a VQL-L THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1890. . NCOlT The Dalles Daiiy Chronicle, v TllUtTfalATTTi". f'TTT Y ITO-DAY'S DISPATf HFS I STORM oy the sound. i thbassessmenirohs. Published Daily, Sunday Excepted. BY THE CHRONICLE PUBLISHINGjCO Corner Second and Washington Streets, ' The xmiies, uregon. Terms of Subscrlntlon. Per Year g 00 rrr mviiiui, oy comer fJ Single copy 5 TIME TABLES. Railroad. EAST BOUND. " No. 2, ArriveBT A.Tt. " " " Departs 1 :10 A. M WEST BOUND. No. 1, Arrives 4:50 i. M. Departs 5:05 A. M No. 2, "The Limited Fast Mail," east Dound, doily, is epmpped with Pullman Palace Sleeper, Portland to Chicago; Pullman Colonist Sleejier, Portland to Chicago; Pullman Dining Car, Portland to Chicago: Chair Car, Portland to Chicago. Chair Car, Portland to Spokane Falls: Pullman Bullet Sleeper, Portland to Spokane bound, daily, is epuipped with Pullman Palace Sleeper, Chicago to Portland; Pullman Colonist . 1. , .uir,,f vtr 1UILIUIIU, fUtllllllJl XllllUg ('HT. f'hiouffi, ti PrirtlnnH- f'hul. fhf........ Portland. Pullman Buffet Sleeper, Spokane Vails v,r ........ . x. nuii v at ojiuftaucraiu 10 riiruaim; Nos. 2 and 1 connect at Pocatello with Pullman Palace tsleejer to and from Ogden and Salt Lake: Colonist Sleeper to and from Denver and Kansas 8TAGE. For Prineville, leave daily (except Sunday) at For Antelope Mitchell, Canvon City, leave Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 a. m. For Dufur, Kingsley and Tvgh Vallev, leave .-, . imii ".ill o nuu 11(1 L 11 1 II (I B,ma A . M . For Ooldendale, Wash., leave Xueseays, Thurs- i." " aim cwiuiuuiB, Bl A. M. OUiees for all lines at the Umatilla House. THE CHUBCHES. X1 LOB, Pastor. Services everv Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7 P. M. Sabbath School at 12 M. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7 THIRST BAPTIST C.IIIIBCH T). r l T . J CURTIS. Pastor. Smlpn pvptt KmiHnv at li A. H. and 7 P. M. Sunday SchiHl after morning service. Strangers cordially invited. Seats free. ME. CHURCH Rev. H. Bbown, Pastor. - - v 1 . ijiiinmj iiiuniiiiK turn evcn- 1 1 '. 1 . 1 11 11 (1 .1 nli.u.l .. . 1 . n - . .' 1 1. , ,1 , , ....... nt vhjuj. a. a coraini invitation is extended by both pastor and people ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Union 8treet, opposite Fifth. Rev. Eli D. Sutclifte Rector. Services vprv Ktmnuv at 11 u unst r.-jn u v i School 12:30 P. x. Evening Prayer on Friday at ST. PETER'S CHURCH Rev. Father Bbons GKE8T Pastor. Txtw M 7 A. M. High Mass at 10:30 A. M. Vespers at 1 r. X. SOCIETIES. A BSEMBLY NO. 2870, K. OF L. Meets In K - vi jr. uoix i uesuays at 7 :au p. m. -ITTASCO LODCiE, NO. 15, A. F. & A. M. Meets j. mira iionaay of each month at COLUMBIA LODGE, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets "every Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Odd f ellows hall, Second street, between Federal and ...u...flw, cjuummu urumera are welcome. H. A. Bills, sec'y R. G. Closteb, N. G. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. 9., K. of P. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in fcchanno s building, corner of Court and Second Mt.rftM SJi iii in r.i i 1 1 . 1 .. i-.ii.. . " ' , j., . . . ...up, mi in .n. i n wruiaiiy ill rT ,'ir .r . - iHOJtrSOK, D. W. Vausk, Sec y. C. C. AV?I??1 CHRISTIAN TEMPERENCE ' , wi" meet every jTiaay afternoon t 8 o clock at the reading room. All are invited. f ? Hsl'MiCorner Second and Court htTMtI. Thliputiiv atrmitiiih, - . i , " J D.WlllllD n I ... ... . John Fixxoon. vv. . Myers, Financier. m. W PROFESSIONAL CARDS. S. ENNETT, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. lice in Schauno's bnildi Of. Dalles, Oregon. The DR. O. C. ESHELMAN Homoeopathic Phy SICIAN AND SURGEON. OltiCB Hnnra I - - ' r ... o r ai . n Hiiswerea jiromptly dy or night' Office; upstairs in Chap- fatll. y'-ltnl ami n .. u n V D SIDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the set on flowed aluminum nlate. ......... c. cAijitciifui i leein. Also teeth flowed aluiniiium nluio rttnma- nt the Golden Tooth, Second Street. A K'- T"OMP?ON-ATTORNEY-AT-I.AW.