rry ; 7 - j-.. .... . - -. ' -;..,--' , ' - . " - -S,.. A.jf . . . The Dalles Daily Chronicle. i NO. 51. Published Dally, Sunday Excepted. BY 1HE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO, Corner Second and Washington Streets, The Terms of Subscription. TerYear ; Per month, by carrier ..... ingle copy . WOO 50 TIME TABLES, Railroad. ABT BOUND. No. 2, Arrives 1 a. m. ; Departs 1:10 x. M, WIST BOUND. NO. 1, Arrives 4:50 M. - Departs 6:05 a. X STACK. ' ForPrineville, leave dally (except Sunday) at For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave For Dufur Kinsley arid Tyirh Valley, leave Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6 a. m For Uoldendale. Wash., leave every day of the week except Sunday at 8 a. M. vruirca lor aii lines at ine u matllla House. THE CHDKCHEg. FIRST BAPTIST CHDRCH Rev. O. D. Tat- . - ovuuui at M. yer meeting every Thursday evening at 7 KJ Cuktih. Pastor. Kuniiwi a..n... - ME. CHURCH Rev. H. Brown, Pastor. lliir. RnnHuv UihvJ 101 u a .. invitation is extended by both pastor and people every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. tt.. Sunday ?3U KvenlnK P-e- on Friday at !(DT. PETER'S CHCRCH-Rev. Father Broks O OSE8T Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at ,7 a. m. High Mass at 10:30 a.m. Vespers at (r.K. ' SOCIETIES. A 88EMii A. oiAt , 88EMBLY NO. 2870. K. OF I.M.t of A hall Tuesdavs at 7 :.m w W A!CO LODGE, NO. IS, A.i A. M. Meets "V first and third Monday ol each month at 8 )LUf3IA IXDGK, NO:$ri. n. o, r. : everr Friday eveninr at 7 :30 o'clock, in Odd Fellows hall. Second street, between Federal and Washington. Solourninor brothers are welnoiM. ta. A. Bilxs, Sec'y li. Q. L'lostxk, N. a. I71RIEND8HIP LODGE, NO. 9.', K. of P. Meets Jf every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in kcnanno s Dunaing, corner oi uaun ana secona Vtreeta. Bojouruiug members are cordially in- iiKo. uiu. i. lHusreon, D. W. VAura, Sec'y.' C.C HTTOMEN'8 . CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCK lYV UNION will meet every Friday afternoon kt t o'clock at the reading room. - All ate Invited. rpEMPLE LODGE NO. 8, A. O. U. W. Meets II at K. of P. Hall, Corner Second and Court fctreets, Thursday avenings at 7 :!.. JOHN rlLLOOK, W. 8. Mtbks, Financier. M. w. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. T R. O. D. DOANE physiciah and sub XJ gbon. Ofllce; rooms & and 6 Chapman lock. Residence over McFarland at French's tore. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to P. M. 8. BENNETT. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Of- L. nee in Schanno's building, up stairs. The lies, Oregon v 1&. O. C. ESHELMAN Homoiopathic PBT- biciah and 8TJBOBON. Office Hours: 9 12 A. M': 1 to 4. and 7 to 8 p K. Calls answered bromptly dsy or night' Office; upstairs in Chap- nan itiocx- . . BIDDALL Dbntist. Gas given for the rainless extraction of teeth. Also teeth ittt on flowed aluminum rjlate. Rooms: Rim of she Golden Tooth, Second Street. I A R. THOMPSON Attobnrt-at-law. Office L' V. in Opera House Block. Washington Street. Irhe Dalles, Oregon ; . . , .. i . . .. i ; F. P. MATS. B. S. ROMTINQTOM. H. 8. WILSON. "If AYS, HUNTINGTON WILSON ATTOB il hbyb-at-la w. Offices, French's block over irs I B. irst NaUonal Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. .B.DUrUB. OBO. W ATKINS. FRANK MEKZPXK. . UFUR, W ATKINS B MENEFEE Attob- ogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. m H. WILSON Attorney-aT-law Rooms And fi- KfW Vurt KlMk . &wnnH Atwuit rhe Dalles, Oregon. W.&TJCCOY, BARBERS. j Hot and Cold . r.' OrB K T H S .$ . : r.-j. :'.i . : 7 110 SECOND, STREET. Tn PI ft. Riiitirai ant T.ivkr Curb taken !"cordlng to directions will keep your Blood, iver and Kidneys in good order. Thk 8. B. Cough Curb for Colds. Conirhs nd Croup, in connection with the Headache are, is as near nenectas anything Known Thb 8. B. Alpha Pain Curb for internal and xtemal nse, in Neuralgia, Toothache, Cramp uc and Cholera Morbus, is unsurpassed. Tbev re well liked wherever known. Manufactured .Jlr.ritiW'r n-millm 1. nr n l t nil j,t. 