The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 20, 1890, Image 4

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.A. Club's Care for Women The Olrl ui
. tfce Period Coming ' Dnu Goods Wo-
. aua uh( Her Work Basket The Skirl
Trailer Rebuked.
One ofv&ese days Sallie Joy White
-will wake "up i and find herself famous.
She has just written a book called
"Cookery in the Pnblic Schools," advo
cating the -establishment at public ex
pense of a kftchea'in; every girls' school
in the country, where the little students
can be taught t?'make soups and broths
out of the meat scraps, salads and gravies,
of the bits of greens and toast, puddings
and butter cakes of the cut bread, which,
denominated stale, goes to waste and im
poverishes the home.
She argues very wisely that a knowl
edge of bread and coffee is of infinitely
more value to the average girl than the
solution of catch problems, the descrip
tion of water routes or the drawing of
maps. She gives a brief outline of the
industrial course of study pursued in the
. Boston schools, where 2,000 little girls
-'. have the same facilities for learning how
to broil meat that they have to do sums,
write compositions and learn singing.
Our imperious trustees and unap
proachable commissioners of education
are inclined to call vthis all bosh, but it
is a lamentable f acv, vouched for by the
justices of our police courts, that the
-underlying motive of the bulk of di-
-vorces and cases of desertion is resolved
into the practical issue of bread and but
. ter. The husband earns $ 1.50 or $3.50
a day. The wife knows nothing of do
mestic science and is bothered to make
the small sum left after the rent is paid
cover the wide expanse of daily food,
clothing and fuel.
At the day and Sunday school she
learned nothing about dietetics. She
has no knowledge of the uses to which
milk cereals, meat bones and green goods
can be put She does not even know
how to market. She buys the cheapest
class of provisions. This is necessarily
insufficient for the physical needs of the
man, who, to replenish his appetite, goes
to the free lunch counter. In ninety
sine cases that go to the commissioners
of charities and correction for help Su
perintendent Blake finds that while the
woman may not be directly responsible
she is culpable because of her gross ig
norance. Interrogate her and you will
find that she never made a loaf of bread
In her life, never heard of "stock" and
wouldn't know how to use a griddle or a
broiler if she had one. Sallie Joy White
is on the right track.
There are fifteen kitchens for every
cook in New York, and no bad reason
either, and there are hundreds of restau
rateurs in the city who will find $60 po
sitions for any girl or boy, man or worn
' an who can cook oaten meal, boil pota
toes and make coffee not spoil them,
but cook them properly. New York
A Club's Luxurious Provisions for Women
The new club house of the Montauk
club, of Brooklyn, which in a very abort
time has become one of the representa
tive social clubs of that city, is located
on one of the highest points of .Prospect
Heights, and is in every respect ad
mirably" adapted to the uses to which it
is to be tUt. It is four ctnriAs riiirli
with basement, and is constructed in the
richest style of Venetian architecture.
-The fir'it floor has a reception room,
-library and reading room, a cafe and
"morning room, all reached from the
main hall and communicating. On the
' second floor are the billiard and card
rooms, together with the directors' room,
while on the third are the main dining
room, the ladies' dining room and the
. ladies' parlor.
This provision for ladies is a new and
promises to be a very popular feature.
The ladies' entrance connects with all
the rooms directly, both by staircase and
elevator, without passing through any
of the halls of the club proper. It is the
purpose of the members of the club that
their wives and daughters shall share
with them all the enjoyments and
pleasures which membership in the
Montauk is expected to afford, and in
this respect they set a very proper and
commendable example.
The dining rooms can be thrown to
gether and tables extended the full
length of the room and across the plaza
end, when 200 can be comfortably enter
tained. On the fourth floor are sleep
ing apartments, with bath and toilet
rooms. Entirely cut off by fireproof
partitions from other rooms on this floor
is the kitchen, which, with its storage
and cool rooms, is in communication by
means of dummy waiters with the serv
ing rooms on the floor below. On the
upper floor, in the roof, are the laundry
and steward's quarters.