-Office -i V an Onera House Block. wuliir..t,.n c,,. The Dalles, Oregon F. P. MAYS. B. 8. RUNTINOTON. K. S. WILSON. " r AYS. HITXTIVliTnxr jl. lmcn . U . . . . . ii.-u.i A11UK- kkyb-at-iaw. Offices, French's block over . ..... ..nmmm dhiik, ine xiaiies, Oregon. ( K.B.DDFUB. GEO. W ATKINS. PRANK MENEFEE. "pvUFUR, W ATKINS & MENEFEE Attor NSV8-AT-I.AW Rooms Nos. 71. 73, 75 and 77 Vogt Block, second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. 117 H. WI!inN-lTii.v.., , . n Thi n-i?!?.! New Vogt Block' Second Street, O. D. Doane. I f- TOYDk,?9,AN?: Physicians and Surgeons -" ' rzx" ""jJe"' uTOgon. vimee in Vogt block Tt T-) Dwimu Esireeu umce hours. - - - w f mm hi o r. 1. Residences Dr. Boyd, corner of Third and Lib- iirni iiuii nunKi m. xioane, over McFar land it French's store. " COLUMBIA Qapdy :-: paetory, W. S. CRAW, Proprietor. (Successor 13 Cram & Corson.) Manufacturer of the finest Freneh and Home Made a-A2sr,:Di e s East of Portland. -DEALER IN- Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Can furnish any of these goods at Wholesala or xvetail FHSH -t- OYSTEf?S$- In Every Style. 104 Second Street, The Dalles, Or. '-' I I 111 I I ft-tf 1 111! hrf I I LJ X II IkLd Seatti. rii.ijiii uu nit - , . m i . w y A AA y por One Week Only I Com mencing Monday, Dee. 15. We offer our Entire Stock of Mens', Women's and Children's Under wear at Greatly Reduced Prices to Close. MEN S' Grey Merino $ .50, former price .75 Heavy White Wool Scarlet Mixed Wool ..: 1.00, " " ... ........ 1.50 WOMEN'S White Merino '.. Jersey Ribbed Fine White Saxony Ribbed.. Fine Natural Grey Our Line of Misses' and Children's at Corresponding Reductions. GiboDs, jWaeallister & Go. Dealers in GROCERIES, HARDWAKE, AND FARM IMPLEMENTS. WALTER A. WOOD'S REAPERS and MOWERS. Hodge and Beniea Headers, Farm Wagons, and Sulky Plows, Harrows, Grappling Hay Forks, Fan Mills, Seat Cush ions, Express and Buggy Tops, Wagon Materials, Iron and Coal, etc. etc. Agents for Little's Sheep Dips. A Complete Line of OILS, GRASS and GARDEN SEEDS, Ihe Dalles, - - H. Her Dealer in FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS AND CAPS, Boots and Shoes etc. PRICKS LOW AND CASH ONLY. BARGAINS IN GL O THING Hats and Gaps, Boots and Shoes G8NTS FURNISHING GOODS, FULL STOCK: STAPLE GOODS: N. HARRIS. Corner 75, " " 1.25 .37J," former price .50 45, " " . .75 $2.00 1.25, " . " ...... 1.40, " " 2.00 ' i": Hacks, JBuggies, Road Carts, Gang Lime and Sulphur, etc. - - Oregon. ... bring, Second and Court-?. News from All Parts o the World. SPECIAL TO THE CHRONICLE.' THX DISCHARGED V. P. LABORERS Numbers of Them In Portland. The Situation Growing Serious. Portland, Dec. 27. The situation of thf discharged laborers forom the Union racinc bonnd extension is growing ser ious. At present there are about one thousand of them in this city and. the number is increasing hourly. Xarge. numbers are being fed and lodged -by the city. Some who are sore pressed are discounting their time checks at nity per cent. J . H. Smith, the contractor, is now at Omaha endeavoring to secure money from the Union Pacific comoanv. Ution his arrival there he telesranned that the company had promised him three hun dred thousand dollars this week, and on this assurance the men have been quieted. To-day Mr. Smith telegraphed mat He wil leave to-day for Portland "money or not." Speaking of the situation to-dav one "C 4 We contracting firms- Said that all ferrSependa on the action of the Union I Pacific. "If WP nVltttin intnaii rIi,a'.o -- . - " " . ' ...v...