The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THE DALLES - - - - - OKEUON. Kntcred at the Poatoffioe at The Dalles, OTegon, ax Keooud-claus mutter. STATE OFFICIALS. Governor S. Pftinoyer Secretary of rotate G. W. Mo 11 ride Treasurer Phillip Metsrhun Supt. of Public Instruction E. 11. McElrov . enatoiu jj H Mitcneli ConpreKHmaii. . . . . 11. Hermmiu State Printer Frank linker COir?TY OFFICIALS. County Judge 0. C. N. Thornburv Sheriff . , D. I.. C'utes ('lerk J. B. roseii . Treasurer ;eo. Kucli . . ... . H' A. I-eitvens Commissioners ,.. jFrlk Killt.uid Awessor John K. linniett Survevor K. K. Sharp Huerintt'iident f Public School.. . .Troy rWiulk'v C'orouer William Michel I OUR DEFEAT. Senator Haley's Bill, ujxjii which Eastern Oregon was building its hoix; for increased and cheaper transportation ; fatalities has apparently been defeated. ! The responsibility of this action is laid upon the democratic liiemliers of the house ; if this be true, Eastern Oregon will forget its old Unit; democratic pro-! cliyities entirely and send to the next legislature a unanimous republican rep resentation. AVe. are at loss to under stand why the democratic members should have taken this Ksition when the governor has from the beginning de clared himself strongly in favor of the measure. Is the party divided? or has the governor taken the x.sitioii favoring the measure to increase his own popu larity and then directed his iolitical as sociates to kill the measure? We sin cerely ho there has leen no treachery ; to be defeated by an honest majority Ave can stand it, but to be surrounded ami scalied through treachery, Weil we hope for all concerned this i not our fate. The bill may jossibly yet be passed as . returned from the senate, without the amendment, but we have little hope of this. Now, gentlemen of Washington, we look to yon. lt the generous spirit, broad mindedness and wise foresight' which has brought your state to its present greatness, once more come to the front. Build the portage between Celilo and The Dalles and open to the producers of your great and rich territory east of the Cascades . the only economical a .'enue of trade within their reach. We have heard it suggested that the board of trade of this city is not repre sentative of the business interests of the city and as at present constituted can not speak for the people of this commu nity. If this le the fact we sincerely deplore it. We suggest to those whose interests are not there represented that it is high time they should be. We never knew the board to refuse the right of membership to any business man of the city, who was willing to pay his dues. There is. in every community people who are unwilling to bear their share of the public burdens, who shirk the work necessary to advance matters of general interest, who, with their purses in their clinched hands and their hands in their pockets go about abusing those who give their time and money to the public liecause what is done is not done as they believe their individual and sellish interests demand. If a church or school is to be built or sup ported they keep out of sight or suggest unreasonable reasons for withholding their aid. It a lward of trade exists they . avoid sharing the expense, labor and valuable time necessary to make it of any value, and growl and snarl from the outside and declare that it is a clique trying to run things to suit themselves. Our board of trade is composed of the . leading business men of the city; it has a large memlierehip and has done and is doing a valuable service to this commu nity. If it does not represent your senti ments we suggest that you put vourself in a situation to induce it to do so. You can't do this by growling from the out ride. The people of Sherman county are again agitating the subject of a local or brancli railroad and are very anxious to , assist in its construction. With ordin arily favorable weather there will be harvested from eight hundred thousand to a million bushels of grain in that county next fall ; and a railroad con structed through the central or southern jwrtions of the county would nearly double the grain acreage of the county a year hence. A road connecting with or . furnishing a part of the proposed road to the Fossil mines would bring all this grain to our market and the producers would thereby reap the benefit of the ad ditional transportation facilities which will innure to the benefit of traders gn . our market by reason of the portage railroad at the Cascades. Without the opinion of a practical railroad - man, we venture the suggestion that a narrow guage railroad would do this work and could be constructed at comparatively small expense. Where is the railroad man to undertake this enterprise? A Washington, D. C. special says: "Mitchell's boat railway bill, which was amended by the house committee for a portage railway, is on the calendar, but as it comes to over $400,000 of an appropri ation, can scarcely expect to get through this session. Dolph's mouth of the Co lumbia and Cascade improvement bills may by some good fortune get through . the house this session, but it is only a chance." " THE WORLD'S FAIR.' The Oakland Enquirer lectures -people who act like children in this timely talk : If American patriotism is not extinct, it is high time that some of it should ,- be displayed in reference to the World's Fair, which