The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 24, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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oiii Why Muny People Who Ride
Have So Much , Trouble with. Their
atlrnipi A Rldlnfc IHmntur Clveo Some
xeellent Bales anil u;rgestfon. r 1
A saddle is constructed right if it
gives tbe rider the greatest possible com
Sott and the moat secure seatwith" al
Toost total absence of exertion of miis
clee of his legs in order to. maintain his
awhince. ... Almost every riding master
prefers a certain make of saddle, and
teaches a certain style of seat as the best,
od his pupils, taking perhaps little or
no trouble to study others and to in
vestigate further, have to accept his.
Sat, irrespective of the. science of rid
ing, there is one shape of saddle which
is the most comfortable, viz., the saddle
which is so constructed that, in accord
ance with the laws of gravity, the rider's
body will and most sit in balance with
out trying to do so. -
Much has been said and written about
"how you should sit on the horse"." Per-
fcaps you have' been told to. grasp the
saddle or the horse . firmly . wilh thighs
r knees, to have your toes higher than
your heels, to keep the heels away from
the horse, to bend your back to be
springy or to straighten yourself to- sit
firmly, etc. Perhaps your teacher hits
made great efforts and exhausted all re
sources of hia : knowledge to impress
upon you how you should sit, and yet at
a trot you lose the stirrups, you lose
your balance, and unless trotting very
slowly, and unless your horse has an
easy trot, yon have to bring him to a
"walk to regain the stirrups.
If you are not experienced, and 'your
horse trots roughly, you are in discoin
- fort and in danger of losing your seat.
- If your horse is nervous and not well
broken to the touch of the heel the flap
ping of the stirrups against his flanks
renders him uneasy and prolongs the
task of -getting your foot in the stirrup.
i .Examine your saddle; it seems nice,
soft and . comfortable; the stirrups as
.heavy as should be even their tread cov
ered with leather or rubber to prevent
slipping from your foot; but slip they
will.-' Why? Look at the shape of your
saddle ; at the positions which the saddler
as assigned for your seat, thighs, knees
and feet, and see where he has attached
- -tbe bars for the stirrup leathers on the
saddle tree. . ' Your saddle is perhaps too
long and, as most English style saddles.
Hat: its lowest point, instead as near as
possible to the center, is back toward the
snd; you are almost sitting on the cantle.
in order to bring your knees to the. knee
pouts, which are, too far front, you have
to stretch your legs forward. r This
obliges you to carry your stirrips for
ward with your feet away from and in
front of the place where they would hang
by their own weight, and in order to
keep them at your feet you have to
shorten the stirrup leathers and bear
heavily on the 'stirrups, otherwise they
wQl slip back. .a ....
What is the result? As soon- as your
foot loses the stirrup the latter, accord
ing to the law of gravity, returns to the
lowest position which the length of stir
rap leather allows far behind your foot:
-then your foot, too, having lost-jta sup
port, and with nothing to bear against,
together with your leg, according to the
law of gravity, tries to slip back in order
to hang as near, as possible to the-center
f gravity; and then your legs will hang
far back the knee puffs, perhaps on the
hare horse almost behind the saddle
skirts. ,
To avoid this by muscular exertion
you try to force your legs up and front
into a position very tiresome to main
tain. But if you, according to the law
of gravity, have the lowest point, of the
saddle in its center: if you have this
center as close as possible to tbe horse's
. back' iby-reducing the thickness of the
saddle to a minimum; if you drop your
self into this lowest foint of the saddle
to stay there: if you drop your legs to
. where they will stay by their own weight
1 instead of holding them forward -and
raising them by; muscular exertion; if
you j have the ' stirrup .leather bars
attached far enough back to be in a line
with that place where your feet meet the
stirrups, with stirrup leathers so long as
to raise your toes high enough to give
you an elastic tread on the stirrup with
out cramping the muscles of your thighs
and knees, then your body,, legs, feet
sad stirrups will maintain their posi
tions by their own weights according to
the law of gravity: after each displace
ment resulting from the movement "of
the horse your body will fall back into
the lowest part of the saddle; your
thighs, knees and feet will not become
tired because you are not using muscu
lar exertion to hold them in their places.
