The Dalles Daily Chroniele. TUESDAY. FEB. 10,1891 METEOROLOGICAL EEPOET. Pacific H Rela- D.t'r ta State Count bab. 3 tlve of . 5. of Time. r Hum Wind . 3 W eather. A. M 29.96 80 SW Cloudy 8 P. M 29.90 46 79 " Pt Cl'dy Maximum temperature, 46; minimum tem peratuie, A!. Total ureclpltition from July up to date, 3.66; averaie rwlpit itiou from July to date, 8.74; average dtilicie.icy Iron July 1st to date, 5.08. WKATHEK PROBABILITIES. The, Feb. 10, 1891. Weather forecast till IS m., Wednesday; light rain. Station ary temperature. RAIN LOCAL BREVITIES. Between court and the railroad boys' ball the Umatilla last night was filled re minding one of old times. Senate bill 156, being the new charter, can be seen at this office. It ie too long to print or we would give it space. Look out for the new advertisment in to-morrow's paper ol John Booth's Blue Point Oysters and other luxuries. The extra last night from Portland did not arrive until 6 o'clock. . It stop ped at the Umatilla House and was met by the brass band. Messrs Frank Seely the genial conduc tor, P. Glenn former road master here, and Neff the foreman of the bridge car penters are attending court as witnesses i in the railroad suits. Dr. Candiani of the Cascade lock is in the city, being sub-journed as a witness in the case against the Union Pacific. The Dr. attended the wounded in the Cascade wreck last winter. Mr. W. R. Barrett, now of Lebanon, is in the city visiting his brother-in-law W. C. Allaway. Mr. Barrett says The Dalles is the nicest place to live in he has seen in Oregon and the best climate he ever saw, and we say so too. The west bound passenger yesterday came in with all the steps torn off the etandboard side of the cars. This was caused by a big boulder rolling down be side the track, and the company is for tunate in getting off so lightly as it might have caused a serious wreck. . . . .... Wo hatm hiwn favntvii wn.n ft mnv ni the Biennial Report of Oregon Weather ' Bureau, through the kindness of the central office. The report is one full of interesting details of the climatology irMl agricultural productions of Oregon. Tllere is no better emigration publica tion issued than this and our state should put it into general circulation throughout the east. Work on the reservoir which has been stopped for some time, on account of the ground being frozen so that it was unfit to go into the bank, was commenced again this morning. The reservoir will be completed by the middle of April and if the water bill and new charter passes, the supply pipes will be in place by that Mr. & Mrs. J. C Brickell, formerlv of The Dalles, but now of Victoria, B. C, are in, this city on a short visit. Mr. Brickell hasjthought some of disposing of Ins property here, but seeing a strong indication that The Dalles is just on the eve of going ahead rapidly in a business way, has concluded to retain his interest here, and may return and help things along towards the good tines that are coming. The first of the suits against the rail road company was called this morning. It was that of John Carlson, adminis trator of the estate of August Carlson, deceased. All the morning was spent in getting a jury which was accomplished at noon, with the following members : W. E. End, J. Donaldson, Amos Root, T. G. Hayden, E. W. Trout, Alex. An derson, E. M. Harriman, F. C. Sexton, C. W. Rice, W. T. McClure, Chas. Ehrck and W. H. Wolf. A young fellow, whose name we with hold was summarily bounced from the ball room last night for conduct unbe coming a gentleman. Arriving on the street he pulled a pistol and cocked it, and should have been killed on the spot. v Any man who will carry a pistol in a civilized community is a dirty coward, and, if, added to this, he pulls it in a crowd, killing is too good for him. The railroad boys owe it to themselves to bounce him from the road. Now that the portage railroad bill seems in a fair way to become a law our delegation at Salem should give the water and charter bills some earnest attention. We have long since outgrown our present charter and between the city charter and the present water bill affairs are decid edly complicated. It is now shown that the money in the fund will not be suffi cient to complete the work and the pass age of the water bill and new charter is an absolute necessity if the works are to iie fiied. ' Vwhile the people of two centuries ago 'won about a Bre of products from the under earth, we make use of hundreds derived from the pit and mine. Each year sees this relation of men to the