VOL. I. THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 1891. NO. 80. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Published rHily, Sunday Excepted. BY THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second mid WaahinKton Streete, The Dalle, Oregon. Term of Subscription. Fcr Year 00 Per month, by carrier Single copy ' " 30 TIMK TABLES. Railroads. EAST BOUND. No. 2, Arrives 1 a. m. Dopurtb 1:10 A. M. WEST BttH.ND. No. 1, Arrives 4:50 A. M. Depart 5:08 K.'nl STAGES. For 1'rineville, via. Bake Oven, leave daily axiMwt Kunriiivl at rt a. m. For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave Holidays, Vediiendavnaiid Fridays, at (! A. M. For Iiufur, KiiiKsli-y and Tynh Valley, leave daily (except Sunday) at 6 A. M. For tioldendale. Wash., leave every lay of the week except buiulay at A. m. Offices for all lints at the L'uiatilla House. THE CHURCHES. THIRST BAPTIST CHCKXII Rev. O. . Tay- X1 LOK, Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11 a. h. and 7 V. M. Sabbath School at VI U. Prayer meeting every Thursday eveuiiiK t 1 uciock. "lONGRKGATIOXAl. C HURCH Rev. V. C. i 1'iiRTiK. 1'antor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. if. and 7 p. M. Sundav School after morning service. Straugera cordially invited, scats tree. MK. CHURCH Rev. H. Brown, Pastor. . Service even Sundav lnorniinr and even ing. Sundav School at 12U o'clock M. A cordial invitation is extended by 'both pastor and people loan. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Union Street, opixwitc Fifth. Rev. Eli D. Sutclide Rector. Services every Sunday ut 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. if. Sunday School 12 ::w p. M. Evening Prayer on Friday at 7:30 . ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father 1!imK8 ueist I'ustor. Low Mass every Sunday at 7i. n. High Mass at 10::S0 a. m. Vesjiers -at 7 P. M. SOCIETIES. S8EMBLY NO. 2K70, K. OF I. Meets in K. L of P. hall Tuesdays at 7:30 P. M. w A8CO LOPOE, NO. 13, A. F. & A. JL Meets tirst and third .Monday oi earn momn at -J COLUMBIA I.ODOE, NO. I. O. O. K. Meets even- Friduv evening at 7::K) o'clock, In Odd Fellows h'all, Second street, between Federal and Washington. Sojourning brothers are welcome. H. A. Bills, Sec'y K, li. Closti, N. G. T-RIENUSH1P 1.OU0.E, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets .T every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in echaiiuo's building, corner of Court mid Second streets. Sojourning members are medially in vited. Ubo. T. THOStt"SON, ." D. W. Vaosk, Sec'y. U. C WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE UNION will meet every Friday afternoon st 3 o'clock at the reading room. All are invited. TEMPLE LODGE NO. 3. A. O. V. AW Meets at K. of P. Hall, Vruer Second and Court Streets, Thursday aven-gN at 7 ::). Joav Filloox, . W. a. Myers, Financier. M. V. FHOFESSIOXAL CAttDS. DR. O. I). DOANE PHYSICIASI AND BUR GEON. Office; rooms & aud -6 Chapman Block. Residence over McFarland t French'B store. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P. IT. A 8. BENNETT. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Of 1 flee in Schunno'B building, np stairs. The '- Dalles, Oregon. TAR. (i. C. ESHELMAN HouoxM-ATRIC PHY- 17 bician and bUROKON. Ottice Hours : 9 to 12 a. M : 1 to 4, and 7 to P M. jiils answered -promptly day or night' Office; upstairs in Chap man Block' DeVISDALL Dkntiht. Gas given for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth et on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of the Golden Tooth, Second Street. VK. THOMl'SON Attorney-at-law. Office to Opera House Block, Washington Street, The Dalles, Oregon P. P. MAYS. B. B. HUNTINGTON. H. 8. WILSON. MAYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON ATTOB-nevh-at-la w. Offices, French's block over First National Bauk, The Dalles, Oregon. B.B.UCFCK. 3EO. WATKINS. PRANK If ENEPEE. DUFVR, WATKINS !t MEXEFEE ATTOR-NEYs-AI-CAW Rooms Nos. 71, 7S, 73 and 77, Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalies, Oregon. "1YT H. WILSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms Vt a -r2 and Ut, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dulles, Oregon. W.