'LtlTrrn Y O U NEE d jr T A S K " t ..'rH,.. .iim. i - -- . IIJUUU 1J Uli UT. I . . " KT COST! OUR STOCK OF Lies'aiiIa' McFarland First national Bant THE DALLES. - OREGON. A General Banking Business transacted Ajcpouiu! received, suDiect to Sight Draft or Check.- , remitted on arr T5oTlecnoK7 Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on 1 jew York, ban rranciBco and Port land. - DIRECTORS. .. : D. P. Thompson. Jno. S. Scrbnck. T. Wt Spabks. f' -" Geo. A. Labbk. BUNNELL BROS., , ; 1QO Third Street. PIPE y ; WORK. Pipe Repairs ' ; an d Tjj n jJEe pai rs A SPECIALTY. Mains Tapped With Pressure On. Opposite Thompson's Blacksmith Shop. EflST EP SP0I, ' HacDonalrl Bros., Props. THE BEST OF .Jt Wines, Lipors and Cigars ALWAYS ON HAND. -TH1 Old (jerTa9ia TTfATiT. FRANK ROACH, Propr. The place to get the Best Brands of ' WINES, LIQUORS . ' AND CIGARS. . J NEXT DOOR TO THE , Washington fSaffcat, Saeond St. $20 REWARD. TlTILIi BE PAID FOR ANY INFORMATION f f leading to the conviction of parties cutting the ropes or in any way interfering with the wires, poles or lamps of Thb Electric Light mi m i iu..i,'r--- & French. W. S. CRAM, Proprietor. (SnccEssonoCram&Corson.) Manufacturer of the finest Freneh and Home VuH. oisr DIES East of Portland. VTmpA YmWa "Nfife fiorilK ftlul TflbftPfT I " o Can furnish anv of these roods at Wholesale or Retail &Ff?ESH -f OVSTEtS-W- In Every Style. 104 Second Street, The Dalles, Or. Chas. Stubling, FBOPBIKTOB OF THK . New Yogt Block, Second St . . .-WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Liquor V Dealer, MILWAUKEE BEER ON DRAUGHT. FREHCJ4 & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERALBANKING BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available in the . - Eastern States. Sight Exchange " and " Telecranhio ATansierssoiaon JNew X or, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco. Portland Oregon: Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. "' . v ( Collections made at all points on fav- oraDie terms. FOR FINE ng COME TO THE CHRONICLE OFFICE. $500 Reward! We will pay the above reward for any case of Idver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to Kive satisfac tion. Sugar Coated. Large boxes containing 80 inns, cents, ueware oi counieneiis ana imi tations. The genuine manufactured only by THE JOHN C. WFST COMPANY, CH1GAGO, ILLJLNOIH. , B1AKK1EV & HOUGHTON, . Prescription Irtiggists. of The President Will: Issue a Prociama tion in Regard to' Redprocty with -.: r- T Venaiela. ' TV '"'V OUR UW MAKERS. Aolm4T - - ... j , auoeps wsuor nn :, . nsiiwtr Bill. Jgn-, eb. 11. In the , hon una morning, a resolntion that it fi eral relations committee be requested to report, on resolution for conference of wregon and . Washington, on portage miiiusuB was auopted. The following bills were oasap.l p,. lnt:n l ; . to i"o oi county treasurers ; to protect liah. . Also Welch's pilotage bill with consent of the entire Multnomah county delegation, but it was so amended that the only change from the niln. law is that two commissioners shall re side at Astoria. . A bill regarding the dirmirii? of ed sheep, and a bill reating Santiam County with Scio, as county seat, was passed. ' . : - -i. ..' The senate has passed the fnllnw;n. vonm-ming sale to stete lands. Author 1 r. . . . O" lzing mother to appoint guardian by wUl Pulmi. Kill . . ' j " icgumujig interest charges. MORE f RECIPROCITY. .. XT President to Issue a Proclamation. Nkw York. Feb.u 11. A Washincrton special to the Timet says : -The presi dent is ready for the announcement of the proclamation of reciprocity with Venezuela similar in terms to. that lust reached with Brazil, and it will take ef fect about the same time... ', ... While our commerce with Veneznla ! not larger than with Brazil. the; TTnitH JIIUI Ml negs than any other nation dealing with Venezuela. t r '. . , . The proclamation, of .the . president would have been, made a day. or two ago, as it was , expected; the agreement, of Venezuela to ; the propositions of' the United States would be received by ' the last steamer. Papers are on the way however, and will arrive by steamer due in New York, Feb. 18tK "or thereaboutB. IMPORTANT LEGISLATION. The Forfeited ' LandNaval Dry Doek-- , T Chsnea for Portland. ( Washington, . Feb. 11 .