The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 12, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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lllJ UUIlUiJ &UU. W WUlUlllUlUa I III I I 1 U IMIIUIMI-CVJIIMI . w.u . OAVfD 1. viiwiniiiiWB,
iiu i iii iuv iiu ikiiniiiiii.'iu i hi i i in . ' L i.i ii. i . f HRninrrv an rww awna rmm 1 1 .. r
. FEB, 12, 1891
Pacific Rela- D.t'r I W State
Coast bab. tive of S. of
Time. " Hum Wind , W eather.
8A.M..,.. 29.73 32 74' KE .03 L't Snow
3 P. M. . . . . 29.63 43 95 Calm Cloudy
Maximum temperature, 45f minimum, tem
perature, 28. ' , ' ' -'
Total precipitation from July up to date, 3.75;
average precipitation from July to date, 15.51;
average deficiency from July 1st to date, 11.76. '
Thk Dalles, Feb. 11, 1891. ""
Weather forecast ; till 12 ' m.,
Friday;- rain ' and snow on
high altitudes. Stationary tem
perature. RAIN
Mr. L. E. Morse of Hood River is in
the city.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stoddard of Hood
River were in the city yesterday.
, The first eastern mail we have had for
- several days arrived last night at ', mid
Mr. Herman Heppner of the Albina
railroad shop's clerical department, came
up this morning.
Taxable property will be made very
rapidly in this county as soon as the
time required by law to advertise the
forfeited lands expires.
Miss May Enright left for Portland
this morning for a few days' visit and
from there will go to Walla Walla,
where she will make here future home.
Judge Webster is crowding the court
work ahead as fast as possible, sessions
being held each night. If the railroad
cases were out of the way he would clean
the docket.
Young Wiley whom; wementioned
yesterday as starting on another tour
Around the world it seems only went as
far us Albina, where he is visiting his
Mr. JolinlPashefc has just received. a
nice lot of new samples' of spring and
summer; cloths, which are entirely new
in style and pattern. They are very
attractive. , t , , y- . , ; - - i j : -j
The passenger arriving at midnight
was loaded with snow. There are about
sixrfeet of the v beautiful " on ' the ""Blue
mountains, and a tremendous snow fell
yesterday and last night.
'' ' Sufficient snow fell early this morning
to whiten-: the ground. ' The '"first time
I for the winter here, though the hills
4 around us have been covered with the
"congealed element" several times.
Three car-loads of cattle are being fed
'inhere today, arriving , from Hunington
this mornligl. The' Jcars had ootr!of
' snow on'thenwhen they arrived, which -
fell in five hours while coming through
the Blue Mountains.
1 We ' liave. it from reliable authority
that the railroad commisary here, has
beeVprddrpd to lay in extra supplies, and
that a much larger force will be put on
here for thq- purpose pf ; having all, the
reparing in The Dalles rather than Al
bina. .. ""';-..- .
The Shakesperean Cliib met y e'sterday
Afternoon with Misses Louise and Nona
Ruch. The attendance was large and
an exceedingly plesarityafternqbiij was
passed.. The theme chosen" was "Romeo
and Juliet," and at the conclusion of
the literary exercise, a delicate lunch
was served.! J jj , t)7f. q$
The Boston Shoe A Leather company
sert; their 'agent 'cat (hurt; week; jand
aireaay ine orders are pouring in. The
brief financial troubles , of the! coippany
have all been settled ancfthe factory win
be kept running, steadily, and vthe force
mcreasecr as last as required. - j.-
Seven timberclaims , located roa-the
head waters of Hood River , will'-fce the
subject of final proof .in the land-office
here today - and tomorrow.' This! means
1120.acjre8.more taxable property for the
count y'ard it 2 also 1 means that' 'Hood
River is to have additional sawmills and
that; -speedy and (permanent J growth
which necessarily follows.
: Mr. B. S, Hubbard agent for Gast the
i St. Louis lithegrapher was in the city
yesterday securing orders for work that
should be done here.' Its all right, but
people who send east for their . printing
should not kick when others send 'away
for their supplies. It is the privilege of
the free born American citizens in both
St. Patrick's Day .
. f . ' ' T .
St. Patrick was ai excelleht'ge"ntleman
who went to Ireland when young and
became the Patron Saint of the Emerald
Isle. He banished the snakes and did
many other useful things, for s addpted
country but now he has got his work in
in America and on t.t Patrick's, day,-
March 17th, 1891,' the forfeited railroad
lands will .be. open for settlement . ,Ay
honor to the fine old Irish gentleman for
his generous gift. ,. r r
. .j fe'V ' L- ',' "0 J
f Board of Trade Meeting-.