- V.V.'lll? we can pay off the men at once. If not' it is difficult to forsee the outcome, as tne men are growing desperate." THE -STORM IJJ THE EAST, Trains mil Late -No Damage Reported So Far. Concord, N. H., Dec. 27. Snow has ceased falling and trains are moving again. CoxAGOHARiK. N. Y.. Dec 27. Trains through the Mohawk, valley are moving at average of one hour late. Stages will be unable to travel to-day. i-iTTSBCEG, uec. 27. The passenger trains on all roads are few and far between. No efforts are being made on any of the roads to move freight. New York, Dec. 27. The incoming mails have been delayed by storm. The western mails via New York Central are three hours behind time and all other mails from two to three hours late. THE INDIAN TROUBLE. The HoBtiles Crowing; RoldFears that friendly Indians are Killed. Crestojj, S. D. Dec. 27. The Indians are still carrying on depredations and growing much bolder. A half breed came into the camp on the Cheyenne river and was interviewed nhnnt. th hostiles in the Bad Lands. He savs he left Pine Eidge agency a few davs before with 150 friendly Indians who went to induce hostiles to return from the Bad Lands. There are at the least calcula tion 500 to 600 warriors anion? the hn tiles, all well armed and ajl declare that they would fight. He entertains irreat fears as to the safety of the 150 friendlies as He feels almost certain that a ma jority of them have been killed. WE HAVE BEEN ROBBED. t.lant Scheme by Which One Million Dollars Have Been Stolen. . New York, Dec. 27. Washington special says: Frauds by which the government has been robbed of over one million dollars within the past twelvi months has been brought to the know ledge of the treasury officials and i searching inquiry is in proeress. The frauds were committed by consuls and consular agents in the United States and Canada and by the exports of Cana dian goods to the United States. Some twenty consuls and a lareer number stationed in the province of Ontario are impiicaieu in me cnarge. Terrific Boiler Explosion. ' Cincinnati, Dec. 27. The boiW on the premises of Gus Lowenstein. butcher and manufacturer of sausage, exploded tins morning. . There was a. terrific explosion and no less than seven dwell ings wrecked and torn so that they have to be taken down. Bertha Grav. acred one and a-half years was killed and Mrs. Lowenstein had her back br-he:i. 8ho cannot live. A number of othera v.-r seriously injured. Southern Pacific Elects Its Representa tive. San Francisco, Dec. 27. At a meet ing of the board of directors of the Southern Pacific Co. to ratify the plan of the new western railway combination C. P. Huntington and J. C. Stnbba chosen as representatives of the com pany on advisory board of the new combination.. . - Chicago Wheat Market. " Chicago, 111. Dec. 27. Wheat steadv. Cagh jRn, pait Afav Visited by the Heaviest Wind Ever Known. - maiti-e, uec. so. xnis city was struck by a veritable cyclone earlv this morning which continued with gradually aimimsning fury until evening. The wind was heralded by a steady down pour of ram which set in about dusk on Wednesday and continued into this morning. At 2 :30 a. m. strong gusts of wind began to blow and by 3 :00 o'clock tne wind rose to the dignity of a eale It blew with increasing furv until about 6 :00 o'clock ; it was shaking every house, wrecking many and lashing the Sound into foam ; tearing veesels from their anchorage- nd'TiaBhingthettf'v against one another like bits of drift wood, lay ing low giant trees and appearing to threaten to sweep all before it. Then it slowly relaxed its fury until about sun set it was no more than what mariners call a fresh breeze. - Most of the damage seems to have been done from 4 :00 to 6 :00 o.clock in the morning, and it was between these hours that George Bell, a wood chopper on Madison street, was crushed to death in his tent by a falling tree. The Baker' s warehouse at the . foot of University street was blown down flat with the wharf, and the steamers Henry Uailey and Bailey Gatzert, which were lying at the wharf were much damaged , Several vessels lying in the harbor dragged their anchors and drifted ashore at the same point. . Great damage was done to W. C. Hill & Co's. brickyard in the southern part of the city, on which about 2o0,000 has Deen expended. . More landslides ocenrred on South Twelfth street, greatly delaying North ern Pacific tramg. Fallen trees at Maple valley delayed trains on the Columbia & Pueet Sound road until after night. . The. trestle of the Lake Shore & Seat tie and Montana railroads was demol ished at Stimpson's wharf by a scow which broke away and trains