The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 25, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered at the Pontoffice at The Dalles, Oregon,
ax second-class matter.
tiovemor S. Pennnver
8ocretMrv of State O. W. McBrlde
Treasurer Phillip Metschan
Supt. of Public Instruction E. B. MeElroy
jj. N, Dolph
enatora jj H jutchell
Congressman B. Hermunu
State Printer. Frank Baker
County Judge. . C. N. Thornbury
Bheritf I. L- Cates
Clerk J. B. Crossen
Treasurer Ueo. Kuch
, . ( H' A. Leavens
Commissioner , lFrnnk Kincaid
Assessor '....John E. Barnett
Burvevor E. F. Sharp
Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy Shelley
Coroner William Mlchell
The Chronicle is the Only Paper in
The Dalles that Receives the Associated
Press Dispatches.
From all parts of the country tributary
to the Columbia river from Walla Walla
to Astoria come the cry for an open'
river. The action of the Oregon legisla
tion in appropriating f60.000 for the
portage railway at the Cascades has only
helped to swell the volume and intensity
of this cry. The most important and
hopeful action yet taken is that of the
'merchants and citizens of Portland,
. when on last Friday evening they issued
a call for a meeting to be held in Port-
land on the 8th of April, of the repre
sentatives from the districts most in
terested for "consultation and if possible
devising some effective means by which,
at least, a temporary mode of overcoming
the obstructions may be accomplished."
In view of the fact that an open river is
a pet scheme of the governor, it has
been suggested that he might be induced
to call a special meeting of the legislature
to make an appropriation for the work.
'. We think the idea is a foolish one, for
two reasons. In the first place there is
no assurance that the members, if con
vened at the call of the governor, would
consent to make the needed appropria
tion. The same influence that was at
work to defeat the Kaley bill, during the
last session would be revived. If it did
not switch them off on a scow, something
equally effective would be resorted to ;
and in the second place there is not the
least liklihood that the governor would
consent ' to a special session ; and we
don't blame him. He had enough of
the last, and he has no great love for
legislatures anyhow. The presentagita
tion will have affected much good if steps
are taken in the near future to ascertain
. the cost of constructing a portage road
on the Oregon Hide. If this had been
done before the meeting of the
last legislature and it had been found
by any reliable authority to be imprac
ticable, the people would now be satis
fied. The thoughtless unofficial remark
of a man who had never, by his own
confession, surveyed the road, was grasp
ed at and used to defeat the measure,
while its friends, having no available fig
ures to offset the absurd idea that the
road would cost a million, were helpless,
and it would have been the same if some
one had said it would cost five millions.
We have been repeatedly assured by
men who are familiar with every inch of
the way, letween Celilo and The Dalles,
that there is no good reason why the
road should cost even as much as was
named in the Raley bill, $400,000. The
O. R. & N. company surveyed a road
wholly south of the present tract and
actually expended sixteen to twenty
thousand dollars on its construction, and
afterwards for some reason abandoned
it. There is no man living capable of
believing that the road would cost $90,
000 a mile, Mr. McCoy to the contrary
notwithstanding. So besides we are
well assured, both from personal know
ledge and from that of all who are famil
iar with the country back of the Colum
bia that a perfectly feasible roadway
can be found by following up Fifteen
Mile to near D. J. Cooper's ranch then
crossing a low pass in the hills and re
turn to the Columbia at the mouth of the
Deschutes river. The route would, of
course be longer than by way of the Col
umbia but it could be built, we are
assured, at comparatively little cost.
Whatever may be done at the coming
meeting in Portland, we hope a thorough
examination of the Oregon side will be
. made before it is pronounced impracti
cable to build a road there. The advan
tages that Oregon would derive from a
portage road around the dalles would be
.greatly increased by having it built on
this side of the river.
It is the general opinion among those
in a position to know that the is water
soaked to a greater depth all over this
country than it has been in a number of
?rears. The ground was nearly or quite
ree from frost when the snow came, and
as a result the water produced by the
thaw that followed all went into the
-earth. This condition oi anairs prom
ises well for farmers and stockman. The
nay and grain crops are most certain to
yield good returns, and the range grass
supply will also be abundant for the
needs of our flocks and herds. Prine-
ville News.
When President Lincoln was taken
down with measles he wrote to Colfax
that he might let the army of office-
seekers approacn, as ne naa now some
thing he could give them.
The president has approvod the act
giving additional pay to enlisted men in
the army who receive certificates of merit
lor distinguished service.