Thererwill be a roeeting of the -Board
of Trade tonight to make arrangements
for a celebration tomorrow night in
honor o"f the passage of the portage rail
road bill. A full , attendance is desired.
Real Estate Transactions. :' i -
Jane A. Erwin to George " W7 Jones,
lot 20 in block 2 in Erwin & Watkins
' addition to the town of Hood River.' $1.
. Why is marriage like a fire? . Because
it follows a spark. -
111 II I I I 1 1 1 1 M . 1 .1 1 II 11 I l
" J -i c- T .
t .: :
I' Ratification
being ' Made for a Big
in This City on To-
Morrow Night.
Blow the Whistles, Beat the Dram, Ined-
pendenee Day Has Come !
The Final Instructions Kecleved
at the
Land Office.
Washington, Feb. 3, 1891.
Register and Receiver, The Dalles, Or.
Sibs By act of congress approved
Septembr 29, 1890, the grant to the
Northern Pacific' railroad company, by
act of July 2, 1864 for that portion of its
main line lying between Wallula, Wash,
and Portland, Or., was declared forfeited,
the same having been ; unconstructed at
that date, and the odd-numbered sec
tions of land within the limits of the
withdrawal therefor, which took effect
Aug. 13, 180, excepting a moiety of
those lying within the limits established
pursuant to the definite location of the
Cascade Branch of its road, were, under
the terms of the forfeiting act, resumed
and restored to. the public domain. As
the limits established for the branch
line overlap the limits of the main
line, .the forfeiture act provided that
only a moiety of the odd-numbered sec
tions lying within the overlaping limit
was affected thereby, and ) the railroad
company pursuant to instructions" from
the Secretary of the-Interior, 'called on
to designate which of the alternate odd
numbered sections it would elect to take,
that Is, whether it would take' the' sec
tions numbered 1, 3, 9, 3, etc., or those
numbered 3; 7', 11, etc' ' The company
has elected to take those numbered, 1, 5,
0,i3f'. etc., .with Itertain ; exceptions.
These exceptions are of lands iu the
alternate sections numbered 3, 7,' 1115,'
etc., which the company has sold, and
in lieu of which it has surrendered lands
in sections 1, 5, 9, 13, etc. A list of the
lands in,.the numbered sections to be re
stored wbii-h.the company has furnished
as naving sold and which" it "wishes to
retain is enclosed herewith, and opposite
the tracts j descriptions of the surren
dered lieu lands i in the .numbered i sec
tions the, company elects . to take, are
givai I'also enclose for " your" informa-l
tion and guidance copies of the instruc
tions under the forfeiture act which were
prepared with the approval of the Secre
tary of the Interior, and have-Jto call
your attention'particularly to that por
tion thereof relating to the second sec
tion, and defining who are entitled to a
second homestead entry under its pro
visions.' . i , 1 tt U C .
In order to carry the. restoration into
effect, you will at once, cause to be pub
Ushed, in somej-pewspaper of general cir
crila'tion in your 'district, a notice that
thelands (with , the exception above
mentioned) hertofore withdrawn for the
Northern Pacific railroad company, have
been restored io'Jhef public'domain and
will be opened to entry upon a day fixed
bygrou nolessthtfft ; thirty' days from
the date offthe notice and that all per-
tions when, were , actual settlers in irond
faith upon any of the restored lands, on
September 29, ,1890, the date, of the ap
proval of the forfeiture act, and who are
.otherwise qualified, will have preference
rights 'of entry to 'be exercised within
six months of such approval,
j cThe forfeited' and restored lands are
subject to disposal only under the home
stead law, as provided in the act of for1
feiture. ,
j In the over-lapping limits of the main
and branch lines, only the alternate odd
sections numbered 3, 7; 11, 15, etc., will
be restored, and the notice of restoration
must contain a copy of the list hereto
attached, of the lands in those sections
the company has sold, and which will be
excepted from the restoration. The list
also contains the lands' surrendered by
the company in lieu of those sold as
aforesaid, and will be published as in
cluded in the restoration.
a. (jBorr,
. , Commissioner.
.None of the lands mentioned s -
served : bv , the railroad J are Xwestf of
range 20 east. '
The- lands 'will "be
subjeetto .entry
Tuesday, March 17th.
