The Dalles Daily Chronicle.' 'TUESDAY, - DEC. 30, 1890 KBW YEAR'S CALLS. The Chronicle desires to print the names of the ladies of The Dalles who receive sails on New Year. It is desired tluit names bt mni iti vp to noon of Wednesday JJec. 31st. ; lOCAL BREVITIES. Captain H. C, Coe of Hood River is in ibfecity. -Mr. S. B. Adams went to Grant this morning. Mr. Ralph Schoonover, of Goldendale, IB in the city. A carload of sheep were shipped to ine ssonna last night. Friendship lodge K. of P, received seven new members last night. Mr. Fopiana shipped a carload of cat tie to Johnson Bros, of Portland this afternoon. . Mr, Cat heart is loading a car with moulders sand to be shipped ito the foundry at Pendleton, Mr. Chris Bills moved his saloon yes- terday, and is now in the Vogt building on Washington street. Mr. Deerhake is in a fair way of recovery, though not entirely out of danger. He ate a good breakfast this morning and is cheerful. Horace Rice and family have moved into the city from Fifteen-Mile and will remain during the winter. John O'Leay of Rutledge came in last night, he reports stock doing well and grass growing finely, but more rain is needed to make the plowing good. Miss Clara Grimes, formerly of this city, arrived here on the morning train from Portland and will remain during the holidays. She is the guest of Mrs. George Ruch. The barometer yesterday indicated the approach of a storm, and this morn ing the fog which has flung over ns like a government blanket ever an aborigine oegan to conuense, ana tne gentle rain to fall. A carload of horses and three of grad rsoutht consigned to Hitchcock and Frazier from Napavine, Washington arrived here during the night. This outfit will be used in making the reser voir for the new waterworks, and will commence work as, soon as their wagons and utensils can be put together. The number of tramps who came here to spend the holidays is considerably in excess of the average. However, as they are kept at work on the streets no great damage accrues, but it seems strange that they should prefer the warm and sheltering hospitalities of the city jail, to the wild and untrammeled freedom of the grass-covered hills. mow dear to this heart is the old vel- low pumpkin, when orchards are barren of stuffing for pies; when peaches and apples have both been a failure and ber ries of no kind have greeted the eyes .now ionaiy we turn to the fruit of the corn field the fruit that our children are taught to despise the old yellow pumpkin, the mudcovered pumpkin, me nig Denied pumpkin that makes uch good pies. Mr. J. R. Underhill of Boyd is in the eity. He informs us that several horses have died in his neighborhood recently irom some unknown disease. The an imais act as if dizzy stagger and fall, ana wnen down roU about as if drunk worn norses are not affected, the wsease only snowing in the bands of stock horses' He also says that bleeding mem in ine jorehead seems to give re l:r j j i . . . , biiu mac me Dlood coagulates at that spot, and the skin when cut looks as if it had been badly bruised. The Home Dramatic Club of this city will give another of their enjoyable en tertainments Saturday Januasv 10th 1891 at the Vogt Grand, at which time they will present that interesting play, "A Celebruttvl f!o ti i A Celebrated Case." The nroceeda will be donated to the free reading room; The play is an excellent one, far better man anytning the club have heretofore attempted, and as the club is ttfswsl of considerable talent and the object for which the entertainment is given is a lauaaoie one, the Vogt Grand should be packed A few days ago Ole Johnson, a rancher and shingle-mill man, was working on Lis place near Stanwood with a long iron bar, which he used in rolling logs. At a period in his labors he plunged the sharp nu oi ine oar into the ground, and was greatly astonished to see the tool quickly disabpear into the