An effort is about to be made by the
people living contiguous to Tygh hill to
raise the funds necessary to build the
county road already surveyed and laid
out and granted by the county court,
over that mountain. The grade is a
good easy one and if a good road were
made, heavily laden teams could wind
up the mountain with comparative ease.
The building of the road is of immense
importance to the citizens of that neigh
borhood. The settlements on Tygh,
Wamic, Wapinitia and the newly set
tled plateau known as Juniper Flat are
already producing more farm products
than they can find a market for, and
with facilities for 'reaching The Dalles
these settlements are capable of produc
ing much more. The present road is an
insuperable barrier towards reaching a
market beyond mere local consumption
and demand. ' Time was when the
greater portion of these settlements was
open range for sheep and cattle, and
horses, and stockmen were able to use
all the surplus. That day is now gone
forever and the people must look for
another market. Th Dalles is their
only hope and only natural outlet. To
it therefore they are entitled to look for
help to carrv out a work that thev are
scarcely able to accomplish themselves.
We do not doubt that the people south
of the mountain will contribute to the
full extent of their means and ability to
the furtherance of this work. And we
have just as little doubt that the merch
ants and monied men of The Dalles
will come to their assistance. As a mere
matter of investment, if the appeal were
to no higher motive,- anything con
tributed to this work by the citfzens of
The Dalles will come back to them with
enhanced interest. The subscription
lists are already printed and will be in
the field as soon as the parties to whom
they will be intrusted find time to give
them attention. It is proposed, when
the sum of $1500 is assured to commit
the management of the work to the
charge of a committee of three or four
responsible citizens who shall have
power to let the work by contract' and
have it commenced forthwith. An ap
peal will very probably be made in due
time to the county court, for such assist
ance as it my feel justified in granting,
and as the appeal will have the moral
support of every man who ever drove
team up or down Tygh hill and lived to
tell the tale, we have no .doubt of its
success." Meanwhile we commend this
matter to the merchants and citizens of
The Dalles and bespeak their hearty
support. We have no need to commend
it to the people of the districts more im
mediatelv concerned for we are confident
they will pull together and respond
J'leasec! -with Oregon.
Ochoco Review.
Hon. J. F. Payne, a former law partner
of Senator Vance, of North Carolina, who
is a member of the commission appoint
ed to establish the north boundary line
of the Warm Springs agency, expresses
himself as being well pleased with what
he has seen of Eastern Oregon. He says
the commonest land that is cultivated in
Eastern Oregon is superior to anything
in his state. There, in order to raise a
crop, they have to expend from $5 to $15
an acre, each vear for fertilizers, while
here the land requires nothing but culti
vation and moisture to produce a crop
Mr. favne thinks this vast countrv is
just beginning to be developed, and that
there is a grand iuture in store for it.
All, he says, that is necessary to make it
one of the richest countries in the union
is energy and push. And Mr. Paine's
observation of Eastern Oregon have been
confined principally to Wasco county,
which is by no means the flower of East
ern Oregon. When he sees all the great
inland Jbmpire he will no doubt have
more exalted opinion of our resources
and the future of the country. But
from what he has seen he is so well
pleased that he is desirious of investing
in unimproved iana as a matter oi specu
lation, and will likely make some pur
chases before he returns to the east.
vv lien men ot as much experience as
Mr. Payne can see so much of attraction
in a country, the old croakers who have
spent their lives grumbling at nature
because monev does not stow on bushes
should cease decrvinor the possibilities of
this country, and if they are not willing
to take advantage of what nature oners
in the way of fine climate and productive
soil, they should quit running down the
country in order to keep others away,
If thev do not want to avail themselves
of the natural advantages which are of
fered they ought to keep their croakings
to themselves, tor they are doing an in
justice to those who would come into the
country and develop it.
We commend the reflections in the
closing paragraph of the above to the
feditor of the Times-Mountaineer.
' Is Disease a Punishment?
The following advertisement, published
by a prominent western patent medicine
house would indicate that they regard
disease as a punishment for sin :
"1X you wish to know the quickest
way to cure a sever cold We will tell
you. To cure a cold qickly, it must be
treated before the cold has become set
tled in the system. This can always be
done if you choose to, as nature in her
kindness to man gives timely warning
and plainly tells you in nature's way
that as a punishment for some indiscre
tion, you -are to be afflicted with a cold
unless you choose to ward it off by
prompt action. The first symptoms of a
cold, in most cases, is a dry, loud cough
and sneezing. The cough is soon followed
by a profuse watery expectoration and
the sneezing by a prosuse watery dis-
cnarge rrom tne nose, in severe cases
there is a thin white coating on the
tongue. What to do? It is onlv neceaaarv
to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in
double doses every hour. That will greatly
lessen the severity of the cold and . in
most cases will effectuallv counteract it
and cure what would have been a severe
cold within one or two davs time. Trv it
and be convinced." Fifty cent bottles for
sale by bnipes & lunersley, druggists,
Sm SerfM.utu. I
Mr. Oiuman, in a lecture before the
Boston Society of Natural History, gave
an interesting synopsis of sea Brake or
sea serpent literature, besides exhibiting
a specimen of the real serpent to tits as
tonished audience. The professor first
gave an historical resume of the earlier
literature upon the subject, going back
to the time of Pontoppidan and review
ing it down to date. Further on in his
lecture he gave figures of some of the
queer marine monsters which have from
time to time frightened sailors and oth
ers almost to death, deftly drawing each
of the figures on a blackboard specially
provided for the occasion.
