The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 29, 1890, Image 4

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    "". . ON THE ROAD. ...
Tka fields ara all aweet with hay,
Tbe brakes are all blithe with tang,
Ob the hedges ran garlands sway,
Ouuwiiiulus dusters throng,
As shoeless, and tattered, and grimy, aad gray.
Ha shuffles along.
A skylark sings high above,
A thrash from yon hanging bough,
Far away in the wood a dore;
But he passes with scowling brow.
Their melodies once he was wont to lore;
Ee bates them now.
Hates all; save the sheltering night,
When under a bank he creeps.
And Squalor is out of sight,
And Hunger its distance keeps.
And unmocked by the birds and the meadows
bright, .
His misery sleeps.
New York Tribune.
An Affecting Incident.
The conflagration of the scaffolds in
tended for fireworks for the celebration
of the marriage of Louis XVI is gener
ally known. Amidst the distracted
multitude pressing on every side, tram
pled under the horses' feet, precipitated
into the ditches of the Kne Boyale and
the square, was a young man, with a
girl with whom he was in love. She
was beautiful; their attachment had
lasted several years; pecuniary causes
had delayed their union; but the follow
ing day they were to be married. For a
long time the lover, protecting bis be
trothed, keeping her behind him, cover
ing her with his own person, sustained
her strencrth and courajre. But the tu
mult, the cries, the terror and peril
every moment increased. "I am siiik
tnir " she said: "my strength falls. I
can ko no further.
"There is yet a wayf cried the lover
in desDair: "get on my shoulders." He
feels that his advice has been followed.
and the hope of saving her whom he
loves redoubles his ardor and strength.
He resists the most violent concussions:
with his arms firmly extended before his
breast he with difficulty forces his way
through the crowd; at length he clears
it. Arrived at ono of the extremities of
the place, having set down his precious
burden, faltering, exhausted, fatigued to
death, but intoxicated with joy, he turns
round. It was a different person! An
other, more active, had taken advantage
of hia recommendation. His beloved
was no morel New York Ledger.
TssisBfirt Bl feride
The great steel bridge across the Co
lumbia river at Vancouver will be a
mammoth concern. It will be 6,000 feet
from the Washington to the Oregon
shore. It will be double tracked, with
a roadwav on toD for teams, and will be
erected upon pneumatic piers. The piv
otal nier. or draw trier, will support a
draw which will give an opening ofysOO
feet space on either side for vesra to
pass, and the span immediately 'buth of
the draw span will be 375 f eet. The
whole structure is to be of steel, built
ten feet above the high waiter of 1876
and forty feet above low "ater.
On account of the sarJy formation it
will be necessary to godown eighty feet
below low water tcvget a firm founda
tion. There it res&s on a foundation of
coarse gravel Trimilar to that upon which
the great bridges across the Missouri
river are built. This gigantic structure
will cost over $1,000,000, and employ
hundreds of men in its erection. It will
be Jan. 1, 1892, before the cars can pass
over it. The company is pushing its
bridge and also its road as fast as men
and money and its present perfected
clans will permit. It has now between
here and TToJamn. over 2,000 men and
1,500 teams at work. Columbian.
.Th -G successful merchant Is
thr. one who watches the- mar-
k sts and buysto the bestadvan
The most prosperous family is
the one that takes advantage of
low prices.
- flbstraeters,
Heal Estate and
Insupanee Agents. J
Bali ciii
Just an Ordinary Woodchuck Log.
"When 1 was a boy my father had a
fine field of clover., and he discovered
that woodchucks were making sad havoc
with it. On the field was a log, and
near the log the destruction was the
greatest. My father told me I must kill
those woodchucks. I went to the field a
number of times, but could not get a
shot at them. I came to the conclusion
that I must use a little strategy; go one
morning I went to the field before light.
With my gun both barrels loaded with
a heavy charge of BB shot, I got in a
position where I could take a range of
the log lengthwise.
As it began to grow light the wood
chucks began to gather for their morn
irg frolic. They mounted the log, sat
up and looked arocnd to see there
was nothing to disturb them. When I
thought the log was nearly covered with
them I pulled both barrels at once. The
gun kicked me over. When I got up
there were no woodchucks to be seen. I
-vent to the log and picked up fourteen
dead woodchucks, and it wasn't any
great log for woodchucks, either. Bos
ton Record.