The time for filinsr bv ottion.
has been extended six months, and r, fa
cial notice of the fact will probably be
received soon.
Under this ruling no purchase rr. Tv
made until further instructions.
City Treasurer's Notice.
All City Warran
July 6, 1889 are now due and payable
interest ceases on and after date.
. . ..v. , , -. j S.FlSH. :
February 7, 1891. City Treas.
For coughs and colds use 2379.
Does S. B. get there? -VI
(hot) Id
smile." S. B. -
Do you want to enjoy good health and
live to a good old age, buy your dressed
chickens of J. H. Cross. . ; .
C. E. Dunham will cure your- head
ache, cough or pain for 50 cenls, S. B.
Big .bargains in real estate at 116 Court
St., First come, first served, ( i j
Do you want your cows to give good
rich milk and lots of it, buv your alfalfa
hay and feed of J. H. Cross".
Get your land papers prepared by J.
M. Huntington & Co. Opera House
Block, Washington St.
Sliced hams, boneless hams, ham sau
sage and dried fish at Central Market.
The best fitting pantaloons of the
latest style are made bv John Pashek in
Opera House block on Third street.
..2379 is the cough syrup for children." . !
Get me a cigar from that fine case at
Snipes & Kinersley's.
You need not cough! Blakelev &
Houghton; will cure it for 50 cents, S. B.
' ' vJ ' ' I ' I - ' -
xne nnest stocK ot silverware ever
brought to The Dalles at W. E. Garret
sons, Second street.
Snipes & Kinersly are anxious to cure
your headache for 50 cents. S.'B.
For a lame back, a pain in "the side or
chest, or for tootache or earache, prompt
relief may be had by using Chamber
lain's Pain Balm. It is reliable. For
sale by Snipes & Kinersly.
Those eaev chairs made hv T.ivprmnro
& Andrews are the neatest thine of the
kind ever made. They are just the thing
ior your uorcil or lawn in tne miminpr
and are as comfortable and easy as an
old shoe. Call and see them at 77 Court
street. ,
For a cut, bruise, burn or scald, there
is nothing equal to Chamberlin's Paint
Ualm. It heals the narts more nuinklv
than any other application, and unless
the injury is very severe, no scar is left.
For sale by Snipes & Kinerslv.
'' 1 RETROSPECTION. v "!""". "'""
Only some withered blossoms.
Crumbling to dry decay;
v Only a irlove half torn into,
r ' -. And idly thrown away. : V ' ".: t s.
Only a heart that's breaking
That is, i( hearts could break;
Only a man adrift for life.
All for a woman's sake.
. Only a few such tokens,
T . . Prized by a love sick fool, , -
' Hanght'-but the ashes that strew the
When lore's hot flame grows cool!
Kot the first man by thousands
The dupe of a heartless flirt.
Wot the first tune that priceless love
Was treated like common dirt
Only In jest, you know it
Now, though it's rather late
Bather too late to turn your life
And seek another fate.
You're not a man like thousands.
With heart that win reer and twirl, "
And feel a glow at the word and glance
...... Of every flirting girl. ! .
Finished forever and done,
Wrecked by a treacherous smile! . .
Following madly a will-o'-the-wisp,
" Haply if but for a while :
Only a heart that's broken ."i
That is. if hearts can break;
. , Only a man adrift for life.
And all for a woman's sake.
' , Anonymous.
lneapple for Dyspepsia.
Another possible triumph of medical
science over disease is suggested by a pa
per read, before the Detroit Medical asso
ciation recently 4n',' "Alimentation : in
Therapeutics, . in which ; was announced
an important discovery by Signor 'Vin
cente Marcano, of "Venezuela, in regard
to the pineapple. . . According to Signor
Marcano there is in the common pine
apple a ferment or principle similar to
pepsin, of such remarkable strength that
the juice of a single pineapple will di
gest ten pounds of beef. If this proves
true a new and important agent in the
treatment "of dyspepsia has been" discov
ered. As nearly all other diseases are
directly, influenced by; the degree .'in
which food can. be -assimilated, and. as
millions of people have imperfect diges
tion, the possibilities of this discovery
are almost limitless, if it proves to be as
represented. Cleveland Leader.
The Golden Rose.
