The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 15, 1890, Image 1

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    VOL. I.
NO. 1.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
relished OnHy, Kuudiiy Kxcopted.
..hi ip ' ii nf-f
M;i.:.. n
i UUllOUIIIg uu.
md 'Hhitifitoii
Streets, The
mien, OreKn.
Terms of Subscription.
Per Yccr
l'er mouth, by currier'.
M 00
l.'ortlerf J"
No. 2, Arrives 1 A. M. DoiMirts 1:10 a', m.
No. s, Arrives 11 A. si. Duimrts 11 :J0 A.M.
No. 1, Arrives -1:.V) A. M. IVpiirts .":( A. M.
No. 7, Arrives 4:40 r. M. Departs 4:"i0 l'. M.
So. X, The Overland Flyer," eiist bound,
iiiilv, is eui)KHl with I'lillniaii I'ulaee Sleekier,
' i'urtiaiid to t i.nncil Mutt's: I'lilliiuin Colonist
sleejier, Portland to Kansas 'ity: chair iir,
J'ortlmid to rouneii HI u lis ; Coaches, Portland to
Council Mutt's.
No. 8, "The Limited Fast Mail," east
bound, daily, is einii)ied with Pullman I'alaeu
leeer, Portland to Cliicairii: Pullman Colonist
Sleeiier, l'ortland to I'.iicaso: Pullman Dining
Car, Portland to Chicago: chair Car, Portland to
chiciitto. cliairl'iir, l'ortland to Spokane Fulls:
Pullman P.ntiet Sleeiier, l'ortland to SiKikune
No. 7, "The Overlaiul Flyer," west hound,
duilv, is cpuipped w ith I'nlhnan Palace sleeper,
Council Kinds to Portland: Pullman Colonist
Sleeiier, Kansas City to Portland; coaehes,
Council lilnn's to Portland.
No. 1, "The Limited Fast Mail," west
bon ml, daily, is cpuipped with Pollnian I'alaee
' sleejier, Chicago to Portland: Pullman Colonist
sli-eoer. chiciurn to Portland: l'ullinan iiiuim;
'ar. Chicago to Portlnnd: chair Car, Chicaci to
Portland. Pullman Millet Sleejier. S)sikane Kails
to Portland: Chair car fciioKnne fans to rortninn ;
Nos. .7 and s connect at Cheyenne with Pnll-
man Palace t-leciicr, to and trom iienver,
Kansas Citv and s-t. Umis; with l'ullinan
Colonist Sleetier to and from Couneil Klntls:
also with Pullman sleeper to and from Ogden
and Salt Lake.
Nos. 2 and 1 connect at Pix'atellowith Pullman
Pahiee Slcener to and fnilll irdn and s-alt Iike:
also at Clievenue with l'ulluiau Palace and
Colonist Sleekier to antl from Iieuver and Kansas
t Jty.
Kor Prineville, leave daily (excejit Sunday) at
ti A. M.
Kor Anteloiie, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave
Mouilavs. W'eilneMlavsand Kridavs, at (V a. m.
Kor liufur, Kiinisley and Tyjrh Valley, leave
Tuesdays, Thursdas inui Saturdays, at A. M.
Kir t.'tildendale, Wash., leave Tueseays, Thurs
davs and Saturdays, at 7 A. -V.
Ottiees for all lines at the I'nintilla House.
L t.oit, I'.-istor. Sv-i vii't-s every Sabbath at 1!
at. ituil 7 V. M. Sabbath Schist! at 1'2 M.
Prayer mcetiiu; every
Thursday eveninit at 7
rt-nivi:ui,'iMTinvti o'lii'Pi-ti t..v v c
Cl'RTlK. Pastor. Service? evi'rv Sunday ai 11
a.m. and 7'P. M. sniuiay Mehisd after inorniuK
service. Strancers (uniially .jnvited. Scats free.
K. cilfliCII-Kev. H . Brows, Pastor.
Servit every Sundav lnornini; and even
nor. sunilav.cliisi! at oiMis'k M. A corrtial
invitation is tteudisl by both jmstor and lK-ojile
to all. 1
ST. PAl'l.' HI KCH I'liion Street, opfsisite
Fifth. 7 I. 1). sutrliB'e Kwtur. Services
everv SuiuUiibn. 11 a. m. and 7:: p. .M. Sunday
Schooi VJ::i p. M. KveniuK Prayer on Friday at
7 NX)
O Pastor. Services held in the County Court
House at 11 a. m., and ':' P. M. Sunday Scho
at 10 a. n All are eoniially invited to attend.
