P WOMEN AS TBAVELHSS. TWO GIRLS WHO WENT ALONE FROM ) PARIS TO SAN FRANCISCO." Xfeoy Made tb Trip In Just Twelve and 0e-Hlf Days They Were Sick While CYoasIng; the Water, bat They Received ! Beet of Attention from K very bod . American girla have that pluck which makes them admired by all the world. The following is a story of two young women who made a flying trip from Paris to San Francisco. The sisters were at school in Paris, and expected soon to be met by relatives. One forenoon they received a cable dispatch telling them to come home as soon as possible. The oldest girl is about twenty years old. She immediately sent for time tables. 'While she was examining these her sister -was packing five trunks. Hiss F discovered that they could get a steamer from Southampton which -was to sail the next day. She posted to her banker's, and hurrying back joined her sister in packing. At half-past 8 that night they were being whirled out of Paris. Neither of the girls slept that night. When they arrived in London at 8 o'clock in the morning Miss F : was forced to do some shopping, for however rapidly women travel they make time to do a little buying, and in this case they had started so suddenly that this was absolutely necessary. The American sisters caught the 12:30 o'clock train for Southampton, not hav ing had time to eat luncheon. Four hours later they were on1 their steamer, tired and hungry and sleepy, but tri umphant. ON THE OCEAN. ' Every one on the vessel was most kind to the young women and lauded their pluck to the skies. The voyage would for this reason have been made pleasant for them, bnt their hurry and lack of sleep, together with their nerve tension, made them easy prey for man's mortal enemy, seasickness. From the time the big steamer left England until she swept up New York harbor the weather was uncompromisingly rough. Not one day was fair. When the young women reached the steamer they were utterly exhausted, and at once went to bed. This set the stewardess to grumbling. She wanted the girls to appear at the dinner table on the first day at least. "Oh, don't urge us to go to dinner again," cried Miss F wearily, and then she told the woman the experience through which they had just passed. "You poor little dears," said the woman, at once becoming gentle, and for the rest of the voyage slie neglected every one else to look after "the brave little American ladies." Men and women joined in little court esies and attentions to the two girls. One old crusty Englishman seemed to take offense if any one monopolized their attention. He became their loyal guard ian and walked around iike a great pro tecting mastiff. It was he who stood on the deck with them on the day that the girls turned their eager eyes toward the Statue of Liberty. The new friends of "the brave little American ladies" ad vised them to stay in New York for one day to get a little rest. . They would not listen to such pleasant urgings. The stewardess actually wept over their de termination to hurry on to San Francisco. NO REST FOB THEM. "Only - get one night's sleep," she pleaded, but the girls had been told to come home as soon as possible, and they were deaf to all entreaties. The steamer was at her pier at 4:30 p. m., and a train left Jersey City at 3:30 p. m. In that two hours the girls left the steamer, had their trunks ex amined by the custom house officials and were driven to the railroad station. Their adoring old Englishman, who did not look as if he had moved rapidly in forty years, fretted and bustled around the trunks when they were being opened. He was in mortal terror lest the girls would miss the train after all. He stamped, got red in the face, puffed violently and finally recovered the bag gage with a cry of exultation. The train which started westward that even ing carried with two white faced young women the good wishes of a shipload of passengers. "No woman but an American would undertake such a thing," said the Eng lishman, looking at two bits of of white lace where two handkerchiefs fluttered at the car window as the train rolled out of the station, "and," he added,' "no woman but an American could succeed in such an undertaking." For the benefit of those who are inter ested to know how the trip ended, and to satisfy those who like to follow trans atlantic records, it may be said that the young women reached home in safety. To go from London to their home in San Francisco took them just twelve and one-half days. New York Tribune. A Successful Counterfeit. Our rations while in Richmond we es timated at two to four ounces of beef and six to eight ounces of good wheat bread. To supplement this we made counterfeit greenbacks, which we were sometimes able to pass on unsuspecting guards. Once, by cutting out the figures from a ten cent scrip and with a little blood gluing this over the figure one in dollar greenback, myself and three comrades bought with this bogus ten dollar bill ninety loaves of good bread, and it was the only time while I was in the Confederacy that I made a full meal. Century. Posted. Jenkins (trying to be social) Is this Fanner Jones? Farmer Smith No, sir-ee, it ain't Farmer Jones; it's Farmer Smith." An' TH just tell yer, young feller, that I'm posted on that banco game, an yer cant play it on met So you an' yer friend , yander 'd better git. Harper's Bazar. It Always Seems So. Merritt I wonder what mazes your grandmother like to rock bo much. Little-Johnnie 'Cause the chair creaks mo. Epoch. A