THE FORFEITED LMDS. be requirect to show that no perjron" has Notice to Fuel Consumers in good taitn asserted tne rignx w a tre-embtion or homestead Seetsl upon the land sought, to be pjfEchased. THE DALLES WZ - 3- OR The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Entered at the Postofflwe at Hbeti as HecOndlfiMs puitter. rr 8TAT5.0FFICIAJLS. "Governor " r .V. r - :t. PciVhoyei" retary of State. .- asurer. pt. of Public Instruction Benators O. W. MoBiide Phillip MetM-han ...E. B. McElroy J. N. Dolph J. H. Mitchell B. Hcrmiuiii Congressman . state ranter.- Frunk Buker- ,-t f CQMTTC OFFICIALS. Sheriff. .!.!.: Cuti-s Clerk Treasurer, j . . I , -U : a j -i j ' rHifc Comirrfsrfuueia..l. I.. JKlV,.r Kiriciua. Assessor , -. John E. Burnett Survevor. . K. F. Sharp Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy Plielley Coroner. . : .-. . : h . . .&. . ..William SlieheAl Tim Ffmtio;vi Mr. JiortpjrtJi jqaining vngiiift!i:r and manager of the coal mines near Fossil is in townanr has lit? hid room-,'1 "Htr- 4y in- the Fraeer house ott Vhibil street,' it :siun- j pie of coal ' froin : 'ther inines -w-hiclV all who desire;ihe'prosperity aiid ! adviln'cb-' ment Of our cityi wight to iiispect; "--It is from' the seani' ' they ' are ' 'working ' this winter and is unddubtetlly the "best' coal so far discoveretl on the Pacific coast. Mr. Thompson, : of ThonipBon &,Far gher, was around, looking; at.;, the -coiil yesterday, and ohtaind a few. pounds for practical test.. He took it - up to his blacksmith shop, and his partnor in the presence of about half a dozen citizens, cleared out his fire and with the Gilliam county coai heiiteU two and made a perfect weld. pieces of ' iron ' The wav'" the' coal burned was a surprise' to both gen tlemen, .'there is not a. trace of sulphur in it, and it gives a clear bright tii from start to finish. They unhesitatingly pronounce it far ' and . away the. best native coal they, have ever, used on this coast, and almost'- equal- to j the! famed Cuiiilerland coal: "Mi1. 'Thbrnbson has tak'n'pains to investigate the' iii.erits .of the various local coals, including. British Columbia, the Pound,; Roslvrif and' Rocfc springs coal',' and this Oregon coal is the nrst ne mis testeu with satisiactory re sults. Mr. .Norton informs Us that Mr. Morris the- .blacksmith .-:at .Eossil.v.aiid Mr,: Pen-in who Jias a i blacksmith ehoi on Pine, creek, are .using; it-.'Solely this whiter, and also . that the blacksiiliths at Antelope. Jve ;notiiied : hiia that-. they. intend nentling over .to. thei , mines : for - a ton or two immediately. This is putting the coal to, a , practical e.8.and speakf more for i its economic , qualities . than columns of newspaper laudation'. " Thef tj is no.doubt that; the.inines are practically coal , that is not ,a prosperpiLs.. an4 flourishing community., '.JRo,' ver;! .JiprJ iiBve iiiai ii tins property was across tlie Coluiubia' River in Washington, it wb.uld be heralded from one end of the "state to the other, as' the- grandest' and: greatest' in the whole United Slates, judging by the usual tone1 of the articles on" their coal resources.- !'Y6u cartilot take " tip .Sound newspaper -without reading one or two items giving Jaii " account of soihe' wonderful discovery 6f 'coal,' and even the "Oregomdh"1-contains prbbably:'ien items oii Washington coal 'td: one' oh Oregon coal,- yet a careful 'comparison of tlie descriptions of the best of our sister state's coal fields with the anthentic and reliable account of oiirowh as published under the authority of the; Ainericah Institute of Mining P'iigineers show that the Oregon product .is inore'easily iinried. far more accessible from a mining 'stand point .'aud combined with' srich practical tests as ' were ; applied by Messrs Thompson & Fargher,, shows, unques tionably that , tlie (iilliam county coal is superior .' in every t respect Now 'the natural ' outlet; for this' coal is The Dalles, and we believe the necea sary capital to build a railroad to' the mines is readily