"An Autumn Picture. . Sow round red roofs stand russet stacks aronr; Homeward from gleaning in the stubbly wheat, Bigh overhead the harsn rook salleth slow. And cupleas acorns crackle nesth your feet. No breeze, no breath, veeretii the oasthouse hoods. Whence the faint smoke Heats fragrantly away; And In the distance the half hazy woods Glow with the barren glory of decay. Vainly the bramble strives to drape the hedge. Whose leafless gaps show many an empty nest; The chill pool stagnates round the seeded sedge. And as the sunset saddens in the west Vnnereal mist comes creeping down the dole. And widowed Autumn weeps behind her veil. Alfred Austin in Saturday Review. Two English. Authors. I reached London just too late for the nnnal authors' dinner, which is one of the events - of the season there, and on this account, and because my time was almost entirely taken' np by the law business about which I had gone.over, I '.. did not meet as many of the literary men aa I should have liked to meet. I saw a good deal, however, of Edmund Gosse, who is one of the most polished and delightful of men, and has always been very kind to me. . His house is a sort of center, his Sunday evenings being : delightful . occasions where one may - meet a score of writers, sculptors and painters. Occasionally I met him at lunch at his club, where he would get Austin Dob eon, who is, like himself, in an official . position in Whitehall, and obtains there from the subs tan tials of life which ena ble him to cultivate the muses on some- thing a little better than "oaten reed." Both Dobson and Gosse are directly in line for the laureateship when it shall fall vacant, though no one knows who " will get it. I am indebted to both of . them for much personal kindness. Gosse is a good sized, handsome man, of the blonde English type, with the cheeriest face and voice, and wherever he goes it grows warm and comfortable. Dobson is somewhat older. Both of them strike ; me as Deing among the most cultured men I ever met. They have English lit : erature at their fingers' ends, and dwell In au. atmosphere which is redolent of !ie masteT&TbomaB Nelson Page in ; . stuje iubii inn m Mpisiwy. That too ingenious person who stole - bronze and marble busts, from the ceme . tery of Hontparnasse, touched them "up ana soia taem as emgies-of famous he roes, statesmen or orators, has at last met with the punishment which his lugubrious labors deserved. Moreau, -for so the new kind of "resurrection man," to adopt the phrase of Dickens, is called, came up before the eighth tri- - bunal of police andwas soon sentenced to three years' imprisonment, Jjhe wngular thefts perpetrated by : Moreauln the cemetery long passed un- pereeived. He was accordingly able to i X. 1. ; jtr i a -i ' plorable tran&Tgtkgis, and it is consid ered probable that many of his tnms . - -formed baste now adorn pot only the humble homesteads of artianaTn Parw, but also the libraries and museums of noroe provincial towns. On one occa '. 'sfflLV 'fmiy.' fray aotrhj effigy'of ""uworthy pWor of the SoTboSuSSk that of a famoiis general of the revolu tion, while on another he passed oft the bronco presentment of departed grocer fl that of a Drnosthen es. Paris Cor. London TelegraphT' T ' FvrUtode 1st a Doc. . - " Many of the. sportsmen of Wilming ton will perhaps remember Sailor,- the fine winter dog of - Mr. J. A. Brown.- of Viaaaooum. xxe was an extraordinary banter and retriever, with almost hu man tact, and hi owner valued him at several hundred dollars. ' A few days ago this fine dog was run over by the tanw at Chadboqrn, and his left fore leg was crnstaea on. tearing a piece or tti r Mr.JBrown hated to kill his valuable nd faithful dog, so he got Dr. A. Mo . Kijmen to amputate the crushed tnem - ber. When the operation was perform ed Sailor obeyed the command to lie 'down, and never even gave a whimper when the work was done. The poor ani ' xnal's muscles were contracted with pain, but with a few sympathetic ca resses from his master be lay perfectly till until the amputation was perform- d. Wilmington Messenger. Full of KattrstiM. - A boy with a mowing machine called at a house on Second avenue the other day, and asked the woman if she wanted the grass cut. "Mercy, no!" she replied. ''No one cuts grans at this season." - Til contract for next spring," con tin ned the boy. "But I may be dead by thai time." "Then TO contract