The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THURSDAYS,- METEOBOLOaiOAl54BEPO'E'Tur Pacific Coast Time. (J M. :.41 30.41 Rela tive! Hum 98 D't'r X of 2. S.1V I State uf Cloudy Maximum. tcmperntur .".-V. in , 44iTjiitmijm tem ii JulVJtiv fo date, 2.91 ; average precipitation irom juiy to aate. WTtATHKU'l'ltOBABILITIES i i Tat rE)'tfi.TtA T.iiiirt ' .ma lie ru rift n?. 1.1 ! t Total pi"'firtatioii U1 t:t 7 I FAIR -ht Weather forecast till p. Stationary-. A. J. Wall, of Eight Mile, made us a pleasant call to-day. Fifteen cars were loaded with wheat from Moody's warehouse Wednesday. Frank W. Mitchell, head bookkeeper for Mitchell & Lewis of Portland, is ii m "i r i e wnu. si Anderson shipped two double carl(jiiW of ahe.eH' itd tfiillao&ullt Sidney Young returned this morning from Salem where he has been visiting friends for several days. J. A deckVid! cailcfcufstT of, sheep and Victoria Wednesday night. ScWoof Aperfrandn Abel P who: has, been visiting the school at Cascade Locks came u$ oh this: morning's rain; Deerlnike who, shot. h.imself some time ago;5s nearly rtsoveredJ amf' we under stand expects to start home in a few days. Mr. Henry Deckert, who fell down the fftairs at the Jackson House Monday is paralysed on his right side from the -injuries received. , V The forfeited railrod lnda,-ifto-open for settlement and Mr. Hugli Gourlay, made the first application at this office under the new law to-day. We peci' ufwtf'nlav. Thev were shown bv . Mr. Norf$iC "apaUi8ftgai) of ffMliif We had. the pleasure of examining. com A Splendid Guard Mount. The "guard mount" and honpt A and C ieS rfc hie 3d aeeghneflt at the At1s wa9a3teliant affair. iiaejaisemby; scran jled,.8 : 30, thw fgirrVa8 "Sllfkp except the space , reserved for the '"sojer boys." Four hundred and fifty chairs had been i pro videtLliut-thy wou Id not seat half HjiwSf1: 45 "guard mount" commenced, the boys going tnrougn tne drill in an excellent, manner, and shpw- 4ngiaT)rinfriteB5 brmcjee-jn5 PtllECl The new 3d Kegmient Dana rarnisnea .theinneie, -dv-tahooglr itpmJjeei) Jfiraiticlhf buVa few month's dicf exceed- feld's band came in,.andbous.evepsty; coupJeV tdioQ j&rinirfeTgwtnriaft- In one .quadrille forty-two,ets-werejon, thflofr-, anldT&Wie icrwdmaridie- Armory did not seem to be diminished. Dancing was kept up until att$h t- oMk" this morning. It was certainly the larg est crowd that ever attended a social gathering in this city, and A and C Company can justly feel proud of the interest taken infthefS7y It was the best Guard MmwSjeve( saw outsidf the Kftnv, Aowiifg fliat-iiiboth officers and men are taking a deep interest in their work, and indicating that the 3d intends to make the other regiments of the state j''jretJirn andjdrillMf. ttusg) CTjgrtrto--faijl according "t o 'their nunibers-; The U. S. land office is now. receiving filings -on railroad land Jmd we. are PTPI pared TO maKe out ail iiecenaary papcra. -TiiohnbukyA Hitusox. j 'Thellalles, Or J ait 22, 191;.; Hi "7 Oregon Star Trand 6f hams at the Cen tral Market at 15 cents. O. t t. 1 !' :ai ! JU nunc, cuugu ui puiii. iui i-cina, tj. i. ""( f- '' ' - - St. Firet eome,i first servea.. i r.