The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 26, 1890, Image 3

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
DEC. 26, 1890
H . H. Sutcliffe, of Goldendale, ia in
the city.
It 5a reported that , there are to be
several marriages in high life in the
near future.
There were Christmas religious ser
vices in the Episcopal and Catholic
churches yesterday.
Rev. G. H. Hutchinson, late pastor of
The Dalles Presbyterian church spent
Christmas in the city.
Our subscription list is increasing
very rapidly, for which our friends will
please accept our thanks.
Yesterday was certainly a "green
Christmas" the hills being covered with
verdure, and the thermometer standing
placidly at 56 above.
Hon. D. J. Cooper, XT. S. swamp land
commissioner, arrived home to-day by
the delayed train from the East, where
he has been on official business since
July last.
Mr. Otto Kohlu, of Kohlu & Carlin,
great sheep men of the Bake Oven dis
trict, was in the city yesterday. He re
ports stock in excellent condition but if
the country could get more rain the
fanning interests and grass would be
Yesterday, Christmas, was the most
lovely, perfect day' on record in this
locality, beiug clear and bright, with a
maximum temperature of 56 deg. and a
minimuiu temperature of 39 deg. Bees
were out on the wing, and birds were
singing as cheerily as in spring-time.
A crate of demijohns was received by
Mr. Alloway this morning, all empty.
They were not intended as a Christmas
present but will each be filled with water
from the railroad tanks, and sent back
to Omaha for analysis, so that the effee't
of the water on the boilers can be de
termined. We understand petitions are being
circulated in Sherman and "Wasco coun
ties asking the incoming legislature to
repeal that evil, the mortgage tax law,
which is cursing our statutes and fair
state. Thia is a move in the right direc
tion and should be signed by everybody
throughout our borders.
We would call the attention of the
readers of the Chronicle to the home
market report which appears in this
issue. It will be furnished every week
corrected to date, and will be one of the
epeeial feature of this paper. It is pre
pared by one of our most reliable mer
chants and can always be depended
upon for accuracy and honesty of state
ment. We print., in thia issue a petition to
the legislature which will be presented
at its next session, asking for an appro
priation of $10,000 for the purpose of
building a wagon road over the Tygh
hill. The road ia badly needed, is too
expensive for the county to undertake,
jUnd as it is used by residents of other
tounties as a thoroughfare, it is emi
iently proper that the state should assist
in building it.
The Christmas tree of the A. O. U, W.
at K. of P. hall Christmas night was one
of the most pleasant affairs of the kind of
tde year. The Christmas tree was a
aplendid big fellow, and loaded with
fruit. The hall was crowded to its
utmost capacity and everpbody was in
that particularly happy frame of mind
which Christmas and the knowledge of
making others happy always brings.
Col. Nevius made a short bus interesting
little talk expatiating on the "good of
the order" and urging the ladiea to
work enegetically for it, as its objects
was principally to provide for them.
After the' presents are1 distributed, a
grab bag decided the ownership of a doll
and a drum, presented by the lodge, a
daughter of Paul Kreft getting the
former and Master D. E. Fisher the lat
ter. W. S. Myers received a magnifi
cent squash, and several of the mem
bers, dolls.. One of them got two but
which one deponent sayeth not,
In this city by Rev. W. E. Curtis,
Dec. 25., at the residence of T. S. Hodg
son, Miss Marianna R. White, to Mr.
Wilburt L. Lall, both of The Dalles.
Drug Store Prices.
Customer Give me 10 cents worth of
paregoric please.
Druggist Yes, sir.
Customer (absent mindedly) How
much is it !
Druggist A quarter.
The East India tea industry is being
developed at a wonderfully rapid rate,
The season's crop is estimated to be
ll.OoO.OOO pounds.
About 1,000,000 pounds of glueose is
being turned out a day, principally in
cities in the west. This is largely used
In candies and no secret is made of
the fact.
A drunken man in New York shouted
for Jay Gould and was sent to the hos
pital. Both he and money were tight.