-r-In the senate this morning Morgan ,o(Fered a resolution which was agreed to calling on the sec retary of the interior for copies of regula tion for carrying into effect the land for feiture act of Sept. 29, 1880, including all instructions and decisions.'. ? ;.. r' The consideration of the naval appro priation, bill was resumed,, pending the question : being on an 1 amendment , in reference to the site of the dry dock on the Pacific coast whether oh Puget sound or on the Columbia river.- ; GENERAL SHERMAN ILL. Tfco Old Veteran Sorlonarj Low 1b New .i v ,. .V h.Trk- City, i.v .-. . n.v., ; - Nbw Yore, Feb.- 11. General Sher man is very' low today. ' His condition has not changed for the better, since last night, j The ueneral Buffered consider able . pain : last night - and is constantly growing weaker. , .-". . , - - New,Yphk, Feb. 11.-tLatek At 2;30 it is stated that there, is no change in the general s condition which is ex tremely critical. He is slowly dying and only arouses when 'spoken to. ' "r " " ..... i. .. i, ,' . ; ( !ii . ' New York, Feb 11.', 4 p. m. General Sherman has rallied. The doctors are so much encouraged . that they have hopes of his recovery- V r -, , f IN THB PRIZE RING.' - Goddard ths Anstrslias Pitt ths rS ' Franelseo Woadsir Co Sleep. ::Svdney,TJ.'; Sj.'W.,"Fe6".! 7.Aj ngti for five hundred pounds took place here yesterday between S Goddard the Aus tralian man and Choynski of San Fran cisco. . At the end four rounds, the ref eree declared Goddard the victor. " ... No Understanding- at Presant. , , Dublin, Feb. 11. The Freeman's Jour nal says McCarthy has been notified that Parnell and his supporters ' have abandoned any present hope of coming to an understanding with the McCarthy- ites. ". ! .". ' Cblcagro Wheat Market. Chicago, 111., "Feb. 11. Wheat steady ; cash, 94 ; May 97)4, July 93. San Francisco Market. San Francisco, CaL Feb. II. Wheat BfcsSEajsjWMMaalEEMa t . "WaWEWBWEW liencral Sherman Ljing at Point Death at his Home in the City of J,IKv,n,er 1 to Be Corrected to mrorm With It. Washington. Feh. ft rwn d member of the Honolulu legislature and vtT 1 " ,wyer. arrived tonight While n ia on tn . i . .6. - -1 - .wii;iiv nixiui maxing WnJ!18tb?,ne8 ,here' il learned from acceptable authority that the object ot his visit is to urge nron connoM lmporUnce of correcting the McKinley bill in order to.make,it conform, to- the Hawaiian treaty. He talks very freely on that question, and while he does not say that rift will noai. 1 . : - r uamDg oeiore the ways and means committee of the house m J l " 18 nnaerstood he will do ??;ir-i reP,r?8entative of the press, McKinley said he considered it his duty to give the matter his personal attention, and he would do so. tie was watching tor A fAvnrahla . . . 0 l. vii VJl. "Fiwifcunity 10 can up the bill This was not a question of Ju- , lann or lree trade, according to his judgment, but simplv a question of honor in which the United States was cij. uiiereHcea. irie said there would fl tJOUD,e whatever to pass the bill . "OUBe na, quoting Lis language: X OU can lUSLrPM vnnr PaniAn l vaHu uii, w sis .1 1 111 vm nil ran ssa a. 1 r,u w?n certainly be corrected." 1 he California members are watching I.nA Tinat tor lranl , At 0 vv-u. KivOGlT. ailtl 1.1 !