to see that your ave is kept green!" Detroit .Free . A search . for the' oldest clergyman in '- England shows that the Rev. John Elli ott, vicar of Randwick, will be 100 in three months. He preached up to the age of 95 regularly, and occasionally last year. He goes to church now regularly every Sunday, and occasionally visits parishioners. . The 5th of November, which, even in . the memory of those who do not con sider themselves old, was generally ob served in England as "Gunpowder Day," is said to be now almost ignored, even in . London. " - After exhaustive experiments the -' French posioffice has decided to substi- tute a copper coated steel wire in place . of the ordinary iron wire for telegraphic and telephonic service. : . The epoch of bigness has extended to every phase of neckwear. . Some of the drees bows- even are of unusual size, . while the .big ascot butterflies simply break the record. : ' . -, Perique tobacco,; which, it is" said, grows to perfection only in St. James" parish, La., will be buta scant crop this year, owing to the late floods. ;' . i A Dojf 17 and aisirl of 13 wftre mar A Bcrance Water In Vienna. ' A curious wager is at present occupy ing the attention of such widely sepa rated classes as our young noblemen and the Association of Hotel and Restaurant Waiters in Vienna. Several of the younger scions of the highest Austrian aristocracy, who were accustomed to dine in an old hotel of high repute in the Karnthner strasse, took exception to the practice of the waiters, most of whom have seen twenty or thirty years' serv ice, in dressing their mustaches in just the same fashion as the 'noble swells' they had to serve. One of the high born customers accordingly laid a wager with some of his friends, which was immedi ately accepted, that within a given time the objectionable adornment should dis appear from the upper lips of the waiters in all the fashionable hotels and restau rants in Vienna, otherwise the proposer himself was to shave off his own embel lishment for a given period. In order to effect his purpose the latter commenced by trying to persuade the hotel keeper in the Karnthner strasse to forbid all his servants wearing mus taches on penalty of losing his aristo cratic customers. In this case he succeed ed, but the waiters, who were mostly married men, one after another gave notice to leave their places. They were at once replaced by younger men, who for a consideration submitted to the im posed humiliation. The same thing hap pened in a number of other hotels and restaurants, and the wager was nearly won by the layer when the proprietor of the Hotel Imperial, the first hotel in Vi enna, flatly refused to comply with the whim of the Vienna jeunesse doree, whom he told outright that if they de serted his house he should readily find better customers. The case was also taken up, "as mat ter of right and honor,' by the Associa tion of Waiters, which threatened to ex pel from the society any member .degrad ing himself by humoring aristocratic caprice in this matter. Tbug the matter stands at the present moment. The bet appears likely to be lost, and then will come the triumph of the waiters, who expect soon to have the satisfaction of seeing their would be dictator instead of themselves going about with shaven lip. Cor. London Standard. One on Mr. Depew. They say that when Mr. Depew came recently from Europe the usual swarm of yarn spinners gathered nightly in the smoking room to tell stories and chat about things in general.-. Every soul save one in the party kept his end up. The exceptional member of the party did not laugh or indicate by even a (twinkle of the eyes any interest in the furmjjeet jokes, and was as silent as a door knob at the best stories. This con duct began itrngttle Mr. Depew and the other spirits, and when the final seance came around they had )j Ptlnce with the reticpt and unresremsivftRtrfofr gav Mfr Depew was selected to bring him to terixuf They were all comfort ably seated and in came the stranger, "See here,-my dear sir," said Mf.De- pew, 7won't yon tell a .story?" "f never toiu 0119 in my uie. oing a songr "Can't sing." 