The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 13, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered at the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Governor ..S. Pennoyer
Secretary of State O. W. McUride
Treasurer Phillip Metschan
Bupt. of Public Instruction E. B. McElroy
v . J. N. Dolph
enators jj H Mitchell
Congressman B. Henna nil
State Printer Frank Baker
' County Judge. C. N. Thornbury
Sheriff. ! 1- Cutes
Clerk J. B- CroKsen
Treasurer tie"- Rueh
Commissioners jKrai.k Kim-aid
Assessor John K. Harnett
Surveyor E. F. Sharp
Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy Shelley
Coroner William Michell
Captain Levis of the land office yef-
, terday eent a telegram to the conimis
sioner of the land office at Washington,
concerning the instructions recieved yes
terday, which seem to leave out a por-'
tion of the act. A provision was made
in the bill by which the lands, under
certain circumstances could be purchased,
but the instructions stato distinctly that
they can only be. acquired under the
homestead act. It is true that taking
the instructions in connection with the
map, they in a measure imply that the
purchase can be made, but this implica
tion cannot be entertained in the face of
the direct assertion that they can only
be located under the homestead act. It
has been five months since first the de
partment began to struggle with the
mighty proposition of understanding the
act and getting up a set of instructions
to the local officers, and in all this time
the combined intellect of the department
has not been able to exprens itself clearly.
It is a public misfortune that the secre
tary is not well versed in the dead
languages, as anyone of them would be
in happy accord with hie mental works,
provided it had only been dead long
enough. The good old English language,
the best in the world to praise a saint or
drub a sinner in, is not copious enough
to properly convey the learned secre
tary's ideas, or else there is a woeful lack
of the latter. The whole series of alleged
instructions, which instruct nothing,
unless in the doubtful art of profanity,
is an aggregation of the inaninities
raised to the third power. The most
asinine clerk that ever got a position
through a political pull could give the
head of the department odds, and then
double discount the intelligence patent
in the uninstructing instructions. The
commissioner in the first attempt left
his meaning ambiguous, and has en
deavored to straighten the" matter out by
confining himself to one branch of his
subject, but even in this he makes a
total failure. His ponderous sentences
are as shallow as, the hundred ' arid
twenty thousand streams of Bashra, and
as devoid of intelligence as a New York
ward striker. The secretary should
profit by the advice of Fadladeen to
Feramorz and take a course of treatment
at the Banyan hospital for sick insects,
the treatment to extend over the period
of his natural life. AVe hope he will
visit the coast with the president, for
truly, we would like to see him.
The 1 alles will have a grand celebra
tion to-night in honor of the passage of
the portage railway bill, a rejoicing she
hopes to see extended to Pendleton, La
Jrande, Union, Baker City and the
balance of the Eastern Oregon string of
pearls, within the next week upon the
passage of Senator Haley's bill. We feel
that a new era bas begun, an era of
prosperity and advancement, an era
wherein personal quarrels and bickerings
will be forgotten, an era where the only
question asked about any proposition
will be, is it for the interests and advance
ment of The Dalles and. the county, and
this being answered affirmatively every
citizen will join hands in working for
that advancement. An era of measures
not of men ; of public interests, not of
politics, an era of progress, of prosperity
of steady, permanent and rapid growth :
fostered, encouraged and aided by every
citizen of The Dalles regardless of
personal or political factions..
Five days ago an editorial in this paper
suggested that any person .who had not
energy enough to visit the Pacific coast
should be eligible to the office of presi
dent of the nation. Today the dispatches
announce that President Harrison and
most of his cabinet will make us a visit
as soon as congress adjourns. So hasty
a "catching on," was not expected, but
is none the less gratifying, but what the
dickens does the president mean by
Dnnging the cabinet along?
V e congratulate the residents of the
Tygh neighborhood upon the passage of
the bill giving them $5,000 towards build
ing a wagon-road over that wearisome
Tygh mountain. The road is badly
needed and in the very nature of things
was almost impossible to be built by the
county. A careful expenditure of the
money will go a long ways towards com
pleting the roadr and no doubt it will be
spent to the best possible advantage.
lhe question has been asked, "In
what respect are Kt. Patrick's Pills bet
ter than any other?" Trv them. Ynn
will find that they produce a pleasanter
catnarnc enect, are more certain in
their action, and that they not only
physic but cleanse the whole system and
. regulate the liver and bowels. For sale
at to cents per box by Snipes & Kinersly.
Yesterday was a great day for The
Dalles. Early in the morning the glad
tidings flashed over the wires that Sena
tor Watkins' " portage railroad bill had
passed. Ere the people had fairly real
ized that this measure, so long deferred,
had passed, it was announced by the TJ.
