The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 13, 1891, Page 1, Image 1

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    - ..!i v.v. r r.t. ., !.
7 VOL. I.
the Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Published Daily, Sunday Excepted. ;
Corner Second and Washington Streets,
Dalles, Oregon.
' i Terms of Subscription.
Per Year 6 00
Per month, by carrier. 50
Single copy ......... 5
No. 2, Arrives U.K. Departs 1 :10 A. H.
No. 1, Arrives 4:50 A. m. Departs 5:05 A. M.
"For Prineville, leave duily (except Sunday) at
6 a.m.
For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 A. M.
For Dufur, KiiiRsley and Ty?h Valley, leave
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6 A. M.
For Goldendale, Wash., leave every day of the
week except Sunday at 8 Ai M.
Offices for all hues at the Umatilla House.
lor, Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11
A. M . and 7 P. X. Sabbath School at 12 M.
Prayer meeting every . Thursday evening at 7
o'clock. .. , s Jjh4j,
Curtis, Pastor. Services every Sunday at It
a. K. and 7 p. K. Sunday School after morning
service. Strangers cordially invited. Seats free.
M E. CHURCH ReV. H. Brown, - Pastor.
. Services every Sunday morning and even
ing. Sunday School at V2 o'clock M. A cordial
invitation is extended by both pastor and people
ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Union Street, opposite
Fifth. Rev. Eli D. SutcliUe Rector. Services
every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. M. Sunday
School 12:30 p. M. Evening Prayer on Friday at
7:30 - " "
ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Brons
okeht Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at
7 a. m. High Mass at 10:30 A.M. Vespers at
7 P. If. ...
ASSEMBLY NO. 2870, K. OF L. Meets in K.
of P. hall Tuesdays at 7:30 p. M. -.
, "TTTASCO LODGE, NO'. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets
' V H 4 tl.lwl Tlf ....,1 .. f ...... K mnn,V. ... o
OLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets
every Friday evening at 7:80 o'clock, in Odd
Fellows hall, Second street, between Federal and
- iil. A. Buu, Seo y , R..G. Cmstir, N. G. .
FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets
every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in
'. Bchanno's building, corner of Court and Second
streets. Sojourning members are cordially iu
'.Vited. ' " Gb. T. Thompson, -
D. W. Vaubk, Sec'y. C. C.
isTT, UNION will meet every Friday afternoon
at S o'clock at the reading room, . A 11 are invited.
TEMPLE LODGE NO. 3, A. O. U. W Meets
at K. of P. Hall, Corner Second and Court
Streets, Thursday evenings at 7 :30.
W. 8. Myers, Financier. M. w.
GEON. Office; rooms 6 and 6 Chapman
Block. Residence over McFarland & French's
store. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to
8 P.M.
. flee In Schanno.'s building, up stain. " The
Dalles, Oregon. ; a . , i . ;
iR.-. C. E8HELMAN Homoiopathic Phy
sician and Surobon. Ottice Honrs: 9
to 12 A. M' : 1 to 4. and 7 to 8 p M. Calls answered
promptly day or night' Office; upstairs in Chap
man Block'
D8IDDALL -Dentist. Gas given for the
. painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth
set on flowed aluminum plate. - Rooms: Sign of
the Golden Tooth, Second Street. '
AR. THOMPSON Attorney-at-law. Office
. in Opera House Block, Washington Street,
The Dalles, Oregon .... .
" " t. P. MAYS. ' B. S. HUNTINGTON.- H. S. WILSON.
MAYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON Attob-neys-at-law.
Offices, French's block over
First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon.
DUFUR,-WATKINS A- MENEFEE Attorneys-at-law
Rooms Nos. 71, 73, 75 and 77,
Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon.
WH. WILSON Attorney-at-law Rooms
52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon.
., W.&T. PICCOY,
; Hot and Cold
Wb HT H S.v-
The S. Bi Headache and Liver Cure taken
' pacordlne to directions will keep-your Blood,
Zvm and Kfdneys in good order.: ... -.
" Ttj s. B- Couoh Cure for Colds, Coughs
- and Croup, in connection with the Headache
Cure, is as near perfect as anything known. '
ThiS. B. alpha Pain Cure for internal and
external use, in Neuralgia, Toothache, Cramp
j Colic and Cholera Morbus, is unsurpassed. They
are well liked wherever known. Manufactured
t Dufur, Oregon. For sale by all druggists. .