4JT. I'KTKlt'S CHI'ltcH Kev. Father Brons-
Ti ;kkst Pastor. Uiw Mass every Sunday at
'7 a. m. Hii;h Mass at 10::ai a. m. Vesjiers at
7 P. M.
OK U Meets
i::) P. M.
i:i K
I, hall Tuesdays at
'AS' I.OlMiK, NO. I"., A. 1". A. M. Meet
" lirst ami third Monday of each month at
I'. M.
-lOI.I'MKIA I.O)iK, NO. 5, I. O. O. F. Meets
V.' every Friday evening at 7::!0 o clm-k, in odd
rellows hull, Sts-nud street, iH'tweeil 1-eueral tuh
'aliinirton. Sojuuniinii brothers are welcome
Ji. A. l'.u.j.s, See'y U. U. Ci.ostkk, N. (i.
tUIKN'liSHIl' I.ODC.K, NO. !., K. of P. Meets
r everv Mmitiav evenillir at 7:: o'clock
schanno's building, comer of Cimrt anil Sei.und
streeTs. Sojourning members are cordially in
vitid. liKO. T. TnoMi-soN.
I). W. V'aIJsk, Se; y. C. C.
I'NION will ims't everv Friduv afternisu
(4it :l
jit :'. o'clock ut the roniUin; nsmi. All are invited
KMI'I.K I.olCK NO. .1, A. ). I. V. Meets
t K. i-i" P. Hull, Comer Swoinl and Court
nvts 1 hursdav oveliiUKs at 7::H).
John Fii.i.oon-
W. S. Mvki-.s, Financier. M. V
A. lie
:n n ett, att k n k v-at-ka w.
lice in Schanno's builvtiui;, ui stairs.
Th, Oregon.
T"Y. SIUOAI,!. Dkntist. (las Kiveu for th
17. tiaiuless" extraction of teeth. Also teeth
set on Unwed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign i
the Uoltlcn Tooth, Second street.
in Oiiera House Kloek, ashinutoh Street
1 ue naiies, oreoii
1 ni;ys-at-i.a w. Hlices, Freinh's block over
First National Bank, The lulles, Oreirou.
1'Fl'K, WATKINS it MK.N EKKK Attor-
neys-at-law Rooms Nos. il, ,:,, ,.i and
Voirt Block. Second Street, The Italics. Oregon,
r II. WIlJSON Attor
? V rJ and ";!, New Voki
ujt Block, Seijond Street
The I fillies, Oregon.
o. I. iioane. J. U. Boyd.
OYD DOANK. I'pysicians and Suroeons
Th.? Ualles, ' (reeon. Orhce In VKt block
iiostairiii.'ntrance on Second street. iJttice hours.
9 to 1' a. M..1 to 4 P. .1.
Residences Dr. Bovd. corner of Third and Lib
erty, neai-Oniv, House; Dr. Donne, over McFar-
land N: iron"!! i store.
. rp l ' i'A.tM KNOWN AS THE "MOORE
-J .v in" situated on Three Mile creek iibuul
-' tv.vr ano one-half miles frm The Dalles, will be
hil .'-r one or more vears at a low rent to any
j-isni: ib!e tenant. J ins lariM lias upon it i:
I Ixrtt'.HiiE house and iiecc'ssan' out bn!M-
ut two acres of orchard, about three
I -ores under cultivation, a lanre liortion
il witl raise a gtioa volunteer w neat
;lth onlinarilv favorable watner.
Vwell wat"rel. Kortermsi:d piiii
nl: !'renrnt :!n
pop One Week Only I Com
mencing JVIondayDe 15.
Women's and Children's Under
wear at vj-reatry Keaucea
Prices to Close.
We call Your Attention to a few Lines.
S E N S'
urey 3Ierino
Heavy White Wool.......
Scarlet Mixed Wool
White Merino $
Jersey Kibbed
Fine WThite Saxony Kibbed..
Fine Natural, rev
Our Line of Misses' and Children's
at Corresponding Reductions.
Pcpatland & ptfeneh.
Gibons, Jlaeallister & Co
Hodge and IJeiuoa Headers, l'arm-A agoiis, Hacks, Buggies-, -Koad Carts, liamr
and Sulky Mows, Harrows, Grappling Hay Forks, Fan Mills, Seat Cush
ions, Express and Kuggy Tops, Wagon MaU-riuls, Iron and Coal,
etc. etc.
