The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 09, 1891, Page 2, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered at the Poetofllce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class mutter.
Governor ...6. Pennover
Secretary f State. G. W. MeUrlde
Treasurer Phillip Metschau
Supt of Public Instruction E. B. MeElroy
-Congressman B. Hermann
State Printer Frank Baker
' Count v Judge ...C. N. Thoriibury
8herift . D. I Cute
t'lerk J. B. Cros'sen
Treasurer , Ueo. Kuch j H' A. I-eavens
commissioners Frank Kineaid
Assessor John E. Burnett
Surveyor. . . . E. F. Sharp
Superintendent of Publie Schools. . .Troy Shelley
Coroner William Miuhcll
It is only those countries that depend
on a single crop or industry that have
years of famine and disaster. Ireland
with a short potato crop is in destitu
tion. Kansas which depends entirely on
corn and wheat is an oft time sufferer
from drouth, the loss of the crops mean
ing destitution. Eastern Oregon while
being a great wheat country has never
known but one great crop failure, that of
1889, yet although some sections did not
.raise seed no suffering followed. The
reason is that besides her agricultural
pursuits she has a large stock industry.
The much legislated about wool came to
the relief of the farmer, and brought a
round million of dollars into the neigh
Iwrhood. Following this barren year to
the farmers, came the most destructive
"winter to the stock, especially the sheep
interests, the country ever knew a quar
ter of a million sheep dying in the coun
try tributary to The Dalles, yet no
suffering followed because the farmers
had good crops, and their wheat brought
money into the country for I1. The
moral is plain, and that country which
depends entirely upon one industry, in
the natural course of events must have
jeriods of want and destitution.
It is rumored on the coast that the
president is thinking seriously of ap
pointing a California man secretary of
the treasury, and that John E.- Swift
will probably be the man, as the presi
dent has a very warm regard for him. It
is needless to add that it is an idle ru
mor, and that Mr. Swift as well as Mr.
Failing must be satisfied with the un
satisfying honor of "personal mention."
We have never yet had a president who
relized that the Pacific coast amounted
to anything, or who recognized it as be
ing entitled to representation in the
cabinet, with the sole exception of Grant
and he had lived here. It is strange
that in the modern days of quick travel
that none of our presidents, except
Ctrant has ever visited the Pacific coast
eitner before or after their election. AVe
should make this a test matter in the
next election and any candidate for pres
ident who has not developed energy
enough to visit the Pacific coast, should
rje snowed under.
.me legislature nas put eleven more
days to sit; and draw pay, and it is not
at all likely that the time will be exten
ueu. xnia means mat every moment
must be utilized if really meritorious
bills are to receive attention. The
assessmeut law and the Australian ballot
law are most important general matters
and both of these are creating considera
ble dissension. Of the bills more of the
local character the portage railroad at
the locks, the district fair bill, the militia
pin, and the wagon road bills lead in
mporiance. uf course there will be
stacks of bills that will not be considered
that ought not to have been introduced
and these do not matter. Steady work
by the legislature in a line with the
party plat forms will enable it to "clear
its docket" in good shape, but we much
doubt the steady work being done.
The extent of the coal.discovery on the
Deschutes is not yet known, but it is a
hopeful sign that coal of a good quality
has been found there. When it is taken
into consideration that the Fossil coal is
of excellent quality and the field is ar
extensive one, the find on the Deschutes
is of considerable importance. Should
it prove extensive the future of The
Dalles would be hard to predict. With
. cheap and abundant fuel within twenty
miles, combined with her commanding
position as a natural trade center The
Dalles would soon outstrip all her rivals
and become the Pittsburg of the Pacific
coast. That the country southeast of
us carries considerable . coal cannot be
doubted, and its discovery and develop
ment should be prosecuted without de
lay. The Idaho legislature is trying to elect
a fourth Unjted States senator , and it looks
now as if Claggett would be elected, and
the settling of the dispute as to whether
he or Dubois is the legally elected senator
would be left to the senate. Claggett
is a man as far superior in ability
to Dubois as Dubois is to a Digger and
it is really to be hoped that he may
win. . He was crowded out by doubtful
methods at the election in December,
but has developed strength enough since
to re-open the fight and make it ex
tremely tropical for one of the gentlemen
who made the combine against him.
In 1890 Chicago
head of cattle.
handled 3,464,840
Hospital Surgeons Preserve the Life of a
Prematurely Born Infant.
