r IG YEAR AHEAD : 137,000,000 Acres second- growth, much of-it of inferior' quality, while 81.000.000 acres' are said to be idle land, devastated and pro ducing: nothing but taxes. - Oregon Home of: ' Champion Jersey " Oregon Is the home of world cham pion cows. The champion Jersey cow among all classifications' is an Oregon cow. V Seven of the eight world's chain plon Jersey cows classified by as are also Oregon cows. The, milk trOm Ore gon cows is declared by specialists la infant diet- to be ' the highest in the world In vitamins content. Vltamines , are elements of growth and health. . i - " " 1 , -V : i At the Wind Klver Forest nursery near Carson, Wash..-the United States forest service grows over 1,000.000 trees yearly for reforesting burned over areas on the national, forests in Oregon and Washington. - i f s Of Forests Are Left Of ?the original S2X00O.0O0 ''acres of J BY SURVEY virgin forests in the United States, there, now remain e-bout 117.000)00 acres, according . . to estimates of the U. S. department of agriculture. . Of this remainder It is estimated that S4S.000.000 acres are- restocking - with anufacturing Improves,' Pay rolls Increase, Unemployment Fades; State Optimistic, r DIVERSIFIED MANUFACTURING MARKS PORTLAND INDUSTRIES! m OF INDUSTRIES Ths Associated Industrie of Oregon a mad a. rapid survey of th manu- icturina and ttao industrial n'tnii rougbout too state rTns results summarised 'are : lAU the- major manufacturing inter-. ts or th stats report improYed voi- Ine of bustaess over last year; psy- ll art larger ; there is an absence that troublesome condition known the unemployed problem. Millions t- dollars t are coins; . into industries hd utilities indicating the steady pace development of resources. Many anufacturing- plants in Portland and the chief centers of the state are aking large investments, .increasing feir capacity by providing additional bolpment and. building. A big year is just ahead, is the op- pnistle expression of many executives the industrial rieia, according xo ssocisted Indnstrles reports. This re- paurtna outlook upon trade is based ipon substantial premises. AIM JTBUC FaTOB Oregon products and merchandise are aining in the public favor. The mAr- lets for our nationally distributed foods are widening ; national advertis- hg is "advancing and every advertis- Vig project means income and prestige br the state. The sole factor, lack.' Jig to make complete the picture of traditions, ia the "off' prices for redacts of Oregon ranches ; local ail bents of the business system are due k the fact that the farmers have no urplua spending money. While the people will never forget Jhe ship-building payrolls, nevertheless. he war; taught a lasting lesson to hany of bur industries. It caused them o findTthemselves and forced the i Vllzation that we could make many hings which we had not previously at empted to make. The result is indicated in the In crease of several hundred new manu aeturihg enterprises and the number t persons employed and power con umed. There are numerous small plants and during two years last past roe 600 infant industries perished rhe government census for. 1920 and 21 will show a surprising increase in he number of small industries in the Portland district. They number around 70, exclusive of many , industries f or derly listed, by the government as on he borderland of manufacturing ent erprises. Shops and plants of the City Lre pioneering their way in the pro- huctlon of standard and desirable fcoods. ' " ttBTIT CAKTHTS& GROWS One of the outstanding facts is that he fruit canning industry in the Wil- amette valley, particularly around 8a- era and Eugene, is now rubbing shoui- Rers with the $10,000,000 salmon can ning industry of the Columbia river. woolen industries are lively ; machin- ry and iron foundries and miscellane ous fabricating plants are doing much better than year ago.. Among some of the important factory tidditkms, locally, are tho new plant of he Doernbecher Manufacturing com- bany, the Stenno Paper-Manufacturing hompany and . the.:' almost--;ompleted Want of-jthe Bergmann Shoe Manuf ac- fctiring company, f The , success f the Portland. -Vegetable Oils mill , to j&is tributing the large-volume of its prods ,'Uct generates new ' faith and entirusl ksm in local industries. The Colum bia Tire corporation is about to launch new-enterprise, the manufacture of truck, "solid and pneumatic tJres.:The Willamette Iron; Steel company has aggressively taken possession of a new field, the manufacture of logging rail road r locomotives, which achieves a distinction for Portland as a manufac turing center. The .Carman Manufac turing company has made extensive improvements in turning out a new line of high grade furniture and has insti ll tu ted an aggressive advertising cam paign. P. R. X. T. SrEXDWO The expenditures or the Portland Railway. Light Power company for much of the work on the Estacada power plant will aggregate a huge amount during the next two years, as it has In the past year, and this money in large measure is being preferentially expended for the products of local fab ricating .plants, assisting in the pros perity of local payrolls. i