Agents for Little's Sliep Dips
A Complete Line of OILS, GRASS and GARDEN SEEDS.
The Dalles, - - - - - Oregon.
Detiler iti
Fiil'lll Hi 111
Boots and Shoes etc.
Hats and Gaps, Boots and Shoes,
7JMD ' . .
.oO, lornier pne to
.75, 1.25
1.00, " " 1.50
.374, former price....
$ .50
45, " ....
1.25, " "
1.40, . " ...
.... 2.00
l.ime and Sulphur, etc.
Her bring,
I 1
16 1
iff MIS,
- '
News from All Parts of
the World.
Vlarksou Cets Himself Interviewed.
Boston, Mass., Dec. 15, 8K). Ex-
At?Histant Postniaster (leneral Clarkson
in an interview on national jioliticp eaid
lie lid not ascritie to big iiiiiortera an
extraordinary large share in the defeat
of Republicans at the. recent election.
Speaking of the" election bill, Clarkson
said lie was in favor of it, but there were
no assurances that it would pass. On
prospects of financial legislation Clarkr
son thought there whs a majority in each
house in favor of free silver coinage. He
thought a revision of banking law was
needed in favor of the farmer and said
the fanners' alliance had come to stay
until some' modification of the present
banking system was made.
Deny their Action was Intended to In
jure Soathem Democracy.
Toi'Kka, Kam., Dec. 15, 1890. Various
prominent Kansas Farmers' Alliance
nembers mentioned in late dispatches
as having been concerned in a plot to
disintergrate Southern democracy by
supporting the sub treasury bill at re
cent Fanners' Alliance conventions,
laugh at the story and say they voted
for the bill lecause they believe in it.
Meeting of Itailroad FresfdentR.
XewYokk, Dec. Jo, 1S!K). At a meet
ing of presidents . of railroads west of
Chicago for the purpose of forming a
western association this morning at J.
Pierpont Morgan's residence, there were
present representatives from all roads
that agreed to respond to the call. Xo
representatives of Chicago & Alton nor
Vanderbilt's lines were present. Xo in
formation can lie given out about it. at
the residence. When ready infonnation
will le made public at the office of
Drexel, Morgan & Co.
More Privileges for Homesteaders.
Washington, D. C, Dec. 15, 1S00. The
senate passed the bill to-day enlarging
rights of homesteaders on public- lands.
The bill provides that when parties have
settled opposite nnsurveyed lands and
therefore were obliged to take less than
100 acres they may extend their holdings
to not to exceed J (10 acres.
Kxtending Time m KinleI (ioods.
" WAsiirNroN, D. C, Dec. Jo. ISilO The
House committee on ways and means
today, unanimously ordered a favorable
report upon Flower's resolution extend
ing the-bonded period for goods import.-:
ed previous to October first, from Feb
ruary 10th to July, 1st 1891.
A Montana Man tietx There.
James W. ITathway of Montana took
office as postmaster of the- house this
morning. .
Investigating the Alleged Silver l'oo
The house committee on rules had
under consideration todav a resolution
providing for investigating the alleged
silver jfool but came to no conclusion.
Oregon Indiiui Depredation Kill i'asses
the House
In the house of representatives on mo
tion of Herman (Oregon) the house sus
pended rules and passed the bill for
adjustment payment of claims arising
from Indian depredations. The bill
provides lor the 'appointment by the
president of three judges to constitute
a court to adjudicate all claims for
property taken by Indians, without just
Dissentiou Among the ISad Iand Indiana-
No Fighting Vet.
( ieneral Schofield received a telegram
from Oeneral Miles contirmiug reported
dissention among Indians on the Bad
Lands. The reported engagement be
tween troops and Indians
untrue. .-- .
Large Tobacco f IrmAsslgns. . (
Stakkville, Tens., Dec. 15. "1890
Hancock, Hallams fc Co., proprietors if a
large grocery and tobacco warehous, in
this city, assigned to-day. ; Liabilities
$180,000. Assets thought to exceed that
Won the Sculling Match. 1 '
Syuney, X. S. W. Dec. 15, 18SmJ Tfje
great sculling match for 300 a sicle, and
the championship of the worltf, took
place today between Kemp and ii.Lanc,
resulting in a victory lor the lattr;f
. -
San Francisco Wheat Mark J.-s.t.
VV n
Vlo.lJJW - mlX
Season, 1.41 .
flee. l-V J1-'
8trci:B Probability of the Election of IT.