- V rprar Tn na wie maiiers mat must be disposed 1 . . . " ' . . . J . "oiuii. j-iiey regard it as un usual interest to California Tn .1. cu 1 : , . v"" -,u.roi.uuu una maae two attempts to rV? sr, and at one time vmniucBuuiiewanteaa little timo tn "cvuic uouie aaia relating to the nna. tiw n .i j A. i .. . sent and consideration went over by senatorial courtesy. - It is understood micuuo UDDOSe msirinff ant, . zrr i. . "cty eupuiauons and iu i,u in tie will tie hackwl Kv K i o. He Will take thf. niuitinn ).o l i !ar hot lavor one country more than another. He thinks he sees in t.hJa an opportunity to make a grand flourish ot trumpets in accordance with the old time democratic doctrine. It is not thought the democrats in the senate will take enough interest in the discussion to nlil ouster, and nrevenr . imto v,: reached The bill, however, is conceded to be at their mercy in the absence of the cloture rule to shut them off. ON THE ALERT. Helena ; Feb. ' 9. Although proceed-. lngsm -the contest' over, the' estate of Millionaire Davis1 are temporarily stopped, the contestants are on the alert; The Boot faction, which alleges that the will is a forgery, made a move today, the object of which is to establish the fact that the conspiracy was entered into - on the part of John A.' Davis, the sole legatee by the will, and Erwin Davis, of New ' York, both brothers of deceased. The manager of the Western Union tele graph ottace ot this city was called upon to produce certain telegrams, sent and received by Erwin Davis, who, it is said, is in debt to the estate about $600,000. Certain telegrams were shown the . court commissioners'' but the one most par ticularly desired by the Root faction was one alleged to have bgen sent to or re ceived from the only living -witness to the will. Fully six weeks will elapse before the Drobating of the will can be resumed, in view of the decision of the supreme court ordertng trie appointment of a jury commission. A NEW GUN. Dynamite Sheila to be . Thrown r DlS- i. . tanee of Elve Miles. . Chicago. Feb. 9. The United States favernment has authorized a test at Fort heridan of a new gun 9 ' feet long, said to be capable of throwing dynamite or other high explosive shells a distance of five miles thousands of times in suc cession without becoming " overheated. The inventor ' is Louis Gathmann. : of Chicago. The ehief novel feature of the use of liquidified carbonic acid gas deli v ered 'automatically along the entire length of the bore at the instant of die charge, not only as an absorbent of heat generated, but as a "cooler" after the charge has left the gun. By another de vice pneumatic pressure is produced with powder. - Should this invention prove a success, Gethmann expects that the existing systems of coast de fense particularly would be revolution ized. . ' - i i - LOOKS WELL ' ON PAPER. Bat It Will Hardly Ever Come to Pass. .''.New York, Feb., 9. Another gigantic consolidation was outlined today to a re porter by "one of the prime, movers in the Western Traffic Association." . He asserts before the end of this year all the roads in the northwest would be under one management.. .'.This would include the Northern Pacific. Canadian Pacific, Burlington, St. Paul,, .Northwestern and Great Northern. This means an aggre gate of 25,000 miles of road. Exactly how the consolidation will De accom- i :i i .1 ... n i UI1DUCU WC CilblCIUMl IVVUIU UW but says the plan is now being worked out, and has met the approval ot many of the roads. . THE WORLD'S PAIR. A New Peatnre Proposed by Prench- man. . ; Chicago, Feb. 9. One of the features proposed for the world's fair, news of i r i i . i i i wiucu reacnea nere toaay, is a scneme for dropping a projectile-shaped . car from a thousand-foot tower into ' the water, in order to give the occupants of the car the sensation of falling a long distance without dangerous consequences in stopping too suddenly. 'The idea is that of a Frenchman, Aristicle Begres of the Paris polytechnic school. The details of the project are being worked out by Charles Can-en, an engineer at Trie, to Bribe on Officer nd Blow np Distillery. Chicago, Feb. 1 l.