The' Aladdin company and the Fen ner company are exploiting Oregon as a productive center, with their fac tory cut houses. The Aladdin company Is advertising the lumber products in dustry of this community in the Ori ent -i A whole Subdivision in the city of Toklo has been built of Aladdin houses. The Palmolive company, in its Portland branch, places on Port land's list another nationally advertised product. . A new enterprise In the manufac turing field will be the investment of the Portland Oxygen & Hydrogen com pany in a plant for the production of nitrus oxide, an anesthetic gas for the Surgical and dental professions. f - At Pendelton there is a house short age and substantial increases - in the annual payrolls which are in the neigh borhood of 110,000, exclusive of the railroad .payroll. I....V U , . :,, ,,,. - -Wot 0 11 JL milt WUJ imuMi-"'JM'" Il,w"1 iHy,Mji I -it r . - v x r T . - , - ' JfS5rs?..., - ii ii ' i if "mmm ... - . F 1 rolls. The Dalles nayroll will be In creased 9150,000 through the installs. i tiori of a tie treating plant, arid a. new soap factory Tias been projected. xne industries of Salem have prac tically doubled their payrolls Most of the plants pictured herewith represent this year's construction: -. (1) American Can company plant. with Montgomery Ward building in background; (2) Stenno Carbon Paper Manufacturing company plant; t juoernoeciier furniture Oompany plant; (4) new factory built for the Columbia Tire company; (5) Expanded plant of Willamette Iron & Steel company; ( Portland Vegetable Oil mills; (7) Bergmann shoe iactory, under construction. ; At Medford fully 200 'more men are steadily, employed than at this time a year ago. One of the new Industries was a new lumber mill and other en terprises are the extension of the P. & E. railroad and enlargement of the Rogue River Valley cannery. At Klamath Falls building revival has set in and the lumber mills reflect Improved conditions, more men are employed than a year ago and If there are no further labor troubles, opera tions will be greater. BAKER PATROIXS GROW . At Baker all . industries ,ar carry ing larger payrolls with consequently greater volume of production. At Bend the Pine Lumber mills are running full time as compared with only one shift in each ofifee mills last year and with a gain of nearly. 500 men on the payrolls. For 1923 and WWIISMWai1IHMIIIISilMHIIMHW E Walker, Jewett & Barton Successors to Henry Hewitt & Co. 206 LEWIS BUILDING General Insurance -7- upon completion of additions now un der way. 800 people will be added to the payroll. . Eugene and Lane county enjoy al most $3,000,000 payrolls. At Tillamook large sums are being expended in improvement of public utilities, while the . manufacture of cheese is proceeding as progressively as ever. - At The Dalles the fruit and vege table canning industries are putting St. Johns 1 Lumber to. Manuf acturers of FIR LUMBER Car and Cargo Shipments ST. JOHNS, ORE. up a greater volume, although there has . been some depression from the railroad strike. Indicated In the pay- 22- Dairy Ranch " Just Outside City on - Columbia Blvd. - . No city taxes or city as sessments. Close to good ' school and not far to city . ; car line. Running stream, fcTood.welL: Electricity and . city water . available." No f. better land f -in. Oregoiu Here is an opportunity tor raan with Mew cows end -' little money , to make in- 1 dependent fortune. Being . '. close to thickly populated, ' high class residential dis- ; . trict where quick delivery and the best retail prices " may be obtained on .dairy ' pro ducts.'; Improvements - are not modern but con-' sist of 2 houses, 2 barns, - milk house, well and sev eral large cherry trees. Price $15,000, small diking assessments to assume, or will sell 2 acres with im- , . proyements or $4,500. . Easy terms. ROGER W. CARY; - "" (REAL ESTATE) Sj , 142x2 2d. Cor. Alder. - BI sin -2007. " limmS 4 L - ' ' " "Psss Weinhard's I . ' ; a bottle . iff I u-.awL- MJ The Bottled Flavor - of Ripe Raspberries The year 'round beverage that pleases your palate and quenches your thirst. wherever good drinks are sold HENRY WEINHARD PLANT .'v v. , Portland, Oregon f 4 To the Trade Write for prices on our quality line .of ' Soda Fountains Crushed Fruits Syrups Etc, etc. We Are Now in Our I - ! . New Home , j ' 1 1 iSmsSi '&.. Works :::-4'isSJ UNION AVENUE AND STEPHENS Phone East 7212 Commercial Iron ENGINEERS, FOUNDERS MACHINISTS DESIGNING, PATTERN MAKING, FOUNDRY .WORK, MACHINE WORK, GEAR CUTTING AND WELDING ' Transmission Machinery and General Marine Repair 3 M S 11 Vis PAINTS I . II .:' : . v . II 11 III 1 t HARDWOOD Lumber Tlobringf--Veneers " ' . for ' . MANUAL TRAINING- GENERAL SHOP WORK OR DIRECT TO THE HOME BUILDER We Are Northwest Agents for " Biice Oak Rboring - THE BEST OAK FLOORING - , Wn7e or Faff Information - - Emerson Hardwood Go. PORTLAND, OREGON ili!' & VARNISHES . . ' 'A Manufactured 5y " Zasmiissen Paint Co, t Portland, Oregon , ... ...... - IV g rem . We are equipped with a complete f , ABSTRACT PLANT, costing over $100,000, so that we can give you ; ; BETTER SERVICE ; ; V Pacific Abstract Title Co; 268 SiarJi S. , Phone Broadway 6012 . r nenciiwumyiiniiiii