Monster Aerolite. In May, 1883, the Nations museum of Brazil came, into final possession of one of the largjaet meteorites- or aerolites that was- ever known to fall upon either section of the American oon&nenta. The noble specimen weighs 11.800 pounds and originally laid imbedded in the ground near Bendego creek, in one of the most inaccessible portions of Brazil. The cost of transporting it from the place where it first struck American soil was defrayed by Baron Greahy. The survey of the route and preliminary ar rangements occupied three months; its journey to the capital commenced - Nov. 25, 1887, and it was nearly five months later before it was finally landed at the little railroad depot in the wilder ness from whence it was transported to Bio Janeiro. During the four months in which it was being pulled, pushed and rolled by man and mule power through the track less forests, over steep mountains and sandy wastes, it crossed over one hun dred streams of all sizes, was taken over one mountain chain 8,700 feet in height, besides many smaller elevations. All of this in a region where the best roads are only mule paths. A better idea of the difficulties these scientists encountered in securing their prize may be had from a knowledge of the fact that a total of 172 days was consumed in moving it from Bendego creek to the railway station, a distance of only 711 miles. The pluck and energy exhibited by these gentlemen in moving this gi gantic airstone to their national museum is a curious commentary on the scientific ideas of the early part of the century, which denied the existence of such bod ies as aerolites. St. Louis Republic. Disappoin ted. In a Massachusetts town live a worthy couple who have so far obeyed the Script ural injunction to increase and multiply that they have eight sons, of whom the oldest is not over a"dozen years of age. They are bright and lively little folk, and play together with the greatest zest, only now and then falling into some dis agreement when one or the other pair of twins does not approve of the general scheme of play. It chanced not long since that to this interesting family there came a still fur ther addition in the shape of a baby sis ter. The father and mother were de lighted that there should be a girl in the family, and supposed that the sons would be equally pleased. It was accordingly with a smiling face that the father went to make the announcement to the little fellows, who at the moment were all to gether in the breakfast room. 'Boys," he said joyously, "you have a darling little baby sister." There was a look of blank disappoint ment on every face and a moment of profound silence. Then excitable 8-year-old Master Tommy spoke for them all by exclaiming explosively: "Oh. dear, dear! that is too bad; it just spoils our baseball niner Youth's Companion. King; Alfonso's Democratic Ways. Whenever the king sees a grandee or gentleman whom he knows he calls them by their Christian names, or their sur names without their title, a custom al ways reproved by his governess. "Eh! Xiquena!" exclaimed the king one day, as the ex-minister passed. The govern ess, who knew that the count's father was dead, and that the son had inherit ed the title, observed, "Sire, permit me to remind your majesty that the person whom you do the honor to address is the Duke of Bivona." The king burst oni laughing and exclaimed: "The Duke of Bivona! Thia is nice! But I know that it is Xiquena! Are you not Xiquena?" he added, addressing the count. "Yes, sire." "Dd you see," the little king went on; "this woman has a mania for giving people new names. Doesn't she pretend that, Juanito" (an officer of the royal guard much loved by the king) "is the Marquis of Soto Mayor?" "Indeed; sire, he is; . and you will permit me to remind your majesty that he should be so ad J res8ed," replied the governess. ' Don't be stupid," was the monarch's answer: "this is Junanito, and the other is Xiquena." Corriere de Napole. Diseases of Childhood. Perhaps the most important physio logical period in childhood is when the first set of teeth is erupting. Dr. At. buthnot has calculated that one child in ten has its life destroyed in consequence of diseases which have their origin at this time. Professor Camper states that out of 5,989 infants admitted to found ling hospitals only 884 were alive at the end of the fifth year. Thus it is evident that children should be carefully cared for, and I believe that besides those who die from diseases readily traceable to ir ritation during the eruption of the tem porary teeth a number are the victims of diseases superinduced by general neg lect of the mouth, and the consequent tooth decay and improper mastication of food. Cor. New York Herald. Gsre Himself Away. Uncle Si Well, Maurice, you're a reglar hunter, ain't yer? brought up all your togs, too. What do yon expect to shoot? Maurice Oh, I thought I'd try the quail this morning. Uncle Si You can't do notion' with out a dog. Maurice By Gawge. that's so. Er er can't I take Fido? Puck. the ro less Dangerous. A machine for automatically blowing a fog whistle has just been patented. A vessel equipped with the machine may travel at any rate of speed and continue to blow one or three blasts of the whistle per minute while proceeding through a fog. Many steamers use it on the lakes, for instance. New York Journal. - Mole, Bmon Xtence. ' To remove moles get five cents worth of muriatic acid, and three times a day touch the mole with a toothpick