-:.rn:'i Indies w ishinft.tQ work done in dressmaking'- :wiQJplease'call' ori Mrs. C. L. Schmidt, Masonic block, Third strc-et. From Society to Socialism. ...... iSpeVitrtpg of minietera Reminds me o a Uttle story I bejrr refcetltly. Hugh O. Pehteeost, who stirf tel out as a Baptist preacher, broke away from his church, ran for mayor of Newark, N. J., and ie now editor of Twentieth Century. He married, a very prominent .society girl of Harttrfn,JhJh0n $ears iagi.N Their wedding was a very swell affiur. quality. Captain George Thompson trifrosiejcjtkt3 jt-jflrjinXiii fpgf)iff(r; is liTghfy pleased with it, claiming it is nearUysw gppdfasimberVipdj fy1 article elsewhere v in this" issue 'is good reading oa s-jsubject. fffi( (s ATodv of the instructions which will - be isud, -tf -the- registers jaad jrecetvrgf tAjT f I of the 4ahd office "has been" received Gy f.Tlfljrnbury !k Hudson from their corres- f jKJndent in Washington. It is therefore probable that the instructions will be in the land offices before many days, to- yA-fterwa Mr-.I'etitjecest acipeptd aTrnhf fsom apd after this date, ... r pit rh Brxfoklytf-atWeAlafytf tl0,t)0a' aj jfj;rii-&Bp.i pcdMUf. j I yearv Everything seemed brightrfor the r ." '- "Treas. Wasco Co., Or. tjiffa g.otpl4. JJTJe YdMwafcAnaoThy and popular, the preacher was eloquent. arnis .ana snoceasrHfe r crcrrr r r iA:feV nigttV affcixs-oWbldirienas ol Mri Pentecost, who had known Jhf r inX. ttie;ilay4 Miei.ifi''6honef ai a.socifeiyf J belle, went to hear her husband address wcrk&jJpesroA the jeafe aide'. lucu oBLuiiiauuieiii w lit . n jrirN. 'Employment Bureau. ! Ha worth & Thurman3jlr'.CtwtjSf W . JJUUUC Ull 1UIUC1 U JULJkl D. : Nebraska corn at Joles Bros.' 'i ' ' ' : Lard irhbalk a.GentratIariket-j Q For coighr and coidsW 23? ' Fresh Iowa Butter at Maier & Ben- (uiubiJiKvtJsiiielii-iiuUW. A. JKirby's, 10ents per pound. Does S. B. get there,?. ,. "I .should mile." S. B. It'- ili;.-Coai(t(i..i.f . IlUfiJBita,, -T' .' Alliance, Box BottlCQunty,.Nb.m?- I mahes a case rsTirgeKiDtaj.and oieBttrtp f Sliced hams, bonelese. hams, ham. sau sage jtridcrie)d fiU Ceptrl bAjkt ine uesi niung paniaioons 01 me latest style are made, bv John Fashek in Opera House block on Third street. 1 237.ghrup fpmfjwrfiia Btandp Guinea ciddrttiiJt that rlnkiaseitrBfeJ-Qaeph Snipes & Kinerslev's. Joles Bros.? is ihe boss place to buy groc-eries. u . ,. ,.,r;t.,J;. You need not cough! Blakelej- & Houghton wt;cui;e.ifc,forp cent4. T,5R, Thel:iriAest' '"-fetock' of IveTwaW';eve'r brought to The Dalles at W. E. Garret dons, Secondstreeti' : . Snines & Kinerslv.are anxious to enre jour heatache-ior oO cents. SB.i-ai The largest COFFp;E.MILLand the fin est line ptTeus Coffee.s.and Spices ever 'brought- to .the cityat 62-Secohd- street. "r For a lame back, a piiin in the side or chest, or for tootache or earacliej proinpt relief may be had bv, using Chamber lain's , Pain yPaJm.y , It, is .reliable., For sale by Snipes &.. Kiiiersly. '', ' ' ' ,,. Those easy chairs made by Livermore & Andrews are the neatest thing of the kind eversmaleTiey are jnst the-. thing for your-ior;hi or iawn iA--tle fcshiirierv and" are as comfortable and easy as an old shoe. Call and see them at 7" Court street. shotfrun. sLiThs :nftf.eiplode4i! atrikinK the boy mrite; forehe,:jus$;above, );lie fcJBeTBi thftskullEi Throngh,, the aid ,pf & companion who was i.witb; him jh ladj- waa taken home and Pr. Wi H. gmitlv riyaa snpTOoned,Ti;.fjy. a7 . At-sight of the.wotm4' .was -t rarprised to find the boy alive, but judge ' of iia amazement when, probing , the J V. r i i 3 a ii . had boen in the stock imbedded fully au inch; .and .half in? the- brajn, ,, Furtheir probing brought, to; iigitltwa.ipiecea iojti the; bpy .hat.brra a4 four piepes o( tfod. sknl xne, he: largest, of i wWh .was nearly-the, size of a silver doUarv : f.n tha, operation the dqctor;alHO. foqnd it necesr sary .to remove . about. :balf; an ronncp .of, the .braiji; it8elfn 2Jti i-BpmethinE, oa- surgcal antbority haarecorded aapoB& ble, ,1lint heje if is proved. The. injured : boy haTbeefl.wncjioua erer since the accident, and nnless. blood poisoning; sets. i every chaacse of recovering,.! .v.r.yH'.l An Boot and Sfcoe.. i . .