&T. IflGGOY, -BARBERS. Hot and Cold SO 7X "T H s . 110 SECOND STREET. oujsed:i, ask : ; t o " B' i i K -I 1 1 The 8 B. Headache and Liver cube taken according to directions will keep your Blood, Liver and Kidney in good orders ' : . The 8. B. Cotjoh CBR for Colds, Coughs and Croup, in connection with the Headache Cure, is as near perfect as anything known. The 8. B. Alpha Pain Cure for internal and external use, in Neuralgia, Toothache, Cramp Colic and Cholera Morbus, is unsurpassed. They are well liked wherever known. Manufactured at Dnfur, Oregon. Ff - Bale by all druggists. A COMPLETE llEN'S-s- FINE SHOES! McFarland : CHAS; STUBLIISIG, ' New "Vogt Block, Second . Street WH01iESAliE,and fETfllLi LiIQUOt iDEmiEJ. Milwaukee Beer on Draught. D. I". Thompson' President. J. 8. Hchekck, H. M. Be ALL, Vice-lresident. Cashier. Fust national Bank. THE DALLES, - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of -collection. Sight :and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIRECTORS. D. P. Thompson. Jjj. S. Sciien'ck. T. W. Spaeks. Ubu. A. Liebe. , H. M. Beall. . FRElSlCH St CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENE RAI.BAKKIXU BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections' made at all points on fav orable terms. . COLUMBIA (apdy :-: paetory, W. S. CRAM, Proprietor. (Successor to Cram & Corson.) Manufacturer of the finest French and Home Made CAITDIBS, ... East of Portland. DEALER IN Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale or Retail . . " In Every Style. .. 104 Second Street, The Dalles, Or. $20 REWARD. WILL BE PAID FOR ANY INFORMATION leading to theconviction of parties cutting the ropes or in any way interfering with the wires, poles or lamps of Tai Electric Light Co. v-. H. GLENN. Manager. LINE OF & French, BUNNELL BROS., 190 "Third Street. PIPE' v WORK. Pipe Repairs and Tin Repairs A SPECIALTY. Mains Tapped With Treasure On. Opposite Thompson ' Blacksmith Shop. Phil Willig, 124 UNION ST., THE DALLES, OR. Keeps on hand a full line of MEN'S AND YOUTHS Ready - Made Clothing. Pants and Suits MADE TO ORDER On Reasonable Terms. Call and see my Goods before purchasing elsewhere. R. B. Hood, Livery, Feed and Sale Horses Bought and Sold Commission and Money ; Advanced on Horses left For Sale. rTICE OF-r The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line, Bbige Leaves The Dalles every morning . at 7:u and Goldendale at 7:80. All ; freight must be left at R. B. Hood's office the evening before. . . R. B. HOOD, Proprietor. FLOELXG MILL TO LEASE. THE OLD DALLES MILL AND WATER Company's Flour Mill will be leased to re sponsible parties. For information apply to the WATER COMMISSIONERS, '.'.,! : The Dalles, Oregon. IT IS NOTPARALLEL. Ex-Secretary Bayard Says the New Or leans and the Wyoming Massacre . Are Not Similar Cases. Bribery Sensation in the California Leg islatureSandwich Island Mat ters. The Associated Press Reports are Sent Exclusively to the Chronicle at tt ' The Dalles: AFTER THE STORM. The AfaBa do not Scare Parkinson by Their Threatening Iecrees. New Orleans. March 17. The Maiia warning has been received by W. S. Parkinson, who led the citizen's move ment on Saturday but it does not make him feel uneasy although there may be some foundation for. it. Parkinson treats the letters lightly.- The grand jury is investigating the the charges of bribery of jurors in the Hennessy case, and it is understood they have some important clues. The - records of the registration office of this city show that Antonio Marchesi was registered as a voter, October 3d. He is one of the four that the Italian consul claimed wag still an Italian sub ject. No record is found of the other three. THE FIFTY-FIRST COXOKESS. PrYtddrnt Harrison Says That Body Will Rank High In History. Washington March 17. In an inter view yesterday President Harrison . said the work fifty-first congress will stand well in history and which the country will approve whether the issues involv ed in tne election bill be prominent in future campaigns or not is a question for the public