'Kno'w any jokes?" per sisted Mr. Depew. "No." Ms. Depew and all were prepared to give it up when the stranger stammered and hesitated, and. finally made it known that he knew just one conundrum. "Give it to us," said' Mr. Depew and the others in chorus.' "What is 'the difference between a tur key and me?" solemnly a&ked the stranger, "Give it up," said Qiairman Depew. "The difference between a turkey. and me," mildly - said the stranger, "is that they usually stuff , the bird with chest nuts affrpr dfovth, I am alive." HIus- menc&a, '.' - Dooblo GstMMd ttogjlUa. At the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad company's shops at tJtica eighty men, mostly stalled me chanics, are employed. At the present time they are working on a peculiar looomotive known as the culm borner. The engine is queerly shaped, having two cabs, one for the engineer and one for the fireman. Under the boiler and firebox the machine has six large driving wheels. -' The weight of - these great mogul engines is between thirty-five and sixty -tons each. ' They are made to haul heavy freight trains. The machinery is so arranged that the steam is never ex hausted. . They are valuable also for the reason that their fuel is the refuse coal from the mines: which could not other wise be used without a great loss. Al bany Argus. A Queer Stark Going-. A historical curiosity of the oldest railway in Germany is about to be rele gated to oblivion. When the Nurnberg Furth line, the first railway on 'German soil, replaced the old Thurn and Taxis yellow post, a yellow stripe was painted on every ,-car, and for fifty-five years it has remained a unique reminder of the ante-railway age. The Bavarian gov ernment, however, has just ordered that this stripe be painted out, in order that the Nurnberg-Furth cars may conform m appearance with all other railway cars in Bavaria, Berlin Letter. Left Hand Tnunder's Swell Wedding;. A wedding that developed considera ble interest among the Sioux took place at Lower Brule agency Oct. 27. Chief Left Hand Thunder and a belle of the Sioux nation were united in marriage by a white clergyman. Representatives of various bands from all portions of the big reservation were present, and the feast given after the ceremony was the grandest thing of the kind ever indulged in by the noble red man. Left Hand Thunder is wealthy, and entertained his visitors royally. -Cor. St. Paul Globe. Bird Dog and Bird Disappear. ; While some quail hunters were gun ning near Edinburgh, Ind. , training some young setter pups a large gray eagle pounced down upon one of them, for which the owner had paid $100, f asten- jihg its talons in the dog's back and soar' "ung away with i,ts prize. The owner ' t-xs. -.-.- -ol-H -' "npt'Hots at the North Dalles to the Front. The sale of lots continue to increase each day as contracts are closed out for im provements. In a few days active work will begin towards erecting several fine dwellings. Several prominent gen tlemen of The Dalles and Portland will erect residences at Nort h Dalles. Mr. O. D. Taylor, President & General Manager of the Interstate Investment Co., with Mr. S. L. Skeels will leave for the east in a few days, with a view of meeting capitalists and closing out for manufactories. Two railroads are now headed .for North Dalles and the coming spring will make the Real Estate market in North Dalles lots lively. You will never again get lots as cheap as you can for the next few davs, for the demands aild the company will advance them soon. We -would like to see every one of our citizens make money in lots at North Dalles. Many letters continue to arrive from the Sound making inquiries and in most cases purchasing. We confidently expect to see not less than fifty houses underway by the be ginning of the new year. Mark what we say. Lots will advance rapidly at North .Dalies. For further information address O. D. Taylor, President & General Manager of the interstate investment Co., The Dalles, Or. Charles E. Dunham, DE ALEXIN Drugs, vJflBtficines, CHEMICALS, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles. In Great Variety. Pure Brandy, Wines and , Liiquors for JVIediei" nal Purposes. Pliynicians' Precription Accurately Compounded. Cor. Union and Second Sts., The Dalles. -TH1 Old Qerynapia FRANK ROAQH, Propr. The place to get the Best Brands of J I WINES, LIQUOpS AND CIGARS. KEXI DOOR TO THE Washington jaavkat, Saaond St. Don't Forget the isipsjiiji, MacDonali Bros., Props. . THE BEST OF Wines, Liprs.ani Cigars ALWAYS ON HAND. 0. K. Restaurant! Next to Passenger Depot. Day and Monthly Boarders. LOUCH COUNTER AT NIGHT. MEALS 25 CENTS. Misses. NV-& XT. BTJTS II. STONEMAN, Next door