were de layed till after noon. Teleeranh. tele phone and electric wires were down in many places and telegraphic communi cations were cut off until late to-night The smokestack of the Seattle Elec trie Railway company power house was Diown down, and trees blown across the track near Fremont tore down the wires and blocked the track, and no cars ran until noon on any of the electric roads Many honses were damaered and sev era! demolished. Altogether, the storm was one of the worst in the memory of old residents. Tacoma, Dec. 25. The worst storm ever known on the sound prevailed between here and Seattle from an early hour this morning. The Greyhound which left Seattle early in the day, lost a bucket when offAlki point, and was forced t back into Seattle, the sea being so rough as to prevent her turning around. There was no damage done to vcMcia in lacumu naroor. SHOT THROUGH THE HEART. The Foul Murder of a Tounar Victorias, on the Street. Victoria, B. C, Dec. 25. A few min utes alter 1Z o'clock last night, a young man named David F. Fee, well known and respected here, was shot. Biunuy Kiuea on view street, near A. ll "11 1 Blanchard. Fee, in company with friend named Cartridge, was walking quietly along the street, when a man near by said; "You challenged me." and raising a shotgun fired at Fee, the charge entering the latter's heart. The murderer escaped, but later a man named Selk was arrested on suspicion, and when taken to iail he said a man named Whelan had told him he had just shot a man. The police are now on the track of Whelan. " MOre Paupers Dumped on TTs. New York, Dec, 25. Four hundred and six Italians who arrived to-day" in the steamship Hindostan were evidently the output of somelpoorhouse officials of which decided it would be much cheaper to pay their passage to the United States than to keon them for warn They were the dirtiest and most ragged lot that ever arrived in this port. Thev carried no baggage, and had barely sufficient clothing to cover themselves. Nine of them wore detained by Dr. tiuiteras on account of tic.vnefcs or old age, two were lame, one was blind in one eye and one had a tumor on his fore head. They will all be returned, as thev had but a few cents each and only one box of clothes among the party, Killed by a Hairpin. New York, Dee. 25. A' peculiar and fatal accident occured on Eleventh Street. An elderly weman fell to the sidewalk. and when picked up she was found to be dead.- An examination disclosed the fact that a hairpin had been driven into her brain when her head struck th rIr1nwnn.)B iii mil iiii una i.i n . I- I. Return From All Counties Except Mult nomah. Salem, Dec. 2q. With one exception that of Multnomah county the assess ment rolls of all the counties of the state have been returned to the secretary of state. Of thirty-one counties, sixteen show an increase in the total assess ment for 1890 over that of 1889, and the remaining fifteen returned decreased amounts. Estimating Multimomah at $40,000,000, the total taxable property for the state is $114,682,263, as against $101,593,341 last year. - It is estimated that the levy for state purposes will be 4 mills. Last year it was 5 23-25 mills. Press the Button and (let Atustard. Everybody, no doubt, has long thought that there was still a great deal to be desired in the matter of cruetstands pepper bottles with brassy tops that come off when you turn them upside down, and shower pepper in shoals upon your underdone mutton; vinegar bottles minus the vinegar; another bottle with a thick sedimenty something inside which you are informed is "Worsted sauce," and a mustard pot. At last, however, invention has Btepped in and patents have been gone for, and there is a real new thing called the patent auto matic mustard pot- It is a very inge nious - contrivKnce - and is made in an electroplate or nickel silver case. It has a sliding piston, which you press, and then the mustard 'comes out, just as much as you desire, and keeps fresh and nice for quite a while. New York Jour nal. ' - Nantes' with No Meaning. . "Brussels carpet is not made in Brus