The Dalles Dally Chronicle. FRIDAY, i j- MARCr7891 METEOROLOGICAL BEOET, Pacific H Rela- D.t'r S3 6tate Coast BAB. tlve of 2. of Time. - Hum Wind Weather. aA. M 29.73 42 81 West T Clondy M 29.82 47 72 " Ft Cl'dy Maximum temperature, 53; minimum tem perature, 38. Total precipitation from July up to date, 6.59; average precipitation from July to date, 12.13; average delUeieucy from July 1st to date, 5.45. . "WEATHEK PROBABILITIES. The Damb,, March 27, 1891. Weather forecast till IS ' to., Saturday; light rain; nearly stationary temperature. RAIN Te..- Chronicle is the Only Paper in The Dalles that Receives the A.ssociated Press Dispatches. LOCAL BREVITIES. Good Friday. . Next Sunday is Easter. The Duke of Celilo is in the city. John Parker the Hood River flaw mill man is in the city. , Dr. Davenport, the dentist of Wamic was in town today. . Maier & Benton make a specialty of fine teas and coffees. Mrs. Thomas the mil liner of Dufur was in the city today. Fred Skibbe and N. Harris went to Portland this morning. There was a light fall of snow on the Klickatat hills last night. For fine jewelry, silverware and fine watch repairing go to S. L. Yonng. H. C. Neilson calls attention to his choice stock of gentlemen's neckwear. Chas. Stubling sells Milwaukee . beer, bottled by himself, at 25 cents a bottle. John Roth of Kingsley left today for Port Townsend with a car of beef cattle. Walla Walla is afflicted with measles. There are said to be 160 cases in the city. . 1. C. Nickelsen claims to have on sale the best organs and pianos that the mar ket affords.";" ."' '. Birds in their littles nest agree. And 'tis a shameful sight. When two "retired ministers" Fall out and chide and fight. Joles brothers will receive today from across the river a ton of number one , early"' rose potatoes. ' ' "' " .' : ! Garretson, the jeweler, has a magnifi cent display of ladies' and gentlemens gold and silver watches. The west bound passenger passed to day at 10 o'clock p. m. in two sections, and filled with emigrants. Milt Akin and Elizabeth MacPherson both of this city were married at the Cosmopolitan hotel yesterday, j John .Pashek expects vtoday a fresh arrival of foreign and domestic suitings and pants goods. Call and see them. ', . . '. ,. . . .. J.-. . -. Livennore & Andrews are going out of business at The Dalles and are selling off their rustic chairs and lonnges cheap.' Battalion drills will be held on next Tuesday and Thursday evenings ' pre paratory to the coming regimental ball. The attention of the ladies is called to the new advertisement of McFarland & French as it is Of' special interest to them. It js 'said that a "skermish drill" will be given,, under the command of Captain Nevius on the upper beach next Snnday afternoon.' "1 "" . : " ' . . '' '!."' ' 'V ' Elder J. A. Orchard will hold religious services in .the county .courtroom on next Sunday at 11 o'clockal m. and 7:30 p. m. , A' cordial invitation is extended to' all.' " "' '' ' '''" The new granger Btore is now ' open and ready for business all but the show windqws, and Pap Chandler bid us say nothing about them till after he closes a treaty with. China. The butcher business must be booming. Wood Brothers have bought a new hand some delivery wagon, built by F: Skibbe, and F. P. Taylor has followed suit by baying ; another 'from Fiilbon BrothersC ' . Max Vogt has been giving a number of bis frame 'houses'a new coat of "paint while the opera house has been newly clothed, in 'a suit of white waish on "the outside next to the alley. A farewell party by the gymnasiam club will be given next Monday night at their hall over the I. C. Nickelsen " store. As this will be the last of these' pleasant entertainments a good attendance is de- 1 A vorton's surveying party have got ,Nis the .ranch of Mrs. Dick Brook house, on Lower '.Fifteen' Mile CreeV." The have met, wjth no difficulties and report that the farmers, throiigb.1 whose' lands the road Is being surveyed, are so we 11 "pleased,' "thaVno trouble' will be'ex perieneed in procuring right of way. vTjhe state of.. Washington has passed one goodrlaw which escaped the veto power of governorrEaughton.rit is a law "giving any person who may do any labor upon any farm or land, in