Mr. Oarman also spoke of a most re
markable recent discovery which has
brought to light a species of shark gen
erally believed to have become extinct
many thousands of years ago, the re
mains of the animal being now found in
the rocks of the Devonian system. He is
of the opinion that this recently discov
ered sea tiger is the original of more than
one blood curdling sea serpent story.
The length and general outlines of this
should be f ossiled shark are such as to
cause any one except a born naturalist
to take it for an immense serpent, an
opinion which would, of course, be
heightened by viewing a dorsal exposure
ox uie creature tnrougn a glass in a
troubled sea.
Professor Oarman doea not discredit
sea serpent stories, however, and is of
the opinion that there are many slimy
monsters lying far down upon the bot
tom of the sea, the like of which human
eyes have never yet beheld. St. Louis
Professional Men May Advertise.
I am firmly of the opinion that there is
a profitable field for development in the
direction of advertising by professional
men: After giving the subject a good
deal of thought and weighing the ob
jections already raised and to be antici
pated I have a settled conviction that
the lawyer, the doctor, the dentist, the
architect or any other professional man
can call to his aid the limitless power of
printers ink, and advertise m display
type in the advertising columns of the
newspaper or magazine to his advantage
and without loss of self respect or public
estimation. This question has received
the attention of professional men as well
as the advertising fraternity, and, with
due respect to those who have discussed
it, I maintain that they have failed to
approach the subject from its true point
of observation.
I am aware that custom and a sup
posed unwritten law, which is fostered
by the exclusive and super-dignified ele
ment of all professions, frown upon the
mere mention of this subject. It does
not follow that their ban of displeasure
and sarcastic comments in any manner
reflect upon the enterprising and inde
pendent man, who, confident of his own
worth, his professional ability, moral
and social equality, trampling on cus
tom, appeals to the common sense of the
public for the correctness of his acts and
motives. A. L. Teele in Printers' Ink.
A' Persian Barber.
A Persian barber works in a style
very different from that in vogue in this
country. A typical shop was a square
room, witii one side open to the street.
In the center was a tiuy bed of flowers
sunk in the floor, from the middle of
which rose an octagons! stone column
about throe feet high.
The capital of the column formed a
receptacle for the water in which
the barber dipped his hand as he
shaved his customer's scalp. In Portia
they do not hi thee. ' The shop was iy
clean. In two recesses stood four wses
filled with flowers, and the "rrJ nJn
of the barbers art ocmbops, ihih, ln-
ts, band loiiTon, berg pincers to ex
tract teeth, brasMSng irons to easterise
the arteries in ampatatmg limbs, strong
combs, 1m4 not a hair brash, for that im
plement is mrrer used by Persians.
From tne Barber's girdle hrmg a somd
copper water, bottle, his trap, and a
pouch to bold bis instruments. In m
bosom was a small mirror, the presenta
tion of which to his euutomere is a sign
that the job is finished and that the bar
ber waits for his pay. The barber Shaves
the heads of bis customers, dyes their
beards, pulls their teeth, blisters and
bleeds them when ailing, sets their
broken bones and shampoos their bodies.
Sxchanga. - -
The Art of Betas Entertained.
Let everything dark melt away before
a sunny nature. If you go to a home for
a social visit, be merry, be easy of man
ner, ready to join in what has been pre
pared for you. Learn the great art of
adapting yourself to your surroundings.
Don t forever expect your friends to ac
company you or show you around. Go
off by yourself, even though yon have no
special errand. Show your hostess that
you do not expect her or her family to
continually wait upon you. Enter into
the family circle. Be one of them in
spirit, so that, after a hearty handshake
at the station, it may be said of you:
"What a pleasure she has been I How
easy to enter tain f Ladies' Home Jour
nal. '
Strictly Truthful. '
It was in a crowded Columbia avenue
car that the following laconic conver
sation occurred, which cawed a brisk
laugh, although the gentleman in the
case had no intention whatever off being
"funny." He got up and offered his seat
to a lady who was standing. "Don't
riser said she. "Bat I hsvef said he.
