The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 19, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
FEB. 19. 1891
Pacific H Rela- D.t'r W State
Coast BAR. s tive of S. of
Time. Hum Wind 5 Weather.
9 A. M 29.60 32 83 SK .02 Pt'Cl'dy
;SP. M. ... 29.70 44 AO NW Cloudy
T Maximum
temperature, 46; minimum tem-
Yieruture, w.
; Total precipitation from July up to date, 4.25;
.dveruire precipitation from July to date, 15.57;
average deftlciency from July lt to date, 11.32.
The, Feb. 19, 1891.
Weather forecast till IS m.,
Friday; rain or snow. Nearly
stationery temperature.
The lovely weather still continues.
A smart shower of rain fell last night.
The Dalles is the healthiest place in
Oregon today.
The Senates has adopted a resolution
to adjourn sine die Friday night 12
The directors of the new farmers' trad
ing association who are putting in the
new store in this city are in sespion here
It looks as if the slogan in Kastern
tlregon might ! "No democrat need
It is correctly reported that some one
ib to be found a K napping some of
lliese days.
Mr. Smith French returned front
t?alem yesterday. He reports that the
compromise water hill is in a fair way to
Iwonie a law.
The Portland Speed Association will
raise $28000 in purses for this year's races.
$8000 for the spring meeting and $20,000
ior the fall races.
)pen rivers are successfully blocked,
not only by a single senator but even by
si senator's clerk. The senate has got the
atbstruction business down fine.
The Oregon legislature will adjourn at
the close of the week. But lovers of the
sensational are consoled with the
thought that congress holds on till the
ides of March.
The Diamond mill was compelled to
xhut down yesterday morning on account
of the engine becoming disabled. It
will start up tomorrow morning if noth
ing farther prevents. "
The flag. on the state hQnse lias been
;it half mast on six different occasions
during the session, out of respect to the
memory of the historian. Geo. Brancroft,
Senator Kasthain, King Kalakuo, Secre
tary Windom, Admiral Porter, and Gen
eral Sherman.
"The Spokane 1'evieiv make the. follow
ing good suggestion : Cleveland pro bably
lieard that Fen noyer favored free coinage.
Therefore, he opposed it. Xow place
Cleveland at the head of the ticket and
Pennoyer at the tail and you have it.
The voters will be caught "both comin'
and a gwine." Astonishing how astute
these politicans are.
The argument ujmjii the demurer in
the ease of Mayor Moody against nine
citizens, -as concluded in the circuit
vourt last evening and taken under ad
visement by Judge Webster.. This is
the case wherein the mayor claims his
reputation has been damaged to the ex
tent of $50,000 by reason of certain
charges preferred against him by the de
fendants before the city council.
Old winter had but a few more days to
put in an appearance until Tuesday of
this week came along, and then it looked
for a time as if spring had ceased striving
to gain a victory over her unusually dis
agreeable associate.' It snowed nearly on Tuesday,' but the fall was so
ge.ntle, and the day so warm, that the
Tbeautiful" in this valley melted as
, rapidly as it came down, and evervbody
was pleased. PrinevilU News.
On the first page of the Chhonicb ap
lear8 the advertisement of Mays &
Crowe. This firm succeeds to the busi
ness of the late firm of Abrams &
Stewart and will continue in the same
location, but with added facilities.
They are making many additions to
their already large stock and will have
as complete an establishment as exists
in Eastern Oregon. Both the partners
are well known and universally respected
citizens and will soon take rank among
our leading merchants.
A prominent physician and old arniv
surgeon in eastern Iowa, was called away
lrom home for a few days ; during his ab"
sence one of the children contracted a
severe cold and his wife bought a bottle
of Chamberlin'a Cough Remedy for it.