. S. Senators To-Mf.rrow. ,
Boise City, Dec. 13. In the senate
today nothing of importance was done.
In the house a concurrent resolution from
the senate, providing for printing 2000
copies of the governor's message, was
agreed to.
A substitute for senate bill providing
for terms of the supreme and district
courts was introduced, read lirst and sec
ond times, and referred to judiciary's
committee. ' -
Bills introduced yesterday, in reference
to road districts, practice of dentistry and
assurance of warehouse storage receipts
for grain and other products, were read a
second time.
A message was received from the sen
ate, announcing the passage of a concur
rent resolution providing for a vote for
United States senators next Tuesday at
Adjourned till" Monday.
Early this morning Mr. Dubois's sup
porters showed manifestat ions of happi
ness." A caucus was held late last night,
at which twenty -seven Republican mem
bers of the legislature were present and
two others were represented by friends.
It is widely reported that a basis' of
settlement was partly agreed on by the
supporters of Clagett, Shoup and Dubois
and it was ratified to-day. ' The state
ment, is made by pronounced friends of
Dubois this afternoon that-it is agreed
LShoup, Clagett and Dubois shall all three
lje elected by the present legislature,
Dubois serving the six-year term, Shonp
and Clagett drawing for a choice of short
terms. It is stated in another way that
this would mean that Dubois will tem
porarily withdraw and let Shonp and
Clagett have the senatorships, but that
Mr. Dubois will expect to be elected as
successor to the one who should draw the
terai ending in March, and it is certain
his friends would not consent to such an
an-angement unless guaranteed the long
term to commence with the fifty-second
congress. -
Another report is that in case Clagett
should conclude not to accept the condi
tions stated above, the southern repi-e
sentatives would supjiort Wells of Latah
for the short term, in the belief he could
bring enough strength to elect himself,
Slioun and Dubois.
Another rumor is that a deal is on foot
between ten Democrats in the legislature
ami Dubois' eighteen pledged Kepubli
ciuis, by which a prominent Democrat
like Haley or Mayhew will receive the
short term in return for enough votes to
elect Shoup and Dubois for the long
terms. This is a possibility, but highly
improbable, as Duliois and Shonp are too
firm Republicans and too wise politicians
to engage in such a ileal, though it would
he a feather in the cap of such a small
Democratic minority to capture a senator
een for two miuiths.
After watching tiie fight for a week
your correspondent lielieves the first vote
next Tuesday will show the strength of
the different candidates as follows : Cla
gett !, McConnell 12, Dubois IS, Shoup ,
But it must not be understood that
Shoup is weak. On the contrary, he i.
the second choice of nearly all tiie mem
bers and, all things considered, tin1
strongest man in the field. Vjiat may
happen after the lirst ballot no'One can
tell. Certainly there 'never was before
such a senatorial;' mnddle as this, where
the legislature .will bo called on to elect
three ieiiatorF.and the most popuhir man
apparently the weakest, and candidates,
who iynow'resolutions in the party plat
form can.unite more votes than aspirants
who insist on fidelity to the platform.
I.lfeln,at Overturns and Kills Two of the
- ' Crew.
Sajs Fkancisco, Dec. IS. The life-
saving crew at Point Reyes went out
for. practice yesterday morning, though
tliero was- considerable sea on and
tjhe wind was blowing strongly. The
faunch . was made all right, and a few
moments before 10 o'clock the lifeboat
1 was healed for the shore. It was just
10 o'clock when the lxat was headed
through breakers and beached. The
crew were on the point of leaping out to
haul the boat up high and dry, when,
without any warning, a tremendous
shook was felt. A huge sea had swept
in, and, catching np the heavy lifeboat as
if it were a cockle shell, overturned it in
the surf. All hands went under in the
rushing water, for not one had had a
chance to get out. When the sea had
receded two of the men were found to
have been seriously injured. The heavy
boat had fallen upon them. - A doctor
was sent for hut cbuld.'not relieve their
sufferings and they died one hour and
M Ion lninntAd ldtdl TTl tVrt lllfM U'Pffl
- A'.W.n ;,1 Fred Carat.
W. L. Lock, keeper of the Point . Reyes
life-saving station, telef iliel the facts'
to Captain J. P. W'yT. lie governjiient
Secretary Tracy Loin his Sister.
' New Yokk. Dec. 12. 1S91 Mrs. Matil
da Dodge the aged sister of secretary
Navy Tracy died this morning suddenly
at her home in this city.
The" 'United Ireland" on Deck Again.