rocks beneath their feet become closer and the profit greater. Mrs. Lillie Deverettx Blake was unaxri " xnously chosen art the recent Rochester convention of the New York State Wo . xnan Suffrage association to represent that body on the executive committee of the National American Woman Suffrage association. A TALCED CORRESPONDENT. A Word From a Resident of Thompson's Addition Beet Safari Etc. Editor Chronicle: Though Thomp son's addition failed to get the shoe fac tory it still offers greater inducements to home seekers than any place we have seen, not excepting North Dalles, here we have a. deep rich soil, an abundance of the purest water by digging from ten to forty feet. The surface is practically level, sloping to the north, while the river which stretches away to the west and northwest is unsurpassed for scenic beauty, the soil is well adapted for rais ing all kinds of fruits, berries and grapes without irrigation. -. Some two thousand trees , mostly Italian prunes have been set out this last season ; fifteen buildings have been erected the past year, many of the lots having been sold to parties who bought merely to hold for specula tion. While traveling down Five-mile hill recently we noticed that it was very rough, and we thought what a fine time it would be to fill up the low places and make the "rough way smooth" while the ground is moist enough to pack and while the farmers are idle and have the time to do it. Call them out Mr. Road Supervisor and get the . blessings of a grateful public. While reading of the grand success of the sugar beet industry in Nebraska, we have been thinking that it would be worth while to investigate the subject in Wasco county. We believe the soil and climate is well adapted to the culture of the suar beet. Try it farmers, the seed will be furnished you free by the state agricultural experiment station and they will also analyze samples sent to tliem. COURT NOTES. The equity docket was gone through yesterday with the following action : - John Cowdell vs. A. Clarno, dismissed. James H. Coventon vs. F. A. Seufert, at issue. Ben E. Snipes vs. W. Schoeder, at issue. Mary K. Britton vs. John Britton, at issue. Z. F. Moody vs. Mary E. Miller, et. al., demurrer overruled and reply filed today. Wm. Farre & Co. vs. C. I. Winnek, re ferred to J. M. Huntington to take evi dence and report at next term of court. Hood River Ditch & Water Co. vs. John Parker, evidence taken and court to view ditch. Clara Busic vs. Matt Basic, reference extended to report at any time. Mary E. Patterson vs. Edward E. Pat terson, amended complairt and T. A. Hudson appointed referee. Honoria Buckley vs. M. Buckley, de fault, referred to James M. Huntington. Nathan Whealdon vs. John H. Birger, dismissed. Dunham et. al. vs. Wilder" et. al., de fault, referred to J. M. Huntington. Mrs. E. A. Cates vs. Harvey J. Hill, dismissed. Mary J. Armstrong vs. Adelbert Arm strong, referred to J. M. Huntington. William A. Hanna vs. Elsie J. Hanna, dismissed. O. D. Taylor vs. J. Fredenburg, de fault and decree of foreclosure. Atwell vs. Atwell demurrer overruled, default and referred to T. A. Hudson. The following disposition was made of the law cases : Ben E. Snipes vs. O. R. & N. Co., motion for judgment pending want of reply. W. P. Hall vs. Alex. Finlayson, dis missed. - - John Phipps vs. Thompson & Henson, dismissed. The Ball Last Night. - The special train from Portland bring ing the Locomotive Firemen and their friends to attend the ball last night given by Mt. Hood lodge, arrived here about 6 o'clock, bringing over two hun dred . persons. he brass band met them at the Umatilla House and after the crowd had separated, marched to Armory.hall where the dance wa held At a o ciock ine crowa in tne wrmory had assumed huge proportions and when the grand march commenced, notwith standing the hall is 90 by 100 feet there was hardly room for all. The music was furnished by Professor Birgfeld's band and was as usual the very best. Over 400 tickets were soid here, and it certainly looked as if every ticket holder was there. " Supper was served by Billy Graham and of course gave entire satis faction. It was from every standpoint the most successful ball given in The Dalles in years. The Hunt Road. Parties from the east recently called on the Northern Pacific management and settled all of the claims of that company against George W. Hunt, taking up all the latter's notes. We learn the above from reliable authority, who is also responsible for the statement that work on the road from Hunt's