The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 09, 1891, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily Chfliniele.
- ,- FEB. 9, 1891
Pacific H Kela- D.t'r W State
Coast bab. s tive of 2. of
Time. r Hum Wind Weather.
8 A. M 30.31 29 68 8W Cloudy
SP.M 30.16 42 88 "
Maximum temperature, 43; minimum tem
perature, 27.
Total precipitation from July up to date, 3.66;
TeA6 precipitation from July to date, 8.74;
average demciency from July 1st to date, 5.08.
The Dalles, Feb. 9, 1891.
Weather forecast till IS m.,
Tuesday; light enow. Warmer.
Bf Hon. F. P. Maya ia in the city. .
The portage railroad bill is still asleep.
In many instances a lawsuit is in
reality a lost suit.
Mr. Frank Menefee waa at Hood River
-.Saturday in the interest of education.
We are sorry to hear that Mr. Robert
Mays is confined to his home by a slight
illness. .
A carload of cattle was shipped by Mr.
Bonney to Clarnie today. They will be
taken to Vancouver.
Mr. W. J. Baker of Hood River is in
town, and we suspeet from the woeful
look he gave us, the jury box yawns for
The filling up of the recess back of the
. judge's chair has made a marked im
provement in the acoustics of the court
Mr. V. G. Kerns of the firm of Ward
& Kerns came up from East Portland
Saturday, and will remain here for a
week or so.
Mr. David Beers wife and daughter of
Lavenne, Minn., arrived in this city
yesterday. Mr. Beers ia the only son of
our esteemed citizen, Mr. Geo. F. Beers.
The Chinamen painted the sidewalks
red with fire-crackers during their New
Year festivities, Samshu flowed like an
absent minded fountain-pen.
The building for Mr. Bakers new sa
loon is going up rapidly, and yet the
painters are endeavoring to get the paint
on the boards before they are fairly in
The windows of the Baldwin restau
rant have attracted a great deal of atten
tion today. One is full of fruits and
pastry and the other one represents all
the colors and paraphernalia of B.of L.F.
The Baldwin gives the ball supper : for
the Firemen tonight.
There are fifty-eight law and fifty
equity cases on tbe docket for this term.
Several of these are cases that have been
continued from term to term and will
probably "continue to be continued."
The special, train bringing the guests
of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire
men ' to attend the ball tonight is ex
pected to arrive here at 5 o'clock this
evening. The brass band will be at the
depot to give them welcome.
By an error in Saturday's paper what
should have been mentioned as The
Dalles Lumper Company's property was
inadvertently set down as belonging, to
The Dalles Mill and Water Co. We
have no desire to rob one company to
give to the other, hence make this cor
rection. The second annual ball of the Brother
hood of Locomotive Firemen will take
place this evening. A special train will
bring the visitors from Portland, and
way points. The dance will be held in
Gymnasium hall which will no doubt be
crowded to its utmost capacity. It
promises to be the affair pf the season,
and certainly the railroad boys know
how to make such occasions enjoyable.
The opening of court has brought a
large number of railroad people to the
city, presumably as witnesses in the
numerous railroad cases. We noticed
among them Mr. Fred Rawlins our for
mer train dispatcher ; D. McLaughlin,
master mechanic; Mr. Walsh, general
foreman; and J. Whidby, foreman of
boiler workers. Mr. Zera Snow, the
company's attorney and Mr. Showls,
their stenographer are present ready to
take up the company's cases.
A portion of the school lands of
Klickitat county were sold at auction at
Goldendale last week. One section near
Centerville brought a little over $11,000.
Mr. Whealdon bought for O. D. Taylor
& Co., all but twelve and a half acres of
the tract near the big eddy, amounting
to something over 200 acres. A Golden
dale combine bought six and one-half
acres paying $ioo.ou per acre ior n.
Quite a lot of land was disposed of and a
large area leased on reasonable terms.
The following jurymen were thia after
noon excused for the term. P. Gorman,
L. D. Crockett, S. B. Foster,. C. O.
Heath, E. Frost, J. M. MacEachern,
R. H. Guthrie, G. W. Crocker, J. C.
Baldwin and C. W. Haightl The bal
ance of the jury were excused until to
morrow morning at 9 o'clock. Quite a
lively debate was Tiad in getting the
cay set for trial aa the judge has but
twweeks to give us, and the docket will
require at least four. The afternoon was
passed in disposing of motions concern
ing the equity cases, appointment of
referees, etc.