They were so much pleased that they
afterwards used several bottles at var
ious times. He said, from experience
mm iv, ucaegmuru ll on L11C xiiuhl reli
able preparation in use for colds and that
it came the nearest being a specific of
any medicine he had ever; seen. For
Bale by Snipes'& Kinersly.-
. It seems that . the people who are
engineering the scheme for a new morn-
ini? dflilv. in "Pnrr.lsind i a tro oTcwnfcul
some very sharp practice. The Oregon-
tan Has the exclusive morning franchise
f routine Associated Press for Portland
and nsother paper can by any possibility
get it, without the consent of the big
daily. The manipulators of the soon-to-be-born
-daily . got the franchise for
Albina, without any trouble and now
that Albina has been consolidated with
Portland the new paper comes in with
all the rights of a full -fledged Portlander.
We venture that a big lawsuit will grow
out of it but it was a bright idea all the
Rev. Thos. Atchison of Dufnr is in the
city. r .
Mr. A. C. Stanford, of Waniic, was in
the city today.'.
Next Sunday will be George Washing
ton's birthday.
We learn that Mr. Thauborn, of Kings
ley, is lying very ill. '
The bill requiring barber shops to
close on Sundays has passed the senate.
It is believed that the cleverest Indian
fighter in the nation today is reservation
The scheme to publish in the news
papers the laws passed by the legisla
ture has failed.
We understand the supply depart
ment of the U. P. has ordered a large in
crease of supplies sent to -The Dalles
shops. If there is any meaning in
it, what is it? '
The governor of California has signed
a bill offering $2,500 reward for the arrest
and conviction of Jhe murderers of the
old gentleman and his wife at Napa, a
few days ago.
A little friend of ours writes the follow
ing: "I will tell you a story, of a man
who had red, white and blue whiskers ;
first, when he was twenty -one he had
red whiskers, then when he was fifty he
had white whiskers, and as hegrew older
they got thin, and the wind blew through
them. See how that worked? That is
red, white and blue."
Slip 1m All Right and Will Rapidly
Come to the Front.
Portland Kveniiijr Telegram.
.1. 11. Cradlebaugh, editor of The
Dalles Chroniclki arrived this morning
from Salem, where he has been trying to
secure legislation for the iortage railway.
He goes home tonight. He was met at
a down-town hotel by a representative
of the Telegram and said :
"We cannot hope for much assistance
from the Oregon or Washington legisla
tures in regard to a ortage railway or
opening of the Columbia. I Ixlieve we
will Ins conielled to wait for the general
government. The completion of the
locks at the Cascades will be all right for
that obstruction. At Celilo ami The
Dalles we must have inclines built, and
then try to secure the right of wav over
the Union Pacific for trackage privileges.
"A year ago this winter we lost a great
number of sheep, 150,000 pelts having
been sold at The Dalles, yet, for all that,
we have the greatest "wool-producing
section on the coast. We will ship this
year 6,000,000 or 7,000,000 pounds of
wool, even if the cold weather did kill so
many sheep last winter. As for coal, we
think we have it in paying quantities,
and I hear that the president of the
Lehigh Valley railroad and the Lehigh
Coal Company is coming here to see
about the construction of a railroad from
The Dalles about 120 miles southeasterly
to the coal mines. This will open up
vast fields suitable for the production of
large quantities of excellentgrain, which
are not cultivated now because too remote
from a railroad. With wheat selling at
only 50 cents, the farmers will not haul
it any greater distance than they can go
and return the same day.
"Business is good at The Dalles and
we have a lively town.. Come up here or
send an agent and.we will try and get up
a good list of subscribers for you, as we
are delighted with the Telegram, now
that it is an independent paper furnish
ing live news. We are grateful for our
efforts in behalf of an open river."
The Dalles People Happy.
Kat Oregoiiiuu.
The Dalles eoplehad a jubilee Friday
night over the passage of Watkins' port
age railway bill. Bunds played, streets
were ablaze with colored lights, speeches
were' made, and the people were happy.
A public meeting was attended bv six
teen hundred people. On motion "of E.
B. Dnfnr it was declared that "the peo
ple of The Dalles, in mass meeting
assembled, unanimously request our rep
resentatives in the legislature to use all
honorable means to secure the passage of
Senator Raley's bill, that Eastern Oregon
may be free." If Senator Raley's bill
passes, Pendleton will celebrate the event
as becomes a people delivered from bond
age. We thank The Dalles people for
thinking of us at such an auspicious
time. Their declaration-will have it s ef
fect, and we are grateful for it.