sels' at all," said J. M. de la Rive, of Brussels. "Nor is French glass made in France. French plate glass, or what is . known to the American trade as French glass, is all of Belgian make. In Cana da they call it German glass. I suppose these names are given because the car pets were handled by dealers in Brussels. ; and the glass was first introduced in this country by French houses and in Canada by Germans." Chicago Tribune. Something Queer About a Richmond Street A Grace street correspondent lodges a novel complaint. He says: "It has got ten to be the habit of people, whenever they see a young lady and gentleman promenading Grace street, to allege that -they are engaged. This is very embar rassing to voujjg ladies who reside upon that street, as they have a delicacy in al lowing gentlemen to escort them home." Richmond State. .. . . A Suggestive Blotter. P. L. A. Wright A silvor blotter back representinsr a shoe sole is on th market. Mrs. Wright Wholl buy such a thing as that? P. L. A. Wright The friends of thou sands of downtrodden writers in thia country. Jewelers' Weekly. . Steamship and Whale in Collision ' ; The steamship Oawmsmnrn !a.T Trenery, has arrived from Liverpool with a eeneral cartro. On Ratnrd.v Oct. 25, the Queensmore paralyzed a ir whale. Cant. Trenerv tried nfA-r vnl- of the way. but the whale was too close on and the ship crave it a stnnninr cla-no. ing blow. The whale did not move, and the water soon became. stai-nAri my. blood. Baltimore American. One of the shortest namen in t.lia -Ann. try is possessed by Mr. Vp urhn in uw- tary of the Corean location at Washing ton. Mr. Ye has just been made happy by the arrival at his home nf linin daughter, and the child has been chris tened "Washou Ye," which in English means "Washington." Thia rfiild i fh first born of the Corean nationality in wis country. The Sausaire man ia u Iwuvo qKId to make both ends meet. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the Bute of Oreeon for tbecountyof Wnsco. O. D. Taylor, ulnintifr. vs. TliomoK J !-,).,. burg, E. L. Smith and I- To Thomas J. Fredenburg, the above named de- In ti P nnmA fit ti.. wt.. ... r n hereby commanded to innwr nnri unswo k compliant of the above named plaintiff, filed against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before the first day of the next regu lar term of said Circnit court, to-wit: On or be fore the 9th dav nf Fl'hrimrv- -1HQ1 1 r .. : 1 , I . T w.iu . . . vu llll L so to appear and answer, fur w.nt t ,k 1 IT will h nnl v trt fh. ...... - r . i . , . prayed for in bis complaint, that is to say: for a ucu.ee iwrcciosing mat certain mortgage, made, executed and delivered by you, to said plaintiff. ui roprauuer, ineta, upon the Ron.n half and north-west quarter of the north curt quarter, and the north-east quarter of the north-west quarter of Section twentv-eight In ...... : ' v.. V" """s13 ws-i, east oi me - w illamette Meridion, In Wasco county, Oregon, and for a sale of said real estate, according to law; that the proceeds of such sale be applied upon the costs and disbursements of this suit, arrt nnon the costs charges ind expenses ,.f such .u. upuu uiemiuMnen loiiro in salil inort-gug-, said note being for f .Ot.o and b. aring interest from the 5th day oi September, iaB8, at the rate of ten per cent, per nnnum until paid, which note Is now overdue and unpaid, and a reasonable attorney's fees of 40.00 as Provided ' and stipulated in said note, and for judgment xidmfX.,eUSon, over gin!rt the attendant, Thomas J. Fredenburg for any amount remain ing unsatisfied after all the proceeds of such sale uaiuHii s demands have iat saia defendants and : . , ,iiit mi persons claiming n throngh or under thorn. er .it, r C . eyer barred and foreclosed of all right title" claim, lien and equity of redemption and Inter S?!ln J? ,Pren?ises, and for such other and further relief as shall be equitable and lust. ,?2LHW Sl t ?ne 9f the ' uut i uui in juuiciai district in Hr";?DeCemtier 23d' 1(90' "'is summons thereof "T1"1 UH"" you Dy publication Dated December 26, 1890. nT'V''" M- . T-T-T-r. . ....