There , is a rumor in Paris that the
pope has resolved to honor Mme. Carnot
by sending her the Golden Rose blessed
last mid-Lent Sunday; -' This honor is
usually reserved for Catholic sovereigns,
and it is needless to add that the gift of
Leo XIII would , be looked upon as un
precedented So far it ia certain that
the Golden. Rose as not yet. left Rome,
while as a rule it is disposed of within a
few months. It is probable that there
would be no ceremonial, .but the mere
giving of the rose to the wife of a presi
dent of European republic would be
most significant. Paria Cor- London
Chronicle y y . .; . V ':l - , "
, People hate the man who is a constant
drain on their sympathy. ' r
I have something specially fine
to offer for this season.' - .
Blue Point Oysters, , - i
Diamond Brand Eastern Oysters, :
Booth's "Old Honesty" Brand.
Salmon Bellies,
, "' Canned Salmon,'
. ' Eastern Codfish, "
Canned Shrimps,. ,
Canned Lobsters,.
Choice Eastern Codfish, - '
, H Ciioken Maokerel, ? " ?
j Extra Choioe White Pish,. -
Smoked Holland Herring,. .
- Pickled Oysters and Lobsters,
Prench and American Sardines.
Yours Sell-fish-ly, '
John Booth,
A somewhat novel colonization scheme
is in the hands of Gen. Herman Sturm.
The concession provides that Mr. Sturm
shall establish four colonies in different
parts of the country, the government
obliging itself to sell him for the pur
pose 250,600 hectares of surveyed public
land in the states of Durango, Coahuila,
Chihuahua, Oaxaca and Michoacan. The
first colony, consisting 6f 200 persons of
either sex, must be established within
three years from the date of the promul
gation of the concession. The colonists
are to be selected preferably from among
the residents of Mexican descent in the
American states of California and Colo
rado, and the territories of New Mexico,
and Arizona.. . , ...
The colonists will engage .in stock
raising (to which end the free importa
tion of a limited number of head, of
stock for -breeding . purposes will be al
lowed), in the manufacture of barrels'
and coopers' goods generally, of beer,
spirits and perfumery. : But - the. most
important feature of the scheme is the
erection of a paper mill in the federal
district and the agreement of the con-,
cessionaire to sell the paper manufact-.
ured there at a "m.-riwynrn price of $3.50
for common triple printing paper, $3.50
for superior printing paper suitable for
books, and $10 for glazed paper. An
other feature is the project, for putting
up a vegetable, fruit and fish canning
establishment, Mexican Financier. -
: ' . ...
r Minister Daceett and Kslakana.
Mr. Daggett bore himself in his official
residence at Hawaii as if it had been his
editorial room in Virginia City. 1 saw
Mr. . Daggett the other day. He had
come down from his ranch' at Vaca villa
to visit his former royal chum. Agri
cultural life agrees with the ex-journalist
and diplomats. He used to be fat,
but now he lookslike a pugilist in train
ing. "Everybody' he said, "seems to be
shocked at my leanness, just as yon are.
Judge Mesick was quite scared . this
morning. 'Daggett,' says he, it isn't
natural for yon to be without jowls and
a paunch. It ain't exercise, but disease
that's the matter with you.. See a doc
tor. - You're dying. .
" 'Dying,' says I, Tm as strong as an
ox. i Let me show you. ". Give mo some
thing to- raise an anvil or anything,,
and I bared my arm.: - 'Just let me raise
something for you.' . . :. t i .; -',-
" 'All right,' says Mesick, 'go out and
see if you can raise me $5,000.' "
-1 am told that when Mr. Daggett sent
in his card to King K'nlaVn.Tift at the
Palace hotel, his majesty turned to Lord
Chamberlain McFarlane, and said with a
gesture of high command:
"Let him be admitted, and the draw
bridge raised. Drop also the portcullis.
We are at home to none else today.'
Virginia . (Nev.) Cor.. San Francisco
Chronicle;'! ,
x "A" Hunter's Paradise." ' "
In this unknown land bear, elk 'and
the noble black tailed deer exist in al
most countless ' numbers, and in all but
perfect, fearlessness of man, and here,
from the great difficulty of access "to
their domain, the enterprising sportsman
may find them ages hence. Until the
summer , just ' passed no ". hunter's," pros
pector's or explorer's rifle had ever awak
ened the echoes -of their hills. ' This
hunter's paradise is the peninsula lying
west of Paget sound, and embraces all
the territory west from the sound to the
Pacific ocean, and the Straits of San
Jpan de. Fuca south to the northern line
of. Chehalish county, comprising the en
tire counties, of Clallam' and Jefferson,
and is locally known as the "Olympic
range country." A glance at a map will
best inform : the reader of the extent of
this territory, where, until last summer,
the noblest game on the continent has
lived in undisturbed peace. Tacoma
(Wash.) Letter.. " " ;
' Can Such Things Bet ; '"' ' '
' There is such a thing ascarrying econ
omy even bevond the borders of pars!!