to determine. As to the tariff the president said; "There shook! be no agitation upon this subject ntit the McKinlev bill has been faii?y tried." - 1. SANDWICH ISLAND AFFAIRS. The Quft n la Sustained and Appoints Her Cabinet. Sas afKANCisco, Iarch 17. The Ex aminer has advices from Honolulu saying that the supreme court has upheld Queen Lilindkalani in the matter of the cabinet status and that tfce queen has accord ingly appointed the following ministry: Sauinel Parker premier and minister of foreign affairs. - W A. Widemaim, minister of finance. C- N. Spencer (present incumbent) minister of the iifterior. W A. Whiting, attorney general. 3JOT A FAKALI.E1. CASE. Bayard Says the New Orleans im not Like the Wyoming Affair. Wilmington, Cel., March 17. Ex Secretary Bayard says he sees no basis on which the Italian government could claim indemnity &r the men killed in New Orleans. There is no discrimina tion .-against Italian citizens in favor of American citizens. The case was not parallel to the Wyoming massacre of Chinamen, in which indemnity was allowed. No Election Yet. Sacrmknto, March 17. Only one ballot for senator were taken this morn ing and the convention adjourned until tomorrow noon. The ballot resulted Eetee, 45 ; Felton,38 ; Blanchard, 2 ; Johnston, 4 ; Perkins, 1. The democrats cast 24 for White. Number of votes necessary to" choice 58 Before the ballot was taken the name of M. H. De Young was withdrawn in favor of C. N. Felton. Condition of the Wrecked Boats. . Vineyard Haven, Mass., March 17. The United States steam - tug Trian, ashore at Cutuy Hunt, will become a total loss. Nothing has yet been saved from the Galena. The chances are still favorable for floating the tug Nina. . Another Mining Explosion. - "- Ashland, Pa., March 17. A terrific mine explosion occurred near here to day. Two men were blown to atoms, another fatally injured and others ser iously hurt. . . . - .' Another Bad Break In New Orleans. New Orleans, March -. 17. A break occurred this morning in the levee seven miles above Canal Street.. The break is now twenty-five feet; wide and ten feet deep. - It is constantly growing larger. O'Connor Will Oppose. ' Dublin, March 17. T. P. O'Connor announces that he intends to actively oppose Parneiiism by an legitimate means in power. ; . Chicago Wheat Market. '' ' Chicago, " Til., March. 16. Wheat, steady ; cash, 9999J ; May, 1.01 1.01K ; Jnly, 97. . -j ;. 7 ; A Dead Prince. 'Rome, March 17. Prince Napoleon is dead. , - CANADIAN ICBCll'ISOCITY. Said to Be Talked About by Blaine Fauncefote. and New York, March 15. The Herald's I AVashmgton special says: "lam told t mento special . savs : Another great that m their recent interviews Mr. j .. . , , . , . Blaine and Sir Julian Paufi. efote have nsation is about ready to be sprung in been less occupied with the Behring sea the legislature. It is lmtiosmble to de question than with that of reciprocity ! tail the exact nature of it but Attorney between the United States and British i General H art has evidence which will North America. Sir John Macdonald i . . i. i i . desires that negotiations and discussions convlel a Mn,lw o l'Ptors with should begin at Washington, as soon as j having received bribes. The amount preliminaries between the state depart-i then were to get Mr. Hurt Ptutes to be J i. i? -::..!. l : ' . . . . . . . .... Jiicill aim uir ui Hiru icsuuvii 11 cic 1111- ished. Mr. Blaine's attitude toward the Canadian rncinrocitv nronosals is de scribed to me as "one of willingness j rather than anxiety. Mr. Blaine i al- ways at his best in" his role of political . "Barkis." He will discuss reciprocity with the representatives of Canada, and , will be as cracious anil accommoctatinjr i , , x, . . , .. as possible. Respiting the mode of! Ijscoi.x, eh. Man-li l.