The Dalles Daily Qhrojucle. Tuesday; MARCH 31,1891 METEOEOLOGIOAL BEPOBT. -Pacific H Kela- D.t'r fS State Coast bar. tlvc of S. of tyrime. ? Hum Wind " Weather. 8A.M..,.. 80.33 40 64 East Clear 3 P. M. 30.51! 52 43 " . " .Maximum temperature, 53; mlnimnm tem perature, a. 1Vtl precipitation from July up to date, average precipiwuon irom juiy to aaie, v. recfpltMtlon from July to date, 12.13; average awneienoy irum j uiy isi to ante, o.4u. WEATHER PROBABILITIES. The Dalles, March .31 1891. Weather forecast till 18 - m., Wednesday; fair. Slightly warmer. , , , ' FAIR The Chiqnicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles ftiat Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. LOCAL BREVITIES. Jno. Medler of Sherman county is in town. There are four "drunks" in the cala boose. C. A. Williams, of Wamic, gave us a pleasant call today. E. B. McFarland and Mr. Woodworth went to Portland todav. A. McCully and II . H. Traveler went to Goldendale yesterday. C. W. Haight of Cow Canyon and Joe Warner of Nansene are in the city. The Chronicle thanks Hon. Binger ' Hermann for valuable documents re-- oeiveti. Don't forget "Our Beautiful Young - Ladies" at the Vogt Grand tomorrow evening. Geo. H. Thompson left for Portland on the delayed train at 11 o'clock this morning. For an evening resort the Kast End saloon offers attractions superior to any in, this city. . , The sheriff has been receiving county taxes at a lively rate for the .past three or four days. , Tb directors of the Eastern Oregon, Cooperative association held a meeting today in this city. Our reporter - saw a large lot of new granite iron ware on .the counters of Mays & Crowe today. County Treasurer Kuch has sent to. the state .treasurer $8000 as part of the pay ment of the state tax of Wasco county. Mr. Claypool of Crook county has thirty-four head of horses at the stock yards awaiting shipment to Portland. T. W. Sparks expects soon to leave this city for Portland where he intends going into business on his own account. The Chronicle office is under obliga tions to Mrs. Samuel L. Brooks for a vase of. calla lillies which were presented by her. Beef and mutton. already has an up ward tendency. We are informed that wethers command $2.75 per head deliv ered at Bak -jt City.; Grout County News. The members and friends of Epworth League spent a pleasant ime at the residence of Rev. Mr. Brown last even ing. The Chronicle rises to remark that it thanks "ought" for his interesting letter, and hopes to receive many more from the same source. A wreck occurred last night, a short distance this, side of Wetherby. The engine and one freight car went through a bridge. . Nobody was hurt. At the sand-blow above this city, where, the compapy . used . to employ twelve white men to keep the track clear. Jay Gould has three Chinamen.. The Chronicle is receiving the com pliments of many of its readers for pub lishing the series of Talmage's sermons on, the "Plagues of the Cities." As will be seen by a special dispatch to the Chronicle,, the. bnsiness ;portion of La Grande was reduced to ashes this rooming. The fire is now under, con trol. The loss is not stated. J. .O. , Mack .returned from, Portland this morning at six o'clock. The train was five hours late owing to a burnt bridge a few . miles below Hood River. The train waited on the rail till a gang pf men was .procured, and the bridge , re- paired. We are pleased to know that Mr. John . Bonn is not going to leave The Dalles as we had supposed from reading a para "raph in the Glacier. It is his nephew Mr. Josoph Bonn., who has bought a home at Hood River. The dispatch in another column an nouruTng the fire at La Grand.e was read. to. iroe, Heisler late-of Dufurand now a rtf lleut of La. Grande. He says so farAaa the dispatch is concerned, the. main part of the town is not injured ; only one general store, four ealpons, a barber shop and, he infers from their location, perhaps, some ( Chinese .houses. . The rumor that' the company's shops were Vwirnedv appears, tovbe without . founds tion. . The Easter decoration committee of the Congregational church were composed of Misses Iva Brooks., Clara. StoryanoV Mr, Norman Wilson, . and many favorable comments have .been made on their work on that occasion. The committee desire to thank Miss Georgia Smith, of Hood River for quantities pf flowers, ferns, etc-, that .were so kindly sent by her to the church and which added much to the beauty of the decorations. W. C. T. U. COLUMN. For Godt and; Home