bowels of the earth, and a stream of clear spring water spout up from the aperture. On invest igation he found the bar had sunk 'into the ground about nine feet, through a hole less than a foot in diameter, and which was surrounded by a wall of solid stone. The Union Pacific will next year try a new plan of crettinc rir r.t 4, i - n w oauu at joints along tneir line which have here- toiore caused so much annoying delay. They have experimented with a pump" and find they can sluice the sand away with water pumped from the Columbia, cheaper and faster than they can get rid of it by any other plan yet proposed. Mr. Ed. Lawlor, of Albina, arrived in this city this morning. ; license to wed was to-dav issued to Lawrence Wieland and Maria Johannes. . Mrs. J. R. Warner, of White Salmon, has been in town the past few days visit ing friends and soon expects to leave for Portland, where she will make an ex tended visit with her daughter, Miss Annie Henderson. The Shakespearean Club met with the Misses Louise and Nona Ruch last even ing. After the rending the pleasure of the circle was added to by several selec tions of instrumental musie bv Miss Louise Ruch and Miss Iva Brooks. Conpanies "A' and "C" of the 3rd Regiment have issued invitations to a guard mount, and social hop at the reg imental armory on Wednesday Januarv 7th 1861- Proffesssor Birgfield will fur nish the music for the occasion. Mr. C. E. Bayard depredation claim agent arrived here from Southern Oregon this morning. He has been there for some time and having gotten through with his most urgent work there is on his way to Pendleton. He left Mrs. Bayard in Portland where she will re,. inarn" during the winter; The officers of Wasco Lodge No. No. 15 A. F. & A. M. were installed Satur day evening, December 27th, 1890, as follows: W. E. Garretson, W. M.; G. V. Bolton, S. W. ; D. L. Gates, J. W. ; Geo. A. Liebe, treasurer; O. D. Doane, secretary; E. C. Phirman, S. D. ; Henry Cloutrh. J. D. : E. Schanno. S. A. Larsen, J. S. ; R. G. Closter Tyler. About 4 o clock this morning the loco motives in the yards gave the alarm of fire which was soon repeated on the bis triangle the two making noise enough to disturb the silent sleepers on Memaloose island. The fire proved to be a woodshed on Tom Miller's place in the'east end of town, but the reflection it sent up through the fog made it at a distance look like that whole end of town was on fire. No serious damage was done ex cept that it was a sleep destroyer. A flagpole has been erected on the corner of the Chronicle building, and commencing with the New Year, weather signals will be displayed from it. The United States signal service will furnish about 8 o'clock every morning a forecast of the weather for the next twenty-four hours. Mr. .Brooks the signal service officer here has kindly volunteered to see that the signals are displayed. As soon as that is done we will pnblish the meaning of the signals, and then if you want to go visiting, fishing or any where else, a glance at the flag on the Chbon iclb office will tell you what you may ex pect iroin the weather clerk. at North are going in at Hotel Twenty Arrivals for tne Past four Honrs. UMATILLA r HOUSE. M. G. Hackley, Oregon City. W. L. Hine, Cinto. Polk Butler, Nansene. Omer Butler, . " Roy Butler, J. W. Moore, " J. M. Denison, Wasco. E. G. Tosier, " R. H. Arms worthy ' ' J. A. Underhill, Boyd. J. H. Fell, Long Creek. Dr. Smith, Grant. H. C. Coe, Hood Kiver. J. E. Ingersoll, Portland. Lucian Eaves, " Wm. Thomas, " George Dysart, Centralia. Mrs. A. H. Hope, Cascade Locks. C. E. Bayard, City. Jas. Keenan, Albina. - Fred Greisler, Crown Rock. William Hendricks, White Salmon John Dark, . " H. Baxter & wife, Kingsley. Real Estaae Transactions, - The Dalles Land fc ImnmvMit rv - xi. ix. ragan ior, iu in block 13, Thomp son's addition to Dalles City, $75, and IUU 111 AO, $OU. United States to Isaac. Tt