-. FACTORY,' - ., - -r,: wire woricsr fttmMt m$JM MPtjS BRIDGE ments,, made.- The next 90. iays will" Be im- ' Lverii - St,:J:oseph News. 1VT" J I .,3 KOI 'Si Hi itCTH '--' 'Sit ic.t ; ' boy, jlyearaofge, residgjinjthatir V.inArt the v last twoweeks f large Siales Of lots , TDKlMBfiV places waanthnni.toArjwtrld.-W W . ..n ..; Jiv:-.i ic-ii I:"-; V,,,'v , .A ti-lpiany v e; peeii, :iuaie, at. jr-on lana r-o a acoma , . orest ttrvCwMcMiupyaJW, aiaThe Ialles. are satisfied that'0 - :!:;:' The Newi IM ORrrH Dalles -3: portajfttones: for thisj newcity. j i : ii 3 Ca 11: at; the ofnee of; the -. ;f.s Vi-i5-1' ; uintoJT B ? 3.1) IWitfrtJ' i 11V rOfio V,'.!-! 1 w-1" - 't-- -;v,7S Washington St'ORTL ANT); Or. . 'Mil : W-r All icounty vrran!tsjregister9d prior .to eptemDer i, inn, win ue paiu n pre sented at mv office. 1 -Interest ceases : "'IT . , .. .1..':! 'I ' The . Kindly: 9Lastln Spofc for, He. r. That, was : ne passage, between the, J executive of Kentucky and .the wife of he condemned man,, who went to Frank fort., Friday to ask ; ipr i a. pardon.. ( Sh. had presented her papers and 6at breattn lesa while the arbiter of her fate perused then; - and, as she, waited, . mastiff, the playmate of thp governor's little, son a beast not given, to strangers-uncoiled himself from the rpg, where be had been lying,- and ijame up in that friendly way- which. only:rdogs know , howLr to affect, j with,, perfect sincerity, and, seeing sns- I pense- and pain in the agitated . features of the, poor woman, he put his pawsv gentiy.npon her ..knew nd, began toUck-.i her .hands. . 0 The govjmoi;..finished ' .the: papers, and, the. petitioner, wa bout Xo . speak when the. grim old soldier ,saitq -X "At not necessary, madam;, the dog has spoken for you," and straightaway; signed ths,, document-which was ,tp rej lease, a dying -man .from .prison : and r enr able hini, toga to his grave from his own. home. Louiaviile Courier-Journal.-, iuvtr l-.'T'-'- :v : - IJ'K : : DEALERS W tapieaRttsFancyfBraGeneSy Hay; Grain; and Feed. ',1 I,', . !;,. .t.. if i Express Wagons ;los; 1 and 2. 13, 1890. S. L. YOUNG, (Successor ttflB-J-Uik K.) gether with a list of landa, subject to en try under thrfqtoewt. ft 9 i?K:&a W18, Tf are what cause the1eemingly nnecessarv lelav, rrI6ea7W' 'i-rrtfils hiSBri , ierfBT 6ril the windows of the Chroxiclk office, an unanswerable argument on the equable ness of our climate, and.urolifia vliimvc ter of our soil. .X41 ! H Al fit t The Oregonian has the largest circu lation of any daily, Sunday or weekly pa . per.wesof tlBjocfc pponntjrijisjr; and' in order to further increase its circula tion -they. hv'e-fieleted witl-greatj eaw a large list of valuable licxiks, and" other em .as subscriber ' to Pentecost came out on the stageand. Jit- tired intdoSt sJMlimgarbi18atr-fd phe assemblage a revolutionary song. She has been a most loyal wife. She has sup ported her husband in every step he has taken, and hna been of get servioe to fhier-tfQtMfltladiets' present etfreer as a singer of socialistic songs is picturesque. New of the ljjadiea'Auxiliary. recently Jai .the c5orr rlllW fj". "5 iJnrsteiiei of Hle:--MJO: build- lord, a place in JvUcfcitat comity, seven at Baneor. Me. Of the $40,000 so inileq from The Dalles. Ptt.