tilling or ' sowing, harvesting or threashing any grain, as laborer, contractor Or otherwise, a lien' upon such crops for his work or labor, and every landlord shall have a lien upon the crops growi or growing upon demised lands, for rents during the year; the liens shall be pre ferred? liens''' -,:!: t Cm sf . , The M. E. Entertainment. A very enjoyable entertainment, said to be one of the very best given in this city, took place at the M.E. Church on Wednesday last. J It was in lieu of DV. Mclnturf's lecture , on Japan. The entertainment consisted ' of readings, recitations and music by the choir. Ser geant Major Riddell presided with be coming dignity and the efforts of Master Hugh Frazier, Dottie McFarland, Mr. D. Parish, and Rev Mr. Brown were eminently successful. Miss Luella Mc Farland gave' a ' recitation -- entitled "Lasca," in a very pleasing manner. It was full of grace and vivacity and was indeed charmingly 'given.'"" Miss Waif Grubbs of Portland gave a .recitation which was the gem of the evening. Miss Grubbs ia always a . favorite with The Dalles people1 and she never' disappoints an audience when she comes before it, and ' this was r ho exception.' ' She is throughly finished in her performances and it is always a pleasure to listen to her. Advertised Letters. Following is a list of unclaimed letters remaining in the postoffice at The Dalles Oregon, March 28, 1891. Persons calling for same will please say '-Advertised." Bagley Mrs L (2) Burr C E Frazer Walters Carlson Charles Harris Mrs W G Harper Mrs C Hartman Rosen a " Harmon Miss Nina Hinman Henry Kaidera Miss Mary Kernel! John , Ludwig Miss Emma Moore Fred Pewrser Joseph Ramsey Herbert Smith Mr - Smith Dick Stone I) A Wone Bosh Wallich Geo E Walter Mrs Lusie Weiler Mrs Clara A Tourtillott Thomas li " " Richardson Mrs Mary A , Turner Albert M. T. Nolan, P. M. Note and Comment. While the farmers of Kansas and Neb raska are repudiating their debts and bewailing their lot, it is well to call at tention to the prosperity of some of the farmers in the Pacific Northwest. Here is a sample item from the Pomeroy Inde pendent: "We desire to point out that one man in Garfield county is doing well. This year he had a profit from his farm of 3000 ciean cash. He sold his wheat last Friday, except 1000 bushels. His crop of .barley is sufficient to pay all ex penses of his farm, the 'past year.' The name of this farmer is George Stallcop, one of our county commissioners." This is by no means an exceptional . case; The exceptional cases in this country are those farmers who through lack' of thrift," or by inebriety or wasteful living, fail not only to be well supplied with the necessaries of life,' but alBo have some pi the luxuries. . ' . .: -Looking oat Kew Road. Emil Shanno and Charley Schmidt re turned last night ' from" Hood River. They and Jim Hamilton of the Cascade Locks were appointed by the last county court to survey and locate a new county road in the mountains south of Parker's Mill. They did so, but under such difficulties as one may imagine when he is informed that three to four feet of snOw1 lay'over the ioute',Tand Emil says it snowed like well like Sam Hill dur ing the time they were at work and had it not been ' for . the service' of a guide they would have been lost. Mr. Shanno says the new road will tap as fine a body of tinv er as he has ever seen. Yesterday a representative of the Chronicle heard a Scotchman, well known in these parts, tell the following story : "I left Scotland when quite a lad and, coming out to San Francisco, I joined one of the Congregational churches of that city.! A few nights after I joined I attended a prayer meeting in the church and was greatly surprised at be ing called on, by tne . pastor, to lead in prayer." I was mad ; you" bet I was. I had never prayed in my life in public, but I was hot going to Tack" out : all the same. So I started off, at a smart gait, with the prayer I had so often heard from the'lips of our old Scotch 'minister, Doctor Feeney, and I. prayed for everyT thing, including the queen, Albert,' Ed ward, Prince pf .Wales and all the , royal family." I 'guess' they were all surprised at the clever prayer, but .1 noticed the pastor never asked me