In one of the wards of the Baby's Hos
pital at 657 Lexington avenue, a babv.
born prematurely, is thriving in an in
cubator. The expectation is that the
child will emerge from the incubator in
about two weeks about as well equipped
to enter upon the struggle for existence
as is the ordinary weeklv infant
The incubator is a box about three feet
long and 18 inches wide. There is a shelf
in the box which serves as the founda
tion for the thick bed of soft cotton upon
1- - 1- J1 .!! 1 1 - - . 1 1
wmcu uiejcuuu lies, oyer me oox is
placed a glass cover, one end of which is
slightly raised by a bit of wood for the
purpose of giving ventilation. The heat
is supplied through a tin tube about
three inches in diameter and is obtained
from kerosene lamps which are kept
burning day and night, regulated is to
the amount of flame by thermoneters in
side the incubator. The intention is to
keep the temperature inside the incuba
tor at about 92 degrees. Stretching,
twisting, rolling and squirming, the in
fant, whose life the hospital people have
unuertaicen to save, is passiner comforta
bly through the period of incubation.
and while at first sight at .him one is
somewhat shocked at his meagreness
ana skinmness, he gradually Grazes at
him contentedly, impressed and reassur-
ed by the history of his case as related
by the hospital physician and his nurse.
tal d! little boy was born about two
months in advance of the proper
ana nis mother aiea just as he
e came in
to the world. Had he at once been
placed in an incubator there would have
been no doubt but that he would do well.
But a friend of the boy's mother under
took to bring him up, and kept him in
her care for four weeks. When she turn
ed him over to the Babies Hospital he
weighed but three pounds and was
terribly emaciated. It was decided at
once that there was but one way to save
the little fellow's life and that was to
Eut him into an incubator. The boy
as steadily improved. He takes his
milk 12 times a day, part of it from the
bottle and part from the breast, and he
enjoys every mouthful. When he came
to the hospital he had practically but
one lung, the other had collapsed." To
day the collapsed lung has become ser
viceable again.
It seems almost too much to believe,
but there is a piobability that the help
less, pitiable atom in the box may de
velop into a strong, handsome man. The
nurse says that her chargi
day be "the President of
;e may some
the United
The Farmer's Earnest Prayer.
From the New York Evening Sun.
"The funniest thinerleverlisronel t "
said the oldest parson in the group, "was
the prayer of a sly old farmer in my first
congregation, a hard-headed, hard-fisted
fellow, with a strone senne of fi
The old man was a mad free trader, and
it happened that congress had just passed
some highly protective measure, which
had brought down the heaviest dis
pleasure of this man. Very soon after
the passage of the bill the M. f!. fnr
district returned to his home i n nnr
town for a few days and came to prayer
meeting, as he alwavs did. OIH h a front.
X. was there also and saw hi phmm
He couldn't areue with Cnnorpaamun t.
because the congressman could beat him
out of his boots at argument, anrl ho
knew it. But he got un after whiio
and began to Drav. He rravrl fnr tha
church and for foreign missions, and for
the president of the United States, and
then he gathered himself together for a
last effort. 'And now, Oh Lord, we
beseech Thee.' he said then he hai.
tated 'we would not put too hard a task
even for Omnipotence, but we do beseech
xnee, u inou canst, put a little common
sense into the heads of some of our legis
Anaj tne little rustle and ripple of
amusement that came to his ears as he
sat down brought a glow of proud grati
fication to his face that all the consola
tions of religion had never produced." '
The Union Pacific management have
held now hold the opinion that The
Dalles was unduly prejudiced against
them to the extent that they could not
get justice in this county. They should
recollect that while we complain of un
just treatment at their hands, that their
business before the courts is another
matter. As a matter of fact not one
fourth of the jury panel is drawn from
The Dalles, and it is an easy matter for
the company to get a jury from the
country at large if they so desire. We
do not believe there is a citizen of The
Dalles who would allow his personal
feelings toward the company, if he' had
any to influence his verdict as a jury
man. We have too high a regard for fair
play to allow our disputes over railroad
charges to lead us into being guilty of
tnat discrimination against which we
have been protesting.
On Hand.
r. M. Huntington fe "Y ,,,.,,.,
that they are prepared to make out the
necessary papers for parties wishing
to file on so called railroad lanrJ a r,r,i;
cants should have their papers all ready
before going to the land office so as to
avoid the rush and save time. Their
office is in Opera Ho"se Block next to
main entrance.
A prominent physician and old
surgeon in eastern Iowa, was called away
from home for a few days ; during his ab
sence one of the children conr.rreH o
severe cold and his wife bought a bottle
of Chamberlin's Cough Remedy for it.