S. Land officers that final instructions
had been received concerning the for
feited lands, and that on and after
March 17th filings would be received.
It was a strange coincidence that these,
the two most important of all measures
to this section, should both be accom
plished on the sameSday, and yet more
strange when it is remembered that an
open river and the forfeiture, of the
lands have been waited for nearly twenty
years. Following on the heels of this
came a dispatch that the senate had con
curred in the house amendment to the
portage railroad bill, and that the ap
propriation of ?50C0 for the Tygh road
had passed and both bills only needed
the delicate tracery of his excellency
Governor Pennoyer to become laws.
And to crown all, as darkness came on
to terminate the happiest day in the city's
history, the needed rain came down in
copious showers, giving promise of
abundant harvests. It was a fitting
termination to the greatest, day The
Dalles has ever known, a day crowded
with such pleasure as seldom comes to
mortals after childhood, and if bright
dreams did not visit every pillow last
night, it was because dreamland could
furnish no brighter pictures than each of
us had drawn. .Let the day be marked
with a white stone, and kept as pecul
iarlv our own.
The Dalles in the midst of her rejoic'
mgs hnds time to urge that tne good
work of overcoming the obstructions to
navigation in the Columbia be yet ex
tended that all Eastern Oregon may
share in the benefits accruing from the
building of the portage railroad at the
Cascades. Wasco county feels keenly
the position of her eastern neighbors,
and will willingly bear an increased
burden of taxation to give them relief,
Another transportation route, down the
Columbia, is worth more to the state
than a dozen world's fair exhibits, be
cause it will make farming profitable in
Eastern Oregon, and this done the immi
gration will take care of itself. We hope
Senator Baley's bill will pass, for while
the sum seems large it is a trifle com
pared to the good that will result.
It pays to "kick" sometimes ; Washing
ton's surveyor general "kicked" and
wouldn't make contracts for surveying
because, as everybody knows, the rates
weren't enough for a surveyor to make
decent wages. The result is Washington
gets an increase of $100,000 in the appro'
priation for surveys. Oregon's surveyor
general went on, let contracts at the old
rates ; result, despite hard effort for in
crease on the part of Congressman Her
mann, Oregon gets no increase.
Lee surrendered on Friday.
Moscow was burned on Friday.
Washington was born on Friday.
Shakespeare was born on Friday.
The Mayflower landed on Friday.
America was discovered on Friday.
Richmond was evacuated on Friday.
The Bastile was destroyed on Friday.
Queen Victoria was married on Friday
Kins Charles I. was beheaded on Fri-
Fort Sumpter was bombarded on Fri
Napoleon Bonaparte was bot-n on Fri
.Lincoln was assassinated on Friday.
x ne pattie ot Marengo was fought on
i ne Datue oi w atenoo was tought on
Friday. . '
The battle of Bunker Hill was foueht
on rnaay.
Joan of Arc was burned at the stake
on Friday.
lhe battle of. New Orleans was fought
on Friday. ' .
. The Declaration of Independence was
signed on inaay.
Friday is also a tough day on fish
The Dalles Weekly Chronicle is issued
on riday.
tWhst the Doctor Said.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
"Keep your feet always dry and be on
your guard against catching cold at this
time of the year." said a doctor. "Look at
the list of deaths and at the disease that
kill people and you will take care of your
health if you value your life. George
Washington himself died from catching
cum. ob buuu out. in a uecemrjer ram,
did not change his clothes when he got
home, took a cold, and had an attack of
ague, which was followed by the laryn
gitis that ended his life. He would
probably have lived to be 10 .or 12 years
older than he was at the time of his death
it he had not caught cold in the winter
time. JN early half of my patients are
afflicted with troubles that grow out of
carelessness in regard to damp feet, chil
ly winds, and wet clothes."
On Hand.
j. jvi. xiuntington s Uo. announce
that they are prepared to make out the
necessary papers for parties wishing
iu "ie on so cauea railroad land. Appli.
cants should have their papers all ready
before going to the land office so as to
avoid the rush and save time. Their
office is in Opera Hon8e Block next to
main entrance.
A prominent physician and old army
surgeon in eastern Iowa, was called away
from home for a fewdavs ; during his ab
sence one of the children contracted a
severe cold and his wife bought a bottle
of Chamberlin's Cough Eemedy for it.
They were so much pleased that thev
curanmun uocu Hevemi Dotues at yar
lima nines, ne said, rrom experience
with it, he regarded it as the most reli
able preparation in use for colds and that
it came the nearest being a specific of
any medicine he had ever seen. For
saie Dy snipes Kinersly.
' Unique Pip Laying.