But OlBce Cats Are Very Useful.
We have edited a newspaper for sev
eral years, and in that time we have re
ceived propositions to advertise goods on
shares, to advertise and take the pay in
pills, in trees, m flowers, in free tickets.
have even had opera bouse managers
demitnd advertisements as a matter of
news, and then demand pay for admis
sion or no go; but it remained for an
enterprising merchant of Temple to cap
the climax with his proposition. He
has a lot of strayed animals, and after
hinting around and suggesting "news'
items that would contain some reference
to the lost animals, he finally proposed
to advertise for them if . we would take
the pay in cats. Tempie Times.
Anglophobia In Erases.
It would be a pretty question whether
the English or the Germans are the more
heartily detested in Paris. It is certain
that the rancors of Waterloo have not
been softened by the humiliations of Se
dan. The fact is that your Frenchman
has an unlimited capacity of hatred.
A newspaper has been started which is
called The Union Franco-Busse, and the
main object is to rake up stale fictions
and to invent new libels on the English
people. In curious contrast to the vul
gar dislike is the undisguised admiration
of English people and English customs
which runs through the smart circles of
Parisian society. They imitate the cut
of our coats and reproduce the latest
thing in London hats; they buy English
horses and English guns; they talk En-
elish slang. They always did admire
English girls, but that was inevitable.
It is a higher compliment when they
copy English dandies. St, James' Ga-
A Tramp with Si, 400.
The worshipers at St. Bonifacius' Bo
man Catholic church, on Norris square,
were excited on Saturday evening by the
discovery of a sleeping man in the organ
loft. He was put out, but shortly after
ward returned, when he was arrested.
On being searchod at the station house
$1,000 in English gold was found about
hia person. When he was asked where
he got the monev he pulled out $400
more in Bank of England notes, and told
the following story:
"I lived on a farm in England. My
mother dying a short time ago I sold
the farm and came over here one week
ago. On Friday night I slept at a
fifteen-cent lodging house at .Ninth and
Race streets with the money on my per
son. I don't 6ee why you think it strange
that I have so much money.
The man had the look of a typical
tramp. Philadelphia Record.
Tall Story from Clarion.
Near Baine's flour mill stands a hem
lock tree, which is probably 100 feet
high, at the butt is all of six feet in cir
cumference and is minus of limbs at
least ten feet up its jagged trunk. On
the extreme top of the tree a wild grape
vine blossomed and bore fruit this sea
son, and a number of the young lads
have climbed the tree at various times
to secure the fruit. Dr. E. M. Sloan's
little daughter, 7 years old, was missed
from home the other day, and her mother
discovered her standing on one of the
topmost limbs of the old hemlock, gath
ering grapes. Tho child came down as
nimbly as a squirrel. It was a daring
feat. Clarion Republican.
will sell yon choice
Groceries and Provisions
REMEMBER we deliver all pur
chases without charge. . '
- 390 & 394 Second St.
Abstracts of. and Information Concern
ing Land Titles on Short Notice.
Land for Sale and Houses to Rent
Parties Looking for Homes in
Bu0iqe00 Location?,
Should Call on or Write to us.
Agents for a Full Line of
i Leaiina: Fire Insurance Companies, !
And Will Write Insurance for
is here and has come to stay. It hopes
to win its way to public favor by ener
gy, industry and merit; and to this end
we ask that you give it a fair trial, and
if satisfied with its course a generous
support. .
The Daily
Charles E. Dunham,
four pages of six columns each, will be
issued every evening, except Sunday,
and will be delivered in the city, or sent
Correspondence Solicited. All -Letters hy mail IOr tUe mOCLerate SUHl OI Hi tV
Promptly Answered. Call on or
Address, cents a montn.
Opera House Block, The Dalles, Or.
on all
Fine Toilet Soaps,
Brushes, Combs,
Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles.
In Great Variety.
Pure fifandV, Wines and
IiiquoPs fop VIediei
nal Purposes.