available just as soon as it is practically demonstrated that a road can be built. This can, be done only by a preliminary survey, and "We hope our Board of Trade will make ' an effort to have this- survey- made at once as we understand a favorable .proposition' i lias been submitted for the accomplishment of that object. . With a competing line of boats on the river, the necessary out lay for ' the " .'construction ". of a railroad, and the 1 increased, population , it would bring,; the outlook is certainly bright.; ; We are reliably informed that coal similar to ' that how oh .exhiliitioh ,'cah' and will be laid down;here in large quan tities for manufacturing - purposes' for about' f 3.50 'per- "ton.! on ' ; omple-" tion'of the railroad: . Vhat, he.ttejr legi '. timate inducement could be offered to to .manufacturer tolQCttte--4re-'-thanl this- W'ithcheap -fjel, jiiundant'tKmspofta tion ;aeilitjes aiid;' 'i.freejapui i iEtpm I fixe thraldom of any "monopolistic railroad . company what a magniflcient- city The Dalles would become. We ' sincerely hope our citizens will not let. this golden opeortuAityfsIipi' "t , . '- Sandy Olds is to have": another trial, his fourth one for the killing of Emil Webber : ; This; tiine he; gets; jaf changb of venue and will be tried in Washington county. It is safe to say that he will, not be convicted of murder in ' the first degree since the supreme court hasi rvir tnally held tlireeiinieSithat hia-. -offenee was not- Of that 'degree. 1 Tthe" case has been a peculiar one, and illustrates the fact that the law.. can- be. given, a . bard chase, in its pursuit of criminals,, if the race is properly managed."' ' 1 ; '' "' A liLtrAiiuiisLirjieuiiiL evtrv cicizen OLormn- ary' capacity knows that.'iere. 'is.'.iiot a sectionqf the Uitetl States.that contains good 51 Tad The Land Now Subject Entry. Offi cers Now Ready to Receive Filings and Settlers Can Get Title. PkHAHTMKNT OF TlfE'ijfTElilOB EftOft,) f 1 , 181)1.) j Washington". L:C, Jan.i Rfguters ahct iteeeiter V United ' States j Land Office: , I Sirs : Your,.itXeniiiiiH , called to the provisions of au aqtPf congress entitled; "' Ari' act to filrfeTt' certain ' lands hereto-; forv gran ted f0f-!tlre":pMT0nef (aiding in tlie;icdnbtructioliJ of rarlroada.:' and v.for. otljor,, .iruxpose, f, r ;approved September. 9. 1890. 'a' eopv of which is hereto at- i lfle ririrt 'section ' Wovides for thefor- I fettute of 11 lainl .heretofore igranted to. fniA- Gtitto fit- t( anv ftirnnrailfin t.n siirl iiy the construction .of ii railroad oppotjite to a,Id cotermlnjis With tlR Prtlon or any fueh'raiiroad-'not'i-noM- on8trnctea ana in-Dperatioh ami declared tire lamlafor- leijtea w,pe a part 91 ine.puj?im .(lojjiain exceptingi, however, from, the forfeiture the ngnt 01 way ana stauon grounds heretofore granted. !-: r-l: -'i' si The second. section provides ! that :al I persons whor:at thetdatel of -.the passage of this act,1 are: actual., settlers; lni'good faith on any . oi.thfe lands forfeited, .and are otherwise qualified, Ion .making due claim- on said lands under the- homestead law within six .months after the.:passage of this act .shall be entitled, .to a prefer ence right to enter 1 the .same under the provisions of the homestead law and this act,, and 'shall ' be. ' regarded . as actual settlers-, .fraru the date of actual settle ment or occupation. 1 .-. 1 v It is clear that this clause of the section allowsthe. actual settler,- if "qualified-, rto make -aiiiomestead 'entry 1 of the tract uponi-whichi hei had 'mwLa : settlement; and this !a lav-preference-' right to.. be exercised 1 withi h ; feix months after the passage of the act. .- ' J' r-v.:: n ;.. ! 1 It is further provided iby-aidi section thafcany person who has: not; heretofore hud the benefit of the hoimestead or prei emption lawry or;who haslailed from any cause " td prefect the- title- to-' sf. 'tract -of Jand.heretbforei lenteredi-.byt hiin" ;-nnder euner; or-.saiu iawy uiayunuKe a seoona homestead. en try undecjtlie-i)rovisions of this acti-i-')i: o; 1. 