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About The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1891)
The Dalles Daily ChFoniele. SATURDAY.1'- -': - MARCH 28. 1891 METEOBOLOGIO AL BEPOET. Pacific H Rela- D.t'r SO State Coast bar. tlve of 2. of Time. Hum Wind 3 Weather. 8A.O... 30.05 38 72 West Clear 30.07 si r3 Maximum temperature, 52; minimum tem perature, 32. Total precipitation from July up to date, 6.59; average precipitation from July to date, 12.13; average aelficieucy from July 1st to date, o.4T. W BATHER PROBABILITIES. The Dalles, March 28, 1891. Weather forecast till 12 m.f Sunday; fair. Slightly warmer. RAIN " The Chronicle Ms the Only Paper In The Dalles that Receives the Associated Press Dispatches. LOCAL BKKVITIBS. C. P. Heald of Hood River gave us a pleasant call today. J. H. Cradlebaugh of the Hood River Glacier is in the city. McDonald Rrothers of the "East End" keeps the La Plata cigar. Five car loads of wheat were shipped .from the Wasco Warehouse tbiB morn ing. Miss Bessie Lang returned home' this morning after a prolonged absence in the east. ' ' ' John Pashek the tailor has just re ceived a splendid lot of new suitings and pants goods. A cedar cut on the shore of Lake Ma dowska, Me., last week, scaled ten hun dred and eight feet. Miss Keller of California was a passen ger on this morning's train and is a guest of her ancle Q. L. Phillips. Mr. C. P. Heald of Hood River informs us that he never saw a brighter prospect for fruit in his section than there is this year. . . The Dalles Merchantile Company (late Brooks & Beers,) have put in a new line of gents' furnishing goods and boots and Shoes. '.. Jt is understood that Representative Carter of Montana will succeed L. A. Groff as commissioner ' of the general land office, . We are informed by the . captain of Company C that no skirmish drill is con templated for tomorrow, as was errone ously stated in these columns yesterday. Mrs. May Baldwin of Seattle, Wash., mother of Mrs. F. A. McDonald late of this city, is visiting friends in The Dalles and is the present guest of Mrs. R. A. Roscoe. During the last ten days 19,000 bushels of wheat were bought and shipped by the Wasco warehouse. The average price paid including storage was about 65 cents. ; J The Wasco Observer says : It is quite a relief to our waste basket that the dis appointed politician (?) 'of Emigrant Springs now pours forth his woes in the Mountaineer. A telephone system, for the use of the " fire department, has just arrived. One will be placed in the Umatilla House, one in the company's shops and one in the city engine house. . The Congregational church will be decorated tomorrow with calla lillies, orange blossoms, . sprays from pepper trees and marguerites from Los Angeles, as' well as large quantity of flowers' from home. The .decorations will be very beautiful. ' '- ' ' ' ' ' H. Stoneman of this city is desirous of obtaining a ' location near The ' Dalles, suitable for erecting a three story build ing 75 by 100 feet, designed for manufac turing oyster oil and ointment. . Will employ about one hundred men,' best oil known for preserving leather. ' 'From'Mrs.'John' Barnett, ' who "retur ned tins morning from Huntington we learn that her sister Mrs. Monroe Grimes fs still very low and very little hope is entertained of her recovery. -. Mr. L. Tir ril Is still living but ' may pass away at any moment. ' ' From the Wasco Observer we ' learn that 'there is considerable sickness on the1 ranch of Messrs. Kerr' and Buckleyj in the Grass Valley section, Mrs, Buck ley is sick and twelve hired hands are also under the weather. Dr. - .Beers made a trip out there last week. The Dalles dailies are engaged in tell ing the truth, so they say, about each other. Michell's latest is Uhat Gourlay is oa. ex-DOunder of the' Gospel., It str t us that ' both gentlemen used to prei a little, but this would never be sugJCrAed from their editorials. By the way, didn't the pot make some personal -j allusions ' to ' the ' kettle? Hood River Glacier. ' The'Mahone and anti-Mahone faction of white and colored republicans of Vir ginia, which" have been at war with each other for two " years ' past have buried the hatchet and now they expect to1 carry the state for the republican