The Superior Water, Light and Powei
company have been engaged for several
months in the work of extending the
twenty-four inch in-take pipe from West
Superior to Lake Superior for water.
The entire distance from the pump sta
tion to the crib, which rests in forty feet
of water in Lake Superior, is ' 855 feet,
and 2,950 feet outside of Minnesota
Point. The entire 2,950 feet of lake
pipe was jointed above the surface of
the water and bung suspended in spaced
slings. The object was to cut the slings
and allow the entire section of mors
than half a mile to drop into the water.
It was not intended to attempt the
feat for several days, hot the approach
of a northeaster hastened matters. The
job was done hurriedly, but with distin
guished success. When everything was
in readiness the signal was given, and
several of the lashings were cat simulta
neously. The great black tube, 10,000
tons weight, instantly broke away evenly
and dropped squarely into position at
the bottom of the lake. Cor. St. Paul
Pioneer Press.
"Perceptible Chill In tbe Air.M
The record for cold weather for the
winter was oroiten Wednesday morn
ing, when the atmosphere was intensely
frigid.- The air was so full of frost that
the appearance of a fog was given. The
lowest point reached by the mercury in
this city, and reported, was 40 degs. be
low zero. It required the thickest kind
of clothing and vigorous exercise upon
the part of pedestrians in the early
morning hours to keep comfortable.
At Shirley it was 42 degs. below zero,
44 degs. at Eddington, 83 degs. at Sebec,
and tne same relative report comes
from many other places in this vicinity,
The weather was the chief topic of con
versation. During tne day it erew con
siderably warmer, but there was a very
perceptible chill in the air, and late in
the afternoon it was again quite cold.
The night was very frigid. Bangor
A Big Book.
An enormous volume, thrice as large
as the bulkiest family Bible that ever
graced a marble topped table in a coun
try parlor, has reached the Capitol. In
gold letters on its broad back are the
words, "History of Members, Second
Session, Fifty-first Congress." In this
book will be recorded not the private
history of members, but all their public
acts. Every time a member votes, every
time he introduces a bill or petition, and
every time he is recorded as not voting
or paired will be recorded in the huge
book, and future biographers will find
already prepared for their use a vast
amount of data. If the size of the vol
ume is any indication of its importance
it ought to be preserved in a treasury
vault. Washington Post.
Lowell's Great lawyer.
Gen. Butler's voice is not so powerful
as it used to be. In fact, it is difficult
to hear him a dozen feet away, though
he occasionally fires up and some of bis
old time force presents itself. - He still
relies considerably on the sympathy of
the jury, especially when he is defending
a comely woman. His method of argu
ing his case is the same in Bubstance as
it always has been. Plenty of wit and
humor run through his speech, and these,
with all the pathos his case will permit,
combine to make his always eloquent
pleas more effective. His favorite atti
tude while addressing the jury is to brace
his broad shoulders against the clerk's
desk. His hands are deeply thrust into
into his pockets; he seldom gestures.
Boston Advertiser.
..When tbe Planet Will Be Brightest.
At what time in 1891 will the princi
pal planets be in their brightest phase of
the year?
Venus is now at about that stage. She
is the morning star, however. That is
to say, she rises and sets before the sun.
At about 5 o'clock in the morning she
will be in view in the southeast, and will
be visible from that time until day
dawns. Two months hence Saturn will
be at his brightest stage. He will rise
at that time in the east just as the sun
sets. Jupiter will be at his best early in
September, appearing in the southeast
after sundown. St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
A Freet Carnival.
Something new in the line of enter
tainments is upon the tapis at York
Beach, Me. a frost carnival. The hall
is to be decorated to represent the Arc
tic regions, with . grottoes, snow caves
and icicles. The audience are expected
to appear in costumes suited to the ap
parent condition of things toboggan,
Esquimo, or snow and frost covered
suits. The children are in training for
appearance as snow fairies, frost sprites,
etc., and a sleigh bell chorus and drill
with 164 sleigh bells is on the pro
gramme. Philadelphia Ledger.
Ikying on tbe Rod.
In the mayor's court, at Anthony, Fla.,
a few days ago, a lad, for violation of an
ordinance, was find $3. The court
granted the boy's mother the privilege
of paying the fine or whipping the boy
in open court. She accepted the latter.
and the mayor had to check her to pre
vent an unmerciful whipping. Ex
change. ' '
The Japanese census shows that the
population a year ago was 40,072,020
20,245,336 males and 19.825.6S4 females,
7,840,872 inhabited houses, 3,825 nobles,
1,993,637 shizuku, or members of the old
military class, 38,074,558 "common peo
ple", and 7,445,119 married couples.