to pray again." We have long known that Dr..Shackle ford has the most intelligent horse in the city,, in fact he is getting too much. so. This morning the doctor left him in front of Blakely A Houghton's drug store while 'he attended! to some '.business' inside. The horse noticed the fine bicycle of Mr. Houghton leaning' agaihs"..'the! pbslTih front of the store, and, no doubt, thinking that 'if the doctor had ' a horse' likeA that he himself would have a soft snap and might be turned out to grass for the summer, he deliberately fastened the lines of his bridle on the bicycle and walked off with it. '"-An officer - had him" promptly arrested and restored the bicycle to its owner. It will be dif ficult to find a "jury of his peers" to try the horse for larceny, for he has no peers anywhere. Meanwhile' he jhas " been' turned loose on his 'own recognizance. . .. . .. . r ' - i j " i ..Marshal.Gibons lias-got -word "two or three times of a crazy man who is out in the JKingsley :neighborhcd aowmpinied by a boy and who undoubtedly is the man jTegarden" who registered at the Umatilla hb'uselast week" It is to be . hoped he may be arrested and .his state inquired into before he' does any damage to himself or any one else. The court house is getting a nice new coat of red. paint on the', outside. When finished it will greatly add to the beauty of the structure. Every lady in town who wants a new spring hat or bonnet should call on, Mrs. Phillips: w" :' Ay ' , SWEET CHARITT. Entertainment to be Oi.rn April 1st at the Tog Opera House. ; The young ladies of the M. E. Church assisted by their friends will give an en tertainment Wednesday, April 1st at the Vogt Grand. PROORAMWK. Music .Guitar Club. Emotive and Illustrative Gestures Tubleau D' Art Co. Solo (with violin obligate) .Miss Male Williams. Reading Mr. Johu O'Leary. TABLEAUX. ' The Scu lt tor's Studio: Dance of the Nvmns: Fight for the Standard: The Cross: The Wedding oi cerjtms ana Anaronnae; ine i;onmci; jot iolaiius yields to the entreaties of his mother: The Bouquet; Stutue of Hermitme; Hermione's messing. PABT2ND. Music . Guitar Club. Quartette . . . Mrs. Stowell, Miss May Williams. Messrs. Crandall and nist. Plastiques Miss . W. Grubbs. TABLEAUX. Women of Darius before Alexander; Fate of Virginia; The Leper; Kock of Ages; Flight of the Falcon; Mobe; last day of Pompeii: . The Fountain; America;- . ' ' V. Violinist.".'. . . .'7 ' . -. ' .'. . . . Prof. Birafeld. Tickets for sale at Snipes & Klnersly's. Adults 50 cent, Children 23. Box 'sheet open Monday. March 30. - Xo extra cnurge lor reservea seac.- Again it .becomes' our duty to record a very sad death that occurred at a happy home to Klickatat "yafley','' about fifteen miles from this city last night at about 10:30 o'clock, when the 'wife of Larsen O'Brieii pas'secl iway- 'with 'only about fifteen minutes, warning, in " her 48th year. At eight 'o'clock yesterday even ing she appeared '1o be in as good health as she ever was in her life. Two hours and a half later she was dead. The trouble was heart disease. She leaveB a husband and one girl of ten years to whom when the warning came she had' barely time to say good bye. She . will be buried next Sunday at 4 o'clock in the Catholic cemetery at this place beside an infant child already laid there. . ' Funeral Notice. A special communication of Wasco Lodge No. 15, A. F. & A. M. will be held at Masonic Hall in this eity on Sunday, March 29th 1891 at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp, for the purpose of attending the funeral of our late brother Charles E. Dunham, which will take place from the Congre gational Church at 2. o'clock. A full attendance of members and ' visiting brethrenls specially requested. By or der of the W. M. '-.;. ' .' ' O. D. Doanb, Secretary. " ' Tne Beat Cough Medicine. "One of my customers came in todav and asked for the best cough medicine I had," say Lew Young, a prominent drug- F'st of Newman Grove,' Neb. "Of course showed him Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and he did not ask to see any other. I have:riever'yet isold a medicine that would loosen and relieve a severe cold so quickly as that does. I have sold four dozen of it within the last sixty days