Begin the new year with a resolution
to be more progressive during 1891 than
ver before.
Wanted A boy who is a rustler, at
62 Second street. A good position for
the right person.
To the Coming Session of the Legislature
for Help on the Tygli Mountain Road.
We, the undersigned would respect
fully represent to your Honorable body
that we are resident citizens of the State
of Oregon, and have personal knowledge
of the facts hereinafter mentioned.
That the only wagon road leading
from Oregon City, in Clackamas county
and Portland in Multnomah county, to
The Dalles, in Wasco county, passes
over what ia known as Tygh mountain,
about twenty-seven miles south of - The
Dalles, and between The Dalles, and
Tygh Valley ; that the grade up said
mountain as heretofore laid out, and
used, ia very steep, narrow and difficult
to travel ; and in places passes over
ledges of rocks and boulders, so much so
that it ia extremely dangerous in going'
down the grade and impossible for loaded
teams to go up the grade at all. Several
persons have already been killed by their
teams getting off from said old grade, in
going down said mountain, their horses
killed or crippled and their wagons and
freight broken to pieces and ruined.
Said road is the most direct, and ex
cept as to that part of it passing over
said Tygh mountain, is much the easiest
and most feasible route from The Dalles
to Prineville and the tributary country,
and if a good grade was constructed
over said mountain, it would shorten the
distance between said places about 25
miles and be of great public benefit
and utility and of especial importance to
the people of Clac'kamas, Multnomah,
Wasco, Crook Sherman and other coun
ties in eastern Oregon.
That during the summer of 1890 the
the county court of Wasco comnty, di
rected a view and survey across said
mountain divide, and on a route which
follows up a long canon to the west of
said old grade, and the viewers ap
pointed to make such examination and
view with the county surveyor, reported
that a good, safe and easy grade could
be made on the new route that would
enable heavily loaded teams to pass eas
ily and safely over, bofh ways, but in
the opinion of competient judges it
would cost $10,000 to construct such
grade, and that a good grade could be
constructed for said sum.
That for several miles along said old
grade and said proposed new. grade the
country is unsettled and the cost of
building said new grade renders it im
possible for any road district to build
the same, and the county of Wasco is
hardly able to undertake, alone, the
construction of said new grade at so
great an expense ; and also in view of
the fact that the people of several coun
ties are directly interested in a good
road over said mountain.
Wherefore your petitioners pray your
Honorable Body to appropriate the sum
of $10,000 from the state funds', to be
used in the construction of the proposed
new grade'over said Tygh moantain.
An Attempt at Suicide.
Henry Deerhake is lying in one of the
rooms over Skibbe's restaurant with a
bullet hole in his right breast, and a
pistol bullet lodged, probably near his
backbone. The wound was self inflicted
and while he claims the shooting wa9
accidental, all the circumstances sur
rounding the case force one to the con
clusion that it was suicidal. He had an
eight-horse team loaded with freight for
Prineville, but it is said indulged in
Christmas festivities which included
gambling, rather more than he ought to
have done. His team was at Brooks &
Beers,' and about 4 :00 o'clock Wednes
day evening he entered their store and
asked Mr. Beers if he had fed the team.
