The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 13, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
- - MARCH 13. 1891
Pacific i Relu- D.t'r Jo State
Coast bar. i ttve of S. of
Time. Hum Wind Weather.
8 A. M 30.21 38 96 East 0.1 Clear
8 P. M. . . . . 30.i6 58 Ti East Pt Cl'dy
indicates below 0.
ximum temperature,
M; minimum tern-
Total nrecioitation from Julv u to date. B.3S:
ure, .
averuife precipltatiou irom July to date, 12.18;
average aemciency irura juiy isi 10 aate, o.7.
The' Dalles, March 13, 1891.
Weatlter forecast till 12 m.,
Saturday; Light rain with
snow in tlie mountains. Slightly
The Chronicle is the Only Paper in
The Dalles that Receives the Associated
Press Dispatches.
There is onej'drunk" at the city jail.
John Meddler of Sherman county is in
A woolen mill is about to be built a t
Dallas, Polk county.
Mr. Vm. Holder, state lecturer of the
grange Is in the city.
Fossil, Gilliam county, is going to have
a new flouring mill.
Captain William Endersby of Kight
Mile gave us a pleasant call today.
: Mrs. J. W. Condon and son arrived
home from Portland, this morning.
Mr. Geo. Nolan of Dufur and John
Adams and Will Adams of Nansene are
in the citv.
ThA iirmttr Hiirmlv Tvirtt tiua limn
, j : ' . . ' ,u n
placed in position through the bank of
the reservoir.
It is reckoned that the work on the
reservoir contract will be completed by
the first of May.
A. car load of lumber arrived at- the
shops yesterday to be used in repairing
the round house.
The big boiler punch, weighing five or
six tons, formerly used at the company's'
shops, has been sent to LaGrande.
Class and Draise meeting will be held
Sunday morning at 10 a. m., at the M.
E. church. All are cordially invited.
Thomas McCoy has gone to the country
for a few days to look after his horses,
but Billy carries on the shaving business
in his absence, just the same.
" The Dalles Daily Chkoxiolk is worth
the subscription price of fifty cents a
month, for the telegraphic dispatches
alone, if there was not a line in it besides.
Steve Kistner and A. F. Brown of
Tygh have sold out their interest there
and are moving to North Portland where
they intend going into the livery stable
Thedt rectors of tne Eastern Oregon
Co-operative Association held a meeting
in this city last evening, to perfect ar
rangements for opening their new store
on the 25th inst.
. Mr. J. E. McCormick has made full
arrangements for starting a music class,
for vocal culture. The first meeting will
be held on Friday evening the 20th inst,
in the lecture room of the M. E. Church.
As a proof that the snow, which is
now melting all over this country, is all,
or nearly all going into tne ground, it
may be mentioned that scarcely any
perceptible rise has been noticed in the
creeks. '..:'
The teachers of the Congregational
sabbath school - will meet at the church
vestry this evening to engage in the
study of the lesson. All friends of the
school and others interested in Bible
study are invited to attend. .
" Deputy U. S. Marshal Johnson left to
day for Portland, taking with him the
five men charged with breaking into
the post-office at Blalock. The men are
bound over to appear before the United
States grand jury. '
Hon. Mark A Fullarton, of Colfax, a
member of the special commission ap
pointed to locate the northern boundary
of the Warm Spring reservation, is in
the city on his way to the Warm Springs
to continue the work of taking testimony
in the matter. , ( '.'
Night before last some fellows who
have not fear of the law before their eyes,
cooly drove a wagon to the wood piles of
Paul Kreft and Joe Viera and carried off
three-quarters of a cord from the former
and about a quarter from the latter.
Mr. Kreft had a nice lot of wood sawed
and split, but the thief preferred the un
sawed wood for the reason, it is supposed
that the wagon rack would not hold the
stove Qd. . J,
Deed Filed for Record.
Dalles City to John Baldwin, the south
half of lot 10 in block 9, in Dalles City,
proper. .. .'
"Jane A. Erwin to Charles Verchuren,
lots 23 and 24 in block 10 in Erwin and
Watson's first addition to Hood River.
Consideration fifteen dollars.
John N. Coates and wife to R. Living
stone, the north half of the north half of
section 4, township 2 north, of range 17
east. Consideration one dollar.
Geq. Watkins and Maud Watkins ; E.
B. Dufur and t Carrie Dufur, to Mary
Agnes Baldwin ; south )4 of lot 10 In
block 9 of Dalles city. Consideration
Full Text of the" Bill as Passed by the
Recent Legislature and Signed by
i : the Governor.