A grand balcony will extend around
the building at the fourth Btory level,
and underneath this will be the frieze,
two and a half feet in width, consisting
of a panorama in red and yellow terra
cotta, illustrative of the progress of
American civilization. Frank Leslie's
Mrs. Whitelaw Reid, wife, of the
American minister to the republic of
France, is regarded in Paris as an ideal
diplomats. Her house is sumptuous,
her hospitality, both official and per
sonal,, unbounded, her dressing costly
and in perfect taste, her manners sim
ple, kindly and elegant, and her French
Eighty-two per cent, of all public
school teachers are women. Men hold
the chief offices, however, in the Na
tional Educational association, though
this year, for the first time, women's
names appear in the list of vice presi
dents. They are also on the board of
directors, but not among the trustees.
The greatest distance ever recorded at
which the Bound of cannon has been
heard was on Dec. 4, 1832, when the can
non of Antwerp were heard in the Erze
gebirge mountains, at a distance of 370
miles. : .
. Ewoiao lor Desired Mawks, -
9Tobody need lecture me on the score
of bad condition," said a wealthy girl as
she dropped an Indian club on the .floor
of the gymnasium and took up a pair of
dumbbells. Her pretty neck and shape
ly shoulders had not only a sufficient
covering of flesh, but a goodly develop
ment of muscle.
"Stretch your arm out horizontally
from your side," she said, suiting the
action to the word, "and turn your head
from it. Now move hand and arm back
as far as yon can, slowly and steadily,
then forward. Observe the rising and
falling of a muscle at the shoulder, just
below the dreadful collar bone. This is
a hint worth taking, now that we are
soon to put on decollete gowns for balls.
Take the pains to experiment till you
find just what movements of the arms,
shoulders and neck bring into play mus
cles that tend to fill up the sundry hol
lows. "Having found the necessary move
ments practice them till you are good
and tired every time you get a chance
ami, believe me, improvement will re
pay yon. This method of filling up is
safer than an effort at gaining flesh. One
is so likely to gain too much flesh; be
sides, often one has flesh enough, except
just about the neck; Bring out the
muscles there and you will be all right."
The pretty enthusiast went on to argue
that a woman's muscles develop in
length, a man's in knots; that a woman
whose every muscle was symmetrical
would present lines as perfect in curve
as her frame permitted. The fullness at
tained by this sort of work will be safer
and firmer than that given by mere
plumpness. The shoulder blades are
covered by a set of muscles which are
called into play by driving and pushing
movements of 'jhe arms. New York
Mrs. Frank Leslie's 'Nolr1n--
"Yes. I have Him VPT-v fmA rliATTinnrla
I have, above all else, the finest pair of
solitaire earrings in the world. The two
stones weigh thirty-six carats. They are
so nearly alike in color, size, weight and
general appearance that they cannot be
told apart even by an expert. You know
when you have a fine horse and then
match him with a mate equally without
flaw or blemish the value of t.h raw Vm.
comes quadrupled. So, too, is it with
tntse ear arops. nan x nave a necklace
that to me is very interesting, as much
for the intrinsic merit of its 3,000 gems
as for the historical associations linked
witn its eventful past. That necklace
belomred to one of the favnritMnf rinth.
erine de Medici, the former figuring in
msxory as a xamous poisoner. .Pendent
from the necklace is a diamond dove,
with wines outstretched.
"This dove is so set that its wings are
capaoie or moving up and down, reveal
insr a tinv secret chambfir. Whctmin it. ia
said, was concealed ; the fatal potion
wnose insidious power was too often ex
ercised against those whose only crime
was that of suitor who had failed to win
a blackened ' and deceitful heart. Con
firmatory of the uses of the secret cham
ber in the oniHtratarial nrirxm t
. T . ... Vfc IMIO
dove, I saw last year in Europe a picture
oi my iamous lavonte or Catherine de
Medici; and, would
the neck the artist had extended his fair
sitters hand, completely concealing, in
very suggestive fashion, the poised dove.