and Native Land. - . i ; . EDITED. BY THE DALLES W. C. T. " UNION. BARTER BELLS. Ring, happy bells of Easter time! -The world is glad to hear your chime. . . Across wide fiiclds of melting snow -The winds of summer softly blow, And birds and streams repeat the chime . Of Easter time. King, happy bells of Easter time! The world takes up your chant sublime', "The Lord is risen!" the night of fear Has passed away, and heaven draws near We breath the air of that sweet clime At Easter time. Ring, happy bells of Easter time! Our happy hearts give back your chime. "The Lord is risen!" wo die no more. He opens wide the heavenly door. He meets us while to Him we climb, At Easter time. The Kesnreectlon. Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the ' morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they . had prepared. And they entered in. and found not the body of the Lord Jesus. . And as they were much perplexed about it, two men stood by them in shining garments. They said unto the women, Why seek ye the living among the dead. He is not here but is risen. And they returned and told all these things unto the eleven, and to all the rest. It was Marv Magdalene,- Joanna and Mary the mother of Jesus, and other women wet e with them. Then the same day at evening, when the disciples were assembled, Jesus stood in the midst of them and said: Peace be unto you, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost. And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sight. St. Luke. Easter Day. ' The name Easter is belie'ed to be de rived from the Saxon deity Eostre, whose festival was celebrated in the spring, about the same time as the Christian feast. Oster signifies "rising," and the name is. supposed by-some to, have come from that word, Easter being the feast of the Resurrection. t Easter is observed among all Christian people, as the anniversary of the great event-of the resurrection of Christ. , He is dead, but returned to life The egg is taken as emblematic of a return to life. It is to aU appearance dead, but we know that if placed under' proper conditions, life will come fortb.from it. The use of eggs, at Easter -was adopted- from an usage older than our era. It was the custom, in, very earlv times, to celebrate the return of spring "by making, presents of eggs. Easter brings you the thought of the tranquil home where they go no more out forever. And while the songs rise, and the children play, and the. world puts on her beautiful garments woven of sun and, dew, remember again that blessedness is a better estate than happi ness. Harper's Bazar. . . Mothers. The Lord gave the word ; the women who, publish the glad tidings are a great host. Instinct- leads - the brute-mother to protect her young by the sacrifice of her life if necessary..- Blind instinct might, allow the mother to crush her little one to death in too close an . embrace. Edu cated parental love is needed for the best good of the child. . The more intelligent the mother is the more tender is her heart toward neglected or abused children. Elizabeth Barrett. Browning . voiced the cry of London's toiling children, till England was aroused. When mother. s love - strives right some wrong against the home, she comes light up to a stone .wall which legisla tion alone can remove. Hearts and brains are powerless - without , ballots, Persistent work on this line tells on the education of our, people. .We .look for results. "King out the old, ring in the new, . Ring out the false, ring in the true, -King in the valient man and free. Ring in the Christ that is to be." The Anti-Nuisance League. The following was referred by the Na tional executive committee of the W. C. T. U". to the general officers, and by them signed and forwarded to th& Anti-Nuis-anee League in New York. The recent decision handed down by Judge Field, . of the United States su preme court in the California case, seems to. emphasise the subject matter of the resolutions : . - Whereas, The license of any evil or crime injurious to society is an outrage ous perversion of law and justice, and Whereas, Any license to any crime such as polygamy, burglary, stealing, distributing infected, rags, or poisoned food, comes under this catalogue, and Whereas; The sale of alcholic poisons are among the most injurious and terri ble evils in the annals of crime, and Whereas, The highest tribunals of the country, including the supreme court of the United States, have in their dictum declared the. manufacture and -sale, and importation of alcoholic liquors, to be the prolific source and cause of crime and misery in the community.,-' , Robinson, the new governor-elect of Massachusetts, was sworn into -office on the 3rd inst. He was warmly received at t the state house by his.