mony. -AHere is a case we vouch for as
actually occurring,' we ,will not "Bdy
where. Three years agoTa certain per
aon purchased as a ' Christmas gift for
his 2-year-old daughter a little .chair)
painted red. In 1889 he had the chair
painted blue 'and gave it to' her as' a
brand new Christmas gift.. Last year
he had the same chair gilded, and worked
it off again as a Christmas gift on his in
nocent and helpless child, . In a very poor
household such an incident would be
pathetic, , But this father is by no means
a poor man. Buffalo Commercial. . ' , .
. -,r-iA ' . - .
. - , Oranges in San Bernardino. , .
.' There are upward of 5,000,000 orange
trees in seed bed in this county. , This is
over, three times the number set out in
orchard form in the county." But each
year the demand for trees increases. ' A
the present ratio of increase two years
from now 1,000,000 will be planted an
nually in this county alone. As many
trees are shipped, into San Diego and
other counties, and if all the trees now
in seed bed, should mature to a condition
for planting, there will be but little dan
ger ox an overstock. . But many of these
trees .will, be killed . by frost and from
neglect and other causes. San Bernard
ino (CaL) Times... -( . ;
, t ... . A Curious Accident. ' "
" , MrslEIiza Foster, 59 years, of this city,
fractured a rib Wednesday afternoon
while trying on a pair of boots at a shoe
store. As Mrs. , Foster was1 pulling One
of the boots on . her -foot ' a crack was
heard, and she complained of great pain.
She was taken to the Episcopal hospital,
and her condition is somewhat serious.
Hera is the forty-fifth case of the kind
known to the medical profession. Phil
adelphia Press. . , ,.. . . . ..
In the general elections that nave just
been held in Italy nine Jewish members
of the chamber of deputies "have been
returned. This is said to be the largest
number that have ever sat in any par
liament. ' Of 700 boys and girls who drew books
from the library of the College Settle
ment in Bivington street, New York,
last year only two had 'American parents.
tt9fT DALiliES, Wash.
. .. In the last two weeks large saies of lots' taNnITv
have been made at Portland, Tacoma"; Forest inSiwe
Grove, McMinnville and The Dalles. All CftJeL
are satisw tw BootanfJShoe
North Dalles
Is now the place for investment. New Man- CbemiCal
"factories are to be added and
ments made. . The next 90
portant ones for this new city
; ;, Call at the office of the -
- Interstate
Siapie anfl Fanny Groceri
Hay, Grain and Feed.;
Cheap Express Wagons flos. 1 and 2.
Orders left at the Stcre Will receive prompt attention. ' "
' a .u '..f??kanf. Plckages delivered to any1 part of the City.
3, w V 1,''. '.v . ' Wagon8 a,wa-vs on hand when Trains or Boat arrive
' T7 f V"
No-122 Cor- Washington and Third. Sts.
te Cigars
- Pipes, Cigarettes and l Smokers Notions.
She SMOKER'siisipbRiuM: ;
? " 7. 109 Second . St., ' The Dalles: ,; : ;
.DEALER ;ijf ... .. ..
Painty pils,Glass;
: tions, Artists' Material Oil Paiiis, Qronios ani Steel Eniiaviiiis.
Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cornice Poles
Etc.,' Paper Trimmed Free. ;
276 and' 278j-Second Street. " J :. ""-
'" . --uUrt t. w ; f.-M
'-CV: - 1 1 ON ICKELS EN,
k -4 (. ,tt i .:.-rrr.???-A-IjER IN- "' ' . ...
''!' .('..- i.'j -r. .-.l.,., ....
Cor. of TMrtl and fasMnston' Sts, Tie Dalles, Oregon.
H. C.: N IELSeN.
Gents' 17xi.rxLljslxxi.s: Q-oods, '
... , ' Soots duel.
-: For the Beet Brands and Purest
FnrnitHre MTj.
Wire Wnrks
large improve- ..Sl?-
days, will be imi.Iri.'L 7' ,
Fine Cottaf es.
Investment Co
and Tobacco
'1 ml r
. -.1
iXio to Order
- 7
. .. .
The Dalles, Ot.
. I 1', - la, i
, Sto.
Quality of Wineef and Liquors, go to :