-George J. Gibson secretary of the . whiskey trust was ar rested here today . He is charged with an attempt to bribe a government official. When the facts of the case are developed it is claimed they will be of a most sen sational, character. ,f The. na.m.e ToI . the revenue officer to whom the bribe has been offered is Dewar. It is rumored that Gibson has made a confession. , ., Among other rumors iu connection with the arrest of Gibson as stated is a plot to blow np the Chicago distillery, which is not in the whiskev trust is 11 n. earthed. Gibson was taken before the United States commissioner and waiving examination was held in bonds of $20 -000. , V CLAGGETT ELECTED. The Idaho , Lerlalatni-o iri--. him to Succeed McConnell. Boisk City, Idaho.. Feb. 11. Th legislature met in joint session todnv W the purpose of balloting on a United States senator to succeed Senator Mc Connell. The ballots resulted as follows : W. H..Claggett 28, Mayhew 2, Finch 1, Barton 1. Eighteen members declined to vote and four were absent. Claggett was declared elected, he will contest the seat of Senator Dubois elect, and the fight will be transferred to the U. 8 Senate. Hill Gets Money to Build His Road. Chicago, Feb. 11. A morning paper says that President Hill of the Great Northern who went to Enrone nwntw has secured from the English capitalists their controlling interest in the Ch'"- St. Paul and Kansas City roa1' anJ enongh money to make the ey5118011 of his road from Helena, Mnt., to the Pacific coast. v ' .. The r',as,' Polities. Haa.ifax, lS. Feb. 9. Thirteen well n CatbgS?laTtv.rT wa. m-aenct--' against reel procity.-,-with- the Unit. States. They declare that no ecclesias tic noi even the pope has a right to gie conmands on such matters. The bishop, in re.ply, scores the writers for their . presumption, and in aipiomanc language reasserts his .right to make known his views. - v '. . The Labor to be Employed. .. Chicago, Feb. 9. Referring to the de mands of union labor made at yester day's meeting, President Gage, of the local world's fair directors, said today that there is. no intention to treat the trades unions unfairly, and that he has no doubt a satisfactory arrangement will be arrived at. TLe matter will be taken up at the next m'jeting of the directory. Military Post at San Diego. . Washington, Feb. 11. The house today passed the senate bill to establish a record and pension . office in the war department. . Also senate bill providing for the selection of a site for a military post at San Diego, California. . Big Steamer Topples Over. NewYqbk, Feb, 11. It is just report ed that a large iron steamer while being towed from. Jersey City toppled over on to two tugs' and sunk them. Ten men were drowned. -. Indorse Stanford's Scheme. . . , Sacramento, Feb. 9.--The joint reso lution, which passed the California senate some days ago, asking congress to enact a law providing for the govern ment loaning money on farming lands, was passed by the lower house today. - ' Killed In a Collision. St. 'Lotus, Feb. 11. The west bound Wabash train, and St. Louis, Keokuk and North-western freigh-train collided at Ingleside near here today. Two brake men were killed. .. , - An Enflneer Killed. Omaha, Feb. 11. A Union Pacific en gine jumped the track in the yard today and overturned. Jacob Lenzen, the en gineer was killed, ana two switenmen terribly injured. Two Banks Foil. Ayeb," Mass.; Feb. li. The First National and North Middlesex banks closed their doors today and ugly rumors are afloat concerning them.' " , He Got Away With 0,00. : ' . Wilmington, Feb. 11. The shortage of J. Eldridge Pierce, absconding secretary of the City Loan Association will amount to $90,000. ... .. - '' ' : Now Torka Colored Novelist Mew York boasts a colored novelint a woman who has: not yet, however, found a publisher for her manuscript,. Tha senior member of a well known Una was more than surprised the other J::y when a lady as dark as Othello wal ;r ? l into his eanctnm and said she had c.-uio I . for her manuscript, which she believe.l he had found "unavailable." The "lvu.i er" who read the manuscript said tucro was nothing in it to indicate the co.n plexion of the writer no local color, ko Vim i T-ir