WOMEN IN MEN'S CLUBS. Son Swell New York ana Boston Cinb Malco Special Provision for Them. A Teritabla revolution is slowly taking place in the realms of clubdom. If any one had suggested the possibility of ladies being received in aristocratic male clubs a few years ago he would have been con sidered a most promising candidate for Bedlam. Despite thia fact, two of the most fashionable and exclusive clubs in New York city and one club of the same character in Brooklyn moke provision for the reception and entertainment of the wives and daughters of their mem bers; a third New York club will soon be added to the list of the clubs which have sanctioned the innovation, and other clubs are looking in that direction. The revolution was started by the famous Somerset club, of Boston, than which there is no more exclusive and conservatiue club organization in Amer ica. This club among clubs decided about eight years ago to fit up a suite of moms exclusively for the accommodation of ladies, and provided a private entrance to this suite of rooms, which are entirely isolated from other parts of the club. The wife or daughter of a member was permitted to introduce other ladies as her guests, the sole restriction being that .she should in her own handwriting ea ter the names of her guests in a, book kept for the purpose. The innovation won the immediate approval of the so cial circles so largely represented in the Somerset club, and speedily became one of the distinctive features of that organ ization. When the Hamilton club, of Brooklyn, was incorporated it adopted this feature, and shortly after, when ihe Lawyers' club was established in the Equitable building, the same system was adopted on a much broader scale. The Lawyers' club set aside "private'- dining-Tooms,'a public dining room, a ladies' parlor, boudoir and bathroom for the use of wives and daughters of ! its members, and subsequently placed them in charge of experienced ladies' maids, who are al ways in attendance. No gentleman is ever admitted to these rooms unless he is accompanied by a lady. Upon his election to the Lawyers' club a member .fills out a blank with the names of the Jadies of his family to whom he .wishes to have the privileges of the club ex tended. The names so entered are copied upon a register, and thereafter tha., ladies. named by the member have the freedom of the suite of rooms set apart for the use of their sex.. . They can .gain admit tance to these rooms at any time during the day, can meet other ladies there by appointment, can lunch or dine there, or can entertain friends at luncheon if they so desire. No check is ever presented to them, but the amount of indebtedness which they incur is charged to the mem ber of the club at whose instance they are introduced. '. '. U, Thesnmewhat remarkable departure1 has 'worke. admirably, andhas given entire satisfaction to tile most conServa tive members of the club. A somewhat similar ctjgtouiis. in yogpe atjhe rooms -of the Biding club, and there, too, it has met with favor. Although the fact is not ; generally kawn, a propositi on to bujr the bongo on Twenty-firs$. ffeeet, next to the Dix property, on which the annex to the Union club is now build ing, and to fit it np for the use of the wives and daughters of the Union club ' men, was broached at the time of the Union club's acquisition of the Dix prop erty. Tlw proposition did not go through, to be sure, but the mere fact that it was made in so conservative a club as the Union club shows the hold which the innovation introduced by the Somerset club has taken on club men. That it will be generally adopted by the better class of social clubs before many years there can be little doubt. And that it will tend to mitigate the asperity with which the feminine sex regards the clubs to which their husbands and brothers be long there can be less doubt. New York sun. ' - ' - ' Pictures of Beauties. Remarkable success has been attained by Professor Ahn, of Breslau, in. applj- ing photography to fix the indications of different diseases of the eye. ' Another contribution to one of the newest depart ments cf science are Professor Fischer's photographs of cultivations of luminous bacteria, which were photographed by their own ngnt, tae views giving evi dence of the constant movement in which the tiny organisms are unceasing ly engaged. One of the greatest anthro pologists of the century in Pari3 has been making a collection of the various types of mankind, and he does it by means of the photograph. He inclines to the opinion that the type or origin, the race to which the party originally belonged, is better pre served among women than among men. He has therefore made his collection from among women, and to increase its attractiveness and value he has an nounced his intention to choose only beautiful women for his types. Apropos of this idea a prominent photographer proposes to appeal to photographers for selection and contribution of a photo . graphic reproduction of the representa tive women whom they consider the most beautiful, so that a collection can be made which will be handed down to posterity as representing the standard types of beauty in the Nineteenth cent ury. New York Oommercial Advertiser. Taehlnff Children to Flay. Some philanthropic . women have es tablished 'Children's Eappy Evening association" in the east end of London, They have secured for two hours at even ing the use of unoccupied school houses, where they gather the poor little chil dren from the wretched labyrinths of the city and teach them . (for : many of them do not know) how to play the sim ple games which are supposed to bef a- mihar to children the world over. Lon don Letter. TREMENDOUS RAPID FIF. 