1 ,
D. P. Thompson' J. S. Schenck, H. M. Bkall,
-President. - -Vice-President. - Cashier.
'Fit Rational Bait
A General Banking Business transacted
Deposits received, subject to Sight
i Draft or Check. . . .
Collections made and proceeds promptly
i remitted on day , of collection, -
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, San Francisco and Port
D. P. Thompson. JsoShBchknck.
T. W. Spabks. Gbo. A. Libbe.
' . ; ? Hv'M. Bkall.';'
, 190 Third Street.
Pipe Repairs . , 7
and Ti n Repai rs
.ICains Tapped With PresBnre On.
Opposite Thompson's Blacksmith Shop.
Don't Forget the
MacBonali Bros., Props.
Wines, Lipors and Cigars
Old Qerrai7ia
' Thef get the Beet Brands of :
Washington JSarket, Soord St.
T V leading to the conviction of parties cutting
the ropes or in any way Interfering with the
wires, poles or lampa of The Electric Light
& French.
W. S. CRAM; Proprietor. :
(SiiccesairtoCramiCorson.) :'
Manufacturer of the finest French and
- Home Made - v:
East of Portland.
Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco".
Can furnish any of these goods at Wholeeala
ur neuui
:- '; In Krery Style.
104 Second Street, The Dalles, Or.
Chas. Stubling',
New Vogt Block, Second St.
Liquor v Dealer,
Letters of Credit issued available in the
f y- ; Jb-astern States. :,
Sight .'Exchange and Telegraphic
lnuieieraBoiaon new X otk, Jnicago, Bt.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav?
orable terms. ' .
. $500 Reward!
We will pay the above reward for any case of
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In
digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot
cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the
directions are strictly complied with. They are
purely vegetable, and never fall to give satisfac
tion. ( Sugar Coated. Large boxes containing 30
Pills, 25 cents. Beware of counterfeits and Imi
tations. The genuine manufactured only by
ILLINOIS. - - .' :
Prescription Drnggrlsts,
175 Second St. Tne Ialles, Or.
A Full Description of the Battle. From
. - ..the Indians' Standpoint.
Washinotos, -Feb. IL The Indian
conference was closed today, and the In
dians will start home Friday. The. fea
tures of today's talk was the story of the
fight at. Wounded Knee. Turning Hawk
said :
, . , At a given time when the men had, de
livered up their guns they were separa
ted from their families and .taken to; a
certain spot. ' A crazy man, a young
man of very bad influence, fired his gun,
killing an officer. The ' other Indians
began: drawing their knives, although
men were exhorted from all sides to de
sist, and firing began immediately on
the part of the . soldiers. All men, . who
were in a bunch, were killed right there.
Those, who escaped the first fire got . into
a ravine, and as they went along the ra
vine for a long distance were pursued on
all sides by the soldiers and shot down.
The women had no; fire arms to - fight
with. They were standing off at a dif
ferentplace and when the . firing began,
these of .the men who escaped the first
volleyjwent in one direction, up in the
ravine, and the women in another,
through an open field. Some of them
met the same fate as the men.
American Horse said .. 4 "' .'
- When the firing commenced, the peo
ple who . were standing immediately
arOun the young man who fired the first
shot were killed, and then the soldiers
turned their guns on the women, who
were in the lodges, standing there under
the flag of truce. Of course, as . soon as
they fired upon they fled. There was a
.woman with an infant in her arms killed
as she almostjtouched the flag Jof truce.
Bight, near the flag another, was shot
.down.;. Her child jiot knowing, the
mother was dead, was still nursing, and
that was a very sad sight. ' The women,
as the-were fleeing with their babies on
tbeir toacks,--were killed together, ' and
the wdraen heavy with -child were also
killed. if After most of the - Indians, had
been killed, theory- was . made that all
those sot killed or wounded should come
forth, and they would be safe. ..The little
boys, who were not wounded, came out
of theijr places of refuge, and as soon as
they ciine in Bight a number of soldiers
surrounded and butchered them. ; "
Commissioner' Morgan heri? said to the
interpreter::;-1 tJ cl '- ' '
: i;,I wish yoit would say ;'to- him 'that
these : are very serious charges -to make
again she,army.: -1 gjg, jnat:-jran j any
statements that are not absolutely true,
and I want, anyone here that feels : the
statements, are two strong. to correct
them." .:. . . .. . .... . V...- .- . .-i
"Of course,' replied American Horse,
"it would have been all right if onlv the
nien were killed, but the fact of the kill
ing of the women; and more especially
the young boys - and girls, who are to
make the future strength of the Indian
people we ieel -very serionslv." - ''Does
American-Horse knowvthese things of
ms now. personal . knowledge, or has . he
been told, them?" asked the commis
sioner, "I was not there at the time, but
Derore xne Dunai oi the oodles l aid go
there with some Indian police and manv
people from the agency, and ' we - went
through the battlefield aud saw where
the bodies were from the track of blood,"
was the reply. -. .. .