By the law of gravity they always fall
back into them. Your stirrups and feet,
even if disengaged from each other, will,
: as it were, meet unintentionally at their
places. If turning your toes slightly to
ward the horse .the stirrup will by its
own weight try to find its place and slip
on your foot The displacements from
their ' positions of your ' body, thighs, -knees,'
feet and stirrups will be followed
by their involuntary movements accord -
. ang to the law of gravity to i f all . back
into the places which their weights as
sign to them.
Have your saddle .built; so that no
muscular exertion be required to keep
you in its lowest (centre) part; that your
" legs," thighs, knees, feet and stirrups re
tain their positions by their own weight,
and you will enjoy that - comfort which
you can never find jn flat saddle,
with the lowest point back at the
eantle, with the knee puffs too far front,
with the saddle pad raising you .several
inches above the horse and with leather,
- and straining, etc., built up high be
tween your legs. Have the tree open
longitudinally ;in . the center from the
front to the middle, allowing circulation
of 'sir-between you and tbe horae and
yon will have more esaa to yourself and
Jess sore backs for your horses. C
jlroasmann in Philadelphia Tbaaaojri ;a
A EflSAXtUw.fREAIC,......, ......
BLgaor Carta, Somcttnin jVfr- Getham,
Gives Away Troriesaional .Secrets.
.A copper colored long, haired, smooth
faced. youngv man walked 'into the Cen
tral police station and asked for lodging.
'You're welcome to all we have," said
Lieut.: Bjirfas. -'''but if you'll tell us
whether you're black, white, .brown or
red, 1 shall see that you bave the tx-st
bed in the house."- - - ?. .--
..The -applicant scratched his head and
stood first on one foot and then the
other. Finally he drawled out, "My
grandfather " and ' grandmother on my
mother's side were Indians. My father's
father was a Spaniard,! and his mother
a Mexican. I don"t know what I am.".
v What's your-business?" asked Lieut.
Burns. .
"I've been in Barnum's band of brave,
bold, but bad Bedouins. I've played
Zulu, Kaffir, : Malay, Indian and -'Greaser,'
swallowed the sword for six months,
eat fire, licked hot pokers with my
tongue, danced on hot coals,.- chewed hot
steel,' breathed: :out fire from my nose,
walked Over razors, broke glass with my
feet and -played the human ostrich."
.''Well, -; what-' is your ; occupation?"
asked Lieut. i Burns. , .:
"I'm a museum freak, a fakir, a sport
and a bum.' said the copper colored
man;'.., . .... .- t j .
"If . you'll tell i us .how you work the
fakes you shall have a feather bed." un
blushingly promised Patrolman .O'Don.
"There ain't uo fake in the human
ostrich," said the freak. "The ostrich
eats glass, swallows knife blades, stones,
pieces of iron and everything else he can
get hold of. There ain't no fake in that.
'Cause why? 'Cause you don't get a
chance to make a fake out of it. - If you
could we'd fake it. It ain't a trick to eat
a glass sandwich. Just put. a thin piece
of glass between a couple of pieces of
bread and when the bread goes down,
down goes the glass, too. People think
it's hard on the stomach, but that's only
imagination. I saw a fellow do it, and
I did it ten minutes afterward. There
ain't any trick in stepping on glass. You
watch the fellows that do it., First they
stir the glass up with a stick to make
you think they're trying to get the sharp
pieces on top. They're just turning the
sharp points down. But a fellow must
have real dry feet or he can't do that. If
his feet sweat or are damp hell get cut. '
"The fire eating fake is nothing. If
you soak your hands and feet ' in borax
water three cr four hours a day for a
couple of weeks you'll be able to stand a
pretty hot piece of iron. ' We don't run
any risks.. but mix a little paste and lots
of -borax. . We put a coat of this on our
hands, and when we pull a hot poker
across it there's lots of smoke-,-a sizzle
and a bad smelL We don't hold the
poker very tight or very long, but people
think they smell burning flesh. We
cover the bottoms of our feet the same
way, and dance around on hot coals and
iron for a few seconds. But if the paste
is wet your feet stick and you get burned.