is becoming a football . for all the demagogues in the country. Or, rather, it is being made a ladder upon which all sorts of selfish desires seek to climb upward. A few weeks ago the the country heard with surprise as well as with some aDger that democratic leg islatures were passing resolutions threat ening to abstain from appropriating money for the fair if the Federal election bill was passed. So many legislatures passed these resolutions about the same time that it was evident that they had received instructions from some common source and that opposition to the World's Fair was being systematically used to accomplish a political purpose. Hut this was only the beginning, for the other day in the Colorado legislature there was introduced a resolution citing that parties in Chicago opposed free coin age of silver and proposing therefore to boycott the fair. Now it is the turn of the labor unions of Chicago, which threaten to denounce the fair and do all in their power to prevent it success un less the directors agree to give labor organizations a boost. . No one can tell where this thing is going to stop, now it has been started, and all the disgrunted elements in the country may yet arise aud demand that their long-cherished but unrealized desires shall be granted on penalty of breaking up the fair. It exhibits class selfishness in its worst form and impeaches the patriotism of the naiton. After the French had an nounced to the world that they would hold a great international fair in Paris they did not proceed to nse it as a lever age for political advantage or a grind stone upon which to whet the axes of their spites and revenges, but rather it was the cause of a great national unifica tion. The different classes of politicians suspended their animosities, and during the exposition France was more har monious than she had teen for a genera tion. Cannot the United States do as well as the European republic? If so, it Is time to begin. FOR PKOTEfTIOX OF ULXO.N. Full Text at the Bill tliat hM raxHod Both House. Portland Oregonian. The bill for the protection of salmon as agreed uion by the joint fish committee of Oregon and Washington, and intro duced by Senator Fulton, has passed both houses. Following is a brief synopsis : Salmon shall not be taken in the Col umbia or its tributaries between the 1st day of March and the 10th dav of April, or between the 10th dav of August and the 10th day of September, or between 6 o'clock Saturday and 6 o'clock Sunday during the close time ; salmon shall not be caught within a mile below any rack erected for the purpose pf obtaining fish for propagation; salmon shall not be taken in any waters in this state except the Columbia and tributaries -from Nov ember 15th to April 1 ; nets, traps and weirs shall not extend more than one third across any stream, channel or slough ; lime, gas, cocculus indicus, or any substance deleterious, to fish, must not be thrown into anv stream. From March 1st to April 10th' it shall be a mis demeanor to have in possession, offer for sale or transport any chinook salmon, silver salmon, steelheads and bluebacks. No dam or other obstruction shall be built across any stream without a suita ble fishway or ladder be provided. Saw dust must not be thrown into streams nor placed where high water will carry it away. The term salmon is construed to include chinook, steelhead, silver side and all other species of salmon. All fines collected shall be paid into a fund f6r the use of the fish commission. Nets, traps and weire must be taken out of the rivers, or closed during the closed season. Pound nets and traps must be numbered, and at night time a bright white light must be shown. The house committee has added the following: Provided that in the Clackamas river it shall not be lawful to take or fish for salmon by any means whatever, between the 15th day of May and the 1st of No vember. The penalty for a violation of anv one of the foregoing provisions is a fine of not less than foO, nor more than 2&0. Another bill agreed upon by the joint committee of the two legislatures pro hibits anyone not a citizen of one or the 0her, e,tate8 1x0X0 engaging or fishing on the Columbia or waters over . which the two states have concurrent jurisdiction. This is intended to keep out the riffraff and cutthroats from California, who come up here every year. The bill has already passed the senate and Will pass the house. . The New York law holds that if "an unmarried woman" makes a will and then takes a husband, her marriage ren ders the will void. Mrs. Dillon, a widow in New York, is worth $1,000,000; she is a widow and wants to marry. Prior to her husband's deaths she made a will; What her lawyers want to know, now, "is a widow an unmarried woman?" Mrs. Dillon claims she is an unmarried woman. It is the old case of "the law and the lady," and the lady seems to have the best of it. An Open River. The question of an open river is now assuming most formidable proportions. From a hundred sources the cry has been taken up an old efforts and association reoganized with zeal and energy, never before equaled. Senators McConnell, of Idaho, and Dolph of Oregon, both have bills pending in congress toward this end, and it is likely that both Washing ton and Oregon will act upon the ques tion in their state legislatures. Let Idaho too lend a helping hand. The waters of the Snake should be made available to float the extensive products of half the state to tide water. Lewis ton Teller. Bleating Then mad Now. ' The opening of the skating season this winter revealed a carious fact.