The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 10, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered at the Postofflce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-clans matter.
Governor. . . 8. Pennoyer
Secretary of State O.W. Mc-Bride
TrcutureT Phillip Metsehan
Sunt, of Public Instruction E. B. McElroy
' (J. K. Dolph
enators j jj. MitcheU
rnnnmmini B. Hermann
Stute Printer'.': . Frank Baker
Countv Judge. C. N. Thonibury
Sheritf ! -
Clerk . - J- B. f roxsen
TmuiirerV. i tieo. Kuch
, , ' I H' A. l eavens
Commissioners j Frank
Assessor....-,,.:.... -V ....John E. Burnett
Burvevor. . .'. K.r. Sharp
Supsrintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy (Shelley
Coroner William Michell
Prohibition has broken its record at
Bismarck, North Dakota and for once
prohibits. Saturday the dispatch says
every saloon was closed on account of a
decision by the supreme court that the
original package law would not protect
them in selling liquor, and that no
attempts will be mode to violate the law.
This is the proper way to fight such a
law if it is obnoxious.
Newfoundland is justly indignant at
England for breaking off the negotiations
between that country and the United
States tending toward reciprocity and it
would be an easy matter to get that
provini-e to declare in favor of annexa
tion to the United States.
The Oregonian bears a strong resem
blance to the famous Irishman's flea,' in
that when you put your finger on it, it is
elsewhere. Yesterday, it advocated the
building of portage railways at the Cas
cades and The Dalles, by both Oregon
and Washington, one building at the
Cascades ami the other at The Dalles.
This is perfectly correct, but the trouble
lies in the fact that that paper while pre
tending to the friendly to the measure!
advocates the one thing which might
kill the Cascade railroad bill. It sug
gests that Oregon build the road at The
Dalles, and Washington at the Cascades,
and at the same time says that Washing
ton would not act in the matter for two
years. We believe the state should
build the Cascade road, and we believe
that with this done, the general govern
ment will build the road at this place.
By trying to divert the legislature from J
the Cascade road the Oregonian is doing
as a gross injustice, since with the por
tage built here it would do no good until
the Cascade road is built, and this it is
conceded would take two years. It looks
a little suspicious that the Oregonian's
editorial should be. followed up by the
passage of Senator Haley's bill by the
senate the same afternoon. There can
be but little hope for Kaley's bill, which
appropriates $400,000, when it seems im
possible to get the Cascade bill before
the house. It seems to be the accepted
plan to pass a bill through one house
and kill it in the other, with the under
standing that the favor is to be recipro
cated when required.
It is said by an exchange that some
democratic politician grasps at the
Pennoyer boom because, he says that P
is just now the lucky letter and cites the
fact that Pettigrew, Plumb and Paddock
voted against the McKinley bill, and
that Pfeffer defeated Ingalls. He might
have carried the argument much further,
Pattison a democrat was elected in Penn
sylvania, two P's, Peck was elected gov
ernor of Wisconsin, and Pennoyer, of
Portland, the principal port of the Paci
fic coast is certainly a winning combina
tion of tlie letter "if.". When he is
nominated for president by his party it
will add two more "P's" to his political
possibilities. Add to all these the gov
ernor's famous epigram "Pay your men"
and we think the Pennoyer pole will
knock the political persimmons, or any
possible combination of "P's" that may
be paraded against him.
Senator Veateh's bill to repeal the act
creating a railroad 'commission came
within two votes -of passing, but it is a
hard game to abolish an office let alone
four of them at once, and those with sal
aries of f3,0iK) a year and "perquisites
The Australian ballot bill without
amendment has passed both houses, and
will become a law as soon as it receives
the governor's signature.
A heavy storm followed by exceedingly
cold weather has swept over the middle
northwest, and reports from all sides
show blockaded trains, loss of stock and
such a general combination of storm and
cold that it is dangerous to go out of
doors. The Pacific northwest is pecu
liarly free from such combinations. Cold
weather we may have for short periods,
but it is generally calm, and the storms
never reach the dignity of a blizzard.
This winter the ground has not been
white with snow here, and at no time
lias the thermometer been any where
near zero. ' No ice has been formed suffi
cient tor skating, ana the hills are
covered, with ' green grass, furnishing
fairly good pasture for stock. When one
compares the climate of the outside
world to that of Oregon the desire to
. spend the winter at home becomes suffi
ciently strong to be irresistable.
Notice to Fuel Consumers
A Story of m Man That was Thoroughly
There lived long ago a king who be
came very sick.
"I will give half of my kingdom to
anybody who is able to give me back "my
health," he said.
Then all the wise men of the country
met and consulted with each other how
they might be able to cure the king, but
they could not find a remedy.
One of them, however, explained that
he thought it possible to . restore the
kiner to health.