In one sense I do not like this necklace
and seldom wear it there's something
uncanny, something grewsome about it !"
Mrs. Leslie's Interview in Detroit Free
Press. ,
Sower Gas in the Household.
It is a well known fact that many peo
ple, on their return to the city after
spending the summer in the country,
are soon taken down with fever. Some
of the reasons for this are known to us,
but probably there are many yet to be
discovered. An unmistakable cause is
found in many city homes which are
shut up for montli3, during a portion of
which time they are filled with sewer
gas. Very few, indeed, have the traps
under their sinks sealed up when they
leave homo, nor are they filled during
their absence. Of course the water in
them soon evaporates, and there is no
longer any obstruction against the free
passage through them of gas from the
With this pervading a house there is
certainly a bad outlook for its returning
tenants. In such a condition it ought
to undergo fumigation; if that remedy is
not applied then all that is left is
thorough airing of all the rooms and
everything therein, with curtains up to
admit every possible ray of sunlight.
And the longer the windows are kept
open the better. A house infected by
sewer gas is scarcely likely to be made
safe, even by thorough ventilation, un
less it isprolouged for days and days.
Boston Herald.
The Power of Slang.
In Saco some of the young people have
banded together to keep from the use of
slang. They find it pretty hard work,
for the United States language has sucb
smattering of questionable idioms that
to pick out the wheat from the chaff is a
trying task. . Every time they slip it
costs a cent, which they deposit in the
strong box of the society. A few even
ings ago a young lady member who had
been so unfortunate as to break the by
laws forgot herself while in the very act
of dropping: the required amount into
the treasury and exclaimed, "There she
goes!" She was obliged to add another
penny to the fund. Lewiston Journal.
Row M nch So tip.
I have discarded my soup plates and
given orders that in the future soups are
to be served in small teacups. I am in
debted to a well known French caterer
for this and when you stop and think
how the best meaning people eat soups
you will see the propriety of decreasing
the quantity. One doesnt consider how
much soup one is eating. : The result is,
where the soup is served in the usual
soup plates, one gets a dinner before the
time comes for serving the courses. The
teacup of soup obviates this. How
many good dinners I have lost on ac
count of the generous hostess who filled
the soup plate to the brim ! Interview in
Chicago Tribune.
North Dalles to the Front.
The sale of lots continue to increase
each day as contracts are closed out for im
provements. ' In a few days active
work will begin towards erecting several
fine dwellings. Several prominent gen
tlemen of The Dalles and Portland will
erect residences at North Dalles. - t .
Mr. O. D. Taylor, President & General
Manager of the Interstate Investment
Co., with Mr. S. L. Skeele will leave for
the east in a few days with a view of
meeting capitalists and closing out for
manufactories. . -
Two railroads 'are now headed for
North Dalles and the coming spring will
make the Real Estate market in North
Dalles lots lively.
You will never again get lots as cheap
as you can for the next few days, for the
demands and the company will advance
them soon. We would like to see every
one of our citizens make money in lota
at North Dalles. ,
Many letters continue to arrive from
the Sound making inquiries and in most
cases purchasing.
We confidently expect to see not less
than nrty nouses underway by the be
ginning of the new year. Mark what
we say. Lots will advance rapidly at
JNortn Dalies.
For further information address O. D.
Taylor, President & General Manager of
the interstate investment Co., The
Dalles, Or.
Charles E. Dunham,
Fine Toilet Soaps,
Brushes, Combs,
Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles.
In Great Variety.
Pure Brandy, Wines and
Iiiquors foi VIediei
nal Purposes.
Physicians' Prescriptions Accurately
. Compounded.
Cor. Union and Second Sts., The Dalles.
Old (jernapia
The place to get the Best Brands ofj
wines, Liquors
Washington Market, Steond St.
Don't Forget the
mm sip,
MacBonali Bins., Props.
Wines, Liquors and Cigars
0. K. Restaurant!
Next to Passenger Depot. .
Day and Monthly Boarders.