Junction to Portland will be commenced in earnest next month, at or near The Dalles, at the Junction and at Portland, and that the work will be crowded as fast as possi ble. The gentleman who gave us the above information is now in Mr. Hunt's employ and expects to be here in charge of the work inside of a month. For a cut, bruise, burn or scald, there is nothing equal to Chamberlin's Paint Balm. It heals the parts more quickly than any other application, and unless the injury ie very severe, no scar is left. For eale by Snipes & Kinersly. There will be a special passenger train west at 5:30. . CHRONICLE SHORT 8TOFS. For coughs and colds use 2379. Does S. B. get there? "I should smile." S. B. . . C. E. Dunham will cure vour head ache, cough or pain for 50 cents, S. B. Big bargains in real estate at 116 Court St. First come, first served. Get your land Darters nrennred bv J. M. Huntington & Co. Opera House Block, Washington St. Sliced hams, boneless hams, ham sau sage and dried fish at Central Market. The best fittin? nantaloonq of the latest style are made Dv John Pashek in Opera House block on Third street. 2379 is the cough syrup for children. Get me a cisrar from that fine case at Snipes & Kinersley's. You need not cou?h ! Blakelev & Houghton will cure it for 50 cents. S. B. The finest stock of silverware ever brought to The Dalles at W. E. Garret sons, Second street. Snipes & Kinersly are anxious to cure your headache for 50 cents. S. B. Those easy chairs made bv Livermore & Andrews are the neatest thing of the kind ever made. They are past the thing for your porch or lawn in the summer, and are as comfortable and easy as an old shoe. Call and see them at 77 Court street. For a lame back, a pain in the side or chest, or for toot ache or earache, prompt relief may be had by using Chamber lain's Palii Balm. It is reliable. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly. - What May Be Patented. It may be of interest to readers to know what may be patented. A United States patent will be granted to any per son who has invented or discovered any new and useful art, machine, manufact ure, or improvement thereof, not known or used by others in this country, and not patented or described in any printed publication in this or any other country, before his discovery or invention thereof, and not in public use nor on sale for more than two years prior to his appli cation, unless the same is proved to have been abandoned. In this connection the word "art" means the process or method of produc ing an old or new result. If a method of doing anything contains one or more new steps the process is new and patent able. The word "machine" means any de vice or thing by means of which a me chanical result may be produced, such as a pin, a churn, or a locomotive. The word "manufacture" means a made up article, such as furniture, cloth ing, harness, and the thousands ot things which are offered for sale. "Composition of matter" means a chemical compound of ingredients, such as hard rubber, liquid glue, medicine, etc Patents may also be obtained for de signs for manufactures and works of art. for three, seven and ten years. Trademarks may be registered for any arbitrary sign or symbol which is not descriptive; the government fee is $25. Such marks are the exclusive property of the registrar for thirty years, and the time may be extended. A "label" is any descriptive tag, print or impression to be placed .upon any ar ticle or its case, and it may be registered for twenty-eight years. The government fee for a "label" is $6: but if it contains any special mark or symbol the office de cides it to be a trademark instead of a label. Youth's Companion. Malleable Olasa. One of the lost arts, provided it ever existed, was the malleable glass of the ancients. The Egyptians and the Phoe nicians made glass for many early spec imens remain fully 2,000 years B. C. In the reign of Tiberius a per; on ap peared in Rome who claimed that he had invented inflexible glass. The story tells that be produced a glass vase. which he cast on the marble floor with vehemence, so as to bend it, bnt restored its shape with a few blows from a ham mer, and that, at the solicitation of a mob of artificers, who feared that the new process might supersede the use of their vessels of metals, the emperor re tained the glass vase, but ordered the in genious artist to be put to death. Since then two or three other persons claimed the discovery of a process for making malleable glass, but nothing came of it. The art, however, is