They were so much pleased that they
afterwards used several bottles at var
ious times. He said, from experience
with it, he regarded it as the most reli
able preparation in use for colds and that
it came the nearest being a specific of
any medicine he had ever seen. For
sale by Snipes & Kinersly.
Eighty thousand strangers visit New
York daily..
The question haa hn aoVoJ t
what respect are St. Patrick's Pill's bet
ter than anyother?" Try them, You
will find that thev Drodnce a ni
cathartic effect, are more
their action, and that they not oniv
physic but cleanse the whnl
regulate the liver and bowels. For sale
at 2o cents per box by Snipes & Kinersly.
Philadelphia has
Send him. as a mi&flirtnanr omn
countless profane and fallen of his race.
'With Mr Body I Thee Woranin.
When the wedding service of the
Church of. England was adopted for use
in this country the adoring sentiment in
the above line was dropped out of it, the
Protestant Episcopal church retaining
the word "obey" in the woman's vow.
Now, it is easy to see that there was no
great risk in the promise to obey a man
who had just pledged himself to "en
dow" his wife "with all" his "wordly
goods," and also to worship her. The
attitude of possessing all that the poor
fellow owned, and of having him be
sides in the attitude of "adoration,"
might be supposed to be fully the equiv
alent and balance to the word "obey."
As it now stands the promise to obey is
only balanced by the equally neglected
promise, to give the wife all that the
man owns. '.
Neither is carried out, although the
last one is frequently made sound, for
the first time, by the husband's last will
and testament. If be does not live up to
his bridal promises he frequently dies
down to them. Taken as traditions that
convey the sentiment of an entire onion
of interests, obligations and desires, the
whole service should be . restored, if
poetry is to rule. Taken as the common
sense contract solemnized in the midst
of the most sacred surroundings, the
word "obey" ought to go out promptly,
since the correspondingly worshipful
words of the old service were dropped
but long ago. Philadelphia Ledger.
Discontent Among Railroad Clerks.
A. railroad clerk m this city writes:
Will yon oblige many railroad clerks by
saying inai we are the most dissatisfied
" uimmessr .a. raiiroaa cierK is
seldom advanced on account of merit
I know many who have been at the same
desks and for the same salary for years
and years, and they are acknowledged
to be valuable and competent. The men
under whom they work are not to blame
because they are not advanced. The
fault is at the fountain head. The di
rectors of most companies live in the
east and in London and other European
Whenever one of those directors has a
Bon or nephew, or the son or nephew of
sumo iimueutiai mend, ne sends him out
west to take a position in the office of
the company of which he is a director,
and the young man gets a fat place.
Please understand that we do not blame
the young man. As a rule he is a gen
tlemanly fellow and does his. work to
the best of his ability, and some of them
have done well. But it is poor encour
agement to an old timer to see this prin
ciple in vogue. I do not believe it pre
vails in any other line of business. Chi
cago Tribune.
A Mouse in a Surplice.
We have heard of a "bee in a bonnet"
and a "flea in a man's ear," but never
until a few days since of a "mouse in a
surplice." It happened, however, that
on a Sunday morning, when a par
sonic visitor was unearthing from the
parish chest a spare surplice, there fell
out from its folds a nest containinsr sev
eral brown mice. Anent the church tr ty
ing mouse a capital story is told. A cer
tain venerable dignitary, remarkable for
a profusion of white hair, was one day
leaving his cathedral when he thought
he felt something moving under his hat.
This creature he endeavored to capture,
uui m vain, un arriving home, how
ever, it was discovered that a small
mouse had taken up its abode in the ca
nonical hair. Possibly this little creat
ure was deputed by a chapter of cathe
dral mice to plead before the benignant
canon their proverbial poverty. He,
they thought, being a large hearted man,
might take their case into consideration.
Pall Mall Gazette.
About Writing One's Name.
People who sigh their letters with
wild flourishes, or initials only, and give
no address, offer one of the worst of
compliments to their correspondent by
egotistically assuming that their hand
writing must be of such familiar impor
tance to him, or that they and their
affairs are so present to his mind that
further identification is unnecessary.
Having their signature cut from the end
of a letter, and the address from its
heading pasted on the envelope which
incloses a reply, is a bad compliment
which many persons bring upon them
selves by an unpardonable illegibility.
It is a singular fact the accidental mis
spelling or mispronunciation of one's
name generally constitutes a greater
anroni ana is provocative of more an
noyance than a studied insult All the
Year Round.