You can fill your, mouth with borax, lay
lots of it on your tongue : and lick a red
hot poker.-: It makes a little flame, rand
-when people, see it they think. you're
breathing out fire." ' i .
"But doesn't the glass you eat hurt
your stomach?"
"Not mine. The only trouble is that
you're liable to cut your tongue, and
you've got to be careful."
The freak was turned over to Turn
key Eustace, who was instructed to give
him a good bed. ....
1 1 Where did you come from?" asked
Eustace. " '" ' ""
"From New York," said tbe freak.
"Footjor raiir
"Where are you going from here?"
"Fin going to get a job as Boon as 1
can, and-when I have a couple of dol
lars I'll skin out."
"What's your name?? . - t t (
"Sigoor Carlos -
"How-old are you?" -
"Twenty." Cleveland Leader.
Not to Be Trusted.
' The ignorance of some American born
citizens of foreign descent in regard to
the precise meaning of some English
words is sometimes rather astonishing.
An: instance of this -was met . with the
other day by a reporter who had called
at the house of a German on Second ave
nue in the ordinary course of his busi
ness. The man, who it was afterward
learned was 30 years old, had been bom
in this city, and for at least ten years
had. been in - business, was not at first
inclined to be communicative. Finally
he stepped a little closer to the reporter
they were standing in the hull an J
said, "Are you a confidence man?" -The
reporter was indignant, naturally, and
in forcible language he declared he was
no "confidence man." "Ach, well," said
the man as he opened the door, "I think
perhaps if I told you dose tings my names
you would not write; but if you no con
fidence man I tell you nodings." New
York Times.
Imagination In Life.
It seems probable that a little imagina
tion is very much better as a possession
than a great- deal. : A little is, to the
daily incidents . and events of life, what
salt is to meat. The relish it bestows
upon them is just as good as a pleasure.
If you are in a sorry plight you can see
help coming by; its aid. though, on the
other hand, you are not tormented by
grievous relapses of impatience and de
spair: upon the 'del ay .of .the arrival oi
such help, as you would surely be if you
were as imaginative as a poet. And in
like manner, when you are in the thick
of prosperity, under its gentle, judicious
suggesting you are able to .look ahead,
foresee the inevitable squalls which shall
follow such a spell of fine weather, and
be prepared for them. In fact, a certain
amount of imagination is'like ballast to
a ship, --whereas .too much acts lilie a
storm upon the same ship, catching it
with all sails set. All the Year Ronnd.
Ue Saw.
Waiter (hoping for a quarter Er -sometimes
gemznens jffubs me a tip, sah.
Broker Buy C, C and L C. See?
A Portable Smoke House Which May Be
Placed la Any - Convenient Klird or
Building and Operated with Cumparu
trve' Comfort and Small lbor.
A Pennsylvania correspondent, writ
ing to Country Gentleman, says:
My preference is for the plain, un
adulterated smoked ham, and I will de
scribe my plan for a cheap and 'handy
smoke - houser : Not believing a perma
nent smoke house an ornament as ah out
building I dispensed with it and have
made -a portable one, which 'may be
placed- in any' convenient shed or build
ing and kept smudging away without
danger from fire and without compelling
the operator to expose himself to wintry
storms. I used light basrwood , boards,
and made a box about 7 feet long, 3 feet
wide and 15 inches deep.' When in use
the box stands on end. The upper end
has numerous hooks on which to hang
bams or bacon: The box is three boards
wide, and -the cracks in back of box are
closely . battened on the inside. The
middle board in front is not nailed, but
the cracks are" battened by nailin the
battens to the permanent boards on each
side of the middle movable board. There
is a strip fastened across the front of the
box between the two permanent boards
two feet from the lower end. The mov
able board is here cut in two, so that the
lower piece may be removed 'without
disturbing the upper piece.'