'iG. A Six Inch Gun Poors Oat Shot After Slkot at Enormous Speed. Some important experiments were car ried out at the artillery range of Sir W. G. Armstrong, Mitchell & Co. The principal object of trial was a six inch quick firing gun of 40 calibers of length on a mounting of nev design, specially arranged to be suitable for either the upper decks or the between deck bat teries of our new cruisers. Another feature of this trial was the use of cord ite, the new smokeless gunpowder, which has been the subject of extensive trial during the last twelve months and seems likely to make a complete revolu tion in artillery warfare. The proof of this gun was carried out by the Wool wich authorities at Silloth, when the remarkable velocity of 2.GG9 f. a. was obtained with a charge of cordite pow der. The programme began by firing five rounds with a charge of EXG powder and service projectile for rapidity. The total time of firing these five rounds was sixty-one seconds. The same experiment was then earned out with a charge of cordite, but after three rounds the firing was stopped for a few minutes to remove a burr in the threads of the breech ac tion, caused by sand getting- into, the gun. ' The first three rounds of this series were fired in twenty-four seconds, and the second two in fifteen seconds. Five rounds were then fired : with' EXE powder (non-smokeless) and service pro jectile at a target which consisted of two casks lashed together with a flag above them, at 000 yards range. There being no wind the smoke hung a great deal, and -the firing, was there fore directed by an observer who stood clear of the smoke. The five rounds were fired in sixty-one seconds, the tar- Setjjejng. struck .twice, the other three shots just missing. To show the advantage of cordite over the E X E powder five rounds were then fired with the former at the same target, the flag and staff of which still remained upright, as the tide being low the target rested on sand. It was found quite feas ible to fire with the utmost rapidity, and yet, on account of the smokeless quality of the powder, to aim each shot deliber ately." The result was that out of the five shots the target was actually struck four times (which completely destroyed the casks and perforated the flag several times), and the last shot was only five yards short; and these five rounds with the above remarkable accuracy were got off in the suprisingly short time of fifty five seconds. Five rounds with E X E were now fired, changing from one target to an other, three targets being placed at ranges 900, 1,400 and 1,800 yards, and spread out so that the gun had to be traversed -through a considerable arc of training in going from one to the other. The results wereas follows: 1, 900 yards, hit target; 2, 900 yards, hit target; 3, i,4uu yarns, nrty yaws over; 4, 1,400 yards, hit target 5, 1,800 yards, hit tar get, cutting nagstait. The total time of these five rounds 3 minutes and 43 seconds, but a few seconds' delay was occasioned by the cap of a cartridge case, which was only tetnpQrsply secured for these experiments, Tailing off "in the gun during loading, which necessitated re- leading. Five rounds of cordite, under Bimflar conditions to the last series, were now fired at the 900 and 1,400 yards tar gets, the 1 ,800 yards one being no longer visible. The results were as follows 1, 900 yards, hit target; 2, 900 yards, hit target, cutting flagstaff; 3, 1,400 yards, tenards.over; 4, 1,400 yards, five yards over; 5, 1,400 yards, twenty yards over. The total time f er these five rounds was 1 minute 37 seconds. The gun was then fired with 5 degs., 10 degs., 12 degs., 15 degs. and 20 degs. elevation, with charges of E X E and cordite, to test the mounting, and except for a little difficulty in running out when at 20 degs. elevation everything went perfectly. London Times. An Irish Legend. Among the legends of Ireland is this beautiful and suggestive myth the islands of : life and death. In a certain lake in Monster there were two islands. Into the first death could never enter, but age and sickness and the weariness of life and the paroxysms of fearful suffer ing all were there known, and they did their work till the inhabitants, tired of their immortality, learned to look upon the opposite island as upon a haven of repose. They launched their barks upon the gloomy waters; they touched its shore and they were at rest. This legend represents with pathetic fidelity the 6ad din of today, looking over to Atlantis across the sea, America, the haven of repose, the shores of rest. Of the four and one-half millions of Irish people now left in Ireland it is safe to say 50 per cent, have an ambition some day to see the land of the free and the home of Yan kee Doodle. Cor. Lewiston Journal. Texas One-Tenth the Country. A great many people want to know how large Texas is in arefL They look in quite a number of alleged, statistical abstracts and never find tne-same figures in two of them..... The "fHrfl figures of Texas area are 252,696 square miles equal to about 8.9 per cent, of the entire area of the United States and territories. Texas is six times larger than New York, seven times as large a&Ohio, and 100,000 square miles larger than all the eastern . and middle states, iTi-i;H-ig Delaware and Maryland. -, Compared with the countries of Europe she has 84,000 square miles more than the Aus trian empire, (52,000 more than the Ger man empire, - and - nearly - 70,000 square miles more than Prance. Texas Trade Journal. . - I- ,;. .. A Valuable Dof BiTVina Bothered by 'a piano next door, eh? Well, I Have a dog which al ways howls when my wife plays the r--hrTwk no has tc"bop, and I'd North Dalles to the Front. The sale of lots continue to increase each day as contracts are closed out for im- j provements. In a few , days , active work will begin towards erecting several fine dwellings. Several prominent gen tlemen of The Dalles .and Portland will erect residences at North