Mr. Beers told him, that as he had not
made his appearance in the morning, he
had the team fed at 9 :00 o'clock, Deer
hake asked him if he could have them
fed again that night to which Mr. Beers
made some remark about taking care of
it himself instead of running around,
but upon Deerhake insisting told him
he would have the team taken care
of Deerhaker went out, but stopped in
the door and said, "The team is good for
its feed isn't it?" Mr. Beers told him
it was and he went out aud around to
the corral. Between 4 and 5 o'clock
Mr. Beers and another man went out to
feed the team. Mr. Beers thought he
heard a groan, but not seeing anyone
paid no attention to it. Hearing it
again he looked under the shed at the
near end of the building, and seeing
some object (it was getting quite dark)
examined it to find that it was Deer
hake. To his inquiries Deerhake at
first made no reply, but finally said, "I
have shot myself." Mr. Beers went
after a light and Mr. Williams, the firm
bookkeeper, went after a doctor. Being
asked if ijt was an accident he made no
reply but finally said: "I was taking
the pistol from my vest. -I had
it in my hand." His coat is powder
burned and shows that the shot
was fired from the out side of it, and
contradicts his story of taking it from
his vest. The bullet entered about an
inch below and the same distance back
of the right nipple. Mr. Beers found
the pistol empty, and Durhaker told
him he fired the balance of the shots
through the roof of the shed, which he
did as four bullet holes are visible. The
wound is a daugeroua one the chances of
his recovery being very slim. Messrs
Brooks & Beers had his wagons unloaded
at such places as the goods are shipped
from. Hia conversation indicates very
clearly that it was an attempt at suicide,
and one that will in all probability be
For coughs and colds use 2379.
Lots' at North Dalles at acre price.
Don't fail to 'see the show window: at
62 Second street to-night.
Does S. B. get there? "I should
smile." S. B.
Tot elegant holiday presents go to W.
E. Garretson's.
Look out for the new hotel at North
Dalles. - "
Portland capital is' going in at North
C. E. Dunham will cure your head
ache, cough or pain for 50 renls, S. B.
North Dalles property, for a good in-
New manufactories are going in 'at
North Dalles.
2379 is the cough syrup for children.
North Dalles now is your chance before
they advance. .
Get me a cigar from that fine case at
Snipes & Kinersley's.
Snipes & Kinersly are anxious to cure
your headache for 50 cents. S. B.
Last week something like 110 lots
were sold at North Dalles.
Joles Bros.' is the boss place to buy
For bar-trains in all lines of men's wear
go to MacEachken a MacLeods.
Fine watches, fewelrv and silvprwflrp
the very handsomest of Christmas pres
ents at W. E. Garretson's.
The sales of lota in North Dalles last
week were big. Our best citizens are
buying them.
An eastern company will equip a
fine electric line running into North
Dalles one mile.
You need not cough! Blakeley &
Houghton will cure it for 50 cents. S. B.
We took dinner at Haight's restaurant
vesterday and were surprised at him giv
ing so good a meal for so low a price.
$15,000.00 in Clothing. Furnishine
Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, etc., to
be sold at cost, at
Ouite a nartv of centlemen will mmn
from Portland thia week to look at
North Dalles property with a view of
large investments.
The finest stock of silverware ever
brought to The Dalles at W. E. Garret-
sons, Second street.
Do not forget about the first annual
ball to be given by the Gesang Verein
(iiarmony; on JNew i ear's eve.
One of the largest tanneries "west of
the Mississippi river will be located at
JNorth Dalles and at least two other large
institutions in the near future.
All of our Immense Stock must be sold
regardless of Cost, as we are Closing out
our business in The Dalles.
MacEachekn a MacLeod.
Ladv Amiles at Maier & Benton's.
Just the the thing for Christmas trees.
Corner Third and Union streets.
in fact for anything m the shape of a
beautjful Christmas present, go to S. L.
x oung.
North Dalles lots are selling fast and
are being taken at Portland very freely.
This week : promises some promising
developments. . .
Notice is hereby given , that the taxes
for Dalles City are now due and payable
at my office for the next thirty days.
After date (December 31st, 1890.) they
become delinquent. J. S. Fish,
December 2d, 1890. City ireas.
The S. B. Headache and Liver 'iire tjikpn
according to directions will keep your Blood,
Liver and Kidneys in good order.
The 8. B. Cough Cure for Colds, Coughs
and Croup, in connection with the Headache
Cure, is as near perfect as anything known.
The S. B. Alpha Pain Cure for internal and
external' use, in Neuraljrin, Toothache, Cramp
Colic and Cholera Morbus, is unsurpassed. They
are well liked wherever known. Manufactured
at uuiur, uregon. r or sale hy all druggists.
Hot and. Cold
ax iu -Caen, rurimna, we now oner our .Livery
Stable business in this city for sale at a bargain.