and do not know of a single case where it failed to give the inos perfect satisfac tion." Fifty cent bottles for sale by Snipes & Kinersly, druggists. FOB BALE. A choice lot of brood mares ; also a number of geldings and fillies bv "Rock wood Jr;," "Planter,". "Oregon Wilkes," and "Idaho Chief," same standard bred. Also " three fine young " stallions ' by "Rockwood Jr." out of first class mares. For prices and terms call on or address either J. W. Condon, or J. H. Larsen, The Dalles, Oregon. Merino Sheep for Sale. I have a fine band of thorough bred Merino sheep consisting of 67 bucks, about 340 ewes and about .200 young lambs, which I will sell at a low price and upon 'eass'. terms. " Address, D. M. French, The Dalles, Or. Stock Strayed. Three 3-year-old fillies (2 sorrels and one bay,) two 2-year-olds (both bays) all branded i on the left shoulder.-1 I will give to apiece for the recovery of the same. '- J. W. Rogers.! Boyd, Or. The American Market: ' . The best stand in the city will be offered for sale for the next ten days. Good chance for -a live man- to make money. ' . ; i. ' A Scow Capsize. New York, March 27. Early this morning a scow laden with sand capsized and Captain Hanson was drowned. A carrot of the white Beligan variety, is on exhibition in front of the store of Barnett & Rice of Clarence Barnett of Lower Fifteen Mile, and on high prairie land without irrigation. 'It weighs pounds. Colonel Nevius and George Morgan, both ex-land office clerks and experienc ed in all matters relating to filings' on public lands, have opened an office back of Geo.' Ruch's corner.-'': ; '- we .". ':: ' " " ' " Print Cards, - Blanks, v Posters, Tickets, Receipts, Billheads, Noteheads, Pamphlets, Statements, Programmes, . Visiting Cards, Funeral Notices, Wedding Cards, v And Everything Else, At the Chronicle office. From millions of customers,' during liejjast years, comes the verdict that 'VICK.'S SEEDS never disappoint. ., Why waste time, money andpatience on others, when you can buy the BEST same price? Make no mistake this year'; send io cents lor Vicsr'sl Floral Guide, deduct the to cents from first order, and it costs nothing. It is better than ever; ioo large pages, colored plates, grand novelties worthy of cultivation. Cash prizes rooo and fioo. James TICK. SEEDSMAN, Kocbester, H. T. ; i CHRONlCtB - SHORT STOPS. ' Alfalfa seed for sale .cheap at Joles Bros.' HawOrth & Thurman have some ele gant nouses to rent. " You need not cough I Blakeley & Houghton will cure it for 50 cents. S. B. For coughs and colds use 2379. Does S. B. get there? "I should smile." S. B. Grand opening and display of millin ery at Mrs. Phillips, Wednesday and Thursday.- . - . .. The Eastern Oregon Cooperative store will open March 25th 1891 in the Max ogt Block, No. 194 Second Street. '' E. Dunham will cure your head ache, cough or pain for 50 cenls, S. B. All kinds of garden seeds in bulk at Joles Bros.' Get your land papers prepared by J. M. Huntington & Co. Opera House Block, Washington St. v Snipes & Kinersly are anxious to cure your headache for 50 cents. . S. B. 2379 is the cough syrup for children. Get me a cigar from that fine case at Snipes & Kinersley's. Joles Bros, deliver all goods sold to any part of the city, and don't you for get it. I am selling all my carpets at 35 cents per yard less than San Francisco prices to close them out. J. C. Baldwin. City Treasurer's Notice. All Citv WarmntH -ori w t trn i. - - 'uvv.v. f&vl VJ July 6, 1889 are now due and payable. iuicresi ceases on ana alter date. - , J. S. Fish. February 7, 1891. City Treas. .. Notice to tax Payers. All state and countv taxes, become delinquent April 1st. Taxpayers are here by requested to pay the same before that date in order to avoid going on the de linquent list. The county court has ordered the sale of all property in which the taxes have not been paid. Please Call and fieri. 