-"i?.-t-"WJ.V,X-.; Tr-. ft.-,-.-.v-, ...... , r Mi VQL. I. THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1891. NO. 32. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Published Dally, Sunday Excepted. BY THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Corner Second and Washington Streets, Dalle, Oregon. The : Terms of Subscription. Per Year Per month, by carrier - Single copy .6 00 . 50 .. . 5 TIME TABLES. Railroads. EAST BOUND. Ko. 2, Arrives 1 A. M. Departs 1:10 A. X. WEST BOUND. No. 1, Arrives 4:50 A. K. Departs 5:05 A. K. No. 2, "The Limited Fast Mail," east bound, daily, is epuipped with Pullman Palace Sleeper, Portland to ChicsRo; Pullman Colonist Hleeper, Portland to Chicago; Pullman Dining Car, Portland to Chicago: Chair Car, Portland to Chicago. Chair Car, Portland to Spokane Falls ; Pullman Butfet Sleeper, Portland to Spokane Falls. No. 1, "The Limited Fast Mail," west bound, dailv, is epuipped with Pullman Palace Sleeper, Chicago to Portland ; Pullman Colonist Sleeper, Chicago to Portland ; Pullman Dining Car, Chicago to Portland: Chair Car, Chicago to Portland. Pullman Buffet Sleeper, Spokane Falls to Portland ; Chair Car Spokane Fulls to Portland ; Nos. 2 and 1 connect at Pocatello with Pullman Palace Sleeper to and from Ogden and Salt Lake; also at Cheyenne with Pullman Palace and Colonist Sleeper to and from Denver and Kansas City. STAGE. , For Prinevllle, leave dally (except Sunday) at S A. M. For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 A. M . For Dufur, Kiiigsley and Tygh Valley, leave Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 6 A. X. For Uoldendale, Wash., leave every day of the week except Sunday at 8 a. h. OtHces for all lines at the Umatilla House. THE CHURCHES. IMRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. O. D. Tat 1 lOR, Pastor. . Services every Sabbath at 11 a. u. and 7 P. M. Sabbath School at 12 M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. CONGREGATIONAL CHCRCH Rev. W. C. Curtis, Pastor. Servicesevery Sunday at 11 A. x. and 7 P. M. Sunday School after morning service. Strangers cordially invited. Seats free. 4ir. E. CHURCH Rev. H. Brown, Pastor. f'tfi?- Services every Sunday morning and even I ins. Sundav School at V2H o'clock M. A cordial I invitation is extended by both pastor and people l to ail. r " riT TATTT.B rtrnftrW TTritrtn Htmut nntuwttn O Fifth. Rev. Eli D. Sutclitte Rector. Services every Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. X. Sundav School 12:30 p. M. Evening Prayer on Friday at v:au ST. PETER'S" CHURCH Rev.- Father Broks grbst Pastor. Low Mass every Sunday at 7 A. M. High Mass at 10:30 A. u. Vespers at 7 P. M. SOCIETIES. A 8SEMBLY NO. 2870, K. OF L. Meets in K. X 1. ot r. nail Tuesdays at 7:30 p. M. w ASCO LODGE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets nrst and tmra Monday of each month at 9 COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F., Meets every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Odd Fellows hall, Second street, between Federal and Washington. Sojourning brothers are welcome. ii. a. Bins, sec y n. u. t looter, i. a FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Schanno's building, corner of Court and Second streets. Sojourning members are cordially in vited. Geo. T. Thompson, D. W. Vacs, Sec'y. C. C. WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE UNION will meet every Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the reading room. All are invited. rrEMPLE LODGE KO. S. A. O. U. W. Meets L at K. of P. Hall, Corner Second and Court streets, i nursaay avemngs an :.). W. 8. Myers, Financier. M W. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 8. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Of 1 rice In Schanno's building, up stairs. The Dalles, Oregon. DR. O. C. ESHELMAN Homojopathic Phy sician and Surgeon. Omce Hours: 9 to 12 A. M' ; 1 to 4, and 7 to S p' m. Calls answered promptly duy or night Office; upstairs in Chap man Block' D8IDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of the Golden Tooth, Second Street. , VR. THOMPSON A ttorney-at-law. Office . in Opera House Block, Washington Street, The Dalles, Oregon P. P. MAYS. B. S. HUNTINGTON. . H. 8. WILSON. MAYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON Attorneys-at-l AW. Offlees, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. K.B.DUFUR. GEO. W ATKINS. FRANK MENKFEE. DUFUR, W ATKINS & MENEFEE Attorneys- at-uw Rooms Nos. 71, 73, 75 and 77, Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. WH. WILSON Attorney-at-law Rooms 52 and 53, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. O, D. Doane. J. G. Boyd. BOYD & DOANE. Physicians and Surgeons The Dalles, Oregon. Office in Vogt block upstairs; entrance on Second Street. Office hours, 9 to 12 A. M., 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 P. M. Residences Dr. Boyd, corner of Third and Lib- erty, near Court House; Dr. Doane, over McFar land & French's store. . W.