Physicians' Prescriptions Accurately
Cor. Union and Second Sts., Tbe Dalles.
Has Opened a
Lvmoli Counter,
In Connection With his Fruit Stand
and Will Serve
Hot Coffee, Ham Sandwich,. Pigs' Feet,
and Fresh Oysters.
Convenient to the Passenger
' ' Depot. -
On Second St., near corner of Madison.
Old derTai?ia
The place to get the Best Brands of
Also a
Branch Bakery, California
Orange Cider, and the
Best Apple Cider.
If you want a good lunch, give me a call.
Open all Night
Her Regard for Propriety.
A gentleman on a 'cycling tour staid
night at a prim old lady's cottage, the
inns being full. He was very deaf, and
took care to impress the fact on his host
ess, with instructions that some one
must enter his room to wake him at a
particular time in the morning. Wak
ing of himself some time later he found
that the old lady, with creditable regard
for propriety, had slipped under his door
a note inscribed:
"Sir, it is half-past 7!" London Tit
Bits. Simple Bafairaarda on Electric Railway.
M. C Sullivan suggests in The Elec
trical Engineer that a very wise and sim
ple precaution will be the supplying to
each car " operated ' by electricity of a
pair of rubber gloves, insulated pliers
and nippers, and suitable inscriptions to
indicate their use. These may possibly
be the means of preventing delay and
inconvenience, and of obviating serious
results in case of accidents.
Yachtsmen Threatened by a Waterspout.
During the severe storm which pre
vailed here and over the Sound Oct. 19 a
huge waterspout was seen off Charles
Island. A party of New Haven yachts
men were close to it in a napntna
launch, and for a time were in danger of
being swamped. The waterspout came
from a southerly direction. It drew up
the water of the Sound and created addi
tional disturbance to the turbulent sea.
It finally broke between Charles Island
and Burns Point by the wind changing
to northwest. It would have been de
structive to any boat which came in its
path. Cor. New Haven Register.
Second St.
Washington Jflarket,
' The greatest measure of variability in
the matter of lopped ears is ta be found
' among dogs. Spaniels, setters, pointers,
bloodhounds, beagles and foxhounds all
have long, pendulous ears; bulldogs, ter
riers, collies and greyhounds droop only
the tips of their ears; the spitz has erect
ears, while maaHffa and many other
breeds have short, pendulous or semi
pendulous ears.
- The elephant probably came of an an
cestral stock that had erect ears, but for
- ages past there has been no creature
powerful enough to cause it alarm, and
for want of exercise the muscles which
. move the ear have lost tone and wasted
away, leaving the ear to lop or hang
pendulous. -
Directly one enters a room there is a
sense either of cheer or the" reverse.
AfT lviT!r the anartmeut one mav
Eighteen thousand acres of land, heav
ily timbered with hemlock and other
hard woods, the last of the famous Penn
sylvania hemlock belt, has been con
veyed by J. K. P. Hall, Ridgway, to
Andrew Kaul, of St. Mary s; Sampson
Short, of North East, and S. S. Bullis,
Glean, N. Y. The purchase price was
$360,000. This land lies in the vicinity
of St. Mary's and Johnsonburg. Three
railroads run into it.
There are 20,000,000 acres of un sur
veyed land in the state of Washington,
and much of that great extent of coun
try is almost impenetrable, being cov
ered with a magnificent growth of the
finest kind of timber. Surveyors have
literally to cut their way every foot, be
cause of the thick underbrush.
Don't Forget the
lacBonali Bros., Props.
Its Objeets
will be to advertise the resources of the
city, and adjacent country to assist , in
developing our industries, in extending
and opening up new channels for our
trade, in securing an open river, and in.
helping THE DALLES to take her prop
er position as the
Leading City of Eastern Oregon.
The paper, both daily and weekly, will
i.i ! i.i
k . ., & a i .
rieaiin IS-WBalllll be independent m politics, and m
criticism of political mattersv as in
handling of local affairs, it will be
Wines, Liquors and Cigars
0. K. Restaurant!
Next to Passenger Depot.
A rug valued at $3,000 was bought in
London lately. It was about thirteen
feet square and had about 256 stitches to
the inch. The material was wool
combed, not cut, from the animal, and
worth more than its weight in silk.