-flfleeisupMtj far 'TJaloT in" bhrieTKnnMe?inari5i6 1 were grown in neiu, anu iney are women oi uangor nave given $I3,0UU, both headed oiit.r Theiatalkajare eigh-y awVi.t-is X bpped thatypangSwoiBen tages ot tne buiiamg wnen completed. of San Fran- 9: &2et . , 'Wi"-1,Zr . r. . i.r. jv iv .Kill 1 1'.ULUL IM I MfU ! a.IllUHLU; ULUUinJ.i 7p useful articles ndl aige. offerhig, th"i pr enri u h i4 to ' eachr "ii&vt Bubscril pre: any of it several issues for yearly sub scriptions. 1 The C)rona'"liould xs Jip very household. Send for premium list to the Orfyoia4Si3?uTt)JIdlupgicoropany Portland, Oregon. . Fq'ijCut',' brui8XbHin36crscal3, tlieii is nothing equal to Chamberlin's Pain Bahn r jt heals the parts rtnore, quickly tbailAiiv other ap'f4icfttioh,-jand bnlesfl the injury is very severe, no scar is left. For jjnipes 4erKinerty ;. r ( j Board of Trade Mertlng. There wiir be" a )neetitig of; JTife Board of trade to-night at 8 o'clock sharp. Busiiieesi ofj great ; importance s to be transacted and every member is reques . i , i . The question has been asked, "In what respect are St. Patrick's Pills bet ter than any other?" Try them, You will find that they produce a pleasanter their action, and that theot-oniyrmu8tfT nhvsic but cleanse the'whote svetieniaiirl'ri -4. -r regulate the liver tmd''bow"eis:i Fbrsaie at 25 cents per box by Snipes & Kinersly Wife of Another Man. is now .on trial at the mete- orologapiil ,Qtt)G$ .at Jatopltbolm.; which, seems likely, to, throw,. sonie..Ughton a s,nbject which hitherto, has .been attend:: determinftQn.-r ot,, tne-patn-0taKen pyj storms. From the.telegraphac weather re ports tables of the. density of .tha atmos- pherp hav.Q, been constfucted," and othe? : data.iflvsivei beeni 'coDected which . have been embodied .in' special charts,! ;o..t .v ThjBff chfvrs aref oun4 to.gietTinncji i, more,are4ble;.lew tp. theL.nioyementai ,ii J - ; : . - e 1 .1 . 1 1 ! met o44quparsoBpf 4wbarsand (.! lsotnsms toA,n Hines .latest-ijnvestiga.ti .j j tionshosy that storms move Jn,, the uh recti'p oh; .warmast; and dampest aii paraiie)j tp-the . qaai. densityiu leavjjng , the .- jraxer aix t?t the right hand, . ... :iV5wsd 6'taa ;u:i swssaii w The JVlesaiah craze nng the; Indians t,.:..r b 4.-C ,: ' 1. 1 x 1 . .r vi vea mtejeest anythang that , pertains 1 . to the .fluer, delusions and beliefs. jthat I have, been rtf.e among ,thfc different tribe I for thepast centiiryi, "VJtt iia remembered nowtwtUin i883vte.':JSnppala, a small tribet in wbat y,aa . thei .Washipgtqn ter-; ritory' bwanie.greatly agitated over, the teachings of an old chief who .professed ij to beneve that another flood was near at hand. Orders left at'tbetcre wiliieceiye". prompt attention,. . ... ........ ;. , 1',.. -'i - , ..;-,-, - Trenks and' Packages' tIllV(?rfed id ahV'part of the'L Cityi" , im:rr,w .. .J:; .? . iiiuat rbr. v7 -"v' Wagons' always owhand wheitTrains or Boat arrivee. '1 No 22Con Washihon and Third. Ste. : rnt;-V07 V.K'Tr.'l r. .-.! i .naifct.UC.i'j'I. 7t II ;;i-:-t .!..!.. .... . ' 7:1 r.'::'; Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Mrs. Olive Washburn, ijcisbdi is lt)Cto deyq'id ihe bulk of her tbrtnne io founding '-Rationalist col ony in California. Bellamy's "Looking Backward" thepries are to be followed, - and. all -peopleTof -good f meral r character will be adinrttedi Irrespective of religions belief. Over $100,000 will bespent in bniiaings'aind Xmpriie&eiiisu?" rj ii i . - iTM.t1ri1tKnr1tKr,.,.V. Ctrfrt - m wo a t I h g successful merchant is herrtEdnarttenbh:''it'''fs'"Verv lielvTthe on who watches the mar; u f ecoi id St ,',The lalieV)r: 5:J- DEAtEK IN Pipes Cigarettes - and Smokers' " Notions- IjIV Lli bs- lit U-isr.a: a-i s' - v--1 '' v vit tti ivnsrxv ; : v5iT . n-s: THE -SMOKER S . IIPOIUUM. tdvinr 1 vi-vliSxr-iiJi f 1-1 et, that the emnress of Austria Trill tro to case she will probably cruise on this side of the Atlantic dnring - that greater tpbr-. uuu uj. ucaii jcaL. iuo viuynxo utts con ceived a with to visit Cuba, Jamaica nod Meapo-JlIOfl -3(1 QtU lO i One of the three danfrhters of .Tnha n. had a handsome allowance in the way of money f roin boxner. r Instead of spending q ims on nun gowua auu aptu meuu tuns naid for two years the tuition, and- ex penses of a-- girl "from ihe country who i was not able to pay them herself. rT -.(,'" t "f;t --r " For lovers 'of "condiments and highly ppiced dishes it is a simple-thing to work ;up i'" French, dressing into i'an .ientirely different article by adding a pinch of celery sauce, a dish of curry, or horse radish, a few drops of caper or Worces tershire sauce and a spoonful of French rkets'hd buys tb the bestadvan- 1 .'t '" - I, -.t',-. ', ; .m; Tjl.llii 'hi 1 T,The' rnost prosperous family is' the one that takes advantage of low prices;. vi!!;':i';r;iT NbwjRorj9; Janv-?22: Siirfoga tte jTanrf som" fiecided thFs afternoon ' that the - mandate, of; Eya I- Hamilton to,.-)Ibert Ra'HamHton waa void ahll that1 slie 'i s still jtho wife of . Jlann. i 1 f ri 9 s J - 55 .. ? He said that the Ureat SDirit had commanded, Jtdin, tcoliec'tj '; tribute, and build' an, 'ark; tha would "outride" the. 'II '..-J.- -. .... ' L f . . . ' waves v, ,,0,13 anoeA 1 oy5ao!j leei. is still d 6e seen in,' an' unfinished condi tion" near1 one of , th ti'utaries of ,.th IX3olumbia.j7pt'.j'Iuisfee.pnp lh-,' Park Wilson1, i 'well known character about1 .WwnT1 was 'sent t'6; 1 jail by J ustice Hansinan, at ,t!haiilbersb'nrg,' Pa., " Deci 10, for eighty ;days for swearing' eighty. ' profane .'oaths." Under1 the Pennsylvania i"blne laws' act pt 179'the ' penalty , for profatte Swearing is sixty-seven cents for each 'oath' ipr ' ;in" default ' .Of1' payment thereof" one" 'day in' jail for each,' oath WilBon'wonld not '' pay1 a ' fine of S57.30 for the oaths indulged In'Sathrday night," 1 so he went to jail for' eighty' days. A conviction under the bine laws is a very rare occurrence in Pennsylvania." Balti-. ,.more Aiherican. " "' ",' . " ' ' . ', ' MERMNT(LCf Succensor to- BROOKS .& BEERS.:. DIED. In This taty Jan.!22d.i af lo'clocki- a." rao -Mrs. Nettie" Bost: The" funeral took place t lis afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bost mov- fiyhere from the Big 'BendtfuHBgheR winter, mrs. tiost is the daughter of John Hinkle of Silverton. She leaves a family of five children. ". General Booth is ooiifidenf bf compleS ing the 100,000 required for hifs scheme to redeem ''Darkest England" ; next week. He has arranged to hold on the - 30th Thanksgiving services in Exeter hall. It will be in some sense a service of exultation oyer, the Times, and other enemies that have-tried to' prevent'--hiin ', from getting money L! ffonr years ago.iMJssji.Iietia Woodard. living on Thorn creek, Wash., sowed the seed from one head of barley. She bar yested the crop with a pair of shears. !; and-sowed-the amput rreeeived the iiextK year, again nar vesting it wilii iiei euciun. The, third crop- hec father, cnt- with a grass scythe, gettingenongb'barley frowJ this crop to sow forty acres last spring, which averaged forty bushels tj the acre when thrashed, making a -total yield of l.OCQ Jonah els froia one head of ; barley in foufyearsU tJil:J Ji. ijjltJJdx ? i88oif has taken line Jobn Wan- The jcivilAervice.. a vervsmooth wa namaker a liar. John stated some time ago that one-third to one fourth of the men furnished by the commission, have pot proved satiefctory..The commission shows that nine.