scarce ly "lost," for in the glass houses of Murano, close to Venice, they make glass plates which can be bent' and thrown about without breaking, but will not bear to be hammered. Every one almost has seen what is called spun glass, which you can twine round the finger as if it were silk; but this cannot be converted by any process into a ves sel to hold water. Malleable glass is not a lost, because it has .never been a found, art. Thomas. J. Bowditch in Troy Times. A Rare Case. I found Cant. Miller, of the navy yard, wreathed in smiles when I saw him in his office at the Lyceum. "I have just had an amusing experi ence,' he remarked. "I am accustomed to being run down by politicians who want places for their proteges and by place seekers themselves. But today, for the first time in my lifej I have been waited on by a man who wished to noti fy me that he had given up his job. He is from the Sixth Assembly district. New York, and was employed in the con stracikm department at $2.50 a day. He was appointed about three months ago. in tendering his resignation he said heeoold do better i private employ ment at $1.25 than as a government workman at twice that amount. What with political assessments, entertaining: his party friends, parchaseox tickets of one kind and another, and other pulls on his parse, he found little of his wages left for family expenses. I, f course, ac cepted his resignation, at the same time jocularly informing him that he ought to be exhibited la a dime museum. New York Star. The modern workingman doesn't need his hammer to knock on wort. . v A Clttb r Placnmaa. "Now, ladies, tf I have leftaaavihin untold, or there is anything not quite understood, I am ready to answer ques tions. . She was the president of a 'woman's club and had just returned from a visit to the famous "Sorosis." She had been telling them what questions were dis cussed and what was the programme of tne evening. There were a number of women present, and they had . all been very much interested. The president sat down in her chair and waited for questions. There was a silence for an instant, and finally a timid voice from the background said: "I would like to ask a question. Was it was it a dressy crowd T" The president jumped up and said: "I just want to tell you! Those ladies all had on the most beautiful bonnets. One was a heliotrope velvet trimmed with gold lace. And another was made of bands of jet and pink roses (the ladies commenced to gather around her with enraptured expressions). "The hand somest of all was worn by Mrs. J ust then the president of this woman's club caught a smile on the face of a newspaper correspondent who was pres ent. She drew herself up with great dignity and said: "Ladies, I think we are wandering from the subject." The ladies settled back, conscious of the superior advantages of this- popular club, but with a fleeting expression of disappointment, that gave indication of a willingness to "wander" still farther. Chicago Herald. Latest Use for the Child's Hair. When Dotty Dimple has her first thatch of long curls cropped off her mother doesn't gather them up one by one as she used to do, and lay them carefully away in a long box with an incription some thing like this on the outside, "Dotty's curls, cut off when she was 5 years old." She gathers them up, to be sure, and car ries them away with her, but the next day or so she is seen going into a certain hairdresser's in Twenty-third street, where a notice prominently displayed in the window reads, "Dolls' Wigs Made Here." And Dotty Dimple goes with her, of course, and carries Rosamond Arabella or Fifine, or whatever the name may be of the potential little lady in bisque. And in a box the mother carries the curls. Then the attendant gravely measures the bisque pate after he has first removed the shock of flax that covered it, and looks wise over the box of curls and says, "Oh, yes, madam, there will be plenty of them, I think." Madam and Dotty Dimple go away after a great many lov ing pats and admonitions, and in a few days Rosamond Arabella comes home no longer with the flaxen pate, but wearing a lovely blonde wig of real hair hair that curls up about her temples and down her back just as Dotty Dimple's own does. And that is just what it is, Dotty Dim ple's own severed curls. And thus are the demands of sentiment and fashion united. New York Evening Sun. The Appropriated Sleigh Bells in July. The well filled stores and gaudy shop windows of the Tmiiana. and Ohio towns seemed to stimulate in men accustomed