The rolling mill department of the
United States Rolling Stock company at
Anniston, Ala., has completed a piece of
shafting 25 feet long, H inches in diame
ter and weighs 8,640 pounds. It is to
be used in the works at Anniston.
- The chlorination process for the ex
traction of gold from its ores has been
greatly improved within recent years,
Day and Monthly Boarders.
Dr. E. C. West's Nerve anb Brain Treat
ment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzi
ness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia,
Headache, Nervous Prostration caused Dy me use
of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental De
pression, Softening ol tne Brian, resulting in in
sanity and leading to misery, decay and death,
fremaiure uia Age, ciirreiiiit;&, ujmui v - .
tn nit )iit- u7 invrtlnntArv LosBes and Snermat-.
orrho?a caused bv over exertion of the brain, self
abuse or over Indulgence. Each box contains
one month's treatment. 1.00 a box, or six boxes
for 15.00, sent by mall prepaid on receipt oi price.
To cure any case. ith each order received Dy
us for six boxes, accompanied by V.00, we will
send the purchaser our written guarantee to re
fund tne money li tne treatment uws not cuwv
a cure. Guarantees issued only Dy
Prescription Druggists,
175 Second St. The Dallei, Or.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the countyof Wasco. '
O. D. Taylor, plaintiff, vs. Thomas J. Freden
burg, E. L. Smith and L. Francisco, defendants.
To Thomas J. Fredenburg, the above named de
fendant. In the name of the state of Oregon yod are
hereby commanded to appear and answer the
complaint of the above named plaintiff, filed
airainst vou III me nwirc cuuum vjui v
pmiima nn nr Viefore the first dav of the next
ir tirm nf fmid circuit court, to-wlt: On or
frr the Qth lv nf Fehruarv. 1891. and if you fail
so to appear and answer, tor want inereoi tne
plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief
S raved for in his complaint, that is to say: for a
ecree foreclosing that certain mortgage, made,
executed and delivered by you, to said plaintiff,
on the 5th day of September, 1888, upon the
south half and north-west quarter of the north
east quarter, and the north-east quarter of the
north-west quarter of Section twenty-eight in
Township one, north of Range ten, east of the
Willamette Meridion, in Wasco county, Oregon,
and for a sale of said real estate, according to
law ; that the proceeds of such sale be applied
upon the costs and disbursements of this suit,
and upon the costs charges and expenses of such
sale, and upon the note mentioned In said mort
gage, said note oeing ior ou.w anu urairms
nterest from the oth day of September, isw, ai
the rate of ten per cent, per annum until paid,
which note la now overdue and unpaid, and
reasonable attorney's fees of S40.00 as provided
and stipulated in said note, and for judgment
and execution over against the defendant,
We will endeavor to give all the lo
cal news, and we ask that your criticism
of bur object and course, be formed from
the contents of the paper, and not from
rash assertions of outside parties.
For the benefit of our advertisers we
shall print the first issue about 2,000
copies for free distribution, and shall
print from time to time extra editions,
E so that the paper will reach every citi
zen of Wasco and adjacent counties.
Misses N. & N. BUTTS.
Corner Second and Union Streets.
CHIS BlliliS, PtfOp.
The Best of Fines,-Liquors and Cigars
Tiuimiu J. Fredenbur? for anv amount remain
Ing unsatisfied after all the proceeds of such sale
iroperly appliciible to plaintiff's demands huve
.-en applied, and also that said defendants and
each of them and all persons claiming by,
through or under them, or either of them be for
ever barred and foreclosed of all right, title,
claim, lien and equity of redemption and Inter
est in said premises, aiiu lur bucji umta nuu
further relief as shall be equitable and Just.
By order of Hon. Loyal B. Stearns, one of the
Circuit judges of the Fourth Judicial District in
Oregon, dated December iMd, 1890, this summons
is directed to be served nqon you by publication
Dated December 26, 189a
Dec27 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
$ sent to any address for $1.50 per year.
It will contain from four to six eighti
- ' . i n .1 F
column pages, and we snail enaeavoii
to make it the equal of the best. Ask?
your Postmaster for a copy, or