Misses. N. Sz. N. BTJTS.
Keit door to Columbia Candy Factory.
Boots and Shoes
Hade to Order, and
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Quick Work.
Prices Reasonable.
H. C. NI
Glothiei and
G-ents' FuLxrn1T-i1:rig Goodis,
l?at5 aijd Qap5, Jrupl, ilalises,
Soots and Shoes, Etc'
j. jwfwpj o p.
Hal Estate and
Insurance Agents.
Abstracts of, and Information Concern
ing Land Titles on Short Notice.
Land -for Sale and Houses to Rent
Parties Looking for Houses in
BugiqB Location
Should Call on or Write to us.
Agents for a Full Line of
Leading Fire Insurance Companies,
And Will Write Insurance for
-A-Ztsrsr -A.3LOTj"nsrT,
on all
Correspondence Solicited. All Letters
Promptly Answered. Call on or
Opera House Block, . The Dalles, Or.
Corner Second and Union Streets.
CHPJS BlLlLiS, PirojD.
The Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Mr. Bills will aim to supply his customers with
the best in his line, both of Imported and do
mestic goods. .
Has Opened a
Tjixnoli Oountor,
In Connection With his Fruit Stand
and Will Serve
Hot Coffee, Ham Sandwich, Pigs' Feet,
and Fresh Oysters.
Convenient to the Passenger
On Second St., near corner of Madison.
Also a
Branch Bakery, California
Orange Cider, and the
Best Apple Cider.
If you want a good lunch, give me a call.
. Open all Night
Health is Wealth !
Dr. E.-C. West's Nkkvb asb Brain Treat
ment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzi
ness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia,
Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use
of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental De
presuion, Softening of the Brain, resulting in in
sanity and leading to misery, decay and death,
Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power
in either sex. Involuntary Losses and Spermat
orrhoea caused by over exertion of the brain, self
abuse or over indulgence. Each box contains
one month's treatment. 1 1.00 a box, or six boxes
for 0.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price.
To cure any case. With each order received by
us for six boxes, accompanied by (5.00, we will
send the purchaser our written guarantee to re
fund the monev if the treatment does not pffivt
a cure. Guarantees issued only by
. - Prescription Druggists,
175 Second St. The Dalles, Or.
$500 Reward!
We will pay the above reward for any case of
Liver Complaint. Dvsnensia. Sick Headache. In
digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot
cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the
directions are strictly complied with. They are
purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfac
tion. Sugar Coated. Large boxes containing 30
Pills, 25 cents. Beware of counterfeits and imi
tations. The genuine manufactured only by
Prescription Druggists,
175 Second St. , The Dalles, Or.
Dalles CHiolle
is here and has come to stay. It hopes,
to win its way to public favor by ener
gy, industry and merit; and to this end
we ask that you give it a fair trial, and.
if satisfied with its course a generous,
support. -
four pages of six columns each, will be?
issued every evening, except Sunday,,
and will be delivered in the city, or sent
by mail for the moderate sum of fifty
cents a month.
Its Objects
will be to advertise the resources of the
city, and adjacent country, to assist rn
developing our industries, in extending
and opening up new channels for our
trade, in securing an open river, and in.
helping THE D ALLES to take her prop
er position as the
Leading City of Eastern Oregon.
The paper, hoth daily and weekly, will
be independent in politics, and in it
criticism of political matters, as in itjk
handling of local affairs, it will be
We will endeavor to give all the lo
cal news, and we ask that your criticism.
of our object and course, be formed from
the contents of the
rash assertions of outside parties.
For the benefit of
shall print the first
copies for free distribution; and shall.
print from time to time extra editions,,
so that the paper will reach every citi
zen of "Wasco and adj acent counties.
sent to any address for $1.50 per year
It will contain from four to six eight
column pages, and we shall endeavor
to make it the equal of the best. Ask
your Postmaster for a copy, or address.
Office, N. W. Cor. Washington and Second Ststf
paper, and not from.
our advertisers we
issue about 2,000