-tehths iof these men are still kept in? the service,? also that the figures oi Wannamaker's own report con tradicted themselves. You can safely judge a man bv the dassof-mea wbo.pat hinvon'the back. ' i. - A sausage skin is a ground hog case. ; ;,: ,'will sell; yoa choice.'..r:.:,;(,;;, : T Groceries arid Provisions . .,., : . . .1 ... . . .- i r-.-it-NOC AU, KINDS. ANDi-n: .v : ii ' : .!.-, .. v. .. . -, ... ., v.! .! .' -lOVV! -l-.ll-. -I..; ..),! AT MORE BEASONABLE8 KATE '- THAN ANV OTHER PLACE : : jl i nr. i A x . 3 R E M E M B ET ' "we1 'deliver , 11 , pur chases without charge. . . "-" 1 390 & 3p4:Scdp5St. CV.'fT i'.-.."i'.'.- t: ill ' v " -MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS- IN st;i:x' i.-iv ".ivlilT" ?T .j.. ,., ... ; . ,,. c.): t-ilhi I '! FURNITURES GARPETS. Un and ' Erribalmers. ; . , no. i og SKCC)N d ; stkeet:; V ' , ; Ii Ov M ICKELSEN, -i " " ? C$500 J Reward ! 13 l We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint DyspepfSHi Sick Headache. In digestion, Constipation or CostivenesB we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfac tion.-' Sugar Coated. Large boxes containing 30 Pills, 23 cents. Beware of counterfeits and Imi tations. The gennine manufactured only by THE JOH" C. WFST COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. i BI. AKEIET HOFOKTON,; 1 1 ' Prescription Druggists; 176 Second St. The Dalles, O. -T:''1 A Peat In Phototrnphy. Washington' " comrnandery,5 ' Knights Templar, Hartford;' have made arrange ments "'with '- a photographer to take an immense -composite' photograph ' of the members' of the commandery. : There will be between three arid' four hundred ' in the1 photograph,'' the front ones being about: ; three-fourths -size; '- The ' picture will Si'by I0i feel It will take about 'ayearto finish1 it,' and the cost will be $1,000. 'When completed the photograph will be placed in the comiaandery room. Boston Transcript. " " . - li is said that ' Marshal Prim was dis gustedNvith; hia 'pbrtrait oh horseback painted' by Henri' Regnanlt.Jand ' asked the artist why he had made hl'm look tike a, coal heaver. The painter packed up his canvas and left for' Paris. Prim waa as-' sassinated and Regnanlt was killed by the Germans 'beforeis Paris. ' 'NOW the artists-: are so fond '"of - he picture ' that" there-was a sensation:-the other day be cause it was temporarily absent from its place in the Louyre. r .,, T .,.. , ,;. In an examination , of ' a" man' ; charged .with insanity before' the insane commis- sjori of Greeley" county, Neb. ', last week, a witness wno testineo xnax ne inougni the man insane gave, among other v rea sons for this conclusion; that the patient washed his face three times a day. ' ' ' " ! Eldad Marsh, in the ninety-third year of his age, the oldest man in Henniker.' N. H.;'voted at the election.,on Nov.;4.' Mr. Marsh cast his first vote for James Madison, 'and lias riot missed voting' at an election since. : ',,- .-.I .... . - ( , .. ,,..(.,: : ,mw i;. ::i::u:, J:,f.:, ...i.-rDEALER Vr. ,'.',-.: '. "; - BOOKS AND MUSIC. Cor. of Tuiri and ' f asUngton StsV The Dalles," Oregon. H. C. NI "-' : l.i! i fw.Vi v. :i Is". :!' :."U v.- ' n i-iW :..t:; i;.-. J r. il. tit)! ' '.nil ''G:oixtls, tyats ai?d ;aps, Xrupl, iJalises, : tooti t--.ll ' Sb.6es, , Uto. tiORNEB OF,;SCOND. AND.-.WASHINGTON -: For the Best Brands ani PuitQalitjr.;oT"Wln6s.' imVi 'lAqhoiil, 'go 'W : Uboles'ale : liciuor ' ' !;r.-,.v y.,.r. ' ... ST rx Oi'l : Dealer, J 17 SECOND a. THE DA LLEIS , ' 6 R '