For a cut, bruise, burn or scald, there
is nothing equal to Chamberlin's Paint
Balm. It heala the parts more quickly
than any other application, and unless
the injury, is very severe, no scar is left.
For sale by Snipes & Kinersly.
Services ia the Vrlon Churches of tke
City Yesterday. .
Large congregations assembled at the
M. E. Church morning and evening, and
listened with marked attention while the
pastor discussed the questions : "What
is a Christian r ana "What is a
Methodist?" '
On the latter theme the speaker re.
marked that a person may be a Chris
tian, and not be a Methodist ; but no
one can be a true Methodist who is not
a Christian.
Methodism has a doctrine, an exper
ience, a practice, and a discipline. In
answer to the question : "What ia a
Methodist?" he proposed to confine
his remarks to the practical, and discip
Unary features of the church.
" The "General Rules" were then read
and commented upon at considerable
length. He stated that the probation
ary system waa an admirable arrange
ment, by reason of which the candidate,
and the church are enabled to become
mutually acquainted, before the final
solemn vows are assumed. Dress, and
amusements were considered at some
length, and the attitude of the church
Three persons were received on proba
tion, and one by letter.
At both services in the Congregational
church yesterday, the pastor, Mr. Curtis,
had large audiences. At the morning
service he took his text from John 6 :67,
"Will ye also go away?" The multitude
did not understand Christ's teaching
and as his mission became more and
more manifest and hia doctrine to be. a
hard one many of his followers walked
with him no more. Then the Saviour
turned to the twelve and asked them in
the words of the text, "Will ye also go
away?" There waa no excuse for 'the
multitudes not understanding him. It
was only perverse hearta and refusal to
heed the truth that kept them back from
the right way. A man understands as
much as he chooses to accept. Men
were the same eighteen hundred years
ago aa today and Jesus knew then as
well as now who would accept the truth.
The true disciples . then, aa now, an
swered, "Who should we go to if not to
the, for thou hast the words of eternal
life." There were men among the
multitudes who would have followed the
Saviour but they found the way too hard,
and when, like the ruler they were
asked to sell all they had and give to the
poor and follow the Master they stepped
aside- and walked no more with him.
To all at times cornea a conviction that
there ia a higher duty than that we are
now performing and well for ua would it
be if we heeded it and lived up to the
new light. We see our duty many timea
and fail to do it, and it makea the differ
ence between entering into and not
entering into the kingdom of God. The
speaker said all men have their sins, all
men know their duty, all men hear the
voice of warning that sounds for every
man. It ia the heeding and entering
upon the right course that makes it a
vital matter to us all.
The School-master on Top.
Hood River was stirred from center to
circumference Saturday, by the trial of
Mr. Snyder the school teacher. The
school has the reputation of being the
hardest to manage of any in the county,
and the evidence Saturday showed that
its reputation waa deserved. The cause
of the teacher's arrest waa for whipping
an unruly pupil aged about thirteen. In
the course of the threshing a splinter
from the switch penetrated the boy"s
arm nearly an inch running along under
the skin, and the boy's parents thinking
thia a case of unuaual and severe punish
ment had the teacher arrested. A large
number of the pupils were called as
witnesses, and all testified that the boy
when spoken to by the teacher had called
him a fool, while many put in evi
dence that he also made some statements
in terse English concerning the canine
character of the teacher's maternal
ancestors. In response to inquiries from
the attorney for the state. the children
swore that the culprit was "no worse
than the average scholar." To the
credit of Hood River be it said the jury
reached a verdict on the first ballot, and
that verdict was in effect that the teacher
didn't lick him half hard enough, that
the prosecution was malicious, and that
the costs be taxed to the complaining
witness. Thia waa a righteoua verdict
and will perhaps have a good effect on
the rising generation there, who seem to
have more desire to. learn the tactics of
the prize .ring than the double-rule-of
three. Mr. Frank Menefee appeared for
the defendant and the verdict shows that
he handled hia caae in an able manner.