"It onlv we can nnd a happy man,' he
said, "we will take his shirt and put it
on the kins, who then will regain his
vigor." j
The king sent out messengers, who
were instructed to find a happy man.
They traveled through the whole country,
hut couia not una tne one tney sougnc.
There was not a single man who was sat
isfied and happy.
One was rich, hut sick; another
health)', but poor; a third one was both
rich and healthy, but complained of wife
as others did of their children. All of
them had unaccomplished wishes.
One evening the king's son passed by
a low cottage and heard somebody within
Bay: ...
"Bless the Lord, now 1 nave worked
myself tired, finished mv meal and am
allowed to go to bed. What more can I
The king's son listened to the words
with joy. Ordering the shirt to be
taken from the man, who was to be lib
erally rewarded, the messengers were
commanded to carry the shirt to the
ki"S- ... ....
These, as soon as possihie, ran into the
cottage to the happy man and intended
to draw on his shirt, ism ne was so
poor that he did not have a shirt. Leo
A Note for Cattle Men.
The first cattle that were brought into
the American colonies were landed at the
James River Plantation, in Virginia, in
the year 1607. Thev came from the
West Indies and were descendants of cat
tle taken to those islands bv Columbus
on his second voyage, in 1493. In 1610
several cows were landed, and in 1611
about a hundred head more were brought
to the Plantation. This was the origin
of the cattle business of America. In
order to encourage the cattle industry to
the fullest possible extent an order was
passed forbidding the slaughter of any
animal of the kind under penalty of
death. Under restriction the number
of cattle increased to 30,000 in Vir
ginia alone by the end of the year 1639.
The first cattle brought to New Eng
land arrived at Plymouth in 1024.
They were imported" from England by
Gov. Witislow. Three heifers and a bull
made the party ; in color, the old record
says, they were black, black and white,
and brindle. In 1626 twelve cows were
sent to Cape Ann ; in 1629, thirty more.
In 1630 about 100 were imported" for the
colony of Massachusetts Bay. During
the years .last above named 103 cattle
had been sent from Texel, Holland, into
New York ; so that by the year 1630 there
were a good many head of Horned cattle
in the colonies. From 1631 to 1633 a
large number of cattle for those times
were brought into New Hampshire from
Denmark. These were large yellow
cattle. Taking all of there cattle together
they were the foundation from which all
the common native cattle of our country
have decended.
Missives Exchmnced -400 Years Before
His Father's Birth Dug Up.
The Smithsonian institution has re
ceived information of the discovery at
Tell-el-Amaria. in upper Egypt, of a
number of tablets relating to the history
of Jerusalem, and dating back 600 years
earlier than any records hitherto known.
When it is understood that these tablets
of stone are letters passed between the
king of Jerusalem and the Pharaoh of
Egypt 400 years before tne birth of .Da
vid, who was the father1 of Solomon,
some notion will be formed of their ex
treme interest. These letters were writ
ten, so Dr. Cyrus Adler told a Washing
ton reporter, about the year 1500 B. C.
and cast a great light upon the relations
of Egypt at that ancient epoch. This, of
course, was long before Jerusalem was
captured by the Jews.
At that time Palestine was a federa
tion of independent cities, each of which,
like Jerusalem, was governed by a "pre
fect" this word meaning literally "king
of a city." Nevertheless, these towns
paid a tribute to Pharaoh, and it was in
relation to this tribute that several of
the letters found were addressed to the
ruler of Egypt by the king of Jerusalem,
Abdi-Taba. In them he tries to explain,
with due respect, that he occupies a
more independent position than the
other prefects, and ought to be treated
accordingly. For example, in one mis
sive he says :
"Behold, this city of Jerusalem neither
my father nor my mother has given
unto me, but the call of a mighty king.''
This refers to the ancient custom in
Palestine, by which rulers were some
times chosen in consequence of a sup
posed divine call and without any refer
ence to hereditary law. Having been
summoned to his throne by the Deity,
Abdi-Taba argued that he should be
treated more leniently with regard to
tribute. In another of the letters he
says :
"Behold, neither my father nor my
mother has appointed me in this place,
but the call of the mighty king has made
me enter into the house of my fathers."
That the "mighty king" spoken of was
the Deity is proven by the fact that to
him as authority is referred an oracle in
scribed upon another tablet, which says
that "as long as a ship sails upon the
sea so long will Mesopotamia and Baby
lonia conquer."
The chief aim of the three other letters
written by Abdi-Taba is to ask the Pha
raoh for military aid against foreign con
querors invading Palestine, and especial
ly the district of Jerusalem. These war
like strangers he calls people of Habiri
in other words, they were Hebrews.