TTnmW i ,. . . . : ouumweuL quarter OI section 12 township 2, south of range 14 east. o, ' ,JJnfar and wife to Arabella blusher, the south half of the sonthwPHt quarter, and south half of the southeast quarter of section 32 township 4 south range 14 east, ?lo00. For the New City on tne Columbia River. It is now a moral certaintv that. vn soon North Dalles is to receive annt.hor enterprise ot greater importance to it man the one already started and our people must not be surprised if, at least, iuauuuKiurico are soon put underway. Mr. O. D. Taylor accom panied by a gentleman from PnrtlsnH .eave ior the east on an extnnHnH trin in a few days and on their return we shall "expect to see 'lively timen at. TCnt-tv. Dalles. Back of the Dalles are men who are quietly workine eii : .1 A 1 . r . . ucvwupiurai oi me north side of the river. They are financially strong and able to nut i operation improvements of very large magnitude. The next ninety days will change the appearance at North Dalles ople will then know what. meant when we arln'aAH thsm chase something in this young city. Died. In this citv Tnesdav TW .nenry bpencer aged a bo 30th. 1891 ut 33 years. Born.' Christmas eve., to the urifo nt Montgomery, of Boyd, a son. Just received one-half tnn - " w Iowa creamery butter. Call and secure a 20 pound kit for the winter, it is without doubt the finest butter in the market. -SlAIER & Bentox. H. STONEMAN, Next door to Columbia Candy Factorv. " ft- ,,', For coughs and colds use 2379. ' Lota at North Dalles at acre price. Don't fail to see the show window at 62 Second street to-night. Does S. B. get there "I should smile." S. B. For elegant holiday presents go to W. E. Garretson's. Look out for the new hotel Dalles. Portland capital is going in at North Dalles. . . C. E. Dunham will cure your head ache, cough or pain for 50 cenls, S. B. North Dalles Dronertv fm- nWl ;n. vestion. New manufactories North Dalles. 2379 is the cough syrup for children North Dalles now is vnnr i-lignm , - v' ""VV. Luvy uuvance. . Get me a cisrar from thnt fino c: s. t-; " i . " snipes & Kinerslv your neaaacne ior ou cents. S. B. Joles Bros.' is the boss nlace to Vmv U-v r,nw:nn r n i iwiKttniB in an linen rvr mon 'a nAo KU K J1ACJ1,ACHKRN A MACLEODS. Fine watches, iewelrv nnH the very handsomest of Christmas pres ents at W. E. Garretson's. The sales of lots in North Dnllc loc week were big. Our best citizens are uuymg mem. iou need not cono-h ' T?iai-oi0.. s. xiouKnon win cure it for 50 cents. S. B. We took dinner at l:uVhr'aKctanMn , , - C - HV1 Clll 1 -votviua; mm wtrre aurprisea at nim eiv- wi a iiicui xur ho low a price. $10,000.00 in Clothine. Furniflhintr WOTH DflLtLiES, Wash. In the last two weeks large sales of lots ' -""&T llinillllg - ' mj auAWTTU Ctlll Uoods, Boots; Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc., to Present that the marriage is positivelv be sold at cost, at declared off , but it certainly does look as if it were, for three times since th Ihe hnest ' stonfc- of nmr.o receipt or that letter haa t.Vin sVit-Hck brought to The Dalles at W. E. Garret- ToxlnS dentist written to postpone the nous, oecona street. ceremony, and the voune woman in nm, Do not foro-nf fi, . , sequently obliged to keen alterino- th ball to be given by the Gesang Verein f?8 ,n of her weddwg gowns in order (Harmnnv) on TCnr Voor'o I that her tronwrain maw trorr nmn.i j i - ... a tvu. I -J ' J v Lyji i j One of the larsrest tannorip. represent the latest modes a nrivileee me iuississippi river will be located at ttl . cverJ unue is certainly entitled to. xsorin uaues and at least two other laree xms I&tio teaches, or should teach. A ROMANCE SPOILED. Kmal Is Thas Yoonj Venn 8bonld Seal . Discreetly -irlth Their Flaneea. A. charming romance has come to light over in the ttnromanti dtvnf RmnUn. HZ7t ooSTorThSdirS made at Portlaild Taooma, .Forest them t6 writing