Section 1. That section 2 of the act
filed in the office of the secretary of state
February 19, 1889, be amended sq as to
read as iollows :
Sec. 2. The water works purchased
and enlarged or constructed under the
provisions of said act and owned by said
Dalles City shall be under the control
and management of seven commissioners
who shall be styled collectively "The
Board of Water Commissioners . of
Dalles City," and individually water
commissioners and which shall, in the
first instance, be composed of the follow
ing named resident taxpayers of Dalles
City to wit: Hugh Glenn, August
Buchler, M. T. Nolan, Z. F. Moody,
Robert Mays, A. S. Macallister and
George Ruch, and whose term of office
shall be as follows: Two of said com
missioners shall hold their said office
until the first Monday of Julv, 1890, or
until their successors are elected and
qualified and their successors shall liold
their term of office for the term of three
years thereafter, two of said commission
ers shall hold their office until the first
Mouday in July, 1891, ami until their
successors are elected ana qualified, and
their successors shall hold their said office
for the term of three years thereafter,
and the remaining three commissioners
shall hold their said office until the first
Monday in July, 1892, and until their
successors are elected and qualified, and
their successors shall hold their said
office for the term of three years there
after ; provided further, that for the pur
pose of continuing said board of water
commissioners, they -shall be elected as
follows: Two of said commissioners
shall hold their said office until the first
Monday of July, 1890, or until their suc
cessors are elected and qualified, and
their successors shall hold their term of
office for the term of three years there
after; two of said commissioners shall
hold their office until the first Monday
I in July. 1891, and until their successors
i, elteA and qualified and their suc-
cessors shall hold their said office for the
term of three years thereafter : and the
remaining three commissioners shall
hold their said office until the first Mon
day in July, 1892, and until their suc
cessors are elected and qualified, and
their successors shall hold their said
office for the term of three years there
after. Provided furtlier, that for the pur
pose of continuing said board of water
commissioners they shall be elected as
follows : At the next regular city elec
tion for Dalles City two such commis
sioners shall be elected to take their office
on the first Monday of July next, and at
the second regular city election for Dalles
City three such commissioners shall be
elected to take their office on the first
Monday of July, 1892. At every such
election for water commissioners one
shall be elected from each ward of said
city and at said regular city election for
1892, and at very third regular city
election thereafter one shall be elected
by the qualified voters of said city, at
large, who shall be known as commis
sioner at large ; each of said commis
sioners to be elected, shall be chosen for
the term of three years from the first
Monday of July, following their, election
and until their" successors are elected and
qualified. Vacancies occurring in said
office shall be filled by the majority vote j
oi saia ooara oi water commissioners,
and their selection shall hold office only
until the next regular city election and
until his successor is elected and quali
fied, who shall be elected for the mex
pired term of the three years in which
i such vacancy arose. Said water com
missioners chosen from said wards, shall
have the same qualifications as council
men, and said water commissioner
chosen at large, shall have the same
qualifications as mayor of said city. To
entitle persons to vote for water com
missioners such persons shall be required
to have the same qualifications as voters
for councilmen of said city. Before
entering upon the duties of their office
the commissioners shall each take and
subscadbe an oath or affirmation required
of other city officers, and file the same
with the recorder of Dalles City, and the
office of any commissioner named in this
section, or hereafter elected as herein
provided, who shall fail to file his oath
or affirmation with said city recorder
within twenty days after - notice of his
election, shall be declared vacant to be
; filled in the manner provided bv this act.
in the office of the Secretary of State,
February 19, 1889, as aforesaid be amend
ed so as to read as follows :
Sec. 3. The water commissioners
shall be inhabitants of Dalles City and
qualified voters of the regular citv" elec
tion mentioned in section.-. 1 of thin
and all vacancies occurring in the office
oi any sucn commissioner snail be filled
by appointment made: by a majority ; of
the remaining water commissioners.' "
Sec. 8. That section 4 of the act men
tioned in section 1 of this act be amended
so as to read as follows :
Sec. 4. Said board of water com
missioners shall elect annually one of
their number president of . the board,
whose, term of office shall be one year,
and until his- successor is - elected and
.qualified the commissioners shall hold
regular meetings at such times as they
may appoint by order and may hold
special meetings at such times as they
may be requested by written notice from
their president; they shall hold their
meetings at such places in Dalles City as
they may provide and a majority of
their number shall constitute a quorum
for the transaction of any business ; they
shall elect one of their number at Secre
tary, whose term of office shal '. be fixed
by the board as secretary, and who shall
keep a correct minute of their proceed
ings ; all claims or debts incurred by the
Board of Water Commissioners shall be
audited by said Board and when audited
and allowed, a warrant therefor, signed
by the president and secretary of said
Board, Bhall be drawn against the WTater
fund of said City on the City Treasurer
thereof, who shall pay the same . out .of
any funds belonging to said water fund
of said City applicable thereto . or for
want of such funds he shall endorse such
warrants, "not paid for want of funds,"
giving the date thereof, which shall en
title such warrants to draw interest
from such date until paid or until called
for payment, at the rate of eight per
cent per annum.
Hec. 4. That section 5 of the act men
tioned in section 1 of this act be amend
ed so as to read as follows :
Sec. 5. It shall be the duty of the
said koard of water commissioners, by
and with the consent of the Council, to
negotiate the sale of bonds provided for
by this act. It shall also be their duty
to. make contracts for the erection and
construction, or purchase and enlarge
ment of the- necessary aqueducts and
reservoirs, the laying 6f the mains and
pipes through the streets and alleys in
Dalles City, to make, and estimate the
cost of the Water Works, and to perform
all other things for the purchasing and
extending or- constrncting, operating,
improving and maintaining of a good and
substantial system of Water Works for
the use of the city for fire - and domestic
purposes ; provided however, that before
any of the bonds provided for by this
act shall be sold' said board. of water
commissioners shall cause a notice to be
published in the Morning Oregonian six
times a week for at least four consecu
tive weeks, and cause such notice to be
published in such other papers and for
such time as said board mav direct, to
the effect that said bonds will, at a time
named in said notice, be offered for sale
by said board, and inviting sealed bids
therefor and requiring each bidder to
name in his bid the lowest rate .of inter
est at which said bonds will be taken, at
not less than their face value, paying
cash in hand therefor, provided further
that the said council shall reserve the
right to reject any and all bids made in
in accordance with said notice and shall
except for caBh in hand and at the par
value of said bonds, and at a rate of
interest not to exceed eight per cent per
Sec. 5. That section 6 of the act men
tioned in section 1 of this act bo amend
ed so as to read as follows :
Sec. 6. The corporate authorities of
Dalles City are hereby authorized . and
empowered for the purpose of paying the
interest on any water bonds of said city
legally issued in addition to the tax now
authorized by Dalles City charter to levy
annually the" additional sum of one half
of one per cent, upon all of the taxable
property within said city ; and said
board of water commissioners may pro
vide ior tne collection of a water tax
from all the consumers of said water and
impose fines and penalties for refusing
or neglecting to pay the same, and es
tablish the rate, time and manner in
which it shall be paid : and all moneys
collected and received under the provis
ions of this section shall be applied to
the payment of said bonds and inter
est and the maintenance of said water
works and for ho cither purpose whatso
ever except as hereinafter provided;
provided, however, that after such bonds
and interests shall have been fully paid,
the board of water commissioners shall
collect only such an amount from the in
habitants bf the city as shall be sufficient
to maintain said water works in good re
pair. And said board of water commis
sioners is hereby empowered to adopt
all rules and regulations necessary or
proper to enforce their control and man
agement of said water works and water
of said city, and to regulate the use and
consumption oi saia waier. .
Sec. 6. - All monevs received by Dalles
City from the sale of any bonds of said
city legally issued ' or to be issued for
water purposes unexpended shall be
kept by the treasurer of Dalles City in a
seperate fund known as the water fund.
Sec. 7. It shall be the duly of the
said city treasurer to keep all funds that
may come to his possession in accor
dance with the provisions of any of the
preceding sections of this act or of any
act of which this is amendatory which j
shall be known and designated as the
water fund of Dalles City except such as
may lie immediately needed to pay run
ning expenses, or the principal or inter
est of the water bonds hereinbefore re
ferred and to loan said sum to responsi
ble parties upon real estate security only
approved by a majority of said "water
commissioners and the city attorney.
Such security shall be worth not less
than three times the amount of such
loan exclusive of improvements, and the
title shall be aproved by said city attor
tomey ; and it is further provided that
no loan shall be made for a longer period
than one year from the making thereof,
and at not less than eight per cent, per
Sec. 8. That section 7 of the act en
titled "An act to authorize Dalles City
to incur an indebtedness of f 50,000 for
the purpose of providing the citv with
good and wholesome water, and for the
erection and construction or purchase of
such water works and reservoirs within
or without the limits of the city as may
be necessary o convenient therefore and
provide for the issuing of bonds and the
payment of the principal : and. interest
thereon," approved February 26, 1885,
be amended so as to read as follows.
Sec. 7. The board of water commission
ers of Dalles city or its agents shall have
the right to enter upon any lands out
side of the limits of Dalles city for the
purpose of examining, locating and sur
veying the line of such canal, conduits,
pipes or mains, doing no unnecessary
damage thereby; and whenever it shall
become nesessary for said board or Dalles
city to convey the water into said city
from any stream, river or creek as pro
vided in this act, over or across the lands
of any person or persons, then the board
of water commissioners shall have power
to purchase the right-of-way over such
land ; and in the event that the owner
or owners of such land . and the board
shall be un able to agree upon the
amount of damage to be paid by Dalles
city, then it shall be lawful for Dalles
city by said board of water commission
ers shall have power to purchase the
right-of-way over such land, in the event
that the owner or owners of such land
and the board shall be unable to agree
upon the amount of damage to be paid
by Dalles city, then it snail be lawful for
Dalles city, by said board of water com
missioners to appropriate so much of
said lands for a right-of-way as may be
necessary for the line of such canal, con
duits, pipes or mains in the manner
provided in title III of chapter 7, of the
miscellaneous laws of the state of Oregon,
and whenever it shall become necessary
for said board to appropriate any por
tion of any lot or lots within the limits
of Dalles city for the purpose of bringing
the water into said city for fire and do
mestic purposes, the . said "board may
appropriate the same in the maimer
provided in said title III of chapter 7 of
the miscellaneous laws of . the state of
Oregon. Said action shall be brought in
the name of Dalles city, to the use of
said board of water commissioners. .
Sec. 9. That section 8 of the act men
tioned in section 1 of this act be amen
ded so bs to read as follows :
Sec. 6. Whenever the board of water
commissioners of Dalles city shall decide
to purchase and enlarge, or erect and
improve the water works, as in this act
provided then it shall be the duty of the
said board of water ' commissioners to
cause a notice to be published in some
T1 Ptt'WVQ rmv rf S T .1 A.
hshed weekly in eaid countv for at least
four weeks in succession, inviting sealed
proposals, for the erections of such
works, giving a minute description of
the same, or if said board shall decide to
purchase any water works now owned
and operated bv any person, persons,
company or corporation within said city,
and shall decide to nlarge said water
works SO' nnrrhnswl tUn
works, to be so extended and enlarged,
minutely describing the same. Bids
may be received for the performance of
all the work, or any part thereof, which
shall not materially conflict with the
completion of the remaining jortion or
for furnishing materials. Said work
must be let in whole or in part, as above
provided to the lowest responsible bid
der.' vrovififtl.- that, tit a f
city shall have the' right to reject anv
and all bids ; provided furthtr that on
and after the date this act goes into af
fect all 81K-1 1 nnt.iAa slmll ,Kl;u,l
by and at the instance of the board of
IPatoM SWin-k - i Am a. 1 11
x. 10I,er8' ona au sucn bids
shall be riceived by and shall be accepted
or rejected by said board of water com
missioners, and all contracts pertaining
to such purchase, enlargement erection
and, construction of such water works
shall thereafter be made by and with
saJd board of water commissioners, pro
vided further, that no purchase shall be
made nor any contract let hereunder, as
hereinbefore provided, until all the
bonds issued under the provisions of the
act of which this act is amendatory or
under this act shall liave been sold and
the money received therefore shall have
been paid into the hands of the city
treasurer. The board of water commis
sioners shall provide for the faithful
rjerioririRiitfv n'f anv .n.r.4. 1 i
wuMavb ICb' LI I
this act and the provisions thereof may
oy acuon, suitor proceeding
in the name of DilIIah ;tv -n-.ui,A- ... u
contract shall have been made bv the
council or said board, provided further,
that all contracts made, liabilities incur
red or trusts imposed in persuance of
any of the provisions of this act or any
act of which this is amendatory by said
council or board of water commissioners
shall hereafter be continued and enfor
ced in like manner as if made by said
board of water commissioners after said
date. '
Sec. 9. In addition to the powers
now conferred upon the council of Dalles
City, said council is hereby authorized
an empowered to bond the credit of
said city by the issuance of taxable
water bonds of said citv payable in such
time as said council may designate in
any sum not to exceed $25,000, to com
tilete anrl nf rtont tUa. i . '
said Dalles City, provided however that
" wuuo snail De issued, said
council shall provide by ordinance for
the submisRioii nf aaA i-
. " wiu. ijucduuii oi me
issuance of said bonds, and the amount
"re'cu' w approval oi a majority
vote of the qualified voters of said Dalles
City who actually pay a property tax
therein which said election shall be held
nnd said question ' submitted at such
times and in such manner as such coun
cil shall provide by ordinance. If said
bonds shall be issued, the proceeds
thereof shall be paid into the city treas
ury to be left in said water fund and
subject to draft thereon as such funds.
Sec. 10. All ' rfYnt.mfta maio nl;o
tions or trusts imposed, all 'suits or
actions commenced, or clioses in action
existing nnder any of the provisions of
the acts herein amenrlefi rti ronoaluft
shall le continued and remain unim
paired and to that extent the provisions
deemed as continuing in force."
oec. 11. xnat tne title oi said act
non t.iniicvl in urtirin 1 nf tVilu out Kn
amended to include section 3 inadvert
antly omitted therefrom.
bee. 12. Inasmuch as there is im
mediate necessity for the additional
powers granted bv this act to said hoard
of water commissioners and to . said
council this act shall take effect and be
- i. . ., . .
in iorce rrom ana alter us approval by
the governor.
City Treasurer's Notice.
All City Warrants registered prior to
July 6, 1889 are now due and payable.
Interest ceases on and after date.
J. S. Fish.
February 7, 1891. 1 City Treas.
For Sale.
Household furniture, Carpets, ect.r at
the residence of Mrs. B. Robberson, No.
210, Second street.
Columbia Ice Co.
t :XOB t
Having over 1000 tons of ice on hand,
we are now prepared to receive orders,
wholesale : or retail, to be delivered
through the summer. . Parties contract
ing with us will be carried through the
entire season without advance in
phice, and may depend that we have
nothing but
Cut from mountain ,water ; no slough or
slush ponds. "
- Leave orders at the Columbia Candy
Factory, 104 Second street. :.
' W. S. CRAM, Manager.
'.:'! ; I ' !'" I ? ' ' : : ' : v
i ; ' : " . :' '-- - : -
: Will close out her entire stock of
Ladies' g Children's
to make room for her
New Stock of: Millinery.
MRS. PfllliliTPS
flusiio : Ufioefwear
(Successors to ABRAMS & STEWART.) - .
Retailer and Tobbers ln
DorrfTirnro Tinmn
flaiuiiaiQ, - nuifldiB, - UltlHUdWdlC,.- MUUUDPdIBr
"Acorn," "Charter Oak" "Argand
Pumps, Pipe, Plumbers' and Steam' Fitters' Supplies,
Packing, Building Paper, . 11
Also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmith's an
warmers Tools and Fine Shelf Hardware.
The Celebrated R. J ROBERTS "Warranted" Cutlery, Meriden Cutlery
Tableware, the "Quick Meal" Gasoline Stoves. "Grand" Oil Stoves
. and Anti-Rust Tinware.
AU Tinning, Plumbing, Pipe Work and Repairing
will be done on Short Notice.
174, 176, 178. 180 SECOND STREET,
In the last two weeks large sales of lots Tflfv
have been made "at Portland, Tacoma, Forest in the West.
Grove, McMinnville and The Dalles. All fiJckL
are satisfied that .. "
North Dalles
Is HOW tllG dIs-CG for illVfisf'.mfmt'. "ir A To
x - 'm.m.j
ufactories are to be added and
mano -mnAn Tl, j. nn J
imo iuouc. xutj njti, eu uays win ue im
portant ones for this new city.
Call at the office of the
Interstate Investment Co.,
r 72 Washington St., PORTLAND, Or.
aig Fancy
Hay, Grain
Gheap Express Wagons Hos. 1 and 2.
Orders left at the Stcrejwilljreceive prompt attention.
Trunks and Packages delivered to any part of the City.
- . Wagons always on hand when Trains or Boat arri
No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third. Sts.
Canned Goods, Preserves, Pickles, Etc.
Country Produce Bought and Sold.
Goods delivered Free to any part of tlie Cty.
Masonic Block, Corner Third and Court Streets, The Dalles, Oregci.
Cor. of TM aai Wasniuton Sts.ZTlis Dalles, Oregon.
Glothieand Tailor,
C3-exxt ZFrxx-n 1 H"h ins C3-oo3j3,
fyat5 ar?d Caps, Jrup, tlalises,
toots and
v . ' :; S3. CBOWM
Fnrnitnre Mfc
Wire Works.
v. v inati- -
large improve- ucW nnSc
mi i . Ilfctl UIIIUUL.
Fine Cottages,
Hem Railroad
and Feed.
8t Oibons,
Shoes, XUo.