It seems hardly probable that the He
brews as a nation should have invaded
Palestine at so early a date, and so it is
likely that these were some advanced
tribes of Israel which settled down west
of the Jordan and made incursions from
time to time. In one of the letters on
this subject Abdi-Taba says:
"The Habiri people are conquering the
cities of the king" i. e.. the cities tribu
tary to the Pharaoh "therefore the king
may turn his face to his subjects and
send troops. If the troops arrive this
year the countries of the king, my lord,
may be saved, but if no troops arrive the
countries of the king, my lord, will exist
no longer."
This tremendous "find" at Tell-el-
Amaria includes 200 tablets, largely of
Babylonian cuneiform script, which is
thus discovered for the first time to have
been in use at so early a period in Egypt
and Palestine. Many of the other tab
lets are dispatches of about the same
date from prefects of other cities of Pal
estine to the Pharaoh. Some of the in
scriptions are in an unknown language,
which no one has so far been able to
translate. It is funny to think that Solo
mon himself would have looked upon
these tablets as remote antiquities.
Washington Star. ,
Have on hand a lot of
Fir and
Hard Wood.
Also a lot of
mnrtATt POSTS.
Office corner
Third and Union Streets,
Wholesale and Retail Druggists.
Fine Imported, Key West and Domestic
Friday evening, at the special session
of the senate, Mr. Fullerton, chairman
of the conference committee on the Aus
tralian . ballot bill, , reported that the
house and senate members of that com
jnittee had failed to agree. Senator
Cogswell then moved that the senate
recede from its amendments to that bill,
and in support of that motion began to
impugn the motives of the members of
the committee from the house, but this
was promptly checked by Senator Tongue
who had so nobly championed the peo
ple s ngiits. ine motion to recede was
then agreed to unanimously.
Chicago union laborers are protesting
in strong terms against the employment
of non-union labor on the world's fair
grounds, and assert that scab laborers as
they call them, shall not under any cir
cumstances be employed. It is probable
the union laborers have, in vulgar par
lance bitten off mof e than they can chew
It is possible for skilled labor to combine,
but for unskilled labor to do is one of the
impossibilities. Of course most of the
work is of the skilled variety but the
United States is large and in this work a
strike would not create any - public
sympathy, but would create such an
opposition to union labor societies that it
would impede their power, and hinder
their growth for years. -
On Hand.
J. M. Huntington & Co. announce
that they are prepared to make out the
necessary papers for parties wishing
to file on so called railroad land. Appli.
cants should have their papers all ready
before going to the land omce so as to
avoid the rush and save time. Their
office is in Opera Honse Block next to
main entrance.
Bank failures in the Mississippi Vallev
may always be counted on when there is
a great flood in the river.
A prominent physician and old army
surgeon in eastern "Iowa, was called away
from home for a few days ; during his ab
sence one of the children contracted a
severe cold and his wife bought a bottle
of Chamberlin's Cough Remedy for it.
They were so much pleased that they
afterwards used several bottles at var
ious times. He said, from experience
with it, he regarded it as the most reli
able preparation in use for colds and that
it came the nearest being a specific of
any medicine he had ever seen. For
sale by Snipes & Kinersly.
There are some people in this world
tnat wouldn't be satisned it tney were
perfectly contented.
The question has been asked, "In
what respect are St. Patrick's Pills bet
ter than any other?" Try them, You
will find that they produce a pleasanter
cathartic etlect, are more certain in
their action, and that they not only
physic but cleanse the whole system and
regulate the liver and bowels. For sale
at 25 cents per box by Snipes & Kinersly,
Woman is called the "weaker vessel,'
bat no one would suppose so u tney saw
the bill for her rigging. -
Power of Pigeons on the Wing.
The power of pigeons on the wing is
proverbial. All trained birds of this spe
cies have two qualifications in a marked
degree. The first is speed, the second
long and sustained powers of flight.
This proposition can be amply demon
strated, and the following is one of Wie
most remarkable records: On Oct. 6,
1850, Sir John Boss dispatched a pair of
young pigeons from Assistance, Bay, a
little west of Wellington Sound, and on
Oct. 13 a pigeon made its appearance at
the dovecote in Ayrshire, Scotland,
whence Sir John had the pair taken out.
The distance direct between the two
places is 2,000 miles. Cornhill Magazine.
Incomes of Poets.
Swinburne and Morris each make
1,000 a year by their works. This,
likewise, was the income of Moore, who
is said to have cleared 30,000 altogether
by his poetry. His . "Lalla Rookh
brought him in 3,000, which was prob
ably the highest price ever paid to him
for a Bingle work. Lord Byron calcu
lated that he had made 34,000 by po
etry. He received more than 4,000 for
"Childe Harold," 3,000 for "Don Jaun"
and sums varying from 300 to 1,000
for his shorter poems. London Tit-Bits.
t E. BiYAD CO.,
Heal Estate
and Itoan
Opera House Bloek,3d St.