Farm situated on Three Mile creek about
two and one-half miles from The Dalles, will be
leased for one or more years at a low rent to any
.iioiulc "-linn l. i in iarm nas upon it i
ir t riir.llln. 1- .... . . j . . . . .
r" ",vi .mi, uuuse una necessary out DUlia
ngs. about two acres of orchard, about three
hundred acres under cultivation, a large portion
"Y " ,VA raise tt ulmju. volunteer wneai
crop in 1891 with ordlnarilv favorable weather.
TnpfarW 4o Itrall nrnAwul . a
- - - w tv n avcicu. rur His UUU pariiCU
lars enquire of Mrs. Sarah A. Moore or at the office
Of Ma H- fTtinHnortrtn Jtr Wllunn TKn
. J unwu w aiouu, A 1nilCOt J
SARAH A. MOORE, Executrix.
Next door to Columbia Candy Factory.
Boots and Shoes
Made to Order, and
' .. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Quick Work.
Prices Reasonable.
. Tmv Thanksgivings. " -
Be Bghts shine oat within the aaMd, -
inl or musks echoes tiiraujrh thosrirhfc,
And waxen tapers, etostered on the wall.
t.timrmrr above be banqoe table brteJM:
Por, year by yea, fair youth sod beauty meat
Tosl ami ilnnr.i to strains of mnsto muit,
Through waning boors around the hang met, thera
TOT revet in the ray and festal scene:
Yet on those lovely faces, unaware.
Bests oftenume a discontented mien:
For all this lift , of ease and pleasure's sense '
They give no thanks, no worthy recompense.
down the winding; road beside the brook
A vine dad cottage stands upon the green:
Full many yean within this humble nook
An honest yeoman and his wife have been
still, sweet hamlet, where the even flow
Of whiter days and summer come and go.
A grassy strip of fruitful garden plot '
i ne narrow urn its of their circle bound: .
A life of toil and labor is their lot.
Yet, year by year, the family gathers round.
And tho' one snnny child is missing, there
The father calmly bows his head in prayer.
Mahel Hayden in JennesB-MiDer Magazine.
. A Hero of at Practical foka, . .
A young man of about S3 is just now
the hero of a select circle of friends in
the southern section of the city, and in
view of his peculiar history he quite de
serves to he lionized. Five years ago he
was a clerk in a bank on a meager sal
ary, and one time some of the same de
voted friends of these days thought it
would be a good joke to pretend, the
bank had been robbed, and warn ; Viim
that he was suspected. This a number
did, only they called him up about mid
night, so as to give the joke a more
natural appearance. After telling rm
that two hoars before burglars had
stolen $50,000 in bank notes, they added
that the police were now on the way to
arrest him as a suspect.
It so happened that he had bat two
hoars before been in the vicinity of the
bank, and fearful of not being able to
prove an alibi, he gathered his available
belongings together and canght an early
morning train for the north. Of course
there was a big row in the vicinity of
the young fellow's home and his fanny
friends had to leave town. Fortunately
the young fellow was a bachelor, and he
was not hunted np. Recently he wrote
to an old acquaintance here from Can
ada, and the latter in replying to the
long lost youth told him the truth about
the bank joke. - Then the young fellow
came .back, bat not as he went away.
He rode in a parlor car and swelled
around in a hack. He had gone to Mon
treal and after the first shock had settled
down to work and gradually by lucky
speculation had grown rich. Philadel
phia XkMroirer. . - -
Cranes in the Crimea.
Same interesting results were obtained
from the archaeological explorations car
ried on in the Crimea daring last Bum
mer. Professor VeseelovBld found paisifc
ed Iranian bones in two graves six skel
etons in one grave and oneTh another.
The well known archaeologist Professor
Grempler, of Breslan, who was present
last year at the congress of archaeolo
gists at Moscow, is of opinion that these
graves belonged to the original inhabi
tants of the Crimea, the Cimmerians of
Herodotus. It was a usage with them
to lay their dead on elevated spots so
that the birds might consume the flesh.