At Cobille, Wash., Wednesday Feb.
2d, W. J . Sullivan age ; about 38 yeara.
Mr. Sullivan worked in the shops here in
the painter's department for a number of
years, and is well known here. He was
a member of Temple Lodge No 3.
A. O. U. W. of this city.
Titcomb What made you take to
drink, Fuller? Fuller Love. Titcomb
Of a woman? Fuller No; of liquor.
"This ia the driest hay I ever tasted,"
said the old white horse, as he devoured
a basketful of excelsior.
It ia the man that never advertises
who discovers that he gets more dust on
his goods than in his cash-drawer. ,
Twenty-two states have a bureau of
labor. -
District Court opened this morning
with Judge Lionel Webster on the bench,
present Clerk Crossen and Sheriff Catea.
The following grand jury waa impanel
led : M. Glorey, J. B. Ashby, George W
Rowland, A. M. Allen, F. T. Graves, O.
W. Cook, and A. W. Quinn. Mr. Row
land waa appointed foreman.
Judge Webster delivered an able
charge cautioning the jury to be thorough
in their work, and suggesting that the
expense of being careful and thorough
waa less to the taxpayers,- than hasty
and careless work which brought frivol
ous matters before the court, taking its
time and that of the- jury, to decide
matters that the grand jury should have
Mr. John W. Moore was sworn in as
bailiff for the grand jury, and the petit
jurors excused until 2 o'clock.
For coughs and colds use 2379.
Does S. B. get there? "I should
smile." S. B.
C. E. Dunham will cure your head
ache, cough or pain for 50 oenla, S. B.
Big bargains in real estate at 116 Court
St. Fjgst come, first served.
Get your land papers prepared by J.
M. Huntington & Co. Opera House
Block, Washington St.
Sliced hams, boneless hams, ham sau
sage and dried fish at Central Market.
The best fitting nantaloonn of thn
latest style are made bv John Pashek in
Opera House block on Third street.
2379 is the cough syrup for children.
Get' me a cisrar from that fine case at
Snipes & Kinersley's.
You need not coucrh! Blakelev &
Houghton will cure it for 50 cents. S. B.
The finest Stock of silverware pv-pr
brought to The Dalles at W. E. Garret-
sons, becond street.
Snipes & Kinerslr are anxious to cure
your headache for 50 cents. S. B.
ThnHA PilflV O ra mala VT T Z-rr-mm
j v4iu.ii 3 uiauv uj ci liable;
& Andrews are the neatest thing of the
1. 1 1 l mi . . . V . , .
K.HJU ever maue. xney are just tne tning
and are as comfortable and easv as an
old shoe. Call and see them at 77 Court
For a lamp Ktl f V a nafn in li 13 1 ,1 -
chest, or for tootache or earache, prompt
J - v 1 i'in.y u. ii au uv ueillg V. 1 1UJ11 iMr-
lain's Pain Balm. It is reliable. For
sale by Snipes & Kinersly.
Strang Lapse of Memory.
Cases of forgetfulnesa on matters of
interest are on record. While Dr. Priest
ley was preparing his work entitled 'Har
mony of the Gospels," he had taken great
pains to inform himself on a subject
wmch had been under discussion rela
tive to the Jewish Passover; He wrote
out the result of his researches and laid
the paper away. Hia attention and time
being taken with something else, some
little time elapsed before the subject oc
curred to his mind again. Then the same
time and pains were given to the subject
that had been given to it before, and
the results were again put on paper
and laid aside. So completely had he
forgotten that he had copied the same
paragraphs and reflections before, that
it was only when he had found the papers
on which. he had transcribed them that
it was recalled to his recollection. This
same author had frequently read his own
published writings and did not recognize
them. Boston Herald.
Texas Again to the Fore.
The Uvalde Reflector says that a nartv
out hunting in that county had along a
liver colored setter dog, which found a
snake of the rattler species, and that the
snake swallowed the dog. The hunters
killed the snake with a G-atling gun, cut
him open with a butcher's cleaver, and
that the dog jumped out all right, except
losing his bark; that the snake was two
feet thick and thirty-six feet long, and
had ninety-two rattles and a button, and
the editor says it sounds a little improb
able, and it may be. But out on the
San Antonio river, in 1853, Col. Rip
Ford, Bill Pitta and others killed a rat
tler with an acre of burnt woods and
four live Indians in it, and no one then
thought it improbable New Birming
ham (Tex.) Times.