Dalles. , Mr. O. D. Taylor, President & General Manager of the Interstate Investment Co.; with Mr. S. L. Skeels will leave for the east in a few davs with a view of meeting capitalists and closing out for manufactories. Two railroads are now , headed for North Dalles and the coming spring will make the Keal Estate market m .North Dalles lots livelv. Yon will never again get lots as cheap as you can for the next few davs, for the demands and the company will advance them soon. e woula like to see every one of our citizens make money in lots at North Dalles. Manv letters continue to arrive from the Sound making inquiries and in most cases purchasing. e confidently expect to see not less than fifty houses underway by the be ginning ot the new year. Mark what we say. .Lots win advance rapidly at North" Dal' es. For further information address O. D. Taylor, President & General Manager of the Interstate Investment Co., The Dalles, Or. Charles E. Dunham, -DEALER IX- QniiS.-pieiuiBS, CHEMICALS, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles; In Great Variety. Pufe Brandy, Wines and -liquors foir JVTediei nal Purposes. Physicians' Prescriptions Accurately IL'ompoundfd. Cor. Union and Second Sts., The Dalles. Old derna 171a T". Uliia TT AT1T1. FRANK ROACH, Propr. The place to get the Best Brands ofj f WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. NEXT DOOR TO THE Washington flflarkat, Second St. Don't Forget the MacDonald Bros., Props. THE BEST OF Wines, Lipors and Cigars ALWAYS ON HAND. 0. K. Restaurant! Next to Passenger Depot. Dai and Monthly Boarders LVNCH COUNTER AT NIGHT. MEALS CENTS. Misses. K. & N". BUTS H. STONEMAN, Next door to Columbia Candy Factory. Boots and Shoes Made to Order, and f3HPAIfHD Satisfaction Guaranteed. - Quick Work. Prices Reasonable. H. O. NI EjIST BID SHLQQ1I Clothier J. TV TIJOK o cp. Abstracters, RealEstate and Insurance Agents. Abstracts of, and Information Concern ing Land Titles on Short Notice. Land for Sale and Houses to Rent. Parties Looking for Houses in COUNTRY OR CITY, OR IN SEARCH OF Buiqe Location?, Should Call on or Write to us. Agents for a Full Line of Leaiing Fire Insurance Companies, And Will Write Insurance for on all Correspondence Solicited. All Letters Promptly Answered. Call on or Address, J. M. HUNTINGTON & CO. Opera House Block, The Dalles, Or. "SfllBPhEROOiaS," Corner Second and Union Streets. CHIS SlliliS, Prop. The . Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars ALIT Al SALE, Mr. Bills will aim to sunnlv his customers with' the best in his line, both of imported and do ilies ui; guous. JAMES WHITE, Has Opened a Xiuncli C? In Connection With hia Fruit Stand - v and Will Serve Hot Coffee, Ham Sandwich," Pigs' Feet, ' and Fresh Oysters. Convenient to the Passenger Depot. On Second St., near corner of Madison Also a Branch Bakery, California Orange Cider, and the Best Apple Cider. If you want a good lunch, give me a call Open all Night Health is Wealth ! Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treat ment, h guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzi ness, Convulsions, Fit, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental De pression, Sortening of the-Bruin, resulting in in sanity and lending to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Spermat orrhea caused by over exertion of the brain, self abiise or over indulgence. - Each box contains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail prepaid on receipt ot price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure anv case. With each order received by ns for six boxes, accompanied by $5.00, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re fund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Prescription Druggists, 175 Second St. The Dalles, Or. $500 Re-ward! We will pav the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In digestion, constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely vegetable, and never fail to give satisfac tion. 6ugar Coated. Large boxes containing 30 Pills, 25 cents. Beware of counterfeits and imi tations. The genuine manufactured only by THE JOHN C. WFST COMPANY, CHIGAGO, ILLINOIS. BLAKELET & HOUGHTON, Prescription Druggists, 175 Second St. - The Dalles, Or. and Tailor O-OOdSr m - , ' M f r Tfie Dalles is here and has come to stay. It hopesv to win its way to public favor by ener gy, industry and merit; and to thiscnd. we ask that you give it a fair trial, knd if satisfied with its support. The four pages of six columns each, will be issued every evening,, except Sunday, and will be delivered in the city, or sent by mail for the moderate sum of fiftv cents a month. Its Objects will be to advertise city, and adjacent country, to assist in developing our industries, in extending and opening up new channels for our trade, in securing an open river, and in. helping THE DALLES to take her prop er position as the Leading Gity of Eastern Oregon. The paper, both daily and weekljwill be independent in criticism of political handling of local affairs, it will be JUST FAIR AND IMPARTIAL : We will endeavor to give all the lo cal news, and we ask that your criticism of our object and course, be formed from the contents of the paper, and not from rash assertions of For the benefit of shall print the first issue about 2,000 copies for free distribution, and shall print from time to time extra editions, so that the paper will reach every citi zen of Wasco and adjacent counties. THE WEEKLY, - sent to any address for $1.50 per yearv It will contain from four to six eight column pages, and we shall endeavor to make it the equal of the best. Ask ! ..... your Postmaster for a copy, or address. THE CHRONICLE PUB; CO. - - , , - - "A mm course a generous Daily the resources of the politics, and m its its matters, as in outside parties. our advertisers we -r-L, ,f