shipped this year.
pounds being
(SnecpNwor to E. BECK.)
The country near The Dalles produces splendid
crops of cereals, and its fruits cannot be excelled." It
is the vineyard of Oregon, its grapes equalling Cali
fornia's best, and its other fruits, apples, pears
prunes, cherries etc., are unsurpassed.
The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia,
yielding this year a revenue of $1,500,000 which can
and will be more than doubled in the near future.
The products of the beautiful Klickital valley find
market here,- and the country south and east has this
year filled the warehouses, and all available storage
places to overflowing with their products.
It is the richest city of its size on the coast, and its
money is scattered over and is being used to develop,
more farming country than is tributary to any other
city in Eastern Oregon.
Its situation is unsurpassed! - Its climate delight
ful Its possibilities incalculable! Its resources un
limited!' And on these corner stones she stands.
The Dalles JVIereantile Co.,
, . : Successors to BKOOKS & BKERS, Dealer in
Gents' Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes,
Hats and Caps, Etc.
Groceries, Provisions, Hay, Grain and Feed.
390 and 394 Second Street.
Remember we deliver all purchases without charge. '
Jewelry, Diamonds,
wcnes, Clocks and Jewnirv
Repaired and Warranted;
m nnu o
ULUUiiO, Tpnitinn , TnmoTdr
i-uuuiim uuiiuiui.
165 Second St.. The Dalles, Or.
m e r c n a n i
John Pashek,
Third Street, Opera Block.
Madison's latest System,
guaranteed each time. '
' -
Repairing and Cleaning
Neatly and Quickly Done.,
ol) Printing
Garpets anil Furaiture,
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
138 Second St., Th Dallea, Or. -
$500 Reward!
We will pay the above reward for anv ease of
Uver .ompllnt, DyHpepula, Sick Headache, In
digestion. Constitution or (wiin,.
S?J2.Uh We8t; Vegetable Liver Pills, when the
.uu) muipiiea wim. iney are
purely vegetable, and never fail to give sat&fac-
"- C01- Large boxes containing 80
rills. 25 Cents. Rewntv Af r... ... j ; . i
. -. mw nu lull-
B..r.V,n& manufactured
onlv bv
... K . I'rescrlptton Drngirlsts,
17 Second St. The Dalles, Or.
And be Satisfied as to
Late Rec. U. 8. Land Office.
T. A. HUDSOisw.
Notary Puf I
1 i.
" I'ostoltlce Box 33ft,'
H. G-lenn has removed his
office and the office of the
Electric Light Co. to 72
Washington St.
pilings, Contests,
And all other Business in the U. S. Land Office
. . Promptly Attended to.
We have ordered Blanks for Pilings,
Entries and the purchase of Railroad
Lands under the recent Forfeiture Act,
which we will have, and advise the pub
lic at the earliest date when such entries
can be made. . Look for advertisement
in this paper. - u
Thornburv & huason.