A Rheumatic Superstition.
Rheumatism is caused by the deer or
by the measuring worm, the idea being
suggested in the latter case by the man
ner in which the measuring worm arches
his body in walking, which is supposed
to be like the contortions of a rheumatic
patient. On no account must the patient
eat a squirrel or touch a cat, since the
manner in which these creatures arch
the back indicates an affinity with the
disease. Nor must he eat the legs of any
animal, since, as every one knows, the
limbs are most frequently affected with
rheumatism, and by eating the legs of
an animal the. "disease spirit" residing
there might be taken in. Youth's Com
panion. . One Way of Revenge.
There is a gentleman in the Australian
house of representatives renowned for
incisive sarcasm who takes out his note
book and quietly but obviously sketches
a political opponent whom his observa
tions have infuriated; and these angry
faces, readily recognized, somehow find
their way into the illustrated periodicals
sooner or later a method which, if it
does not turn away wrath, at least
serves frequently to repress its outward
and visible manifestations. All the Year
All Hia Fancy Fainted.
Judge (to colored prisoner, charged
with stealing poultry) What is your
Prisoner I am a chicken fancier,
your 'onnah.
Judge So I fancy sixty days. Texas
Statistics show that ninety-five out of
a hundred men fail in business Booner or
later, and the cases in which a firm sees
fifty years of business life are extremely
rare. .
Interesting Paper Read Before be Cali
fornia Historical Society.
- B. A. Thompson read a paper before
the California Historical society upon
The Overland Journeys of Jedediah
Smith in 182 and 1827." Capt Smith
and bis band of hardy trappers were the
first white men known to enter California
by the overland route. He, with Jack
son and Sublette, constituted the Rocky
Mountain Fur company in 1826, and they
determined to project their operations
westward from the Ilocky mountains to
the Pacific coast, and contest with the
Hudson Bay company for the wealth of
furs and skins supposed to be obtainable
along the western coast. While the other
two partners turned northwestward from
Salt Lake and journeyed toward Oregon,
Smith left the rendezvous at Salt Lake
in August, 1826, with fifteen men and
started for southern California.
Following trp the Sevier river, and
across the divide to the head of the Vir
gin, he went down the latter to the Colo
rado, and was piloted across the Mojave
desert to San Gabriel mission, where he
arrived in December, 1826. The Mexi
can governor of California, then at San
Diego, summoned Smith to his presence,
and learning of his intention to go up
the coast to the Columbia river, forbade
the journey, and ordered Smith and his
party to return to United States terri
tory by the route he had entered the
Mexican province. But the hardy Amer
ican did not propose to abandon his pur
pose so readily, and in Jannarr. 1R27 h
quietly set forth ' on hia journey north-
He entered the San Joaquin valley, and
proceeded as far as what ia ennnnood
be the Sacramento or American river,
where he encountered hostile Indians.
Turning back to where he had encoun
tered a more friendlv tribe, he mirfn
permanent camp, and with two men
started back for the company's rendez
vous at Salt Lake for re-enforcements.
Crossing the Sierras by Walker's Pass,
tne trip to bait lake was made in twenty-eight
With eighteen men and two women,
wives of members of his party, he started
on his return to hia camp by the route
originally traversed, but in August he
was attacked on the Colorado by Indians,
and ten of his men and two women were
killed. After much suffering and re
newed difficulties with the Mexican au
thorities in southern California the sur
vivors reached the camp in the San
Joaquin valley. Six months were spent
in trapping along the upper Sacramento,
and after securing $30,000 worth of skins
the party started for the Columbia river,
but all except Smith and three others
were killed by the Indians.
He reached Vancouver destitute, but
was well received by the. Hudson Bay
company's manager there. A portion of
his possessions was rescued from the
Indians by aid of the Hudson Bay com
pany's men, and Smith finally reached
his partners, and in 1830 returned to St.
Louis. In 1831 he started with a wagon
train for Santa Fe, but was killed by the
Comanches at the crossing of the Cimar
ron river. San Francisco Bulletin.