party at the next election. V ' It is not very generally known that Mrs. Hugh Lacey Is running a resturant in the Opera building. A gentleman who boards there-says that he can com pare the table to nothing but the spread to be seen on a Pullman Palace car. Parties who have gone there for meals say they never Baw anything to equal it, and this is the voluntary testimony of one who boards there. ' ' " - M . E, Church Service ToMorrow. Easter service in the morninir. at eleven o'clock, consisting of songs, res ponsive readings, &c. At half past seven, in the evening, the castor rill nrear.h on "The Resurrection of Jesus," giving special attention to the proofs of this wonderful occurrence. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Class meeting at 10 a. m. and at 6 :30 P. M. Congregational Church. The pastor will preach at the morning service on "The Resurection a Revela tion." Communion service will follow. In the evening a concert by the Sabbath school will be given for "which an excel lent programme has been prepared. , Funeral Notice. ' A special ' communication of Wasco Lodge No. 15, A. F. & A. M. will be held at Masonic Hall in this city on Sunday, March 29th 1891 at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp, for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother Charles E. Dunham, which will take place from the Congre gational Church at 2 o'clock. A full attendance of members and visiting brethren is specially requested. By or der of the W. M. O. D. Doask, Secretary. HOTEL AKKITALS. UMATILLA HOUSE. T. W. Bishop, Antelope. W. C. Rutledge, Grass Valley. - M. E. Hillman,- Kingsley. Jno. H. Cradlebaugh, Hood River. C. P. Heald, " D. H. Leach, Rutledge. J. H. Rutledge, " . Real Katate Transaction. T. J. Keenan and wife to Rosa Perry, lot F in block 29, Fort Dalles Military Reserve Addition to Dalles City. Con sideration $900. Hood River Town Site Company to trustees of Riverside Congregational church. Hood River, east half of lot F, in Hood River proper. Consideration 1 87.50. A Veteran Stock Broker Dies. New York, Marh 28. Death reported this morning on the stock exchange of Charles H. Meigs, who has been a mem ber since 1863. . " Vessels Ashore. Lewis, Del., March 28. Five vessels are reported ashore along Dele ware coast, but it is not thought any lives are lost.' Is Disease m Punishment? The following advertisement, published by a prominent western patent medicine house would indicate that they regard disease as a punishment for sin :. . .v ;r "Do you wish to know the quickest way to cure a sever cold? We will tell you. To Cure, a cold qickly, it must be treated before the cold has become set tled in the system. ,.This can always be done if you choose to, as nature in her kindness to man gives timely warning and plainly tells you in nature's way, that as a punishment for some indiscre tion, you are to be afflicted with a cold unless, you choose to ward it off by prompt action. The first symptoms of a cold, in most cases, is a dry, lond cough and sneezing. The cough is soon followed by a profuse watery expectoration and the sneezing by a prosuse watery dis charge from . the nose. ' In severe cases there is a thin white coating on the tongue. What to do? It is only necessary to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in double doses every hour. That will greatly lessen the Beverity of . the . cold' and; in most cases will effectually counteract it, and cure what would have been a severe cold within one or two days time. iTry it and be convinced." Fifty cent bottles for sale by Snipes & Kinersley, druggists. Yes Klickitat countv wants a free ferry to The Dalles, and The Dalles ier foolish if she does hot work for a free ferry to get the Klickitat produce and to sell to the Klickitat farmers their merchandise. Klickitat Leader. " Charley Stubling keeps the La Plaga, La Flor de Herman Heynman, and Havana ' Blossom, Imported and Key West cigars, as well as the Cuban Blos som, manufactured in' this city.: THE FBENCH SPOLIATION CLAIMS. An Anecdote of Daniel Webster in' Con nection With Them. "I never have had more than my share of the alcoholic headaches that have been passed around where I have been," re cently remarked' a member of Chicago's leading clubs, "but