-predecessor. t Gov. Butler The. new official evidently meant) uumueos. iu uis inaugural ad dress he urged a more general enforce ment of the registration laws, and also of that relating to traffiic in intoxicating liquors- He censured, the facilities or obtaining divorces. - Akin to this are the following utterances of his address : Adventurers and visionaries may try to set labor and capital in bitter hostilty, stir up bad blood among citizens and di vide alV the people into -envious and r an tagonistic classes, but they are only in stigators of mischief, and the greatest enemies to those whom they profess to aid. All the statutes relating to hours of labor, employment and schooling of children, intimidation of laborers and kindred subjects should be strictly en forced. If they are. not expressive ' of the judgment of the people, let their re peal come regularly, Sam Jones in a recent sermon declared that he was no more to blame for being a prohibitionist than for being a . chris tian, for he could not be one without be ing the other to save his life. Joseph Cook says he not only wants the liquor traffic prohibited, but exter minated. Answer to the question, "What is the chief cause of poverty?" formed a sym posium recentlv in a" great metropolitan daily. Edward Atkinson said, "Ignor ance and incapacity' ' ; Chauncey Depew , "Lack of self-confidence and of decision, rum and ; intemperance alone was a sufficient .cause to several minds. The majority -of-: opinion was that the causes of poverty are. largely .traceable to individuals themselves, though several ascribed it to ithe injustice of govern ments and Bocietyv A significant, exer cise on thin subject is within, the , reach of everybody.; analyze the causes which have produced want, and: keep in want persons whom you know. The ,inori of this work onev does the-more convinced he will , tie that the surest remedy for poverty is -learning how to do something well and . doings it : practicing,- in the meantime thrift and temperance. m : 1 . for sweet- Charity. Entertainment to be Given April 1st at the Vogrt Opera House. The young ladies of the M. E. Church assisted by their friends will give an en tertainment Wednesday, April 1st at the Vogt Grand. PROGRAMME. Music Guitar Club. Emotive and Illustrative Gestures Tableau D'Art Co. 8olo (with violiu obligato) .Miss Maie Williams. Heading Mr. John O'Leary. TABLEAUX. The Roiih.tor'x Studio: Dance of the Nympn: Fight for the Standard; The Cross: The Wedding oi Kermns ana Anaronnae; ine l onnici: kot iobuius vields to the entreaties of his mother; The Bouquet; Statue of Hermione; Hermione's Blessing. PABT 2ND. Music Quartette Guitar Club. Mrs. Stowell, Miss May Williams. Messrs. Crandall and Ernst. Plastiqufcs . Miss E. W. Grubbs. TABLEAUX. Women of Darius before Alexander; Fate of Virginia; The lper: Rock of Ages; Flight of the Falcon; Niobe; Last day of Pompeii; The Fountain; America; . Violinist Prof. Birgfeld. Tickets for sale at Snipes & Kinersly's. Adults SO cents. Children 25. Box sheet open Monday, March 90. No extra charge for reserved seats. New Way of Estimating Population. I. C. Nickelsen has a way of estimating the population of this city that he com mends to the census bureau as- in every way superior to theirs. The estimate is based upon the number of baby carriages sold. ' Judging from his present trade in these useful and ornamental articles he thinks the population is something less than 20,000 and the, increase at the rate of less than a thousand a month. This is very encouraging indeed. It will therefore not surprise any one to be told that this enterprising gentleman has made provision for every possible con tingency in the way of rapid increase of population j and has laid in a large stock of baby carriages from the. Faribault carriage factory at prices to suit the times. HOTEL AKK1VA LS. UMATILLA HOUSE. S. R. Husbands, Mosier. A. W. Boyce, Deschutes. C. A, Williams, Warnic. Frank Pike, Moro. Wm. Holder, Grass Valley T. H. Johnston, Dufur. N. L. Bovce, Warm Springs. Henry E. Center, Mitchell. In view of the entertainment to be given . by the young ladies of the M. E church at the Vogt Grand tomorrow evening and the fact that a large and select audience