compositions, of which Gi ove, McMinnville and The Dalles All ia, the scholars were told thev mio-ht are satisfied that write out their impressions of their leacner. av , One of these essays, of peculiar literary - NORTH DAI I F"C excellence for a RmaTI rhii Att tl. 1 --l.C some way, into one of the Brootlvn tmv. I t ' ,i , pera, which in its turn fell into th hn.nH I xo "uw LU Place IOr investment. Now Man. ta2SK?3 ufactories are to be added and large improve- ' -"-im bo capnuea his llltJIUS maue. I hp nPTf QA ,10,TC, i fancy and fired Ids imagination that he Ae next W days Will be lm- was moved to write a letter, addressed portant ones for this new cit to her in care of the paper which nub- I J usoea cue composition, in due time the letter reached her hands. She answered 1 1- St i . . - uns: correspondence soon sprung up, with an exchange of photo graphs and confidences, which resulted in the formation of an engagement. The marriage date was set, and Bhortlv """to mo monia contammg the wed ding day arrived the youD- dentist re ceived a letter from his fiancee, in which ene saia that she had one more important fact to reveal to him, namely, that while her picture represented her as being a juuu6 woman or some personal charms, sne considered it only frank to tell him that her beauty was marred by very de- leuuve leein, which, she naively added, couiu easuy oe repaired after their mar riage without, any great expense. w nether the young woman's physical defect or her business enterprise de stroyed the young man's ideal is not dnf- initely known, nor is it really known at Call at the office of the The Largest in-the West. The New Boot and Shoe FACTORY. Fnrnltnre Ely. Wire Works. Chemical Laboratory. NEW BRIDGE. Several Fine Maps.; Or Seta Railroad " Interstate Investment Co --, ina J--Lijuriii3, Uf. : DEALERS IN :- Siapie and Fancy Grace nes Hay, Grain and Feed. institutions in the near future. All of our Immense Stock must be sold regardless of Cost, as we are Closing out MacEacherk a MacLeod. that a young woman should manage her uunnmomai arrangements with discre tion as well as with frankness. New xprs Lremng Sun. Gheap Express Wagons Jlos. 1 and 2. Orders left at the Store will receive nromnt .,, Trunks and Packages delivered to any part of the City. Wagons always on hand when Trains or Boat arrives. No. 122 Cor. Washington and Third. Sts. lady Apples at Maier & Benton's. Just the the thing for Christmas trees. vAirner xnira and Union streets. For watches, iewelrv in fact for anything in the shape of a ni.ti4..1 "IT - J . . I iiriHtmaa present, go to . Jj. xoung. JSorth Dalles lots are nellinv fa of ai,A arc ueing iaKen at Portland very freely. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. Notice is herebv civen that, fha for Dalles Citv are now due and nvH -4. . -1C . . .. . -J. I uiuuo ior ine next thirty days. After date (December 31st, 1890.) thev uecume aeiinqnent. J. s. Fish, December 2d, 1890. City Treas. THE Blot of Women in Boloraa. Bologna was in an uproar a short time ago in consequence of the violent utmrtt demonstrations of the 2,000 women em ployed in the arsenal there. The gov ernment had just ordered 21,000,000 car tridges, and in the midst of the resulting miitv du onsue several women t.hmnr about explosives with the greatest care lessness. A. young woman superintend ent reported this, and the careless women were discharged. : The sn nerm ton A ati t oaa aireaay earned the hatred of the women under her by her pretty face and popularity with the officers. The discharge of the woman she had reported for discipline brought this hatred to a white heat, and a conspiracy was formed to lynch her. The officers in charge of the arsenal di&covenvl i plot and gave the pretty superintendent "TX7"-i 11 311 a guard of ten policemen, who watchd ""L ssox over her night and day. All the women in the arsenal then went on a strike and