The Dalles Daily Chronicle. THE DALLES OREOON. ' STATIC orriciALs. Governor 8. Pennover rvtnry of Statu . V. McHrltie HMttvr ....riilllin Metffhiin pt. ( I'ubtto limtnu-tlou K. H. McKlroy Sen"1" J. H. Mitchell ConfrmwmHtt h. Ilurinuun EtaUs Printer Finni linker CO I' NT Y orriciALB. Countv Juilxe. C N. Thornhnrv Sheritt 1. L. -iUw Clerk x J. li. OnusMcii Treanurer.. tJ. Uuch Commoner. rUkcnM Aiwesor ..John K. Burnett Surveyor K. F. Shrp Superintendent of Public Schools. . .Troy Sliellev Coroner ... ViV.ium ilicheft A USTRALIAN BALLOT SYSTEM. A system of voting by which the voter is protected from outside influence; where he can alone prepare his bHot, and cast it without fear, is a necessity of the times. The Australian system accomplishes this and should thertf;ri be adopted in every state in the Union. Under its protection the employe can cast his vote without fear of his em ployer, and can thus express his politi cal belief without fear of losing his job. The honest man is protected n casting an honest vote. The dishonest one who is willing to Bell his vote is thrown out of business, for his purchaser has no means , of telling how he has voted and natur ally refuses to put up for goods, when he has no means of finding out if they are tienvereu. Lnaer tnis Australian sys tem, every man can vote once, and vote as he wants to, and this is all that any law can provide for. Its adoption will shut out the ward striker, who cuts such a large figure in elections ; will prevent bribing, fraud, intimidation, and will result in an honest vote honestly counted. This is all that is required, and when it is accomplished it matters not either whom it aids or which party it hurts. It is fair to all parties and fchould therefore be objectionable to none. Chili is having another revolution, it is not likely that any one except the leaders of it know what, it is for. South American politics seem to recognize but two parties the one in power, the other out. The party that gets left at the polls generally starts a revolution and some how always manages to get followers. From which we judge that soreheads are as abundant south of the equator, pro portionally, as north of it, and that the fellow beaten for office feels just as bad about it down there, as his free born brother up this way does. Revolutions are always in order down that way, and it is an exceedingly cold day when Chili gets left. Dr. Darrin advertises to the effect that some wretch has been defrauding the people out through Powell's valley and other sections by passing himself off as Dr, Darrin. Powell's valley has an opportunity to distinguish herself by capturing this fraudulent imitator of a fraud. He who can successfully improve on the methods of the "Darrin Doctors," in the line of fraud, who can successfully see them and go them one better, so to speak can '-paint the lily, gild refined gold, and add fresh perfume to the violet." At the same time he illustrates the fact that a "rose by any other name . would smell as sweet." The rapidity with which the silver legislation is being pushed indicates that the friends of the bill, having been sent to the field are playing hard to again get hold of the bat. The plan now seems to be to get rid of the silver question by conceding everything the silver men re quire, thus getting time to work the elec tion bill through before the 4th of March. It is not probable that the scheme will -work, as the election bill has been de throned and it will be impossible to again awaken interest in it enough to pass it. Eight democrats happened to meet in the county clerk's office yesterday morn ing when the question was asked,"what is the relative strength of Cleveland And Hill? Five at once . responded that Cleveland was their choice, one favored Hill, another "Pattison and Pennoyer," and the other, whichever one got the nomination. This is a small straw but we believe is a fair one as to the west ern democracy's choice. Professor Virchow in a recent lecture before the Berlin Medical Society stated that the post mortem examination on twenty-one patients who had died after being injected with lymph showed that the baoiili .were driven to other parts of v the body and a new disease created. In brief he declares there is no Virchow in lymph. The fight between the Calkins and Squire factions is exceedingly better. Calkins seems to have developed unex pected strength, and it is barely possible that he may down the Seattle senator. Senator Vest was nominated by the democratic caucus in Missouri to suc ceed himself in the United States sen ate, Wednesday. He is one Vest that ' cannot be "pulled down' A London gentlemen recounts a some what surprisingS experience while en deavoring to engage a coachman. Three applicants were found suitable, but re fused the place because the familv did not use livery. Two suits of clothes a year were furnished but it was livery or nothing. ' Full Proceedings of the IMngrraceful Bow in the Nebraska Legislature. Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 8. The Alliance members took possession of the house at 5 o'clock this morning-" They .placed their speaker in the chair and put s cor don of assistant sergeant-at-arms around him. When I -ieutenant-Governor Mick eljohn appeared he wasn't allowed to take his seat, but stood in front, of the speaker ready to call the joint session to order. At 9 o'clock the epeaker issued an order for the arrest of the lieutenant governor on a charge of misconduct in office and breach of the- peace. The lientenant governor defied the officer and was . not .taken into custody. Both sides had a force of Sergeants-at-arms-, within - call and any attempt of either ' side to proceed with a canvass ' of the vote would have precipitated a row. . To -avoid this a committee freni each party was sent with a statement of the case to the fcr.preme court to ascertain which officer h.-.d tlic constitutional right to preside. Governor Thayer ordered ost a com pany of the national guards ; at 11 o'clock they stacked arms in the corrid ors of the capitol. Crowds arrived on every train to attend the inauguration of Governor-elect Boyd, and consider able impatience was shown over the de lay in counting the vote. At 12 :15 p. m. the supreme court issued a writ of mandamus directing' the speaker of the house to canvass the re turns. Sheriff McLeary served the writ on the speaker only after a pitched battle. He was guarded by a squad of police and Captain Carder's clothes were torn off, but, after smashing hats and heads with their clubs, they secured entrance and the writ was served. ' Lieutenant Gov ernor Micklejohn then declared the ses sion adjourned, and the Republicans and Democrats filed out of the house. Elder then called the Alliance members to order and directed the roll to be called When the Democrats and Republicans attempted to leave the floor, the Alii ance sergeant-at-arms closed the door and attempted to keep them in. He received a punch in the eye and a bloody nose as the result, and the doors ' were speedily opened, i ree fights occurred every few moments. Nat Brown, of Omaha, had an altercation at the door of the house with an Alliance man, resulting in the Alliance man being sent to the hospital for repairs. Elder called eighteen senators and fifty-five represenatives of of the alliance to order in the joint ses eion, but Attorney-General Leese advised submission to the order of the court Nevertheless, Elder was declared presid ing officer of the joint session, and the Alliance men started to work. Mr. Micklejohn went out in the corri dor at2 o'clock and the doorkeeper re fused to readmit him. Governor Thaver then ordered the militia to escort Mickle john back if necessary. , Micklejohn finally gained the mastery, entered the chamber and presided. He appointed a secretary, and the returns were read, ana tlie epeaker said they were all right, not having been tampered with. The doors were then opened and the crowd let in. The militia cleared the state house grounds several times, but the people crowded by them every time they could, and a howlintr mob sur rounded the capitol. When the militia was called out the crowd hooted and yelled at them in such a manner that the soldieis became frightened, and it was only when a squad of forty police men arrived that any kind of order pre vailed. At 1 :30 the Alliance men began coming out to dinner. They were ' re cieved with howls of derision, hisses, catcalls, and other uncomplimentary things. Governor Boyd was sworn in as governor at noon by Chief Justice Maxwell, of the supreme court. This morning he took the oath of office before a notary public, as did also all the republican officers elected. Governor-elect Boyd called on Gov. Thayer and the latter informed him he (Thayer) would not give up the office on the ground that Boyd was not a citizen of the United States. Governor Thayer has barricaded himself in executive of fice with police and a company of milita on guard. It is understood he will re main governor if possible, until all ques tions affecting his successor are settled. Boyd's father, it will be remembered, came to this country from Ireland while" Boyd was a minor. ' He. took out his first papers, but never perfected citizen ship, and his son was never naturalized. It is claimed, therefore, he- is ineligible to office. . - Dr. Amelia B. Edwards, the and Egyptologist, after traveling all over the world aud encountering- all sorts of dangers, fell down stairs in Columbus, Ohio, and broke her arm, This occurred at five o'clock and at eight she delivered a two-hour ndrlrocc and afterward traveled all night. The Dalles Daily Chronicle is spring ing up into a very nice evening paper. Salem Capitol Journal. FINE FARM TO RENT. THE FARM KNOWN AS THE "MOORE h Arm Bitiintarl nn H:i- i . two and one-half miles from The Dalles, will be w " vi uiuicvearB hi a iow rem to any rPKnnniHhla tenant TkJ.. t. .V"' -"" - "io m r m uas upon it a i"K8. about two acres of orchard, about three ri 1 1 ri il nuf a fiwu . .. .4 1 .1 . : . .. , V i .. tummura, a large portion of the land will raise a good volunteer wheat ThPf ? W1 ordinarily favorable weather. lars enquire of Mrs. Sarah A. Moore or at theoflice of Mays, Huntington & Wilson, The Dalles, Or fl : CeM : Case Will be tried by the v Hoiffi?l)ramic:CliiL, -AT THE- VOGT GfAH, satumay Eveiig Jan. 10. Proceeds to be devoted to the ' Free Reading Room. Admission, 50 Cents, ' Reserved Seats 75 Cents. Tickets on Sale at Snipes & Kinersly's. S. L. YOUNG, (Successor to E. BECK.) -DEALER IN- WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Diamonds, SILVEHltfflE, :-: ETC Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired and Warranted. . 