&KPICOOY, BARBERS. . Hot and Cold B K X H S .&. 110 SECOND STREET. FOR SALE. HAVING BOUGHT THE LOGAN STABLES in East Portland, we now offer our Livery Stable business in this city for sale at a bargain. WARD & KERNS OUR STOCK OF Lais ans an McFarland D. P. Thompson' J. S. Bchjenck, h. M. Beau., iresiaeni. v ice-rresiaeni. casnier. Hrst national BauL THE DALLES, OREGON. A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Bight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Port land. DIRECTORS - D. P. Thompson. .. Jno. S. Schenck. T. W; Sparks. . Geo. A. Liebe. H. M. Beau.. BUNNELL BROS., 190 Third Street. PIPE v WORK Pipe Repairs and Tin Repairs . A SPECIALTY. Mains Tapped With Pressure On. Opposite Thompson's Blacksmith Shop. Don't Forget the MacDonalrl Bros., Props. THE BEST OF Wines, Liprs and Cigars ALWAYS ON HAND. -TH1 Old (jerrar;ia FRANK ROACH, Propr. The place to get the Best Brands of 1 WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. NEXT DOOR TO THE Washington fflafket, Seeond St. H. STONEM AN, - Next door to Columbia Candy . Factory. Soots and Shoes . - Made to Order, and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Quick Work Prices Beasonable. mm COST & French, .COLUMBIA Qapdy paetory, ; W. S. CRAM, Proprietor. (Saccessor to Cram & Corson.) Manufacturer of the finest Freneh and Home Made - O 1ST 'ID I E S, East of Portland. ' DEALER IN Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesale or Retail . FESH OVSTEtS-l In Every Style. 104 Second Street, The Dalles, Or. - .Chas. Stubling", PROPRIETOR OF THE . New Yogt Block, Second St. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Liquor v Dealer, MILWAWifi BEER ON DRAUGHT. FteEHcH &. CO. , . BANKERS. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available in the .Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington.. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. , JAMES. FERGUSES, EXPRESS-iWAGON, Furniture Roving a Specialty. Leave Orders at Fish 4 Bardon's, The Dalles. FOR FINE Commercial Job Printing ; ., COME THE CHRONICLE OFFICE STRAW!: STRAW! FOR SXjIE. - A nice lot Good, Clean, Wheat Straw in bales, delivered in any part of the city. W. H. LOCHHEAD. MITCHELL IS SENATOR. The Legislature at Salem Eleet J. H. Mitchell Senator and Give Gold- ', smith the Complimentary Vote. . A Fresno Attorney Beaths . Sarah Al thea Sharon Terry into Insensi- ' bility. FOR U. 8. -SENATOR Hon. J. H. Mitchell. Sleeted to Succeed Himself. Salkm, Or., Jan. 20. The senate and house to-day balloted in separate session for TJ S. senator to succeed Mitchell. In the senate . the ballot resulted J. H. Mitchell (republican) 22 ; B. Goldsmith (democratic) 6. In the house the vote was J. H. Mitchell, 41 ; B. Goldsmith, 19. ' ' ' ' " - OREGON I.EGI8LATIRE. Proceeding of that Body at the State japitoi. Salem. Or., Jan. 20. Among the bills introduced in the House to-day were the following: SVV elen la anr hnri7. t.hfi Aatnni. Seasnore & Eastern railroad to bridge Youngs bay and Lewis and Clarke rivers. By Tracy To punish profanity. By Armstrong To . publish county court proceedings and general laws, also Senator Haley's joint memorial for irri gation ditches over the Umatilla reser vation ; and concurred in resolution by Holmes for constitutional convention, which was adopted. MILKS HEARD FROM AGAIN. The General is Getting Things in Satis factory Shape for the Indians. Pink Ridge, Jan. 20. General Miles succeeded in allaying to a great extent the excitement under which tne Indians labored yesterday over the killing of Few Trails; . . ... . '. i The First large beef issue under the new agent, Capt. Pierce takes place to morrow. Fifty-five hundred people will be fed. One "beef "frill be issued to each twenty-two people instead of 'to thirty as formerly. This increase greatly pleases the Indians. General Miles is selecting ten chiefs from both Ogallalas and Brules to send to Washington to set their case before the interior department. They will be ac companied by- F. M. Lewis, special Indian agent, who has arrived for that purpose. . Captain Baldwin, of General Miles' staff, was buried this morning. Ten more guns were turned in to-day. . Wild Scenes In Congress. Washington, Jan. 20. In the house, in pursuance of the policy of the Demo cratic house Bland .this morning de manded the reading of the journal of yesterday in extensio. Its reading was not completed until 1 o'ciock. After this ensued one of 'the wildest scenes of confusion the house has ever seen during the present congress. Mills then expressed a wish to debate the question approving the journal but the speaker declined to recognize him. Then