-. Very few of the girls of a certain age, those just blossoming into' young womanhood, knew how to skate, and there was a like deficiency in the boys of the same set. Brothers and sisters a few years advanced were perfectly at home on the ice. This is easily accounted for. If the warm winters of a few years past were to con tinue ice skating would soon become a lost art. . Another factor in the case was the recent prevalence of roller skating, which -crowded the older and better sport oat pf fashion. The Springfield boys and girls of fifty years ago found good skat ing at their very doors. Frost's pond was just off Main street, back of the pres ent site of Brigham's stores and the Sec ond bank, and when the meadows were flooded, as was often the case, the young sters could skate from State street clear up to Carew by climbing an occasional pair of bars. In those days the crack fancy skater of the town was Emory Whipple, the now veteran jeweler. There were none of the ingenious skates which every boy has now. The runner or shoe either had a groove along the bottom or consisted of two parallel pieces rof steel. The present narrow edge was unknown; the toe ended in a fantastic curl, and the heel was held to the boot heel by a spike, The skate was securely bound to the foot with many . windings of a strap. Getting one's skates on was not the triv ial matter that it is today. Springfield (Mass.) Homestead. , The Rase for Hot Milk. By the by, there has never been so much vogue given to milk as there is just now. In fact, there are hundreds of clubmen who have never seen as much since they went from one bottlo to an other. Ymi are asked to have a glass of hot milk, or a glass of hot vichy, just a.i you are asked to have a cup of tea, or some creme de meuthe. In a cut glass goblet, standing on a bright hued plate, the milk and vichy is particularly appe tizing, aud it is marvelous how much of it the men drink. It is the result of offering a simple drink in an attractive manner. Service in this world means so much, and really it seems to be more appreciated by men than by women. A boiled potato and a piece of beefsteak on a hot plate, with a glittering silver fork and a bright steel knife, with the butter in a dainty little pat, and the bread in a 'smooth cut piece, with the whitest of napery, is more ap petizing than a dinner of twenty courses served in a careless fashion. New York Cor. St. Louis Republic. The Shortage In the Food Crops. The magnitude of the food supplies of a nation is not very easily conceived. We get an approximate idea in the im ports of Great Britain. In 1889 no less than 58,000,000 bushels of wheat went into British ports, and floor to the value of $41,000,000 has circulated in English bread pans. It is calculated that the shortage in wheat in the crop of 1890 will not be lees than 100,000,000 bushels. Potatoes are placed at the same short age. . Fruits, vegetables and berries are credited with a deficiency of 100,000,000 bushels. Europe reports 233,000,000 bushels lacking in the average potato crops, and the wheat crops as being 80, 000,000 bushels less than the annual con sumption. Should these figures be but approximately true, they indicate a grav-1 z. z at : . . .i . ! ii v ixi (ue BiLtiALiou vuu-t sne coming vear will very pertinently show. Economist. Temperature in the House. ! It is strange how few people there are whose feelings are a criterion as to the proper temperature of a room. No room in winter should be higher in tempera-' tore than 68 dega. Fahrenheit. Yet a 1 rroi rnon li-i , .. J ! feV"v .. j ...Aug awlu0 auu, wuim than this, sleeping rooms, are kept habit ually at a much higher temperature. Many wise people believe that the fre quency of pneumonia and other danger ous diseases of the lungs and breathing organs in winter may be directly traced to overheated houses and the -sudden change experienced in going from this high temperature into the cold outer at mosphere. It would be better if we made more use of the thermometer in regulating the heat of our houses, the atres and lecture rooms. New York Tribune. The Story of a Ieer. At Mehaiua, Ore., a few days ago, when George Terrell's little daughter went to the pasture to drive up the cows, she found a pretty 2-year-old deer feeding with them. She drove the cows to the barn yard, and the deer ran along, "as sportive as a calf on a June morn ing.' When the cows were, all secure in the barn the deer was caught with but little trouble, and is readily submit ting to domestication. Exchange. How a Spider Throws Its Poison. The spider is provided with a most ef fective apparatus for injecting its poison, consisting of modified mandibles, called falces. the last joint of which has a hard curved fang, with a fissure . near the point. " The muscles used in closing the mandibles also press upon the poison gland, -causing the poison Jo be expelled through the fissure into the wound, and thence into the circulation of -tbe victim. London Standard. . An Expensive Message. A cablegram of over 1,800 words, which passed through this city from Lima to London one night recently over the lines of the Western Union com pany, cost a pretty penny to transmit, the rate being over $3 a word. This would represent an outlay of over $2,600, and is probably the largest toll paid by an individual or company outside of newspaper corporations. New York Letter. --;. A Woman's Season. Laura I wonder why Booth isn't with Barrett; this season? Jean Why, don't you know-that Booth is giving all his time to that won derful Salvation Army of his, and to his plan for helping the London poor? Why don't you read the papers, dear?