- Kev. Mr, McCook,; a Sioux ;half-breed,
pastor of the Episcopal, church at Pine
.Ridge, among other, things, said : . . .. ;
Mjiichha,been; said?, about the1, good
spirit with . which, the.' members !of . the
heventh cavalry went' into' that action.
It has been said the desire. to avenge
Custer's death was entirely 'absent from
their minds. -- In coming' towards Chic
ago in company with -General ..Miles I
talked with his own scout- who was al
most killed because he was compelled to
fly with :the Indians, being fired upon by
men whom be tried to serve and -help.
He , told me that after -he had recovered
from his fright and succeeded in getting
amongst the soldiers, after they all got
in fromkillirig the Indians, an officer of
mgn. ranic, he did not know who, came
to him and said'.- ' "Now we have aven
ged Custer's death',", and the Scout said
to h1ra-,- "Yes, but yon had every cause
to fight for your livest that day. i These
poor Indian people did not have that.op
portunity to protect their -people and
fight for themselves. If this is an judi
cation of the spirit of a number of . men
m that company, L am sure the Seventh
cavalry did not go there with the kind
est of motives and simply to bring those
poor people back." ; ' ; -' -'- '' ;
After several others had spoken the
commissioner declared the conference
at an .end...: ; , . ... . , ,
Xne Latest Sensation In the IXavls Will
-';HKfcfeMAXMct.,'-Feb.-' 11. Thomas
Jefferson Davis, of Salem, la.; alleged to
be-an,,illigjtimate son of the, late A J.
Davis, the millionaire banker , of Butte,
over whose estate-the- heirs are now
ifighfJng, created sor prise , ag'
signing to John A.-Davia, brother of the
deceased all. of his . rights and interests
to the vast . estate iqi consideration of
.IIOO.OOO His lawyer knew Nothing of
the assignment, and claims 't is a breach
of contract entered Into ' with the other
heirs, i It is said he is a fast- young man
and would rather have the money to
spend now than 'to wait the slow process
of the law-. Under the will . entered1, for
probate by : John A. Davis he would., re
ceive it life annuity, and in case the will
ia revoked.he would, come in . for an im
mense sum of money, as only two- child
ren claim the late bachelor as their fa
ther. This is the latest' sensational "de
velopment in the, already .celebrated
jLavis win case.. " . c'
' A counterfeiter of Walpole, Mass., was
for two hours. ; .. : i s.- i- . - !..(,(
Paris is accounted the most beautiful
city in the world. It contains 87,429
Bhade trees. .
Capital iats "Wanting; Information The
Snrvey Much Needed.
Now that the portage railroad is as
sured we would again urge upon our
citizens the necessity for an immediate
location of a railroad line between here
and the coal mines near Fossil. Through
the courtesy of Mr. Norton we read sev
eral letters from prominent old country
capitalists, practical coal and iron men
and they all ask "for information giving
an approximate idea of the engineering
difficulties of the country to be traversed
by the railroad from the mines to the
point of water transit." -
' The above quotation is a literal ex
tract from one of the letters dated Janu
ary 27, 1891, received at Arlington yes
terday, and all the letters show a warm
interest in the prospects of this part ' of
Eastern Oregon and the writers pledge
themselves to invest just as soon as the
matter can be put into shape in a busi
ness like manner. This cannot be done
uutil this survey is made, as there is a
decided : difference of opinion amongst
our citizens. A majority of those con
versant with the route aver that it will
be an easy problem to solve, while oth
ers are emphatic on the contrary opin
ion, one gentleman going so far as to
state that portions of the road could not
be built for less than what would practi
cally mean the abandonment of the
scheme. .