with excited gestures Mills strode down and shaking his fist at the speaker, roared out: "You are perpetrating a fraud upon this House and you know it," and his party colleagues burst into rounds of applause and cheers and gathered around their champion. After a stormy scene approaching near a personal rupture between gentle men on opposing sides, the' speaker was obliged to call -upon the Sergeant-at-arms for assistance. The storm passed away for a time and the journal was ap proved. Yeas 144, nays 103. x ' Evarts has a Majority Over Hill. Albany, Jan. 20. Both branches of the legislature voted for United States senator to-day. There were six absen tees from the assembly. The ballot taken gave Evarts a majority over Hill. A joint session is to be held tomorrow when all democrats are expected to be present and as a result will elect Hill. ' Run on a Nebraska Bank. Palmer, Neb. Jan. 20. There was a heavy run on the Deposit Bank , here yesterday resulting from a rumor that the institution was in an unsafe condit ion. The bank paid all demands in full and Cashier Shipley has gone to Omaha to arrange for funds to tide over ; the crisis. ,'. -Voting on the '-Closure" Rule. Washington Jan. 20.- The senate on motion of Aldrich has taken up the clos ure rule by viva voce vote. Chicago Wheat Market. - Chicago, 111. Jan. 20. Wheat steady, cash 88, May 94, July 90. . .. - : San Francisco Market. . San Francisco, Cal. Jan. 20. Wheat buyer 91, season 1.47. " MURDERERS CONFESS. Negro Barber Tells How John Sheedy - .was Killed, by him. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 18. There were three arrests in the past twenty-four hours in connection with the murder of John Sheedy on Monday. McFarland, a colored barber, was the first suspect, and he to-day made a confession, ac knowledging the killing, and implica ting the wife of the murdered man and her supposed lover. All are in jail. McFarland declares Mrs. Sheedy .agreed to pay him $15,000 to make away with her husband. Developments of a sen sational nature are expected. Sheedy was an old resident and quite wealthy. Mrs. Sheedy left a former husband to marry Sheedy who was old enough to be her father. Recently she became in fatuated with one Harry Walshone, and McFarland asserts she employed him to rid her of her husband. He also says Mrs. 'Sheedy poisoned her husband the day after he struck . him down with a loaded cane so as to make .sure of his death. Sheedy was a brother, of Dennis Sheedy, president of the Colorado Na tional bank, of Denver, and cousin of Pat Sheedy, the noted Chicago sporting SARAH ALTHEA TERRY. She is Attacked and Beaten by a Fresno Attorney. , Fresno, Cal., Jan. 18. Sarah Althea Terry has had more trouble with N. C. Coldwell. A few days ago she went to his office on business relative to the Terry estate, he being the administra tor's attorney. When she swore out her warrant before Justice Prince, ' she said : . "I had business to attend to and tried to have somebody else attend to it. I went to Mr. Van Meter and other, attor neys, but they all told me it was impera tive that I see Mr.' Coldwell. I had a friend with me, and we both went to hia office.; ' As soon as I had the door'open far enough for him to see me, he jumped up, made three steps and. struck me a blow .which deprived me of conscious ness, and I fell on the. floor, where he began to kick me.. Just exactly how I got away I cannot say.. . I came home and a, lady, put me to bed. and. cared for me.' I remained there until to-day." The attack is admitted bv Coldwell. TflK KOCH LTMFH. A San Francisco Physician Obtains a Supply of it. . .i San Francisco, Jan. 18. Dr. Gustave Beck just returned from Europe and has brought to this city a small quantity of Koch's lymph. He has sufficient quan tity for 5000 injections, and will present a portion to this .city and county hos pitals and the medical society, retaining seme for use under his personal super vision. The lymph is packed in small bottles, secured in a wooden lx, each bottle .bearing a red seal with Koch's name upon it. The doctor was two months in, Europe, and believes that application of lymph in initial cases, of tuberculosis will be attended with great success. The lymph in color is of a sherry brown, and is of the consistency of a light wine. . ' The Result of Nervous Strain. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 18. r-The long vigil of ex-Governor Thayer during the exciting scenes at the opening of the legislature, when he remained in his departments eighty hours for the pur pose of keeping out Governor Boyd, has resulted in a dangerous attack of nerv ous . prostration. To-night the ex-governor is a raving maniac, and physi cians say. his condition is alarming, ow ing to his age. He is nearly 75 "years old. Late to-night the ex-governor's friends deny thct his condition is serious, and say he will be about as usual within, a week. . Opinion of the French Press. Paris, Jan. 18. The Debate newspa per professes not to understand the in dignation expressed by Americans at the action of . England in earring the Bhering sea difficulty to the . American supreme court, and thinks the members of the court should feel flattered by the confidence placed in their judgment. Shipping a Valuable Cargo. ; San Francisco, Jan. 18. The British tramp steamer, Strathclyde, wlxich ar rived here some time ago, after, a long passage from Java, with a cargo of sugar, sailed yesterday for .the United' King dom. She takes a cargo of wheat val ued at about $1,250,000. This is said to be the most valuable cargo of its kind that has left this port for some time. Strikers Returning to Work. Glasgow, Jan. 18. Men who had gone to work on the Southwestern . line have refused to join the strike, notwith standing the earnest solicitation of those still out. This has caused many others to lose heart and return to work. KING KALAKUA IS DEAD The Hawaian Ruler Dies After a Very Short Illness in San Fran cisco Today. A MONARCH PASSING AWAY. King Kalakua, of the Sandwich Islands is Dying In ' San Francisco. . . San Francisco, Jan. 20. King Kal akua is slowly sinking. LATER. San Francibco, Jan. 20. 3 p. m. King Kalakua died at 2 :30 p. m. AMERICA'S. GREAT HISTORIAN. Hon. George Bancroft Burled With Pomp at Washington To-day. Washington, Jail. 20. The funeral of George Bancroft took place this morning at St. John's P. E. Church, and was attended by a large and most distin guished gathering. Among those pres ent were President, and Mrs. Harrison ; Vice President, and Mrs. Morton ; Cab inet Officers and their wives; British and German Ministers, and nearly all other members of the Diplomatic Corps. The Navy, Army and Congress were represented also. The remains will be interred at Worcester, Mass. . German Papers Praise the Dead His torian. Berlin, Jan. 20. The German news papers print warm eulogies upon the late George Bancroft the American his torian. MADE AN ARREST AT LAST. Joe Day Arrests an Escaped Convict in Portland. Portland, Or., Jan. 20. Detective Joseph Day arrested William Long alias Jones this , morning. Long was in November, 1887, convicted of a burglary in San Diego county, Cal., and sentenced to twelve years in the San Quentin peni tentiary. : While being conveyed to prison by Sheriff Long he eluded the officer at Oakland wharf and has till now avoided recapture. The Run on the "Busted" Bank 8 t ill a, Continues Car and Wheel Woaks Shut Down. Kansas City,' Jan. 20. The run on the Kansas City Safe Deposit and Savings bank continued to-day. When the bank opened this morning the crowd was larger than at any time yesterday. TheJKansas City car and wheel works at Birmingham, a suburb of this city, shut down to-day for an indefinite per iod. Superintendent Suderland says the works will probably remain closed until they can get a freight rate that would permit their doing a profitable business. A Most Important Discovery. London, Jan, 18. The Times an nounces that the authorities of the Brit ish museum have discovered among a collection of papyrus rolls acquired re cently ?h Egypt the text of Aristotle's treatise on the constitution of Athens, from which numerous writers of anti quity quoted, but" which hitherto have been known only in detached fragments. This discovery is almost unprecedented in the history of classical learning. There is no doubt of the genuiness of the manuscript. Pullman Don't Have it all his Own Way. Chicago, Jan. 20. The suit of the Pullman Palace Car Co., ngainst the Wagner Sleeping Car Co., Jas. A. Webb and Lake Shore & Michigan Central roads, for an injunction restraining defendants from using vestibule patent, was decided by Judges Gresham and Blodgett to-day, application of Pullman for injunction was refused. Wants a New Constitution. St. Paul, Jan. 20. The house adopted a joint resolution petitioning the Minne sota congressional delegation to support submission of constitutional amendment providing for the election of U. S. sena tors by popular vote. Colorado Elects Teller Senator. Denver, Jan. 20. The senate this morning elected Teller to succeed him self. f'Regular'; and "Combined" houses met separately and both gave Teller a majority. Elects a Senator. , Concord, N. H., Jan. 20. Dr. Jacob H. Gallinger, republican, received the majority of votes of the two houses for United States Senator. Don't Want Cumpnlsory Education. Madison, Wis., Jan.' 20. In both houses of the legislature to-day a bill ' was introduced repealing the Bennett compulsory education law. . Pennsylvania's New Governor. . Harrisbueg, Pa., Jan. 20. Governor Pattison was inaugurated here to-day with the usual ceremonies 1 J