Germany's Celebrated Libra rv.
In Germany, fifty of the largest libra
ries have a total of 12.700,000 volumes;
in this country the same number of li
braries have 6,100,000 volumes, and in
England 6,450,000. One hundred and
twenty-five librarians and assistants are
employed in the celebrated Mudie's cir
culating library in London. The pro
prietor, Mr. Charles Mndie, who died at
the age of 72, founded the library thirty
two years ago, and it has now 25,000 sub
scribers. Its annual income is 100,000.
New York Ledger.
Sitting Ball's Pipe.
George Connor has in his possession a
relic which he prizes very higjhly. It is
nothing less than a pipe which Sitting
Bull had in his possession when killed.
It was sent to Mr. Connor by an ac
quaintance who took, it from the dead
chiefs body, - and vouches for its gen
uineness. The pipe is a quaint looking
affair. Manchester Union. .
Honesty the Best Policy.
He (trying to play a trump card) As
Ipassed your house last evening I thought
I heard an angel sing.
She (stiffly) I was at the theatre last
evening. Mrs. Mulhooly and her twins
were at our house visiting the cook.
Good News.
In France steam races are not per
mitted. Instead, an official test of the
power, speed and steadiness of locomo
tives on different lines of the republic
has been made, and a prize awarded to
the winner.
Notice to Ftiel Con sumers
Have on hand a lot of
Fir and
Hard Wood.
Also a lot of
Office corner
Third and Union Streets,
Wholesale ami Retail Dmiists.
Fine Imported, Key West and Domestic
(J. E. BiYAI(D CO.,
Heal Estate,
and Loan
Opeira House Block, 3d St.
Carpets anil Furniture,
And be Satisfied as to
Leatfing-?- Jeweler.
All Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
. 138 Second St., The Dalles. Or.
H. Glenn has removed his
office and the office of the
Electric Light Co. to 72
Washington St. "
... un iMiiMiiMMMtjlMMajA,
The Gate City of the Inland Empire is situated at
the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and
is a thriving, prosperous city. A
It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agri
cultural and grazing country, its trade reaching as
far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over
hundred miles.
The rich grazing country along the eastern slope
of the the Cascades furnishes pasture for thousands
of sheep, the wool from which finds market here.
The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping
point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being
shipped this year.
The country near The Dalles produces splendid
crops of cereals, and its fruits cannot be excelled. It
is the vineyard of Oregon, its grapes equalling Cali-
iUimaB oesx, ana its otner fruits, apples,
prunes, cherries etc., are unsurpassed.
The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia,
yielding this year a revenue of $1,500,000 which can
and will be more than doubled in the near future .
The products of the beautiful Klickital valley find
market here, and the country south and east has this
year filled the warehouses, and all available storage
places to overflowing with their products.
It is the richest city of its size on the coast, and its
money is scattered over and is being used to develop,
more farming country than is tributary to any other
city in Eastern Oregon.
Its situation is unsurpassed! Its climate delight,
ful! Its possibilities incalculable! Its resources "un
limited! And on these corner, stones she stands.
: For the Best Brands and Purest
J. o.
Ufyolesale : Ijcjuor : Dealer,
(Successor to E. BECK.)
Jewelry, Diamonds,
watches, Clocks and Jewelrv
Repaired and Warranted.
165 Second St.. The Dalles, Or.
John Pashek,
Third Street, Opera Block.
Madison's Latest System,
Used in cuttine garments. . and a. fit
guaranteed each time. -
Repairing and Cleaning
Neatly and Quickly Done.
Quality of Wines and Liquors, go to :-
The successful merchant is
the one who watches the mar
kets and buysto the best advan
tage. The most prosperous family is
the one that takes advantage of
low prices.
The Dalles
Successor to
will sell yon choice
Groceries and Provisions
REMEMBER we deliver all pur
chases without charge.
Farm" Situated on Three Mile creek akout
two and one-half mllea from The Dalles, will be
leased for one or more years at a low rent to any
responsible tenant. This farm bas upon it &
f;ood dwelling house and necessary out build
ngs, abou. two acres 'of orchard, about three
hundred ares under cultivation, a large portion
of the land will raise a good volunteer wheat
crop in 1891 with oMinnrily favorable weather.
The farm is well watered. For terms and particu
lars enauire of Mrs. Sarah A. Moore or at theoUioe
of Mays, Huntington fc Wilson, The Dalles, Or.
eAJiAn A. uuusfi, executrix.