165 Second St., The Dalles, Or. The successful merchant is the one who watches the mar kets and buysto the best advan tage. The most prosperous family is the one that takes advantage of low prices. The Dalles MERCANTILE CO., Successor to BROOKS & BEERS. will sell you choice ; Groceries and Provisions OF ALL KINDS, AND Hatd?juate AT MORE EEASONABLES RATES THAN ANY OTHER PLACE IN THE CITY. REMEMBER we deliver an rnr- chasea without charge. 390 394 Second St. - From Street Cigar store, THE DALLES, OREGON. W. H. JONES, , PROPRIETOR. Opposite the Umatilla . House. HAVE ON SALE THE BEST BRANDS OF Imported and Domestic CIG-ARS and TOBACCO. ALSO A FULL LINE OF PURE HAVANA CIGARS. Chas. Stubling, PROPRIETOR OP THE - (5EF?TWlfl, New Vogt Block, Second St. - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Liquor v Dealer, MILWAUKEE BEER ON DRAUGHT. .820 REWARD. WT'ILT- BE PAID FOR ANY INFORMATION v V leadiner to the ennvfotfrm rf the ropes or in any way luterferiiig with the wires, poles or lamps of The Electric Light Co. , II. GLENN. Notice to Fuel Con sumers MJpER be Have on hand a lot of Fir and Hard Wood. Also a lot of ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. . . : Office corner Third and Union Streets, SNIPES fit KiNEHsnv, Wholesale an! Retail Dmipsts. Fine Imported, Key West and Domestic CIG-ABS. (AGENTS FOR) EST'D kSt 1862- C. E. BYAip CO., Heal Estate, Insurance, ; and. Loan HGENCY. Ojser'a House Blbek,3dSt FOR- Garpets ami Furniture, CO TO PRINZ & NITSCHKE, And be'Satisfied as to QUALITY AND PRICES. W. E. GARRETSON, Leaflii Jeweler. SOLE AGENT FOR THE All Watch Work Warranted. Jewelry Made; to Order. 138 Second St., The Dalles, Or. REMOVAL. H. Glenn has removed his office and the office of - the Electric Light Co. to 72 THE DALLES: The Grate City of the Inland Empire is situated at the head of navigation on the Middle Columbia, and is a' thriving, prosperous city. ITS TERRITORY. It is the supply city for an extensive and rich agri cultural an -l grazing country, its trade reaching as; far south as Summer Lake, a distance of over-to hundred miles. THE LARGEST WOOL MARKET. V The rich grazing country along .the eastern slope of the the Cascades furnishes pasture for thousands of sheep, the wool from which finds market here. The Dalles is the largest original wool shipping point in America, about 5,000,000 pounds being shipped this year. V THE VINEYARD OF OREGON. 1 The country near The Dalles produces splendid crops of cereals, and its fruits cannot be excelled. It. is the vineyard of Oregon, its grapes equalling Cali fornia's best, and its other, fruits, apples, pears, prunes, cherries etc., are unsurpassed. ITS PRODUCTS. The salmon fisheries are the finest on the Columbia, yielding this year a revenue of $1,500,000 which can and will be more than doubled in the near future. The products of the beautiful Klickital valley find market here, and the country south and east has this year filled the warehouses, and all available storage places to overflowing with their products. v ITS WEALTH It is the richest city of its size on the coast, and its money is scattered over and is being used to develop, more farming country than is tributary to any other city in Eastern Oregon. Its situation is unsurpassed! Its climate delight ful! Its possibilities incalculable! Its resources un limited! And on these corner stones she stands John Pasi-iek, MERCHANT TAILORS Third Street, Opera Block. JVLadison's liatest System Used in cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed each time. Repairing and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. Harry C lough. Pacific Fence Corner of Second and Laughlin Streets, The-Dalles, Or. Manufacturers of Combination Fences, The Best Stock, Chicken Also Manufacturers of Strong and Durable Wire Mattresses. CLOUGH & LARSEN, Proprietors. D. W. EDWARDS, DEALER IX Paints, Oils, Glass, Vall Papers, Decora tions, Artists' Materials, OilPaintinas, CliroiiiosaiiasteelEiiffraYiiis.. Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cornice Poles Etc., Paper Trimmed Free. Picture Xrasue Alade to Order. . 276 and 278, Second Street. - : For the Beat Brands and Purest Quality of Wines and Liquors go to : - J. O. MRGK, o, Ul?oie5ale : Ijquor : Dealer, Andrew Larsen. Works. and Rabbit Fence - - The Dalles, Or. 1 Washington St. ' AiiWAVia, J- U Manager 117 SECOND ST. .THE DALLES, OR.