IMed at a Ripe Old Arc.
Mrs. Mary B. Corum died last night
at the residence of her daughter Mrs.
Nancy B. Sanford at : Wariniiv
The venerable old lady came to this
state from Missouri sixteen years ago, and
was well up in years when she,concluded
to renew her youth by coming to" East
ern Oregon. Had she lived until the
9th day of May next she would have
reached the age of 90 years. She was
loved and respected by all who knew
her. Her husband has been dead for
some years, but he fought in the war up
to the time of his death, his good wife
enjoyed a pension from the government
on account of his war services.
H. P. Eastman, Albina.
A. E. Curtiss, "
Frank Tuttle & wife.
Chas. Powell, Grants.
Geo. F. McKinnev, Gotdendale.
D. H. Harrell, " " . . .
W. F. Chatfield, "
J. E. Selby, Wasco.
A. Birkett, Tacoma.
8. G. Wiggins, Portland.
Wm. Cbilds, Baker City.
Gone to the Pen.
William Ryan has retired from all ac
tive interest in the outside world and
will remain recuertered for one year in
the classic shades of the penitentary at
Salem." His retirement was n&t entirely
voluntary as Deputy Sheriff J. H. Phir
man acted as escort. Mr. Ryan's crime
was larceny from a dwelling.
If you don't want to be left, Jgo at
once with the crowd to Eastman's while
fine work is being given away at cost
what ii costs you.
. A ' Plesant Social.
Nearly a hundred of the numbers of the
Christian Endeavor Society of the Cong
regational church and their friends met at
the residence of Hon. J. L. Story and
were the guests of his "charming daugh
ters last night. The evening was passed
in an exceedingly pleasant manner. The
following programme was had :
The exercises were began by a piano
solo by Miss Iva Brooks and Mrs. W. D.
Palmer which was very well executed.
Following this came a select reading by
Miss Ada Woods, which was excellently '
done. Next on the programme was a
song, "Ah, Could I Teach the Nightin-j
gale," by Misses Grace Crandall and
May Williams, which was so well ren
dered that the fair singers were awarded
a vigorous encore. Whittier's "Slave
Ship," a recitation by Mr. Winterton
Curtiss, was next had and was given
with much dramatic force and fire. A
cornet solo, "Grand Fantasia of Bright
Visions," by Mr. J. P. Benton, with
Miss Brooks as accompanist, was most
acceptably given. The real gem of the
evening was Miss Ruth Cooper's recita
tion of "Aunt Tabithia's Way," and
showed that the modest little lady had
true dramatic talent. ' A group of stat
uary, "-Napoleon crossing the Deleware,"
or something of that sort closed the pro
gramme and the balance of the evening
was passed in games with a nice' lunch
at its close.
An Important Decision. . ,
An important point of law wliich will
lie of interest to the people of counties
who are contemplating the building of
county of countv bridges, was decided
by Judge Deady, in the case of the
Pacific Bridge Company vs. Clackamas
county. The court held that that the
mention of the "Board of the county
commissioners" in section 4141 of the
compilation of 1887, relating to the let
ting of contracts for the building of
county bridges, is null and void, because
there is no such tribunal known ti the
constitution or laws of Oregon as a board
of county commissioners, and the legis
lature might as well have said "the
board of missions." Oregonian.
Real Estate Transaction.
E. B. Dufur and wife and A. J. Dufur,
Jr., and wife to Milton Neal, all of block
20, second addition to the town of Dufur.
consideration, $247.50.
R. B. Sanford and wife to Effie . D.
Sanford, NEJ of Sec. 12, T. 4 S., R. 12
east, consideration $550.
Alfred C. Sanford and wife to Gustave
Brockman and Chas. L.. Fryer, the SW'if
Sec. 6, T. 5 S R. 13 east, 160 acres, con
sideration, $1450.
The Latent Out.
'A new addition has been laid out,
called Bellvue Addition to The Dalles.
It is situated about two and one-half
miles southwest of this city on the bluff.