1 w: -i:.-; sit ! in: 1 The1 ianiuasre of this clause of the sec-' tion autlioriV.inte - second ''homestead ientry"-,refers,only to' those persons-' whi have .heretotoremade'a Jiomestead en try y .but failed from any cause to prefect he same. - " ' In otbe':w6rfs?''tlie -bbteeY of this clause is to allow anv one qualified, who jhad -not; theTetofoe? Secured" yc 1 pieee" n of land under the hoinestead 'law, to ob tain, a. tract of these forfeited lands under that law,. and. aj. the same time t. take, .tliese laiids out of the,' operation of, ; the pre-emption lawsv1 ,!'"'''-''1''' rjr:n ,-..;: i :Ko breHeni-Dtion.' -entrVvwitt. therefore. 4 be. pe.rmittedi tor these-Rands', and.appli-i, can is oijaer xii.e iiomjeeiaa. iaw.s..Wiil,.pe; .required to make ' oath that they have.' 'not' lieretfefore1'-' Secured a 'piece' of ' land' Hinder utheiiSiomestead lawi-and. if -anl "entry has been -made' that -.was ppt lori any... reasoi .perfected, .tlie, facts iii relation thereto should!, be' fullv. ; The fifrcl Section 'provides: 'That in all cases were person?, being; citizens of the United . States,, or,.decJared; their' intentions "tpibecomesuch, in ac-.' -cordnnce-vHtli the riathraliiatioh laws Of the United- States; are in 'possession of any of the-: lands -, affected by , any KSttch grant, ,and hereby resumed by and, stored to tlie United States, under deed, written ' contract' withor license 'froth, the- state or corporation', to -which- Budi grant was , made, . or. its assignees,-iex-cuted prior to. Januarv. first,, eiirh teen. .hundred' and eightv-eight, or where persons may have settled said lands with Itona jids -intent .to, .secure.' title jthereto, by purchase, from the state or corpora tion',' when " earned -by the;'compliahce with'- the - conditions!' or requirements of the; granting .acts of. congress, they sluill. lie. entitled. tp purchase the.same from, the United. States in quantities .not exceeding '' three ' hundred and twenty acres'to any one such person,' at the' rate' of one dollar. -and. itwenty-Ye.cents per acre, at any time within, twp. years ;fron thie jassage 6i this 'act,'and on' making said payhient to receive patents therefor;' and -Where- any-' 'Such ; person ' In 'actual jKMjsession of any such lands, and having improved the same, prior to the first day of januarv, ( eighteen hundred anj ninety, under deed,' Written' contract or license as .aforesaid, -or his assignor, has made partial ;or. full payments to said railroad company prior tp said date, on account of the purchase price . of said lands from it j. on proofof the amount of such payments, he. shall be entitled to have the same, to' the extent and amount, of one dollar' and twenty-five cents' per acre, if so much has been paid, and not more, credited to .him on account of and as part of tlie purchase price herein pro vided to be paid the United States for said lands, or Such' persons may elect to abandon their purchases and make claim on said lands under- the homestead law, and as provided in the preceding section of this act. . . . - Where parties,.- persons-; and corpor ations., with-: the t-permission, , of. such States or corporations, or their, assigns, .iw. in' -. ... r.J i-t . 1. ...... ' .. .1 I - provements' upon any - of '- the lands -re sumed .and ireetored, and are not entitled to entef.the sarn, under the,, provisions of this act, siich parties. persons. " or .corporations, shall have six mbnths' in wnicii 10 remove' ' -any growing crops puiidings ana otner movable improve ments from said lands. It is provided that 'the "right of ' pur chase granted by this section shall not apply to any. lands , situated in the state of Iowa, on which any person in good faith has made, Or asserted the; right to make, a pre-emption or homestead settle ment,, ...