The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 27, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.-
Entered at the I'mtoOlce at The Dalles, Oregon,
iu second-class mutter.
Governor ' S. Pennover
Secretary of State. : ;-. -. .' G. W. McBride
Treasurer Phillip Metsnhnu
Supt. of Public I nut ruction E. it. Mc-Elroy
e,"ltors jj. H. Mitchell
'n(frwmaii ...B. Uermann
State Printer .Frank Jiaker
County Judge C. N. Thornburv
Bheriff ..1). L. Cates
Clerk J. B. Crossen
Treasurer. . . . ... .Geo. Kuch
Commissioners "ratkiaSSEl
Assessor -. John E. Baruott
Surveyor E. F. Sharp
Superintendent of Public Schools. .. Troy Shelley
Corouer William Michell
The Chronicle is . the Only Paper in
The Dalles that Receives the Associated
Press Dispatches.
TIARIES. The East Oregonian seems to think that
all crimes are but the evidence of a dis
eased state of mind and that criminals,
instead of being confined in the peni
tentiary should be sent to some kind of
an hospital. That paper seems to think
that it is very bad to take a cold blooded
murderer and hang him. The poor dear
jnau should bo taught "economy and
thics"' as a means of reformation and
hen graduated turned loose again. The
paper of course rejoices that Sandy Olds
got off so cheap, and must have a high
conception of the ethical and economic
erudition of the Hillsboro jury, whose
only qualification for the office of jurors,
as it seems to one untrained, we suppose
both in ethics and economics, was a
fftolid, stupid ignorance of passing events,
mh dense as that of an inhabitant of an
African jungle. The man capable of
thinking that crime is always evidence of
disease and that it should be treated
remedial y rnd never punitively well,
we suppose the Almighty made him for
tiome purpose but to use an Irish bull, if
we were hanged we couldn't see what
that purpose is.
Governor Langton ' of ' Washington
seems to have vetoed about every bill
passed by thelast legislative assembly,
whose object was to give the people any
relief from the railroads." He 'has also
vetoed what was known as the anti
Pinkerton bill, which provides that no
person, corporation or association or
their agents should organize, maintain
or employ an armed body of men' in the
state for any purpose whatever, under a
penalty of from $1000 to $5000, and a
like sum for each day they should con
tinue to offend. This latter measure is
one being demanded by lalxjr ' associa
tions throughout the whole United
States and is perfectly just and fair; and
should bar been approved. It is to "be
hoped that the farmers and laboring
classes will take care of Governor
Laughtotv if be ever asks anything at
their hands again.
From a valuable article in the March
number of the Youth's Companion we
extract the following :
The exchange of products between this
wountry and lands beyond the sea in
creases steadily. The returns showing
the extent of the foreign trade for the
calendar year 1890 have recently been
issued, lhey show that goods were im
ported to the value of eight hundred and
twenty-three million dollars ; the value
of domestic goods exported was eight
hundred and forty-six millions.
Of tho importations of the vear 1890
rather more than onerthird .of the value
consisted of goods free of uuty. The
v value of free goods was two hundred and
eighty-eight millions ; of those subject to
duty five hundred and thirty-five million.
The largest single item ot importation
was coffee, of which more than eighty
four million dollars' worth was received
during the year. This, however, was
but one million dollars more than the
value of sugar and molasses, which has
heretofore always held the first place On
the list.
The value of texile goods imported is
also very large, in spite of the efforts
made to secure the market of these goods
to domestic manufacturers. ' Woollens
and worsted goods imported were worth
fifty-four millions; siik forty-one mil
lions ; cotton thirty-three millions ; linen,
hemp and jute twenty-seven millions.
' Other important items of importation
are chemicals and drugs forty-six
millions, and iron and its manufactures
forty-four millions. The articles we have
mentioned represent quite one-balf of. the
total value of imports. There are no
other articles of nearly so much im
portance as any one of these. '
, On the export side the trade is even
more closely confined,- in its large items,
to a few articles. ' Not less, than two
hundred and fifty-four millions of dollars
was the value of cotton exported, and
tins alone stands for thirty per cent, of
the total. - .i . v .