I have been a heavy loser by intemperance nevertheless. "In fact, my family has lost about 'a quarter of a million dollars, I believe, as the re sult 'of the intemperate habits" of . one man -no less a man J than the great Daniel Web.'ter himself. The United States government; has; ;just ordered .the payment of ' French spoliation ' claims amounting to 1,500,000; and $3,500,000 additional has ''been', scheduled .Jor pay ment later; This money was originallv paid to the United States ty the french government tci reimburse the' owners of certain American vessels that had been seized bv Napoleon. The United States government used- this money in making tne Louisiana purchase. JNow trie gov ernment is paying the. claims of the de scendants of the original vessel-owners. )ne of mv ancestors owned five vessels that were seized, and his claim was placed in the hands of Daniel Webster. The immortal Daniel looked over all the papers, and seeing that the claim was en tirely yalid.'undertood to secure its tav ment by congress. But at that time the United States was tnot soTcareful.of. its financial standing as jt now ia, and the eloquence of the great orator proved unavailing.,-. One 3ay, after a vain at tempt to secure" favorable' action "upon the claim, Mr. Webster went to his room, "filled T1D with Hhfiral Tvf vf y1H ftra and under the exhilerating' influences of the same threw all the papers of the case Into an open . grate, ' swearing " that" the United States knew no such words as honor or honesty and that it would be utterly useless to waste any more time in prosecuting tne claim, so about $250, 000 worth of "hopes weiit ' up ,Mr. Web ster's chimney ; in plain, black smoke. Now these French spoliation claims are - ' , f i 1 1 r l ii -..-. oeing paia on uoiiar ior aoiiar. w nen ever I think of the terrible effect of Daniel's costly debauch I feel like drown ing.the memory of it-some way. - Will you join me?" BEVIEW OF THE LOCAL MARKET. There is an improvement in all. kinds of business for the week ending today, ; over the former. . '.. , . Real Estate There has been more inquiry for outside property and more activity in inside or city real estate. The first, second and third additions to the city are attracting some attention and it is expected that there will " be an active movement in those properties in the near future. The transfers during the week' just closing have been in ex cess of a week ago, and our wise ones predict a very active season in city and country properties. In the grain market there is nothing to note either in sales or shipments. The trade is very quiet, there being but a very limited supply on hand in ware houses and none to speak of being offered for sale by farmers. In Chicago there was a little flurry last Tuesday and Wed nesday on the corners, for the purpose of making an advance, which only resulted in a rise of two or three points. The effort was fruitless and had no perceptable in fluence on the market worthy of mention in wheat centers. The Chicago and New York quotations are nominal as formerly reported. May deliver at Chicago is $1.02g. New York $1.11. Portland quotes a firmness and ship pers are purchasing sparingly. Quote, nominally, valley $1.326$L35; East ern Oregon, $1.27$1.30. Oats The oat market is very quiet and offerings limited at quotations with an upward tendency. We quote, extra clean $1.60 per cental and inferior $1.40 per cental. Barley There is nothing doing in barley. Three hundred bushels of good seed barley was sold during the week at $1.10 per 100 B. Quote prime brewing $1.05&1.10, feed $1.001.05 per cental, sacked. Flocb Best brands $3.75$400 per barrel. Millstufkb The supply is quite suffi cient for the demand. We quote bran and shorts $20.00 per ton. Shorts and middlings $22.50$24.00 per ton. Hay Timothy is quoted $17.0018.00. Wheat hay is limited in supply and has an upward tendency. Quote, $12.50 per ton. Alfalfa market is without change in former quotation, $13.0014.00 ; oat hay, $12.00. Potatoes Early Rose are more eagerly sought after. Choice Early Goodrich and Burbank Seedlings are in good demand. Quote for table use .85. 