1 hRfnratha tiiuimMii.n and save costs. D. L. Cates. Sheriff of Wasco County. Improve Hoar Poultry.' If you want chickens that will lay eggs tflA TPflr ran n ii u-iDinut Koninn them up to keep them from setting, get thepure bred Brown Leghorn. : Mrs. D; J . Cooper on the bluff, near the academy, has the eggs for 75 cents per setting. Notice. AVatflnn t ii o lVk,-t 1 o ti A has no artist tnakinv nhntnirninha at TKo Dalles. Parties represent themselves as WOrkinCT for llim nr fiaTincp -nrrr fininiiiul at his gallery are frauds. ' WATSON, xHOTOGRAPHER", '"'" ' ' 225 First street, Portland. On Hand. J. M. HnntinirtnTI & Cf nnnnnnm that thev arf nrAnnrwl niato fhn necessary papers for parties wishing -A.lAvn 1 1 J ; l . i i i . i - w lut ji m, uiueu ntuniHu taiiu. A)pil. cants should have their papers all ready before going to the land office so as to avoid thfi ninh -n-nri 1 an-ra i timo Tlici; office is in Opera Honse Block next to main entrance. - 1 . , New Addition For one week I will sell shade trees. elm, maple, ash and box elder, also sur plus irun trees ai nan price. '' ' J. A. VABNEY.' ' ! NEW! Salmon Bellies; ...... Smoked Halibut, Choice WhiteFish, Yarmouth Bloaters, Hamburg Herrings, Tongues and Sounds, Alaska Salmon Trout, Genuine Eastern Codfish, Sugar Cured Dried Beef. Mackerel in j and lb. kits, EXTEA CHOICE BUTTEK, V, ' 60 Cents. Per Boll. 62 John Booth 62 SECOND STREETl Col umb i a Ice Co. c- ; .104". SECOND iSTBEET. V V IOH i,' XCJOEt : xojej : Having over 1000. tons of ice on hand, we. are now. prepared to receive orders, wholesale or., retail,, to s( be - delivered through the summer. . Parties contract ing . with us will be carried through the entire - season .... without j advance . is price, ; and may depend that we have nothing but . .-, PURE, HEALTHFUL, ICE, Chit from' mountain water ; no slough or slush ponds. Leave orders at the" Columbia Candv Factory, 104 Second street. ; W. S.' CRAM, Managed . John Pashek, Third Street, Opera Block. ; Madison's Latest System, Used in cutting garments, .and a fit guaranteed each tune. Repairing and Cleaning ' ' " ' Neatly and Quickly Done. ", :: jnerGixaiit Tailor HOBT. -Tvr- a, YS MAYS & (Successors to ABBAMS & STEWART.) " ' ' Hotilors and Totoberaj !- Harflware, - Tinware, - GranilBware, - wooHenware, SILVERWARE, ETC. ' AGENTS "Acorn," "Charter Oak" "Argand b l OVES AND RANGES. Pumps, Pipe,' Plumbers' and Steam Fitters' Supplies,, Packing, Building Paper 1 SASH, DOORS, SHINGLES. Also a : complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmith's and Farmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware, v -AGENTS The Celebrated R. J. ROBERTS "Warranted" Cutlery, Meriden Cutlery an Tableware, the "Quick Meal" Gasoline Stoves. "Grand" Oil Stoves and Anti-Rust Tinware. All Tinning, Plumbing, Pipe Work and Repairing -will be done on Short Notice. 174, 176, 178. 180 SECOND STREET, flOlTH DRLtUES, Wash. In the last two weeks large sales of lots TAJJlV have been made at Portland, Tacoma, Forest in the West. Grove McMinnville and The Dalles. All SS are satisfied that factory. North Dalles Is now the nlaofi for X vvv. T XTtCHJ.- j A ufactories are to be added and large improve- mcw RRliPF """n i",uc. a lit? iitjjLL tjyj portant ones for this new city. 'Gall at the office of the Interstate Or 72 Washrriorhrvn SJ -T3r1?TT. a "Krrt -w O. D. TAYLOR, THEDMXEs'or ' .DEALERS IN Staple and Fancy Hay, Grain Gheap Express Wagons Jlos. 1 and 2. Orders left at the StcreJwillS-eceive prompt attention. i Trunks and Packages delivered to any part of the City. Wagons always on hand when Trains or Boat an No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third. Sts. NEW FIRM ! Boseoe -DEALERS IN- V STAPLE V AND . Canned Goods, Preserves, Pickles, Etc. Country Produce Bought and Sold: Goods delivered Free to any part of the City. Masonic Block, Corner Third and I. O. NICKELSEN, llilQllEBY, BOOKS AND MUSIC. Cor. of TM' and ' fasMngton ' Sts,n The Dalles, Oregon. hi. C. NIELS6N, Glothien 1 1r ' :. V 1. li ; . '- -(!.! Gt-oxoL-ts' FumlflTit-ns G-oods, 17a t5 apd ap5, Jrupl, ilalises, , : ; - , , , . ,; : Soots ancl Sta.oea, Sto. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STS., THE DALLES, OREGON. CEO W JE CROWE, FOR THE '.- IS FOR- THE DALLES, OREGON Fnrnitnre lITr. Wire Works. uavs win oe im Several1' " -'Fine Maps. flew Railroad Investment Co.: is, H. T-i 7 11 and Feed. NEW STORE' St Gibons, V FANCY V Court Streets, The Dalles, Oregon. BIOCB .. I I i - DEALER IN- ' NOTIONS i". ft 1- !' t. !- ! ... and Tailon . . .. , .... .. . ... .... .