: Provisions is second on the list, one
hundred and forfy-tbree millions ; bread-
stuffs third, one hundred and forty-two
millions; and petroleum, crude and re
fined, fifty-one millions, is next. There
is no other class of goods which repre
sents as much as forty millions. - But
the merchandise enumerated 'includes
nearly three-fourths of the : value of
American exports. i ..i '..'.:-.
Where do we buy, and where do we
sell? The returns f trade by countries
are not complete, but the character of
the foreign commerce does not "Change
much from year to year. -' ;:- ---.' -
. By far the greatest amount of trade is
with Great Britain. .. One-fourth of all
" the imports are from that country, and
one-half the exports are sent there;
Germany is second and France third,
counting the trade both ways ; but the
imports from the West Indies are greater
than those from France.
There are three things which public
men are now trying to effect, in connec
tion with the foreign trade, namely, to
increase the amount of exports of manu
factures, to augment the trade with
Central and South America, and to
restore a part of the carrying trade to
American ships. -.- - During the year 1890
less than one-seventh of the imports and
less then one-tenth of the exports were
carried in American vessels
Senator Frye Thinks This State Beats
All for Getting Appropriations.
Washington, March 24. Senator
Mitchell sat in the same restaurant a
few days ago with a party of friends, when
Senator Frye, chairman of the senate
committee on commerce, entered and
sat down. After the senators bad ex
changed greetings, Mr. Frye asked Mr.
Mitchell when he was going home. -"In
a month or two," remarked Mr.
Mitchell. I have some cases in the
supreme court, and am at work prepar
ing briefs." '
"When is Dolph going' home?" asked
Mr. Frye.
"T-"Oh, he will be here for some time
yet, responded Mr. Mitchell.
'"Well, the treasury of the United
States will not be entirely safe until the
Oregon men have gone home," remarked
Mr. If rye. "lhat state has away of get
ting money in appropriations which
beats anything I ever saw."
"We ' nave been rather successful at
this session," replied Senator Mitchell,
and, turning to his friends, said : "I am
afraid they are laying this up against us,
and in future congresses we may be met
with the assertion that we have been
well treated in the past, and must not
expect so much in the future. ' However,
we will try and keep the things going
that are under way, and get as much
more as we can."
It is a fact that the success of Oregon
in the matter of appropriations during
the present congress has caused a great
deal of talk at the capital.
Rev. Willard Scott, of Omaha, thus
sums up the outcome of the work of the
majority of the late Nebraska legistature :
A residence of sixty days at the capital
has wrought a transformation which was
not expected by the alliance men them
selves nor by others, and the prompt
withdrawal by investment companies of
all money offered for loans has made the
transformation permanent. . The legis
lators do not now think as they, did in
November when they were elected, es
pecially those who have come from the
outlying districts. The atmosphere of a
city of 65,000 people, with four universi
ties and scores of professors and profes
sional men, has been wholesome and
corrective. . Many of these teachers are
students of social and political science,
and have developed the thoughts of the
city and neigh boi hood to their was of
thinking. A dozen other special schools
in this section of the state have done the
same'. Entering upon this atmosphere,
the alliance men have first begun to
doubt their own ideas, and then to
change them, and before the local strifes
oVer state officers was settled sufficiently,
to enable them to come to the considera
tion of new .laws, they were unwilling
to carry out the plans they had come to
the city to make. Visitors sitting in the
gallery could see a change from week to
week, and the men themselves felt it.
The legislature- has ceased to be a radical
body. -,i - ,:;
Is Disease a Punishment?
The following advertisement, published
by a prominent western patent medicine
house would indicate that they regard
disease as a punishment for sin :
"Do you wish to know the quickest
way to cure a sever cold? We will tell
you. To cure a cold qickly, it must be
treated before the cold has become set
tled in the system. This can always be
done if you choose to, as nature in her
kindness to man gives timely 'warning
and .plainly tells you in nature's way,
that as a punishment for some indiscre
tion, you are to be afflicted with a cold
unless you choose to ward it off by
prompt action. . The first symptoms of a
cold, in most cases, is a dry, loud cough
and sneezing. The cough is" soon followed
by a profuse watery expectoration and
the sneezing by a prosuse watery dis
charge from the nose. , In - severe cases
there is a thin white coating on the
tongue. What to do? It is only necessary
to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in
double doses every hour. That will greatly
lessen the severity of the cold and in
most cases will effectually counteract it,
and cure what would have been a severe
cold within one or two- days time. Try it
and be convinced.'' Fifty cent bottles for
sale by Snipes & Kinerstey, druggists.
