The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 31, 1922, Page 95, Image 95

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    COHlOil YEAR
... awnwamwa-SSSBSSi - , 5. r -
Largest 'Will Be That of,Drar
jnatic'- Order of. 1 Knights : of
Khorassan n August. r
Conventions of national organizations
hrlll . draw, the nation s attention to
Portland and .Oregon many times 4nx
in the season of 1923. while state and
regional - conventions ' will . swell the
rowd -of visitor coming to the. city
to a still. greater extent.- ', ' i, .
.Although only; tentative schedules, of
the conventions to be held in Portland
are obtainable air a guide to the; num
ber of gatherings, which will be-held
in this district,' the list proves beyond
a doubt that 1 1923 will result, in more
people eomng to Oregon to attend gath
erings than ' for many years,- with the
possible exception . of 1910, when. the
Shrine, convention was -held" in this
city. " : ", ; - ' t
The reputation which the city, made
for itself through the hospitality, shown
the nobles of the Shrine has been re
sponsible to a major extent in making
Portland a . favorite for organisations
planning national conventions. -.
Of 1 the 1923 conventions, there ,'are
three outstanding meetings, which 'not
only win result In making Portland the
focus point for the nation, -but also
will bring between 25,000 and' 30.000
visitors to the cftr fromail parts' of
the United States and - some ' foreign
countries.' - : - - - .. .'
: In point of numbers, the biennial con
vention of the Dramatic Order Knights
of Khorassan,' high order of the Knights
of -Pythias., will :brtng the largest num
ber of delegates. to the city. Commit
tees of the local chapter of this organ
isation have been making preliminary
preparations for this convention, for
several months.
. laOcal T members ' of . the Knights of
Khorassan ; report that between 20.000
and 25.000 visitors will be brought to
the city: for this convention. In 1921,
the biennial convention at Chattanooga
Terin., ' resulted in the . attendance of
more man lo.ouo memoers or me or
ganisation,' . , "f"
This convention is scheduled "for
August "and it is planned to have it
handled In much the same manner in
which the famous Shrine convention of
two and one half years ago was ban
died. It has been reported that 35
bands and betweeu 40 and SO patrols present for the conclave.
0J n " hr"h -fec . :;rir
First Class
Reideittdl Hotels 5
. 741 Washington St .: Phone. Main 7584
- Gus E. Moser is chairman of the
committee on , arrangements, for this
convention, and associated with him
are Phil Metschan, John Mann. Walter
Gleeson and L. E. Crouch. V. J. IL
Clark has been selected as chairman
of the publicity committee.
But it is probable that even greater
attention will be drawn from the na
tion to the annual convention of the
American . Federation of Labor, which
is a&heduled to be held here in Octo
ber of the coming year. Local - labor
representatives are endeavoring to
have the dates of the convention moved
forward so that Oregon may be viewed
under even more favorable weather
conditions than may prevail during the
month of October.
The national convention of labor will
draw more than 2000 visitors to the
city. At the convention in Cincinnati
in 1922 were gathered 719 delegates.
"tw--.- - "a ,4:?" "1
f --fit
' V1
AboveView In Xanrelharst 'park
the Indian woman guide of the
graces Washington park.
some of whom came from Europe and
the American possessions. In all it is
ft - .
f St
- -J
- - -T-
HOtel : Franklin
Kectric L1ts - , . PORTLA.5B, OBEGOJS - - , -'. '
Phone In Rooms ; . . . i . - .. - J. ' t .
AU-Night Service : '. . ' ; i , The place i
Ground Floor Lobby - , i 4 ' "x''f j- t'
FrceTuband Shower Baths 4 .;v . Where , ym J eel al home. 5
-- ' yl-
Below Bronze statue of Sacajawea,
Lewis and Clark expedition, -which
estimated that '1200 representatives di
rectly Interested Jn;-the convention -will
. Oentral Xiocation
, Clean and Comfortable
$ LOO Per Day and Up
Special Bates by the Week
Telephone Connection
visitors attracted. by this occasion.
Still another' convention,- "which' an
nually - is drawing more andmore at
tention from the' nation, will be - the
national convention -of ; Business- and
Professional Women's clulx. -which will
convene here July 9 to 15.f.Miss Adelia
Prltchardi is ' chairman' for. Oregon in
charge of arrangements for the conven
tion.' - J' - " ' - ,
:-A'feview. of conventions .during . the
bast few years has. caused local com
mittee workers to estimate that a total
ol.aoout-uuo aeiegaies wui aiiena tae
business women's convention. -'
' ' While this - convention f Is in session
there also will he : the t convention - ot
the American Association of University
Women, which will be in session July
10 to 14. ' About 300 delegates' wUl at
tend this meeting.,'- :. ,-. ,r ... .