Key. Dr. Edward A. Foggs, the ven
erable rector of Old Christ church (Epis
copal) of Philadelphia, has tendered his
resignation, to take effect on Oct. 1,
1891, that being the day on which he
will terminate his thirty years' rector
ship of the parish. , '
The Duchess of Northumberland has
just been buried in Westminster Abbey
as a Percy, the only family in England
retaining the prescriptive right to the
honor of interment there.
Notice to Fuel Consumers
- ' . H,ave on hand a lot of '
Fir and
Hard Wood.
Also a lot of
Office corner
Third and Union Streets,
Wholesale ani Retail Dmiists.
Fine Imported, Key West and Domestic
E. BD CO.,
Heal Estate,
and Itoan
Opetfa House Bloek,3d St.
Dissolution Notice.
partnership heretofore existing between J.
G. Boyd, M. D., and O. D.Doane. M. D., under the
firm name of Drs. Boyd fc Doahe, has been dis
solved by mutual consent.
All accounts, belonging to the late firm are
payable to Dr. Boyd. Those to whom we are
indebted will please present their bills at once
to either Dr. Boyd or Dr. Daone.
The Dalles, On, Feb. 2,1891. O. D. DOANE.
Notice of Final Settlement.
i undersigned, administratrix of the estate
oi jonn einitn, deceased, has filed her
final account, and that Tuesday, March 3d, 1891,
at 2 o'clock P. M. at the county court room in
Dalles Jlty, Oregon, has been duly appointed as
the time and place for hearing said final account
nuu uujeviiims w tne same, u any tnere be, and
the final settlement thereof.
This notice is mibliHhti hv thi ftrrior nf TTnn
C. N. Thornbury, county Judge of Wasco County)
Administratrix of said Estate.
Executors Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned
have been duly appointed executors of the
last will and testaments of Daniel Handley,
deceased. All persons having claims against the
estate of said deceased are required to present
them, with the proper vouchers, within six
months from this date, to the undersigned at the
office of Mays, Huntington & Wilson, The Dalles,
Dated January 29, 1891.
Leaflii- Jeweler.
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
138 Second St., Ths Dalles, Or.
The Grate City of the Inland Empire is situated at
the head of navigation on
is a thriving, prosperous
It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agri
cultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as
far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over tve
hundred miles. . r
The rich grazing country along the eastern slope
of the the Cascades furnishes pasture for thousands
of sheep, the -wool from which finds market here.
The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping
point in America, ahout 5,000,000 pounds being
shipped this year.
The country near The Dalles produces splendid
crops of cereals, and its fruits cannot be excelled. It
is the vineyard of Oregon, its grapes equalling Cali
fornia's best, and its other fruits, apples, pears,
prunes, cherries etc., are unsurpassed.
The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia,
yielding this year a revenue of $1,500,000 which can
and will be more than doubled in the near future.
The products of the beautiful Klickital valley find
market here, and the country south and east has this
year filled the warehouses, and all available storage
places to overflowing with
It is the richest city of its size on the coast, and its
money is scattered over and is being used to develop,
more farming country than is tributary to any other
city in Eastern Oregon. j
Its situation is unsurpassed! Its climate delight-
ful! Its possibilities incalculable! Its resources un
limited! And on these corner stones she stands.
, (SucceHHor to E. BECK.)
Jewelry, Diamonds,
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
Repaired and Warranted.
165 Second St.. The Dalles, Or.
Carpets anil Furniiure.
And be Satisfied aa to
H. Glenn has removed his
office and the office of the
Electric Light Co. to 72
Washington St.
the Middle Columbia, and
their products.
The successful merchant is
the one who watches the mar
kets and buysto the best advan
tage. .
The most prosperous family is
the one that takes advantage of
low prices.
The Dalles
Successor to
will sell yon choice
Groceries and Provisions
REMEMBER we deliver all dut-
chasea without charge.
John Pashek,
rnercnani Tailor.
Third Street, Opera Block.
Madison's Latest System,
Used in cutting garments, and a fit
guaranteed each time.
Repairing and Cleaning
Neatly and Quickly Done
J. Farm" situated on Three Mile CTeek about
two and one-half miles from The Dalles, will be
leased for one or more years at a low rent to any
responsible tenant. This farm har upon it m
rood dwelling house nud necessary out ouua-
ings, about two acres of orchard, about three
hundred acres under cultivation, a large portion
of the land will raise a good volunteer wheat
crop in 1891 with ordinarily favorable wher.
The farm is well watered. For terms and particu
lars enquire of Mrs. Sarah A. Moore or at the office
of Maya. Huntington Wilson, The Dalles, Or.
" SARAH A. MOORE, Executrix.