Dublin, Dec. 14, 1S!)0. The sup-s
pressed United Ireland, a paper issued "
by the McCarthyites apjieared to-day.
It contained a letter from Archbishop
Walsh supporting the opponent's of
Parnell. - ''. . '
Denouncing Parnell.
Rev. Oreagan Dean of Chapter Gloyne,
called a meeting at which a resolution -was
adopted, repudiating. Parnell. ' A '
number of ' those present procured a
picture of Parnell ami burned, it. At a
meeting called by clergy Ciealway for
purpose of denouncing Parnell, suport
ers of Parnell turned out in force. They .
passed a resolution supporting their
leaders. - ' .
Was Kunning a Divorce Mill.
Chicago. Dec. 13. Judge Iilodgett, in
the United States district court, todav
sentenced George R. Sims to fifteen mon
ths in jail. He was found guiltv of issuing
fraudulent decrees of divorce, pnrjiorting
to lie issued by the probate court of Box
Eider county, Utah. In this way he di
vorced hundreds of people throughout
the countrv.
Proceedings IT. S. Orand Jury.
l amada, passing counterfeit coin, not
a true bill..
Hale Backensto, ci Dallas formerly of"1
this place, selling liquor to the Indians,
ii true bill.
Theodore Xolf, same charge, not a
true bill.
Arthur Hennessy, impersonating a Ut
S. officer, true bill.
W. C. Goffs, larceny, no bill. - Sani-
disposing -of liquor to Indians, true bill. .;
James Petty, possession of counterfeit
coin, true bill.
Harry Carlson, sending obscene mat
ter through the mails, true bill. ;
William Midgley, robbing postofSce
boxes, true bill.
Myron C. White.,' passing counterfeit!.'-
com, true bill. -
C. R. Williams, smuggling opium,
true bill. - .
Ed. Whitback and John Stillwell,
breaking into postoftice, true bill.
Captain Charles F. Stone, and E. J. .
Hyde, conspiracy to defraud L. X., two -indictments
each. Subornation of per
jury, two indictments each.
C. F. Stone impersonating U. S. officer
true bill. . ",-)-
Abraham Reli MaylteTii, true bi!!.'
F, M; if; Holsten, forgery, live u;Viet
ments. -
The L'nitcd States grand ' jiu-y Whivh N
was discharged Saturday, lifter t two
weeks' session, found thirty-seven true
bills and three not true bills. . Tiiey "wer" .
complimented by Judge Deady ujion
their energy ami industry.
A Tralnload of Visitors.
O. D. Taylor, president of the Inter
state Investment company, informs us
that a special train from Portland, Fri.-,.
day, will bring a larire nuuiber of in
vited gnests to this city. f They come at
the invitation of the Bostcu SI: : &
Leather comiiany, and the Interstate
Investment ' company, to celebrate the
fornml owning of the North Dalles shoe
factory which wi'.l take place on that .
day. The train will leave Portland at
8::0a. m., an-iving here at noon. Din
ner will be served at the Umatilla House,
after which all will repair to the factory
at North Dalles for its ofticiI inspection
and opening. Carriages will be provided
for guests and a portion of the day will
be Fpent in viewing our city. fnvita-.
tionri ill 1? extended tn a nilmber
our jiroiuinent citizens t.) take part it
the celebration, and to assist in niakiii!
tiie vi.-jt a pleasant one fc.r all.
Mr. J... Al. Aiiueison, ot Mie.rii.ian
county, is in the city. 1 . reports nearly
all the wheat hauled to the stRt'ious anl-'-
fthat remaining in the -fioiils ill not be
damaged by the ruin unless it should .
stand too long. ,
At'the residence of the bride's parents
in this city Monday, Dec. Joth, Mr.
John Dexter, to M iss Grace Crossen,
daughter of Col. J. B. Crossen, both 'if
this city. Rev. Eli D. Sutcliffe per
formed the. 'ceremony. Both contract
ing parties are well and favorably known
here. Mr. Dexter being a deservedh
popular engineer on the Union Pacifju
and his bride having been born here
known by all as a kindly, happy natvtrl
graceful little lady, whom .any. .n.
Til . " .., 'l, 1...
mignt ne prouu to win. rMiouia an tin
friends throw after them the proverbiJ
shoe, or well-meaning rice, the inn
je, tli
1 Vie
would be exhausted, 'tuid
which they left for their
the west, would tie sviiinpey
stiible tnM?
iiir-ectr.r, Jfi.w i.5it;