, After hanging . the hams the upper
movable board is put in place and held
there by wooden buttons. It is not to
be disturbed till we wish to examine the
meat. The lower piece is also held in
place by wooden buttons, bo that it may
be easily removed and replaced as occa
sion requires. Some iron vessel is placul
in the box back of the short, movable
board, a few coals put in and corn cobs
to fill the vessel. As the box is nearly
air tight, the cobs will smolder without
blazing and furnish smoke -. for many
hours. The' board may then be removed,
the vessel again filled with cobs and tbe
board replaced. . When we have finished
the smoking process and are ready to
make some.. disposition of our smoked
meat the empty box is easily thrown
upon some loft, there to remain till
again, needed ...
. ' .. A Successful Unknown Book.'
I was talking with a subscription pub
lisher, and in the course of our conver
sation he reached in-his library and
pulled out a book the title of which 1
never heard. It was called "God, Home
and Heaven," a book as pretentions in
size as in title. - ."What is there peculiar
about the book? Well, I will tell yon.
Of that work there have been sold over
one million copies,"- said the publisher,
"and yet Til wager that there are sales
men in the biggest New York stores who
never heard of . the book, and wiil tell
you there is no such work printed." - .
. This struck me as rather odd add I de
termined to make the test. I went into
six "of the largest book stores in New
York that day and asked for a copy oi
"God,'Home and Heaven." ' It proved
exactly as my friend predicted. I en
countered only one' man who ever heard
of. the book, and he said he had no idea'
where I could . get a copy'.::( "Doubtless
out of print for- years,"' he added. -'And
yet. within two blocks of that man's store
there was at that time printing an edi
tion of 50,000 "copies of the book on the
presses! Ed win W.' Bok's Letter.-- '
A. new magneto telephone gives prom
ise or being largely used in England.
The invention consists of an arrange
ment for combining a telephone for do
mestic purposes with ; a. crank bell pull,
such as is ordinarily met with in houses;
and the special merit in it lies in the fact
that it may bo fitted without disturbing
any of the existing arrangements or re
quiring a skilled workman tor be sent-, to
fix it. Indeed, any man of ordinary in
telligence may fit it for himself -without
trouble. A similar telephone being fitted,
say in the kitchen, a bell is used . in1, the
usual way to call the servant's attention,
and upon her taking up the telephone
the order is transmitted without render
ing it necessary for her to enter the
room. The .telephones being magneto
instruments no battery is required at all;
and the possibility of future trouble and
cost of maintenance is avoided. New
York Commercial Advertiser
alary Anderaon'a Pliotog-rapne.
The reason, that actresses are so suc
cessfully photographed is that they un
derstand the' laws of photography and
conform to them. .'-They usually assume
the direction of ' the performance for
themselves, and the photographer is will
ing to. let them. Mary Anderson always
superintends every detail of the- opera
tion that puts her features upon paper.
Her London photographer says no pict
ure of her face, except in direct profile,
was ever made without having the nega
tive changed so as to make . the outline
of the cheek a little flatter than it nat
urally: .is. Miss. Anderson- thinks -the
contour of her full face is not : oval
enough, and so' she is -carefu that any
photograph of her shall remedy the im
perfection. New York Evening Sun. ...
? ;:'.) " ' ' .:-.. ' Yl -VT.-'. i
The .Slrat; Bank.' i .
The Bank of England was established
in 1694, and is older than any of the in
stitutions, of the class-in any other of the
great .nations. ' .Ifc.was not the . first of
the important financial houses, however.
The Bank f Venice was created in 1101.
that of Genoa in 1407, that of Hamburg :
in 1619 and that of Rotterdam in 1035. '
In 1803 the Bank of France was1 estab
lished. St. Louis Olobe-Democrat.