The Cincinati Timet-Star teils a story
of a wealthy westerner whose wife died
a few days ago. Her parents,' who reside
in Cincinnati and in . straightened cir
cumstances, : notified . him , that ; they
wished to- have her remains sent to that
city for burial. The wealthy son-in-law
boxed up all that was left of" his wifeand
sent the same to .'them by express,
marked C O. D. . Until further notice
this man is entitled to wear the belt as
the champion mean man of the United
States.- ,...,r j- ,,
: Bp Sandy Olds gets "one year" in the
penetentiary for a cold blooded, willful
and deliberate assassination-rjust the
same as no punishment . at all. Well,
that is the kind of a verdict that -makes
lynch law in this -country. So long as
red-handed .murderers succeed .in . find
ing juries that will give such verdicts,
and judges that will impose such senten
ces, so long will people occasionally tire
of the farce and do. a .little "wholesome
hanging on their own account. As
torian. - 4 "'
- If-Generals Palmer's selection will
force more aspirants for seats in the
United" States senate -to go before the
people, it iwill work good in the - legisla
ture. . It will check rthe present habit of
choosing brainless aristocrats and -rich
nonentities to icons tit ute-an -American
house of lords, i It will .destroy : a! perr
nicioos system by which, the American
senate has been largely turned , over i to
plutocrats , and mSlionaires, who no
more represent the -sovereign American
people than a gilded Chinese josh repre
sents divine omnipotence; -Capital Jour
When you obtain anything yourself
for half-price, somebody else (says Bus
kin) must have paid the other half, x ,
. "' .'- ' : ' " ! TT. - ;'l (.
The worth of a State, in. the long run,
is the worth of the individuals compos
ing' it. ,1 - - s.. . -r j.. . ,.,
' . - . ' : v: - ;... , -;, y.
It costs the Americans about $1,000,009 a
fear to stop their teelh.
A pefcrolenni motor tric-cHt has-been in
rented that will rqn forty miles oo one
gallon of oil. . .-... .v. . .. , &-ti r
Everybody cauiiot 'grow "rich, especially
if he bad his growth before becoming
wealthy. ,C .- ' fa:1'-
King Humbert of Italy had often ald,
''I should wish to be a journalist were I
not a king." -v "'
Mme. Pauline Locca is now 48 years old,
and has decided to retire from the operatic
stage. . ':' '-'.
" There is a diminishing' demand for elab
orate funeral designs, and the tendency to
ward more simplicity is marked.
George Eliot composed "Middletnarch"
between the ages of 46 and 51, and since
then "Daniel Deronda."
1 Humboldt states that the eruption of a
Soath American volcano in a dry season
sometimes changes it to a rainy season.
The British' Balloon society has entered
a sturdy protest against the threatened
choice of Jerusalem as the prime meridian
of the world.
Senator Cockrell, of Missouri, is' said' to
be the only man who has ever bad the au
dacity to smoke a pipe within the sacred
confines of the senate.
Sleeplessness caused by too much blood
in the bead may be overcome by applying
a cloth wet with cold water to the back of
the neck.
Statistics show that men of thought live
on an average three years and a half lon
ger than men in ordinary vocations.
A. M. Hart, who has just returned to St.
Louis, says ' be knows several rivers in
Alaska richer in gold deposits than the
noted Feather river of California.
When Rev. Phillips Brooks, of Boston,
was recently in Washinfrton he was given
the privileges of the floor of the senate, an
honor rarely accorded even to distinguished
visitors. .
t " :
A. Student Banking-.
One of the more prominent of the
younger men of the Philadelphia bar had
been talking about the various methods
pursued by young men to save money. "I
chanced npon an odd case of saving the
other day," he continued, "and the general
uniqueness of it warrants my telling it to
you. . -
"I was spending Sunday at the home of
a young friend of mine, a law student. I
noticed jn his room a child's saving, bank,
and upon picking it up the merry jingle
from within -told me that bank had not re
cently suffered a 'run.' Knowing that the
father of my friend was a mam of means I
could not .conceive what, tbe young man
wanted to save small coins for. so I asked
hfm."' And here ts the answer he gave me:
'Well, you see, father allows me $25 a week
pocket money and gives it to me e cry Sun
day. -.. Frequently when Tuesday morning
came I was "broke." The rigidity of fa
ther's rules kept me in this undone state
for the remainder of the week, for not an
other cent, could I.. get till the following
Sunday.- .H . ?...?: -; !