90 cents per 11K). Butter Is in better supply. The market is supplied largely with Cali fornia roll at present. Quote A 1 .60, brine .30.40, per roll, and dull sale. Egos The" market is weaker with a still further decline anticipated as the supply is increasing, Quote 15 cents per dozen and a downward tendency. Poultry We . quote, good, average fowls $4.00 per dozen, common $3.00 3.50 per dozen. Turkeys .10 perttT. Geese .90$1.25 each.- Ducks .35 (.40 each. ' ' Hides Prime dry hides are quoted at .040.05 .per pound. Culls M26 .03s. Green .02. Salt .03. Sheep pelts extra .75.85, ordinary .40 .60 each. Bearskins, No. 1 $8.00 common $2.50. ' Beef Beef on foot clean and prime .03J4, ordinary .02. Mutton Wethers, extra choice $4.25 common $2.75$3.50 per nead. . Hogs Live heavy, .04. Medium weight .04, dressed .05.06. Lard 51b .1110 ; lOtb .10i ; tt40 .08.08c per pound. Stock cattle are quoted at $9.0010.00 per head for yearlings and $14.00(318.00 for 2-year-olds. Stock sheep are not on the market, al though we hear of $2.00 per head being offered after the shearing or $3.50 per head with fleece. Fresh ' milch cows are quoted from $25.0050.00 each, with a very limited offering. ' The Best Cough Medicine. "One of my customers came in ' today and asked for the best cough medicine I had," say Lew Young, a prominent drng- r"st of Newman Grove, Neb. "Of course showed : him Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and he did not ask to see any other. I have never yet sold a medicine that would loosen and relieve a severe cold so quickly as that does. I have sold four 'dozen of it within the last sixty days and do not know of a single case where it failed to give the mos perfect satisfac tion." Fifty cent ' bottles for sale by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. FtfR SALE. A choice lot of brood mares ; also a number of geldings-, and fillies bv "Rock wood Jr.," "Planter," "Oregon Wilkes," and "Idaho Chief," same standard bred. Also . three fine young stallions by "Rock wood Jr." out of first class mares. For prices and terms call on or address either J. W. Condon, or "J. H. Larsen, The Dalles, Oregon. -' v Merino Sheep for Sale I have a fine ' band of 'thorough bred Merino sneep consisting of 67 bucks. about 340 ewes and about 200 "young lambs, which I will sell at a low price ana upon easy terms. Address, ' '" D. M.French, : The Dalles, Or. Stock Strayed.' Three 3-year-old fillies (2 sorrels and one bay,) two 2-year-olds (both bays) all branded i on the left shoulder. I will give $5 apiece for ' the recovery of the same. J. w. ivogerb. . Boyd, Or. The American Market. , The best stand, in the- city will be offered for sale for the next ten davs Good chance for a live man to make money. ; CHEONICLB SHORT STOPS. Alfalfa' seed for sale chean at Jolen Bros.' Haworth Ar Thnrm gant houses to rent. Yon need not. vncrK I Rlalrolon Jt. Houghton will cure it for 50 cents. S. B. For coughs and colds use 2379. ; Does S. B. vet. tJherft? T smile." S. B. Grand ODenino0 rniH rliartlav rf millin ery at Mrs. Phillips, Wednesday and luurwiay. . The Eastern Onimn will onen March 2fir.h 1Q1 in tho Mqt Vogt Block, No. 194 Second Street. ache, cough or pain for 50 renls, S. B. All kinds of mu-den aeeda in rinllr of Joles Bros.' Get your land papers prepared bv J. M. Huntington & . Co. Opera House Block, Washington St. Snipes & Kinerslv are anxious to cure your headache for 50 cents. S. B. 2379 is the cough syrup for children. Get me a citrar from' that fine case at Snipes & Kinersley's. Joles Bros, deliver all (roods sold to any part of the city, and don't vou for get it. , I am selling all mv carpets at 35 cents per yard less than San Francisco prices to close them out. J. C. Balpwin. It is stated that Colonel Hedstrom of the Lehigh Valley railroad company who visited the Fossil coal mines recentlv is reported to be well pleased with the indications for coal and that mining ex perts will be sent there shortly to ascer tain the extent of the coal in that sec tion. Wasco Observer. City Treasurer's Notice. All City Warrants registered prior to July 6, 1889 are now due and payable. interest ceases on and alter date. J. S. Fish. February 7, 1891 . City Treas. Notice to tax. Payers. All state and county taxes, become delinquent April 1st. Taxpayers are here by requested to pay the same before that date in order to avoid