to impoverished and unpretentious Dixie, as were Morgan's raiders, the propensity to appropriate beyond limit or restraint. I have never before seen anything like this disposition to plunder. Our perilous situation only seemed to render the men more reckless. At the same time, any thing more ludicrous than the manner in which they indulged their predatory tastes can scarcely be imagined. The weather was intensely warm the hot July sun burned the earth to powder, and we were breathing superheated dust yet one man rode for three days with seven pairs of skates slung about his neck; another loaded himself with sleigh bells. A large chafing dish; a medium sized Dutch clock, a green glass decanter, with goblets to match, a bag of horn buttons, a chandelier and a bird cage containing three canaries were some of the articles I saw borne off and jealously fondled. The officers usually waited a reasonable period, until the novelty had worn off, and then had this rubbish thrown away. Baby shoes and calico, "however, were the staple articles of' appropriation. A fellow would procure a bolt of calico. carry it carefully for a day or two, then cast it aside and get another. Basil W. Duke in Century. English Women's Caps. "You have some very curious persons in Chicago, remarked Mrs. Tennant, Mr. Stanley's mother-in-law. "I could not help overhearing what one of them said when I entered the room at the club reception. 'There comes one of 'em,' said the lady in a tone loud enough for me to hear distinctly. 'There comes one of 'em; she's English, I know, for English women when they get old always wear tidies on their heads!' 'No, I don't know what the American people' call 'tidies, but Tax euro the remark was not compli mentary. Still it is the custom with us to wear caps why, the queen wears them; I do not mean to give them up. Chicago News. Use of Ammonia. In medicine, the solution of ammonia is employed as a means of rousing the respiratory and vascular systems, and of the alleviation of spasms. It is also used as a local irritant and antacid. It can used as a wash in water for the scalp and in the bath without danger. Herald of Health. It has been shown that the bad effects of a fog were, felt most by tropical plants which, in a state of nature, were ex posed to the sunlight. Plants which grew under the shade of forest trees did not suffer so much. Soft, tender plants and aquatic vegetation seemed to come off worst Mr. William Waldorf As tor is an ex cellent judge of a cigar, and has a special brand manof actored for him by a lead ing Havana maker. It has a delightful flavor and is quite mild. Mr. As tor or ders them by the hundred boxes. - fiOHTH DAULiES, Wash. - In the last two weeks large sales of lots TflfjJjv have been made at Portland, Tacoma, Forest in the WeBt Grove, McMinnville and The Dalles. All g nHhoe are satisfied that - . . factory North Dalles Is now the place for investment. New Man- Chemical ufactories are to be added and large improve- NFW Rim' xlia,vic. xitjii, uays Will De lm- Several portant ones for this new city. Call at the office of the Interstate Investment Co., r A 72 Washington St., PORTLAND, Or. O. D. TAYLOR, THE DALLES, Or. -: DEALERS IN Staple Hay, Grain Cheap Express Wagons Jlos. 1 and 2. Orders left at the Stcre will receive prompt Trunks and Packages delivered to any part of the City. Wagons always on hand when Trains or Boat arrives.. No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third. Sts. H- R- GLHSIER, DEALER pine Cigars Pipes, Cigarettes and Smokers' Notions. GO TO THE SMOKER'S EMPORIUM. 109 Second St., The Dalles. D. W. EDWARDS, DEALER IN Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decora tions, Artists' Materials, Oil Paintings, CImqs ani Steel Enpvinp. Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cornice Poles Etc., Paper Trimmed Free. JEiotxxx-o omt Mado to Ox-elerr. 276 and 278, Second Street. - 41. O. NICKELSEN, 4fr ' DEALER IN STATIONERY, BOOKS AND MUSIC. Cor. of TnM and Wasningtoii Sts, The Dalles, Oregon. H. C. NIELS6N, Glothiei and Tailor, C3rC5H.-tis' Eurnlsliliis Goods, tyat5 aid Qap5, Jrui, tlalises, Boots axicI Shoost, Etc. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STS., THE DALLES, OREGON. : For the Best Brands and Purest J. O. Ul?ole5ale : Ijquor : Deafer, 171 SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, ORKGON.. Furnitnre My. Wire Works. Fine Cottager fleca Railroad and Feed. attention. IN and Tobaeeo - - - The Dalles, Or. Quality of Wines and Liquors, go to : mm, NOTIONS, MHCK