" 'Three or four Mondays of luxury with
ensuing weeks of penury caused me to
commune with myself, tbe result of which
was ': that I evolved this scheme. Twenty
five dollars a week . amounte to a fraction
over $3.57 a day; so when I leave heme in
the morning I place $3.5T in my pocket,
under -no 'circumstances taking any more.
If I return home at night penniless, all
right, for I have, enough -money for the
next day, and the next, and for every day
till tbe following Sunday. But if I don't
spend all that $3.57 my iron rule is to place
the balance in the bank,. Some days that
bank gets $3 and some days it doesn't get
a cent. Then at the end of the month I
open it-and have cash galore. Ijtat year
that bank averaged $48 per month. I am
never "broke" nowadays.' "Philadelphia
Itooent M ine AecldentsT
Accidents in mines whereby many miners
have lost their lives have "not been infre
quent within the last few months. The.
Anaconda copper mine caught fire Nov. 23,
1889, and seven men were killed The Utica
mine in Calaveras county, CaL, caved in
Dec 28, 1889, and seventeen men lost their
lives. The fire damp in the Nottingham
shaft of the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre coal
mine at Plymouth, Pa., caught fire Feb, 1,
1890, and a terrific explosion followed, kill
ing .seven 'men sod fatally injuring six
roore. ' jQst a month later- the .timbers
which lined he shaft in one of tbe mines
belonging to the ; South Wilkesbarre Coal
company caught fire, and shut' off' the
means f escape of eight men who were at
that time Ut the -mine, and were starved .or
suffocated or burned to death. . : .
Then followed tbe gas explosion in the
Nahticoke' -mine April 3, -1890, by which
foar-mea were skilled and five more seri
ously injured. Then, came the cave in,of
tbe Ashley mine, near WUkesbarre, May
18, in which tbtrty-one miners were im
prisoned, twenty-nine of whom were burned
to death. ? One of ,0e most terribie of re
cent mining : disnstexa was that at AJuer
schan,' in Mousnoothshire, -England, Feb.
&, 1890. ' By an-explosion of gas 800 miners
were i mprisoned, and for several houn no
communication was had with them. When
they were llaally reached nearly two-thirds
of fchem had perished, from suffocation.
Chicago Times.' " '.:""".'
. J.: A, -Brash Car Typewriters.
Seldom does an invention receive such a
wrrtcomeas will be given .by the thousands
of typewriters thsonghoat the ooaQtryand
abroad to a device -which effectively serves
the purpose et saving tbe loss of. time and
patience nd. tba -inawsimg ot jtfx ftngnin
and .injury tor the alignment invoiced in
tbe ortCnaxy method of cleaning the type
of Uw typewriting machine. An Invention
haa been', brosght ooC -which. claims
all this, and it. ooosiats of a band brush ap
plied at rigbt.angles totbetype bar.. When
in place the rotating brash is held directly
over the type ceo tea-;-so that by pressing
any key the type is brought ioto eon tact
with the brush.-
is cleaned almost instaatly, .wbm -it is
released and another key is struck, and so
on until ail are cleaned. One band tarns
thecxank-whQe the other presses down the
keys in ordermnta all are finished. When
not la nse the whole attachment la swung
out - of the ,way, and it can be -at any mo
ment readjusted in an instant. If .this at
tachmentf meets the prevalent want of a
bandy an & effective type nUmor it will 'be
a r pronounced -success New Tork.jTele
gram. . ...
The Wind Cave of the Black Bills.
A new discovery was made in the wind
cave last, weekt by -which, openings were
found that took a seven hours' tramp - to
one of the subterranean chambers and re
turn. This cave is surpassing the famous
Mammoth cave of Kentucky in magni
tude, and will be a principal object of at
traction to visitors of the Black Hills.
Dead wood (8. D.) Pioneer. , . -7 ..
.' i -t ''
Real Estate and
InsaFanee Agents.