-ui ." ,.. ;. I. ; i-.. All the roads situated within , said state have been constructed, except the portion of the Sioux City and,, St. Paul railroad between" Le ' Mars and Sioux City'-if 'i-s...v nj'i." .nl. , '. i.ti "The grant for this company; was made the subject of departmental decision .of July ''26, 1887 (6 L. D., 47,) and a portion of the lands south of Lie ' Mars : was 1 by said decision directed to be' restored,1 but, as far as the same arepposite un constructed road, they will come under the provisions of this act.-- ' - ' An applicant for purchase, under this J section, of lands in Iowa, will, therefore, f aivthenVSartmcrtt-lHo' ihe Land Smiting the right . !ersor settlers y& the aetof March ST : " isa , : : r ..l. ..1 T....I .......,,. t land grants made'jy -t'origEes tohpdisW the construction ot railroads. n-ias"'lTirt any manner ieot'ljfjniSQ&fs:; against his grantor, for breach, or . airy cosenanta-Oi title.. Srhe:sjrtA 9ectiqa'raerelyppeas? cer tsfini sections fn csnAi$:rt Igraiutf tb kfc in . thTustmc44.-oi wjWin J roads, in so far as said sections require thersCTetarj-iol Ae lii-idrf M rtsej-i c HUCXl rUllLE3. 11119 BW11UH UUCD J1UI. IC" store the indemnit3 lands, but removes anyip.tetaclejto; thoi reetoi-ation;;by,, the Department, arid steps will be taken at once to- secure -,a"speeay'Tesioraiion ' 01 any such Iands:now,;f ithdnawrt, jind not Included in pending selectionbr t ' The fifth section provides.: lhat u it shall be fonnd that anv 'lands heretofore granted e the, Northefn.Pacilic Railroad Company, and so resumed by trie United btates and restored' to the public domain, lie north of the line known as the "Ham- line.,'',-- being valine .drawn- from Wallula, Washington,, easterlv to the "southeast . corner., of. tha- northeast, one fourth of the soutbeastquarter of section twenty-seven, in township, seven north, 01 range tninv-seven-asi,- 01 me w 111-amette-. Meridian,? all persons fvrlio-hfad' acquired in good : faith , the , - rifle Qf . the Jsortliera Pacific Railroad Com pan v .to any portion oi earn uiiiub prior to o uiy first, eighteen hundred ana eightvfitel i . . . . i j . . : ' or wuo hi eaui uaie-were-ia ottaeHision .01 any portion of said lands or had im proved the,saine, claiming the, same un der written contract with, said company, executed in good faith,' or'tiieir' heirs or assigns, as the case? may e; shall, be- entitled- to purchase-. tlieilandS:PO(. acouired. 'po8s.essed, or iniprpyed, from the United istates, at. any time prior to, ine expira tion of one year sifter ' it 'shall' ' be' finally deterniined that such lands are-' restored to.the .publics "donjain;.b.v, the, ipToyigions of tliis. act, rat the. rate of ,twp -dollars and ;hfty cents er acre, and to receive patents therefor uion proof before' 'the-proper land office.iPf the fact of., such acjpiuisiition, possession', or improvement, and pav- "ment therefor,' Without limitation "as; to qaanntyi J-i-'i-- -': juo.. .umiii ;.-. ; .Having jdeterminod that; the' terminal originallyi established, upon the,. iXorthr; ern Pacific railroad as' constructed to. W allula, ashins'ton, properlv ' seper-' ates the1 lands earned bi--the "cpnstruc ; tioniof . the', road! Itoi irthat i ; pointy : from those jorieited . by , ;thei.hrst., secjtipn ; ot this act, this" sect ion will have immedi ate application upon the; prohiulgatlo'n' ot These instructions. - iThisjseotionialso city: o,Portla;nd, in, the, state, of.j.Prgon, : the right'of way and riparian rights hereto fore attempted' to be cdtiveyed tp' the city of Portland1 by the Kortllerii Pacific railroad" ampany to: a strip-of land fifty fet Ui .w.i4tbitby?ug$ certain, .described, aeciiohsi . '..' . . i The ' tticih ' section provides that ; no lands forfeited by this -act slia'l inure'1 tO; tlie. benefit' of -any ,Jtate.