is expected, it -is proper to call the attention of the authorities to the crowd of hoodlums that fill the hall of the Opera House every time there is an entertainment there and make the night hideous by cat calls, tramping of feet, whistling and other noises that render it impossible for the audience, especially those in the gallery, to enjoy anything. It is hoped that our gentle manly marshal or his deputy will kindly see to this matter. It is currently reported that Mr. Allo way, the courteous and gentlemanly ex agent of the company at this point will, soon assume the position of book-keeper with the firm of McFarland & French, vice Mr. "Woodworth resigned. About fifteen tramps are camped at the old orchard east of town. - Marshal Gib ons has notified them to stay there, which they are not likely to do however, and it will be just as well for the citizens to leave nothing lyiDg aroundiloose. . ' The, battalion drill and dress parade of A and G-companies followed by a military hop promises to be a very enjoyable and successful affair. : It occurs, as . nearly eyery one is aware, on Friday evening next. W. A. Allen, of Eight Mile informs us that he intends planting a good, .acreage of sorgum during thepming season. He. says the plant does remarkably well on the uplands- in his section; ' . - ! - From Henry-Williams of . Eight' Mile we learn thatVlunteer and, fall, grain is looking well, in hi .neighborhood. Mir. Williams baa 125 acres of volunteer that gives promise -of an "excellent crop. . Articles of inc'orporation of the Farm ers' Co-operative Warehouse Association of Wallis Siding, in Sherman county, were filed this week in the office of the secretary of state. The capital stock, of the incorporation is $2,000. The incor- J orators are John Medler, J. A. Smith, ohn Lynch J. H. Johnson. Charles Buhman and W. J. Peddicord. Wasco Observer. - , . CHRONICLE SHORT, STOPS. , Alfalfa seed for sale chean at Joles Bros.' - ' Haworth & Thurman have some ele gant houses to rent. You need not coueh ! Blakeley & Houghton will cure it for 50 cents S. u. Haworth & Thurman' want bovs. Good wages. ' 116 Court street. For coughs and colds use 2379. Does Si B. eet there? "I should smile." S. B. : C. E. Dunham will cure vour head ache, cough or pain for 50 renls, S. B. All kinds of garden seeds in bulk at Joles Bros.' Get your land Darters nrenared bv J. M. Huntington & Co. Opera House Block, Washington St. Sni pes & Kinersly are anxious to cure leadache for 50 cents, S. B. your 2379 is the cough syrup for children. Get me a cigar from that fine case at Snipes & Kinersley's. Joles Bros, deliver all goods sold to any part of the city, and don't you for get it. I am selling all mv carpets at 35 cents per yard less than San Francisco prices to close them out. J. C. Baijwin. The Best Cough Medicine. "One of mv customers came in todav and asked for. the best cough medicine I had," say Lew Young, a prominent drug gist of Newman Grove, Neb. "Of course 1 snowed . him Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and he did not ask to see any other. L have never yet sold a medicine that would loosen and relieve a severe cold so quickly as that does. . I have sold tour dozen ot it wit hin the last sixty days and do not know of a single case where it failed to give the mos perfect satisfac tion." Fifty cent bottles for sale by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. Notice to tax Payers. All state and county taxes, become delinquent April 1st, Taxpayers are here by requested to pay the same before that date in order to avoid going on the de linquent list. The county court has ordered the sale of all property in which the taxes have not been paid. Please call and settle before the time mentioned and ave costs. D. L. Cates, . Sheriff of Wasco County. . FOR SALE. A choice lot or brood mares;1 also a number of geldings and fillies bv "Rock- wood Jr.," "Planter," "Oregon Wilkes," ana "Idaho Uhiet, same standard bred, Also three fine- young stallions by "Kockwood Jr." out oi hrst class mares For prices and terms call on or address either J. iW Condon, or J. H. Larsen, The .Dalles, Oregon. On Hand. J. Al. Jtluntington ox Uo. announce that they are prepared to make out the necessary papers for parties wishing to hie on so called railroad land. Appa. cants should have their papers all ready before going to the land office so as to avoid the rush and save time. Their office is in Opera Hr"se Block next to main entrance.