Just where jt is wejare unable to learn,
but rumor has it tlmt some $4:000 worth
of lots have been sold by a couple oi
adventurers who have their office else
where. As near as we can learn, it will
require a cable road or balloon to reach
the embrvo citv.
On Hand.
J. M. Huntington & Co. announce
that they are prepared to make out the
necessary papers for parties wishing
to file on so called railroad land. Appli.
cants should have their papers all ready
before going to the land office so as to
avoid the rush and save time. Their
office is in Opera Hose Block next to
main .entrance.
City Treasurer' Notice.
All City Warrants registered prior to
July 6, 1889 are now due and payable.
Interest ceases on and after date.
J. S. Fish.
February 7, 189V. City Treas.
Those easy chairs made by Livermore
& Andrews are the neatest thing of the
kind ever made. They are just the thing
for your porch or lawn in the summer,
and are as comfortable and easv as an
old shoe. Call and see them at 77 Court
If you are not in it go to Eastman's
gallery and get a fine Paris panel photo
of your beautiful face and then you will
be. ' , .
For the . neatest kind of job printing
come to the Chronicle office.
Ladies. Beware of the Hog.
If a dog's bark ia often worse than his
bite, so, too, are the "kisses" which he
bestows on his human friends. A dis-
tinguiflhed Viennese medical authority
nas just announced the rapid spread in
Austria-Hungary of a new disease hav
ing its origin in the osculations offered
by small lapdogs to their mistresses.
These pets, by kissing their fair owners'
faces, impart a disease germ known as
the cisterens, which eventually finds its
way to the liver and other organs. The
mortality in Vienna and elsewhere from
this cause Among; ladies of high social
position is reported to be very great.
People indiscreetly fond: of dogs should
bear in mind that there is a limit they
should put to their pets' endearment if
they would avoid all risk of becoming
inoculated with disease germs only less
terrible than those of hydrophobia. In
terview in t. Louis Globe-Democrat.
manent endowment. He consulted with
President Seth Low, D. W. Mc Williams,
Truman J. Backus, A. E. Orr, Gen. C
T. Christensen and a number of others
on Saturday at the Hamilton club, and
the offer was formally made, provided
that the $100,000 is raised by July 1, 1891.
Mr. Wood, John Chaplin and Thomas
E. Stillman were made an advisory board.
The proposed building will be five stories
high and will contain classrooms, work
rooms, parlors, baths, library, roof gar
den and dormitories. ' It is hoped to have
the building ready by May 1, 1892, when
the lease of the present quarters expires.
New York Commercial Advertiser.
. An autograph of Burns will be readi
ly purchased for $160.-
For coughs and colds use 2379.
First class cheap work only till March'
1st, at Eastman's gallery.
Follow the crowd and you will find us.
... Maier & Bknton.
The celebrated Berlin lighting done at
Eastman's gallery. , .
Does S. B'. get there? 'I should
smile." S. B.
Walla Walla and Diamond flour still
sells at $1.00 per sack at Maier & Ben
ton's, delivered to all parts of the city.
The moat oW-Tat;. .4
done by Stewart the new photographer
Do you want to enjoy good health and
live to a good old age, buv your dressed
chickens of J . H. Cross.
Buy your oats, mill feed and chop bar
ley at Maier & Benton, corner of Third
and Union street.
All the latest poses and lightings made
by Stewart. Eastman's gallery.
C. E. Dunham will cure your head
ache, cough or pain for 50 cenls,- S. B.
Remember Stewart, the new Fotogra
per will do all the operating at East
man's gallery. First class work.
Big bargains in real estate at 116 Oourt
St. First come, first served.
i For a cut, bruise, burn or scald, there
is nothing equal to Chamberlin's Paint
Balm. It heals the parts more quickly
than any other application, and unless
the injury is very severe, no scar is left.
For sale by Snipes & Kinersly.
Do you want your cows to give good
rich milk and lots of it, buy your alfalfa
hay arid feed of J. H. Cross. -
Get your land papers prepared by J.
M. Huntington & Co. Opera House
Block, Washington St.