going on the de linquent list. The county court has ordered the sale of all property in which the taxes have not been paid. Please call and settle before the time mentioned and save costs. D. L. Cates, ; Sheriff of Wasco County. Improve You Poultry. If you want chickens that will lay eggs the year round without having to pen them up to keep them from setting, get the pure bred Brown Leghorn. Mrs. D. J. Cooper on the bluff, near the academy, ha.s the eggs for 75 cents per setting. . On Hand. J. M. Huntington & Co. announce that they are prepared to make out the necessary papers for parties wishing to file on so called railroad land. Appli. cants should have their papers all ready before going to the land office so as to avoid the rush and save time. Their office is in Opera Hrse Block next to main entrance. Jse Addition. For one week I will sell shade trees, elm, maple, ash and box elder, also sur plus fruit trees at half price. J. A. Vaknky.' NEW! NEW! Salmon Bellies, Smoked Halibut, Choice White-Fish, Yarmouth Bloaters, Hamburg Herrings, Tongues and Sounds, Alaska Salmon Trout, Genuine Eastern Codfish, Sugar Cured Dried Beef, Mackerel in j and flb. kits. EXTEA CHOICE BTJTTEE, : 60 Cents Per Boll. R9 John Booth M Umsecond streetUU Columbia Ice Co. W SECOND STREET. xonb i ' ioB f ion i Haying over 1000 tons of ice on hand, we are now prepared to receive orders, wholesale or retail, to be delivered through the summer. Parties contract ing with us will be carried through the entire season without advance in price, and may depend that we have nothing but PURE, HEALTHFUL ICE, Cut from mountain water ; no slough or sluBh ponds. Leave orders at the Columbia : Candy Factory, 104 Second street. . W. S. CRAM, Manager. John Pashek, Third Street, Opera Block- Madison's Latest System, Used in cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed each time. Repairing and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. pierciiaiii Tailor EOBT. 31CA.-5TS. MAYS & CROWE, (Successors to ABE AM8 Sc STEWART.) Xletallerai and Tobbera Harffware, - Tinware, - Graniteware, - woofleuware, SILVERWARE, ETC. AGENTS "Acorn," "Charter Oak" "Argand" STOVES AND RANGES. Pumps, Pipe, Plumbers' and Steam Fitters' Supplies, Packing, Building Paper, SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES. Also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmith's ami Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware. -AGENTS The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS "Warranted" ' Cutlery, Meriden Cutlery and Tableware, the "Quick Meal" Gasoline Stoves. "Grand" Oil Stoves and Anti-Rust Tinware. All Tinning, Plumbing, Pipe Work and Repairing will be done on Short Notice. 174, 176, 178. 180 SECOND STREET, riOTH DALiLtES, Wash. In the last two weeks large sales of lots TAlElv have been made at Portland, Tacoma, Forest in the West- The Now Grove, McMinnville and The Dalles. All fiootaildShoe" are satisfied that factory North Dalles Is now the place for investment. New ' Man- Chemical - ufactories are to be added and large improve- UCui nSr , . , . tn BKIUbt liitsiiuss maue. ine nexi u aays win oe im portant ones for this new city. Call at the office of the Interstate Investment Co., Or 72 Washington St., PORTLAND, Or. O.-D. TAYLOR, THE DALLES, Or. : DEALERS IN Hay, Grain Gheap Express Wagons flos. 1 and 2. Orders left at the Stcrejwilljreceive prompt attention. Trunks and Packages delivered to any part of the City. No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third. Sts. NEW FIRM! loseoe -DEALERS IN- .' STAPLE V AND Canned Goods, Preserves, Pickles, Etc. Country Produce Bought and Sold. Goods delivered Free to any part of the City.. Masonic Block, Corner Third and a-I. O. NICKELSEN, -DEALER IN STATIONERY, NOTIONS, BOOKS AND MUSIC. Cor. of TM aM WasMnirtoii Sts, Tie Dalles, Oregon. H. C. NIELS6N, tyats ai?d Qaps, Jrui?!, iJalises, Boot and Slioea, Sto. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STS., THE DALLES, OREGOK. Hi. 22. CBOW2E. FOR THE FOR- THE DALLES, OREGOK- Fnrnitnre STft. Wire Works. Several - Fine Manes. Sem Railroad and Fancy Groceries, and Feed. Wagons always on hand when Trains or Boat arri NEW STORE r 8t Gibons, '.' FANCY '.' GROCERIES, Court Streets, The Dalles, Oregca.