to Columbia Candy Factory- Boots and Shoes Mude to Order, and Satisfaction (guaranteed. Quick Work. Prices Reasonable. H." O. NIE Clothier and Tailor, Q-orxts' vtn3Lsliixxs Goods, ; J.T. pTOG CJ). flbstrseters, Heal Estate and Insaranee, Agents. Abstracts of, and Information Concern ing Land Titles on Short Notice. Land for Sale and Houses to Rent. Parties Looking for Houses in COUNTRY OR CITY, OR IN SEARCH OF Bn0iqe00 Locations, Should Call on or Write to us. . Agents for a Full Line of LMiiir Fire Insurance Companies, And Will Write Insurance for on all DESIRABLE RISKS. Correspondence Solicited. All Letters Promptly Answered. Call on or Address, J. M. HUNTINGTON & CO. Opera House Block, The Dalles, Or. "SAMPLE ROOluS," Corner Second and JL'nlon Streets. CHIS BlLtliS, Piop. The Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars ALWAYS ON SALE. Mr. Bills will aim to supply his customers with the bent in his line, both of imported and do mestic goods. JAMES WHITE, . Has Opened a pti'Vfx031- Ootuxter, In Connection With his Fruit Stand " and Will Serve Hot Coffee, Ham Sandwich, Pigs' Feet, Fresh Oysters. Convenient to the Passenger Depot. On Second, St., near corner of Madison. . Also a Branch Bakery, California Orange Cider, and ; the . Best Apple Cider. If you want a good lunch, give me a call. Open all Night ' Health is Wealth ! Dr. E. C.iWkbt's Nerve anb Brain Treat ment, a guaranteed snecific for Hvsterin. Dix.i- ness. convulsions, rirs, rervous euntigiii, Headache, 'Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness Mental De pression, Softening of the Brain, resulting in in sanity and leading to misery, decay and death. f remaiure tjiu Age, barrenness, uwa ui rower in cither sex. involuntary lxwses ana bnermar orrhnea caused bv over exertion of the brain, self- abuse or over indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six boxes lor ss.oo, sent by man prepaid on receipt 01 price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure anv case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied by $3.00, we will send the nurehaser our written cnarantee to re fund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure, -unarantees issuea oniy oy BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Prescription Druggists, 175 Second St. The Dalles, Or. $500 Reward! We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, In digestion, Constipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with Wesfs Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are tnirelv veeetable. and never fail to irive satfsfac tion. Sugar Coated. Large boxes containing 30 Pills, 25 cents. Beware of counterfeits and imi tations. The genuine manufactured tonly by ILLINOIS. ' BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Prescrintion Drnaretsts, 17S Second St. The Dalles, Or. ffiSB tub Daifes is here and has come to stay. It hopes to win its way to public favor by ener gy, industry and merit; and to this end . we ask that you give it a fair trial, an if satisfied with its course a generoii support. ' The Daily four pages of six columns each, will be issued every evening-, except Sunday, , and will be delivered in the city, or sent by mail for the moderate sum of fifty cents a month. Its Objects will be to advertise the resources of the city, and adjacent country, to assist in developing our industries, in extending and opening up new; channels for our trade, in securing an open river, and in helping THE DALLES to take her prop er position as the Leading City of The paper, both daily and weekly, :7illl be independent in criticism of political handling of local affairs,, it will be v JUST; FAIR AND IMPARTIAL. We will endeavor to give all the lo cal news, and we ask of our object "fend course, be formed oinf the contents of the, paper, fend not from, rash assertions of outside parties. v For the benefit of shall print the first copies for free distribution, and shall print from time to time extra editions, so that the paper, will reach every citi zen of Wasco and THE WEEKLY, sent to any address It will contain from four to six eight ... column pages, and to make it the equal of the best. Ask your Postmaster for a copy, or address. THE CHRONICLE PUB. CO. cnronicie Eastern Oregon;, politics, and mits matters, as in its that your criticism our advertisers we1 issue about 2,000 adjacent counties. for $1.50 per year. we shall endeavor