-or -corporation to whicb. lands mav have .. .been eranted by' Congress) except as provided by, ' this. act, nor snail Luc act ie coiistrueu to en large -the1 ttrea of IWnd brigihall vi cdvered Tv-;arm'.8utchvgrant,for :to'?c6nfer -afhy'' iight unon- anyrSljate,j coppratipn,,or per,- 'sous, to lanua which were excepieu irojn such grant. ,: Provision -5s also) -'made' against ' tlie moiety; in iConflicting luu its of grants , for a main and branch line, appertaining to nnconstructed road and. forfeited, ,by thip'uriirg 'to' he benefit 'of the ciai pleted' line. " -v ' '-' fi" , Section--yfe.;relateBi specially torithe grant tp the State ;of-, Mississippi, .to- aid. in the construction of the road known as the Gulf and Ship Island" Railroad,' and upon the -condition that" said 'com pany, within-, ninety, days from .tlie pas sage ; of , . this. .,,$,, , sha,llj accept . . the. provisions of. ihis.. act ..and , file with the Secretars' of "' the ' Interior valid relinquishment -! of all' "said company's iuterept, riarht, title and claim in . and to all such lands as have been sold by the officers of the. United States, for cash1, "or with the allowance or approval Pf such officers have been entered in good faith under the pre-emption or homestead Jaws,, or. upon, which they, were bona fida pre-emption or homestead claims on the first day of January,' eighteen ' hundred and ninety, arising or asserted by 'actual occupation of the land under color of the' laws of the United States,.: then, the for feiture declared in the first section shall not, until one year' after 'the passage of this act, apply ,to or in anywise, affect, so much and such parts Of said grant as lie 'south-' of a line drawn ;;eaet'arid West through the point where the- Gulf and Ship Island Railroad .may cross the. New Orleans and Northeastern Railroad in said state. ' ' ' ''''' ;'" " ' - - , Other lands,:' in lieu' ''of 'those relin quished south of. said point, may be se lected within the indemnity limits of the. original grant, nearest to . and , opposite such part of the line as may be fcoh structed at the date of selection.' '- 1 " i - - Special instructions, undar this, section will be given to the proper officers when the point of crossing provided' for ' -shall have, been i determined ' and - those lands upon which the act has immediate appli, fcation are formally restored. "' "., L Sectiori eight makes a special provision in relation to the : grant for ' the "Mobile and Girard. Railroad Company of : Ala1 bama, and as the questions involved are peculiar and will require some cohsidera-: tiori,- instructions thereunder -will hot' be issued at 'present;1 :-' --J co!i:-;'td v " ' Very respectfully, :il -i I-'KWIS-A. Guokf,. Approved : Commissioner. .j ; i John WNOBtEy'-' ''-' ' .-- -:' . i. i.'--. . i ecretar.yn'' j.'-.i-- - ..'.: .; A prominent physician ' and old army surgeon in eastern Iowa, was called away from home.foir a few days ; during his at: sence one of the children contracted a severe cold and his wife bought "a bottle of Chamberlin'8 .Cough . Remedv. for .it. They were so much pleased that theY i i . r? ... . . - uiwwonia urtcu tscvcrai- uottiea- H.L var ious times.; .He said, ; from experience with .it,, he regarded it. as, the - most, reli able preparation in use for colds and that it came the' nearest being a specififc ' of any medicine ne naa ever seen.1"; tor sale by Snipes & Kmei-piy, . - In.ancient Greece': a. . law. of . Pittacus was enacted that ."he who commits a crime when drunk shall receive a double punishment" -one for .the crime itself and the other; for.- the inebriety- which prompted nun to commit it. i ! 1 : n- H HTeon hand a lot of "' '" Fir and i Hard: Wood:- Alrio a lot of ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY, Office epi-ner. Third and Union Streets, SNIPES St KlHElSLtV Wholesale and Retail Bmiists. '4 ' B 5 ' 4 . fine linporiea, Key wesrana uomesuc CIGARS J. e. bMrd: do., Estate, sxavo ?- . .IF r . - , a Opepa jiouse Slo&k-',3d St. 1EOR--1 0 u P PRINZ & NITSCHKE, And be Satisfied as to QUALITY Wii&iGARRETSON JewelBK SOLE AGEKt FOB THE Alt Watch Work Warranted,.? Jewelry Made to ' Order. 138 Secom. St., T Tfc Ple,,On. H. Gle. has emoyed ;his office and i the . ofiice of the Electric Light Co. to ' 72 Washington " St. " " " ' ' " r. - : -.