Boeton Times.
The Inltaaiaee of a Tramp.
The 'president of. a Delaware savings
bank refused to give a -tramp ten cents,
and the tramp went about hinting that
the bank was unsafe, and in twenty-four
hours there was a run which took out
many thousand dollars, but fortunately
not enough to occasion any inconveni
ence to the bank. Detroit Free Press.
. Broker Robert B. Davidson, of Phila
delphia, is the only surviving clerk of
the old United States bank. He is 82
years old, and was employed in the bank
from 1833 to 1830, while Nicholas Biddle
was president of it.
Heal Estate and
Insurance Agents.
Abstracts of. and Information Concern-
ingLand Titles on Short Notice.
Land for Sale and Houses to Rent
Parties Looking for Homes in
Buiqe Location
Should Call on or Write to up.
Agents for a Full Line of
Leading Fire Insurance Coipanies,
And Will Write Insurance for
on all
Correspondence Solicited. All Letters
Promptly Answered. Call on or
Opera House Block, The Dalles, Or,
. Has Opened a
Ij-unoli Counter,
In Connection With his Fruit Stand
s and Will Serve
Hot Coffee, Ham Sandwich, Pigs' Feet,
and Fresh Oysters.
Convenient to the Passenger
On Second St., near corner of Madison.
Also a '
Branch Bakery, California
Orange Cider, and the
Best Apple Cider.
If you want a good lunch, give me a call
Open all Night
The Dalles Ice Co.
Are putting up an additional ice house
near the freight depot on the track.
They will have better facilities for hand
ling ice than any other firm in town,
and one buying ice from them can rest
assured that they will be supplied
through the whole season, without an
advance in price. -
Cop. Third and Union Streets.
Garnets and Funuture,
CO xo
And be Satisfied as to
$500 Reward!
We will pay the above reward for any case of
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In
digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot
cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the
directions are strictly complied with. They are
purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfac
tion. Sugar Coated. Large boxes containing 80
Pius, 25 cents. Beware of counterfeits and imi
tations. The genuine manufactured only by
11jUNU1. -
Prescription Druggists,
X75 Second St. The Dalles, Or.
H. Glenn has removed his
office and the office of the
Electric Light Co. to 72
Washington St.
The Grate City of the Inland Empire is situated at
the head of navigation on
is a thriving, prosperous
It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agri
cultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as
far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over twe "'
hundred miles.
The rich grazing country along the eastern slope
of the the Cascades furnishes pasture for thousands
of sheep, the wool from -which finds market here.
The Dalles is the largest
point in America, about
shipped' this year.
The country near The Dalles produces splendid
crops of cereals, and its fruits cannot be excelled. It
is the vineyard of Oregon, its grapes equalling Cali
fornia's best, and its other fruits, apples, pearsr
prunes, cherries etc., are unsurpassed.
The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia,
yielding this year a revenue of $1,500,000 which can
and will be more than doubled in the near future.
The products of the beautiful Klickital valley find
market here, and the country south and east has this
year filled the warehouses, and all available storage
places to overflowing with their products.
It is the richest city of its size on the coast, and its
money is scattered over and is being used to develop,
more farming country than is tributary to any other
city in Eastern Oregon.
Its situation is unsurpassed! Its climate delight-,
ful! Its possibilities incalculable! Its resources un
limited! And on these corner stones she stands.
Leaffli Jeweler.
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
138 Second St., The Dalles, Or.
(SnoceflsortoE. BECK.
Jewelry, Diamonds,
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
Repaired and Warranted.
165 Second St., The Dalles, Or,
the Middle ColnmT, and
original -wool shipping
5,000,000 pounds being
The successful merchant is
the one who watches the mar
kets and buysto the best advan
The most prosperous family is
the one that takes advantage of
low prices.
The Dalles
Successor to
will sell yon choice
Groceries and Provisions
REMEMBER we deliver all pur
chases without charge.
Late itec U. 8. Land omce. nouiry ruuuc
Poatofflce Box 826,
pilings, Contests,
And all oilier Business in the U. S. Land Offico
Promptly Attended to.
We have ordered Blanks for Filings,
Entries and the purchase of Railroad
Lands under the recent Forfeiture Act,
which we will have, and advise the pub-:
lie at the earliest date when such entries .
can be made.- Look for advertisement
in this paper.
Thornbur& Hudson.