The mines on the sound are putting out
about 150,000 tons per month and still
the demand for coal is far in excess of
the supply.- If the English capitalists
can be induced to invest in this enter
prise it means that from BOO to 1000 tons
of coal per day will be handled here at
The Dalles. We have begun the good
work by a united, effort in the matter of
the portage road, let us continue it. If it
can be demonstrated that that road can
be' built for any reasonable sum, we
are satisfied the dirt will fly before the
end of the coming summer and ere an
other year rolls around we . shall take
our legitimate place, without any wild
Cat Isoomlng? bat air the result trf-aa-iti'
telligent setting fourth of our natural ad'
vantages, as the Pittsburgh of the' Pa
cific Slope; We hope our board of trade
will not weary in well doing but take up
this question of a survey at once.
Of Pacific Mail Headquarters to Tacoma.
San Francisco, Feb; 11. A rumor
was afloat today in shipping circles that
the Pacific Mail Steamship company
was a do lie to remove its neet and omces
to Tacoma, following the . plans of the
recent big railroad combination of west
ern roads. A reporter interviewed sev
eral well-informed railroad men on the
subject, but could learn nothing definite,
except that a similar rumor was current
last fall when George Gould was rein
stated in the presidencv of the company,
At the , offices of the Pacific Mail ' an
authorative denial of the reported
change was made. In spite of this de
nial, however, some are inclined to
think there is good foundation for - the
rumor, inasmuch as the Pacific Mail has
not made any provisions for a change of
dock room here, which will be rendered
necessary by the extension of the sea
wall. It was stated last week that the
company had secured a location for the
dock on the new seawall, towards Van
Ness avenue, but this was positively de
nied tooay.
Work Began on the Oroandi at Jackson
Chicago, Feb. 12. Work on the
world's fair grounds at Jackson park was
begun today. , About 50 men were put to
work and the number will be rapidly in
creased. The entire area of the nark
has been staked and everything is in
readiness for the work now going on.
Five months' time is allowed to place all
the grounds in shape for the buildings.
. '"- ' Compelled to Decline.
- Spokane Falls, Febl. ll. -Judee L,
B. Nash, who was a delegate . from
Spokane to the waterway convention
recently held in Walla - Walla, was ap
pointed by that body to represent its
interests at Olympia. . Since returning
home Judge Nash finds it impossible to
leave, and the .Chamber of Commerce
will appoint someone in his stead to
visit the capital and work for an open
river. .
Victim of Confidence Men. .
New Yobk. Feb.. 11. Henry Kramer.
of Lbs Angeles, Cal., was worked by con
fidence men last night in Jersey Uitv.
He was coiner to Europe by the Bed Star
steamer, but the rogues succeeded in get-
ting $40 and left him a cheap satchel and
two rolls of papar which be imagined
contained $10,000. ., , , . .
- , Conld not Find the Editor.
Wut-KRBABBE, Pa., Feb. 12. Sullivan's
ajreresration was here -last night, and a
local paper stated that Sullivan was too
fat to do good fighting in the ring in the
future. This made -" Sullivan hopping
mad, and he left the hotel before break
fast and called on the editor,, who was
not at, homo. .The office, boy tried to
pacify the bisr fellow, but Sullivan left
word for the editor that he is not only
not too fat but could thrash any man
that walked the earth. '..-1 ! . '
The commander-in-chief of Uncle
Sam's army receives a salary of $13,000
a year.
NO. 53.
Division of the Pacific Weather Keriew
for January, 1891.
San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 1, 1891.
The month of January has been not
able for the following important features :
1st. The high latitude of the easterlv
movement of cyclonic areas. 2d. Al
though the approximate paths of eight
cyclones have been charted for the
month in no case did the center of any "
storm reach southward into Washington.
3rd. The marked deficiency in precipi
tation throughout the Pacific coast
states. .4th. General increase in tem
perature in all districts, especially in
Washington. 5th. The periods of fair
weather in Washington and Oregon
from the 7th to the 14th, and from the
19th to the 23rd, when this reeion was
occupied by an anti-cyclone. 6th. The
slow movement-of the cyclonic areas of
the month, especially the storm of the
14th to 19th, which required nearly five
days to pass eastward beyond Washing
ton. 7th. The period of high northerly
winds in California from the 2oth to the
30th, when the velocities ranged from 25
to over 40 miles per hour at many
places. During this time an anti-cyclone
was central on the northwest coast
of California and the southwest coast of
Oregon. 8th. The - peculiar develop
ment of the cyclone of the 29th to 31st.