The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at
the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and
is a thriving, prosperous city.
It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agri
cultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as
far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over twe
hundred miles.
The rich grazing country along the eastern slope
of the the Cascades furnishes pasture for thousands
of sheep, the -wool from which finds market here.
The Dalles is the largest original -wool shipping
point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being
shipped this year.
The country near The Dalles produces splendid
crops of cereals, and its fruits cannot be excelled. It
is the vineyard of Oregon, its grapes equalling Cali
fornia's best, and its other fruits, apples, pears,
prunes, cherries etc., are unsurpassed.
The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia,
yielding this year a revenue of $1,500,000 "which can
and will be more than doubled in the near future.
The products of the beautiful Klickital valley find
market here, and the country south and east has this
year filled the warehouses, and all available storage
places to overflowing with their products.
It is the richest city of its size on the coast, and its
money is scattered over and is being used to develop,
more farming country than is tributary to any other
city in Eastern Oregon.
Its situation is unsurpassed! Its climate delight
ful! Its possibilities incalculable! Its resources un
limited! And on these corner stones she stands.
Dissolution Notice.
partnership heretofore existing between J.
;. Boyd, M. D., and O. D.DoHiie. M. I).; under the
hriu name ol urn. Hoyd $ Domic, has been dis
solved bv mutual consent.
All accounts belonging to the late firm are
payable to Dr. Boyd. Those to whom we are
indebted will please present their bills at once
luntucr nr. nuyu or ur. J'aone.
m J. G. BOYD,
The DallesTOr., Feb. 2, 1S91. O. I). DOANE.
Notice of Final Settlement.
undersisned. administratrix of the estate
of John fciuiith, deceased, has filed her
hualaccount, and that Tuesday. March 3d. 18H1
at 2 o'clock P. M. at the county court room in
Dalles City, Oregon, has been duly appointed us
the time and place for henrin? said final account
and objections to the same, if any there be, and
me Dual senieroeni inereoi.
This notice Is published bv the order of Hon.
C N. Thornbury, county judge of Wasco t'ountv.
Oregon. . LAURA SMITH."
Administratrix of said Estate.
(Successor to E. BECK.)
The successful merchant is
the one who watches the mar
kets and buysto the best advan
tage. The most prosperous family is
the one that takes advantage of
low prices.
Jewelry, Diamonds,
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry
Repaired and Warranted.
Executors Notice.
"VTOTICE is hereby given that the uudersiened
X have been duly appointed executors of the
last will ana testaments of Daniel Handle-,
deceased. All persons having claims against the
estate of said deceased are required to present
them, -with the proper .vouchers, within six
months from this date, to the undersigned at the
olilce of Mays, Huntington 6c Wilson, The Dalles,
Oregon. . January 29, 1891.
165 Second St.. The Dalles, Or.
Look Out for the Dead Cistern.
An abandoned cistern is often a dan
gerous thing, and should be filled,-as
stagnant water which may remain in it
is a common source of disease. If this
cannot be done at once it is a good plan
to throw in proper disinfectants and
gradually fill it up with sifted coal ashes.
New York Journal.
SoceeH mt Xdutt.
"Wen," said the would be humorist to
his friend, "I have at last succeeded in
inducing The Funny Gazette to accept
a contribution."
Friend That's nice. What was it?
Humorist I returned about five hun
dred of their "declined with regret"
slips. Sate Field's Washington.
nt Witty Parrot.
(to parrot) Polly
want a
cracker? ' -
Polly Yes a nut cracker- to crack
that cbostzraU Epoch.
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made .to Order.
138 Second St., The Dalles, Or.
GarDBts anU Furniture.
And be Satisfied as to
H. Glenn has removed his
office and the office of the
Electric Light Co. to 72
Washington St.
The Dalles
' Successor to
will sell yon choice
Groceries and Provisions
REMEMBER we deliver all
chases without charge.
John Pashek,
pttercixaat Tailor.
Third Street, Opera Block.
Madison's Latest System,
Used in cutting garments, and a
guaranteed each time.
Repairing and Cle
Neatly and Quictfty' Done,
Farm" situated on Three Mile creek about
two and one-half miles from The Dalles, will b
leased for one or more years at a low rent to any
responsible tenant. This farm has uppn It a
(rood dwelling house and necessary out ouild
ines, about two acres of orchard, about; thre
hundred aires under cultivation, a lanre prtion
of the land will raise g00? volunteer wheat
crop in 1891 with -ordinarily favorable weather.
The farm is well watered. For terms and particu
lars enauire of Mrs. Sarah A. Mooreor attneoihe
oTMay"Htntinston & Wilson, The Dalles, Or.
oi " bXrah A. MOORE, Executrix.