- Merino Sheep for Sale. - I have a fine band of thorough bred Merino sheep ' consisting of 67 bucks, about 34U ewes and about young lambs, which -1 will sell at a low price and upon easy terms. - Address, . . The' Dalles, 6r. Stock Strayed. .. Threa 8-year-old fillies (2 sorrels and one bay,) two 2-year-olds (both bavs) all branded A on the left shoulder. 1 will give 5 apiece for the recovery of the same. J. W. Rogers. ' Boyd, Or. Improve Your Poultry. If you want chickens that will lay eggs the year, round without having to pen them up to keep them from setting, get thepure bred Brown Leghorn. Mrs. D. J. Cooper on the bluff, near the academy, has the eggs for 75 cents per setting. The American Market. The, best stand in the city will be offered for sale for the next ten' days. Good chance for a live man to make money. o New Addition. For one week I will sell shade trees, elm, maple; ash and box elder, also sur plus fruit trees at half price. - J. A. Varney. City i Treasurer Notice. All City 'Warrants registered prior to July 6, 1889 are now due and payable. Interest ceases on and after date. J. S. Fish. February 7, 1891. City Treas. 1891. ICE ! 1891. The Dalles Ice Go., Cop. Third and Union Streets; Having a sufficient quantity , of Ice -to supply the city we are now prepared to receive orders to be delivered during the coining summer.' " Parties conti acting with us can ' depend on being supplied through the entire season and' may de pend that we have nothing .but ' PTJEE, HEALTHTUL ICE Cut from mountain water ; no slough or slush ponds.' ' .We are receiving -orders daily and solicit a continuance of the same. H. J. MATEE, Manager. Office,' corner Third and Union' streets. Columbia IcaCo. 104 SECOND STREET. . '. : 1 ; ion ! - IOZ3 1 ' Having over 1000 tons of ice" on hand, we are now -prepared to receive orders,-' wholesale or..- retail, to be delivered through the summer. Parties contract ing . with' us will be carried through the entire season - . without advance in price, and may depend that we have nothing but . PURE, HEALTHFUL- ICE, - Cut from mountain, water ; no slough or Sloan ponds. Leave orders at the Columbia Candy factory, 104 Second street. W. S. CRAM, Manager. EOBT. TVT.A.'Sra. MAYS & (Successors to ABRAMS Lotallera and Hardware, - tinware, - Graniteware, - woonenware,: SILVERWARE, ETC. AGENTS "Acorn," "Charter STOVES AND RANGES. Pumps, Pipe, Plumbers' and Steam Fitters' Supplies. Packing, Building Paper, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES. Also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmith's and. Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf . AGENTS The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS "Warranted" Cutlery. Meriden Cutlerv mod. Tableware, the "Quick Meal" Gasoline Stoves. "Grand" Oil Stoves and Anti-Rust Tinware. All Tinning, Plumbing, Pipe Work and Repairing will be done on 174, 176, 178. 180 SECOND STREET, plOtTH DAIiliES, Wash. In the last two Aveeks large sales of lots have been made at Portland, Tacoma, Forest Grove, McMinnville and The Dalles. All are satisfied that North Dalles Is now the place for investment. New Man ufactories are to be added and large improve ments made. The next 90 days will be im portant ones for. this new city. Call at the office of the Interstate Investment Co., Or 72 Washington St., PORTLAND, Ori O. D. TAYLOR, THE DALLES, Or. : DEALERS IN Hay, Grain Cheap Express Wagons Jlos. l and 2. Orders left at the StcreJwillSreceive prompt Trunks and Packages delivered to any part of the City. Wagons always on hand when Trains or Boat arrives. No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third. Sts. NEW FIRM ! foseoe 8t -DEALERS IN- ".'STAPLE'. AND 7 FANCY 7 GROCERIES, Canned Goods, Preserves; Pickles, Etc. Country Prodttce Bought and Sold. Goods delivered Free to any part of the City Masonic Block, Corner Third and hi. C. NIELS6N; Clothier and GrezLts' Fxurn 1 eTrk laag' Good.s, X3X7"tay and Shoes, Bto. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STS.', THE DALLES, OREGOW I. O. NIGKELSBN, K -DEALER IN- BOOKS AND MUSIC. Cor. of Third ana WasMnstoii Sts, Tie Dalles, Oregon, fir-. Xj- IE. CBOWPt CROWE. & STEWART.) J olaben Ixx FOR THE Oak" "Argand" Hardware. FOR Short Notice. THE DALLES, OREGON. The Largest in the West. The New Boot and Shoe- factory: Furniture Eft. Wire Works: Chemical Laboratory. NEW BRIDGE. Several Fine Cottap. Hem Railroad and Feed. attention. NEW STORE' Oibons, Court Streets, The Dalles, Oregon. and Fancy Groceries, Tailor NOTIONS;