--Pitts- ourg tsouetuL. Notice to Iuel Consumers MfIER BEfJTOfl, Have on hat id a lot of Fir and Hard Wood. Also a lot of ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. Office corner Third and Union Streets, SNIPES & KINERSLEY, and Retail Diwists. Fine Imported, Key West and Domestic CIGARS. ' (AGENTS FUMY CST'D d? 1862. (2. L BfYAI(D tlO., Heal Estate, Insurance, and Loan AGENCY. Opeia House Bloek,3d St. Dissolution Notice. tOTICK IS HEREBY ilKX THAT THE partnership heretofore existing between J. G. Boyd, M. I)., and O. D.Doane. M. 1)., under the tirra name of Drs. Bovd fc Doune. ii been dis solved by mutual conxent. All uccounts belonging; to the late firm re payable to Dr. Boyd. Those to whom we are indebted will please nresent their bills at onee to either Dr. Boyd or Dr. Daoue. . J. . BOYD, The Dalles, Or., Feb. 2, 1KW1. O. D. DOANK. - Notice of Final Settlement. ou;k is hereby given that the x , undersiKned, administratrix of the estate of John Smith, deceaaed, haK filed her final account, and that Tuesday, March 3d, 18S1, " 7,0 clock P. M. ut the county court room in Dalies City, Oregon, has been dulv appointed as the time and place for hearing said, final account and objections to the same, if anv there be, and the final settlement thereof. Thisnotipe i published bv the order of Hon. C. N. Thornbury. county judge of Wasco County. Oregon. LACKA HM1TH, Administratrix of said Estate. . Executors Notice. "J"OTlCK is hereby given that the undersigned i . f.Xe bee.n du' appointed executors of the laxt will and testaments of Daniel Handley, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are required to present them, with the proper vouchers, within six months from this date, to the undersigned at the office of Mays, Huntington fc Wilson, The Dalles, Oregon. f . Dated January , isai. ' ' 1 iKORGE A. IJEBE, J. W. FRENCH, KATK HANDLEY. Executors. W. E. GARRETSON, .WB Jeweler. SOIE AGENT FOB THK ' All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made to Order. 138 Second "St., The Dalles, Or. )L. .... ... ..-.--s,.....;e.t1.,- lririr --per THE DALLES. The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a thriving, prosperous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agri cultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over twe hundred miles. v THE LARGEST WOOL MARKET. The rich grazing country along the eastern slope of the the Cascades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped this year. ' THE VINEYARD OF OREGON. The country near The Dalles produces splendid crops of cereals, and its fruits cannot be excelled. It is the vineyard of Oregon, its grapes equalling Cali fornia's best, and its other fruits, apples, pears, prunes, cherries etc., are unsurpassed. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia yielding this year a revenue of $1,500,000 which can and will be more than doubled in the near future. The products of the beautiful Klickital valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the warehouses, places to overflowing with ITS WEALTH It is the richest city of its size on the coast, and its money is scattered over and is being . used to develop, more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed! Its climate delight ful! Its possibilities incalculable! Its resources un limited! And on these corner stones she stands. S. L. YOUNG, (Successor to K. BECK.) -DEALER IX- WATCHES, CLOCKS. Jewelry, Diamonds, SILVER WARE, :-: ETC Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired and Warranted. 165 Second St.. The Dalles, Or. -FOR-' Carpels anfl Furniture. CO TO PRINZ & NITSCHKE, And be Satisfied as t QUALITY AND PRICES. REMOVAL. H. Glenn has removed his office and the office of the Electric X.ight Co. to 72 Washington St. and all available storage their products. The successful merchant is the one who watches the mar kets and buysto the best advan tage. The most prosperous family is the one that takes advantage low prices. The Dalles MERCANTILE CO., 8ucceor to BROOKS & BEERS. will sell yon choice Groceries and Provision OF ALL KINDS, AND AT MORE KKA80NAJBLKS RATES THAN ANY OTHER PLACE I IN THE CIT j REMEMBER we deliver all pu chases without charge. i 390 AND 394 SECOND STREET. John Pashek, (HereW Tailo Third Street, Opera Block. Madison's Latest System, Used in cutting garments, and a gunranieeu eaca time. " Repairing and Oniij , Neatly and Quickly Done. FINE FARM TO REN rrwrv irRxr known AS THE "MO X Farm" situated on Three Mile creek at two and one-ball miles irora i ne vanes, wn leased for one or more years at a low rem to ramnnnihlR tenant. This farm bar upon good dwelling house end neccsnary out bf lngS, aDOUl WO w;n i . . ........ nm.u . h nunarea acres uuuercuiui.nwu, n. i' nf tha land will raise a Rood vilrtinteer w crop in 1891 with ordinarily favorable weal lars enquire oi mrs. eru jnuure or v tut? f MnvK. Hi.ntintfton & Wilson. The Dalles SARAH A. MOORE, Kxecutii