Salt Salmon, ' '
Salt Herring,
Salt Mackeral,
Salt White Fish,
. Salt Salmon bellies,
At Maier & Benton V.
Sliced hams, boneless hams, ham sau
sage and dried fish at Central Market.
The best fitting pantaloons of the
latest style are made rv John Pashek in
Opera House block on Third street..
. 2379 is the cough syrup for children.
Get me a cigar from that fine case at
Snipes & Kinersley's.
You need not cough I Blakelev &
Houghton will cure it for 50 cents. S. B.
The question has been asked, "In
what respect are St. Patrick's Pills bet
ter than any other?" Try them, -You
will find, that they produce a pleasanter
cathartic effect, are more certain in
their action, and that they not only
physic but cleanse the whole'system and
regulate the liver and bowels. For sale
at 25 cents per box by Snipes & Kinersly.
The finest stock of silverware ever
brought to The Dalles at W. E. Garret
sons, Second street.
Snipes & Kinersly are anxious to cure
your headache for 50 cents. S. B.
For a lame back, a pain in the side or
chest, or for tootache or earache, prompt
relief, may be had by using Chamber
lain's Pain Balm. It is reliable. For
sale by Snipes & Kinersly.
I have something specially fine
to offer for this season.
Blue Point Oysters,
Diamond Brand Eastern Oysters,
Booth's "Old Honesty" Brand.
Salmon Bellies,
Canned Salmon,
Eastern Codfish,
Canned Shrimps,
Canned Lobsters,
Choice Eastern Codfish,'
No. 1 Chicken Mackerel,
" Extra Choice White Fish,
Smoked Holland Herring,
Pickled Oysters and Lobsters,.
French and American Sardines.
Yours Sell-fish-ly,
M John Booth, CO
Qaijdy :-: paetory,
W. S. CRAM, Proprietor.
(Snccessorto Cram & Corson. ) -
Manufacturer of tbe flnext French and
' Home Made
East of Portland.. ,
Can furnish uny of these roods at Wbolesala
In Every Style.
104 Second Street, The Dalles, Or.
190 Third Street.
Pipe Repairs
and Tin Repairs
Mains Tapped With Pressure On.
Opposite Thompson's Blacksmith Shop.
KOtTH DflLiLiES, Wash.
In tne last two weeks large sales of lots taJJev
have been made at Portland, Tacoma, Forest intheWesi.
Grove McMinnville and The Dalle,. Ail.j
are satisfied that
North Dalles
Is now the place for investment. New Man- CllBIIliCal
ufaetories are to be added .and large improve- NrW RmfS'
"iVj- tyv
portant ones for this new citv.
Call at the office of the
Interstate Investment Co.,
r ' ' 72 Washington St., PORTLAND Or
Sfapie and Fancu Groceries.
Hay, Grain and Feed.
Gheap Express Wagons flos. 1 and 2.
Orrlwa left st V. .:il .....
. ..vlc miiH-nvt! prompt attention.
Trunks and Packages delivered to any part of the City.
Wagons always on hand when Trains or Boat arrives.
No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third. Sts.
Canned Goods, Preserves, Pickles, Etc.
Country Produce Bought and Sold.
' (Poods delivered Free to atty part of the City.
Masonic Block, Corner Third and Court Streets, The Dalles, Oregon.
Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decora-
tion Artists' Materials, OilPaMis, Chromos ani Steel EiraviBis.
Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cornice Poles
Etc., Paper Trimmed Free.
. liotixre FrAxxies 2&Xa.cI.o to Ox-clox-.
276 and 278, Second Street. ... . The Dalles, 0r
oiotnier ana l a hop,
Q-ents' Foxixxljslxlxxg; Goods,
tyats apd sap5, Jru, dalises,
Soots and Slioes, 3E3"to.
Cor. of TMrd and Washington Sts,' The Dalles, Orepn.
: For the Beat Brands and Purest
Furniture Mj.
Wire Works.
vtisys Will De im- Several
fine Cottages.
Hem Railroad
& Gibons,
Quality of Wines and Liquors, go to :-
: liquor : Dealer,