-.v;r 'i'.!'
Barnea.' Chiralry.
George I'm surprised - that Barnes
truck Homer on the nose after he was
down. -. ; .... x , ,-i . -i
Henry--Oh, Barnes is chivalrons. .
always prefers to do a thing to a man's
face : rather than" to his back. Kxio
neta s av aanisgton r,:
r ' .. '
Wholesale ' aid Mail Dmiists.
Fine Imported, Kcv West and Domestic
CSTD iZY 1863
Don't Forget the
' : MacDonaM Bros., Props.
Wines, Liquors and Cigars
(J. E. BiYAlD JO.,
Real Estate,
arid Iioan
Opeta House filoek,3d St.
Chas. Stubling",
j ... - IbdFBIETOR OF THE ' (.:';'.
' : New Vogt Block, Second St. ' '
Liquor v Dealer,
Health is Wealth !
Dm. E. Wemt's Nfrvk akb Brain Treat
ment, ii KUimintecii niwvtrtc for Hysteria, Dizzi
iiwm, I'onvulnloiiN, Kits, Xervoiis Neuralgia,
llendnehe. Nervous Prostration caused bv the use
of nlnohol or faibiiepo, Wakefulnetu, Mental De
rwHloti, HoftoMliie of the Brain, resulting in in
sanity and lending U niiserv, decay and death,
Hrortiiiturp Old Ag', Itarrenness, Loss of Power
In i-ltlior wx, Involuntary Ixitwes and Spermat
orrlKuu cniiHcd by over exertion of the br.du. self
abuse or over indulgence. Each box coiita-ins
one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six boxes
for .V(i0, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price.
To cure any cose. With each order received by
us for six boxes, accompanied by 15.00, we wiu
send the purchaser our written guarantee to re
fund the money if the treatment does not effect
cure. Guarantees issued only by '
Prescription Iruggists,
176 Second St. The Dalles, Or.
TH 8. B. Headaohb and LrVEfirbuHB taken
according to directions ill keep your Blood,
Liver and Kidneys in good order. .
The '8. B.-' -Cough cube ; for CbldsV Coughs
and Croap,-in connection with the Headache
Cure, i as near perfect as anything known. .
The 3. B. Alpha Pain Cuke for internal and
external use, in Neuralgia, Toothache, Cramp
Colic and Cholera Morbus, is iineurpassed.! They
well liked wherever known.- Manufactured
myimiax, Oregon, tor sale Dy au OruggisU. - ,
.. .... .- .j
is here and has come to stay. It hopes
to win its way to public favor by ener
gy, industry and merit; and to this end
we ask that you give it a fair trial, and;
it satisfied with its
four pages of six columns each, will be
issued every evening except Sunday,
and will be delivered in the city, or sent
by mail for the moderate sum of fifty
cents a month.
Its Objects
will be to advertise the resources of the
city, and adjacent country, to assist in
developing our industries, in extending
and opening up new channels for our
trade, in securing an open river, and in
helping THE DALLES to take her prop
er position as the
Leading City of Eastern Oregon.
The paper, both daily and weekly, will
be independent in politics, and; in its
criticism of political matters, as in Its
handling of local affairs, it will be
We will endeavor to give all the lo
cal news, and we ask that your criticism'
of our object and course, be formed from'
the contents of the paper, and not from
rash assertions of outside parties
For the benefit of our advertisers we
shall print the first issue about 2,000
copies for free distribution, and shall
print from time to time extra editions,
so that the paper will reach every citi
zen of Wasco and adjacent counties.
sent to any address
It will contain from four to six eight'
column paes, and -we' snail endeavor1,
to make it the equal of the best. :Ask A
your Postmaster for 'a copy, or aiddress
Office, N. W. Cor. Washington and Second Sts.
- - - -
course a generous
for $1.50 per year. O
-. -? !s;iv:v rr
- - ' '