Three church conventions are -.listed
for the coming, year-with more ; in prps-
jiect-' . The three 'already named ,ar
the - state i Baptist - convention in . May,
the. state - Unlved Kvangeacai conven
tion in May and the state Methodist
convention in September. .. .. f ; y
' Other- conventions already listed are
State Retail Merchants" association in
February; , Loyal Legion, state ,cwn.
mandery. ;Cn -Mayr Order v of "Eastern
Star ita June ;tACF. and-A. M. grand
lodge, - June. 13. and, National Park 4 to
Park : Highway '. assoctauon, 4 une . is
. Several conventions have been named
for the year, but- no definite date' for
them, to convene has been set. Among
these will be the Women's Benefit as
sociation, - Northwest - Real Estate, con
vention, Pacific Claim .Agents asso
ciation and several-others.
C05TESTI05S OJf .ltSS '
During ' 1 922 there were numerous
state and regional conventions held in
Portland rand scarcely ; week passed
without- some lodge or church organ!
zation -holding a -convention, .assembly
or conclave in the city. . The number
of national conventions was - compara
tively small as . compared with1 former
years, . a . .-.r -.- - .- ' v - - ; -.
Outstanding, over? all other conven
tions held during he - year .was the
triennial ' general convention f: Of the
Kplacopa.1 church. For this convention
approximately 5000 delegates attended
an remained to the city for three
weeks. . ' i. - r-
Second in; importance .of the year's
conventions was the annual meeting, of
the International Bankers' association.
Bank heads from all parts of the coun
try attended this meeting.. Several
special trains brought bankers from
New York. Philadelphia and Chicago.
Classed with conventions was the an
nual . Buyers' week, which brought
merchants of 14 Western states . to
Portland. A -large -part of the com.
murjity conveniton energy likewise was
devoted to the entertainment of deiega-
tlons passing to and from convention
cities on the coast. Notable In this
latter group were the Traveling Busi
ness - Agents and the Shrine.
.! I
, STB. A3TD Kai H. K. BBJL3TSOX, rreprletors '
V - ' uTenthat Stark, Street, Portland, Oregon
"Convenient to Business; Shopping and Amusement
' : ; , . ' Districts
SuperintendentiLboks Far; Into
future in LayingUut Kecrea
tibnal reenters iiC the 'City.' r
.' By Florence Gerke
v ' Ot Sanaa w Tartar4 , 1
The. bureau of parks has maintained
busy program -' of -Jcreatlon and
landscape development- during the' year
just closed, TTjeeting the increasing de.
mands of a growing caty.
-C-.-- P. Keyser, superintendent,' has
issued the following . statement
"Consistent progress and, develop
ment of our- recreational, .system Jhas
been the program of the city- adminis
tration directing the bureau of parks
during the. year just closed. It will be
remembered that a bond issue of .3600,-
000 was authorized by the electorate in
1919 for. broad extension-of the system
of -. neighborhood. ; , parks', s and J ; plajv
grounds.. -. Purchase - of - properties . on
this authority' was completed this year
and Portland now; stands pre-eminQat
in wis type oi recreauonai lacuig-, . .
"In addition there 'were several gifts
ot tracts of high scenic value, notably
twenty acres In Benson Park including
parking area! and lower ; Multnomah
Falls, whicb was presented, to me puo
Iic through the generosity of the Union
Pacific- system. -..,'.. a
The. bureau is. operating on a broad
basis, not of the moment, or for -the
present generation merely,-but relating
to the planning and development of the
city for years to come; The history or
municipalities - has demonstrated . that'
in f order to ' have adequate breathing
spaces, a rcity ; must . be; roemioaea; in
acquisition& 4t'vZ?-'V:'j.-'"J $i r
"It 4s evident also that many waste
spaces or areas of little Industrial or
commercial value s having ; been pre
empted to the uses of play and leisure.
have. In. time become invaluable to the
cithtens a parks. -a case in point being
Three Beautiful
See the Pacific
ihe Summer
Playground of
America I
"Nearly every ' city hasat' least one
parallel case. Portland has been par
ticularly, fortunate in the last decade,
both '. as the recipient, of- gifts' and la
the -opportunity4 for forehanded nea la
tne .acquiaittoa, ox neignbornoca ipiayv
ground&r ,'. i- rt'U-
."Portland ls not 1 .boulevard city
like. Chicago or. Kansas City, ; but the
advent of f motor transportation to
gether y with the -. development of ' the
highways, iin the motorists' paradise,'
form of .civic beautiflcatlon less -urgent.;
that Isjihe need for a large axea f or
field -sports, aquatio-sports and public
golf has 'demanded prior, attention.