-The deeis conducting the confei-ence with regard to ion in the Boyd-Thayer gubernatorial the basis and particulars of any treaty j contest was? indefinitely poHponed. It or -convention of reciprocity, they will I ;a (.iaim,,,l thnt two rtf the iusiii-e ure in be just the Bame for the government ot j Sir John Macdonald, as t&v would have I been for that of Hon. Sir. L,aurier, it the liberals had carried the recent election. ! Any treaty or proposal of reciprocity ; Blaine will be sure to contain what he believes to be sound commercial ad-1 vantages for the United States. The j Bniirrfiurs in trie eaves nf the ststte de- I i ...... . . . . Dartnient building are whispering tnat if Lord Salisbury persists in returning Joseph Chamberlain to " iishingtoii,as a negotiator, tne price oi reciprocity with Canada is likelv to come a shade higher. To be more explicit, Mr. Blaine does no wish Mr. Chamberlain as i negotiator of British treaties with the any u on -inai ior un united States, certainly not so long as Hiixsbouk, March 17. The fourth the gentleman from Birmingham re- triai 0f "saniv" ()lds for the murder of mams obnoxious to the Irish national- T, ., ... . . , ... ists of all factions. " c,Kr' "a" , morning in change of venue from THE behring SEA question, j Multnomah county. Three, jurymen . .. , rw, ' ; were secured at this moriiing's session. It In t'oHHible That Germany May Become i ' Involved in the Controversy. j The Report Conilnnetl. Washington, March 15. Germany' New Yokk, March 14. It was naid to rn ay become involved in the Behring sea j day by Jacob Halstead, of New York, a controversy. Captain Ferry, of the j director of the Oregon Pacific, that nego- sealer bay word, arrived here u lew days ago to confer with the British minister, and gave him such information as may aid him in the negotiations with Secre tary Blaine. Captain Ferrv opposes any tiroDosition which is calculated to iro- hibit seal poaching and urges the Brit- ish government not to bind its subjects to reirain irom taKing seans uunug tain seasons, unless Germany is also re strained. He claims that in addition to the United States and British sealers, a number of German vessels take seals in Behring sea, and therefore all nations should be restrained from taking seals during the breeding season. As Ger many is apt to be drawn into the con troversv she will reoueet neriuission to have a representative at the high joint commission to protect the -interest- of her subjects, it is about settled that a commission representing the United States and England will be sent to Alaska to examine and report the true condition of affairs on the seal islands. This suggestion was made by Professor Henry Elliott, who was especially authorized by congress last year to visit Alaska. l-AKNELL IN GALWAY. The Irish Leader Is Given an EnthUKias - ' - tie Reception. London, March 15. Parnell had an enthusiastic reception in Gal way today. To prevent him from being saluted by a band, which had made all preparations to receive him with a blare of trumpets and a beat of drums, the McCarthyites broke into the band room at Cloyne and stole the instruments. In his" speech Parnell said that Ireland was in much the same position as in 1880, when the unreasonable element in the party op posed him . because he supported the railway measure. He believed then in getting all the money he could for Ire land, and acted on the belief. Mr. Par nell severely criticised the ecclesiastical authorities for their attempt to take the direction of Irish affairs out of the hands of the people, and he denounced what he called Mr. Gladstone's effort to dic tate to Ireland.. THE EMl'EROR AND BISMARCK. . The Kaiser's Mind is Bent I pon War like Preparations. Berlin, March 15. The prospect of any full and complete Reconciliation between the emperor and Bismarck is considered far distant, although a modus vivendi may be established. Miguel is the kaiser's man to succeed Capri vi. The possibility that Bismarck may enter the reichstag is said to make the kaiser anxious to prevent him from being the active leader of an opposition. The kaiser's mind seems bent upon warlike preparations, and it is believed that his chief motive in conciliating Bismarck and Waldersee is to have the empire in harmony for the struggle that he expects must soon come about. - What Brought on the Fight. . London, March ' 15. A Calcutta dis patch says the British troops at Wuntho, Burmah, found in