dipped into the add. It will come off in about a week leaving a red spot on the face. Let that spot alone and it will heal. New York Journal. "The" successful "merchant "Is the one who watches the mar kets and buys to the best advan tage. : v ' The most prosperous family is the one that takes advantage of low prices. ' BROOKS & BEERS will. sell you choice Groceries and Provisions OF ALL KINDS, AND at Moke reasonabi.es rates than any other place IN THE CITT. REMEMBER we deliver chases without charge. all pur- 390 & 394 Second St. Charles E. Dunham, -DEALER IN- .piefliGi CHEMICALS, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles. , In Great Variety. Pure Brandy, Wines and Iiiquors for JVIedici nal Purposes. Physicians' Prescriptions Accurately Compounded. Cor. Vnion and Second Sts.. The Dalles. -TH Old (JerTapia FRANK ROACH, Propr. The place to get the Best Brands of WINES. LIQUORS ANDl cigars. NEXT DOOR TO THE Washington fffapket, Second St. Don't Forget the EAST EI10 SRLCGn, JacBonalJ Bros, Props. THE BEST OF Wines, Lipors and Cigars ALWAYS ON HAND. O. K. Restaurant! Next to Passenger Depot. Day and Monthly Boarders. LUNCH COCNTER AT NIGHT. MEALS. 25 CENTS. Misses & NY BUTTS. Drugs lies H. C. MIE Clothier and Tailor, Oexxts' Purnlslilns G-oocis9 17a t5 V aid Qaps, Jrur?t, tlalises, Boots and CORXER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STS., TTIK DAT.T.ES, OREGON. J. M. HUNTINGTON & CO. flbstraeteps, Heal Estate and Insurance Agents. Abstracts of. and Information Concern ing Land Titles on Short Notice. Land for Sale and Houses to Rent . Parties Looking for Homes in COUNTRY OR CITY, OR IN SEARCH OF Bugiqe Location?, Should Call on or Write to us. Agents for a Full Line of Leaflii Fire Insurance Companies, And Will Write Insurance for -A-HSTX" .A.I&OTJTCT'I?, on all I3ESIEAJBLE EISKS. Correspondence Solicited. All Letters Promptly Answered. Call on or Address, J. II. HUNTINGTON & CO. Opera House Block, The Dalles, Or. "SJUBPliEflOOJVIS," Corner Second and Union Streets. cHis sinus, pfop. The Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars ALWAYS Ol SALE Mr. Bills will aim to supply his customers with the best in his line, both of imported and do mestic goods. JAMES WHITE, Has Opened a Lvixioli Counter, In Connection With his Fruit Stand and Will Serve Hot Coffee, Ham Sandwich, Pigs' Feet, and Fresh Oysters. Convenient to the Passenger Depot. On Second St., near corner of Madison. Also a Branch Bakery, California and the Orange' Cider, . Best Apple Cider. If you want a good lunch, give me a call Open all Night Health is Wealth ! TR p ATM E NT? Dr. E. C. West's Nervb and Brain Treat ment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzi ness. Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of ulcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental De pression, Softening of the Brain, resulting in in sanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Lors of Power in either Bex, Involuntary Losses and Spermat orrhea caused by over exertion of the brain, self abuse or over indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. 11.00 a box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any ease. With .each order received bv us for six boxes, accompanied by f.00, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by ULAKELEY A HOVCHTON,-. . Prescription Druggists, 175 Second St. The Dalles, Or. $500 Reward! We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Bick Headache, In digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are trarely vegetable, and never fail to rive satisfac- Sugar Coated. Large boxes containing 30 Pills, 25 cents. Beware of counterfeits and imi tations. The genuine manufactured onlv by THE JOHN C. WEST COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. BLAKEIEY & HOUGHTON, I 'reseriptlon Druggists, 1.3. Second St. . The Dalles, Or. Shoei mmu vtsssi SBC Tfie Dalles is nere and has come to stay. It hopes to win its way to gy, industry and merit; and to this end we ask that you give it a fair trill, and 11 smisnea wixn its support. The four pages of six columns each, will be issued every evening, except Sunday, and will be delivered in the city, or sent by mail for the moderate sum of fifty cents a month. Its Objects will be to advertise city, and adjacent developing our industries, in extending and opening up new channels for ou trade, in securing an open river, and in helping THE DALLES to take her prop er position as the Leading City of The paper, both daily and weekly, will be independent in criticism of political matters, as in handling of local affairs, it will be JUST. FAIR we will endeavor to give all the lo cal news, and we ask that your criticism of our object and course, be formed from the contents of the paper, and not from rash assertions of For the benefit shall print the first copies for free distribution, and shall print from time to time extra editions, so that the paper will reach every citi zen of Wasco and adjacent counties. THE WEEKLY, sent to any address It will contain from four to six eight column pages, and we shall endeavor, to make it the equal of the best. Ask your Postmaster for a copy, or address. THE CHRONICLE PUB. CO. Office, N.'W.Cor. Washington and Second Sts. Ctiionicle public favor by ene course a generous Daily the resources of the country, to assist in Eastern Oregon. 4 politics, and m its its AND IMPARTIAL outside parties. of our advertisers we issue about 2,000 for $1.50 per year.