This storm appeared to remain almost
stationary over Biitish Columbia, but
with a remarkable influence in dimin
ishing barometric pressure to the south
ward, without apparently changing the
location of its center. The barometer
fell slowly but constantly for three days,
from Mexico to British America, cul
minating on the night of the 31st. In
light rains with snow in mountains, in
California, Nevada, Oregon and Wash
ington. 9th.-The development of a
huge "waterspout" off the mouth of the
Columbia River on the 6th, in the south
east quadrant of the cyclone then central
off Vancouver's Island. "This cyclone
first appeared on December 31st, last and
remained in the vicinitv of Washington
until January 6th. . The "waterspout"
was reported as of remarkable size and '
power, moving from S. W. to N. E. at
tended by a loud roaring noise. ; It
seemed to possess the characteristics of a
veritable tornado and would undoubtedly
have caused considerable destruction to
pioperty, and perhaps life,' if it had
passed over the land. Klth.-The heavy
and continuous gales off the Washington
coast, especially from the 14th to the 19th
during which time the average daily
maximum velocity at Fort Canby was
nearly ' 50 miles ""per ": hdurT" TITh-'
The heavy rains turning to snow in the
mountains in Southern California and
Southern Arizona on the 28th and 29th,
resulting from the high northerly winds
and low temperatures of that period.
San Diego 1.08 inches of rain and Fort
Grant 3.00 inches of snow. -
Rainfall. The rainfall has been defi
cient in all districts, especially in North-'
em California, and Western Oregon,
The deficiency ranges from 0.25 inches at
Keeler to 7.78 inches at Eureka, 4.67 in
ches at Red Bluff and 4.08 inches at San
Francisco. The rainfall at San Francisco
has not been so small since 1852 when
the amount reported was 0.58 inches. In
1851 the amount was 0.72 inches. The
rainfall for January 1891 is 0.98 inches.
In January 1862 there was recorded 24.
36 inches, the heaviest rainfall ' ever
reported for San Francisco. The largest
monthly rainfall was 6.60 inches at Fort
Canby. . No-rain fell at Keeler and Yuma.
The heaviest rainfall in 24 hours was 1.08
inches at San Diego on the 28th and 29th.
Rain fell on 22 days in Washington ; in .
Oregon 24 days of rain and 5 days of snow ;
in, California 19 days of rain and 13 of
snow; Nevada. ,10 .days of rain and 17
days of snow. Local storms : Astoria,
2nd, thunder, lightning and hail.
. Temperature : Jt has been above the
normal in all districts, except northern
Nevada where the deficiency is only one
degree at Winnemucca. ' The. excess is
most marked in Washington, northern
Oregon and .' southwestern California
where it ranges from 4 to: 13 degrees.
The highest temperature 80, occurred at
Los Angeles the 23. The lowest minus
18 degrees at Hal leek and Carlin, Nev.
the 10th. : John P. Finley,
Lieutenant Signal Corps, In Charge.
The Literary Exercises this Afternoon.
The following excellent programme
was carried out at the Wasco Academy
this afternoon :
Woods in Winter Alice Roberts. '
Autumn Leaves Marcus Vanbibher.
- Shadows on the Blind Katie Martin.
Young Grimes John Cooper.
The Dead Doll Bessie French.
The Two Englishmen Willie Crossen.
Katie Lee and Willie Gray Beulah
Charge, by the Ford Sherman Prank.
, :- ' Look Out for the Dead Cistern; y
An abandoned cistern' is ' often ti dan
gerous thing,' and should be filled, as
stagnant water which may remain in it
ia a common source of disease. If this
cannot be done at once it is a good plan
to throw in proper disinfectants and
gradually fill it up with sifted coal ashes.
New York, journal.
".' ' ' ' Suceess'a iast.""
: "Well," said the would be humorist to
his friend, "'I have at last succoedo i ia
inducing The Funny Gazette to au , t
a contribution. " ,. j . -.' .
Friend Thafs nice. What was -'
Humorist I returned about five
dred of their .''declined . with rt0. .'
Blips, i i Kate Field's Washington.
s- :Ot TOO boys and girls' who drew -l..
from the library, of .the College Sc.'
xnent in Eivington street, New
last year only two had American t
ents. - -'-
The man who is always quoting pro
verbs is a proverbial bore.