the palace of the chief who has been carrying on the recent rebellion against the British authorities a horoscope foretelling that the prince would immediately become king of Bur mah. This prediction of an astrologer prompted the chief to begin the fight in which he has been badly worsted. ;lant Powder on the Rail. ' Chico, Gal., "'-"March'' 15 Saturday night ' someone ; maliciously placed twenty-five or thirty pieces of giant pow der on the railroad . track just north of Chico. When the south-bound express came in nearly all wers set off. badly damaging some of the car wheels. The object of the party or parties is un known. The general impression is that it was done by tramps. ANOTHER SENSATION. Bribe Takers in the California Legisla ture to be Exposed. ' Sax 'Francisco, March 17. A Saera- jtvi Ijl.l and ,t wfts t,l frf lflSsl tftl in a. bank at .Fresno. Mr. Hart will sav nothing more than this except that whole matter been traced and the chain uf evidence is said to le complete. . who is to i Oovmuir? , . , . .. .. . , . favor of 15od w,,lle a tlnrd lvorH mayer. n is iisceneti uiai a Mi ueme to remove one of the two judges favoring Bovd by givjng hiin a federal position ; has lx-en unearthed. St. Patrick's lay In Portland. I'okti.axd, March 17. St. Patrick's I .i ' i i i i fct. t ay was uum-i vra nere iwuiy uy uic ucui- j cation of St. Patrick's church, Arch- ! b;Hj10D tlrotls officiating. There was a procesnion of the different Irish and Catholic societies. I tiations were m jirogressfortliejiurcnase of the road bv the Kio Grande vv estern. The 5irlft Will Strike. Newark, N. J., March 15. A coin- i mitt( nf the irirls emnloved in the ! Clark thread mills decided to call all the girls out .Tuesday evening. London and Paris Talk by Telephone. London, March 15. The first conver sation by telephone between London and Paris has exchanged today and was highly successful. O. A. It. Silver Weddins;. Rutland. March 17. Commander-in- chief Venzev issued a general order for , obgervance of the silver anniversary of the Grand Army, April fi, 1891, Sherman will Have the Xkw York, March i7. It is an nounced today that the Sherman statute fund amounts to about $39,000. Firm of Importers Fail. Xkw York, March 17. Lehmair & Co., importers of dry goods have failed. Gold for Europe. Xew York, March 17. One million dollars in gold bars will lie taken in shipment to Europe tomorrow. Sun Francisco Mai-Let. San Francisco, March 16 Wheat, buyer season, 1 .50ja. Another New Gas Lamp. A new type of gas lamp that has been introduced abroad consists primarily of an argand burner inclosed in a globe, with the air for supporting combustion admitted both above and below the flame. The lower supply of air passes through the center of the burner, while the upper supply enters from above the burner into the globe. wich indositi besides the bnrner a metallic deflector upon which 1 lie name impinges and is conducted to a porcelain bell mouthed exit above. The supply of air entering from above is thus highly heated in its passage. The result of the well balanced proportions ;f gas and air admitted to the globe, -which practically becomes the combustion chamber, results in a brill iant bulb shaped light of high illumi nating power. New York Telegram. Talked Too Much. ' ' A farmer always had a prodigious number of last words to say whenever he was leaving the farm f ou the city. On one occasion the hired man's patience gave out. "Mr. P said he, "you'd be an awful bad man ter die. You'd have so many last words that the under taker's bill would come in before yer was dead." Christian Union. Kept In. Servant :Mr. Maccay wants his break fast served in bed this morning. - Landlady What is the matter? Is he ill? :- - ; .' . : ,r - , .. ' Servant No, ma'am. But the tailor came a. little while ago to crease bis trousers. Clothier and Furnisher. . Lota of Thieves. Easterner Have you any horse thieves in your section? , ' Westerner Lots of 'em. -' - .-' "Lots?' : - "Yes." Cemetery lota." Good New. -If virtue has its own reward, as the moralists are fond of teaching, some people think pay-day a longtime coming.