Influence of a Simple Invention.
One cannot always tell, until after the
event, on what apparently insignificant
act his whole future hinges. Dr. Cyrus
Hamlin, president of Middle bury college
in Vermont, and formerly of Maine, in
a recent address at Woodford's said his
life depended on the making of a screw.
When at Bowdoin college in 1833 he
made a brass screw for Professor Smith's
theodolite, and that led to his making a
steamengine, the first one built in Maine.
He had never seen one in all his life,
but he asked the professor if he thought
he could sell an engine, if he could make
one, for as much aa he could earn by
teaching in the vacation. The professor
thought he could, he had made the screw
so perfectly. So he went to Portland,
and went to work in a clockmaking es
tablishment. At the end of ten weeks'
vacation the engine was completed, and
sold to Bowdoin college for f 175. He
could have earned but f 40 teaching. The
price of the engine was sufficient to pay
a year's expenses at Bowdoin in those
days. Bangor News.
Credence in Medicinal Charms.
It is not only among the rude savages
of India that the virtue of medicinal
charms is implicitly credited. The il
literate and simple minded of England
repose all necessary faith in the same
fascinating delusions, and there is no
ancieri t woman in any of our remote vil
lages, who professes the customary
knowledge and superiority of her age,
who has not a specific charm for whoop
ing cough, ague, teething, convulsions,
epilepsy and every other common ail
ment and disease.
Every one is acquainted with the effi
cacy of the "royal touch" in cases of
the king's evil, or scrofula, and scarcely
a week passes that we do not see in our
newspapers an advertisement for the dis
posal of a child's cold or a serious form
of deafness. London Tit-Bits.
Sickness and Superstition.
For the cure of epilepsy, or the falling
sickness, numerous are the charms that
have been invented. A very common
remedy among the poor people about
London, and particularly in Essex, was
to cut the tip of a black cat's tail in or
der to procure three drops of blood,
which are to be taken in a spoonful of
milk and repeated three days success
ively. If the patient was informed of
the composition it lost its efficacy. The
patients also were to creep head fore
most down some three pairs of stairs
three times a day for three successive
days. London Tit-Bits.
Ii-I"l Mushrooms In Soups.
The indiscriminate use of dried mush
rooms in soups and stews on the continent
has led to unfortunate results in ' many
cases, especially, it would seem, in Ber
lin, where the police are stated to have
issued a caution against their consump
tion. The assertion that poisonous fungi
are sometimes dried with edible mush
rooms is sufficiently probable to cause
no surprise. London Hospital.
fiOtTH DRLiliES, Wash;
In the last two weeks large sales of lots TflrtNerV
have been made at Portland, Tacoma, Forest in the WB
Grove, McMinnville and The Dalles. All wtlk,
are satisfied that B0t 911(1 Sh(Xr
North Dalles
Is now the place for investment. New Man- Comical
ufactories are to be added and large improve- ' ucw RlnPc
ments made. The next 90 days will be im- " BKI,
portant ones for this new city.
Call at the office of the fledlfeilioad
Interstate Investment Co.,
72 Washington St.. PORTT.ATTD Or
Staple anfl Fancy Groceries,
Hay, Grain and Feed.
Gheap Express Wagons flos. 1 and 2.
Orders left at the Store will receive prompt attention.
Trunks and Packages delivered to any part of the City.
Wagons always on hand when Trains or Boat arrive.
No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third. Sts.
pine Cigars and Tobaeeo
Pipes, Cigarettes and Smokers' Notions.
109 Second St., The Dalles.
Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes,
N. HARRIS. Corner Second and Court-st.
Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decora-
tions, Artists' Materials, Oil Faintinss, Chromos and Steel Enraviiias.
Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cornice Poles
Etc., Paper Trimmed Free.
ir' 3VE,clo to Order.
276 and 278, Second Street.
Clothier and Tailor,
Greuts' Fixrnlsliiiis G-oods,
tyat5 ai?d Qap5, Jrurj, ilalises,
Boots and Shoes, 3U"to.
Cor. of TM and WasMngton Sts, The Dalles, Oregon.
Furniture ITj.
Wire Wnrkc
. Tfilip PnttairPS
The Dalles, Or.