- .; . : ; . ' :.' ' L ' ; .JSt land : ; -FT 1 ' CT T"T A r. Carpets Ha "Fiiniilure ' - " ' fe'--'v- ,,n -in in""' II lie fegcityiof I M Te gOeCiyf tie Inland sitnated at 4.1. VJU i J 2 J. 4- Z . j.1 lfj jilM'w.'t.ll i uiio iieau. ui xutviga.uxuxL un is a thriving, prosperous ITS TERRITORY. ciilfaral and grazing coTmtry,t,i4de?:reacbng &&T far south, as Summer Lake, a distance of over two hundred miles. . , L LARGEST T ' 4 The rich azing country of the the Cascades furnishes pasture, fbr. thousands of sheep, the wool from "which finds m arket here. . The Dalles is the largest or lgmaF PPntf in, America, shipped this year. about THE VINEYARD Ma 8? tHi till 4 -i u i r j ji r, iThe country near Thei crops of cereals, and its fruits; cannot be excelled. is the vineyard of Oregon, its grapes equalling Cali . fbrnia's best, and its other' uiis', ' . apples;lpears,;: prunes, cherries etc., are unsurpassed. : ' r ' . ' ;- The salmon fisheries are the .finest on the Columbia;' yielding this year a revenue of $i,600y000 which can ' dlLl)-gwmQKeJ-,h andnubled in the near' future; :'-: The products of the.beautifulKlic market here, and thet country yearJmHed thewatehfciilses, an placesto overflowing ithj. their products. - - ITS WEJOJ It is; the richest city of its size on "the coast, and its ' money is scattered1 over and is-ting',iedto! ieei'fp- more farming . country than is..tributary to any other J 1 ' -.. f.V, Vi.'-hTM -A.U, -ivf..T t.l'J Jil-.j". ! i - '' .'."'vli:.': ''- 1..-. . ' .-I i.-i'.. '. S iTr..-iTi-Tac-ro-r.vf.Ta.rt-n .... " '"""': . "'".' '. f "''' ...'!;'-..; .h;ih! . Its situation is" unsurpassed! "i Its ! climate"5 delight-- lul'Its-possibilities incg,lpulable: Its resources un limited! .And' on these corner stones shei stands. . .lo:vtJ3 fcni.'f'T OP. I : DKALER,'J' j"; ;;i. r . ',.;'.;..;.,' I, " PamOifs;iJlaallPai tions, Artists' Materials, Oil Pamiiip, Cbromos and Steel Enpaviiiiis.-; 1 Jo IftcffngS1 andP ifcture YTEtc:,3Paper Pioture 3Exa.xxxec 276 and 278 Secoad.Stre'et BAKQAINS IN f p '.,?'. ' ';v ' '. i! . HatafJjTCa)si" CGNTS-FURNISHING GOODS. FULT, STOCK:. : STAPLE GOODS: N. HARRIS. Corner Second and CourtrsC CRT John Pashek, .OAH HO 3YAVV.JA Third &treet, Opera felock. Madfsoh's Latest System Used in ' ctfttink! carmei'its'j 'find Wf-fit -guaranteed each time., Repairing and Cleaning Keatly.and.Quickly'jDone., '. FINE.FARiyip'RENT. THE FARM KNOWN AS THE "MOORE Farm" situated on Three Mile creek about two and one-half mfics Inira The ItelleM, will be leased for one or more years at alow rent t -any resjonHible tenant -This farm has- upon -it a Rood dwellinB house and necessary out build ings, ubout two acres of orchard,-about three hundred acres under cultivation, a large portion of the land will raise a eood volunteer wheat crop in 1891 with ordinarily favorable weather. The farm is well watered. For terms and particu lars enquire of Mrs. Sarah A. Moore or attheotlloe of Mays, Huntington & Wilson, The Dalles, Or. SAKAH A. MOORE, Executrix. , mercnani Tailnr 4rJ I... mo jyiiaq4.e vjoiumDia, ana city. . . . .. WOOL MARKET. along the eastern slope 5,000,000 pounds being OF OREGON. .III. 4 J'U Dalles ;',pr6duces ; splendid:' it ITS' PRODTJCTS. . : . .. , .; ;" Vr,',?:. south and' east has this d all . available rstpf age I ' -' Frames, Corn ice Polesf Trimmed Freej; ( , JEWXa.cI.0 to Order; - . " TLe' Dalles, Oj i'j .'"'"',, Bdirts and Slipes, Gr -HND-' I . - .:.i:yoi;r.N'tE.v.'B.tT;t.V.'ASK' ? He? iisii war t i .!' The S. B. Headache and Liver Cube taken according to directions will keep yowIllood, Liver and KidnevK in good order. - f J The 8. B. Cough Cure for Cold.Vougns and Croup, in connection with the1 vJeadaehB Cure, is-au-neatyerfect-rtH anything known. The S. B.'AtrHA Pain cure for Interrml and external, use, in Neurulgin, Toothache, Cramp Colic and Cholera Morbus, is unsurpassed. They are well liked wherever known. Manufactured at Imfur, Oregon- For sale by all-dniggista.- r 2 2Q EEWAM BE PAID FOR ANY INFORMATION ? leediiiK to the convicUon of partiescntting the ropes or iu any way Interfering with the wires, poles or. lamps oi The Eixctmc: Li6ht Manager