marched up and down the streets, shout ing, stoning every one they met, and usuauy winging up before the pretty superintendent's house. Whenever the superintendent appeared in the street tJ 4. gy.. - the women were after her with clubs 4 GlKJ.lJ.ClU OtOreS. &na stones, and were fought back in "u-vu-uuu luaoKM wim ner escort or mlmnnan PORTLAND, OR. " At nihi the wmm r,, w jt- wua wmu fan the last Bolognaite was aronsed and brotliybt tVi Vila izrivislOT -rnStV i J - Mail Orders Given Promnt Attention, xnands ' for race. ThA womt finally- listened to these demands, and had the streets kept clear at night by a company of soldiers, i Although most of me women nave since returned to work, mo pros agamsc tne lancinating superin vouucui. ib nun on, ana she attends to her duties only under the cruard of hr ten policemen. Clearance Sale! Ijttle-.-Boos : OF THE :- For the Purposeof Disposing of our Fall and Winter Millinery, so CHEAP that it will pay you to have a new hat if only for "Looks." MRS. PHILLIPS, 81 Third Street. THe Uea H- F- GLKSI E R. YOU NEED BUT -ASK 3 DEHLER IN THE S. B. HKiDAntl ANT, T.twd r-nn UWA U.....1U1I.K w uirecuuDS wiu Keen vnnr K I . u ul Liver and Kidneva In eood order. and Croup, In connection with the Headache wu,ci uvnr pcriect iiti H II VI 111 II C fnnwn The S. B. Alpha Path r-iiu fnr lrttan.ui externar use, in Neuralgia, Toothache, Crump Colic and Cholera Morbus, is unsurpassed. Thev Am WPll lilroH .i V...-.. 1 . . . J. ri ii,i,. 5 1 Manuiaciurea uiui, ureuu. ror saie Dy ail druggists. w. & t. mccfly, BARBERS. Hot and Cold eB 7 nr h s Bin. Uona Calrd Mrs. Mona Caird is a woman wbn ia & lover or jewels and laces and dainty draperies, open to all aesthetic influ ences. Her drawmsr room in Londnn reflects her quaint and original taste in its arrangements, its inviting ingle nooks and the odd windows over th mantel The "den" in which she writes cnes out against its name. It ia a mar. vel of white enamel and delicate tint ings, even the book cases and the pretty writing aesa snowing the neckless fin ish. Here she has a special drawer for the manuscripts of her new books, "One That wins: "Whom Nature Leadeth" and "The Wing of Azrael Mr. Cain re claims himself ready to maintain against all the world that his wife makes the Dest cup of tea m London. She is a pretty figure while serving it, clothed in long, railing house robe in tints of pink and gold. Her soft, heaw hmwn hair, waving low on her forehead; fha dainty cups and saucers, fragile nutans, seem niter Duraena than sociologi cal treatises for her finsrers. Tnnr, wor. Chicago .News. pine Cigars and Tobacco Pipes. Cigarettes and Smokers' Notions. GO TO THE SMOKER'S EMPORIUM. 109 Second St., The Dalles. Grandall & Budget, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN FURNITURE CARPETS. 110 SECOND STREET. Un of New Tork'a Poetesses. J.hat npnr Tvn-nfo-n rr vaziu A w DUU, AMXilU Thomas, though born in Ohio, comes of ine truest, bluest New England blood. ihe elder of a widow's two dancVitAi-a i her bringing up was of the sunniest, but nowhere in all the land will yon find a woman with more of fineness and charm of manner. She is tall and slight, with a longish, oval face, bright dark eyes IMC c A r l h -r-. "?"ns ana aream oxeams, a I iii- I An 1V1 1 rStlN 1 . pale, clear skin and jet black hahv For THE FAESf knowv as tttt? iranQw ner noma Has Been in X Farm" situated on Three Mile creek about JNew Xork Where she is a Very great fa- leaSed'fo? Si from The Dalles, iu be vorite with some of the most exclusive ntertlZs n ' M. Vincenzo Botta has W fnm aSiifntwLn? ncry out build- her social fairy godmothw. Want of - ----- .. . , ... . , , , , h l'ut.. inriu. Undertakers and Embalmers. NO. 166 SECOND STREET. FOR SALE. HAi? v BUSIIT, THE LOGAN STABLES in East PortlHuri , i Stable business in this city for sale at a bareain. WARD & KERNS. S I. C N I O KELS E N , DEALER IN- Honors