When quite bleached they painted the
skeletons with some mineral pigment.
U-ravescontaining such painted-skeletons
have been found m Central Atria, bat
only in a few instances. Only three such
graves had been previously found in the
Crimea. Professor Grempler proposes to
take the skeletons with him to Paris,
and exhibit them at the congress of an
thropologists to be held there daring the
autumn. Boston Transcript.
Damages for a Delayed Message.
The state supreme court of North
Carolina has confirmed the action of the
lower court which awarded to J. T.
Young, of Craven county. N. d, $10,000
damages against the Western Union
Telegraph company. It is represented
that last year "Young's wife was taken
very ill in Colombia, S. C Mr. Young
was at New Berne, N. C, and his wife
telegraphed him that she was sick, and
requested him to come to her at once.
He did not get the message until six
days later, and in the meantime Mrs.
Young died and was buried. Young not
knowing of either fact till all was over."
Philadelphia Ledger.
A Fascinating- Painting;.
A Russian artist, Nicolai, has set Ber
lin agog by exhibiting his painting of
Christ before Pilate. It is said to be
horribly fascinating, and the salon where
it is displayed is crowded to suffocation.
Critics agree that it is vastly inferior to
Munkacsy's painting of the same title,
so far as art is concerned, but they ad
mit that it has power. Kate Field's
As the neck dressings grow larger.
richer, showier in texture and more ver
satile in form, the scarf pins, as if regu
lated by a temporizing hand, become
more chastely simple in design. A plain
old gold ball of the circumference of a
five cent silver piece, studded with tur
quoise a revived pattern is very dis
Pipes are coming into fashion again,
but only in offices and out of sight of the
public. Possibly the time will come
when a man will feel justified in pro
ducing a pipe in the smoking compart
ment of a car here, or in stalking along
the street with one, after the fashion of
the young clerks in England.
The French minister of war lately of
fered a prize for the swiftest bird in a
night from Pengueux to Paris, 810 rrrilea,
There were 2.746 entries, and the winner
did the distance in seven hours and
thirty-four minutes.' -
The greatest height in the atmosphere
at which the sound of cannon has been
heard was 20,000feet, when Mr. GUaisher
at that height over Birmingham heard
the firing of the guns being proved there.
. Mr. Skelton, of Hart county, Ga.,
owns a hog 14 months old and weighing
S35 pounds. It is 7 feet 7 inches long, and
its back "is almost as broad as a barn
aoor." - -
OtJTH DRLiliES; Wash. : 3
In the last two weeks large sales of Ms SSo
have been made at Portland, Tacoma, Forest in the West
Grove, McMinnville and The Dalles- AU - ..
are satisfied that
-a. a.v''-VAD a
North Dal l MteHT
iM orth UALLbS Wire Works.
now the place for investment. . New Man- CllCIfllC8l
ufactories are to be added and
ments made. -The next 90 days will be im- Lverii
portant ones for this new city. . Tfiflj COttafFBX
'Call at the office of the
Or 72 Washinon St "POTMTT . A TOT" rVr-
Staple and
Hay, Grain
Cheap Express Wagons flos. 1 and 2.
Orders left at the Stcre will receive prompt attention.
Trunks and Packages delivered to any part of the City.
Wagons always on hand when Trains or Boat arrives..
No. 122 Cor: Washington and Third. Sts.
pine Cigatfs
Pipes, Cigarettes and Smokers' Notions.
109 Second St., The Dalles. .
Undertakers and Embalmers.
Clearance Sale!
For the Purpose of Disposing of our
Fall and Winter Millinery,
Will Sell so CHEAP that it "will pay you to have a
new hat if only for "Looks."
Cor. of TM and Washington Sts, Tne Dalles, Oregon.
large improve-
mew DDinrc
Investment Co..
D AXLES, Or. '
and Feed.
and Tobacco
& Budget,
MRS. PHILLIPS, 81 Third Street.