"It there is only one Tosemlbs 'tnere
is aiso omy on coiumDia-.gorge. xsew
York: has , its. Palisades S park on ' tne
Hudson, and Oregon will - have its in
comparably more magnificent Colum
bia Gorgajark.OT,- svjv v'; v
vro&ic:cKEASESr ::.-tK'AiK-f.
TWTth 'Bninv park. ai; a - beglnntng.
Joined to--the Oregon - forest reserve,
with a broad policy Of public recrea
tion rand the ; development-' of ' Mount
Hood; loop, - we - can . devote ..ourselves
more particularly to working out play
and s recreation " for the children, old.
mlddle-asred and youngi who are short
of yard ;m and company even In our
city " of ; roses, notable '. as , a -dty . of
hontea - , i .5 v l ... ' ; . v ' .'
.Neighborhood parks and playgrounds
-Increase lm Importance a Portland's
population- grows, and -the bureau , of
parks is-crowded to - capacity, to equip
and.- maintain ' the community--play
areas. , -The playgrounds have had
splendid . patronage.: have- called forth
the men and women , as well" as , chil
dren -.if or V ball - games, ' picnics, enter-
Jlnrlhig park, ."at.- Seventh , a ad; Fre
mont ' streets,-. Is a" newly : developed
neighborhood park 'which , has already
Justified -Its -construction! c- Te " park
includes two ball fields... play grounds,
space for tennis courts and generous
walks and lawp space, It 'is, built on
rolling ground which-offers a? view of
Mount 'Hood and Mount St. Helens.
Planting was started last tall and -will
be - completed : thisr.wtater;. '.Theplay
ground ..takes the place of: -the :. old
Lincoln, playground, whteh was. a
crowded tblock. adjacent to . the-Albina
Homestead 'school and 'now turned oyer
to" the school boards :
X Baseball - and playground ball , have
become . Increasingly- popular on the
city playgrounds. Ball' fields, are in
Portland's Finest Hotel
Rooms Elegantly Furnished
Dining Rooms r V Cuisine and Service Unsurpassed
- Owners. ,- a nd Operators -
PERCY F. SMITH; Manager 1
Telephone Broadway 7723
Hotel Goodwin
'Under Personal Management of .
: 9 2' P a r k S t, ;P o r 1 1 aVd. Ot.
- - ;! Bet Start aid Oak, 1 BDc off Broadway i f ' r;
'Tear Heme Away 'Frost Hewe
Is Heart of Basises District
Kxeellent bastple Booais .,-
ti . Ciii-Kntad. ! . .. S
The playground league hail 1000
players; during the summer; season.
These Include the; C-year-olds, the Jun
iors, ; high, school tstudents and young
men and women who are at work dur
Ing the day but . who enjoy a game.
In the avenlng hours,' , - f 5 1 1 , ...
In the - landscape department : much
time has been given overt to the mu
nicipal rose garden which Is being de
veloped . at - Washington. - park. This .
great formal . garden, which will in
clude millions of roses, is, gradually
taking hape.,t i" : i -J
: The theatre, a crescent shaped audi
torium, has been built, and the ter
races and stage seeded and planted
with, ahruba which will give' it the
proper setting. From the theatre the
spectator may look- beyond the stage
to the city and' Mount -Hood, so that
it will always offer an. Interesting
spectacle even though it may be offi
cially -dark." .
The Kosarian court has been built
and each Hosarian has been assigned
a special rose which is to represent him -In
the garden Jesse A. Currey, who
has selected the roses, has chosen the
finest varieties f the rose world for-
this court. - . '
Hotel Rowland
and Annex
A. DIETZ, Manager -
Modem and; ;
Oregon Eleetric and Southern'
. Pacific Cars Pass Door
Rates 75c to $2.00 Per Day
2072; 2092, 211VI
- Phones Atwater 0458, 0459
Portland; Oregon
Absolutely Fireproof