... Vr" "'i ": i "-'
"i S i ' " ' ", t
Abstracts of, and Information -Concern-
ingLand Titles on Short Notice.
Land for Sale and Houses to Rent
Parties Looking for Homes in
Bugiqe Location,
Should Call on or Write to us.
. Agents for a Full Line of
Leading Fire Insurance Coipanies,
And Will Write Insurance for
on all
Correspondence Solicited. AH Letters
Promptly Answered. Call on or
, . Address,
Opera House Block. The Dalles, Or.
Has 'Opened a j: .'''
Lunoli Counter,
In Connection With his Fruit Stand -and
Will Serve
Hot Coffee, Ham Sandwich, Pigs' Feet,
and "fresh "Oyster
fJonvenient to the passenger
On Second St., near corner of Madison.
Also a
Branch Bakery, California
Orange Cider, and the
Best Apple Cider.
If you want a good lunch, give me a call.
Open all Night. :
mniEH & BEflTOII.
The Dalles Ice Co.
Are putting up an additional ice house
near the freight depot on the track.
They will have better facilities for band
ling ice than' any other' firm in town,
and one buying ice from them" can rest
assured that they will be supplied
through the whole season, without an
advance in price. '
Cop. Third and Uoioa Streets.
Carpels ag Furniture.
And be Satisfied as to
$500 Reward!
r .We Vi&Ww sbova reward Jo Sny esse of
Uver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Slek Headache, In
digestion, constipation or Costiveness we cannot
cure with West's Vegetable Li ver Pills, when the
directions are strictly complied with. They are
purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfac-P"n-
Sugar Coated. Large boxes containing 30
Pills, 25 Cents. . Beware of counterfeits and imi
JSrS11???8 genuine manufactured only by
Hdlil iNOia.
: - PreMrlptlon Drnirirlsts,
17B Second St. Tfce JJallea, Or.
H. Grlenn has removed his
ofece and the office of the
Electric Light Co. to 72
Washington iSt. ' , ;
The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at K
the1 head of navigation on the-Middle Columbia, and
is a thriving, prosperous city. v
It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agri
cultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as
far south as Summer Lake, a distance' of over' twe "
hundred .miles.
The rich grazing' country along the eastern slope
of the' the Cascades furnishes pasture for thousands
of sheep, the wool from which finds market here.
The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping
point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being
shipped this year.
The country near The Dalles produces splendid
crops of cereals, and its fruits cannot be excelled. It
is the vineyard of Oregon, its grapes equalling Cali
fornia's best, and its other fruits, apples, pears,
prunes, cherries etc., are unsurpassed.
The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia,
yielding this year a revenue of $1,500,000 which can
and will be more than doubled in the near future. ;
The products of the beautiful Klickital valley find
market here, and the country south and east has this
year filled the warehouses, and all available storage
places' to overflo wing with their products.
It is the richest city of its size on the coast, and its
money is scattered over and is being used to develop -more
farming country than is tributary to any other
city in Eastern Oregon.
Its situation is unsurpassed! Its climate delight
ful!1 Its possibilities incalculable! Its resources un
limited! And on' these corner stones she stands.
-iv ntsjfiforj sori.v Unit ,.iUs if niiut'-'
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
138 Second St., The Dalles, Or.
(Successor to "K. KKCK.y
Jewelry, Diamonds,
SMEHWflgE, :-: ETC
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
Repaired and 'Warranted. -
165 Second St., The Dalles, Or.
The i Successful marchanl Sq
the one who watches the mar
kets and buys to the bestadvanl
The most prosperous family is
the one that takes advantage of
low prices. . . ,
The Dalles
Successor to V
will sell yon ehoiee
Groceries and Provisions
.i pi'.- .ij.-.i.i
'-. , . ' . -.iJ'i. : '1
REMEMBER we deliver all pur
chases without charge.
tate Ree. U. a Land Office. Notary Publia.
Foatofflea Box 385, 1 '
Filings, Contests,
And all other Business in the U. S. Land Offici
Promptly Attended to. ' ..
We have ordered Blanks for Filings,
Entries and the purchase of Railroad
Lands .under the recent Forfeiture Act,
which we, will have, and advise the pub
lic at the earliest date' when such entries
can be- made. -Look.:. for advertisement
in this paper. - - .- .-... ;- --
Thornburv Hudson: