The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 07, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Pacific Rela- D.t'r to State
Coast BAB. tlve of S. of
Time. Hum Wind p Weather.
A. M 80.21 2 76 East Cloudy
P. M 30.26 88 85 " Pt Cl'dy
Indicate below 0.
'Maximum temperature, 40; minimum tem
perature, 24. ' -
Total precipitation from July up to date, 6.S5;
average precipitation from July to date, 12.13;
ateruge deilicioncy from July 1st to date, 5.78. . .
" The Dalles," March 7, 1891.
WeatJier ' forecast till 'IS m.,
Monday; -fair: '- Followed by
light rain or snow. Snow in the
.mountains. . Wanner -east of the
' mountains. "
The Chronicle is the Only Paper in
The Dalles'that Receives the Associated
Press Dispatches.
All quiet ou the Potomac. .'-."
P. W. Knowles, of Wamic, is in the
March loth is the last day of grace on
school taxes. -
Ex-Governor Moody came up from
.Salem, last night. '
Mr. Bailey, formerly chief clerk 'at
the company's shops in this city, passed
through today on his way ' to Portland.
,' "Mr. O. M, Pope the artist has -retur
ued from Portland and will take charge
of the Eastman gallery from this date.
H. C. Nielsen, left today for Portland,
to lay in a new stock of goods. He says
"tariff or no tariff," he is going to sell
cheaper than ever. ''
John F. Webb, one of the victims of
the recent U. P. accident near the Cas
cades, died at St. Vincent hospital yes
terday morning. This is the first death
among those injured.
notice the new legend "Mays &
jrowe," in black and gold, over the
a tore lately-owned by Abrams & Stewart.
Tf is an excellent work' of 'art,' "by our
townsman Mr. Hardyf . '
Ths delinquent city" school tax list will
be turned over to the sheriff in two or
three' days:--' To save further costs parties
who have not paid their tax should call
' immediately on the 'new Bohool clerk, ' J.
M. Huntington, and settle up,
" Messrs. G.' Burlingame of Cleveland,
Ohio and L. Hubbard of Buffalo, New
AVirlr nm'riwl tViia mnrninff. in tvm nan v
with Rev. O. I). Taylor and are his
guests for the few days they remain in
the city.
' Col. N. B. Sinnot reeieveJ, this morn
ing, a letter from the president of Notre
Dame, Indiana, university, in which re
ference is made to the Colonel's two
sons being in excellent health, nd mak
ing excellent progress in their studies, ;-
. ; A new grocery and notion store will
be"' opened about the 10th instant, hy
. Messrs. C; W. Bice and John E. Barnett
in the building lately occupied as a cigar
and notion st'fc.-e, by Mr. Kobberson and
which has recently been : purchased by
Mr. Robert Mays.
A boycott has been declared by the
tramps on the Hotel de -Gibons. Only
two boarders now ' remain." The rest, we
hope, have betaken themselves to their
"out of town" residences ; and The
Dalles win try to struggle along without
them.-'-'1- -! ' - "
,., Wd print today, one of the sermons of
Rev: Dr. Talmage: This Will be one of
the features of the Chboniclb for awhile
ke We have made arrangements for hav
ing the sermons sent to us, and we trust
they will W acceptable to ouV' reader sf ''
The 1 :10 ,.p m., west bound freight,
-ould not leave today till a" crew came
in from below, to take it off. Ten or
twelve passetigers were kept' waiting at
the depot till another freight would
. . ...... . ,.i . - . ... j
come in rroru ;rortiana, ' so ; the - game
crew could turu around and go back.
This is a specimen of Jay Gould economy;.
Stock Inspector, C. W. Rice, has just
received a private letter ' from : Antelope
which says : "There has not been anv
b'brok0Otit"'in this precinct-as' yet. J
1 think there will be but few cases. ' We
are in the midst of a snow storm about
two feet oh a level." No loss" of stock re
Krted as yet."
The bitterly contested elections in
Canada with which religion, annexation
and nearly everything else' Waff mixed
up, have resulted in a victory for the gov
ernment by a reduced majority. The
annexationists are whipped, and we
have no tears to shed, What do we
waht'With Canada anyway'?--. ' '
.ThVOple .of' Walla Walla county
PTomiHeT MrfHnnt'a 'subsidy of $100.
000 to build his road. They actually
gfcver hni $65,000. Now" thaF Mr. fiunt
has sold the road they are asking the
question "Did it pay us to give the sub-:
sidy?" and they seem to' Tiave" conclu
ded by a large majority that it did.
Michael Pelez, a former " subject of
Kaiser William swore today that he
would forever renounce all allegiance to
all foreign princes and potentates, espec
ially mentioning the name of the German
emperor. Clerk Crossen made a note of
it in his little book, and gave him a cer
tificate accordingly. Frederick Lewis
Sandoz did some- swearing to the same
effect. " ' -
Wht They Will Ring for Tomorrow
. ,i ;. :1 ; ,r. ' '; . ;
A friend stands at the door; .
In either tight-closed hand
Holding rich gilts three hundred and threescore:
Waiting to strew them daily o'er the land
Even aB Beed, the sower.
Each drops he, treads it in. and passes by:
It cannot be made fruitful till it die.
Dinah iluloc.k-Craik.
... .. tittle Slna.
Years ago there was not a single this
tle in the whole of Australia. Some
Scotchman, wlo very much, admired
thistles, thought it a pity ' that such a
great . island should , be without that
marvelous and glorious symbol of .his
great nation. He therefore collected a
pack of thistle seed, and. sent it over to
one of. his friend in .Australia. , Well,
when it was landed, the officers might
have said, ,"0, let it in ; is it not a .little
one? It is only to be sown in a garden."
Ah, yes, it was only a little one ; but
now whole districts of country are .cover
ed with it, and it has become the farm
er's pest and plague. It was a little one,
but it would have been a blessing if 'the
ship had been wrecked that brought that
seed. Take heed of the thistle seed;
little sins are like it. .
Services conducted by the Rev. Henry
Brown, tomdrrow. The subject of the
morning discourse will be "Is There any
Other Way?". , In the evening the pastor
will preach upon "Lost Opportunities."
The pastor Rev. O. D. Taylor will con
duct both services tomorrow, " The sub
ject of the morning service will be i4Loy
alty," while In the"evening "Perfidy"
will Tie the "theme." Sabbath schoor im
mediately at the close - of the . morning
service. ' ' ; -- f.-V. j ,
Service conducted by the pastor Rev.
W. C. Curtis. The Ixrd's supper will
be administered in the morning. The
subject of the evening's discourse is
''Salt and light oh conseratism and rad
icalism." --- - -
. African Slavery and American Rnra.
The Dalles, March 7, 1891.
' Editor Chbonicle. Among the dis
patches of the 6th is the following : f ';The
rejection of the slavery resolution has
earned 'a tremendous sensation" in Brus
sels. King Leopold is greatly incensed."
This will usually be passed unnoticed by
"the reader and never' be apprehended as
having any connection with an American
and yet this matter exhibits us before all
civilized- christian nations, in the most
selfish and humiliating position possible
to concieve of, . It exhibits us as having
an utter lack of high moral pnrpose and
philanthrophy. TheT findings of the
Brussels convention, in " which America,
as well as other civilized nations, took
active part for the suppression of tlie
slave trade and selling of liquors in
Africa, has ' been rejected by our con
gress on the grounds of "entangling alli
aricesand interference with commerce."
Examine this for a ..moment. AH
other nations unite in active or moral
support In these objects.5" Our alliance
must, therefore, be with some semi-civilized,
half naked tribes,' on the coast of
Africa as against every christian nation,
and for "what purpose so we can - sell
liquor." ' "- - "
Qlt 'has been broadly affirmed that every
missionary ' sent there goes in a 'ship
loaded to the hatches with New England
rum. This great article of commerce,
the support of which isolates us from the
country of nations in promoting the wel
fare and opening to commerce the new
world of Africa. While other nations
are spending-time, "money,-or at least
active syhipatny in:" the elevation and
regeneration-of these people, we conclude
forthe sake of a few merchants and rum
distilleis, to put the most serious obsta
cles irr the' path and thai iri H,heirWouths
which steals away'their brains, and also
is the greatestXIatige "to explorers,' mis
sionaries and merchants. The deplora
ble TOffenngTnisenrand death it causes
is famUiar to any reader of recent litera
ture 6h African travel and explorations.
Ours is the'only1 civilized, ria'tioii" which
does not lend active , and moral support,
and worse 'still,- iei risea J.eitheiv i?The
blush of shame comes over us as we re
flect how much the' American" Sentiment
is misrepresented by the action of bur
so-called representatives and' will yet 'add
another count in the daily growing senti
ment that "the day 'of retkorifeg is-.'fast
approaching," in which these men who
so'dare interpret the gre'af moral respon
sibilities of the American people' will get
kicked out and that, let us hope, for ever.
But I write for information, on this
matter. Please study up the matter at
your earliest convenience and let the
public judge' of the matter. Leantlb. !
Last Call Last Chance.
Messrs. Livermore & Andrews the
makers of the luxurious easy chairs at
77" Court street, hereby give notice that
they will close out their . business on
April 1st.' "Parties Wanting chairs should
give their orders in at once in order to
have them made before' we close out." !
Livermore & Andrews. .
P. Mohr, Hood River.' "
Michael Pely, Hood River.
John A. Moore,
C. M. Elkins, Prineville.
Frank Woodcock,' Wamic.
Dan Crowley, Antelope.
A procees for the production of a new
material called "lactite," or, ."milk
ivory," has been invented, skim milk
being .the substance? from which, it is
made. -. . . - ; ,
. .Shabby Treatment of our Sheriff.
Sheriff Cates; is as mad ' as a wei iie'ni
Early this morning he - received - the
following telegram t ' - i r
"Pendleton: D. L. Cates, sheriff1, The
Dalles. ' Arrest', colored porter on west
bound sleeping car, "Samoa." I want
him for shooting a man here. Wire an
swer quick. . . W, J. Furnish, ,
.. . ... ' ' . ' .. ; ,. Sheriff."
When the west bound ' passenger ar
rived at The Dalles, between ten and
eleven ' o'clock this forenoon,' Sheriff
Cates had 'a hurried whisper with con
ductor Coleman, who informed him' that
his man was aboard. Curg immediately
entered the "Samoa," : and arrested the
colored porter", "sure enough, but con
ductor Coleman insisted that the' sheriff
had the wrong man,' but positively re
fused to point out : the criminal. ' Curg
says there were . 'forty niggers" aboard
the train and unless he - arrested the
whole outfit it was impossible for him-to
find the guilty one,' :he was 'very reluc
tantly obliged to' give up the job and let
the man escape. Sheriff Cates feels very
indignant at -the action -1 of conductor
Cfeleman.'in'thus frustrating the' ends of
justice and hopes, one ' day, to get his
fingers officially of course) 1 in his
auburn locks when there will be ah offi
cial hair pulling matinee, 'sure, and we
don't blame him a. bit. Of course the
man may yet be arrested later, but that
does not excuse tlie conductor. ' ' " ' '
Homebody's Darling- la Thrown upon the
Charity of the People of Baker City.
:' 1 '' ' v Reveille." - -'.
While services - were going on at the
Methodist church last night, somebody
left a newly born babe in the hall lead
ing to the church door. It was carefully
wrapped in a shawl and placed in a basket.-
. After the services had progressed
fairly and Rev; Woods had gotten fairly
down to his work, the child commenced
crying and attracted the attention- Of a
gentleman who was sitting near the door,
who immediately went out" and brought
in the basket and right therethe services
ended.' - --; : --; . - i.. v.-.-u.
The baby is a bright little fellow and is
probably the offspring of some poor
woman who has taken this method of
hiding her shame. ; The little one will be
kindly cared for by the good - Samaritan
of the Methodist church. ; Meanwhile
the officers will: try and find who left
it there. ' - ' . V '-
Some Kast End Athletes.
The East End of the town was yester
day the scene of some astonishing fetes
of strength.--') A sixteen-year-old Irish
lad Who looks as though be had the con
sumption;' ".took" a 128 pound 'sack' of
wheat in his teeth and without touching
it with his hands, quietly laid it- on his
own shoulder;.' This morning the 'same
youth.' tied a. string around an anvil and
block,' ;in Thompson & Fargher's shop,
weighing" 160 potmds and lifted it with
his teeth from the floor. ' ' " ' ' ! ;
Professor" McCarty, another East
Ender, and a son of the .Emerald Isle,
can take a '26 pound dumb bell and
throwing it fifteen ' feet in ' ' the ' air
catch it on his" arm 'as it comes down.
Dan Baker says he saw him do it and
Dan carries a little hatchet. :
-. Some Vine Samples of Tobacco.
Mr. John' Cates called at this office
today and showed us some very fine
samples of tobacco, which he raised last
year in his own garden in this city. Mr.
Cates ' ought to know good tobacco hav
ing been in the business of tobacco rais
ing, in early life for many years, and he
considers his samples of a fair ' quality.
Cigar manufacturers tell him that
tobacco such as they ; use and which Mr.
Cates considers hot so good as his, costs
them' nearly'1 a 'dollar a ' pound. ' Mr.
Cates says' he knows ' he ; could make
money in this country if 'he got twenty
five fcents i a pound for it ;' but-' of course
it would require moist land '.'or. facilities
for h-rigationy 'Mr. Cates is going to get
his samples " made : up intof cigars 'and
promises' the Chtsosicxk man a-' smoke
whenhe gets thena.'. r ' ' . u ,
-. f i r v - '
4' ' - Wasco Academy Kzerelaea.
; Yesterday at the Academy a very neat
programme Was' carried - out.- The Fri
day afternoon 'exercises - are' becoming
distinctly ' a' feature; of the institution.,
Following were the exercises.; : ; . i
Speech- of James Otis Charles Michaelbach
Swan's song of Parson A very.. ..Laura Thompson
Artemus Ward crossing Dixie'sline. Kell Johnson
Katie Ktechum . . ?. . . . .. Mabel Mack
Selection fzom "Colonel Carter of Cartersvllle"
-, it -f -i- -f . Wintertgn Curtis.
--i--A New - -Academy. '-''" ; .
Articles of incorporation were filed for
the Wamic academy; an educational in
stitution; soon to be erected at the little
tow4VorWamji ' The' Capital" stock is
300 shares' at five, dollars- each, and . the
incorporators -are Martin' Wing, Henry
Driver and 'Tf; F.,rWobdcock. ' We' con
gratulate the people of ' Wamic dr . their
enterprise and zeal on behalf of the ris
ing generatiojL:2 . .
':rr Take Dae Notice.
ifAt Eastman's Gallery cor. Second and
Federal Sts.-, O.-M; Pope has just return
ed from Portland and is prepared to do
all kinds of View and Protrait Work.
Proofs shown and satisfation guaranteed.
All work done 1( percent cheeper than any
other Gallery this side of Portland.' Call
at the Gallery before having work done
and be convinced,' ; - ;i
Pendleton will soon have blue-coats.
More than forty names have been en
rolled for the proposed militia company.
Coh Houghton, of The Dalles, has -been
advised of this fact, and asked to -send
an officer to muster -in the members.
Wheelers hall will probably be secured
for drilling purposes. East Oregonian: ;
Those easy chairs made by Livermore
& Andrews are the neatest thing of the
kind ever made. They are just the thing
for your porch or lawn in the summer,
and are as comfortable and easy as an
old shoe. Call and see them at 77 Court
Petition for county road ; No, 200 by
W.; A;' Allen arid' others; granted.' v Ei'F.
Sharp, surveyor. E, ; W , Wllhelm, Alex.
Anderson- and J. P. Dow 'Viewers. ;
r Petition concerning road Nov 94, papers
riot complete ; 'laid over -tilf -next meet
ing. Viewers report of Freeman road
(public easement) received. Road al
lowed when Mr. Freeman settles costs of
survey, etc.' ! ;; ;'."' . "'"'; '' '"' :
Petition for county road No. 201, gran
ted. E. F, Sharp surveyor, J. N. McCoy,
F. 'C. Sherieb and J. Fi Armitage, view
ers'. ' '," ' '; ' -; - "-'. ' '
. Road 202, allowed. ; .'. X ." ;'
Same viewers and surveyor as above.
Resignation of J. W. Wallace road
supervisor, accepted. D. C. Hayner ap
pointed in bis place. '.. J i .. .- . .... ;
Roftd 199 granted. J. A. Hamilton,
Enifle 'Schanrid 'and Charles Schmidt,
viewers! "E. F. .Sharp' surveyor. ,' :
v .Road 203 granted. E. F. Sharp sur
veyor, Osmer Cook; William Miller and
O. S. Morgan, 'viewers.'' . " ''
Report of A. J.; Hall, filed and bill slI
lowed; ' i-- '.
Liquor license granted to Patrick Mc
Ellane, Cascade Locks. ' ' ' -
; Road 203, , granted. . Surveyors and
viewers as for 201, t
Report" of 'C. Jesse Crandall supervis
ing architect of court house repairs, filed
and accepted and the thanks of the
court tendered him for' the economical
and efficient manner in which he had
performed his duties. -.'"'. . . ,.
. Road 204, granted. E. F. Sharp sur
veyor ; P; T. Sharp, H. W. Steel, and
Henry Williams, viewers.
Road : -168, Ordered that George A.
Liebe, Emile Schannoand Chas. Schmidt
.be appointed to assess damages, etc. '
Liquor license granted to Thomas W.
Badder andCo. Cascade Locks.
Ordered that all bills not presented
and certified 6 before the first day of
each term of this court must lie over till
next regular term. ;
Ordered that an adjourned term of
this court be held in Adril 13 for spec
ial purposes." ..j . . - "
A correction of the tax levy -was
made "to" make it conformable to the
state levy. ' ; .',.' ' " "
. Bills allowed will be published in our
next issue.
: ' .- , : i . , ;
For coughs and colds use 2379. .
Does ' S.' B. ' get there ? "I should
smile.'? S. B; .'
C'.' E. Dunham will cure your head
ache, cough or pain for 50 cenls, S. B.
-For a cut, bruise, burn or scald, there
is nothing equal to Chamberlin's Paint
Balm..-; It heals the parts more, quickly
than any other-, application,, and - unless
the injury-ie--very severej no scar is ; left.
For sal by Snipes A Kinersly . .. ". .;
Get. your land papers prepared by J.
M. Huntington &. Co. Opera House
Block, Washington St. ;'.'
J. E. McCormick is organizing a sing
ing school in the city. Parties wishing
to join the class will please call on Mr.
Thos.- McCoy at McCoy Bros.' barber
shop.- ' ,;. . : - ! " : ;
Snipes &" Kinersly are anxious to cure
your headache for 50 cents. S. B.
Sliced hams, boneless hams, ham sau
sage and dried fish at Central Market.
. 2379 is the cough syrup for children.
Get me a cigar from that fine case at
Snipes & Kinersley's. - , -
You need 'not cough! " Blakeley &
Houghton, will cure it for 50 cents. S. B..
As the weather has' been so bad for the
past' few days, the artist at Eastman's
gallery has concluded. 'to' continue the
reduced prices for Paris panels one week
longer; Pictures taken until March 7th
at half price.; ... v'?. . ' ', - '
.-..!: ; Owt j. Hand, " ; . '
J. M. Huntington : '& "Co. announce
that they are prepared to make out the
necessary papers for parties wishing
to file, on so called .railroad land'. 'Appli.
cants should have their, papers' all ready
before going to .the land office- so ' as to
avoid the -rush: and save 'time. , Their
office is in Opera Ho"se' Block next to
main entrance.' '. ; ; : - ;
... City Treasurer's Tiotlce.
- All City Warrants registered prior to
July 6, 1889 are now -due ? and. payable.
Interest ceases on and after date. .":
..!-.! -liMU . 1,(t J. S. Fl8H.r
i February 7, 1891. -. . , j City Treas.
' r. : -T'-. -.
For Sale. ' .,
Household furriiture,.Carpet8, ect., at
the residence of Mrs. B. Robbersoii, No.
210, Second street." '-','.''.'.;" ,
' California appears to have a tough
time of it. ' Ships ' narrowly escape de
struction from storms, in which many
are""' drowned off , San 'Francisco, and ia
great part of the State' is flooded,' entail
ing ..a,, heavy, loss,. Here in" Oregon,
where smooth. '.Waters and sunny skies
prevail,' all. is peace and happiness.- The
only storms we know anything about fare
the. paper "cyclones" that Mr. Finley, bf
SanFrahcisco, daily discovers, storian.
The 'first big' political ''fight of '91 will
be fought In Ohio next summer.".. Mc
Kinley will be nominated , for governor
of the Buckeye state by the republicans,
and the tariff , will , be the '. issue.. , , ..The
silver question is not,, nor can it be made
one. Both are partly matters of geog
raphy, but the tariff is pre-eminently a
party issue., ,. I ... . .... ,
Japan's thirty-three million acres of
land support a population of thirty-four
millon. ,''-.. - ." :
. The city of Seattle has a total indebt
edness over a million and a half. '
Company's Flour Mill will be leased to re
sponsible parties. For information apply to the
- The Dalles, Oregon.
.'t r "8ucssors tp'XjBRAMS A STEWAR-T.) , . -s .v .
t - Hetailer And Jobber Sjo.
HarUwarB, -Tijpar8Gta5ltBwaie,:-.W00uBu
i'-isro't aa ,c
'-"' SILVERWARE, ETC- - ,", :,"''.:
"Acorn," Charter t)ak Argand
" V I UVtb AND RANGES. : ; V: ;
Pumps, Pipe,.; Plumpers" and i . Steam; liters' Supplies
Packing, Building Paei'; ; !r " 1 - '
-; ; SH , POO FIS, SH I N G LES.
Also a complete stock of; iCarperiteis'i -Blacksmith's and
Farmers'Tbots and Fine Shlf:HardaiW;V,"-V ,
The Celebrated K." J. KOBERTS "Warranted" Cutlery, Meriden Cutlery anet
Tableware, the "Quick Meal" Gasoline. Stoves. "Grand" Oil Stoves
, . -, and Anti.Rust Tinware.. .,
All Tinning, Plumbing, Pipe Work and Repairing
" ::v;yi- fef 'floae on" Shqrf Notice. 't
174, 170, 178. 180 'SECOND STREET, r,j THE DALLES, OREGOIf.
HPBTH DflliUES, Wash.
'r,-ate iV yah w
I if the last two weeks
have been made at Portland, Tacoma, Forest inthsWest.
Grove, .McMinnville and The Dalles. All Be 0 tandTshoe
are satisfied that ( factory -
North Dalles
Is TlOW trip rklfl.rA fnr inirootrfioni niw ATr,.,
ufactories are to be added and large improve-' ucuj RlSx'
ments made. The next 90 days will be im- ; S
portant ones for this new city. , . jfjflg Cl)tt28t
Call at the office of the SaljailFOad
Interstate Investmeni Co-;
Or 72 Washington St., PORTLAND, Or.
; O. D. TAYLOR,; THE DALLESpf; ; .
Siapie m Fancy Gwies,
i -. J j ,d 1 'Uaf. i'.;':.,;w'.d -ja-.
Hay, Grain
Gheap Express Wagons Jlos. 1 and 2,
i ! -
Orders left' at the StdreJwillJ-eceive prompt atf entioiu . f " '
.. t Trunks and Packages delivered to any part of the City.
. Wagons always on hand. when Trains or Boat arrive.
'. ' . .
No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third. Sts.
Ctoscoe 8t Gibons, i
.' t uCi:-:.i Vs-EALPB8 IK. M T.-. j . ... ,.
I. .',-.,..,... ' ' ;
.'. Canned Goods Preserves. Picklesf E'tb'-V
Country Prodzue'"Bouil.and.SoM.'J "
'.'.: . i . Goods delivered Free to any part of the City.
Masonic Block, Corner Third and Court Streets, The Dalles, Oregon.
: 'V" -' - ' :- '. - ' ' -U; -1 : -,; ; ; 1 "f , . .
' . DEALER IN -r - : : .
Cor. of TMri and fasMnpii. Sts3rrtii3 Dalles, Oregon.
-- .
' CSrGTJL-tet9 pE-u.3rziLi)sla.xxsr Goods,
i7at5 aijd Qap5 Jrupl, iialises,
Hoots arid Slioes, 33-tc . '
large sales of lots TnSv
Fnrnitnre int.
Wiro Wn'rVo
and Feed.
.. 1 r, f ,"
till ;'rv (J t'.tl
.'.1 I' ! - . J,